10,000 FAMOUS FREEMASONS B y WILLIAM R. DENSLOW Volume III K - P Foreword by HARRY S. TRUMAN, P.G.M. Past Master, Missouri Lodge of Research Published by Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc. Richmond, Virginia Copyright, I957, William R. Denslow K Carl Kaas Norwegian lawyer and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Norway since 1957. b. in 1884. He played an important part in securing the return of the many valuable articles and library belonging to the grand lodge which had been removed by the Germans during WWII. Harry G. Kable (1880-1952) President of Kable Bros. 1931-49. b. July 15, 1880 in Lanark, Ill. He was with the Mount Morris News and Gospel Messenger, Mount Morris, Ill. from 1896-98. In 1898 with his twin brother, Harvey J., purchased the Mount Morris Index. Since 1905 it has specialized in the printing of periodicals and magazines. Member of Samuel H. Davis Lodge No. 96, Mt. Morris, Ill. 32° AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. July 2, 1952. Howard W. Kacy President of Acacia Mutual Life Ins. Co. b. Sept. 19, 1899 in Huntington, Ind. Graduate of U. of Indiana. Admitted to the bar in 1921. He has been with Acacia Mutual since 1923, successively as counsel, general counsel, vice president, 1st vice president, executive vice president, and president since 1955. Director since 1935. Mason and member of DeMolay Legion of Honor. Benjamin B. Kahane Motion picture executive. b. in Chicago in 1891. Graduate of Chicago Kent Coll. of Law in 1912, and practiced in Ill. until 1919.
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