Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930. To celebrate the centennial of this publication, the Pictoumasons website presents a complete set of indexed issues of the magazine. As far as the editor was able to, books which were suggested to the reader have been searched for on the internet and included in 'The Builder' library.' This is a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by one of several organizations as part of a project to make the world's books discoverable online. Wherever possible, the source and original scanner identification has been retained. Only blank pages have been removed and this header- page added. The original book has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. Public domain books belong to the public and 'pictoumasons' makes no claim of ownership to any of the books in this library; we are merely their custodians. Often, marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in these files – a reminder of this book's long journey from the publisher to a library and finally to you. Since you are reading this book now, you can probably also keep a copy of it on your computer, so we ask you to Keep it legal. Whatever your use, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal. Do not assume that just because we believe a book to be in the public domain for users in Canada, that the work is also in the public domain for users in other countries. Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in 'The Builder' library means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Copyright infringement liability can be quite severe. The Webmaster -^ ^<iiiiiiiliiilfiJMiiiiiMiix- / ^ Q^ V. J2. n ^mimi Coroitatontm: BEIHC THE TRANSACTlOIiS OF THE LODGE QUATUOR GORONATI, NO. 2076, LONDON. FROM THE ISABELLA MISSAL. ©^ BRITISH MUSEUM, ADD. MSS., 18,851. CIRCA 1500 A.D. EDITED BY G. W. SPETH, P.M., SECRETARY. VOLUME II. A.L. 5889. Printed at " Keble'.s Gazette " Office. ^NiiagMirmiiiiiiiMiiiiiii^u^ THE LIBRARY BRIGHAM YOUNG U'^VrPf^JTY ; Hre ©.uatuor Coronatorum BEING THE TRANSACTIONS of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati of A.F. & A.M., London, No. 2076. VOLUME II. FRIDAY, 4th JANUARY, 1889. HE Lodge met at Freemasons' Hall at 5 p.m. Present : — Bros. W. Simpson, W.M. Robert Freke Gould, P.G.D., LP.M. ; Col. S. C. Pratt, S.W. ; G. W. Speth, Sec; Prof. Hayter Lewis, S.D. ; Rev. C. J. Ball, I.G. ; E. Macbean, Steward; F. H. Goldney, P.G.D. ; W. H. Rylands, P.G. Steward; J. Finlay Finlayson ; and C. Kupferschmidt. Also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : — Bros. J. Wood; D. P. Cama, P.G.Treas. ; Prof. P. L. Simmonds; R. Gowan; Prof. F. W. Driver; J. B. Mackey; C. F. Hogard, P.G.Std.Br.; S. R. Baskett ; F. Binckes, P.G.S.B.; A. Rowley; Dr. W. R. Woodman, P.G.S.B. ; and Max Mendelssohn. Also : the following visitors —Bros. Burns Gibsons ; C. W. G. Pineo ; Jabez Hogg, P.G.D. ; and C. Meiter. Bros. Gustav Adolf Cassar Kupferschmidt, John Finlay Finlayson, and Caspar Purdon Clarke, C.I.E., were admitted to the membership of the Lodge. — The following resolutions were carried, viz. : 1. " That this Lodge heartily concurs in the object of the Gould Testimonial Fund, is pleased to see that its W.M., Senior P.M., Secretary, and other officers, are on the Committee of the same, and, remembering the avowed objects for which this Lodge was warranted, amongst which is the encouragement of Masonic Literature, desires the Treasurer to forward to Bro. Ralph Gooding, P.G.D., the sum of ten guineas from the Lodge Account Fund, with a request that the name of the Lodge may head the list of contributors immediately after the names of the Committee Members." 2.—" That the Permanent Committee, taking into consideration that the whole working time of the Secretary has long been devoted to the service of the Lodge, do recommend that a minimum salary of £100 per annum be attached to that office while it shall continue to be held by Bro. G. W. Speth." 3.— " That the members of Lodge Quatuor Coronati, No. 2076, have learnt 'with great sorrow the loss which Bro. W. M. Bywater, J.W., has experienced in the recent decease of his wife, and beg to assure him of their fraternal sympathy with him in his grief and distress; that the Secretary enter this expression of their feelings on the minutes of the Lodge, and convey to Bro. Bywater the sincere condolence of his brothers." 4. — " That Bro. Sir Charles Warren, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Past Grand Deacon, having served the office of first W.M. of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati from the date of the warrant, 28th November, 1884, to the 8th November, 1887, the thanks of the brethren be, and hereby are, tendered to him for his valuable services, and for the fraternal generosity evinced by him at its formation, in providing for the preliminary expenses ; that the above resolution be suitably engrossed and presented to Bro. Sir Charles Warren." 5.—"That Bro. Robert Freke Gould, Past Grand Deacon, having completed his year of office as Worshipful Master of the Lodge Quatuor Coronati, the thanks of the brethren be, and hereby are, tendered to him for his courtesy in the chair and efficient management of the affairs of the Lodge, and more especially for the time and study devoted by him during his Mastership to the preparation of the commentary and dissertation contained in Volume I. of Quatuor Coronatorum Antigrapha; that the above resolution be suitably engrossed and presented to Bro. R. F. Gould." Fifteen Lodges and fifty-five brethren were admitted members of the Correspondence Circle, thus bringing the total of admissions to 517. The report of the Audit Committee, as follows, was taken as read, approved and adopted. — ; 4 Transactions of Oie Lodge Quatuor Coronati. PERMANENT AND AUDIT COMMITTEE. The Committee met, on the kind invitation of Bro. Professor Hayter Lewis, at 12, Kensington Gardens Square, W., on Friday, 14tli December, 1888, at 6 p.m. P;-e.senf:—Bros. W. Simpson, W.M., in the chair; Col. S. C.Pratt, S.W. ; W. M. Bywater, J.W. Prof. T. Hayter-Lewis, S.D. ; Dr. W. W. Westcott, J.D. ; R. F. Gould, I.P.M. ; W. H. Eylandsj and G. W. Speth, Secretary. The Secretary produced his books and the Treasurer's accounts, which were examined by the Committee and are certified correct. The Committee agreed upon the following REPORT: "Worshipful Master and Brethren, In submitting our annual financial statement to the Lodge, we are pleased to have little to record that is not of a highly satisfactory nature. Last year we ventured to liken our Lodge to a healthy infant, bright-eyed and strong-limbed, setting forth on a career of promise. The promise of infancy has been realized, the child has grown into a youth, still young, but already possessed of vigorous frame, betokening a healthy development. The full pride of manhood approaches with rapid strides ; let us bestir ourselves to remove every obstacle from its path. We entered upon the past year with a membership of twenty-one, which, by the accession of Bros. Whymper, Castle, Macbean, Goldney, aud Williams, reached twenty-six. The lamented death of the Doyen of our Corps, Bro. the Rev. A. F. A. Woodford, on the 23rd December, 1887, reduces this number to twenty-five. Bro. Woodford was loved and reverenced by all, his place in our ranks will long remain un- filled, and his death is the chief shadow cast upon a very happy and prosperous year. Of resignations there are none to record, and three eminent brothers are at this moment candidates for admission into our Inner Circle. It will thus be seen that we "make haste slowly," and this is as it should be ; for in the Quatuor Coronati it is emphatically quality and not quantity that is wanted. During the past year we have met six times, and those present have, on each occasion, been privilege! to listen to a paper of which no society in the world need be ashamed. Am Quatuor Coronatorum has been issued in three instalments, Parts III., IV., and V., and the valuable contributions therein published, cannot fail to enhance our reputation in the Craft and the world outside it. Our Correspondence Circle has increased from 179 to 470 members. At least that was the figure on the 1st December, when our books were balanced; it has since been considerably augmented, because candidates present themselves daily. In all, since the commencement, 481 have applied and been admitted ; but of these, the deaths of three have been recorded at various times, four have resigned, and four have joined the lodge. As might be anticipated, among the new members are many whose names are well known as Masonic historians and students, and one favourable symptom is the increasing extent to which Lodges and other Masonic Associations are joining in their corporate capacity.
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