The National Register of Historic Places
Federal Nominations the National Conference of State His be obtained from SHPOs (see list of ad example, under the Federal Property and Center, University of South Dakota, Alumni House, Vermillion, SD 57069 SHPOs and Federal Representatives Tennessee: Executive Director, Tennessee Historical Commission, 170 toric Preservation Officers, the Chair dresses at end of leaflet) or by writing Administrative Act of 1949, Federal Second Ave., N, Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37219 Texas: Executive Director, Nominations for Federal properties are SHPOs The Texas State Historical Commission, P.O. Box 12276, Capitol Station, Aus man of the National Trust for Historic to Tax Reform Act, Heritage Conserva agencies may transfer historic proper Alabama: Director, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Chair submitted through Federal representa tin, TX 78711 Trust Territory of The Pacific Islands: Historic Preservation man, Alabama Historical Commission, Archives and History Building, Preservation, the Secretary of the Smith tion and Recreation Service, US Depart Officer, Land Resources Branch, Department of Resources & Develop tives appointed by the agency heads to ties under their jurisdiction to State or Montgomery, AL 36104 Alaska: Chief oi History and Archeology, Division ment, TTPI, Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950 Utah: Executive Director, De sonian Institution, and 12 nonfederal ment of the Interior, Washington, DC local governments without charge. A 1972 ot Parks, Department ol Natural Resources, 613 Warehouse Ave., Suite National carry out their responsibilities under Ex partment of Development Services, Room 104, State Capitol, Salt Lake 210, Anchorage, AK 99501 American Samoa: Territorial Historic Preserva members appointed by the President. 20243. City, UT 84114 Vermont: Director, Vermont Division for Historic Preserva ecutive Order 11593.
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