May 2020 60p

Suitable for small gatherings, meetings and regular events.

To book contact:

[email protected]

Or visit the website

For a no obligation quote Telephone 02476 442067 or 07850 632661 or email [email protected] (Members of the Painting and Decorating Association)

Excellence always endures…it remains long after cost is forgotten

Welcome to the May edition of the Mid Fosse Parishes magazine. In these unusual times we have created a slightly different issue of the magazine hoping to help those of you who are looking for local information.

This magazine will be available online only but if anyone is aware of specific people who would appreciate a printed copy please contact the editor on the last page and it can be arranged.

Please note information in the magazine is as correct as it can be at time of going to print. As things are changing so quickly it is worth contacting in advance to check services advertised etc. are operating as usual.

Churches Update

Continuing from April, and as part of the guidance from the Church of to help minimise the effect of the Corona Virus all Church services and meetings have been suspended.

Should anyone face difficulties or just want to talk or share a prayer we are here for you. Please just contact any member of the Church team on back page of the magazine.

A Churchwarden Writes… Geoffrey Barrett – Lighthorne Like a lot of us, my wife and I are confined to our house and garden, being grateful for the latter and also for the daily walk in our beautiful surroundings. Such a change from our normal ability to go where and when we want and having the freedom to interact with whomever we wish.

Our confidence that we are in control of everything in our lives has been given a serious jolt and we have the time to do some thinking about what is happening to us as everybody else, and perhaps some uncertainty about our future.

Our Church building is closed, but the Church is very much in action as we hear all the time about acts of neighbourly and other kindness. Jesus has made it clear that everybody in the world is our neighbour, and let us hope then when this crisis is over as it surely will be, as in the words of Captain Tom, that the present situation is remembered with similar acts of thoughtfulness, and hopefully the animosity in so many parts of the world reduces.

Magazine Subscriptions for 2020

Our last request for subscriptions for the year - we are asking for a contribution of £6 towards the cost of producing the magazine.

Please see below the bank details for each of the parish churches. Please put the reference ‘mag sub’:

Chesterton PCC: Act No: 00257354 / Sort code: 20-48-08

Newbold Pacey and Ashorne PCC Act No: 20665495 / Sort Code: 20-48-08

Lighthorne PCC Act No: 20582336 / Sort code: 20-48-08

Moreton Morrell PCC Act No: 50649112 / Sort Code: 20-48-08

Thank you in advance for your donation which will enable us to continue to produce the magazine

A message from The Children’s Society The coronavirus has disrupted all our lives, but it has trapped vulnerable children at home, hidden from view and away from vital support. They’re all alone, trying to cope with their mental health problems, their fears and uncertainties, their abusers.

The Society are launching an emergency appeal

LIGHT A CANDLE Lighting a virtual candle can be a helpful way to pray for someone or will help you think about someone who has died and pray for all those who miss them. Take a moment to think of the person you knew. Reflect on the memories you have of this person and say thank you to God for their unique life. Then remember their family and friends, and all those who miss them. Ask God to comfort them and surround them with his love. remember-someone

Local Delivery / Takeaway Services

Take Away / Delivery Services now available (at time of printing)

Cottage at Ashorne offering take away meals – 01926 651410

Kineton Chip Shop – 12-8pm- Call to place your orders on 01926 930363

Lighthorne Pavilion Café – offering ‘fixed price’ mixed boxes for £10 – different categories of Fruit & Veg, Dairy & Eggs, General Provisions and a Mixed Box. Bacon, sausages or cooked meat can be added on request for extra. Collection from the café, local delivery in Lighthorne available. Tel Ben on 01926 651223

Lighthorne Heath Village Shop – local delivery available to those self- isolating. Open usual hours, see Facebook page for details

Malt Shovel at Gaydon offering take away meals and local delivery including Lighthorne and – 01926 641221 for orders

Maypole Butchers – free local delivery for those self-isolating, elderly or vulnerable. Customers can order meat boxes but also add fresh mixed vegetable bags and free range eggs. Order on 01789 840437 with 24 hours notice. Closed Sunday and Monday

Sainsburys Wellsbourne – are setting aside the first hour of trading (8-9am) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for elderly, disabled and vulnerable customers along with their carers to do their shopping. Opening hours are 8am-8pm Mon to Sat, normal hours on Sunday.

The Antelope, Lighthorne – offering a small takeaway menu in the evenings from 5.30pm t0 8.30pm. If you would like to order please call throughout the day on 01926 651188 – if no answer please leave a message. You will find specials on facebook / instagram or on the website www.theantelope-

The Garden Shed Café – takeaway and collection service, 10am-2pm

Wests Bakery, Wellesbourne - offering a delivery service for people self- isolating in the Wellesbourne area - on a Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, between 12-2pm (minimum delivery 2 loaves). You can also order for collection and pay over the phone - please ring before 3pm the previous day - 01789 840252

Newbold Pacey and Ashorne

St George’s Church

Farewell to our oldest parishioner Our much-loved parishioner Molly Kearns, nee Braggs, died on April 17th, just a month short of her 98th birthday, after a wonderfully full and active life. A loyal supporter of St George’s since childhood, she was a regular member of our congregation to the end of her life, always willing to help with any church activity and taking a lively interest in all the local doings. She will be very much missed for her kindness and generosity and although her burial at St George’s will necessarily be for family only, we look forward to her memorial service at a later date.

THANKS TO OUR PARISHIONERS With most of our usual springtime activities cancelled or migrating online, it has been good to see so many parishioners keeping in touch with friends and neighbours via phonecalls, virtual gatherings and local Whatsapp groups. Our thanks to everyone who has offered their help with errands, shopping and welcome social contact, particularly for those on their own, anxious or struggling in these challenging times.

A NEW HOME FOR OUR BATS Some of St George’s most persistent visitors, the bats, have woken up and are leaving their calling cards in the porch and surrounding areas. We are very grateful to Karl Davies who has generously made and donated two ultra- smart bat boxes, designed to encourage the bats to move out of the church and into their new ‘des res’.

ECO-CHURCHYARD We are again leaving the area of our beautiful eco-churchyard at the back of the church unmown until the end of July to encourage the growth of wild flowers. Everyone out walking or exercising their dogs nearby has been enjoying the sweet-smelling riot of primroses, bluebells, celandines and wood anemones that have made the churchyard a oasis of calm and serenity.

APCM We have had to postpone our Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which is normally held in March. The diocese has now granted us an extension for this until the end of October so we'll let everyone know when we have a new date for it.

Newbold Pacey and Ashorne

WI Report May

It is with great sadness that I share the news that our dear friend, neighbour and long-time WI member, Molly Kearns died at home, aged 97 on Saturday 18th April 2020. Molly was well known across the Parish for her determined independence, wonderful flapjack and sartorial elegance. Molly will be greatly missed by us all and our thoughts and prayers are with the Braggs family at their time of loss.

During the COVID-19 virus lockdown Newbold Pacey & Ashorne WI is following Government guidelines on ‘social distancing’ and therefore WI meetings, Coffee Mornings and Craft and Chat Groups are suspended until further notice.

Whilst many of our members are by necessity ‘self-isolating’ that doesn’t mean we are inactive. We are communicating with each other in new ways - hurrah for superfast broadband! New initiatives have included:

-The creation of NP&A Covid-19 Support WhatsApp group intended to ‘keep villagers healthy, happy and well-connected during the coronavirus emergency’. Many of our members are picking up shopping for self-isolating neighbours. If anyone in our Parish wishes to join the group, please contact Trish Handsley on 07919 392588

-We are using the village phone box as a Book and Jigsaw Swap – help yourself but don’t forget to wash your hands!

-Ashorne Facebook page also holds valuable information on local food delivery services

-Our WI committee held their April meeting using Zoom and 14 of us will be quizzing by Zoom in a couple of weeks

-Our Social Secretary and Quiz wizard Helen Oakley has set us a couple of brainteasing quizzes (delivered through letterboxes for those not on email)

-Our members continue to knit tiny cardigans and hats for Warwick Hospital Special Care Baby Unit as well as hats, scarves and gloves for the WI Homeless appeal

-Of course we are out there at 8pm on Thursday evenings banging pots, pans, bells and playing our trumpets in recognition of all our NHS and public service workers WI May Update Cont…

Some of us have joined the Scrubbers Facebook Group joining others across the county in getting our sewing machines out to make scrubs, hats, bags and headbands for NHS clinical staff in local hospitals. Neighbours have kindly donated cotton sheets and duvet covers to be made into scrubs – further donations welcome.

When life returns to normal, we’d love to see new members and guests. If you’ve decided that 2020 is the year you are going to join WI, start rambling, Bollywood dancing, learning about folk art or bees or just popping out for a chat and a cuppa, do come along and give our WI a try - 2nd Thursday of the month, 7:30pm in Ashorne Village Hall.

Trish Handsley, President 2020 - [email protected] Facebook: Newbold Pacey & Ashorne WI – Warwickshire Instagram: @Newboldpaceyandashornewi

VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations – Friday 8th May

To commemorate the end of WW2, between Friday 8th and Sunday 10th May, Newbold Pacey & Ashorne villagers will be joining others around the UK in decorating their houses in red, white and blue. On Friday afternoon, we’ll enjoy a ‘front garden’ picnic.

Villagers are also invited to create a ‘walk down memory lane’ by displaying photos and personal stories of family members that served and supported our country during WW2.

Emma Willis of Staddlestones is co-ordinating our VE day celebrations..

Ashorne Village Hall

Like almost everywhere else the hall is closed until restrictions are lifted.

Unfortunately, work on the refurbishment of the toilets, which was very nearly complete, had to cease due to the current situation. However, the Roof Fund is very much open and we are delighted to announce that, since the launch of the Donate a Tile scheme in mid-March over £1700 has been raised towards our £4000 target.

Very grateful thanks to all those who have given so generously. Anybody wishing to donate an inscribed tile is asked to contact Jim Thornton on 01926651436 or [email protected].

Modelling the The beautiful flowers at St Georges Church Homemade Scrubs!


Self-Isolating? Lonely? We are here to help – Any age, any location We can arrange a delivery of prescriptions, Shopping, Newspapers or a telephone friend to chat to Please call 07766 413519 Working with Wellesbourne and Walton Parish Council, Hastings House and St Peters Church.

A message from Warwickshire County Council

We want to hear from any of our residents who have concerns about unsupported elderly or homeless residents who have had to self-isolate because of Coronavirus. Please contact our customer service centre on 01926 410410 to make us aware. Please share.


Wellesbourne Lions News May 2020

Unfortunately, the club has had to cancel all the events and fundraisers it had planned for the foreseeable future, but rest assured our members are out helping in their various communities wherever they can.

One piece of good news is that The Lions Clubs Foundation of the British Isles has launched a special fund to support local communities during the COVID- 19 crisis. The Foundation works with and is guided by Lions members who are ordinary people actively working at the heart of their community and Wellesbourne and District Lions Club has been awarded a grant of £1,000; to support The Fosse Food Bank at this critical time.

Heather Brown, President, said: “This is a significant sum of money that we are putting to good use straightaway. This Coronavirus pandemic is hurting lots of local people in lots of different ways - just because we are all social distancing doesn’t stop us from caring - we are doing what we can, and this cash injection will help us do more by providing food and other essentials to those who are unable to help themselves.”

The club has also donated £600 from its own funds to a local group sewing ‘scrubs’ for Warwick Hospital as a part of the national initiative ‘For The Love of Scrubs’.

Wellesbourne and District Lions Club is active in: Wellesbourne, Barford (including Wasperton and Sherbourne), Hampton Lucy, Charlecote, Loxley, Combrook, Moreton Morrell, Ashorne, Kineton, Little Kineton and Ettington

If you would like to get involved or nominate a local good cause or project that would benefit from our support, please contact us on 01789 841419

Stay safe and hope to see you later in the year when we will be back fundraising again. To keep up to date with all our news follow us on Facebook @wdlionsclub

Hastings House Medical Centre Please do not attend the surgery to arrange appointments. Instead we recommend using our new online consultation service available 24/7 at - click on “contact your doctors online”. Please help us protect you & our vulnerable patients from coronavirus.

Wellesbourne Police

During these challenging times it's important for us to make sure our communities are safe and adhering to government guidelines in relation to Covid-19.

Over the past week or so, we have been dealing with a large amount of Anti- Social Behaviour (ASB). This has been in the form of; responding to 101 online reporting and emails of ASB complaints, speaking to members of the public over the phone and attending ASB jobs during shifts.

Our aim is to always deal with Anti-Social Behaviour proactively and give reassurance and confidence to our communities. In line with this, we are working closely with Stratford district council ASB team and will be sending warning letters with precautionary measures to those that have been identified by members of the public.

Warning letters are recorded and to be taken seriously.

This is a reminder to all parents who have young adults and teenagers, to make sure that they remain indoors unless absolutely necessary. We all need to work together.

No form of Anti-Social Behaviour shall be tolerated.

Sgt 1166 Crowhurst

Coronavirus: How to avoid fraudsters during Covid-19 outbreak Fraudsters and thieves are using the coronavirus pandemic to find new ways to scam consumers and vulnerable people. People are being targeted with malicious emails and the elderly are being conned out of their money by thieves offering to do their shopping, as they self-isolate.

Here are some of the scams to avoid during the coronavirus outbreak: * Thieves offering to do shopping for the elderly, but keep the money *Phishing emails including links to websites requesting money – never follow a link, whether it’s for research, WHO or even local police *Bank scams – your bank will rarely contact you via email, but never share your details *Shopping online - Fraudsters are using online marketplaces to sell goods like face masks and hand sanitisers. Before you buy anything online, it’s best to do some research and check reviews to make sure a seller is genuine. *HMRC Fake emails - HM Revenue and Customs will only ever contact you via mail – do not follow links or respond to emails or calls.


Warwickshire Scrubbers

We are a small hub in a larger group covering all of Warwickshire called Warwick Scrubbers. Our sewing is going to Warwick Hospital and local Care Homes, GP’s, anybody who now needs scrubs.

Sewers from Lighthorne sent 8 scrubs and a bag to Warwick hospital on 17th April. In total they have contributed 15 scrubs and 18 bags. They have also sent a further 8 scrubs, 17 bags, 3 headbands and 4 scrub bags from surrounding villages in Lighthorne’s hub.

The total from Warwickshire scrubbers of which Lighthore are a part, to Warwick Hospital was 165 scrubs, 203 bags, 71 head bands and 29 caps and that is the second delivery. What a result!

This is the way to donate if you would like to support the Lighthorne branch of sewers who are sewing scrubs, headbands and bags for scrubs to be washed in.

Any money donated goes on fabric for the scrubs. You can also call 01926 650078 for more information.

Huge thanks to all the ‘super sewers’.

Moreton Morrell School

As you will know, we should have celebrated our Easter Service in April. This is a time when our older pupils lead our church service so that we have an opportunity to reflect on this special time in the calendar.

Sadly, we were not able to do this. However, David Edwards, one of our school governors has sent in a beautiful photograph of our church. It feels good to know that buildings, such as our lovely church, continue to give us a sense of place, even when we are unable to use them in the ways that we traditionally do.

Many things have changed over the recent weeks and will continue to change. Change is something that can often feel unsettling, as we are unclear about what the future holds. However, ‘what if’ this period also brings with it some positive changes for our children What if? • Our children learn to learn to distinguish between different birds? • Our children can discover the different plants in their gardens? • Our children learn the names of different trees? • Our children learn new life-skills such as cooking or making a cup of tea? • Our children discover that they have many skills and talents • Our children begin to value the things that we have come to take for granted over recent years? Instead of focussing on what we don’t have, we celebrate what we do. Holding onto HOPE at this time is as important as it has ever been, if not more so.

Little acts of Kindness Taking inspiration from Captain Tom Moore some of the pupils at school have been very busy with their ‘acts of kindness’ George and Henry have been making bread and delivering it to those people who live on their own in the village of Lighthorne. Sebastian has produced an incredible piece of art to cheer people up and Toby has made lemon meringue cupcakes to share. William and Harriet have been busy colouring Lego pictures of key workers acknowledging that they are very important to our community

Moreton Morrell


The safety and well-being of villagers is currently our top priority and in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak, Moreton Morrell Parish Council are providing contact numbers for four of our parish councillors for villagers needing to self-isolate.

The Parish Council has compiled a list of ‘Community Volunteers’ who would be willing to deliver essential requirements and/or medicines to those who are unable to leave their homes. If you are willing to help villagers as a community volunteer, please email your contact details to Cllr Anne Parry via [email protected]

In view of government advice for people aged 70 years and over to self- isolate for 12 weeks, as a means to shield them from the virus and protect the NHS Service, please let us have your contact details (on a strictly confidential basis) if you would like us to keep in touch with you and ensure you have everything you need.

Your Parish Councillor Contacts: Cllr Eileen Edwards: 01926 650645 Cllr Bernard Keavy: 01926 651544 Cllr Claire Monks: 07723 050413 Cllr Anne Parry: 07917 117737

Lighthorne Heath

Lighthorne Heath Food Share

Currently, there will be food shared at the village hall anytime it is available. Please keep an eye on the Lighthorne Heath Village Hall Facebook page for full details and for when deliveries are made. Please be mindful of social distancing and ensure there is enough for everyone to benefit.

If you are isolation or need help with shopping / prescriptions / deliveries Please contact one of the below: Lighthorne Heath Village Hall via Facebook / messenger Jeremy Knight - [email protected] Gillian Jones – 07548 168530


Carers4Carers Meeting – Friday 24th April 10.30am – 12 noon- Kineton Village Hall

Carers4Carers is a peer-led group for unpaid family carers who meet to support each other. We also support carers whose loved ones are in residential care and continue to offer support when caring comes to a conclusion.

Taking place on the fourth Friday of each month, we meet at Kineton Village Hall, Mill Street, Kineton, CV35 0LB, 10:30 - 12 noon. We always start with time for coffee and chat and then, if a speaker or workshop is scheduled, this will usually begin at about 11am. With advanced notice, we are also able to look after your loved one in our Companionship Group.

In line with Government guidelines with regard to the outbreak of Coronavirus, it is with regret that we have had to cancel our monthly meetings until further notice.

In the meantime, please take a look at our website, email kcarers4carers@gmailcom or call 07947 893504 for more information about our work and to request a copy of our newsletter.

For online support you might also like to take a look at the Carers UK forum at and the local Carers Trust forum at

Thank you to the NHS and Key Workers

All across the benefice, every Thursday at 8pm people are celebrating the amazing contributions our key works are making in the current situation. In Moreton Morrell the Church bells rang out along with the clapping, saucepans banging and a few musical instruments too! Thank you!

Lighthorne Parish Council

Volunteers We have volunteers in most streets in the village. If you are self-isolating and need assistance with shopping, prescription collection, posting letters, dog walking, etc. or if you'd just like a friendly chat, please feel free to contact one of the volunteers.

Bishops Hill - Laura Newberry - 651916 Bishops Acre & Farriers Way - Alice & Giles Coverdale 650340 or Mike Smith 07973 449453 Church Lane - Yvonne Hunter 651773 or Cathy Stacey 651613 Mountford Rise (evens) - Kim Maria Kircali 07789 064444 Mountford Rise (odds) - John Tooke 650001 Post Office Lane - Paul & Jess Daniel 651701, Sue Dawson 651271 John Hunter 651730, Mandy Macdonald 07909 506490, Anthony McGrath 07815 145396 The Bank - Lara & Tim Kelly 651118 Verney Close - Tracey Callaghan 07702 585278, Moe Palm Harkins 651058 Lighthorne Rough - Andy Smith - 07463 790948

Prescription collections - Hastings House Wellesbourne and Kineton Red Horse. There appears to be some doubt over how much time you need to allow between ordering a repeat prescription and it being collected. If you have a repeat prescription you may wish to re-order at least one week before you require it. Repeat prescriptions from Hastings House may be ordered from their web site. The Kineton Red Horse surgey web site has this document explaining about repeat prescriptions.

In this time of uncertainty it is more important than ever that we look after ourselves and our vulnerable friends and neighbours. Nobody wants to be considered ‘vulnerable’. However, if you are elderly and/or have an underlying health condition you may be particularly concerned about contracting Coronavirus. If you have friends or neighbours in the village who might be considered vulnerable, please do what you can to help them, particularly if they are concerned about going out. You can help with shopping, collect prescriptions and run errands and stay in contact so that isolation does not have to mean loneliness. If you need further support or are aware of someone who needs our help please contact the Parish Council. In the first instance contact Cllr Mike Langhorn on 651821, or Cllr Andy Smith on 650546.

Chesterton Article taken from BBC News website: Chesterton Windmill lit blue for NHS workers

Chesterton Windmill has stood on a hilltop in Warwickshire for nearly 390 years. It is one of the most popular photographic landmarks anywhere in the , and is normally just lit up at Christmas. But now it is being illuminated every night in support of NHS staff and other key workers. The windmill can be seen by motorists using the M40 motorway and the Fosse Way. Organisers of the light-up are urging people not to travel to Chesterton during the coronavirus pandemic and, instead, look at images of the windmill online.

Video journalist: John Bray

Support is available, and has been offered, to all Chesterton residents, led by the Parish Council and volunteers. Please contact John via email [email protected] or 01926 614438 / 07792 383440 if you require assistance.

We are sad to report the passing of Chesterton farmer and landowner Mr Dick Smith. His funeral was marked by many friends and villagers standing spaced out along the road to the church. Our condolences go to his son and daughter, Richard and Lynne, in these difficult times.

Whilst the coming of spring and the new lambs gives us hope, please do not drive out to Chesterton to have a look. The constant stream of traffic is a major cause of concern. Please leave your car at home!

Stratford on Avon District Council

Your council is open for business and we are here to help you.

Stay at home | Protect the NHS | Save lives We are following Government directives and adopting the ‘stay at home’ rule. Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes Closing non-essential shops and community spaces Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public

Main reception at the District Council offices in Stratford-upon-Avon is now closed to the public, but you can still access services on our website or by calling 01789 267575 during office hours. Please be aware that we are receiving a high number of calls and these are taking longer than usual due to the urgent and complex issues facing some residents. You can also contact via email [email protected]

Rubbish Collection We are trying our best to ensure that all properties continue to receive a fortnightly collection during the COVID19 crisis. Our contractor (Biffa) and their crew are doing a wonderful job working at an extremely stressful time. We are sorry to inform you that the crew will only be able to empty the contents of your bin. No side waste will be collected with any of the bins during this time to ensure completion of rounds. We have had reports of large volumes of tissues being placed in the recycling bin. Please do not put these items into the recycling bin, they should be placed in the grey bin. Personal waste such as used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths can be stored securely within disposable rubbish bags. These bags should be placed into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. This should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin. Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.

Stratford District Council Car Parks All NHS staff and social care workers will be able to park for free in District Council car parks during the coronavirus outbreak – they just need to display supporting evidence in their windscreen, such as a photocopy of their work pass (with sensitive information removed) or a letter from their employer.

Also remember the dedicated COVID-19 section on the website - - split into sections – Support for Communities; Support for Businesses; Latest Government advice; Council information and useful links.

French and Spanish lessons

Would you like to brush up on your language skills, learn a new language or need extra tuition for your child?

Private French and Spanish lessons offered by local teacher with over 10 years’ experience. All ages and levels welcome. Small groups or 1-2-1.

Contact Sue on: 01926 651271 or [email protected]

Church Hill Farm Bed & Breakfast

Contact Susan Sabin Church Hill Farm, Lighthorne, CV35 0AR Tel. 01926 651251 [email protected] Book online at

Self catering apartments (all ensuite, WiFi) Catering also by arrangement. Small parties, Freezer food, funeral teas etc.

Hope Cove, South Devon Holiday bungalow to rent, sleeps 6 – 2 minute walk down to sandy beaches, village shop, pub and bistro cafe. Situated in a quiet cul-de-sac near to coastal footpath. Beautiful scenery and great walking area. 10 minute drive from Salcombe. From £350 per week. Details and pictures: For further information please phone: 01926 651516 or email [email protected]


A non-profit making organisation, managed and run by volunteers for the benefit of the community Stocking all your essentials and much more LOCAL FOODS Fresh bread daily, Franks biscuits, Honey, jams and chutneys, Free range eggs Ridgeways ice cream, Fatherson cakes, Apple juice and cider, Purity beers Meat from Carpenters Farm, Warmington

OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 6.30pm Saturday 9.00am – 2.00pm / Sunday Closed Find us in the car park of The Malt Shovel Pub Visit our website Contact Gaydon Village Store 01926 641805 [email protected]

Rural Support Services – support your business

Virtual Assistance Administration Support Project Management Typing Audio Transcription Research Book Keeping & Payroll Mailshots Presentations Websites

Please call Kate Hopkins on 01926 650391 or visit for more information


Readers Richard Woodfin 651752 Gillian Jones 07548 168530

LIGHTHORNE: ST. LAURENCE’S CHURCH Warden Geoffrey Barrett 651312 Gillian Jones 07548 168530

Secretary Sandra Shaw 07737 322719 Treasurer Andy Meehan 651868

MORETON MORRELL: CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS Warden John Moverley 651726 Nick Benbow 651293

Secretary Hilary Williams 651310 Treasurer Ann Mousley 651869

NEWBOLD PACEY: ST. GEORGE’S CHURCH Warden Krys Pietrecki 651751

Secretary Pam Cook 651508 Treasurer Position Vacant Email [email protected]

CHESTERTON: ST. GILES’ CHURCH Warden Position Vacant

Secretary Elizabeth Holding 07767 294394 Treasurer Suzy Reeve

Benefice Sian Kellaway Administrator [email protected] 651652

Magazine Editor / Advertising as above for Sian Kellaway Deadline – all articles to be with the editor by 15th of the month

MidFosse Parishes Website –