KEY LARGO 305.451.5700 make. MARATHON 305.743.4397 home. KEY WEST comfortable. 305.295.6400 WWW.KEYSINFONET.COM SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014 VOLUME 61, NO. 38 G 25 CENTS DEEPWATER HORIZON DISASTER BP: Millions in claims fraudulent By KEVIN WADLOW “We know of millions of But Keys attorney counterclaims tlement system was being correspondent Scott Pelley in Senior Staff Writer dollars sitting there,” said drained by fraudulent claims. the “60 Minutes” segment
[email protected] Bernadette Restivo, managing that money is still being held back “There are more than a called “Over the Barrel.” partner of the Restivo, Reilly thousand claims ... that had Attorneys for the businesses and Vigil-Farinas firm in Key waiting for was the wire trans- businesses that filed claims glaring red flags associated contend BP lawyers now want A “60 Minutes” report last Largo. “We represent six fer to their accounts. Then it against BP for economic losses with them that should have to rewrite the settlement agree- Sunday on stalled BP claimants that actually were stopped,” she said. stemming from the April 2000 been picked out by the claims ment that the international Deepwater Horizon settle- given an award, executed the In October, federal judges oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. administrator and instead were company willingly accepted in ments hit home for many settlement agreement and sur- in the eastern district of No payments to businesses ultimately awarded more than the wake of the 200-million- Florida Keys business owners, vived an appellate action.” Louisiana approved a tempo- have been made since BP $500 million,” BP Vice says a local plaintiffs’ attorney.