Objective 1 Single Programming Document 2000-2006
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OBJECTIVE 1 SINGLE PROGRAMMING DOCUMENT 2000-2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 2. ANALYSIS OF CURRENT SITUATION 16 2.1 Population and Society.......................................................17 2.2 The General Economic Context..........................................23 2.3 The Labour Market..............................................................52 2.4 The Property Market........................................................... 75 2.5 Infrastructure and Services................................................. 79 2.6 Environmental Situation...................................................... 92 3. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS EU INTERVENTIONS 96 3.1 Previous Programmes.....................................................96 3.2 Major Interventions Covering the Region........................96 3.3 Regional Programmes.....................................................98 3.4 Community Initiatives.......................................................98 3.5 Objective 3 and 4 ............................................................101 3.6 Objective 2.......................................................................102 3.7 Objective 5b.....................................................................104 3.8 Lessons from the past......................................................105 3.9 Emerging Issues and Implications for Objective 1...........108 4. POLICY CONTEXT 111 4.1 Overview.......................................................................111 4.2 Devolution.....................................................................111 4.3 Business Support..........................................................111 4.4 Tourism.........................................................................113 4.5 The Welsh Language....................................................115 4.6 Research and Development..........................................116 4.7 Information and Communication Technologies.............116 4.8 The Regional Technology Plan.....................................117 4.9 Energy Developments...................................................118 4.10 Sustainable Development...........................................118 4.11 Waste..........................................................................119 4.12 Transport.....................................................................120 4.13 Urban and Rural Development....................................122 4.14 Employment and Human Resource Development.......123 4.15 Active Labour Market Policies..................................... 124 4.16 Equal Opportunities and Promoting Social Inclusion....127 4.17 Lifelong Learning..........................................................128 4.18 Adaptability and Entrepreneurship................................133 4.19 Women in the Labour Market........................................136 4.20 Rural Policy...................................................................139 4.21 Agriculture.....................................................................140 4.22 Fisheries and Aquatics.................................................141 4.23 Natura 2000..................................................................142 4.24 Biodiversity................................................................... 143 4.25 Conservation.................................................................143 5. SWOT 145 6. STRATEGY 154 6.1 Summary of Key Problems............................................154 6.2 Headline Objective ........................................................154 6.3 Understanding the Strategy...........................................155 6.4 Spatial Targeting............................................................159 6.5 Development of the Priorities..........................................160 6.6 Working In Partnership...................................................162 7. PRIORITIES 168 7.1 Priority 1 Expanding and Developing the SME base......168 7.2 Priority 2 Developing Innovation and the Knowledge Based Economy............................................................................172 7.3 Priority 3 Community Economic Regeneration.................176 7.4 Priority 4 Promoting Employability, Social Inclusion and the Development of a Learning Society...................................182 7.5 Priority 5 Rural Development and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources..........................................................................188 7.6 Priority 6 Strategic Infrastructure Development................195 7.7 Priority 7 Use of Technical Assistance..............................202 8. CROSS CUTTING ISSUES 206 8.1 Equal Opportunities.......... ................................................206 8.2 Implementing the Equal Opportunities Strategy................207 8.3 Information Society Strategy.........................................216 8.4 Delivering the Strategy..................................................218 8.5 Implementing the Strategy............................................219 8.6 Environmental Sustainability.........................................231 8.7 Implementing the Strategy............................................233 9. MEASURES 250 9.1 Measures for Priority 1...... ................................................250 9.2 Measures for Priority 2.......................................................257 9.3 Measures for Priority 3.......................................................263 9.4 Measures for Priority 4...................................................268 9.5 Measures for Priority 5...................................................275 9.6 Measures for Priority 6...................................................304 2 9.7 Measures for Priority 7...................................................311 10. IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS 314 10.1 Introduction.......................................................................314 10.2 Programme Management.................................................315 10.3 Monitoring.........................................................................334 10.4 Evaluation.........................................................................337 10.5 Performance Reserve.......................................................340 10.6 Financial Implementation..................................................341 10.7 Control & Financial Corrections........................................346 10.8 Procedures for Amendment..............................................347 11. FINANCIAL PLANS 351 12. ADDITIONALITY 368 3 THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REGENERATION OF WEST WALES AND THE VALLEYS Objective 1 Single Programming Document for the period 2000- 2006. April 2000 4 INTRODUCTION This Single Programming Document (SPD) sets out the aims and strategy of the Welsh European Partnership and the National Assembly for Wales for the economic, social and environmental regeneration of West Wales and the Valleys over the period 2000-2006, using the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) and the Guidance Section of the European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF). The total of European receipts from these sources to be made available for this Objective 1 programme over the seven-year period is 1853bn Euros. The designation of West Wales and the Valleys as an area meriting Objective One support derives from the fact that the region’s Gross Domestic Product per head is less than 75% of the European Union average. The low GDP in Wales generally is attributable to two main factors - a smaller proportion of the working age population than elsewhere in the United Kingdom are in employment (in other words, there are high levels of inactivity) and, because of the adverse job and occupation mix, levels of productivity of those in work are lower than elsewhere. This analysis applies with particular force to the Objective 1 area. Objective 1 status offers a major opportunity to address the needs and realise the aspirations of a region which has suffered from protracted economic decline. It can make a major contribution to the transformation of the regional economy so as to achieve: - a high quality, job-creating, diversified, innovative and knowledge-driven economy; The economy of the region must be able to compete on quality, exploiting the potential of new technologies to develop new industries and improve the competitiveness of existing ones. There needs to be a major focus on the development of new enterprises and support for particular growth sectors. a skilled, enterprising and adaptable workforce; The people of the region must develop the skills and attitudes required to manage and reap the rewards from the processes of economic change. All parts of the region have traditionally placed a high premium on educational attainment. This has been partly eroded in parts of the Valleys; the programme needs to utilise and revive that tradition to help develop skills, confidence and ambition, especially among young people prosperity and a high quality of life for communities across all parts of West Wales and the Valleys both urban and rural; It is vital that the benefits of the programme are spread equitably to communities throughout the region. Peripherality has been a major factor in economic decline for too long. The economic development and continued viability of much of rural Wales will require support for diversity and modernisation of traditional land based industries, especially farming. We