Producer in the Experience Economy
J ÖNKÖPING I NTERNATIONAL B USINESS S C H O O L JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY Producer in the Experience Economy How to deliver experiences Master Thesis in Business Administration Author: Claesson, Mikaela Nordell, Nina Tutor: Gustafsson, Karl Erik Jönköping June 2006 I NTERNATIONELLA H ANDELSHÖGSKOLAN HÖGSKOLAN I JÖNKÖPING Att vara producent i Upplevelsesamhället Konsten att leverera upplevelser Magisteruppsats inom Företagsekonomi Författare: Claesson, Mikaela Nordell, Nina Handledare: Gustafsson, Karl-Erik Jönköping Juni 2006 Preface The authors would like to give their warmest thanks to the companies that took part in this thesis. These are; Aftonbladet, Air Historic Research AB, Arkitekthuset Jönköping AB, Bonnier Responsmedier Group AB, Complete Film & Multimedia AB, Företags Catering AB, Galleri Bergström, Ord & Form, PowerHouse, Skivfynd, Struktur Design, Skånes Dansteater, the anonymous fashion company and West Vilt. The authors would also like to thanks their supervisor Karl Erik Gustafsson for his supervi- sion and helpful advices during the master thesis. Mikaela Claesson Nina Nordell i Master TThesishesis ininin Business AdministrAdministraaaationtion Title: Producer in the Experience Economy --- How to deliver experiences Authors: Claesson, Mikaela Nordell, Nina Tutor: Gustafsson, KarlKarl----ErikErik Date : 20062006----06060606----02020202 Subject terms: Experience EcEcEconomy,Ec onomy, Experience SocietySociety,, Value AAddedddeddded,, B, BrandB rand Abstract Background and problem: Experiences have become a new trend within the world economy today and a new way to add value to companies. A new economy is emerging named the Experience Economy. The customers’ demands of experiences are increasing and companies need to satisfy these demands and adapt them- selves to this emerging economy. The Experience Economy is today the fastest growing industry in Sweden and has grown steadily during the last decade.
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