Sources of Gaza Monasticism

Abba Isaiah, Asceticon, Greek text, Augoustinos Monachos, ( Jerusalem 1911, 2nd ed., S. N. Schoinas [Volos, 1962]). Syriac text, R. Draguet, Les cinq recensions de l’Ascéticon syriaque d’abba Isaïe I–IV, CSCO (1968), 289–90; 293–94. Coptic text, A. Guillamont, L’Ascéticon copte de l’abbé Isaïe (Cairo, 1956); Y. N. Youssef, “Un complément de l’Asceticon copte de l’Abbé Isaïe,” Vigiliae Christianae 55 (2001), pp. 187–90. Fr. trans., L. Regnault, and H. de Broc, Abbé Isaïe, Recueil ascétique (Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 19853). Eng. trans., J. Chryssavgis, Abba Isaiah of Scetis (Kalamazoo, 2002).

Barsanuphius and John, Questions and Answers, text and Fr. trans., F. Neyt, P. de Angelis-Noah, and L. Regnault, Barsanuphe et Jean de Gaza: Correspondance, SC 426–427, 450–451, 468 (Paris 1997–2002). Text and Eng. trans. of the first 124 letters, D. J. Chitty, Barsanuphius and John, Questions and Answers, PO 31/3 (Paris, 1966).

Dorotheus of Gaza, Instructions, text and Fr. trans., L. Regnault, and J. de Préville, Dorothée de Gaza. Oeuvres spirituelles, SC 92 (Paris, 1963). Eng. trans., E. P. Wheeler, Dorotheos of Gaza: Discourses and Sayings (Kalamazoo, 1977). ——, Letters, text and Fr. trans., L. Regnault, and J. de Préville, Dorothée de Gaza. Oeuvres spirituelles, SC 92 (Paris, 1963), pp. 488–525. Eng. trans., E. P. Wheeler, Dorotheos of Gaza: Discourses and Sayings (Kalamazoo, 1977), pp. 237–250. ——, Sentences, text and Fr. trans., L. Regnault, and J. de Préville, Dorothée de Gaza. Oeuvres spirituelles, SC 92 (Paris, 1963), pp. 526–531. Eng. trans., E. P. Wheeler, Dorotheos of Gaza: Discourses and Sayings (Kalamazoo, 1977), pp. 251–253.

Vita Dosithei, text and Fr. trans., L. Regnault, and J. de Préville, Dorothée de Gaza. Oeuvres spirituelles, SC 92 (Paris, 1963), pp. 122–145.

Jerome, Vita Hilarionis, text, A. Bastiaensen, “Vita di Ilarione. Testo critico e com- mento,” in Vita di Martino, Vita di Ilarione, In memoria di Paola (Milan, 1975), pp. 69–143; 291–317. Eng. trans., W. H. Fremantle, in P. Schaff and H. Wace (eds.), NPNF, second series, vol. 6, pp. 303–315.

John of Beth Aphtonia, Vita Severi, Syriac text and Fr. trans., M. A. Kugener, PO 2/3 (Paris, 1904), pp. 208–264.

John Rufus, De Obitu Theodosii, Syriac text and Latin trans., E. W. Brooks, CSCO Scriptores Syri ser. 3, t. 25 (1907). ——, Vita Petri Iberi, Syriac text and Ger. trans., R. Raabe, Petrus der Iberer: Ein Chrarakterbild zur Kirchen- und Sittengeschichte des fünften Jahrhunderts (Leipzig, 1895). ——, Plerophoriae, Syriac text and Fr. trans., F. Nau, PO 8 (Paris, 1912). bibliography 227

Severus of , Letters, Syriac text and Eng. trans., E. W. Brooks, PO 12/2 (1916). ——, Sixth Book of Select Letters, Syriac text and Eng. trans., E. W. Brooks (Oxford, 1902–3).

Sozomen, Historia Ecclesiastica, text, J. Bidez and G. C. Hansen, GCS 50 (Berlin, 1960). Text and Fr. trans., B. Grillet and G. Sabbah, Sozomène, Histoire Ecclésiastique, vols. 1–2, SC 306 (Paris, 1983).

Zacharias the Rhetor, Ecclesiastical History, Syriac text, E. W. Brooks, CSCO 83 (Louvain, 1919). Eng. trans., F. J. Hamilton and E. W. Brooks, The Syriac Chronicle Known as That of Zacharia of Mitylene (London, 1899). ——, Vita Isaiae Monachi, Syriac text and Latin trans., E. W. Brooks, CSCO, Scriptores Syri, ser. 3, xxv (1907), 3–16. ——, Vita Petri Iberi (fragment), Syriac text, E. W. Brooks, CSCO 7 Script. Syri ser. 3. t. 25 (1907), p. 18. ——, Vita Severi, text and Fr. trans., M. A. Kugener, PO 2/1 (1903).

Zosimas, Alloquia, text, Augoustinos Monachos ( Jerusalem, 1913).

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