Of Surface-Water Records to September 30, 1970
Index of Surface-Water Records to September 30, 1970 --~ Part 7.-Lower Mississippi River Basin GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 657 Index of Surface-Water Records to September 30, 1970 Part 7.-Lower Mississippi River Basin G E 0 L 0 G I C A L S U R V E Y C I R C U L A R 657 Washington 1972 United States Department of the Interior ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretory Geological Survey W. A. Radlinski, Acting Director Free on application to the U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 20242 Index of Surface-Water Records to September 30, 1970 Part 7.-Lower Mississippi River Basin INTRODUCTION This report lists the streamflow and reservoir stations in the Lower Mississippi River basin for which recorc's have been or are to be published in reports of the Geological Survey for periods through September 30, 1970, It supersedes Geological Survey Circular 577, It was updated by personnel of the Data Reports Unit, Water Resources Divisior. Geo logical Survey. Basic data on surface-water supply have been published in an annual series of water-supply papers consif'ting of several volumes, including one each for the States of Alaska and Hawaii. The area of the other 48 States is divid~d into 14 parts whose boundaries coincide with certain natural drainage lines. Prior to 1951, the records for the 48 States were published inl4volumes,oneforeachof the parts, From 1951 to 1960, the records for the 48 States were published annually in 18 volumes, there being 2 volumes each for Parts 1, 2, 3, and 6, Beginning in 1961, theannualseriesofwater-supplypapers on surface-water supply was changed to a 5-year series, and records for the period 1961-65 were published in 37 volumes, there being 2 or more volumes for each of 11 parts and one each for parts 10, 13, 14, 15 (Alaska), and 16 (Hawaii and other Pacific areas).
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