The Inventory of the William P. Yarborough Collection #231
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The Inventory of the William P. Yarborough Collection #231 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Yarborough} William P. Box# 1 1. "Trailing the Tail Tribe" typescript 28)/. by Pelham (his middle name) Yarborough} probably written around yrs. 1936 - 1940 in Phillipines, includes photograph of mama pygmy and baby pygmy. Folder# 1 2. Subject: "Parachute Jumper Boots" holo. 3 f. circa 1940 when stationed in Fort Benning Georgia 3 . "Air M:?dal 11 holo. 5 /J. 191~ 3 4. "The Story of Heinrich Und Bis vuna.erful Poodle Bugg 11 halo. 6 {!, drawings by Y 6 /. 1 J. halo·. addendum 1944 5, "Allied Police Raid. Vienna Black M:1rket 11 typescript with holo. corr. 3 f. 1945 ( Oct 3) Folder# 2 L. Autobiographical sketch of Yarborough for Vienna newpaper typescript 5 J. few holo. notes circa 1945 2. 11Description of the M3.rshall Plan" typed carbon copy holo, corr. and addendum 5 J. circa 1947 3. "Project DAVrr: The Army of the Nuclear Age - A Basis for Planning 11 typed carbon copy with a few holo. corr. 6 /. January 1955 Blue folder# 3 ":Military History Written Exercise II by Lt. Col. W. P. Yarborough 1950 course (staff College Caniberly) typescript 1sJ. Folder# 4 "Article on the Special Forces" typed copy with holo. corr. 6./. undated Folder# 5 1. "The Society of Ven Today" by M3.jor Gen. William P, Yarborough xeroxed copy of typescript 11). 2. "Special Warfare: One Military View 11 by Brigadl~R- General P, typescript 22 ). also xerox copy of above 22,/.. 3. "Special Warriors of the U. S. Army" mimeograph of typed copy 4 .f. 4. "What Every Conventional Force Commander Should Know About Querrillas" xerox copy of typed copy 10 _/. 2 copies Folder# 6 Speeches 1961 - 1962 typed copies arranged chronologically 1961 1. 17 August General Yarborough' s graduation address typed with few halo. corr. 3 _f. 2. 22 September "Address made by Y at Ft. Benning OCS class 11 4/61 typed with few holo. corr. 31. (graduation program attached) 3 . - - "Special Warfare Center II typed copy with few holo. c!Drr. 9 {_. 4. 5 December "Special Warfare Activities" (given in Va.) typed copy 5 X, 1. 27 February "Address to Special Forces Officers Course 11 3 f. notes (typescript with holo. additions; typescript with holo. corr. profuse) 51J. starts on pg. 6 2. 21 .March "Presented at Conarc Conference 23 .M9.rch 1962 11 typed copy 9 J. 2 copies 3. .M9.rch "Welcoming Address - Commandant - Special Forces Course 11 typed copy with few holo. corr. 3 f. 4. 25 11.ay "Address to MATA Graduating Class II typed 2 J,. 5. June "Graduation Address to Unconventional Warfare Class" typed copy (notes) 3 /. 6. - June - "Graduation Address to OW Class" typed copy with holo. corr. 6 /. 1 J. holo. notes attached 1 7. August "Address to USA Intelligence School 1 typed copy with holo. corr. 5 i. 8. June "MA.TA Graduation Address" typed copy 12 ./. 3 11 9. 9 October draft of talk Activities and Missions) US Army Special Warfare Center" tY.Ped copy 6,/'. xeroxed copy 6.1. 10. 19 November "Opening remarks to MA.TA Special Class 11 t.c. with holo. corr. 2/. ll. 30 November 11 Closing Remarks 11 t.c. with holo. corr. 121. 12. "Address to Psyops Class 11 t.c. with halo. corr. si. 13. 11Welcoming Address - Commandant; Special Forces Course 11 2A - 62 t • C , 3 J_, 14. "Opening Remarks" at Fort Bragg t. c. 3 f . 15. "Why interest in Special Warfare 11 t.c. with halo. corr. 2/. Folder# 7 Speeches 1963 1. 1 February "Closing Remarks to Staff Officer Corpsf" t.c. with halo. corr. 13 J. 2. 21 February "Graduation Address to M:ldical School" t,c. 4/. 3 . 1 March Interview by BBC t. c. with holo. corr. 2J. 4. 8 M3.rch "Commandant's Closing Remarks to SenioT Officer Course" t.c. 3 • 2 copies (3 copies of 1st page) 5. 4 June Opening remakks to J.$1.TA t.c. with 6.J. 2 copies 6 • 3 July 11Remarks - Command Review" t • c • i.i'. 7. 9 Sept 11Remarks to King and Quean of Afghanistan" t.c. 12 /_. (French) another copy xerox) 1 8. 26 October "Opening rem.arks to MA.TA II t. c , 21 f. 9. 19 Nov "Address to Nat. Food Science Convention" 2 copies t. c. with holo. corr. 14 / •; xerox copy of same 10, 17 Dec "Presentation by M3.j. Gen. Yarborough to Transportation Officer Career Course" t,c, with halo. corr. 41 /. carbon copy of same. Box# 2 Folder# 8 speeches 1. February 14 "Closing remarks to $TA class" 2 copies t.c. with holo. corr. sf. typed carbon copy sl. 2, 6 Iv.arch "Address to Nat. Security Commission American Legion" 2 full copies t.c. 60 / .; t.c,c. 60 _Q.; 1 copy pp 1 - 5, 58 - 60 t.,c. with holo. corr. 3. 21 April 64 "National Strategy Seminar" t.c. with holo. corr. 4oJ... 4. 14 :May "OCS Graduating Class - Address" 3) . holo. 7 large index cards typed with holo. corr. t.c, 3f}. 5. 22 :tv.ay "Address to Staff Officer Course II typed carbon copy 15), 6. 23 -24 :tv.ay "Speech re: General Mobutu" 1 cop+yped Eng.; 2 index cards tY,Ped with holo. corr. ; t. c . 3 .€ . 7. 15 June "Why Counter Guerilla Warfare is so Difficult" S copies t. c. 4 £ . ; typed carbon copy 4 f .; xerox copy 8. 17 July "Combined Courses Graduation Speech" 8 typed index cards with holo. corr. 9. 19 June "Speech to Jmdical Specialist Advanced Course 11 3 copies t.c. with holo. corr. 8 f .; typed carbon copy 8}. with 2 /. holo. notes; xeroxed copy 8}. 10, August "World Wide Deployment of Forces" t,c. with holo. corr. 3f 11. 28 August "Closing Remarks to $TA Class" t.c, 22-f. 12. 16 Oct, "Closing Remarks to $TA Class!' t.c. with holo. corr 23J. 13, 2~- Oct. "Remarks to Fairfield University" 2 copies t.c.c. 22/... also xerox copy 22 14. Statement of President of Fairfield University mimeograph t,c. 7 }. eventually basis for talk Folder# 9 1964 (continued) 1, 28 Oct "Opening Remarks to MATA" t. c. 1~ )! . with holo. corr; holo. 3 .f. 2. 5 November "Ada.ress to Armed Forces Chemical Assoc." 3 xerox copies 1~2 /. each ( 1 missing p 20) 3. 19 November "Address to Airborne Association'1 2 copies 19f. each; 1 typed copy; 1 xerox copy 4. 18 December "Remarks to M:Jmorial Service" t. c. 3 y. another copy on 11 index cards 5. 18 Oct 1964 Laymen's Day 19.f. halo. for speech; actual speech 2 copies typed carbon copy 9 _(.; xerox copy 9 (!. Foldev # 10 1. 27 August "Ada.ress to Republic of Korea Special Forces Graduates" 4- copies t.c. 4 f. (Emg.) t.c,c, 4 Q. (Eng.) t.c. 3}__. (Chinese) t. c • c . 3 (2. ( Chinese) 2. 19 September "Ad.dress to Protestant if.en of the Chapel" lLl· fJ. 18 JI,. xerox copy typea.• If 11 Speeches not dated. 1. "The Role of the Special Forces" mimeographed ( ~yped.) 6,£ . 2. Speech about Special Warfare School t.c.c, 29 ,.f. 3. Another speech re: Special Forces halo. 17 f. 4. "Closing remarks to reservists" t.c.c. 2£. 5. "Tree Planting Ceremony" t.c. l ,{_,I/ 6. "Military Tradition" 41, t.c. 1(. halo. 7. "Remarks - 6th SF GP Activation Parade" t.c. 2 /... 8. "Remarks by General Yarborough at Dinner Honoring Sergeant Ballenger" t.c. 2 /7. xerox copy 2 f!.. BOX If 3 folder: correspondence If l 1935 - h5 214 p. folder: correspondence ~~ 2 1946 - 4-7 219 p. folder: correspondence# 3 1948 - 1950 170 p. Box# l+ folder: correspondence ff l~ 1951 - 1959 130 p. folder: correspondence# 5 1960 - 62 238 p. includes: Dech:er J G. H. ( General in U. S. Arrrry, Chief of Staff) TIS 16 May 1962 1 p. Wood, General Robert J. TIS 28 Jfay 1962 1 p. Ros tow, Walt AIS 29 June 1961 1 p. ( on White House stationery) Yarborough, William P. TL to Colonel Addam Comaso, 25 Sept 1962 4- p. (includes naration of the Sicilian Campaign) folder: correspondence ff 6 1963 (Jan. - July) 200 p. includes: Palmer, General Williston B. AIS 10 Dec. 1963 1 p. Oldfield, Barney TIS 9 July 1963 1 p. with Yarborough' s holo. notes re.: reply McPherson, Harry C. Jr. TIS 31 Dec 1963 Vance, Cyrus R. TIS 10 Aug. 1963 1 p. Forrestal, Michael V. TIS 18 July 1963 1 p. Hussain, Tun Abdul Razak Bin 9 Jf.ay 1963 ~IS 1 p. (Deputy Prime Minister of Ivb.laya) Gehlen, R. (President of West German Intelligence) TIS 7 !'fay 1963 1 p. Hoover, J. Edgar 3 TIS 16 Oct 1963; 3 Oct 1963; 27 Sept. 1963 An-Chi, Liu TIS 2 Oct 1963 1 p. (Republic of China - General) Box ff 5 folder: correspondence #6a 1963 August - December 180 p. folder: correspondence ff 7 1964- January - June 330 p. Box# 6 correspondence folder ff 7a July - December 19611. 34-1 p. includes: Duke, Angier Biddle TIS 19 Aug 1964- 1 p. 17 BundyJ William P TIS 13 August 196J+ 1 p. JohnsonJ Harold K. (General) TIS 7 Sept 1964 1 p. SylvestJ Arthur (Asst. Sec. Def,) TIS 20 Oct, 1964 1 p. Ailes, Stephen TIS 15 Dec. 196l.1. 1 p. Turnure, Pamela TIS 2 Dec 196l-1- (Sec. to M:rs.