By the Way— Holiday Stay Cles
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Social Events Clubs TWELVE PAGES. WASHINGTON, D. C., JANUARY 10, 1943. Statesman Awaited Popular Brides-Elect Senor Guani Engagements Will Arrive Hold Official Here Jan. 23 Set Interest Vice President- Miss Ann Wickard Elect of Uruguay And Kathleen Bell Is to Be Feted Betrothed p Among The Vice President-elect of Officialdom will focus much at- tention on the announce- Uruguay, Senor Alberto Guani, today ments of two engagements, one will arrive in Satur- Washington in the cabinet circle and the day morning, January 23, as the other in the little cabinet set. guest of the United States. Senor The Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Claude R. Wickard to- Guani now is Minister of Foreign day are announcing the betrothal Affairs of his country and his of their daughter, Miss Ann visit to this Capital is in that Louise Wickard, to Ensign Jean dual capacity. He will stay at V. Pickart, U. S. N. R.. son of Mr. the Mayflower Hotel, where the and Mrs. Walter Pickart of Gary, Ind. Uruguay Ambassador and Senora Miss Wickard now is attending de Blanco make their home, as Purdue University where she is the historic Blair House, official a senior in the school of home home for distinguished visitors, is economics and a member of in the throes of repairing. The Kappa Kappa Gamma. Her fiance is a of the school repairs are urgently needed and graduate the house will be closed until the of engineering at the same uni- and a member of work is completed—and priori- versity Kappa He now is at the Holly- ties being what they are it will Sigma. wood In be some weeks before the house Training School, Holly- Fla. will be livable again. wood, The Vice President-elect will Miss Kathleen Bell is the bride- be entertained at luncheon the elect in the little cabinet group, his arrival the day of by Gov- her parents, the Undersecretary Board of the Pan-Amer- erning of the Treasury and Mrs. Daniel ican Union, of which the Secre- W. Bell, today announcing her of Cordell Hull, is tary State, engagement to Capt. James Ber- chairman. Secretary Hull will CHECKING A FEATURE. AT USO LOUNGE. nard Via, U. S. A., now attached and those the preside attending Mrs. Frederick IV. McMahon to an anti-aircraft unit. include Mrs. Schuyler Otis Bland luncheon will the other checks the overcoat of Pvt. Miss Bell made her debut in members of the board who (left) and Mrs. H. Conger rep- Robert Whitman, a visitor at Washington at a reception in resent the 20 other American Pratt (right) assist Staff the lounge. Luggage as well 1940 at the Army Navy Country with the United Sergt. Melvin Dieter in select- republics which, as wraps may be checked by Club. She Is a graduate of the ing a magazine to read while States, form the union. servicemen at this popular Potomac School, Miss Madeira's awaiting train time in the utner parties to oe pianneo ior and now is a junior at Smith at Union place. lounge Station. ...... the visitor will include a luncheon |i-----— College. at the Capitol which the Vice Capt. Via is the son of Dr. and President, Mr. Henry A. Wallace, W omen Mrs. Bernard Starr Via of Cov- will give following Senor Guam's Margaret Wallin Leading ington, Va. He was graduated visit to the Senate and the House from V. P. I. in 1940 and is a of Representatives. The Secre- Bride in Assure Success member of the Omicron Delta tary of State undoubtedly will be Today Kappa and Alpha Zeta Fra- a personal host, entertaining in Of USO ternities. addition to presiding at the lunch Bolivia Wedding Lounge No date has been set for the at the Pan-American Union. Volunteers Work wedding. The Ambassador and Senora Weds J. A. Gasque, The Undersecretary and Mrs. Bell had de Blanco will give a reception Son of the Late At Union Station planned to make the announcement at a tea this in honor of their countryman, To Aid Servicemen entertaining at the Mayflower Representative afternoon, but due to the latest Tuesday, January 26, and the Wives of officials gasoline restrictions, the party In a large and lovely garden in leading and Uruguayan official will leave the officers of the was canceled. La Paz, Bolivia, a wedding of high-ranking Army following day for Canada. He forces are enthusiastic in giving much interest in the Capital is Many other engagements will will make visits in Ottawa and their time to assure the contin- taking place this morning. The attract interest in the Capital to- Montreal before starting south- ued success of the is Mr. John Allard USO Lounge bridegroom day. Lt. Col. T. S. Halstead an- ward to return to his homeland. at Union Station. Rain or shine Gasque, Vice Consul to Bolivia, nounces the engagement of his The Ambassador is expected to you will find these volunteers do- and his bride is Miss Margaret daughter, Miss Mary Frances go to Miami to meet Senor Guani ing their tour of duty at the Wallin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Halstead, to Mr. Clytus Allen and him to lounge, which is operated by the accompany Washing- Wallin, formerly of Minnesota Freeman, jr., of Brentwood, Md. ton and when he leaves the Travelers Aid and is one of the Cap- and now living on their estate in No date has been set for the ital the Ambassador mast popular and helpful havens probably La Paz, where the ceremony is wedding. will him to the north- for servicemen arriving in or accompany taking place. the ern boundary of this country, leaving Capital. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Mr. Is the son of Mrs. Draper Senora de Blanco in their Gasque VOLUNTEERS SERIOUS OVER THEIR DUTIES AT SERVICEMEN’S HAVEN. Joining At the lounge, operated 24 of Silver Spring announce the Allard H. Gasque and the late Mrs. L. Mason in Mayflower apartment during the uulick, charge of the volunteers at the Treglown, Mrs. D. and Mrs. Jeannette Lowe. hours a servicemen of South Cary Langhorne day. may engagement of their daughter, Representative Gasque Union Station where hundreds men the following week end. center, of of service find Mrs. Lowe is director of the lounge which is operated the check their bags, rest awhile, Miss Ruth to Carolina. His mother now is by Virginia Draper, relaxation and is with three r The Ambassador and Senora helpful information, pictured of the Travelers’ Aid. visiting her brother-in-law and faithful workers. to right) Mrs. Mrs. Edward (See USO LOUNGE, Page D-4.) <See ENGAGEMENTS. Page D-4.) de Blanco are new (Left Gulick, I comparatively sister. and Mrs. W. H. Maj. Bates, -- -- |*_ in the circle -.1 ■———■—Hill III Hflll MB——————.mm.■mu -.. diplomatic and, in Arlington. although they have been in The Gasque family has many Mme. Hurban Back Washington since September, friends in Washington in both From (See STATESMAN. PageT>6j" congressional and residential cir- By the Way— Holiday Stay cles. The bridegroom is a gradu- ■ ■ ■ ■■ Beth Blaine -- In New York City Marcia Post ate of the Citadel and the Uni- Ensign of South Carolina. After Mme. Hurban, wife of the versity It was a little less than two the expenses of running the club. Czechoslovak Minister, has re- receiving his law degree at the It is so well that not to years ago that Mrs. Julian managed Engaged Marry latter he turned to the Legation after university entered the a ever seems to be wasted wife then Chief of penny service of Schley, of the spending Christmas and the holi- Ensign Cammann foreign this country. and still you get the most for He recently has been to Engineers, U. A. S., asked Mrs. days with her family in New Mrs. Isaac Judson Boothe an- assigned your money. For 1943 the entire York. Mme. the new consulate at Cocha- Fowler Hurban accompanied nounces the of her Raymond to fulfill her budget for the Soldiers, Sailors engagement the Minister to the field where is sec- from Marcia bamda, Bolivia, he unexpired term as president of the Marines’ Club will come from granddaughter, Ensign which he took off for ond in command. the and England de Forest Post, U. S. N. R„ to Soldiers, Sailors Marines’ the Community War Fund. The bride is a shortly before Christmas and Van Rensselaer graduate of Club, as her husband was going Although Mrs. Fowler's job is Ensign Schuyler after him land- Mount She has traveled out as Chief of bidding “happy U. S. N. R. Holyoke. Engineers and a volunteer one, it’s certainly Cammann. her mother and sis- and is an were ings’’ joined The bride-elect is the extensively accom- they going to Savannah to full time. She has to get up daugh- ter, Mrs. Boor and Miss Vera plished linguist. nve. Ana it is every morning ter of Mr. Charles Addison Post Boor in New York. Mr. and his bride will a tri- of Providence. R. I., and Mrs. Gasque striking at 6:30 in or- their The Minister the Marcia de Forest Post of Hamil- spend honeymoon in South- bute to Mrs. der to get accompanied ern Chile and their Fowler's abili- Premier of Czechoslovakia, M. ton. Bermuda. Ensign Cammann during stay breakfast and in that a number of and success Jan Masaryk, for a visit to the is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. country ty be at her desk will be for as ident Czechoslovak President, Dr. Edu- Schuyler Cammann of Merrick, parties given them.