NEW YORK, TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 23, 1844. .. THE NEW YORK HERALD. ofJtffrrion City Court uflht C'ty guar .td THE WEEKLY HERALD.published every Saturday important precise oath to oi States sireet, Stepney, prevent being pub¬ 13 annom- should be knowu. have to a suppoit the Constitution the UuiteJ of Daunoy do N. Jourdan dodo in any con.iiiunicalioua they make telatii g to the political morning.price 4} cent* per copy, or 96 per I, therefore, request America, and to renounce all aud to lished. afla.taoltheir cash n a 1vanes perusal of the return made the lor allegiance fidelity G Kustls do do Two found in the were country. poa.agea paid, by Inspectors every Prince, Potentate, Stato or was wills, prisoner's house, Several ot the toalt¦ have however titer, and ADVERTISERS are lnlermed that the circulation of the First Ward ol the Secoud u foreign Sovoieignty The other one not included in the aforesaid'count, read. were the and his jolted tcgi Municipality, copy whatever, being administered unto him in open Couit, for B. Thisodscs roa Cosossss They hy prisoner wile, have chuiteied an An,email u l.oon r for »h< of tte Herald 1* over THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND, and in¬ of which is hereunto annexed. the Hon. B. C of ssid und in the same terms, mutual purpMe f»*t. It has the circulation of present Kiliott, Judge Court, ho, For Lriiilaturt. For He Senatorial Conoontion. precise ly containing uku g them ba. k to Hay U while the tea ah a an tot- creasing largest assy payer It having been generally that the the said Steph> n Con Ion, is, virtue thereof, and the be quests i.f all their Irom ibe one to the heie clotn« aim cakta lor tale in this t tht and the hest channel reported Whig by CruiHi do Martlu Rlsche do no property, washing a, making ctty, world, is, therefore, Inspectors had agreed not to receive the votes ot premises, declared and enrolled a citizen ol the United other. were dated the 17tli ol last. plo^iukari, that ev.i sinca the arrival oi Otn* tal er, husitiess me > in the or country. Prices moderate Laveiigne do C. Roselius, tor Pariah, do They M--y hoy for city ceitificHtesot naturalization issued States Burthe I) a labourer in the the F.x lie.ident ol ti, m thik ikiaud liom < no .cash in advance. holding affixed do M. Conrad do do Wilson, prisonri's employment, Hay huioy at the most modorat* Earsonsy Judge Elliott, I called upon James P. ln;testimony whereof,I have the seal of said Court Lathrcp do 8 J Peters dodo said he had witnes.-ed these wills the evening be¬ haa been nnable lo quit bu in ot PRINTING of all kind* executed Freret, at the of this of in tevaie tin uniatl.ln It teen eta'ed thai , associate to the the City Lafayette, eighth day September, Gardere do W. ChrU'v dodo leit both ol itiem ha« alko tea Gene price, and hi the most elegant style. Esq my superintend election, the of our one thousaud hundred and fore Mr. and Mrs Belaney home, raj nat all idea ol to know il he to re- year Lord, eight Piiie do W. C C. Claiborne do do a similai given up returning to tht pontic*I bi rua JAMES GORDON BENNETT, day previous, had determined and the of the ol ' being present. More, shoemaker, gave ol and haa made hi. mind to or the Huild fort)-three, sixty eighth independence roiiman do A. Mazureaa do Hay ti, up spend the icmaili- PaoraiKToa Eitablnhme! it indiepoaition, hat ktni it man *d inv i- Revival of Business and Everything mise in relation thereto. Received, Parish oi Washington, 3d day of January, A. Jno. Ciilbertson do do miscarriage during the night, hut that no medical aible. Few persons have kren him, and those lew l ave D of Mr. of New no dot at .on t» on Prospects of the Country. I considered it my imperative duty to refrain 18-11, 8tepben Conloa, Orleans, JAMB* P. FRERET, assistance was called in. had to call ujaHt him hia teitdente. hti< the from case which be Urs six cents, in full for his Parish and State Tax for 1343 (Signed,) Inspector. a a let- Hope load. i here was a lepoit in low u that the F.Jv-l'ie- must admit that the in all prejudging any might present¬ on of au acre JACOB BARKER, William Shaw, police Serjeant, produced Every person country, ed to the lor their and cominu one-sixth of land situate and lying in the Inspector. ter the hi the aioent had mado up hu nund to reaide with ua at u to. the Iiicpectois decision, Parish of Wm. C Aui d, Secretary. written by prisoner stutton-hou-e, lemuinder ol and with thu View mace>a the elements of prosperity, intelligence, und mo¬ nicated those to the Democratic citizens Washington. was to Mr hu lite, b.d opinions ) A. C. BICKHAM, Sheriff and «x officio , 3J July, 18-14. which he intercepted. It addressed w ith the Iru.-teea ot lor the inciter ol At an- an occasioual of the them of the determination (Signed and was Uourguea j rals, notwithstanding outbreak, is Ward, notifying Collector oi Toxai lor the Parish of Washington Emtilrtcn, ol Alnwick, Northumberland, juex in n, in the pallih ol hi. AtidlLW. uhmu m mued that it not hi u faster forward than ever it did at any former ol Mr. Freret, and would be my pow¬ The dute, name and quantity (oi luad) in the aforesaid Curloua and Interesting Kx tracts from Late very similar in its language to the oue addressed to i. .uiil. u.n. .,/«» (i. n-keepier oi taiuor hut the cor- going er to receive vote to however to havee been writtenwri on erasures lectin re ol thu ha. hi en dun tin d I otlet a. 'I hi te appears Mr Hall. . teport y seema to be fall¬ any objected by him, receipt, Journal*. J period of its history. Prosperity well the validity of the certificate might be es Soon alter the process verbal had been signed by the Foreign ivir Brodenp then remanded the prisoner till i. one thing, however, which we think quite ceHaiti, and ing upon the land, like the dew of heaven, silently, tabltshed. fudges, the said Conlon withdrew, and the inspectors [From the John Bull, June 33.1 Saturday; iutiniatiiig that, if no additional evi that ia, that both President beytr and ritsident lleiaid received from the Hon went on receiving all legally qualified votes, until John Thk Ca*k of Mk Bklaney..The case of this deuce w ere given, lie should then commit the pit- are lur moio.aie in thi. uiand, w line they nave lound au and perceptible only at stated periods by the general Having my appointment iu the oltneu buih Charles of the Parish to Clarkson presented himself to vote; he wa* objected to gentleman, accused of poisoning his wife by prussic Miner to take his tiial tor the w iilul u.uider ol lfa aay luiu,than couutiy Trade is are Maurian, Judge Court, for reasott that Ins na unitization certificate had been is¬ Gueirter, w ho ia aaid to be a dtut ktu old tool, ia .till results. increasing.manufactures whom the return of the election was to be acid, acquires deep interest. On Monday the io- chel Belaney. are made, sued by Judge Elliott. He was duly sworn, and testified returned before Mr. the Prtkidonlof Hay u, and Accouu Commander iu I hn I of increasing.the crops increasing, every year I considered it properlor the inspectors to be guided that was an questwas B'ker, Coroner, The nnuouncemept, which excittd adeepsensa the hi ruituiavement ol Aux A to tie he Ameiicau citizen, that he had been iu the our readers tha' Mr Cuyra. precious pair Travel is increasing. The revenue ol by his opinion on all law points which might be more than six and at Stepney. We may remind tion in the Court, did not seem in any degree u at the bead ol sfl'.trs in increasing. country years, was] duly naturalized, and his wife arrived in Loi don on Tues¬ any couutiy. the railroads is increasing. And fortunately the presented, and about which they might differ; and that he had resided in tne State lor one year, and in the Belaney shake the ptisoner, who walked steadily back to incase my associate would not yield thereto, 1 Ward six months last past, and that he had paid a tax to day, the 4th iost., and took lodgings at Stepney, his cell. Mexico anpTkxab.The Galveston News excitement of in religion. where to live on most affectionate pub- politics.fanaticism felt compelled to tesign my office, that I might not the State within six months last past, whereupon the they appeared lieheb the ioiluwtng uilictai leiitr, to which we and ot on all subjects are de¬ be an obstacle to the of the vote of citi ticket was marked Kiliott, retained at the rsquest of Mr. terms. The lady is described as having been very Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly.. btg extravagance opinion receipt any Bai but not into the ballot the to call attention zen entitled to the elective lranchise. ker, put box, whereupon handsome On Saturday morning, the 8th, Mr The follow ing verv striking circular letter or ud Leoetion or t Ht: L'hitko > ceasing, and separating their isolated movements legally verbal was made : Statics, Entertaining such opinions, f addressed a letter following process Belaney called the landlady of the lodgings, in great dress from Dr. Wolff, has just been received in this Mexico, June 17,1344 S from the general common sense movement of the John Clarkson presented his vote under similar circum¬ to his wife's assistance, and in a to ihat his I arc- to Judge Maurian, in words following: stances as apparent alarm, country. We regret observe opes To Wst. 8. Meamv, K(q., In 8tephen Conlon, when Isimilar proof, similar few minutes afterwards she died in the which sur¬ U'Atlaiiia ot the United States country. "New Orliani, 1st 1844. under oath, and similar answer* were fandladyV waxing fainter amid the uifiiculues Charge " July, Interrogations given same thai bin. I wiote a few a atuce that it was Gencrnl Elmost every department Hon. Charles Maurian, Jurigs of the Parish Court: liy the applicant, with the exception that the tax receipt arms, the prisoner at the time observing round him; but his noble and intrepid effuita ap¬ you day " had of a similar attack about nine :. Santa Auita'. intention to invade'J txa» with from to the same Dear Sih.Unable to have (be election conducted ac¬ appeared regular, and the applicant stated his residence her mother died pear to be uoabatc d immediately of human life, high low, general to the of I wish advice in In the United States to have been ior ofsix months belore. A mortem examination was a lurge force. Aayet nothing Lai been cone by (on- cording requirements law, your upwards years, jioit in thr Trnl o/JImttr Sa*og the Toorcomaun. in the oi hut have t un be observed. the and have to as a and which Jijiril li, , your immediate attendance at the Poll of tbe Kirst the case ol Conlon. the Philan¬ . ecretly dupatchedto reintuico the uimy ol the Noitli, We could refer to a rumber of general facts in Ward. Stephen terwards took place it was proved that Mr. Belaney "To all tile Missionary Societies, all and Gen (. soulta has been named to command, Second at the St. Charlea Hotel, thatanoth JACOB was this Municipality, (Signed) PARKER, admitted to several persons that he in the habn thropic Societies, the Societies foi the Abolition dia e lor rekiktence and violence should ha proof of the accuracy of view of the great and er may be appointed in my placo iucase your explanation JAMES P. FRERET. of acid to corrert his and of and all Scientific Societies ot Lng preparation oi the law should not ao the aa to C. A taking prussic stomach, , made of the country, but we may as enlighten Inspector* in¬ Wm. old, Secretary. to .in he left eome in a, unci on growing prosperity duce them to harmonize on the course to after owing accident exposed land, France, Germany, Austria, Itniuk that Santa Anna calculates foteign aid. A proper be pursued. Immediately the laat aforesaid proces verbal had into he Hiudostauund Amer¬ few kince au oiui i' in the del welf confine ourselves to ene of which we can With I am, dear been A. D himself and de¬ tumbler in his wife's bed-room, which pre¬ Russia, Sweden,Denmark, duyk appeared Diatio Go- great respect, sir, signed, Kelly, Esq., presented water it off in a ica. addiefcked to'Gtn. Yv oil, and directioni that with a of Your obedient servant, manded that his vote should be received. Mr. Barker ob- sumed she poured some and drank bterno, any speak degree certainty, beyond any previously taken some saha. He dear Friends.Since I left Teheraum, the individual who should lie lound beyond a league dis- JACOB BARKER." j cted, alleging that until Mr. Ciarkson'a care had been mistake, having "My .aitce Irom the left hank of the Rio other, and that is the remarkable progress during no his not this statement of well and ulive and free niy Bravo, tbu'ud ho I made exertion to have this letter concluded, other could be considered. Mr. Froret in¬ explained making before, by prospects my finding aa a aitor a we the last few great placed sisted that he would receive it aud it in the ballot that he was ashamed to admit such iriends Stoddart and with tin puuuhed traitor, summary military trial the last few years.and may say in the hands of Maurian in put box saying negleci Conolly become, 1 to the Minister to unite me Judge early the day; on his owa whether Mr Barker on a rned- dimmei applied Briluh with in a months.of the New York Herald establishment. not I to such a course oi responsibility, consented so deadly a poison the pan of progress of my journey towards Bokhara, remoii.trunce to this order. He that he being .successful, agreed or nut. Mr. Barker said he would not si- respecting a in¬ more I replied presumed news¬ as is detailed in the return of the In¬ op|K>se any phy ical^man. He was apprehended, and double and dimmer, und daily cloudy. hod every¬ the Texorts were to he treated Mexico as rebels, and When intelligent, industrious, and business proceeding eel lorce to prevent bim, but that if he did so, he could has been carried before the i'. is who tell rue that both are by and as, in my would be most not the certificate that the election had been conduct¬ vestigation since on, where, true, people declined ruterlerii g. otherwise than to request vet bully are successful, they furnish one of the best spectors, opinion, sign the Thames Police alive.and it is also a fact ihat no execution that the order shall not be w papers to counteract the effect of the aforesaid de¬ ed according to tbe requirements of law; whereupon the Coroner and before Magistrate. public put loice agstust British ot evidence in favor of the general likely made On Monday Mr. O'Connoghue, the surgeon frem has been witnessed in Bokhara; and it is also true subjects. possible pieces termination to prejudge the cases to be tritd, ano Judges audfetuhscribud separatejfstatements, filing the said detvish ol whose I have the honor to fcc. movements ot the country at large. such as would facilitate the secure to ali them with the Clerk, viz whom Mr. Belaney had purchased poison, that theKhaleela, theholy Mowr, be, very respectfully, prosperous election, A- 0. Kelly presented himself and claimed to' vote. that, on the Monday morning after Mrs. BtlaneyV hospitable tent 1 left yesterday, escorted by one ol JULNJ. It. Gfii-i-N. Now we xre to that the New York l-eratd the free exercise of their elective franchise, uad happy say to test hereafter the to the le¬ James P. Freret, Esq, considered it a good vote, and wish- death, Mr. Belaney and Cnpt. Clarke called upon his relations and otherToorcomau. s towards Bok¬ at this has a circulation and a business consign question'as ad to put it in the box. Mr. Barker objected,abj when Mr. explained that her death hara, tells me that Stoddart certainly w as alive ; Cuba..The intelligence from Cube, by the Fan¬ moment, gality of the Elliott votes, and at the same time to the whilo the considering him, Belaney ia not of much interest. The ieuuets oi the one-fourth than at any of its question, Inspectors had under consi¬ had been caused by his wife having taken the prusic hut it is also certain that if they are alive, they ny, probably greater period enable Congress, the Convention and the Legisla¬ deration the application ol John Clarkson, who con¬ he left it in must miserable culled late servile insurrection near Matatizaa, say the papers, is ahead to have the whole matter before so as acid by mistake, having incautiously sigh in the prison fiurum were txecutld about the latter end ot luvt month 'ihe most prusperouscareer heretofore,and going ture, them, tinued at the noils, demundiug that his vote should in his assert¬ room which is close to the room of the to decide on the of all be in, which was the case. Mr. de¬ her way Captain Clarke, evidence, Seray.a number whosniiVred was xbout hall a dozen persons, of viih u momentum to the general momentum advisedly qualifications per¬ put Kelly took on so that there is no equal sons to have been elected. In the 1 manded of Mr. Barker to know if he did not ed that this interview place Tuesday. linrem of the Umeer, possibility whom only one, it u stated, was a white man. The son'h- claiming latter to she had to to a of ike country at large. The aggregate circulation think I have there were but consider him entitled to vote. Mr. Barker said that he Mrs Stobbs, an aunt Mrs. Belaney,saiu for them communicate their condition hv em ports of the island aro .utleiing severely front the succeeded, although a the soul. to lima yet in some neat Pu¬ at is far what it ever has been five Elliott votes of which was for had no other answer to give than the preceding, adding rented farm from her late sister, Mrs. Skelly, ing I therefore address you these .fleet* ol the drought. Indeed, district, present beyond before, at the same a She understood that I tie where I am detained the erto it u stated, that not the cattle hut ev< it the entire and the other four the en¬ time, that he had perfect conviction that Mr. deceased's mother. pro¬ from here, to-day by Principe, on.y and now reaches nearly 35,000 copies. The cash Whig ticket, Keliy had a right to rote as soon as the other case was which she rented, on her sister's death that 1 shall beat Bokhara in five or six people are dying litm absolute want, ihrgiuund tire Democratic ticket. It however remains to be perty pas-ed snow, days, a ¦ receipts of last week, by cash book, Nvere over disposed of; whereupon Mr. Freretsaid he would put the to Mrs. Belaney. and from her to her husband if the Umeer does not send an order to Htop my lon.plet'ly dried up that every hope of making top of seen when the action of those bodies shall be ha.d vote in oa ni* own Mr. Barker stated that she was at Mr. to the any kind has been abandoned.- N O HtUtctm, Ju.'y Id. if every week were on the matter. responsibility. When Mrs. Skelly died residing progress Char-Joo, first frontier place ol $2,500, making, similar, he should not oppose hi* doiag so by force, hut he could house. He told her that Mrs und where 1 shall aruve biter to-morrow annum. We to our I do not know of law the not tbe election when it was as Belaney's Sktlly Bokhara, Lkn.nin's DiscHAkac .When wc went to nearly $130,000 per pay paper- any requiring produc¬ certify over, hHving been taken laudanum and the wit- "In case should learn after arrive Mks tion of naturalization as to other conducted. JACOB BARKER. was asleep, having ; that you my the ollice lo hear the v.- maker alone a sum varying from $700 to $1000 a papers: qualifica¬ legally (Signed,) new that Mrs. hud died the same at Hoklwu that both und Stoddart art police yealeiuay, cloning tions, the oath ot the voter is deemed to be suffi¬ Wm. C. Auld, Secretary. understood .Skelly Conolly drnce in the euseol Airs Linneii.we lound hr r sen d in and even own head bus t-illen th» " week, according to circumstances. We employ, and if sufficient as to the ot a The above is the individual statement of Jacob Barker, day dead, my by the court, looking as lively and unci eating a. a widow cient; requirements oneof the was to hand of the ruler ot I beseech tlun. bv the of the paper, probably more than law iu one case, why not in all 1 and if not in Inspector1 of election. The inquest adjourned Thursday. Bokhara, you, well mairied." Shu laughed and chalttd with het SUoi- publication all, In reply to it, James P. Freret, the other Inspector, de¬ On Thursday the inquest was resumed. The ad¬ to exert all your powers for some higher purpose, ney, hud a smilo ol lamtitsr recognition lor the police of¬ who has the to make a difference " two hundred pereona, here and elsewhere. In power unknown clares that ho did not consider as Jacob Bar¬ same as that taken on the some more noble than and a d u mewhoh-aiiaid " kind ol to 1 on alleged by ditional evidence was the for purpose avenging tin ficers, expression & the law The penalty for perjury relied for ker, that any wa* uuder the consideration of the and und ant lot one who looked at her. 8ht was short, in the midst of Presidential the fearot in question previous day before the Police Magistrate, death of those excellent gallant officers every U.hionotly protection, and delay conducting elec¬ Inspectors at the time that A. D Kelly presented his bal¬ which is riven below. other mean, exert your powers, then, Jrassed, and in a style txtween thai of a niatiou hint a the midst of .financial, and other excite¬ has induced onr law-makers to to the lot to the that it is true that Europeans.I wore one religious, tions, yield Inspectors; just before Kelly then summed the for the Persian sl -ivi s. maid. She of those small, lall-bcck iti'tli. h'i?e of convenience in not his the as to the of an indi Mr. Baker, the coroner, up purpose ofransoming 20O,OIX) kind of straw trimmed with a the face ot an opposition of the whole argument lnteiposing any presented vote, question right out the as the bonnets, yellow ubheu, and are we to be told that vidual to vote under a certificate irom Judge Elliott, had evidence at considerable length, pointing and severitl Italians, Giovanni, watchmaker, a small nil while her duik blown l air and of all those who arrogate to themselves other restriction, the oath of which it con¬ etc who have been there from Khoro.-- uaving edging, press, a a or au Irish is not ariaen, bat in my opinion, that question had been strong circumstances euspicion , brought was coiled hentath it on the hack ol her ntck IRr of French, German, citizen, disposed slter a deliberation of be saunand Persia and thousands of those Per¬ the position of leading elements in society, the entitled to the same faith as if born in New tained ; and the , ; many 40wn. of rod and wh'te inuslin, was ol tho Nora Creiua Eng¬ The Inspectors had differed in relation to It, and had tween three nnd four hours, returned a verdict ol sians have been sold for the most immoral, unmen¬ out.loose and New York Herald is faster ahead in its when the oath of the without a certifi¬ " easy. going all^ land, latter, noted that difference in their of how doeB it happen refusal of the other in¬ Freret, Kelly sat on one of the benches teatuies the d. I, and that if there were no he would visit with his wife, ap¬ W'ht n bu on the chei ub to in committed, for, wherever there is humanity, there spector to receive another vote presented, did not challenge, put to Tub Fur Company's storks .A great deal i» put prrj the as to that other vote 1 he vote in the box. Jacob Barker was then asked by solicitors, and |i»v«il (God ki.ows buv ) the road to evil.'* will be error but we believe that we have done equally dispose of question be would vote. propriatedle witness was who heard a' ihe east about the stores, in !St. Louis, ot ; Kelly it challenge bia Barker replied he first Inspector Ilaynee, ¦Jo much lor the fair »nd now for ca-e. in place ot which it is claimed,that while the refusal a a He the Amti can Kar A ihort of then prisoner, her more in the brief of our had perfect conviction that Mr. Kelly had right to had been collecting evidence in the north. Company. description hid a good period existence, by of one the vote and disposed of the ques¬ to not bo amiss. The ere two the r»i« re been long .||le believe the which we have assumed in maimer, public 1844 vate where, with two medical aiiendauis, mense iron imbedded in hiick, with vents 11 part in bringing the deceased girl within ibe province position who should be left to act and New O leans. 1st July, lodgings, apartment, >1 it calmly considerately Mr Barker to further -the remains ill. Symptoms of prema- the wall lor heat to escape, and upon a solid fonn Bond', design, atiil did not sustain the churne, and the contest, now fitfully going on over the coun¬ on ot their oaths. refusing recognise any proceed¬ dangerously sitting ie should her So she win the responsibility as the of the and the iure labor cameame on a few ago; but, what ie 1ation of stone jKtna might belch lava upon it, and ths acquit piocoiincid ucipiitted, has of seen the I did ings doings Inspectors, Secretary days tnd left room .Niw OrUam 14. try between Clay and Polk, been advantage It will be by process verbal, that he could not act without two Inspectors, the fol still worse, one of the men pronounces the nooks would be safe! Above that is an extensive room ihe.court Picuyunr, July Elliott ceru -aying medjc-il u to the management and morality of both sides. not object to the impeachment of any lowing compromise or arrangement was entered into, vis : heart to be diseased. Of this I have had some luiiuiug the whole length of the building, heie hug- cate or that might be presented; all 1 A arisen between the hales of biinkets, lurs, boxes ol hardware and other in Love.Dbsrr tion. Tuicidk..The Cincinnati are less than were six months presented, misunderstanding having luspec lread myself." They personal they contended for was, that without evidence they tors, in relation to the Elliott votes, the Inspectors entered Mr. .It is in evidence Mrs. Belaney cosariesof the trade are stored The floors above an mmnirrciul of Moudny gives the particulars of a and one of nt ol the case us detailed in the procea verbal, should be O.t the 9th he wrote:. quired in managing well the complicated peculiarities o whom she had liv. d five audio whim seems, at last, to have come to the serious discus¬ issued no evidence was adduced " previously yiars, by Judge Elliott; -ubmitted to Judge Maurian for his opinion thereon an I The worst that could be dreaded has come to too tree. The rear warehouse present* the appearance o' ho waa passionately attachrd He h d w iiit« n lot hi r lo sion of the measures at issue in this contest, and that th- y were a part of the 1743 inquired about by if such should be obtained before closi g the is no more. You shall know all an immense factory. A gioat number of men arc cut tome on to Si. oil her n lust d to opinion polls ..ass Rachel and Louis, but, airival, umiry to have in some its the Senate, or of the 19 impeached. his judgment should control the conduct of the fnspectors Put the men off work at the new house. As such .tantly in active employ, sorting arranging skins -er, or even to live In the tame house w iih her In a state abandoned, degree, vitupera¬ and tbeis in : t Mr. Conlon, about whose vote tbe first difficulty on all questions el law ; otherwise the contents of both not done at the and lime works packing, pressing, putting away bales .I distraction ahe purehaaed and stvallnwed two ouncea tion and scurrilous abuse. were jould be quarry machine bt used in the of similai arose, had resided in this city fourteen years, anu boxes to be mingled and counted together, but it was without inconvenience to the I log operation pressing if arsenic Having taken it, sbst told the peiaoia in the to of agreed that the Elliott vote should not be great partnership, in though (mailer of course, than a New Or 'muse wheie she liw« to w a-h the clean, in In relation to religion, and the introduction had been, as he supposed, legally naturalized by expressly not desire the same there. I am able principle, put up cup he had an Amer¬ counted in the general return, but a separate note made ol shall hardly leans cotton preai. which ahe had mixed the poiaon; and they, aupiioting her into controversy, we have follow¬ Judge Elliott.suppose purchased to sit but to be able to write to-mo*row Our sketch it no means a one, but religion political out a in his own hem, and the whole proceeding!, duly signed by both the up; hope by complete msj ntoxicated or crazy, hod htr taken lo the w a'chhotiae. to Bame ican ship, and taken register JACOB more As her death has occurred chief¬ those at a distance a idea ol the extensive was Oil the and until the moment of the calls 4 ed the same course, and adhered the gen¬ a allow that to Inspectors. (Signed,) BARKER, particulars. give slight way , her death name, would just public ship JAMES P. FRERET. s>rangers and so an inuuest in which the compauy carry on their operations.. Hi .n her lover in the moat and distracted Ian- eral treating with and decorum as to an without al¬ ly amongst suddenly, passionate principles, propriety Be forfeited belonging alien, W. C. Auld, Secretary. and pott mortem examination will be held. This Louit Rivetilt. (tiago, and ever and anon, in the inter vala ol her expiring Chtistian sect, which may have its founda¬ lowing the validity oi the certificate to be investi¬ New Orleans, July lat, 1844. me. Of 1 do not she would her r vt r which the tilm of every has been mentioned to course, Drkaupui, Tornado at Chamiiersbtiro..We gouiet, open eyes, in eternal but our face gated 1 if not, they would not allow his citizen¬ After making the aforesaid agreement the election pro¬ to it." leAth waa drawn, and clntpirg at the nearest tion truth, invariably setting the of the object are indebted to an lor the follow already " ship in any case tube impeached wi'hout proof and gressed under superintendence two inspectors was dated June, without intelligent friend, person, exclaim in heart-rending accents; ii this my the of the clerical character which The next letter specify¬ extract of a dated e against introduction without trial. Jacob Barker. and secretary, during the following named indivi but had the mark of June 14. It ing letter, over f" Hi died with hia name upon her lips. Ii that the of with duals, viz : Charles William Bardels. Thomas Kelly, and ing the duy, post CHaMsxasauaa, Pa July 19 1844 .I write In haste, to man's heart ia made of anything less penetrable thin ada- intothe political field; mingling religion INSPECTORS' RETURN. themselves was addressed to Mr. Kichard Hall, North Sunder¬ inlorm ot the destruction ol the mill oi Om.r.Ani. St. Chaslk Hotkl, 1st 1844. Hen y Uortjohn presented and claimed the you large paper mament, there are many pangs in storo lor It. the dirt ot this world. When Catholics have been New July, right to vote They were challenged on the ground the) land. It began :. the bank of the Conecocheague creek, ill this town. A The foil for the El-ctton to be held Ihti dayfor the firet been naturalized citizens the oath that tornado over this about two o'clock this af unjustly assailed by Presbyterians, we have de- Ward the Second had ; they would London,June,1S44. pasted place Mariuaoe intiik Moore of Municipality: true answers make to all questions which should be " Dear Hull.O! I am distracted. 1 cannot ternoon It lasted but a few minutes, but when it had PoliceOrrics..Pquire feuded and when have The Poll wis opened under the inspection of James P. pro¬ this extensive lav a mass of ruins. Then united a couple hi the bond* of them; Presbyterians Seers at is pounded to them, touching tbeir right to vote was taken write nor do any 1 have lost my dear Ra¬ passed, building "holy matrimony," Ereret and Jacob Darker, Wm C. Aubl, ary, and nil stated that na thing. were seventeen or in the mill at the in the hack room of tbo Police Office, yesterday molting- been assailed by Catholics, we have defend¬ tout* wtio ofiered Tor by all, they they had obtained their chel what makes the loss so much the worse, eighteen persons unjustly o'clock, and all the legally qualified . uralization certificates from Elliott's that ; and, timeof the occurrence, all of whom were, got out aftei I he bride was a girl who had come to ihia place iiom / I- we have fallen about one were when Conlon Judge Court, was own from t ies- ed them also. But uniformly, upon hour received, Stephen pre were ci'izens of the United States, that had re it caused by my neglect, leaving considerable exertions Among them were Dr. Culbert mny on a boat, and hud bes n persuaded to take up hi .ented himselfand d> manded the to his natura¬ they they 1 had been at a uhh .fur- both, when they departed from that golden rule oi right vote, sided in the state for one year and in the ward lor six -ome medicine which myself taking son, Sen., the proprietor, who escaped w ith some sever* idence house in Kdiuhurgh street, which lization papers having been issued by the City Court ol months and that had mine portion of for my stomach, in a tumbler on bruise* and acratchoi.hit two sous, Dr. Kdmund and Mr wards ascertained to be a bouse of bad repute 1 he over, the author of the Christian faith." Whatsoever ye over which Elliott at the limv ; immediately preceding, they paid .d'li to hack to Al¬ Lafayette Judge presided taxes to the State of Louisiana wi hin the last six months : ihe of ihe drawers at the opposite end of the John UulberUon, lioth ol whom are severely injured j a ol tbe poor had determined semi her was on that account when the iol- top a l ad be¬ would that men should do unto you, do ye even his vote objected to, whereupon the said James P. Freret refused te contidei room where she was. She had gone for the tum¬ little boy. grundton of Dr. C, who i* very badly hurt; bany, but young man named William Wurnsi lowing proceedings took place. entitled to and their ballots were it ob¬ seven or females, tome of whom are come smitten with her charms, on tbe boat, anil h- ming so unto them." and them vote, marked Elliott bler, and poured some water into without eight badly injured d to Stephen Conlon presented himself claimed the right retained to the terms ofthe aforesaid a and five or six men, some ol whom are also hurt. if her tribulatinus earns! to tne police otnee and oilers was adminis¬ and agreeably agree serving any thing in it, the medicine being only hudly In financial and commercial affairs, we have car¬ to vote, hie right being challenged, the oath ment. Thia mill was erected several years since, at o cost ol console her wnU hia hand and hi ait. She accepted, and tered.he awore that he had resided in the State for one imall portion of liquid in the bottom of the glass, Moore who was tied the knot in the war and Oreat efforts were mode throngh the day to obtain thi $8(1,000 It was employed entirely in the manufacture ot "quire present, tight- ried on a against ignorance, impudence, tha election, superadding that >nd clear as the glass or water. Then she had straw and hoards vat manner Lkmoaat. year immediately preceding presence ol and opinion of Judge .Maurian-they not being not to do. paper binders' large quantities ot possible..Hocheittr from the first of this he had been a resident of tbe of New Orleans lor near¬ the Poll was closed at the drunk it. Oh, God! I know what which were In it at the time of the accident. The tormi pretension, inception journal, he hadcityresided sia successful, appointed hour and my me. ly fourteen years, that in the ward the ballots those Irom the second into dear Rachel is gone, gone forever from do from N. W. to 8 K and was very u t up to the present time.from 1835 to 1844.dearly months the that ho had mingled by placing My we were to¬ passed violent; Scboolky'a Moijntaims.. We believe a gondiy immediately preceding election, the ffrat box, when the inspectors proceeded to count the You and *11 of you knew how !iai>py seemed to he jtut on tbe edge of it, for the sun then* ti.kcn a toe In this contest we have met with the a tax to the State within tne laat year, and being ask* in out number of Philadelphinns have r«fuge fium ten years. paid same, and there appeared to have been received. gether. I had just gone, leaving her bed, of brightly while the rain pound down in torrent* I ut> the at and nrr ed il he wea an adopted citizen of the United States, said other derstaud that it has done much to heat ol city echooley'a Mountains, Joy¬ from the the bank¬ roa airaasKivTATivaa TO iovobkss from 3d district : the room for a minute or so, into the room, injury crops, buildings a uir, nod ihc cum'orti of a tabic- strongest opposition speculators, he waa and tbe papers hereunto appended mark kc to w a ing good good tliiiing presented Alcee Lthrtnche received 13S votes. B. Thihhdaux re¬ in search of another bottle to put the medicine in; tree*, in thecountry. The wind seemed go ith and in seaaon. There an two houss s. the blacklegs, and corrupt financiers of all ed A. and D., James P. Kreret, Esq., one of the off kc. in it* course. shuo'iiig brinp Just rupts, whereupon ceived 'J»f> votes. Jno. SUdell received S votes. for I had broken the one it was in, and had got a whirling motion, twisting trees, Uoth well kept we have before tis o letter from a Iriend kinds. But ourselves on the Judges of election, objected to receiving the same, and having planted piin- Jacob Barker, the other Judge, insisted on its being roa arrarszivTATiTRs to thz ststz i.roislatpbi. tumbler in the meantime to secure the contents hi, at Iti lmont Hall, (Mr Hinchmsn's ) It sets lonh, in at¬ we are to use Lynching .A case of lynching occurred a lew tractive lHii^tuge, the mcnts whirh the ciples ot honesty and common sense, happy received and proposed to hear any evidence going to its V Fate Rtrtived. Patei Jtrrrivtd. and she had got out of bed the and take enjoy place sup¬ that be offered.where Mr. 134 339 were on the table her day* ago in Panola, MiBfisoippi. A laborer, in th» plies and the means of hunlth at command. Tchool-') 's t' t'uut the sea is now smooth around us.that Impeachment might upon Ouyarr* Lavergne some salts, which by bedside, Irom aie of say Ereret stated that it had been by the Senate Johnson 131 Burthe 343 to take some water alter the employment ot a clergyman in Holmes county, stole vfoiintidns easy access, via New Brunswick, New- has almost the impeached and, wishing salts, his a man, twoorthreo horses, and hi> or New Vork A cor mentions Ihat trout tiie whole country adopted prin¬ of Louisiana, that he would not listen to any testimony Durrive 133 Lathrop 333 and the class an and clean one, employer negro irk, respondent his certificate of naturalization waa from Gtrdin supposing empty two daughters, one alieiit twelve and the other ten } ear* are to he caught and woodcock shet. in th it vicinity. ciples of finance which we have announced and beyond that Ramos 137 937 she had to tne other end of the room, un¬ his to Judge Elliott.Mr. Barker denied that it had been im K inteneau 1*3 Pilie 339 gone of age He was caught near Helena, on way Arkae and that the currency is now in a better < roseman knowingly water into it. and, oh,God! sa« or Texas, when; he and the intended to Biiikt defended, peached and demanded proof.the said Stephen Conlon Walker 133 338 poured negro f *xack Church .The of the new to and better understood the than being further interrogated whether he had paid a tux to 143 A wry 240 have mercy upon us nil, she drank a portion ot it. wives of their little captives. By terrible threats they bar' plan church, condition, by people, last answered affirma¬ Wiuthrop f heard her for me in the other room. I flew prevented the youug girls from giving any slsini Tin .>e erected by Bishop Henshaw's Society, has bu»n the State within the six months, Locke 131 Ferrer 343 cry .greed It is fr«m the of Mr U a it was before. and referred to a in his to ascer¬ 137 238 to it was all over in a few min¬ rest of th# tale is thus told by the Mrmphit JCn/mrsr upon design Upjotin, tively receipt possession Vason Ituvignand her; but, oh,God! " architect <>| New Vork some of the causes which con¬ which Jaa. P. Ereret re¬ M < 'anuon 1 now a state on Alter the'wo ti'nds were tiiaen. thev were hand Coffer listinguithe.l Trinity Church, These are have tain thedate of receipt Daunoy 131 utes, slid I nrn in of mind bordering It is to ha of G Wltn a tower two hundrtdf et to andpayment,it was handed to to on 8. J. Peters 1 and ! ruught buck to Panola. The Ollixeus, hearing tin pure >thic, to the success of this and quested see, him.objected Cruzat 343 utter misery nnd madness. In the sudden shock I tome .ii at the North Eastern and will he slui tributed establishment, the of was afterwards handed in and circums'ances. ami le uing that they might in w») height Mirier, have it the'reach of its foes, either ground roa saivAroRUL aiaiiata to thi. ceavaitTioa : knew not what to do or say. I called for immedi¬ the punishment due to their crimes, orgaiui.*Y completed, one of the most magniBci nt occb ut placed beyond appended, marked C. Mr. Barker proposed te mark on received 147 votes. Mai tin fllache It wus bat of no use. escape -truetores in the Is-en or low. We have been in the midst of a end it in the box and in John R. Orymes ate assistance. brought; themselves into an extra Judicial tribunal, and appointee country The lot has enlarged by high the back of the vote, Elliott, put received 330 votes. occurrence in a situ¬ to Ire to th* the lots on »V*,t- financial, moral, political, and religious revolution tne certificate of returns to set foith all the facta of the The awful having taken place a jiry ol twelve men, who sen'encrd them severelj 'dding original gtoitnd adjacent now the roa pashm to ths cosimios : ation where I am unknown, all are stran- cow hided, the sentence to he eju uted one ii pun the other mlnster and Mattbewson streets..Providtnet Jvwnl, Ju¬ ever since we started. We have passed case that might come before a higher tribunal to be acted entirely '10. most of that revolution, and begin which Mr. Freret the vote was fatal Rtceived. VetII Rtcittd. around, and the people being much inclined to This was accordingly done, then'gro receiving thirtj ly dangerous parts on, positively refuaed.and man five lashes well laid oi to reap the fruits ot having advocated throughout not put in. J. B. Plauchn ISA W. Christy 138 3ereoubt my statement that she was my wite, and five and the white twenty JACOB W. 137 W C C f laiborna 239 elae I I am in a terrible situaiion with a cowhide. The sentence was for each to recoivr Rack* .This affair is announces! to adherence to right principles in every (Signed,) BARKER, Bogart every thing said, were so Quehkc department JAMES P. FRERCT. ISA A. Mai'ireau 338 as fifty lashes, hut they gushed with the number eotne off on the and 36'h inat. There ot human life. The recent riots in P. Soul* The law hasa right to suspect tne, and yet I have nbote that the mercy remitted the balance ©J, 24th, Wm. C. (I. B Cenas 123 J. P Benjamin 347 to or what stated popular ire five of and four pursea or stake* and Illinois, and the excitement in this city, in (Signed,) Anno, 8ec*y. not a creature found prove my marriage, were then handed over to their guatd to betaken piecea plate, marked B Marigny 138 R Hunt SAO 1 or who I am. I have to Th»y to he run varying in value from £100 down¬ which the prelate oi a certain church participated Taper (\ ) M. Cannon 131 A C. Bullitt 3.0 am, nothing prove any back to ft dmes. O :r informant heard in Panoln that thi lor, so and so are but the remnants. The State of Louieitna City Court of Lafayette.Be It as white man had been to death tho citixeni ol wards. largely foolishly, that late ol the United J. C. Larue 120 Jno Culbertson 343 thing yet." whipped by the expiring efforts of the troubled spirit of a day remembered, Stephen Conlon, E. Latere 137 (lardcre 1 The letter, which was written in a trembling that county, but is not oertain that hi* information i* ror- ever. will Kingdom of Oreat Britain and Ireland, appeared in the and was in some was roct." Calfuojita 8p*!!»o Races, r*NADA..Th« fo new passed for These recent explosions V Jourdon 137 Winthrop 1 nand, parts scarcely legible, ______City Court of Lafayette en the i8th day of June, 1S4J, and camr off on Thuraday and last. On the only tend to give a new force and momentum to declared on oath in Court that it was bona fide his F. F-ustis I3N J Barker of considerable length, and the prisoner earnestly Friday open Crossman to for and Canink F (treymnntlc took ilie the public mind in the right path ; and also to give intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to C. itosetint 3SA } entreated Mr. Hall do nil he could him, day. to those which understand their renounce forever all to 0 M. Conrad 042 J. K. Orymes i wait upon his friends nnd Mrs. 8tobbs, the aunt of dog volun eriljr attached itself to the Rtoton Greys Farmer*' puree; and Mr. McMantei'a f*nm Slick, journals position allegiance every foreign Prince, as lussed the of has a and the time, a greater circulation and a greater Potentate, State or Sovereignty whatever, and particu¬ S. J. Peter* 338 the deceased, and send them to London. It con¬ they through city New York, and .von th-1 purse hi trolling match. On the second ever. to Vicoria, of Oreat Britain and Ireland. JAMES P. must now I am followed them on to Baltimore They rndoavoted on s»- Mr. Richard's luead won the trotting puree influence than larly Queen (Signed,) FRF.RF.T, Inspector. cluded with these words."I stop ; veral occasions to drive without success !. day, on In testimony who;eof I have hereunto set hand and J WiOB unconscious dream." it back but ol £95. niilca in 3min 2t>-» r; the With these few remarks, our present position my BARKER, Inspector. quite bewildered, as if in an in the drum, an t at ull times when th performing 1^ affixed tha seal of said at the oi Wh. C persisted following second heat in 4min 2e».v<-snv othvr »ole iO I >"S rying on the business of the concern, and ob¬ the company Intend a lop'ing it, as -t* courage is un>lnu'> variety lest extent all who understand the of the *S the saiii Conine rnulinaed si'h- pulls, dnnsndias to h