THE NEW YORK HERALD. NEW YORK, TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 23, 1844. .. THE NEW YORK HERALD. LOUISIANA ofJtffrrion City Court uflht C'ty <f LofaytUe.To all to included in th« count aforeaaid, were for Alckc La Mr. Bell, mid dated June 15,1344, mid staled that Afkaius in Hatti..We had received King, toe, ELECTION. whom the$r prrtrvtt may <omr, fretting.- Whereas, at the ¦ SAM HK KOH C'o.VuHI**. he was directed by Mr. Belmiey, who was then in Jamaica, paper* to (lie 1st instant, inclusive. AGGREGATE CIRCULATION City Couit of Laiay ette, held in the City oi Lafayette, this JFvr For the Senatorial Convention. They of Lfgiilaturt. custody, and had been examined before the Magis¬ contain the annexed lieu : eighth day September, Anno Domini one thousand Gay am- Jo J no K Gryme* do do to atate ihat lie the bu.-itiesh to on Hay intelligence TffTHE PUBLIC. hundred and and in the trate, wished go We learn that a tailed ihe THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND. eight forty-three, sixty eighth Johnton do J B Planeho, for Parish do as and advis¬ Haytien venal, Gsneial year of the oi the United States of America, do usual, that Mr.BelaneyGsolicitorhed Herratd, armed here ou la.t Iron Fort au Independence I-iurrlvo <!. W Bogart do none e be Saturday THE ELLIOTT VOTES. Stephen ('onion, iate oi the Kingdom of Great Britain, Hamos do P. Saiiic do do ed that of his correspondenc should seen, Prince, with about ttfiren rtlugee*, pttnci) ully ft males. To (lt« Public. came and und o allow no one to Bee ot his THE NEW TORK appealed in said Court, and made application to Fontoneau do H. B. Cenas dodo any private papers The cause ot theii quitting their countty. at a time w hen HERALD.daily newspaper.pat- be made a citin n of the United States of America; and Walker do B do do of whatever nature they might be. Tne writer also it la (aid 'hat things are quiet, we have been unable to ac¬ llihsd every day of the year except New Year's day and on thu and Marigny nre to an The circumstances attendant the recent elec¬ having complied with all conditions requisites do M.Caunon do do requested that all letters for Mr. Belaney should be count lor, and therefore led conclude that though Fourth of July. Price a cent* per copy.or #7 36 per ol the Winihrop n in advance. tion having become the subject of public discussion, acts oi Congress in such esses made and provided, Locke do J. C Lai ue do do sent under cover to him (Mr. CU.rke,) at 17, King ? uch ia the rrpoit, .till allajn remain ui tiled '1 ho auni.Doatagt* paid.cash it is that the facts of the case for establishing a uniform rule oi naturalization, and the Vason do F. Lessre do do to their s»eu or Hay tien ptoj le, nke the (uLans, ait i KM on gi> guar .td THE WEEKLY HERALD.published every Saturday important precise oath to oi States sireet, Stepney, prevent being pub¬ 13 annom- should be knowu. have to a suppoit the Constitution the UuiteJ of Daunoy do N. Jourdan dodo in any con.iiiunicalioua they make telatii g to the political morning.price 4} cent* per copy, or 96 per I, therefore, request America, and to renounce all aud to lished. afla.taoltheir cash n a 1vanes perusal of the return made the lor allegiance fidelity G Kustls do do Two found in the were country. poa.agea paid, by Inspectors every Prince, Potentate, Stato or was wills, prisoner's house, Several ot the toalt¦ have however titer, and ADVERTISERS are lnlermed that the circulation of the First Ward ol the Secoud u foreign Sovoieignty The other one not included in the aforesaid'count, read. were the and his jolted tcgi Municipality, copy whatever, being administered unto him in open Couit, for B. Thisodscs roa Cosossss They hy prisoner wile, have chuiteied an An,email u l.oon r for »h< of tte Herald 1* over THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND, and in¬ of which is hereunto annexed. the Hon. B. C of ssid und in the same terms, mutual purpMe f»*t. It has the circulation of present Kiliott, Judge Court, ho, For Lriiilaturt. For He Senatorial Conoontion. precise ly containing uku g them ba. k to Hay U while the tea ah a an tot- creasing largest assy payer It having been generally that the the said Steph> n Con Ion, is, virtue thereof, and the be quests i.f all their Irom ibe one to the heie clotn« aim cakta lor tale in this t tht and the hest channel reported Whig by CruiHi do Martlu Rlsche do no property, washing a, making ctty, world, is, therefore, Inspectors had agreed not to receive the votes ot premises, declared and enrolled a citizen ol the United other. were dated the 17tli ol last. plo^iukari, that ev.i sinca the arrival oi Otn* tal er, husitiess me > in the or country. Prices moderate Laveiigne do C. Roselius, tor Pariah, do They M--y hoy for city ceitificHtesot naturalization issued States Burthe I) a labourer in the the F.x lie.ident ol ti, m thik ikiaud liom < no .cash in advance. holding affixed do M. Conrad do do Wilson, prisonri's employment, Hay huioy at the most modorat* Earsonsy Judge Elliott, I called upon James P. ln;testimony whereof,I have the seal of said Court Lathrcp do 8 J Peters dodo said he had witnes.-ed these wills the evening be¬ haa been nnable lo quit bu mion.ee in cou.iqun.ci ot PRINTING of all kind* executed Freret, at the of this of in tevaie tin uniatl.ln It teen eta'ed thai , associate to the the City Lafayette, eighth day September, Gardere do W. ChrU'v dodo leit both ol itiem ha« alko tea Gene price, and hi the most elegant style. Esq my superintend election, the of our one thousaud hundred and fore Mr. and Mrs Belaney home, raj nat all idea ol to know il he to re- year Lord, eight Piiie do W. C C. Claiborne do do a similai given up returning to tht pontic*I bi rua JAMES GORDON BENNETT, day previous, had determined and the of the ol ' being present. More, shoemaker, gave ol and haa made hi. mind to or the Huild fort)-three, sixty eighth independence roiiman do A. Mazureaa do Hay ti, up spend the icmaili- PaoraiKToa Eitablnhme!<t, |ect such votes without enquiry as their validity. the United State* of America. evidence. der ol hu a ua. Northwest corner of Fulton and Nassau (treats Avery do J P Benjamin do do day aaioug His reply was, that he had so determined, and that (Signed) A. PHELPS, Clark. Karrar do R Hunt do do Matgaret Ronald, a servant ol the prisoner and F.x I'reaident Hctaid, who also arrived here while la- he a would not listen to any arrangement or compro¬ Paper marked (C.) Duvignard do A. C BnPlt do do hia wile, said that her mistress hun once had hoting under kev> it indiepoaition, hat ktni it man *d inv i- Revival of Business and Everything mise in relation thereto. Received, Parish oi Washington, 3d day of January, A. Jno. Ciilbertson do do miscarriage during the night, hut that no medical aible. Few persons have kren him, and those lew l ave D of Mr. of New no dot at .on t» on Prospects of the Country. I considered it my imperative duty to refrain 18-11, 8tepben Conloa, Orleans, JAMB* P. FRERET, assistance was called in. had to call ujaHt him hia teitdente. hti< the from case which be Urs six cents, in full for his Parish and State Tax for 1343 (Signed,) Inspector. a a let- Hope load. i here was a lepoit in low u that the F.Jv-l'ie- must admit that the in all prejudging any might present¬ on of au acre JACOB BARKER, William Shaw, police Serjeant, produced Every person country, ed to the lor their and cominu one-sixth of land situate and lying in the Inspector. ter the hi the aioent had mado up hu nund to reaide with ua at u to. the Iiicpectois decision, Parish of Wm. C Aui d, Secretary. written by prisoner stutton-hou-e, lemuinder ol and with thu View mace u.ru>a the elements of prosperity, intelligence, und mo¬ nicated those to the Democratic citizens Washington. was to Mr hu lite, b.d opinions ) A. C. BICKHAM, Sheriff and «x officio New Orleans, 3J July, 18-14. which he intercepted. It addressed w ith the Iru.-teea ot lor the inciter ol At an- an occasioual of the them of the determination (Signed and was Uourguea j rals, notwithstanding outbreak, is Ward, notifying Collector oi Toxai lor the Parish of Washington Emtilrtcn, ol Alnwick, Northumberland, juex in n, in the pallih ol hi. AtidlLW. uhmu m mued that it not hi u faster forward than ever it did at any former ol Mr. Freret, and would be my pow¬ The dute, name and quantity (oi luad) in the aforesaid Curloua and Interesting Kx tracts from Late very similar in its language to the oue addressed to i. .uiil. u.n. .,/«» (i. n-keepier oi taiuor hut the cor- going er to receive vote to however to havee been wriwritten on erasures lectin re ol thu ha.
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