Fulling, Dyeing, and JACOB SMITH's by the Latest Arrivals. STONE
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" ••"m WHOLE NO 442. NORWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1826. £{]•< <A'-'<xxxxxxxxxxV<xxx>:><xs JOHN BURRALL •HAKD-WARE, &c. • iiAtitMYAM&. "••• PUBLISIIKD BY AS lately ree'd from New York an ad JOILY BTJlillJlLL S. W. REXVEDICT. H dition to his stock in trade. Amongst JACOB the articles are the following, viz— .TERMS.—TWO Dollars per annum, payable AS just received from York an addi (Successor to N. Beers ) tion jjp his stock of Hard Warp, besides Cogniac Brandy, 4th proof, ofan excellent Quarterly. Mail subscribers in advance. H RYING-PANS, English Shovels,a gen • ho all assortment of Hollow Ware, and reels quality ; Holland and Pierpont Gin;St.Croix ADVERTISEMENTS, less than a square, 75 eral assortment of Scotch Hollow W^re, confident, altho'he does not consider himself and New England Rum ; Brown Sugars, a F Cents.; a iouare, $1 00, for three insertions. English Blister Steel, Trace Chains, a gene good assortment ; Loaf and Lump Sugars;— a Successor to any one, lie can sell as cheap. ral assortment of FILES aud RASPS, Cast $S? <><,<>:?^xxxxxxxx^xxxxxxx* Young Hyson, Hyson Skin, and Old Hyson The following articles comprise apart of and German Steel, Saws, Butts and Screws, Teas ; muscatel Raisins, by the box or pound, ACCOM M OD ATION PACKETS. his assortment, viz : Clout Nails, Brads, Wrought and cutTacks, cheap. A quantity ofAmerican Glass, by the Desk and trunk Locks Table and teaspoons Thumb Latches, Scissors and Shears, Jack box, ofthe firs'quality. Stock and dead do ink powder and Pen knives, shoe knives, bread & butch -LIKEWISE. Shovels & Spades ; Shovels Chest and pad do Lather brushes and er do, Plain Irons, Assortment of Locks, and Tongs, and Gridirons, cheap ; whitewash Curtain pins boxes Bolts for doors and shutters, centre bits, Can Brushes ; ground Log Wood, &c. fcc. Commode nobs Norfolk and common dlesticks, Bed screws nd keys, Iron squares, %b Siilfont FJOYTSSf CO-'S Landing at Likewise, Halfpint Tumblers, a good as Snuff 8c, tobacco boxes latches and ketches Curry Combs, Snuffers fc Trays. Coffee mills • Vorwalk.for Peck-Slip. New- York. sortment^ jNorwalk. April 16, l8'i'6. HE Norwalk Line of Packets have com Block tin tea pots Coarse and line tooth Slates, sand' paper, Chissels, Brass Knobs, harnesses,&c T menced their weekly trips, and will sail Qninebaug and sand combs VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Brass Curtain Pins, Shot, Paint brushes, >egithrly through the season in flie following stones Pocket Books wal FOR SALE. Norwalk. September 25. -NEW ESTABLISH onier: Sloop CITIZEN j Brown, to leave Not Wilson's Bread and lets VALUABLE Real Estate HJiRVEY E. HOYT Shoe and scrubbing 'walk for New York on Tuesdays, and return shoe knives • B I * A situated near the village of NOTICE. D ESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends the Saturday following: Sloop MECHANIC, Butts and screws brushes I3E I Stamford^ state of Connecticut, JOILV BURRALL and the public generally, that he has IToyl, on Thursdays, and resurn th» Tuesday Wrought Tacks and Scissors and shears thirty-Sfx miles from New York. opened ashop in the east-room of LockivoodSf AS received dming 'iie past week a new following ; and Sloop SATUNA. Daskam, on Sparables Wafers It consists of two large Flour Mills, one of St John's Store, a few rods east of the Bi dge, supply of Groc eries-, which he will dis 3.iio:(iavs.and return the Thursday following. Jack &. pen knives Sand paper * Sixteen and the other eight run of stories, ca H where he> keeps, and is manufacturing, a pose of WHOLESALE arfU RETAIL, on For Freight or Passage apply to the Cap Curry combs Awls, and shoe tnck ^ pable of grinding'one thousand bushels per variety o^SADDLES, BRIDLES. H AR the most reasonable terms for cash. Tavern tains on board, or at the Store of Cast hob nails . Betts' Blacking week They are located on Long Island NESS. TRUNKS, CAPS, PORTMAN keepers wishing to be supplied, will do well HOYTS&CO. Spades and shovels Pegrrig awl hafts and Sound, with 'lie sole use of the harbor,(which TEAUS, HOLSTERS, and .VAL1CES; to call. Norwalk, April 1, 132G. 0 Shovels and tongs sewing do is never impeded by ice when the Sound is together with various less commodities ;;pper H Gnd Iron* An assortment of cut navigable) admitting vessels from seventy to Cogniac Brandy by the barrel or less quanti>. tenant to his business, made expressly for SLOOP ORANGE--Regular Packet. Barber's Razors Nails eighty tons burthen ; together with houses in St. Croix Rom do do customers. SYLVAN us S. RAYMOND. Masiei, Benj.'s razor straps Norwalk, the immediate vicinity, calculated for the res New England do . do He has also for sale, Whips, Spurs, Tteavrs jVorivalk evert] Tuesday and returns September 13. 1826. idences of millers and other labourers, with Old Jamaica Rum suitable for medicine Sleigh Bells, qjid an eligible selection of from. .\rt w York every Saturday. work shops for blacksmiths and mill wriglus. Various kinds of Wine, from 6s. to 28s. per Brass and silver plated, fjotted, and J.apaned OCK WOOD'S,- ST.JOHN ; ssasohtahle g$ods.- and all the modern improvements for carry Ga lon Hard Ware, Buffalo Robes, fcc. fcc. all of would inform their friends L MAY BE FOUND AT ing on the business so as to tender it lucra Loaf and Lump Sugars which may be obtained on as moderate terms • ml the public, that they have tive to the purchaser. Nutmegs as usual September 23. as at any similar establishment. ms^assmtim^entered into the marketing bu- JACOB SMITH'S **"" Old articles promptly repaired. siii;->>, and request a share of their patronage, GENERAL Assortment of Fancy and Also, an elegant modern built Wanted, CATTLE'S HAIR. which they hope to merit, by their attentions Staple DRY GOODS, and of as good FOR SALE AT THIS Oi< FICE. A Norwalk. Jan 2d. 1826. 3m45 to please, and exertions to accommodate. quafity as can he found :— • j Dwelling-Ronse, For freight or passage, apply to the packet Superfine Blue and black Cloth Ang. 21, 1826. Large and commodious, well adapted for the Norwalk. Dispensary Office in tlie rear of Eli B. Bennett's Store, do blue'and black Cassimeres residence of the proprietor or any other gen East TM\(\ O£ .Main-Street. (from which place the Orange will hereafter Superfine claret coloured Cloth teel family, and commanding a beautiful and RON POTS, large and small ' Sign oj the Mortart -urn) or to the Captain on board. -Sartinetts of all kinds. S Point Blankets extensive view of Longlsland and the Sound. Dish Kettles do do N. B. Lock wood St. John will continue Devonshire Kersey. Bang-up Cords I South of the Bridge Fishing, Fowling, fcc. in all their varieties.— Common and covered Spiders fheit f>ry Good business at their old stand Red, -white, and green Flannels Attached to the House is an extensive Garden Skellets High Pans r ri H E Propriety* ii;;ve r.-i.uitly been male N'i- wall;. September 18 ___ Green Baizes. Tartan &. Caroline Plaids of several acres, beautifully located, and con Iron Dogs, various sizes JL ing considerable additions to the above Fustian, an excellent article for pantaloons "" NEW ARRANGEMENT. taining a great variety of choice fruits, flow Spades and Shovels (Enalish) establishment, which, together with former Russia Duck and Russia Sheeting • For Saivpitj jYorioalk, and Bridgeport. ers, and shrubbery,with an ice house, summer Trace Chains Wool Cards stock, enables them to offei to their friends Sft Dorchester Ticking, first quality... rii IIE Steam Boats house, and handsomely laid ontwiih gravel Slates and Pencils the public as extensive assortment of Sheeting and Shirting Mnsiins^.- JL JOHN MAR walks, together with about forty acres of land Wisk Blooms and Brushes Furniture Chintz. 4 4 a^id 7-8 Irish Linens SHALL, fc LAFAY- divided into tillage, meadow, and wood,— Writing ami Letter Paper, and Quills Uatfwt <Eunmcal«, &c London, French and American Prims ETTE, have commen- j Barns, stables, granary, and other out houses. Also. Glass Ware and Crockery, an assort As are usually mood I^ ,* CI.IICMV storo.wmcil 7 4 Mantle Merino Shawls. tied running to and from New York Bridg- ] The whole embracing an Island immediately ment they will dispose of. Wholesale and Retail, oii 7-4, 4-4,"and 6 4 Prussian £shawfs •" port everv du v, {Sundavs excepted) as follows: connected with the main land. The above articles together with an assort the most re^sonn' le .rv. s :<>.• .,sh. 6 4 and 4-4 Cashmere.Shawls The John Marshall will leave New York on The above extensive and valuable Real ment^! A splendid assomnent of fancy D«css Shawl DRY GOODS, SODA WATER. Tuesdays. Thursdays, at d Saturdays, at nine . Estate will be sold separate or together. Fot Foi sale cheap bv 6 4 and 7 4 Cassimere Shawls, very low They respectfully -<• qu n^u i-m- Public- that o'clock, A. M. stopping at Sawpit &. Norwalk; j desirableness of situation, beauty of prospect, thgy ha.ve at langth 'succeeded- in fitting up, Furniture Binding. Clarks Spool Cotton liQCICWOOD & S1UQHK. and returning, leave Bridgeport on Mondays, ' or place ot business.it is no piobahlv exceed Gentlemen's & Ladies1 Hosiery, and Gloves ifl'the first order, ihei acparatus lor manufac Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 9 A. M.; Nor ed in the state,and therefor possesses import turing and drawing SODA WATER, &. will Black, white, and colored CantotfcCrapes Cotton iiattiug, walk 11 A. M. and Sawpit 1 P. M. The La ant advantages cither tu the man of business Jie^eafter keep a ronsian!.