Stratford • Dargo • Lindenow • Shannon Waters • • Swifts Creek • Mallacoota • Bemm River • Marlo • • Nowa Nowa • Cann River • Lakes Entrance • • Paynesville

PH: (03) 5150 2300 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 No. 17367 FREE On the increase The total number of cases of coron- avirus (COVID-19) in jumped to 411 yesterday. Twelve people were in hospital, includ- ing two patients in intensive care. One-hundred-and-thirteen people had recovered. More than 25,000 Victorians have been tested. A number of earlier cases have been removed from the count following further investigation. The Department of Health and Human Services follows up and monitors all close contacts of confirmed cases and provides them with information and sup- port. All close contacts must self-isolate for 14 days. Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, said these are unprecedented times. The threat of coronavirus to public health is real and everyone must take social distancing seriously. “Everyone who’s unwell must isolate themselves and everyone who’s been told they’re in quarantine either as a re- turned traveller or close contact must do so,” Professor Sutton said. “Social distancing will save lives. School’s out “Everyone needs to comply with restric- Grade six Bairnsdale West Primary School students, tions in place to keep yourself, your loved Alex Wong and Jarrell Hood, do some last minute ones and the whole community safe. learning before heading home to bunker down for the “We urge everyone to stay 1.5 metres school holidays amid the coronavirus crisis. Story away from everyone else, wash your page 2. K265-5555 hands often with soap and water and cough or sneeze into a tissue or your “Take this seriously”: Premier “If people donʼt take this seri- uation where venues, such a large important that everyone follows the duty, I don’t care what you call it, ously, if people act selfishly, part of our economy, have rules and restrictions put in place just do it.” people will die.” essentially been shut down. This is to avoid a disastrous outcome. Premier Andrews was sympathet- That is the message from Victori- appropriate – it’s painful, but it is “Many Victorians are doing the ic towards businesses who will be an Premier, Daniel Andrews, who absolutely appropriate. right thing, they are keeping their negatively affected by the unprece- is urging Victorians to abide by the “This list is comprehensive, this distance, they are observing the dented rule set, however, he said it tough new rules laid down by the list basically represents a very big rules that have been written, but is the only appropriate course of Federal and State Government to step, a massive step, that is essen- there are many Victorians that action. combat the COVID-19 (coron- tial to keep Victorians and Aus- have been acting selfishly, they are “This will hurt many people, I avirus) outbreak. tralians safe. not taking this seriously, they are apologise for that, but this is the “The National Cabinet took some “These restrictions will come into doing the wrong thing and if that only way we can keep people safe, unprecedented steps, huge steps force from midday Monday and will continues then people will die,” he by flattening the curve, by to keep Victorians and indeed, remain in force until midnight, April said. suppressing the total number of Australians safe,” Premier 13. They may well, I think it is fair to “I just want to make this point, people who finish up with coron- Andrews said on Monday as the say, it is highly likely the restric- whether you call it mateship, avirus and ultimately reducing the number of Victorian coronavirus tions will be further extended whether you call it being Aus- number of people who will die. cases passed 350. beyond that.” tralian, being Victorian, whether That’s what’s at stake, that’s how Premier, Daniel Andrews. “Never before have we seen a sit- Premier Andrews said it is vitally you call it decent behaviour, civic important this is.”

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 M509511A 2 School’s out…but for how long? stay athomeduringtheextendedholidaybreak. gether withScarlettFyfeandLeah Anderson, ateacherattheschool,areplanning to Bairnsdale West PrimarySchoolstudent,Finn Aumann, andhismother, Bianca,to- away becauseofthecoronavirus.” as aresultsomestudentswere beingkept was thatitwasn’t assafe asthey thoughtso ers, said. Doug it was thebestoption,”principal, Vick- been away fromschoolasparentsdecided coronavirus. aboutthe from schooloutofconcern parents slowly beganwithdrawing theirkids attendance was atjust90onMonday as mally frequentedby 310students, student coronavirus pandemic. days earlyasaresultoftheunfolding classes onMondayandbegantheirholi- “People’s awareness inthecommunity “For thelastweek, aboutathirdofkidshad At Bairnsdale School,nor- West Primary Bairnsdale schoolstudentsfinished nected withtheschool,rather thanfeeling sotheylies throughoutthisperiod feel con- them andstaffwillstay incontactwithfami- hard packs tothosestudentsthatneed access. or internet forternet onlinelearning. who wouldn’t otherwisehave accesstoin- hardcopy packs for anumber ofstudents said. wanted theirchildrentostay athome,” he regular handwashing. practices tominimiseitsimpact,suchas memo toallfamilies lastweek tohighlight “We of willcontinue toprovide support About 100studentsdon’thave computer The schoolwas organisedandprepared “We respectedparents’opinionifthey Mr Vickers saidtheschoolhadputouta K265-5572

M513006 5589 so.” cation withfamilies andwillcontinue todo isolated,” Mr Vickers said. PICTURED: Ikue Asahi, Annamarie Micati,NobukoOkazakiandCatherineBrown. shutdown intermtwocouldresultstudentsbeingtaughtoff-campuselectronically. Nagle Collegeteachersprepareforonlinelearningintheeventthatatotalschool break to learn how tocrochet. break tolearn toprotectotherpeople. important er, Tate. backyard andfootball withhisbroth- good,”hesaid. not very here we couldspreadittoothersandthat’s early. said heagreed withtheschoolsclosing himself andothers. school holidays to inordertoisolatetherisk want tospreaditothers,” Alex said. school breakafew days earlier. holidays early. beforeminute learning beginningtheschool Wong, were catchinguponsomelast school holidays. topackdents were preparing up for the When the “We’ve hadregularandongoingcommuni- Over atNagleCollege, teachershave saidshewould takeScarlett theextended Fyfe,Another student,Scarlett saiditwas Finn saidhewillspendhistimeplaying becauseifwe gotit “I thinkit’simportant Another grade sixstudent,FinnAumann, Jarrell saidhewould stay the homeduring becausewe don’t “I thinkit’simportant the Both were ambivalent aboutstarting Grade sixstudents, Jarrell HoodandAlex News called by onMonday, stu- WEDNESDAY, MARCH25,2020 they were supervised bythey staff. were supervised atNagleCollegewhere were stillpermitted prepared totake careofthemthisweek been toldthepeakisyet toarrive.” pared,” hesaid. thing (totalshutdown) we’ll bebetterpre- those capacitiessoifwe dogointothereal will continue withplanninganddeveloping them respondinthesamemanner. tacting studentselectronicallyandseeing begun testinghow thatwould by work con- web. 14,maysume onApril beconductedviathe two,ipation thatterm whichisduetore- with alaptopfor andinantic- onlinelearning isolate theirchildrenathome. measuresand cided totake precautionary mal,” MrPowles said,assomeparentsde- and thatnumber hasbeen higherthannor- dents away eachday duetousualsickness rates over thepastweek. had experienced slightlyelevated absentee schools beingclosed. move inanticipationof toonlinelearning forbeen preparing thepasttwo weeks for a Those studentswhoseparentswere un- “This spaceischangingsorapidly. We’ve “For theremainderofthisweek, teachers Mr Powles saidteachershadalready Nagle Collegehasprovided allitsstudents “Obviously we have apercentageofstu- NevillePrincipal, Powles, saidthecollege | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU K266-

M512861 EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 3 Frantic business adjustments being made

Bairnsdale businesses were carrying on ular loyal clientele. las, said. ficult times, Ms Medhurst said she was short- as best they could on Monday morning Supervisor, Rebecca Whitfield, said some “It’s like the Christmas rush, the world has ening the opening hours of Just Books in following Premier Daniel Andrewʼs an- customers were disappointed they couldn’t gone crazy.” Lakes Entrance and Bairnsdale. nouncement that non-essential business dine in, but overall everyone was adjusting to Frightened that hair salons may be forced “Our aim is to stay open as long as we can,” would need to close at midday. the temporary rules in order to contain the to close, many women had brought their ap- Ms Medhurst said. Many businesses, such as cafes, which coronavirus. pointments forward. Just Books will offer a free home delivery had been ordered to close, had made modifi- “It’s going to make it tough but there’s not However, Premier Andrews stated on Mon- service to those people who don’t want to cations, such as removing tables and chairs, much we can do about it,” Ms Whitfield said. day that hair and beauty salons would be ex- leave their homes and visit the bookstore. and were operating as takeaway outlets only. Around the corner in Bailey Street, Vamidilo empt from non-essential businesses which “There’s only so much television you can Under the new coronavirus laws, cafes and Nails and Beauty was doing a roaring trade were required to close their doors. watch,” Ms Medhurt said, indicating a book restaurants are permitted to operate for take- at 10am with women occupying virtually Bairnsdale Bikes placed a sign outside their was a good alternative choice for those un- away or deliveries. They are forbidden to every available chair for a pedicure and oth- shop which read: Stay Safe, Stay Calm, accustomed with reading. seat customers inside or outside their ers lined up to have their nails painted. Don’t panic buy, Ride your bike, Look after Seven Sundays is hoping its online store premises. It was a similar story at Bairnsdale Spa and each other, Drink good coffee and beer. will see them through the coronavirus and Sixty-two Degrees café in Nicholson Street Nails on the Princes Highway. Just Books was busy on Monday morning, bulletproof its survival. began making adjustments last week and on At Headlines Unisex Hair Salon, there was but proprietor Elaine Medhurst, said it had “We’ve gone through the bushfires, we’ll Monday morning was continuing to serve its an equally busy scene with women waiting to been “pretty dead for the last couple of survive,” Patsy Waites said confidently. usual fare of sushi, sandwiches and wraps. have their hair coiffed. weeks”. Premier Andrews has foreshadowed there Coffees were also being ordered by the reg- “We’re really busy,” proprietor Frances Hal- To compromise and stay afloat in these dif- could be further closures if people don’t practice appropriate social distancing of 1.5 metres to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

      6AM - 8.30AM MON - FRI



Headlines Unisex Hair Salon in Bairnsdale was extremely busy on Monday morning with the ongoing coronavirus crisis 1/587 PRINCES HWY, BAIRNSDALE prompting many women to bring forward their appointments. Staff maintained the required 1.5m distance from each other. K264-5549 M512844 An important message from the Victorian Government MANAGING CORONAVIRUS TOGETHER WILL FLATTEN THE CURVE. 1 2 3

20 SG128380

Wash your hands often Cover your cough or If you feel sick - for at least 20 seconds. sneeze with a tissue. stay at home.

Stay informed at 4 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU Police virus squad takes off Victoria Police has estab- “Such thinking is wrong and “It’s a state of emergency, not Inspector Edwards said su- lished a coronavirus (COVID- the new coronavirus enforce- a state of panic,” he said. permarkets had the right to 19) enforcement squad of 500 ment squad at Victoria Police Inspector Edwards told ban people from their stores. officers to ensure contain- will take action against anyone the News there had been “People need to stay clam ment measures that have caught doing the wrong thing,” “some pretty ordinary behavior and behave respectively,” he been put in place to combat Premier Andrews said. by some people” in regard said. coronavirus are followed. Inspector Mark Edwards, who to panic buying at local Inspector Edwards confirmed Coordinated through the Po- oversees the Eastern district, supermarkets. that police members who have lice Operations Centre, the offi- which takes in East Gippsland “We’re getting feedback of recently returned from holi- cers will be out in the commu- and Wellington shires, said it some disgraceful behaviour,” days overseas are now in self- nity doing spot checks on wasn’t out of the realms of pos- he said. isolation as a precautionary returning travellers who are in sibility for the coronavirus en- Inspector Edwards said police measure. 14-day isolation, as well as en- forcement squad to be doing played a role in banning people “We play by the rules, we’re forcing the bans on indoor and spot checks in this region. from different premises and that no different to anyone else,” he outdoor gatherings. “We are very much a part of a extended to those not acting ap- said. Premier Daniel Andrews said statewide focus,” Inspector Ed- propriately at supermarkets. Inspector Edwards said police new measures introduced on wards said. “It’s not uncommon to ban officers with children were also Monday to contain the coron- He said East Gippsland po- people from supermarkets who dealing with schools closing on avirus are meaningless if Victo- lice had been very proactive steal stuff and that could well Monday. rians don’t take them seriously around public order issues and be extended to those who can’t “That puts another dynamic or don’t think they will be making sure there is a sense of behave appropriately (in into the mix, but we deal with caught if they flout the rules. calm in the community. supermarket aisles).” these issues as they arise.” * Inspector Mark Edwards.


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Local MP, Tim Bull, is waiting for an answer from the Environment Minister on the tree clearing work he has requested on the Princes Highway East, to avoid a repeat of the                        prolonged emergency works (pictured here near Poddy Creek) that were required after the recent bushfires. (PS) 12pm Late check-outcheck-out BoBottlettle ofof wine & chocolates ParkingParking discounted $10 per day

Sun-Thu Fri-Sat Sun-Thu Fri-Sat Silent on roadside clearing 1 1 $140 $160 222 2 $189 $229

Victorian Minister for Environment, Lily coastal communities. 2 1 $179 $209 332 2 $280 $309 DʼAmbrosio, has failed to answer a Will the Minister support this yet uncom- VC128131 question in State Parliament on whether pleted roadside clearing over the coming she will support the uncompleted road- months? side clearing on the Princes Highway By State Government requirements, the East, according to State Member for Minister has one month to respond, but after Gippsland East, Tim Bull. six weeks had not provided an answer. Mr Bull asked the Minister the following “The situation is, we cannot afford to have question on February 6: As a result of the our major road closed for this amount of recent bushfires in East Gippsland, the time as it cripples us financially, isolates Princes Highway was closed for five weeks, communities and provides a dangerous crippling many businesses and causing workplace for those clearing the roads,” Mr communities to be cut off in what has been Bull said. a completely unacceptable outcome. Some “Freight companies are seeking at least a freight businesses have lost considerable tree length clearing. This has been complet- amounts in this period. ed in some areas as part of the clean-up Use prpromoomo code MELB Timber workers and government agencies work, but there remains more to be done. have cleared much of the roadsides, but “However, for Regional Roads Victoria to when booking at citcitytempo.comy given the necessity to open the Princes oversee this we will need the Environment Highway as quickly as possible, there re- Minister on board.” [email protected] mains many more areas on this route that Mr Bull has raised with the speaker the (03) 8256 7500 require the same treatment. This will ensure lack of response and sought his support to CConditionsonditions applyapply,, subject to avavailability,ailability, validvalid until 31st31st July,July, 2020. Melbourne ShorShortt SStaytay AparApartmentstments PPtyty LLtdtd tt/a/a CitCityy Tempo,Tempo, relatedrelated the road is open more quickly in future and extract an answer from the Minister in line companies and authorised agents do not makemake any wwarrantyarranty as to the infinformationormation providedprovided and do not accept any liabilitliabilityy forfor any errerrorsors provides an appropriate firebreak for with Parliamentary guidelines. or discrepancies.discrepancies. PhotogrPhotographsaphs araree indicativindicativee onlyonly.. ABN 37 057 552 057.

DDwyerswyyeerrss ToyotaTTooyyoottaa UUsedsed CarsCars

('&$ $  $ $" ('&$ %$"     $ $ !  ('& $$$"    ! $ $ $" !  ('& $ $ $$!     $ $" !   ! 

('& $""$ ! $ $ ! $ "  "$ $ (''$"    $  $   $$ !  &%$""  ('  $ " $$ !  ('&%$#"!     %$ !     449 PPrincesrinces HHighway,ighway, ! 

M512769D BairnsBairnsdaledale 3875 T:T: 51525152 9797 LMCT 1702 6 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU


.-,+*)(',&%$-#%"!"() Landcare facilitators from across Gippsland recently spent two days discussing their work. (PS) MBBS

"!  ! !   Landcarers discuss their work !!  With so much of their work based from colleagues, hearing how a Network environment,” Marnie said.

% ,(),# (,*"* , M512874 around after-hours meetings and work- from the other end of Gippsland has been “Moving forward there is a stronger sense *()( #, )*, ing with landholders on their proper- working, meeting challenges, finding novel that the two regions will work even more % ,#-$)*, *"  #,"), ties, the prospect of getting 18 Land- ways to overcome those challenges, helps closely together in terms of support and (" ), )- !,(-  care facilitators from across the us all to reset, plan and work with our com- practical assistance where possible. .-,+*)(',%(#,#")"(),  -" ) ,"),(**,(- (#,$ , Gippsland region in one room for two munities with more enthusiasm and a Landcare in East Gippsland will be a  ) -(*, !"") , "%, days to discuss their work is a pretty sense that we have a team of colleagues major tool for individuals to get back into (-"*(-,") - #,"), exciting one. who can offer us some support if we need their local environment which has been so $ ) #,% (*% ,%"*!- ) # A grant from the Victorian Government it,” Marnie added. affected by these fires, as well as re-con- % (*%,()!,")"#("$) ,()! (*#$,()(  ),$ ,%-$)", allowed the group to meet recently to discuss While discussion included updates on nect with neighbours and community !"# (# , a range of topics from mental health to the programs such as the restoration of sea- members,” Marnie said. summer’s bushfires and the ongoing chal- grasses in Corner Inlet, East Gippsland’s East Gippsland Landcare facilitator, lenges of maintaining enthusiasm and re- Wild Dog Fence project and urban Land- Erin Weir, said the opportunity to meet with cruiting new members to Landcare. care, one of the key issues to arise was the colleagues doing similar work in different “Just getting to sit in a room with col- recent bushfires and how the Landcare environments was a major outcome from leagues, hear what they do and how they staff from can assist their the workshop.    do it and share some ideas is a really use- colleagues in East Gippsland during the “Getting together with all the Landcare fa- ,"%$*#$), -  ,("-)#!(* ful thing to be able to do,” Latrobe Land- recovery process. cilitators was a great way to share ideas care facilitator, Marnie Ellis, said. “Obviously these fires have been devas- and learn from each other. There was in-  !$),,-",(,, “So much of our work is done in isolation tating for individuals, communities and the credible amount of diverse knowledge in the room and it was fantastic to learn and FG127887B ask questions to other facilitators.” Moving forward and with an eye to the effort that will be needed as part of the bushfire recovery in East Gippsland, Erin says the workshop has provided both inspiration and increased knowledge. M509855 “I took away new project ideas and meth- The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements was ods of which I may be able to use to deliver projects more efficiently. It was also fasci- established in response to the extreme bushfire season of 2019-20 which nating to learn about the diverse range of resulted in loss of life, property and wildlife; and environmental destruction. State of the art projects that are driven by our community across the two catchments.” Sometimes known as the ‘Bushfire Royal Commission’ it will examine how 3D printed Australia is prepared and coordinated across the Commonwealth, States and Territories to respond to bushfires and other natural disasters as well custom orthotics as mitigation and recovery.

Submissions The Commission is now receiving public submissions. Individuals,  organisations, community groups and the broader community can make   submissions on the 2019-20 bushfire season.    Mental Health Support Forum To make a submission visit or call 5152 3500 at Bushfire-Affected Communities 1800 909 826*. Submissions will close on Friday, 3 April 2020.

Hearings Date Monday, March 30, 2020 The Commission will hold formal hearings in New South Wales, Victoria,  Time 6:30pm - 8pm Queensland and the ACT from April. The Royal Commission wants to speak  (Followed By Dinner) to people who were affected by the recent bushfires. Further information Venue Bairnsdale Sporting & Convention Centre about the hearings will be announced in late March 2020.   117 Great Alpine Rd, Community Engagement  Lucknow Vic 3875 The Royal Commission is taking expressions of interest to attend community    forums in March 2020. Commissioners will meet with small groups who are   representative of fire affected communities. Further information about the Royal Commission and its work is available at: Emeritus Professor Professor  Bruce J. Tonge Jayashri Kulkarni

Email [email protected] M512985 Enquiries at   1300 643 287 Public information line 1800 909 826*       (1300 MHF AUS)    *Monday-Friday (except public hols) 8.30am-5.30pm      Free Registration: (Australian Central Daylight Time) 0783OP_0410 EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 7

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NEW SEASON APLES %&*#! IN-STORE NOW   ‘PICNIC’ AND ‘GALA’ VARIETIES       $=-( );4&0 1- 4&0(/#"(4-)(/#     =4&)#"5-#;-43 %#  %!%% %% %!$  # % # %!# %# !$%!#$! -,+*)('-&*%$*#("! %%, '%  $% # !* +("% %-&(*( %, '%&   %! #$   -&!*%&&!+   "  (             44" &

543;2;10/;.-5;2;7,+*>5 /3)(40#; )=4>>/3 ; )-(;.-5;2;:>5;';)&3;%-5;2;:>5 $/3; 4&=#0 43#"41"($4 !9** ';4>#3;;-);;';#)(;>-0/3 ;/3;(4$3 ';/)- #;-#));-3;-5#3/(/#) ;5<;#;; /#"&)"43"1-#44 ';-0- -3;-3;0 ;10/#3 ;>-0/3 ;; ;;    *$#%"! $  %!%!$%! %&# %!#$! >=<;:9:8;9766     8 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU Second donation from Friends of the Library Friends of Paynesville Li- Group president, Joanne Al- struggle to achieve their brary (FOPL) presented a derman, was extremely community projects,” Ms Al- donation of more than pleased to receive the dona- derman said. $1200 to the Country tion, which will go towards “These funds will be for the Womenʼs Association wellbeing programs for fami- benefit of East Gippsland (CWA) of East Gippsland lies affected by drought and families.” on Friday, March 20, the fire within the community. The money was raised second donation they “Without grassroot groups through the sale of second- have given to the CWA in like FOPL and their wonder- hand books. Thank you to two years. ful community spirit, associ- the members of the general CWA East Gippsland ations like the CWA would public for buying them.


Country Womenʼs Association (CWA) of East Gippsland received its second donation in two years from Friends of Paynesville Library (FOPL) recently. PICTURED: Beryl Simmons (FOPL), Joanne Alderman (CWA), Petra Hammond (FOPL) and Janet Gamble (FOPL). (PS) Josh needs your help!

During the month of April Josh will be set a target number of flyscreens to make. Now is the chance to get your flyscreens with a discount! Josh will donate proceeds to a local fire-affected club. Please help Josh and our community.

Keep up to date on instagram & facebook





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M512550H_NEW Our thoughts WOOLAMAI and best wishes Visit our display (On Display) to those effected village located at: by the recent From $87,839.00 bushfires - when 7 Buxton-Marysville Rd, Buxton (Lock up only. costs) the time is right Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm for you, we are Sat - Sun: 12pm - 5pm LET US HELP YOU MAKE here to help. YOUR DREAM HOME A REALITY

[email protected] (03) 5774 7066 Follow us on Facebook Reg. No.CDBU-50108 EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 9

East Gippsland

Listed below are businesses that the are still trading safely within our community. Please ensure you follow hygienic and safety practices when accessing essential services. Food TRULY FRESH WEST END STORE EXCHANGE HOUSE 77 Nicholson Street, Bairnsdale 412 Main Street, Bairnsdale 63 Princes Highway, Lucknow 5152 7297 Ph: 5153 1491 Ph: 5152 4511 Monday - Saturday 5:30am – 4pm weekdays 7 days - 4am - 6pm Click and collect at NORTHERN GROUND THE FIG CAFÉ DAVID LUCKE’S 412 Main Street, Bairnsdale 59 The Esplanade, Paynesville 1 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale Ph: 5153 1491 Ph: 5156 6190 Ph: 5152 1644 7am – 3pm 7 days Mon – Fri 8am – 6:30pm, Saturday 8am – 5pm, Takeaway service available see Facebook page for more info Sunday 9am – 5pm Takeaway and delivery in Paynesville and Eagle Point THE WOODEN SQUIRREL Fresh, Local Produce! 412 Main Street, Bairnsdale THE NICHOLSON HOTEL Ph: 5153 1491 929 Princes Highway, Nicholson THAI MONSOON 8am – 2pm Mon-Sat, 9am – 2pm Sunday Ph: 5156 8666 16 Service Street, Bairnsdale 7am – 3pm 7 days Ph: 5152 1271 Takeaway only Tuesday to Sunday – 5.30pm till 8.30pm Takeaway and deliveries – Evenings only Takeaway available, call to order TWO SPOONS MR.D FOOD & COFFEE 85 Nicholson Street, Bairnsdale AROMA CAFÉ 194 Main Street, Bairnsdale 5152 7889 16/30 Howitt Ave, Bairnsdale Ph: 5152 7124 Lunch 11:30am – 2:30pm, Dinner 5pm – 8:30pm, Mon-Sat. Ph: 5152 6597 Takeaway service only From 7am till 5pm Order online 7 days, we will deliver your breakfast, Takeaway food and chef prepared, heat at lunch and dinner directly to you GRIND 2 GO! home meals available 57 Main Street, Bairnsdale Behind Mobile Service Station Drive Thru Coffee Retail EYECARE PLUS BAIRNSDALE MAZDA DWYERS 29 Service Street, Bairnsdale 554 Princess Hwy, Bairnsdale 449 Main Street, Bairnsdale Ph: 5152 4380 Ph: 5152 6644 Ph: 5152 9797 Monday - Saturday 8am – 5:30pm weekdays 8am – 12pm Saturdays 8am – 5:30pm weekdays 9am – 12pm Saturdays

JUST BOOKS CURTIS JEWELLERS 166 Main Street, Bairnsdale 129 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale Ph: 5152 5181 Ph: 5152 1089 Book deliveries available Medical TRUECARE PHYSIOTHERAPY ADVANTAGE HEALTH POINT BAIRNSDALE DENTAL & DENTURE CLINIC 55 Clifton West Road, Wy Yung 46-56 Nicholson Street, Bairnsdale 37 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale Ph: 5152 3422 Ph: 5152 3500 Ph: 5152 7766 Telehealth video consultations 9am – 9pm weekdays

Coronavirus: What is social distancing? Keeping a distance of two arms lengths (1.5 metres) from others where you can to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Including in your home, work and public spaces. 2 arms Where it’s not practical to distance (such as on a train or bus) practise good hygiene as always. 10 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU Reducing water restrictions for numerous customers In light of recent rain events and land, Sarsfield, Bruthen, Nicholson, John- milder temperatures, East Gippsland sonville, Swan Reach, , Kalimna, Water is reducing the level of water re- Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers Aboriginal strictions to Stage 1 for customers sup- Trust, Lake Tyers Beach and Nowa Nowa. plied from the Mitchell River and “We greatly appreciate customers’ efforts Buchan River, from 1am this Friday. to save water over recent weeks, which Under Stage 1, customers will once again has helped to conserve precious water be able to water residential lawns, as well supplies and enabled us to be in a position as garden areas, but with certain restric- to lower restrictions now,” East Gippsland tions. Watering can be done on alternate Water’s managing director, Steve McKen- days using a watering system, between zie, said, 6am and 10am and 6pm and 10pm. A “We have had three dry years and the bucket, watering can or hand-held hose drought is not yet over, but we have ade- fitted with a trigger nozzle may be used at quate water in storage and the reduced any time. customer demand means we are able to Communities supplied from the Mitchell ease water restrictions. We will continue to River and subject to Stage 1 water restric- review the weather situation over coming tions include: the Bairnsdale area, Walpa, months, before making a decision on Lindenow South, Lindenow, Eagle Point, whether to reduce the level of restrictions Newlands Arm, Paynesville, Raymond Is- further.” Suspension of information evenings In accordance with all the its information evening tion to its members. directions provided by the until further notice. The club’s committee apol- State Government on the The newsletter, Backup, ogise for any inconvenience, onset of COVID-19 (coron- will still be published and the but have taken all precau- A Concerned Artists Resisting Extinction fridge magnet. (PS) avirus), Bairnsdale Com- committee will look for ways tions as required to mitigate puter Club has suspended to convey technical informa- this disease. Animal matters     Australia has quite a few that is common around East where people can paint their native bees. Gippsland is a small yellow own blue bee fridge magnet.        One of interest is the blue and black bee which makes Of course other animals are banded bee which you may hives in tree hollows and is represented too. see in the garden on laven- one of the bees whose So watch out for these der plants and other bluish honey indigenous people workshops at markets or +  flowers. enjoyed. malls - children enjoy them. They have also been seen Do not confuse them with If you are concerned about on gazanias at Fernbank so European wasps which are the coronavirus you can buy  it seems they are not that much larger and sting which blank magnets shaped like fussy. The female digs holes this native bee does not. an animal and paint them at '%)%+)(+)  + in which she incubates her The local Concerned home. young and the poor old male Artists Resisting Extinction The common honeybee will '+,-,+-+- lives outside. (CARE) group has been enjoy a slice of watermelon Another little native bee holding outdoor workshops if you put one out.


.-,+*)('+&%$+#)("'! )  '+..+-  *+ We’re here to help you.  We are a Victorian Government agency that’s partnering ConfidenceConfidence with local governments and communities to deliver what they need to recover.  SG128197     We can link you to personal   

 • Visit or      • 1800 560 760.


Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne Follow us social media eastgippslandnews eastvicmedia EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 11 -,+*)(+'&%$# Keeping you in the know about your water and wastewater services. East Gippsland Water

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – We are monitoring the situation with the virus closely. Rest assured, as we conduct our day-to-day business our top priority is ensuring the health and safety of our customers, our staff and the wider community.

As an essential service we have plans in place to ensure the continuity of service and our frontline operations. Updates on any changes to service arrangements will be publicised as necessary on our website and social media.

*%+*+%,*+&%+* *(+*(+ + (, +(**%,+'%+ + Customers are reminded to only flush toilet paper significant problem when put down the toilet. They “I’m pleased to report that in light , Sarsfield, down the loo and not kitchen paper, tissues or wipes, simply do not break down in the sewer system, of recent rain events and milder Bruthen, Nicholson, Johnsonville, as these can lead to sewer blockages and overflows blocking pipes and jamming up equipment such as temperatures, East Gippsland Swan Reach, Metung, Kalimna, and should be placed in the bin instead. heavy duty sewer pumps. This is very costly for East Water is reducing the level of water Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers Gippsland Water to address. Other items for the bin include sanitary pads, tampons, restrictions for customers Aboriginal Trust, Lake Tyers Beach If you encounter a problem, please call East Gippsland supplied from the Mitchell River and Nowa Nowa. incontinence pads and disposable nappies. Water’s 24 hour emergency and faults service on 1300 and Buchan River, from 1.00am “We greatly appreciate customers’ Wipes, including those marked as ‘flushable’, cause a 134 202. this Friday, 27 March. efforts to save water over recent “Restrictions were introduced weeks, which has helped to mid-January because of conserve precious water supplies continuing drought conditions – and enabled us to be in a position which have been ongoing for three to lower restrictions now. years. Under Stage 1, which apply “We will continue to review the from Friday, customers will once weather situation, before making a again be able to water residential decision on whether to reduce the lawns, as well as garden areas, but Steve McKenzie, Managing level of restrictions further. with certain restrictions. Watering Director, East Gippsland Water can be carried out on alternate “For more on Stage 1 restrictions days using a watering system, “Communities supplied from the and tips on how to save between 6am and 10am and 6pm Mitchell River and subject to water please visit our website and 10pm. A bucket, watering can Stage 1 water restrictions include; Alternatively, or hand-held hose fitted with a the Bairnsdale area, Walpa, contact the customer team on trigger nozzle may be used at any Lindenow South, Lindenow, Eagle 1800 671 841 during business time. Point, Newlands Arm, Paynesville, hours.”

*(+,)%*+ Stream flows on 20 March (2020) and the five year average for the current month

5 year average Stream flow as Stream flow Town/water supply system stream flow a percentage of (million litres/day) (million litres/day) 5 year average

Bemm River (Bemm River) 71.4 89 80.2%

Mallacoota (Betka River) On bore supply n/a n/a**

Orbost, Newmerella, Marlo (Brodribb River) 49.2 54.7 89.9%

Buchan (Buchan River) 22.6 55.2 40.9%

Omeo (Butchers Creek) 0.7 1.3 56.1%

Cann River (Cann River) 9.7 25 38.8% Mitchell River Supply System* 571.6 207.4 275.6% (Mitchell River) Swifts Creek () 4.8 44.7 10.8% %*%,+,* East Gippsland Water currently has the following job vacancies: • Mitchell supply system = Bairnsdale, Walpa, Lindenow South, Lindenow, Eagle Point, Newlands Arm, Paynesville, Raymond Island, Sarsfield, Bruthen, Nicholson, Johnsonville, Swan Reach, Metung, Kalimna, Lakes Entrance, Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust, • Treatment and Environment Systems Officer Lake Tyers Beach, Nowa Nowa and surrounding areas • Operations & Maintenance Team Member ** Not applicable – Mallacoota currently supplied from groundwater bores For more information, including position descriptions, go to There are currently around 1,150 million litres of drinking water in our storages across East Gippsland. There are approximately three months of water held in storage across the Mitchell River supply system. (,(+,+%**%, Contract No. 8235/A: 2019-20 CCTV Sewer System Program - Closes 4pm, Thursday 2 April 2020 )'(+(%( Documents are available at Our staff involved in the recovery phase following to receive high quality water despite the current the bushfires remain as committed as ever to state of the Buchan River. ensure high quality services are maintained for Drop-in sessions cancelled *,(+), ( impacted communities - whether it’s repairing During these unusual times we understand that things damaged infrastructure or ensuring the continuity of A program of drop-in sessions targeted at customers directly impacted by the bushfires has been cancelled may get tough, particularly financially. normal day-to-day operations. in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Did you know that at times like this East Gippsland Terrific progress has been made at Orbost to ensure Sessions will no longer take place at Bruthen (2 April), Water can help you to manage your water bill? there is enough high quality water being produced Swifts Creek (3 April), Buchan and Nowa Nowa (14 We have a range of financial assistance programs and to meet the needs of local customers, as staff – April), Mallacoota (15 April) or Cann River (16 April). payment options available to assist customers, supported by a team from Goulburn Valley Water in We apologise for any inconvenience. Customers including flexible payments that can be arranged on a Shepparton - treat the very dirty bushfire-tainted wishing to discuss support available - including case-by-case basis. water that continues to wash down the Brodribb eligibility for any rate rebates and the waiving bills for River. There is also independent financial counselling 12 months where a customer’s home or business’s available at no cost to the customer. To find out more, Likewise great work is being undertaken in relation destroyed or made uninhabitable by bushfire – should simply call our Customer Business Team in contact our customer team on 1800 671 841. to Buchan to ensure the local community continues confidence on 1800 671 841. Here to help

%,(%, *+'%+(& Residential customers holding a Centrelink Health Care, Pensioner Concession, or Department of It is fast, efficient and convenient, so why not opt to receive your East Gippsland Water bill by email? Veteran Affairs Concession Card may be entitled to receive a discount on their East Gippsland Water Simply go to the home page of our website and click on the ‘Change your billing details – including bill, for their principal place of residence. to receive bills by email’ section. Then complete the ‘Change of Customer Details’ form. Concession holders are also able to pay by instalment using Centrelink’s Centrepay service. Alternatively, call the Customer Business Team on 1800 671 841.

For more information call "! + "+!" or visit our website at M511650X 12 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU

THUMBS UP | THUMBS DOWN THUMBS UP: To all the community spirited staff members at a local supermarket who come in early in their own time or their day off to ensure the truck gets unloaded in time for the 7 to 8am shoppers. But a huge THUMBS DOWN: To the irresponsi- ble woman who thought it was ‘funny’ to come up to a random stranger and hug her, spitting on her in the process.

THUMBS UP: To Frances from Headlines for taking it upon her- self to help a customer by buying toilet paper for her. Communi- ty spirit is very much still alive in Bairnsdale.

THUMBS UP: To The Doggy Den (Bairnsdale). I mentioned I went to the shops to buy toilet paper because I was using newspaper for toilet paper. The shops were bare. The girl be- hind the counter gave me one of theirs. Big thank you.

THUMBS UP: To the kind lady at Coles who offered her packet of toilet tissue to my elderly husband recently. We didn’t need it but as he was in that aisle with an empty trolley she made this The Alpine Tour of Classic Minis was back touring some of the best roads and locations the alpine region has unselfish offer. We were touched by your gesture. to offer last Saturday. This yearʼs theme was black and white. PICTURED: David Evans, of Paynesville, with his 1965 Mini Deluxe, chats to Peter Jelly, of Phillip Island. K259-034 THUMBS DOWN: To the individual who forced an uninvited handshake on an employee during this time to be ‘funny’.

THUMBS DOWN: To the ratbag who threatened to cough on a staff member if they did not provide a paid service for free.

THUMBS UP: To the kind lady who offered me milk at the su- permarket amid the shopper chaos. So very much appreciated.

THUMBS UP: To all those friends, family, tourists, etc., that spent time over on Raymond Island looking for my dog, Shay, when she went missing for seven hours on Sunday, March 8 (long weekend). It was greatly appreciated. If submitting a Thumbs Up/Down All items submitted for consideration for publication in Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, must be signed and include the address and telephone number of the writer. (This information is not for publication but is required under the Newspaper Act.) Items should be limited to 30 words, and writers should note that due to the numbers received, only a selection can be published. No specific business names will be mentioned in Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down. Write to ʻTomʼ, c/- ʻThe Newsʼ Submit your thumbs up or thumbs down David Esmore and Teresa Kemp, of Pakenham, with to [email protected] Greg and Liljana Margetts, of End Hills, with their their 1964 Mini Cooper, which they have owned since 1966 Mini Cooper S Mark 1. K259-037 1985. K259-044


Independent Inquiry into 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season – community participation Inspector-General for Emergency Management, Tony Pearce, is conducting the independent Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season (the Inquiry). The Inquiry’s Terms of Reference include an examination of: • eff ectiveness of emergency command and control, and Victoria’s operational response • eff ectiveness of the declaration of a State of Disaster • timeliness and eff ectiveness of activation of Commonwealth assistance and resource availability Angela Schilg and Bryan Roebuck, of Melbourne, with their 1964 Morris Mini 850. • state evacuation planning and preparedness process and K259-036 practices • preparedness ahead of the 2019–20 fi re season MEMBERS DRAW BINGO SUNDAY • eff ectiveness of immediate relief and recovery work and THURSDAY $1100 - EYES DOWN FROM 3PM - arrangements, and the creation of Bushfi re Recovery Victoria, FRIDAY $1150* and the National Bushfi re Recovery Agency, and how they work ROLLINGUNTILLAST GAME together. DRAWN BETWEEN 6PM & 7PM JACKPOTFURTHER$650 FRIDAY NIGHT NOTICE Individuals and organisations are invited to provide submissions 25 prizes $50 JACKPOT EACH WEEK UNTIL IT GOES OFF addressing the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference through: RAFFLES UP TO to be won • completing the online submission found at SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY NIGHTS • emailing a submission to: [email protected] Meal Deal CHANCE TO WIN BACK THE • mailing a submission to: COST OF ONE MEAL TO THE VALUE Inspector-General for Emergency Management $ OF $13.50 ON SUNDAY NIGHTS. 13.50 SEE STAFF FOR DETAILS. GPO Box 4356 CLOSED Melbourne VIC 3000 FR1512 BAIRNSDALE BOWLS CLUB Cnr Grant & Pearson Sts, Bairnsdale Full details on the Inquiry, its Terms of Reference, and incorporating Bairnsdale Croquet Club Phone: 5152 3796 opportunities for community participation are available from TRADING HOURS SUN 10AM - 10PM | MON - WED 9.30AM - 10PM | THUR - SAT 9.30AM - 11PM or by calling (03) 8684 7900 M504477EU EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 13

OFFICIAL MEDICAL ADVICE Coronavirus: what is social distancing? Keeping a distance of two arms lengths (1.5 metres) from others where you can to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Including in your home, work and public spaces. FG128318

Where it’s not practical to distance (such as on a train or bus) practise good hygiene as always.

2 arms

Coronavirus Info Line 1800 020 080

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra 14 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU %$#$"! # !$%!"!"%!"$ AS PER THE STATE GOVERNMENT  ✔ "$ ✗

✔ Looking after a friend’s child if they are a nurse ✗ Going to the cinema ✔ Dropping supplies to loved ones ✔ Going for a run ✗ Going to a pub or club (must keep 1.5m distance away from others) ✗ Going out for breakfast, ✔ Going for a bike ride lunch or dinner (must keep 1.5m distance away from others) ✗ Going to the gym ✔ Taking kids to the park (must keep 1.5m distance away from others) ✔ Patting other dogs at the park (use good personal hygiene) ✔ Using play equipment at the park (use good personal hygiene) $   ✔ Going to the beach (must keep 1.5m distance away from others) • Going camping (must keep 1.5m distance away from others) ✔ Visiting elderly relatives (maximum of two visitors per • Staying in a tourist park cabin (must keep 1.5m distance away day for a maximum of two hours) from others) ✔ Getting married (there must be no more than one • Staying in an Airbnb person for every four square metres of indoor space • Staying in your holiday house ✔ Getting takeaway dinners, coffees, etc. • Taking kids for a hike ✔ Ordering meals and products for delivery • Catching a taxi ✔ Getting alcohol from a bottle shop or drive-thru • Using public transport ✔ Buying fruit and vegetables (use good personal hygiene, • Getting a hair cut/waxing/nails/massage wash fruit and vegetables) • Getting a tradie to fix an issue ✔ Getting a car service • Going to the bank ✔ Taking a pet to the vet ✔ Shopping at a supermarket "  "#   ✔ Rubbish will be collected ✔ Getting medicine from • Having a child’s friend over for a play date pharmacies • Having small groups of friends over fro drinks and dinner ✔ Seeing a doctor for • Hosting a barbecue non-coronavirus related issue • Having a birthday party (if proceeding, immediate family only)

What is Coronavirus Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans.     %   Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new virus that can cause an 5. Phone your GP first if you need medical attention. infection in people, including a severe respiratory illness. 1. Wash hands often with soap and running water, for at They will tell you what to do. The most recently discovered coronavirus causes least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel 6. Continue healthy habits: exercise, drink water, get coronavirus disease COVID-19. or hand dryer. plenty of sleep, and now is the time to quit smoking. 2. Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Call the Quitline 137 848. 3. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you 7. Don’t wear a face mask if you are well. cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or 8. Buy an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with over sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow. 60 per cent alcohol. 4. Isolate yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take 9. Get the flu shot (available April). medication ensure you have adequate supplies. 10. No more handshakes.

Keeping our East Gippsland community informed These guidelines and rules at time of going to press were correct. 24/03/2020 EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 15

      %$#"! " $  $! $   ! % $!  $!!    ""!$$ # !!     #$! !! !       E L E P H A N T A A T S G P A ✰ ✰ L P D A A N E H S E O K O A P ✰ Grace ✰ G I G E G D T I R R T I R N E Dunbar I N L P M O N K E Y E S I D N R K O A L A P C R N U S L I G

/.--,+*) ('&%+$,$#"! . .&,$#!,$!'$%!'& A S T S I G O S S M P U L R U +*) *!%.#"!,$,$ '!'$%!! ..* F A H F T N L U A E C L A P I .&*!.! ') ,,$#"!&$$,$# '$%!-,+!&,%,$# F E G D I S I T R A R K R A N '.&,+!-+ ) ''$+*+ '.&,+! . .&)! (&++$ E L O H M G O L A P O P E N P '.&,+!..%) $'!'*'!*' '% '.&,+! ..) $#+ ,$'! ' +&,$'! R I R E T P M G O R C N A D T '.&,+! !.) '%-#!'$%! '!.,& O T I K O A L S K M O G L A I +*!&,+$%*) "!'%!'$%! &. W F A P S A R U P O D O S K G Question: L I P P L I L I O N I R A H E “I want to know why you do your job ” R I L S T E M N O N L I E S R Answer: H S U S H I P L U P E N G O O ! ,+!.!'+! ,%*!, + Thank you for • Monkey • Lion • Panda • Owl • Elephant • Giraffe • Sloth • Tiger your question • Rhinoceros • Koala • Penguin • Gorilla • Crocodile • Hippopotamus    DO YOU WANT I’ve got my own website and Instagram now! My friends and I are filling it with fun activites for you to do while you’re at home self-isolating! TO BE A MEGASTAR? Ask an adult to help you have a look. Pick up your forms from Bairnsdale Advertiser kennykoala_egn

  - Charlotte D'Amore, Galaxy Connelly, Noah Angus   - Chelsea Mckenzie, Jack Eastwood, Piper O'Keefe   - Philip Gedge   - Sam Brodribb   - Luke Mongta, Ollie Crawford, Shayla Elliott

If your child has had their birthday featured on the Kenny Koala page, please contact the Bakery Manager at Woolworths Bairnsdale on 5152 5180, two days prior (minimum) to allow time for a free mud cake to be prepared.

$$#"! #"##!!##!## !## !# #!#! ## ! # # !#!!# # # ## ##  ! # # ## ## ##!# # !#"! #" # !#!!# # !# ##! ###! 16 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU TRADES&SERVICES Incorporating the Bairnsdale Trading Guide PH: 5150 2300 Email: [email protected] and East Gippsland Trading Guide Call a LOCAL Professional


quotes/permits/invoicing/job track/variations/      payroll/payments/licences/BAS and more! Pre-purchase inspections Handball it all to us! 0436 376 231 CALL YOUR LOCAL QUALIFIED PEST CONTROLLER for BUILDERS only [email protected] Scotty Grambau 0498 279 988 BUILDING INSPECTIONS

Supplying domestic and commercial solutions M503556  SPIDERS, MOZZIES, TERMITES, FLEAS, RODENTS, COCKROACHES & ANTS The only licensed Exterra in East Gippsland for baiting, spraying and treatments Bairnsdale, Lakes Entrance & surrounding areas Email: [email protected]

M506407        ANIMAL THERAPY AUTOMOTIVE            Horse Assisted Learning, Sarsfield. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Geoff, Matt & Shannon CARPENTER M507989 Service & Tune, Exhaust Repairs M503873 & Roadworthy Testing METUNG CARPENTRY PHONE: 5152 3355 Locally owned & servicing Separating Drinking From Driving Gary Roach East Gippsland for over 20 years FAX 5152 5521 Decks, Repairs & Renovations 46 FORGE CREEK ROAD, BAIRNSDALE 3875 Covering Lakes Entrance to Bairnsdale 0418 641 686 • Residential & Commerical Self Referrals, Agency Referrals, NDIS [email protected] ABN: 44025481175 LIC: 44662 Solar Power OFF/ON Grid • Solar Hot Water Ph: 0401 603 050 • Battery Storage Qualified in Youth Work,

M512857 Carpentry Ph: 5153 0722 Mob: 0448 510 732 Community Services & TradingTTrrraading oror 619 Princes Hwy, Bairnsdale Equine Management SellingSelling youryyoour CCar?ar? & Fencing • Renovations and Extensions M506511 MMaximiseaximise yyourour ASBESTOS REMOVAL • Feature Fences • Pergolas vvehiclesehicles $ vvaluealue wwithith oourur • Insurance Repairs • Decks “FOR““FFFOOORR SALESSAALE DETAIL”DDEEETTTAAAIIILLL”” packagepackage Chris Fella

S.S.M LOCATED AT A1 CAR WASH BAIRNSDALENNSSSDDDAALE M512854 0412 991 260 or 5157 5198 M511571  Asbestos Removal CARPETS & SERVICES  Power & Gas Bills, Hot Water, Solar, (' % "$& " '  '&$ IIOOONN S SELLECK Aircon, Heating, Home Improvements EECCCTTTI CCAAARRRS Independent Advice  %'" ' $ D HOME UUSSSEEED Carpet ACCICleaning Accredited M509804 CCEE & Technician   $& " ' % '& FFAAAC EEWW SERVICES SSUUURRRF NNE IICC FFOOORRRN Call Wayne on       MMI EEF Homes - Offices M510912 AAM LLE " # & " EERRRA AABBBL CCarbonarbon CCoatoaatt rrepresentsepresents tthehe CERAMICCCE AIAAILIILLLA SURFACE PROTECTION Motels - Hotels 0418 594 589 & " ' AAVVVA latestlaat tesstt inin vehicleveh icle surfacesurface coatings.coaattings . Upholstery W Curtains - Mattresses [email protected] ANTENNAS ($" "($ NOWNNOOOW AVAILABLEUsingUsing statesstFORtaatte ofo fNEW thethe artarrt t& NanoN aUSEDno technologytech nCARSology "$ %' makingmaking itit 4 x harderharder thanthan siliconsilicon applications,applicaattions, CLEANING

M506523 CarbonCarbon CeramicCeramic protectionprotection isis appliedapplied professionallyprofessionally M.G.M. ANTENNAS onon sitesite forfor eithereither EXTERIOREXXTTERIOR aand/ornd/or INTERIORINTERIOR

('&%$#%"!% &"""" Cleaning and  DIGITAL TV ANTENNA SPECIALIST CALLCCAAALLL RONNIERROOONNNNNNIIIEE 00404394433399 2202030033 7407744400 $ %' ' $#' • Installation & Repairs • Digital TV Tuning Handy Services • House Pre-Wiring • Extra Outlets AUTOMOTIVE BUILDING PERMITS • Commercial & Private Cleaning Over 25 years’ experience in the district • Builders, vacate rentals, sold house & spring cleans Phone Michael Matheson on BUILDING PERMITS...... • Lawn mowing 0409 522 694 M512227 Call Glenis on 0412 539 747 M503852  IT’S WHAT WE DO     or Email [email protected] • Residential “We do anything you don’t want to do yourself” • Commercial ROADWORTHYS • Industrial CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ONLINE AT A Locally Owned & Operated Family Business CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIONS MOBILE: 0458 564 141 GIPPSLAND PHONE: 5152 2442 • Driveways • Sheds • Paths M506587 • Home Renovations For a free quote NEED TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS? call Nigel on 0428 896 733 Advertise in the Trades & Services Phone 5150 2386 Email: [email protected] No job too small EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 17


CONTAINERS ELECTRICIANS FENCING GARDEN MAINTENANCE U PACK CONTAINERS GARDEN CARE   Top Cut Fencing  • Paling Fencing • Picket Fencing • Feature Fencing Weeding   P/L • Gates Made to Measure • Retaining Walls Lawn Mowing • Landscaping and Garden Maintenance    M512997 GARY SMITH 0418 516 289 Pruning 197A MACLEOD ST BAIRNSDALE 3875 NICK FRESHWATER 0449 193 402 David 0408 554 702  REC: 9283 [email protected] 0447 832 663 M509271  DRESSMAKER • RURAL FENCING WILLIAMS • POST DRIVING CONSTRUCTIONS M504871            • STOCK YARDS • SHEEP YARDS SERVING LOCALLY SMITH AND FRESHWATER ELECTRICAL PTY LTD SINCE 2003  #"! " • ROUND YARDS  5152 6700 • SMALL & LARGE   #"! "" 27 PAYNE STREET (PO BOX 345) BAIRNSDALE SHEDS       "    W: • BOBCAT & TIP  " TRUCK HIRE FULL INSURANCE FREE QUOTES E: [email protected]    

M512574 • CONCRETING    M512551 PH: 0467 924 199  [email protected]


- 6&$6""$6&2$ • House Plans • Town Planning !6  66696-  Ph Tim: 0427 950 987 • 6 Star Energy Ratings V1M036 !666(6+  • BAL Assessments Servicing Bairnsdale and surrounds !6(61  6.  Damian Anderson M512540 Quality Product Quality Price PH: 0417 835 812 !6+ 6 --* FURNITURE REMOVALS [email protected] GLASS !66* 6660 60 |SHOWER SCREENS |SECURITY DOORS DRIVEWAYS 14, -(3/.-*-,  |MIRRORS [email protected] Lo. Co. /..,.1/.,1*4,+ *34-*/*3,43210/.-  9876543261017/1.-,6      +17*)-16-(''6&42%6$#$6"25 43210/.-,+,-*14/)3 M504266  +1-7),6')-1.-16.0176#%#$5#2&+666671-6.01765#55# ('&%$,#"!!, , "     1$,,&$,$$,4,%$ Free measure Full Construction of: &&$ &   &%& & quote service ,&&$ & &  M504240 • Tennis Courts • Carparks Your Friendly and Reliable ELECTRICIAN • Subdivisions • Driveways RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL “A Move in the Right Direction” • Asphalting • Civil Construction M: 0409 185 859 REMOVALS 90 McMillan Street, Bairnsdale From Ph (03) 5152 5352 :: 5144 4448 $297 incl. Phone: 5152 2941 Fax: 5153 1625 GST fitted  Mob 0427 178 674 [email protected] REC: 26501 CR STEWART ELECTRICAL Steve and Jenny Burrell M501407 LOCAL AND INTER-STATE From $396 incl. STORAGE AND CARTONS AVAILABLE  GLASS REPLACEMENT GST fitted ELECTRICAL Contractors GATES & FENCING   M504043 Elliott Yeates           N ABN: 48 624 619 790 REC: 19939          0428 516 185          E: [email protected] Unit 1 467B Main Street, Bairnsdale     Ph: 5152 6791 or 0457 775 168        FREE MEASURE & QUOTE Find us on Facebook     ‘All Screens Gippsland’ Tip truck, backhoe, bobcat and grader hire M508192    M505627 Call Ben on 0429 169 440       GARAGE DOORS Mini FENCING    K&J Gillin Excavator

Swan Reach V1M046 • Roller Doors Full driveway construction • Panel Doors  Bitumen sealing FOR ALL YOUR • Auto Units Colour choices   • Solar and Crushed rock or gravel FENCING      electric gate Bobcat & tip truck hire openers      Asphalt & bitumen repairs Paling, Picket &    “Servicing East Gippsland • All garage door    Phone Ken on 0409 564 711 Colorbond Fencing  and surrounding areas” maintenance Email: [email protected] M510491 M504409 Retaining Walls  0488 171 759 ELECTRICIANS Custom Built Gates GARDEN MAINTENANCE

CARL D SPINK AND SHEREE G MARSH Free Quotes ABN 18 299 619 856 Trading as • Gutters V1M044 M506085 REC 9945 CARL SPINK Lic E 23670 38 years’ experience • Pruning • Clean-ups ELECTRICAL J&L Home Maintenance • Rubbish Installation and servicing all of East Gippsland All Types Electrical Work! Call us today on • Odd Jobs Solar Specialists: FREE QUOTES INSURANCE COVER SHOWROOM OPEN Tuesday & Thursday, 9.30am - 4pm Grid, Off Grid and Battery Storage! 0417 575 399 7 Collins Street, Bairnsdale 5153 2239 M511367 Phone Carl on 0438 440 269 131546 David and Michelle Veenstra Phone David 0412 516 433 18 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU



■   ■    ■  M509416 M509241 $! %$#"! "! %  Kitchen,Kitchen Design and Design and Tile Centre Centre Cabinetcabinet makers of quality, custom-made kitchens kitchens !!!     5152 6368 BAIRNSDALE ROLLER DOORS ALSO INCORPORATING ('&%$#"% 26 Wood St. Bairnsdale | INSTALLATION AND SERVICING ! %"%&' % %"" "  OF ALL TYPES OF DOORS AND MOTORS Email: [email protected] $#"#! # #"  #$##  $#  # #  #"   HEATING & ENERGY $#  ##$#  #$#  PLASTERING STONE BENCH TOPS $# #"  # Bairnsdale NEW OR OVERLAY YOUR EXISTING TOP All Plastering Work  Heating & Energy No Job Too Big or Small %$&'%'"& %""'$% Ring     for free DVD and brochure    or visit our showroom ✦ Renovations & Extensions ✦ New Homes # # # #   Wood and Gas Heating Sales 10 Peart Street Bairnsdale ✦ Architectural Work ✦ Ornamental Cornices & Repairs '%'"& %""'$%

M509793B ✦ ✦ Installation, Service and Repairs 5152 1900 Insurance Work All Work Guaranteed !'"&' &" &' ✦ BATHROOM RENOVATIONS Chimney Sweeping Scan to see website %$# %' $'  " 30 Years’ Experience 477 Main Street, Bairnsdale | Ph: 5153 2552 Andy Pye 0447 495 459 KITCHENS E: [email protected]  RADIATORS HANDYMAN PLUMBERS PHIL’S SERVICE FACTORY DIRECT V5R042

ONE CALL...WE DO IT ALL! + Kitchens + Vanities

M509632 • Yard Cleaning • Painting + Laundries + Wardrobes HARVEYS • Plastering • Carpentry Jobs No job too BIG or too SMALL + Kitchen Face Lifts + D.I.Y Plumbing & Roofing FREE QUOTES + Splashbacks + Free Quotes PH: 0413 270 766 Suppliers of Laminex, Formica, White For all your Board, Runners, Hinges & Associated Hardware plumbing needs  PAYNESVILLE Bosch & Siemens Appliances RUBBISH REMOVAL HANDYMAN ntercraft KITCHENS & APPLIANCES

c M512251 M503741 0400 703 927 5152 3699 • INTERCRAFT.NET.AU All jobs big or small 467 PRINCES HIGHWAY, BAIRNSDALE WASTE BIN HIRE • Home maintenance • Repairs • Fencing DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL WASTE • Yard maintenance Ph: Brent

$25 per hour M511709 0412 568 343 MOBILE WHEELIE BINS OF ALL SIZES PAINTERS Lic 43429 E: [email protected] • Rural Properties Collection HIRE Tomlinson Services • Co-mingled Recyclables • Cardboard Collection Painters & Decorators LICENSED PLUMBER & GASFITTER EAST GIPPSLAND HIRE I.S Myers reg. No. 22819 SKIP BINS Renovations a Specialty 2m, 3m, 4m & 6m bins. • General Plumbing and Maintenance • GENERAL EQUIPMENT HIRE M512860 Ideal for your property clean-up Free Quotes: Jason • Spouting • Roofing • Renovations • SCISSOR LIFTS Servicing Bairnsdale MOBILE 0408 172 916 • EXCAVATORS 0409 808 445 & surrounding areas  Ph: 5153 0330      PH 5152 1770 E: [email protected] M504744 PEST CONTROL   M502474 East Gippsland

   PEST & TERMITE CONTROL 0418 149 841 / 0458 830 050 Plumbing Specialising in: Domestic & Commercial Plumbing, Ph: 5153 0300 Jessica Savige Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance • Termites Specialised Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Jake Fredericks Airconditioning & Hydronic Heating SKIP BIN HIRE  $"" $  " • Rats/Mice Drew Savige • Spiders/Ants Dale Savige %$#"! $ $$#!$$$

M512486 0412 363 081 &%%$#"!" $  $"#&  • Wasps/Bees %$$$ $$ $ • Cockroaches Email: [email protected] We do the works! %$    $ $ $$ $ !  $ HYDRAULICS %$ $ $$   M512870 %$$ $ $  $            !  ##  !"#    #### # !!! !" " "!  Specialising in flies, spiders & mosquitos. PLUMBING #! !# 

M506205 We also treat rodents, cockroaches, ants, wasps & bees and other pests. Lic. No. 35001 M508002 CONTACT CHRIS & AMANDA Ph: 0404 530 369 ROOFING, GENERAL PLUMBING, E: fl[email protected]  GAS FITTING & AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLS 1300 131 807 24 hour Mobile Hydraulic Hose Repair • Servicing East Gippsland for over 25 years. Locally owned & operated.  $#"! #!#!## ! • Eco friendly and biodegradable – safe for the whole family. Ph Ged 0407 045 112 [email protected]        24 hour Mobile Heavy Mechanical Repairs  Welding, Manufacturing & Fitting

Advertising M505442  Cylinder Rebuilding Packages Domestic & Commercial Waste Solutions   available !    • Spiders • Flies • Mosquitoes     Phone: 5152 4496   IN OUR TRADES &   Pre-construction/existing Buildings SERVICES DIRECTORY        1 Payne St,              Bairnsdale   

0428 443 598  5150 2386 EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 19



Prompt Friendly Service Secure Indoor -- M504856 Storage • Motorhomes • RVs • Boats -5 • Caravans • Trucks • 4WDs -344-43 &4"--'(" &! - - 44.-(!( 4 4!%

M506259 -+34"%3$-)' &!

• Packing Sand • Brick Sand • Mulches  5(''- --         • Trucks For Hire • Pebbles • Rocks • Gravel Secure, prestige, vehicle facility. • Washed Sand • Crushed Rock & Screening V1M066 Alarm, Security CC TV, Under cover lockup,

• Screened Top Soils & Manured Top Soils Remote control gate access V1M066 T & K JARVIS PTY LTD 5432/4.-,+3-*)('&%$#-"(,4%$ BAIRNSDALE CALL FRANK (!.-4! &3+! 4!% Call Trevor Ph: 5153 1668 • Mob: 0418 516 307 • Fax: 5153 1670 0418 569 806 M507107 • Office:14 McMillan St Bairnsdale 3875 (%%-3+% 43" Email - [email protected]    


 Re-Upholstery and Repairs Domestic, Antique & Commercial Furniture Servicing Bairnsdale, Lakes Entrance and surrounds M505459 Free pickup & Delivery SECURITY SERVICES PROVIDED: Bairnsdale and surrounding areas • Crowd Control • Guard Services Email - [email protected] • Mobile Patrols - Night & Day Inspections • Armed Guard Cash in Transit Service M512182 Wayne Clemance PH: 0499 635 201 • 24hrs Alarm Response & Monitoring STONE MASON INSTALLATIONS: WATER SERVICES • Security Alarm Systems

• Digital Camera Surveillance M510491 • Major Commercial Systems • Access Control Monumental Masons • ACMA Licensed Cablers Old Man Water Private Security Business Licence Number: 571-756-70S JT & PM Keenan & Sons Private Security Business Registration Number: 571-756-91S    For domestic water deliveries call LOCAL OWNER OPERATOR: Rod Zagami Granite       Russell Barton 1300 989 676 Memorials Formerly East Gippsland Security Service. Established in East Gippsland for over 40 years. Renovations 0498 777 670 SEPTIC TANK CLEANERS & Additions TREE STUMP REMOVAL

Monumental  Accessories #(++2--$%   M510051 "$2$* PH: 5152 4501 MOB: 0412 513 294  17,000 lt 13,000 lt 323 Main St, Bairnsdale by appointment only 7 Day Service Email: [email protected]        M505954 3210/.-,-+*2)('&(-%$%          32#(++2"(0!-! 2/!*2 /'.-! TANKS 32#(++2/!*2$02+&/. 32.2+/,2++$.+2 &!$(&.     E: [email protected] 32 +((2"-+(2-(+ 32#(/,,-2/!/ ++!$ 32 &!%0.$/! • DOMESTIC WATER "!" 320..2!%0(/!+2 &+( CARTAGE

32(++210&$/$-&!%  • TIP TRUCKS, BOBCAT,  #(&2)!*+(%&!2)('&(-%$ 2 !-2&,2+.'&0(!+ EXCAVATOR 2 2 2 &..-!%2$(++$ 2/-(!%*/.+2      "   • ALL AREAS /*-!$(++.--$%&/0

            M507865 "  2 222   22            SEPTIC TANKS TREE SERVICES ✔   WEB DESIGN ✔    Crane ✔      ✔ Hire        ✔          WEBSITE            DESIGN & BUILD

M507726 SIGNAGE • Cattle Troughs • House Stumps • Grease Traps • Pavers contact Mike (03) 5152 4141 • Precast Pits & Lids • Kerb Lintels • End Walls or 0402 127 606 • Retaining Wall Slabs & Sleepers (03) 5150 2300 Ph: Graham 0418 128 523 65 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale VIC 3875 Nathan 0409 506 958 143 Bosworth Road, Bairnsdale, 3875 [email protected] 20 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU


WINDSCREENS WINDOW TINTING Are you a tradie?  Advertise in the Trades & Services!   % "  "  % "  "   $   M502485 "      AUSTRALIA’S            

   &%$#"!" %"%  WINDSCREENS     For more information, contact Meg on &"""""""" Cars, Trucks & Buses " %"" %   0407 864 341 2/27 Payne St, Bairnsdale 5150 2386 M505446



PAYNESVILLE NEWSAGENCY AND LOTTO are looking for a paper deliverer, 3-4 mornings a week. Must be reliable. For all enquiries please visit Paynesville '&%$#"! "#$#& Newsagency and Lotto, PURCHASING OFFICER and 76543210 /.-56,+250 *.)50 320 255(3'&0 2+31.%)$ 9 The Esplanade, Paynesville. #+.)3"5!0 .'!0 5'16+23.2 0 .)3.'120 ,-0 165 '""& $$ TRAINEE PURCHASER ,)),3'&0,23 ,'2 -, +*))('&%, %&$)#"&%!(, #$$# (*!'(", , BAIRNSDALE FACTORY        %#&%,'))%,+# ,!,%$% '%!%, ('%        !% ,(#,#% %%,!,&!%,( %,"(#  We currently have two positions for an ", #$% ('#!, #+, #* , *", !, *%+*) experienced purchasing person and a trainee ))0,23 ,'20,5-053%)50,-(3'&06,+-20-35'!)$ %'), ('%,%,'!,' !)%    purchasing person to join our expanding team. 15.40 5'3-,'45'10 ,'&,3'&0 1-.3'3'&0 .'! $% '%!%, '( '!, ( %, &%'), '!*( ", '!, , ,      Our company has a strong reputation in the -,5223,'.)0 !55),45'10 65250 53 '& '&') , #)%,',$ %+% )%,*(,!#(, '('),*(    industry, operating for over 40 years locally and ,,-1+'3 520.-50,-063&6)$04, .15!0+21,45- %,( %,')'(",(#,# ,%++%('%)",'( ,#( %  manufactures high quality products that 25-350,+25!03'!33!+.)206,0.'0(550+03'0. , $ (, #+, , (%&, !, %, , ' , )%%), #+     enhance the environment. These positions have .210.5!05'3-,'45'1 #&&*!'('#!,')),#( , '((%!,!,% ),, become available due to our strong ongoing & ##&! "!$#" $!! & &$!&  growth and continued expansion.     , '!!'), !%&%!(, '!)*'!, &#!( )", DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ,23 ,'0-52,'23%3)3 5203')+!5 %$# ('!,(#,-#'(% EXPERIENCED POSITION WOULD INCLUDE: 02232 '&0 +21,45-20 3160 -52-3 ,'20 .'! • Processing purchase requisitions &5'5-.)05'#+3-352 ,, %!% ), *'!%, !%&%!(, !, )'!' #$% ('#! • Creating and processing requests for products 02232 '&0 1650 6.-4.3210 3'0 !325'23'& and determining the most appropriate source -52,'23%3)3 52 ,*&!, %#* %, &!%&%!(, '!)*'! (++, #(% '!,!,$" #)) of supply 07,+'25))3'&0+21,45-2 • Updating purchasing information records 0325'2.-$021,(04.'.&545'10 ,!%&%!(, #+, #*!(, $")%, !, %%')% , • Warehouse and storeperson duties 0 !. '&0+21,45-0")520.'!0,165-0.!43'321-. 5 • Inventory management 1.2(2 , %('!,!,*'!%,$)!!'! DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR TRAINEE )3.'120-5#+3-5!01,0,22522 ,&$)%&%!('!,$ #%* %,!,# !'('#!) 0*1-,'&0 3'15-5-2,'.)0 ,-&.'32. ,'.)0 .'!0 "(%&, (#, '! %%, $ #*(''(", '!, ( %, POSITION WOULD INCLUDE: # $)% • A willingness to learn specific computer -,%)5402,)3'&02(3))2 software 0 5 ,'.)0+21,45-025-35  & #$%&&%  & !& "!$#"  • Be willing to learn about the glass, aluminium 0 5))5'105-%.)0.'!0-3 5'0,44+'3. ,'  & !!$ Gippsland Lakes Complete Health has the and manufacturing industry 2(3))2 ,#),,*)'+'('#!,'!,*'!%,+'!!%,# following career opportunities available: • Undertake stock control training, check 05!3.15!0,-(051630.'!021-,'&015.40).$5- *'!%,&'!'( ('#!,$ %+% )% invoice accuracy and learn part identification 0325'2.-$056'33.'05- ".150!523-.%)50',1 , %'#*,%$% '%!%,'!,,&!%&%!(,! !     • Be prepared to take instructions willingly from 5225' .)03))3'&'52201,0,4)5150#+.)3". ,' # , ' ,)%%),$ ('%,&'!'( ('%,$#'('#! Fixed term, full-time team leaders ,$% '%!%,'( ,&!'!,,(%&         WHAT YOU WILL BRING WITH YOU: ,$% '%!%, '!, +'!!'), &!%&%!( ,23 ,'0-52,'23%3)3 5203')+!5 #*!('!,"(%&,!, %$# ('!,$ #%%   !   Previous experience in highly developed, 0.$01,0!.$04.'.&545'10,021,-50!325'2.-$0.'! competitive manufacturing environment. , %'#*,!#)%%,#+,$" #)),"(%&,!, Fixed term, part-time 15.40,5-. ,'2 )%')(%,%&$)#"&%!(,#!'('#! • Be physically fit and must enjoy a physical role 0-,5223,'.)0 . 5'10 ,+'25))3'&0 .'!0 -,3!5 • Previous experience in a similar role a distinct ,$% '%!%,'( ,% #,!,%$*(",#+( %,'   ,4)5150. 5'10.-5 advantage $ %+% )%  0+-.150.'!05 35'10!325'23'&0,0-52-3 ,'2 • Have good attention to detail, including ,-!, *!% (!'!, #+, &%'), (% &'!#)#" Ongoing, full-time +23'&0 $*-312 paperwork, checking invoices etc. &%'), !, ))'%, %)( , $ #+%'#!), 0*+5-3250 '15-'0 *1+!5'10 6.-4.32120 .'! • Be able to work in a team environment # !'('#!, !, %)%!(, (% #)%    ! 325'2.-$022321.'120 • Have a strong safety ethic $ %+% )% 0325'2.-$03'5'1,-$04.'.&545'10.'!0,-!5-  • Have excellent communication skills ,( %!( ,'!,*')'!,*(#&% ,!,(% #)% -,5223'& Fixed term, full-time • Be a fast learner with a positive ‘can do’ attitude %)('#! '$ 0*+,-10.'!0&-,0'50%+23'522021-.15&352 • Strong computer literacy and inventory ,%$('#!),# !'('#!),')) If you are interested in these positions, programme experience an advantage. )3.'120-5#+3-5!01,0,22522   !% !$ &  & #$%&&%  $ please visit 07+--5'1005&321-. ,'0.20.06.-4.321 to obtain a detailed position description TO APPLY: & #$$ $ !&"& "%  0*1-,'&0 )5.!5-2630 3'15-5-2,'.)0 .'! &&  !$#"$ "% &&  and to apply. Applications must be in writing with the ,-&.'32. ,'.)02(3))2 "%$"##!$##" appropriate references and previous experience 0 5 ,'.)0+21,45-025-350.'!0,44+'3. ,' !$#"$ !& $%" $!   Bairnsdale | Bruthen | Lakes Entrance | Metung | Nowa Nowa listed. 2(3))2 An attractive salary package (BASED ON EXPERIENCE) and, if required, relocation expenses 05!3.15!0,-(051630.'!021-,'&015.40).$5- covered for the appropriate person. You will be 0*,)3!0%+23'5220.+45'0.'!05$50,-05-5 ,' required to undergo a pre employment medical )5.250-,3!50.0,5-3'&0)5 5-0.'!0-52+401, [email protected] check if successful. 2.)5654321.-56,+25,4.+ Applications to [email protected] ))0 2+522+)0 .)3.'120 .-50 -5#+3-5!0 1,0 4551 [email protected] or delivered to 82 Forge Creek Road, Bairnsdale, 2. 2.1,-$0 . ,'.)0 7-343'.)0 321,-$0 765( 3875. ,+1,45 [email protected] EMAIL US: EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 21


Business Cards, Letterheads, Operations and Maintenance Envelopes, Pads, The Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative provide people Team Member Posters, Newsletters, centred health and other community based services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. East Gippsland Water currently has a position Brochures, Flyers, open for an Operations and Maintenance Team We are seeking enthusiastic and suitably qualified applicants for the Booklets, Raffle Member. following positions at GEGAC. Tickets, Menus, This is a full time ongoing role and will form a .-,+*)(,+'&%($#"!& +) #+&.-'#*+-&.% . part of our team working out of Orbost. As an Laminating, Magnets, %($#"!& ),&)+)&&&#,#-& essential service provider this role will assist Magazines, The IFSI Support Worker positions are a part of the Integrated Family in the operation of the water/wastewater Support Indigenous (IFSI) team that provides families with support to treatment facilities around Orbost, and the Catalogues, promote a stable and nurturing environment for children. The Family delivery of proactive and reactive maintenance Digital Printing, Support Worker provides intensive, effective and professional support to and operational project works within our water Aboriginal families over a specified duration that meets their immediate and sewerage networks. Invoice Books, needs in strengthening their ability to provide a safe and caring home for For more information or to obtain a position Purchase Dockets, their children. description (which includes the required ("&#(*-#&"#-##(-& selection criteria) please refer to our website Photocopying, or call Human This challenging yet rewarding position will put you at the front line of Faxing, Presentation supporting, advocating and empowering individuals with high complex Resources on (03) 5150 4444. needs. This role will sit within a diverse team of skilled staff in a warm and Applications close Sunday, March 29, 2020. Folders, Invitations, friendly environment which focuses on community wellbeing. The position As part of our commitment to creating a diverse Marketing Cards, is based at Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Service (LEAHA). inclusive and flexible workplace, we strongly Post Cards, +-#)&&"#-##(- encourage applications from experienced This challenging yet rewarding position will place you at the front line of women and men, people with disabilities, Bookmarks, Binding, supporting, advocating and empowering individuals of Aboriginal Torres LGBTI, ATSI, culturally and ethnically diverse Strait Islander background with complex substance use. Your extensive candidates to best represent and engage with Calendars, experience will place you in a senior clinical role overseeing a small team communities in which we live and work. Rubber/Self Inking of AOD workers and working one on one with forensic clients. This role will sit within a diverse team of staff in a warm and friendly environment which Stamps. focuses on community wellbeing. Visit our website:  #)+& ),&(+&)+)& This exciting position will support and empower the referred clients to their LARGE FORMAT recovery journey, back to independence & autonomy. This role will work PUBLIC NOTICES PRINTING alongside with the Program Coordinator, internal & external service providers to link the client into appropriate services that have identified as EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST We can print on... needed by the triage system. The desired outcomes would ideally be WY YUNG LAWNMOWING & CLEANING Colorbond, Acrylic, closure of the client's referral due to them being supported on a more In Wy Yung, Bairnsdale, Paynesville & Lakes Entrance permanent basis by other services. Aluminium %($#"!& #"+-+& ),&)+) WE DO: WINDOW CLEANING Composite, If you are passionate, driven, resilient and articulate we would like to hear • House/Unit Cleaning • Rental Exit Cleans Foamcore, Corflute, from you. This role will be at times challenging but highly rewarding. This • Lawnmowing/Gardening/Weeding will see you work with a multitude of people with varying social economic Self Adhesive Vinyl, statuses and multicultural backgrounds. You will be working as part of a :987:66543244125530:7:60 • Handyman/Maintenance/Rubbish Removal team that is committed, supportive and innovative with excellent training Canvas, Pop up 530:73/.2//-,502++27756*266:7)5(:6 REDGUM FIREWOOD • FLUE CLEANING opportunities. Banner, Metal $$-#,!&+"" +#-*& (-(*+)& :'&%2$#""&!' 27# 2'%2("'%# 2# #%& • NDIS APPROVED • TAC APPROVED :"&&# 2 2 5 %&%2 2 # ## '!&2 ' 2 A-Frame, we print to Exciting opportunity to take the lead in an innovative and multi-disciplinary • WORKCOVER APPROVED for cleaning and team, The service currently offers Alcohol and Drug counselling, AOD ' #&'%# &22%2"#&# 22# % '!2' #%2' 1.4m wide and any Nursing, Koori Youth Mentoring and other health and wellbeing programs #&2&#& gardening plus for firewood to eligible clients. 5 % '!2 / #%2 2 %2 ("'%# 2 #!!2 "%2 %2 length. Our range of to the local Aboriginal Community. PH 0409 188 185 %2 / #%2 ' 2 7#&2 (#%%2 #%2 %2 '#2 2 substrates means "#(,#-& )&, +&(  +&#,#-&#""&"+&(,&$ #"# 2"&&&2 %# &2' 2"'%# &2% -&%)#'(!&)#"&& %2 &%2 ' 2"'%#2' 2%2'&&#&%2#% there will be an A copy of the position descriptions and the GEGAC application form can be #&2' '! &#&2'&&&& %2' 2#%#'%#  '&%$#"!& ! '! $# %$&'! & option for you. obtained from GEGAC reception - ph. 03 5150 0700; by contacting [email protected] or by following the below link for all of GEGAC’s current 02"# 22' %2#!!2 2 ! 2   ''$'!"$% vacancies.  22'2# #22%2 '&2#%2% &# 2 "%# &2 %#'% 2#%2%2&&&!2'""!#' % The land affected by 9 The Billabong METUNG ,%'#!&22%2# % '!2&#&2'2# !  2# 2% the application is Lot 114 PS 517830 YMEDIA - WEBSITES located at: Applications must be emailed to [email protected] ("'%# &2 5 % '!2 / #%2 6%' ' 2 4"'%#  FOR LOCALS or sent to: 8 2#2&%2 2' 2# 2  %# 2#% The application is Two lot subdivision and variation B28499 Human Resources %2/ #%2+27#&2(#%%2('% for a permit to: of a restrictive covenant Better websites for Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative :"&&# &2 2 5 %&%2 &%2 ' &&2 %2 The applicant for Crowther & Sadler Pty Ltd better business PO Box 634 '&&&& %2 #%#'2 ' 2 # ! 2 # '%# 2 the permit is: Bairnsdale Vic 3875 &% 2# 2%2:"&&# 225 %&%2&" & Websites starting from The application 61/2020/P  )#*#-("& (-')& ))+& ,)(#,& ."(-'+)& +"+& ()+& ,)-*"!&  reference number is: a Dollar a Day* +-)(*+'&,&("! 0&2  %&2 '2 ''#!' !2  2 %2 You may look at the East Gippsland Shire Council, All appointees are required to have a valid Working with Children ("'%# &2 &#%2'%#'22 application and any Bairnsdale Business Centre, Check and Police Check before commencing work in this  %'%# 2,'# 27'  2 22 2 documents that 34 Pyke Street, Bairnsdale. organisation. support the :"&&# &225 %&%2#!!2 2# 2"2 %#! application at the !&22 &# &&26 ' 2/"#!22   office of the responsible authority. /&2"'%222#% %2%2'%# 2'2 #& # !&#2 ' 2 !# !2 "!'2 2 &% !  '2'""!#'%# &22"#  2 This can be done during office hours and is free of ' 2  2 ""!2 #%2 #&' #!#%#&2 .$052 /065 charge or can be viewed anytime by visiting the !%'!! 2' 2% #'!! 2 #&2' # '%&2%2 &% following website: "& %2' 2 '2#%2 #%#&2# 2# Working alongside with Lakes Entrance 2!#2' 2 Any person who may be affected by the granting of Aboriginal Health Association (LEAHA) the permit may object or make other submissions to the responsible authority. An objection must: LOCALLY • be made to the Responsible Authority in writing, • include the reasons for the objection, and • state how the objector would be affected. ON SITE The Responsible Authority will not decide on the April 8, 2020 application before: $!!!!    !    ! !! !    %!     ! !!!! !  !   !   ! ! !  !  !  !   ! !  !  !  !  !  ! !  !   ! !  ! ! !  !  !  ! !   !!!! !  ! 5150 2300 !   ! !!    22 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU CLASSIFIEDS FAMILY NOTICES

PUBLIC NOTICES TO LET FOR SALE DEATHS FUNERALS SELF-CONTAINED HOLLINGSWORTH - 1/2 HOUSE - Includes FOR SALE Robert James ‘Bob’, of ~ HOLLINGSWORTH ~ ensuite bathroom, open Newspaper Eastwood. The funeral service of fireplace, air condition- End Rolls 21/4/1940 - 16/3/2020 Mr Robert James ing. 1 B/R, partly fur- Aged 79 years. ‘Bob’ Hollingsworth, nished, close to shops. In- Passed away peacefully of Eastwood, will be ternet ready. $175 p/w. surrounded by loving held at Our Chapel, FEDCBABC@DB?>D?=<@ Located Paynesville. PH family. Bob 0479 167 942. 613 Main Street, @DE;CA:A9E8CBD7AFEDCBABC@DB?>D?=<@A6A543210/A.14-,A+*/A+)+)A1(A:1'& Loving son of Jim and Vera (both dec.). Loving Bairnsdale, on E4%1$A-#"%4%2!A 134 $21%/AF11/A83 2% #A@#(,/A83 2% #/AC1%A#3 (/A<%1 2$AE4'/A10 %$"3%/A MARKETS and devoted husband of Tuesday, April 7, 2020, B10'# 2A ?$1 2/A @14$3%2/A 4(,% /A <3-,#$# /A #, $# "3%/A @1 A B%1-,/A .%( /A 13' 1/A 81%$ at 2pm. LAKES ENTRANCE Judy. Much loved father C (41 -%/A81%AD0%4$A %1-,/A<#1A<#1A1 2A -,1 & SURF CLUB FORE- of Lisa, Tina and PRIVATE CREMATION. >$(#'%4$A#AC1$(A;3$1 2AF1(%4A3 A 134 $21%/AF11/A83 2% #A@#(,/A83 2% #/AC1%A#3 (/A<%1 2$ SHORE MARKET - is Michael. Cherished grandfather of 10 and E4'/A10 %$"3%/AB10'# 2A?$1 2/A@14$3%2/A 4(,% /A<3-,#$# /A#, $# "3%/A@1 AB%1-,/A.%( / CANCELLED until fur- Various great-grandfather of six. 13' 1/A81%$AC (41 -%/A81%AD0%4$A %1-,/A<#1A<#1A1 2A -,1 A14%A12"3$%2A(,1(A@(1%A:A9E%4(7A1(%4 ther notice due to Covid- quantities Loved and remembered 4%$(43-(3# $A3 A1--#421 -%A3(,A(,%A>#4#41(3# $A 081A<#A))::+A3A(1%A%%-(A4#'A543210/A.14-,A+*/ 19. by all his family. +)+)A1(A:1'A1 2A-# (3 %A (3A4(,%4A #(3-%& and prices. PUBLIC Available from Always in our hearts. D,%A1(%4A4%$(43-(3# $A4%1-%A@(1%A+A9@1"%7A1(%4A4%$(43-(3# $A-44% (0A3 A1-%& NOTICES You can breathe :& F1(%43 A;142% $/A81 $AA103  (A (,% A # 0A (#A (,%A % (% ( ,1 2,%2A,#$%A3$A$%2A#4 Bairnsdale easy now. @41-%$ ,3-,A3(A3$A4%1$# 10A %-%$$140 A1A$,3 A2%"3-%/A-# %-(%2A(#A1 Advertiser GO THE MIGHTY 917 E!A #4A(,#$%A4#$%$!A#4 ,#$%A 3$A $%2/A 1 2A (,%A (1A 3$ reception SAINTS! A4%$32% (31A #4A -#''%4-31A 1 A#4A2#'%$(3-A4#$%$A3 $32%A1 (4 %2A#A3''%231(%0A1(%4A$, BEREAVEMENT 14%1A#4A 2%3 A#4 3 A3$A-#'%(%& Ph: 5150 2300 ~ STEWART ~ THANKS A3-A1 A14%1A#4 A#4A1 0A#(,%4A$%A#A1(%4 Mrs Patricia A% %41A 103 A $41-%/A -1 #( %4'3((%2A 0A '%1 $A #A 1 & $3 AF1(%4A#4A=(,%4A>%1 3 A#4 %A 1(%4%2A % -%(A 1$A 4% 34%2 ,1 2,%2A,#$%A 2%4A$(1%A+ .13 (% 1 -%A4#$%$ The members of ~ FERGUSON ~ 917 F1(%4A -1 #(A %A $%2A # A ,142 Easter Fete James (Jim) 1 2A(,% A# 0! 4%$(43-(3# $A#4A the Johnsonville Fire A3(,A1A,1 2,%2A,#$%/A-%(A#4 A3 A1--#421 -%A3(,A1 A14#"%2 $41-%$A #4A 323 A 1-12%$A 93 -23 A3 2#$7/A% -%(! April 11, 2020 Brigade wish to Bette, Karen, Peter and 1(%43 A-1 A1(A1 0A(3'%A#4 F1(%4A $%A1 & 9am - 1pm Shelley would like to A0A'%1 $A#A1A1(%43 A$0$(%' A3 A(,%A-#4$%A#A-# $(4-(3# A#4 express their deepest 97 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A3A#4A(# 4% #"1(3# A(A# 0A1$A%4'3((%2 thank family and (A # 0A # A 1(%4 1(%A 210$A A1A1(%4A(1 %4A %$$! Incorporating a  sympahy to the Stewart %(%% A(,%A,#4$A#A 1'A1 2  2%4A14141,A9-A7A#4 friends for the love, AC1$(A ;3$1 2A F1(%4A ,1$ A#4A-%1 3 A4% 34%2A1$A1A4%$( Farmer’s Market and all family on the loss of support, cards, phone :)1'A1 2A 'A1 2A:)'& 41 (%2A 1A '#3%A 1(%4A (1 %4 #A1 A1--32% (/A34%/A,%1(,A,1142/ the usual fun. their mother and calls and visits after 97 <#(A$%2& %4'3(A (#A (,%A #%41(#4A #A (,1(  $1%(0A,1142A#4A#(,%4A%'%4% -0 Stallholders - $20 grandmother. the loss of our loved 9-7 <#(3(,$(1 23 A14141,$A917! (1 %4A1 2 1 2A(,% A# 0A0A'%1 $A#!  (3m x 3m site) one. Special thank you A1A3-A142% A#4A1 A14%1A#4 A(,%A(1 %4A3$A$03 A(,%A1(%4 A1A,3,A4%$$4%A1(%4A-%1 3  A1A % %41A #4A 14(3-14A 103 A (#A%A$%2A#4! 2%"3-%A#4 PHCANCELLED Lisa 0428 330 072  to Dr Naveen Joshi, $41-%/A -1 A %A 1(%4%2A 1$A A#4A34%A3,(3 /A$(#-A1(%43  A3A$-,A1A2%"3-%A3$A #(A1"131%/ to book.     Bairnsdale Bowls 4% 34%2A(A# 0A3 A1--#421 -% #4A#(,%4A3-A,%1(,A4#$%$ 1A ,1 2,%2A ,#$%/A -%(A #4A  Club, Maddocks 3(,A1 A14#"%2AF1(%4A $%A1 & (A (,% A # 0A (#A (,%A % (% ( 1(%43 A-1 /A#4 Gardens, Trevor and ,3-,A3(A3$A4%1$# 10A %-%$$140 A3 A(,%A-1$%A#A323 A1-12%$A EAST GIPPSLAND  Linda. +& $3 AF1(%4A#4AE%$(,%(3-A4#$%$ #4A(,#$%A4#$%$AA#4 93 -23 A3 2#$7/A#4A1 0A#(,%4 TPI SOCIAL CLUB Please accept this as 917 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A3A#4A(# A#4A2#'%$(3-A4#$%$A3 $32%A1 (0%A#A-%1 3 A9 #(A4%%44%2A(#   A1A# (13 A#4A1(%4A%1(4%A 2%3 A#4 1#"%7A1 2A(,% A# 0A0A'%1 $A# Due to the virus our   FUNERALS our heartfelt thanks.  %$$A(,%A# (13 A#4A1(%4A%1(4% A#4A1 0A#(,%4A$%A#A1(%4 1A-%(A#4A1(%43 A-1 & Quilt Raffle cannot be 4%-34-1(%$A(,%A1(%4A1 2A(,% A# 0 %4'3((%2A0A'%1 $A#A1A,1 2 drawn on April 25. ~ LYONS ~ FUNERAL 0A'%1 $A#! ,%2A ,#$%A  2%4A $(1%A :A 97 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A$4%$$ (Atkins) DIRECTORS A1A ,1 2,%2A ,#$%/A -%(A #4A 4%$(43-(3# $& 2$(A %$$A(,%A2$(A3$A-1$3 A#4 We will advise of a 1(%43 A-1 A#4& 3$A 3%0A (#A -1$%A 1A ,%1(,A #4 later date. The funeral of Mrs A1 A E(#'1(3-A F1(%4A D#A  & >%1 3 A%,3-%$A3(,AF1(%4 % "34# '% (1A ,1142/A 1 2A (,% Brenda Helen Lyons, of  %"3-%& 917F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A-%1 A1 # 0! ANIMALS Bairnsdale, will leave  "%,3-%A% -%(! A0A '%1 $A #A 1A ,1 2,%2A,#$%/ 97AF1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A3A#4A(# St Mary’s Catholic A3 A(,%A-1$%A#A1A"%,3-%A%3  -%(A#4A1(%43 A-1 A#4     A1A %A#4A% 3$(3 A# 2A#4A1% Church, Bairnsdale -%1 %2A1(A(,%A4%'3$%$A#A#4A0 A3(,A 1(%4A 4#'A 1A 1(%4A (1 %4   3(,A1A-11-3(0A#A+/)))A3(4%$A#4 IMPORTANT after prayers commenc- 1A'#(#4A"%,3-%A2%1%4/A4%134%4A#4 3%2A#4A(#%2AA3 A1--#421 -% %$$A% -%(A0A'%1 $A#A1A,1 2,%2 ing at 11am, on Friday, 2%(13%4/A# 0A3 A1--#421 -%A3(, 3(,A4%$(43-(3# A97A#4 NOTICE: 30 Victoria St, ,#$%/A1(%43 A-1 A#4A-%(& March 27, 2020, for 14141,9A>7A#4 A3 A1--#421 -%A3(,A1 A14#"%2 As of January 2012, 9-7 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A3A#4A(# the Bairnsdale Lawn BAIRNSDALE A3 A1 0A#(,%4A-1$%A0A'%1 $A#! F1(%4A $%A1 & it is now a A1A %A#4A% 3$(3 A# 2A#4A1% Cemetery. A1A,3,A4%$$4%A1(%4A-%1 3  Bairnsdale Croquet requirement under 3(,A1A-11-3(0A#A4%1(%4A(,1 2%"3-%A#4 9-7 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A3 A(,%A-#4$%  Club Inc. the “Victorian +/)))A3(4%$A% -%(A3 A1--#421 -% A3A$-,A1A2%"3-%A3$A #(A1"131%/ #A -# $(4-(3# A #4A 4% #"1(3# Domestic Animals 3(,A1 A14#"%2AF1(%4A $%A1 & 1A ,1 2,%2A ,#$%/A -%(A #4 % -%(! 1(%43 A-1 A#4 A0A'%1 $A#A1A,3,A4%$$4% Act 1994”, that all Peter & $3 AF1(%4A3 A@3''3 A##$A1 2 AGM A1(A1A-#''%4-31A-14A1$,A3 -%1 3 A2%"3-%/A,1 2,%2A,#$%/ dogs and cats be D#0$ 1--#421 -%A3(,A14141,A927A#4 -%(A#4A1(%43 A-1 A#4 Wednesday, April 8, microchipped prior 917 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A3A1A % A3 A(,%A-1$%A#A1A"%,3-%A#4A'1$$ A#4A (,%A $4%$$3# A #A 2$(A 3 2020, at 12.30pm. to being sold. #4A% 3$(3 ! 1--#421 -%A3(,A14141,A97A#4 (41 $#4(1(3# /A 3 A 1--#421 -% At Clubrooms, Upon placement of A4%$32% (31A#4A-#''%4-31A##A#4 3(,A1 A14#"%2AF1(%4A $%A1 & A#4A-# $(4-(3# A% 3'% (A,3-, $1A#4 4% 34%$A1A1(%4A$0A#4A3($A$1% Pearson Street, an advertisement in 97 <#(3(,$(1 23 A 14141,A 917/ 1 2A%3-3% (A#%41(3# A#4 Bairnsdale. our newspaper, A3-A##A#4A$1/A3(,A1A-11-3(0 EAST GIPPSLAND #A+/)))A3(4%$A#4A%$$/A% -%(A0 1(%4A-1 A%A$%2A(#A-%1 A3 $32% A3A4% 34%2A3 A(,%A #4'1A-#4$%A# the microchip Garry Ball Incorporating Silver Lining '%1 $A#!A 1A ##2A (41 $#4(A "%,3-%A 3A 3(A 3$ 3 3(31A(%$(3 A#4A$,3 A#!A3%$ identification A1A,1 2,%2A,#$%/A-%(A#4A1 %-%$$140/A %3(,%4A (#A 1"#32 #4A#(,%4A#4$& Secretary. number must be (%43 A-1 A#4A -# (1'3 1(3# A #A (,%A "%,3-%$ PH 0419 887 695. provided to us. *& $3 A F1(%4A #4A >#''%4-31 To A1 A E(#'1(3-A F1(%4A D#A  -# (% ($A#4A(#A% $4%A3-A,%1(, 4#2-(3# A#A1 ($A1 2#4AE 3'1$ This does NOT apply %"3-%& #4A$1%(0/A(A# 0A0A'%1 $A#A1! place A1A ,3,A 4%$$4%A 1(%4A -%1 3  917 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A1(! to any cat or dog 97 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A3A1A % SHIVAGO 2%"3-%A#4 A1A -#''%4-31A #4A ># -3A 1 ( that is advertised as #4A% 3$(3 ! 4$%40A#4 your A1A ,1 2,%2A ,#$%/A -%(A #4 FREE to good home A4%$32% (31A#4A-#''%4-31A##A#4 A1A -#''%4-31A '14%(A 142% / THERAPEUTIC 1(%43 A-1 & $1A#4 % -%(A1$A4% 34%2A1 2A(,% A# 0 MASSAGE personal A3-A##A#4A$1/A3(,A1A-11-3(0 %A'%1 $A#! 9-7 F1(%4A -1 #(A %A $%2A 1(A (,% Visits you in #A 4%1(%4A (,1 A +/)))A 3(4%$/A 4%'3$%$A#A#4A0A1A'#(#4A"%,3-% A1A ,1 2,%2A ,#$%/A -%(A #4 notice % -%(A 3 A 1--#421 -%A 3(,A 1 A 2%1%4/A4%134%4A#4A2%(13%4A(#A-%1 1(%43 A-1 A1(A1 0A(3'%A#4 YOUR own home. 14#"%2AF1(%4A $%A1 & 1A"%,3-%A% -%(! A1A1(%43 A$0$(%'A1(A1 0A(3'%& Phone 0490 849 631 : 9-7 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A(#AA1  0A'%1 $A#! USED Phone 97 <#(A $%2 %A#4A% 3$(3 ! A1A,3,A4%$$4%A1(%4A-%1 3 A2% VEHICLES 5150 2300 A4%$32% (31A#4A-#''%4-31A##A#4 "3-% 9-7 F1(%4A -1 #(A %A $%2A #4A 1 3'1 WANTED $1A#4 A1A-#''%4-31A-14A1$,A3 A1--#4 ,$1 240A% -%(A#4! TO BUY 2004 SUZUKI EIGER - A3-A##A#4A$1/A#A1 0A-11-3(0/ 21 -%A3(,A14141,A927A#4 243 3 A0A1 3'1$A#4A342$A#4 4WD, automatic, good % -%(A0A'%1 $A#! A1A-%(A#4A1(%4A-1 A#4 -%1 3 A1 3'1$A#4A342$A#4 CARAVANS WANTED condition mechanically A1A,1 2,%2A,#$%/A-%(A#4A1  3 A 1--#421 -%A 3(,A 1 A 14#"%2 A-%1 3 A% $/A0142$A1 2A-1%$/ - Older caravans wanted, but plastics are a bit (%43 A-1 A#4 F1(%4A $%A1 & 1 2A(,% A# 0A3A-%1 3 A3$A2# % cash paid. PH 0447 057 rough. $3200, located A1 AE(#'1(3-AF1(%4AD#A  0A'%1 $A#A1A,1 2,%2A,#$%A#4 307. 927F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A1$, Bairnsdale. PH 0408 554 %"3-%& -%(& "%,3-%$A1(A1A-#''%4-31A-14A1$, 561. 927F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A(#A3A#4 FOR SALE  %$$! 927 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A#4A-##3 A1 (#A A 1A '#3%A $1A % -%(A 3 A#4A(,#$%A-14A1$,%$A3(A43#4A(# $,%2A# A1A-#''%4-31A#(40A14' HAY FOR SALE -   1--#421 -%A3(,A1 A14#"%2AF1(%4 :A0A+):+/A #A'#4%A(,1 A:)) % -%(A0A'%1 $A#! Oaten rolls and barley    $%A 1 A (,1(A 3$A #(13 %2A 0A (,% 3(4%$A #A 1(%4A 3$A $%2A #4A %1-, A$43 %4$A $%2A # 0A #4A -##3   # %4A#A(,%A'#3%A$1& rolls $100 ea plus GST = "%,3-%A1$,%2A1 2 1 2A(,% A# 0A%(%% A(,%A,#4$ $110. Located Cowwarr,  9%7 F1(%4A-1 #(A%A$%2A3 A#4A#4A(,% A#4A(,#$%A-14A1$,%$A3(A# A#4 #A 1'A1 2A'A,% A(,%A3 $32% Nth Gippsland. Bulk Follow us on $%A#A1A,#$%-# %-(%2A1(%4A(#0 1(%4A:A0A+):+/A #A'#4%A(,1 (%'%41(4%A#A(,%A$,%2A3$A)> sales only, transport can 1(A1 0A(3'%& *)A3(4%$A#A1(%4A3$A$%2A#4A%1-, #4A,3,%4A1 2 be arranged. Leave msg "%,3-%A1$,%2A#4 A#3 A $0$(%'$A 1 2A -##3  & @(#43 A#4AD41 $#4(3 AF1(%4 or SMS. 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Bairnsdale and District Darts Association (BDDA) held its summer competition grand final at the Club Hotel on Tuesday, March 17. PICTURED: SUMMER COMPETITION WINNER – Swampies White: Steve Bartlett, Damion Blewitt, Ronnie Rees, Griffin SUMMER COMPETITION RUNNER-UP – RSL A: Aaron Matthews, Paul Soullier and Sherritt and Adrian Sherritt. (PS) Chantelle Soullier. Absent: Greg Kerr and Clive Rhodes. (PS)


*** GOLF LOGO *** Mangan, 56.5, LR. 13; Romanee Vince, SM Reynolds, A. Lynch, 57.5, Ladder Golf Race 4 – maiden plate, 1200m: Little Richie Turf, DC 18.55L, 14. Swifts 55, 136; Kestrels 48, 132; Falcons 45, 117; Rap- Clover, BE Thompson, 58, 1:13:14, 1; Harpers Blight, Race 9 – BM58 handicap, 1000m: Hawksmoor, DC tors 40, 128; Owls 40, 108; Kites 39, 116; Vultures 35, BAIRNSDALE GOLF CLUB M. Farrugia, B. Higgins, 58.5, 1.25L, 2; Havieron, M. Clover, N. Callow, 59, 59.78, 1; Infernal, MR Sues, B. 106; Harriers 34, 98; Osprey 32, 114; Buzzards 30, 110; Sunday, March 22 – mixed 18 hole stableford: Laurie, MJ Cartwright, 56, 1.35L, 3; Prompt Reply, JW Park, 56, 1.75L, 2; Cheap Tycoon, JTP Linehan, Y. Ota, Hawks 28, 97. 66 players. Pallot, N. Callow, 58, 2.6L, 4; Kurokami, AM Sheehan, 54, 2.5L, 3; Stansborough, DJ Walkley, K. Quitty, 53.5, Player Rankings Men: winner – D. Kuch, 36; runner-up – M. Farrelly, 35. C. Hall, 56, 2.7L, 5; Mum’s Wish, LJ McGill, CN Raw- 2.6L, 4; Magnicity, R Griffiths, C. Hefel, 55.5, 3.85L, 5; Line 1 – D. Nicholson, Falcons, 18, 100; D. Fayolle, Ladies: winner – R. Kercher, 42; runner-up – R. Pearce, iller, 54, 3.45L, 6; Veto, FJ Stockdale, B. Park, 58, Prussian Dream, PJ White, C. Douglas, 60, 3.95L, 6; Be Eagles, 12, 100; J. Deed, Swifts, 17, 94; AJ Vague, 41. 4.45L, 7; Son of Sunny, C. Chan, C. Douglas, 58.5, Miss Luchy, KJ Fythe, BE Thompson, 54, 4.05L, 7; I?m Hawks, 13, 87; L. Yeates, Kestrels, 15, 83; J. Hulme Down the line balls: men – R. Van Elden, S. Biszko, P. 5.95L, 8; Sockaholic, RD Cluning, DJ Dunn, 9.45L, 9; Cheeky, WJ Wood, B. Higgins, 59.5, 5.05L, 8; Domi- Harriers, 12, 80; A. Redshaw, Kites, 14, 78; J. Edwards, Engel, 34; I. McCoy, T. Curtis, E. Ly, D. Browne, 33. Kardinia, EV Musgrove, A. Lynch, 58.5, 10.45L, 10. nant Way, TD Kilgower, R. Tan, 56.5, 5.55L, 9; Warrigal Raptors, 11, 73; H. Blythman, Owls, 13, 72; N. Hall, Ladies – A. Rassini, 40; L. Coleman, 38; J. Newell, S. Race 5 – BM58 handicap, 1200m: Pershing, L. Tolson Mac, R. Manning, C. Hall, 55, 8.55L, 10; Bonjour Belle, Vultures, 13, 72; G. Warr, Buzzards, 7, 58; R. Dunn, Plowman, 37; G. Paterson, F. Mantell, 36, J. Gibbs, R. & L. Proctor, MJ Cartwright, 57.5, 1:12.39, 1; Rockin? P. Foster, AB Robertson, 54.5, 11.05L, 11; Spun Dice, Osprey, 6, 40. Engel, Z. Clark, T. Archibald, 34. Sonny, LJ McGill, C. Douglas, 58.5, 0.5L, 2; Encircle, TD Kilgower, KM Walters, 54, 11.8L, 12. Line 2 – J. Cabaybay, Owls, 12, 80; I. Temme, Osprey, Nearest the pins: 4th – M. Abbott; 8th – G. Quist; 11th – M. Laurie, N. Callow, 59, 0.8L, 3; Tiny Hussy, SL 14, 78; L. Wigg, Eagles, 9, 60; P. Curran, Raptors, 7, 58; J. Newell; 17th – T. Curtis. Trolove, H. Grace, 54.5, 4.8L, 4; Unruly Student, R. D. Auld, Harriers, 10, 56; R. Reynolds, Kestrels, 8, 53; Manning, C. Hall, 54, 6.05L, 5; New York World, C. ***Table TABLE TENNIS Tennis LOGO *** G. Shanahan, Swifts, 9, 50; M. Chappell, Falcons, 9, 50; Blackshaw, BE Thompson, 60.5, 6.55L, 6; Shotchu, TD L. Zwiersen, Kites, 5, 33; I. Short, Vultures, 5, 33; B. ***Racing RACING LOGO *** Kilgower, R. Tann, 57, 8.55L, 7; Stradista, S. Wynne, S. BAIRNSDALE AND DISTRICT Chappell, Buzzards, 3, 33; M. Arnold, Hawks, 2, 11. Wynne, 54.5, 8.75L, 8; Our Ellie Rose, W. Walters, KM TABLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION Line 3 – H. Rigg, Kestrels, 8, 53; R. Wigg, Swifts, 7, 39; BAIRNSDALE RACES Walters, 57.5, 20.75L, 9; Entangled Toff, M. Brown, B. Wednesday Pennant, Round 6 C. Barr, Hawks, 5, 33; J. Gardner, Raptors, 5, 33; S. Sunday, March 22 Higgins, 58, 70.75L, 10. Vultures 6, 22 d Kites 5, 20; Falcons 7, 22 d Osprey 4, Fratczak, Kites, 4, 27; N. Mahomed, Vultures, 3, 20; N. Track: Good 4 Race 6 – BM58 handicap, 1200m: Shoot for Coomaah, 15; Kestrels 8, 25 d Hawks 3, 13; Swifts 8, 24 d Owls 3, Dunn, Osprey, 3, 20; J. Mahomed, Buzzards, 1, 8; E. Race 1 – maiden plate, 1600m: Raise ‘Em Up (horse), RJ Laming, B. Higgins, 60.5, 1:12.34, 1; Flight Risk, AB 9; Buzzards 8, 26 d Harriers 3, 11; Raptors 9, 29 d Dunn, Owls, 1, 7; J. Hulme Harriers, 17; J. Sherritt, Fal- M. Brown (trainer), B. Higgins (jockey), 58 (kg weight), Logan, J. Darose, 54, 0.5L, 2; Oneira, AM Sheehan, C. Eagles 2, 14. cons, 0, 9; A. Crunden, Eagles, 0, 0. 1:38.60 (time/margin), 1 (place); Hernandez, RD Grif- Hall, 58, 0.7L, 3; Unshackled, LF Oliver, DJ Dunn, 59.5, fiths, M. Allen, 58, 3L, 2; Haleakala, W. Walters, KM 0.9L, 4; The Blues Brother, JW Pallot, N. Callow, 57, 1L, Walters, 56.5, 4.5L, 3; Shy Doll IR Hutchins, C. Hefel, 5; Sensitivity, C. Maher & D. Eustace, TM Nugent, 58.5, 54, 5L, 4; Hesontherun, JF Rattle, A. Lynch, 58, 5.1L, 5; 2.75L, 6; Gambeson, J. Horner, J. Horner, 59, 3.15L, 7; Country Transport John Barley Corn, KF Milham, B. Park, 58, 5.3L, 6; All Sebring Star, P. Foster, AB Robertson, 55, 3.45L, 8; El Accomplished, MG Leys, H. Grace, 57, 7.55L, 7; En- Magnificence, D. Krongold, CN Rawiller, 59.5, 4.95L, 9; true Specialists physiotherapycare slaved, RD Cluning, CN Rawiller, 54.5, 8.55L, 8; Jack Bon Torr Mor, DB Ferguson, KM Walters, 54, 5.95L, 10. The Raider, LJ McGill, C. Douglas, 58, 11.3L, 9; Arma- Race 7 – BM58 handicap, 2000m: Polisher, MD Hin- Daily Services between trading, CJ Davies, R. Mangan, 56.5, 12.3L, 10; Devine ton, B. Park, 56, 2:05.92, 1; Take Stock, T. Hughes, C. Tilly, PJ Kramer, BE Thompson, 56, 13.05L, 11; Two Douglas, 58.5, 0.2L, 2; KJ Fythe, BE Thompson, 57, Melbourne - Bairnsdale - Omeo Shots, C. Blackshaw, DJ Dunn, 58, 14.3L, 12; Hot Can- 0.3L, 3; Baleka, W. Walters, KM Walters, 57, 1.55L, 4; • Pallets • Parcels • Livestock • Hay ford, C. Gafa, J. Darose, 65.5,21.05L, 13. Chica Mala, AM Bennett, CN Rawiller, 56.5, 1.75L, 5; • Machinery • Bulk • General • Wool WE “ACT” Race 2 – maiden plate, 1000m: Snow Factor, CJ Hotel Amour, M. Laurie, MJ Cartwright, 60.5, 1.85L, 6; ANALYSE | CONSULT | TREAT Davies, R. Mangan, 56.5, 1:00.15, 1; Stirrup, M. Heeza Force, CF Butcher, H. Grace, 53.5, 3.6L, 7; John- • Refrigerated Freight • Farm Equipment Stephenson, A. Lynch, 58, 0.3L, 2; Multiplying, T. ny Romance, TD Kilgower, R. Tann, 54, 6.85L, 8; See It Rogers, C. Hall, 56, 1.3L, 3; Wonfontein, R. Hickmott, All, MC Watts, DJ Dunn, 58, 7.05L, 9; Manny, TD Kilgo- Bairnsdale Depot - Grinters Transport, BE Thompson, 56.5, 1.4L, 4; Cheval De Frise, LF Oliver, wer, A. Lynch, 57, 10.05L, 10; Shanghai Rooster, R. 16 Lawless Street, Bairnsdale, 3875. DJ Dunn, 58, 1.5L, 5; Princess Cleopatra, S. Wells, C. Manning, Y. Ota, 54, 10.25L, 11; Trust In Time, R. Gilla- Melbourne Depot - Vic Freight Specialists, Hefel, 54.5, 3L, 6; I Got Strings, LJ McGill, CN Rawiller, han, J. Darose, 54, 25.25L, 12. 13B, 13-17 Progress Street, Dandenong, 3175 54, 3.1L, 7; Princess Kez, DJ Williams, B. Higgins, Race 8 – BM58 handicap, 1600m: Saveyourenthusi- Omeo Depot - Omeo Welding & Engineering & 56.5, 3.5L, 8; Jules’ Hope, G. & P. Dalziel, B. Park, 56, asm, RD Griffiths, M. Allen, 59, 1:39.12, 1; Tugga War, Equipment Hire, 87 Bilton Street, Omeo, 3898. 4L, 9; In God’s Pocket, IA Blackburn, AB Robertson, 56, SL Trolove, B. Park, 57, 0.5L, 2; Springer, C. Black- 7.5L, 10. shaw, CN Rawiller, 54, 3L, 3; Atomic Charge, H. Phone: (03) 5152 5778 | Fax: (03) 5152 3329 Race 3 – maiden plate, 1200m: Southern Native, C. Stephens, C. Helfel, 52, 4L, 4; Paint the Stars, SW Mobile: 0418 516 857 | E: [email protected] MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Maher & D. Eustace, TM Nugent, 58, 1:12.94, 1; I Shot Mathrick, N. Callow, 58, 4.75L, 5; Hard to Kiss, SL TODAY - CALL 5152 3422 The Sheriff, LF Oliver, DJ Dunn, 58, 2.75L, 2; Andale Trolove, BE Thompson, 59, 4.85L, 6; Chaba Charli, W. M512878 Gringo, DK Binaisse, R. Tremsal, 58.5, 3.15L, 3; Walters, TM Nugent, 58.5, 4.95L, 7; Shamrock Joy, JD Leshem, DJ Williams, B. Higgins, 58.5, 3.65L, 4; Prince Warren, C. Douglas, 59.5, 5.05L, 8; Tycoon Felix, SL Bairnsdale 55 Clifton West Road, Wy Yung

Heartford, C. Anderson, B. Werner, 58, 3.75L, 5; Rule Trolove, C. Hall, 54, 6.05L, 9; Redeemer, CF Butcher, H. M510131 Phone - (03) 5152 3422 Breaker, G. Eurell, N. Callow, 58, 4.75L, 6; Zilspun, W. Grace, 59.5, 7.05L, 10; All Brown, TD Kilgower, R. [email protected] | Walters, KM Walters, 56.5, 14.5L, 7; Biccie Royal, ME Tann, 54, 8.3L, 11; Jocks, KL Wilson, J. Darose, 54, Our Branches: Sale, Heyfield, Maffra Huglin, B. Park, 58, 20.5L, 8, Hartzler, R Maund, R. 8.8L, 12; Olifoet, W. Walters, KM Walters, 55.5, 10.55L, OMEO • BAIRNSDALE • MALLACOOTA • MELBOURNE M500161 24 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2020 | EASTGIPPSLANDNEWS.COM.AU   "!      


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