CONSENT! A study of consent violations in de Dutch BDSM-scene Abstract: In the Dutch scene, pre-negotiated limits and safeword are ignored on a regular basis. Likewise, many kinksters have experienced scens that. With hindsight, went too far. This is not always considered bad, and it ´s certainly not always experienced as abuse. Consent is a less absolute given as usually assumed. Condent is the norm, but not always actual practice. A substantial part of the consent violations happens at parties. The idea that parties are safe places for a first scene should be revised at least a little. Kinksters often doubt consent in scenes by other people. Some of those who doubt take action, some don´t. Yet those who don´t often do so after discussing the situation with others or a DM. There is no evidence for a massive bystander effect. A small minority has ever felt the need to use a party safeword. However, this is not the case for all victims of consent violations at parties. Although a party safeword could contrubute to preventin consent violations, ist sure is no cure all. KINKYMINDS Februari 2013 Versie 1.00 COLOFON March 2013 Author: KinkyMinds Coverillustration: text: Pluu / image: Senoeni. The illustration depicts a scene gone wrong due to the similarities in sound between the words Geel (yellow) and Geil (horny). Copyright: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND This report may be copied in unaltered form for non-commercial purposes credited to KinkyMinds. The cover illustration may only be used as part of the report. Contact:
[email protected] Preface I hope this study contributes to the (statistical) knowledge on the SM-scene in The Netherlands and Belgium.