Archean Volcanism and Sedimentation in the Bousquet Gold District, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec: Implications for Stratigraphy and Gold Concentration
Archean volcanism and sedimentation in the Bousquet gold district, Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec: Implications for stratigraphy and gold concentration WILLIAM E. STONE* Department of Geology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION able, and folded about a regional-scale syncline and that the depositional environment of the Research on the nature and distribution of The Bousquet gold district of Bousquet host rocks of the gold orebodies may have Archean rock types in the Bousquet gold dis- Township, Quebec (Fig. 1), is one of the most played a significant role in the concentration of trict, Abitibi, Quebec, provides new con- productive gold-mining districts in the Abitibi the gold. straints on deposition, stratigraphy, and gold greenstone belt (Valliant and Hutchinson, 1982; concentration. Facies changes and textures Savoie and others, 1986; Tourigny and others, REGIONAL SETTING indicate that within the Blake River Group of 1988; Stone, 1988). Restriction of the gold the district, basalt to the east is more prox- orebodies to specific rock types on a district The Bousquet gold district is located in the imal to an eruptive center which shoaled up- scale suggests a stratigraphic control on gold south part of the Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec ward, andesite was deposited in relatively concentration (Stone, 1989). Consequently, an (Fig. 1). According to Thurston and Franconi shallow subaqeuous conditions as pyroclastic understanding of the primary nature, origin, and (1983) and Jensen (1985), the south part of the flow deposits and turbidites around volcanic stratigraphy of the rocks which host and sur- Abitibi consists of supergroups (unnamed) that complexes formed on the basalt eruptive cen- round the gold orebodies is crucial to the inter- are composed of komatiite to calc-alkalic rhyo- ter, and dacite accumulated as lava which pretation of their origin.
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