ASCJ program 2012 ASCJ 2012 The Sixteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) ABSTRACTS These lightly edited abstracts come to nearly 140 pages. As a printed version will not be distributed at the conference, we suggest that you save it to disk or print the pages of sessions that interest you. The abstracts are in the order of the program available on the ASCJ website: The PDF file can be searched online or after downloading. For your convenience in browsing and printing, each session begins on a new page. Changes to the abstracts can be sent by Word attachment to
[email protected]. We will make necessary alterations and substitutions to this online version before the conference begins. The PDF file of abstracts will remain on the ASCJ website as a record of the conference at International Christian University, Tokyo, June 25–26, 2011: ASCJ Executive Committee Tokyo, June 25, 2012 1 ASCJ program 2012 The Sixteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) ABSTRACTS Session 1: Room A-301 A Muck Time: Environmental Hygiene and Human Waste Disposal in Japan across the Twentieth Century Organizer/Chair: Alexander R. Bay, Chapman University 1) Alexander R. Bay, Chapman University Nation from the Bottom up: Disease, Toilets and Waste Management in Modern Japan 2) Ichikawa Tomo, Shanghai Jiaotong University What is an Ideal Toilet? The Development and Diffusion of Public Toilets in Meiji Japan, 1868–1912 3) Roderick Wilson, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Dirty Water: An Environmental History of Tokyo’s Waterways and Bay, 1888–1964 4) Hoshino Takanori, Keio University Prewar Reformation of the Night-soil Circulation Network in the Suburbs of Tokyo Discussant: Nagashima Takeshi, Senshu University A Muck Time: Environmental Hygiene and Human Waste Disposal in Japan across the Twentieth Century Organizer/Chair: Alexander R.