
"- . ." ~ __ • ~,"";'.'~'"' oM'«..-.' ".~_', l:"~P-"::",- ,;-~, "-""~•.• ,",,"",< >CO-""'"""... ·>",.,..""~~""';.,,, .,.,,,:,""",,. r •• :,,-,,!,". ",','N,', ",...... "' •• ,~. ,', ",•• _'N~"'" _~" ... _ •.• ..-, ... " •• " _ .,", ,_ ~ ~.~ .. ,.' ~,,'~" -.,:f .;1 (."; ,'. ~ . ':, ; ,:"","".~ . . _' _._. ':._' .' c,""' ;.",'" ,'~o. '-; _, "'.• ' .-t:.."...... ' • ...,,.~i.t \ • \ , .. r:" :~.~-: ": .. ,. THE JEWISH PO'ST Thursday, July 29, 1976 STACK. 3 {)VE'RSIZE



118& N.im A-".1Id 8ird·. Hili Rood Page 9 , Winniplg, Mon. R2L ova u...... Dining Aoom • Cocklin Lou"", IIIInquII WHY REMEMB'E'R TISHA B'AV TAKE HOME·& DELIVERY Page 4 • ChI,b,oil Staks 667·3110 • S!IoIh.1Ii • Bar-lH:ue Ribs • ChAi SIu•• C,rfclile lighting time for Friday, Aug. 6, Is 8:44 p.rn. By mail In Canada, $7 per year • Chicken • V.r. of Other DishlS .. • VIr•• , Pi .... ALL THIS AND MORE IN WES;rERN CANADA'S Ii!!ffi!fii!Ji! OLDEST AND LARGEST ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY Vol. ill No. 32 ..... , THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1976 . .A.. 10 Days In Av, 5736 REV. M. CHARLOFF ~ By Major Publis~ers Well Known Hollywood - Fntrol, Democraric Republic 'airfield in &e Holy Land, Whose SOIliS startled 'the \\lUrid with their time and work study, styling, pur­ Ye,.. ': .. Ambie RI:'PllbriC BUJt whereas Air Oanada and bMvery and millitary strategy. . ohasing etc. Presently employed Southam Murray claim in'lld!Vert· This map, from which Israel Is conspicuously absent, 'j j' Bl!lIlibl'a Sbreisand ,h~' completed work on the &ix-milUon-dollar as general manager multiplant ence"'for their map - saying it ;l ,. operation. Seeks challenging 'posi­ appeared in a promotionaf flyer for potential advertisers In rock; Professional LoI.n.1I came from an Arab source a'l\d musical, A Star Is Born, in wmcll she is 'a Partna- with Paul tion with prQl~essive·· c(}mpany. the Maclea~Hunter publication Construction TodaY/Middle the error was IliOt caught-M~elean­ Newman, Steve !McQueen, Sidney, Poitier 'and Dustin' HOiffman. The Pr~er proof,i't s'haring MNngemen¢_ East. The magazine is aimed at Canadian componies doing Hunter says its Israe1-i1ree map new version of the dassic Hollywood st\lIW is the foUIith to ',probe the Resume and references upon' re­ business with t'he Arabs. blessings and curses III fame as represented by gi'anlour, adulation a:oo quest. Write B'ox D, The Jewish SAUL LONDON Jog for Vour Life was prepared that way on purpose. Post, P.O. iBox 3777, Stn. B, Win- Chartered Accountant "There lIII"e quite a few COWltries , high ,living. In 1931;Oeorge Cukor ma.de 'the Y'wrn 'as What Price Holly· nipeg, 'Man. R2W 3R6. . wood? In 1937, DavidO. Seizniek Produced it as A Star Is Born with 119 Coralberry Avenue dOling business in the Middle East Fredl'icMarCih and Janet Gaynl(J

' .. ' .. :c;laily Ha'areb, Reudor 'has devel- themselves. ous music conservatory. lIts 28- l campers for dinner before their .Jt was a pleasure to see. " .,. .' • I \ .... ,. <- " '---_.. -.. .-.