..... "- . ." ~ __ • ~,"";'.'~'"' oM'«..-.' ".~_', l:"~P-"::",- ,;-~, "-""~•.• ,",,"",< >CO-""'"""... ·>",.,..""~~""';.,,, .,.,,,:,""",,. r •• :,,-,,!,". ",','N,', ",... ... "' •• ,~. ,', ",•• _'N~"'" _~" ... _ •.• ..-, ... " •• " _ .,", ,_ ~ ~.~ .. ,.' ~,,'~" -.,:f .;1 (."; ,'. ~ . ':, ; ,:"","".~ . _' _._. ':._' .' c,""' ;.",'" ,'~o. '-; _, "'.• ' .-t:.."...... ' • ...,,.~i.t \ • \ , .. r:" :~.~-: ": .. ,. THE JEWISH PO'ST Thursday, July 29, 1976 STACK. 3 {)VE'RSIZE " , Page 3 WHERE'S MORLEY ZIP'U'RSKY 118& N.im A-".1Id 8ird·. Hili Rood Page 9 , Winniplg, Mon. R2L ova u. ..... Dining Aoom • Cocklin Lou"", IIIInquII WHY REMEMB'E'R TISHA B'AV TAKE HOME·& DELIVERY Page 4 • ChI,b,oil Staks 667·3110 • S!IoIh.1Ii • Bar-lH:ue Ribs • ChAi SIu•• C,rfclile lighting time for Friday, Aug. 6, Is 8:44 p.rn. By mail In Canada, $7 per year • Chicken • V.r. of Other DishlS .. • VIr•• , Pi .... ALL THIS AND MORE IN WES;rERN CANADA'S Ii!!ffi!fii!Ji! OLDEST AND LARGEST ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY Vol. ill No. 32 ..... WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1976 . .A.. 10 Days In Av, 5736 REV. M. CHARLOFF ~ By Major Publis~ers Well Known Hollywood - F<lur· featuremoti;'n pictures have been ·announced foo. p~oduction here dealing! w~ih the daring resc,ue missi~n by Isreali QUALIFIED MOHEL eommandos at Entebbe «i!'Port in Uganda. Paramount is preparing one Practising SURGICAL HYGIENIC METHODS 4.ng£lo's IbaSed o~,the factUial acco'unt writlten by Uri Dan lind Willi'am Stevenson AND TECHNIQUES 'and published 1115 a bO'o,k ,by BaDtam Press. Paddy Cbayefsky d.s writ4lg in Winnipeg and District PIZZA HOUSE the screenplay with Sidney Lwnet "et to direct, 90 Minutes at ,Entebbe. APT. 606 • 611 JEFFERSON AVE. srae e ete W~,t:hin 24 hotJa'S lafoter the news broke -pn the Wixe service, ;Univer­ Phone 339·1035, 238 Edmonton St. 943·0683 Isl"ael has been abolished. mol S~dIi'os .came up wIHh the project, Rescue at Entebbe, to ,be pro­ has 'been absorbed totaIiy in:to Jor­ The Southam map h'lld a, far -- -------------,- ~ - -~~ ------- Licensed Premises - Dine In or Take Out Nm ·acoordin·g to The Jewish dan in one case 'lind' renamed greater audience, hOWlWer. Its sub­ duced Wld dIrected by GeoJ:Ige Roy Hill, Academy-award winner for Lakewood (Southdale Plaza) Gimli Cottage 35 257·3808 Post, but according to two of Oan­ Palestine in the other. sidillry, Southam Murray of Tor­ The Sting and C\IlTt!DJUy eompleting Slap Shot sll3l1ring Paul Newman. For renlt for month of AllgI/St, Lkensed Premises - Dine In or Take Out ad,&'s ~argest 'pubJoishers. The Maclean-Hunter map was in onto, which produces the Air Can· Anoit!l).er Iflilm 'is being 'plaooed 'by Mul'iIia& SchwaJ.'ltz, president·of 4 bedir'o()ms,· furnished', with full 1820 Main St., West Kildonan . 339·2031 In recent maps published by a promotiona:i flier to potential ada in-flight m~gazjne En Route Merv Griffin Productions,' who by cll'ance was <In ~e hljacked plane plumbing. Phone Gi:mii 1-642-7487. LiQensed Premises - Dine In or Take Olft Maelean-HWlter and a subsidiary adver,tisers in their magazine, Con­ included the 8ppaa-entily new nation Iirom Atbens to lParis. Th1s epic is labeled Odyssey of 139 and should 1420 Henderson Hwy., N. Kildonan 338·9391 , . For Sale of the Southam Company, Istrael struction Today/Middle East• oof ,Paiestine in the magazine's be lit' moslt reve:mng one since Schiwartz was ~n -adtua,l bystander to the Grocery and meat store on Wil­ Licensed Premises - Dine In or Take Out 'crime ~If' the lrijackers, ,even ttIDl,l~ 'he was released lbefore they flew current article on Jordan. liam Ave. Excellent business, with 1'397 Pembina Hwy., Fort Garry 453-0922 Claude Taylor, president of Air to Uganda. sui,te lIPSta,irs lind newer house Take Out Only '. Assau,lt on Eilte6be is the title .of .'the fourth ftlm; ,thd:s ,one regis­ next dOlo·r. S'aClrifiee as owners wish Canoo'a, has written an a'(lOllogy to 1119 St. Mary's Rd., St. Vital 256·7393 the Oanada-Israel Committee for tered by Ellio~Kastner, prod'\I:Cer of'sudh epics 13JS The Missouri Breaks, to retire. Good 'business f<lr one or , Take Out Only tW() famiHes. Phone; 339-2975. Algeria map. the the .Miarlon Brand~Jac:k NiCihols'01l Western. &astner empl'lJIY'S fo'r the the However, cre hrul been meeting to determine Wlb.ether . new fil:lm ilhe serviceS··Qr, Shmuel Erde and Geoff Beridn, with Jerry POSITION WANTED IN GARMENT WE DELIVER ~~ru,"'ea Arab Emirates Gershwin as associalte producer. INDUSTRY. SH,ORT SLEEVE fllil"ther steps are nece5saxy - including a ca11 for removM of 1ihe Several of the Hollywo'lld 'Prod1.lCel"S -DlI'Ve been in touch WliXIh ZOhiair MANAGER EXPE~I,ENCED IN • Chicken .. Shrimp~.. Bar.B.Que' Spareribs ALL PHASES OF GARMENT .. Pizza .. Lasagna edmon :from an A!i!l' Oan-ada flig!hts. · Balr·Ain, d~edbor of rum CenJtre in Jerusalem, to ddscuss the possibility INDUSTRY. \ Sudan Done on Purpose 'Of .shoollingoatleaSt ,parts oof the 'explQWts :byIsooeld forces at the Uganda Producti()n planning and cc>ntrol, Democraric Republic 'airfield in &e Holy Land, Whose SOIliS startled 'the \\lUrid with their time and work study, styling, pur­ Ye,.. ': .. Ambie RI:'PllbriC BUJt whereas Air Oanada and bMvery and millitary strategy. ohasing etc. Presently employed Southam Murray claim in'lld!Vert· This map, from which Israel Is conspicuously absent, 'j j' Bl!lIlibl'a Sbreisand ,h~' completed work on the &ix-milUon-dollar as general manager multiplant ence"'for their map - saying it ;l ,. operation. Seeks challenging 'posi­ appeared in a promotionaf flyer for potential advertisers In rock; Professional LoI.n.1I came from an Arab source a'l\d musical, A Star Is Born, in wmcll she is 'a Partna- with Paul tion with prQl~essive·· c(}mpany. the Maclea~Hunter publication Construction TodaY/Middle the error was IliOt caught-M~elean­ Newman, Steve !McQueen, Sidney, Poitier 'and Dustin' HOiffman. The Pr~er proof,i't s'haring MNngemen¢_ East. The magazine is aimed at Canadian componies doing Hunter says its Israe1-i1ree map new version of the dassic Hollywood st\lIW is the foUIith to ',probe the Resume and references upon' re­ business with t'he Arabs. blessings and curses III fame as represented by gi'anlour, adulation a:oo quest. Write B'ox D, The Jewish SAUL LONDON Jog for Vour Life was prepared that way on purpose. Post, P.O. iBox 3777, Stn. B, Win- Chartered Accountant "There lIII"e quite a few COWltries , high ,living. In 1931;Oeorge Cukor ma.de 'the Y'wrn 'as What Price Holly· nipeg, 'Man. R2W 3R6. wood? In 1937, DavidO. Seizniek Produced it as A Star Is Born with 119 Coralberry Avenue dOling business in the Middle East Fredl'icMarCih and Janet Gaynl(J<r; &en Oukorremade ,his origlnai u'l\der . Looking for a Home? Winnipeg, Manitoba Join the V.M.H.A. New Features~ who "aren't doing business with thjl new mUe 'in 1~3 wHh James Mason 'and. Jud'Y GarLand. Now we For personalized real estate ser· Telephone 338·1193 Israel," expl~ns 'Sales mwmger bave a rock version with Ithe empliJasis n~t on the world of the cinema vice, please call Esther Weinstein Richard HlJJtchings. "YoU can't do of Royal Trust Co. Phone 339-9251 business in both pl~ces at the ,'bu't of YQwtlhful folk singers; IU-is ~SItofferslon 1IS0000e of the new or residence 33!}-2635. Livelier Paper breed, 'co-sbars with Barbro now: same time." . , Readers of T'he Jewish Post will 'Mwty Feldman,the, sl!arry·eyed Bni·tish comedian who 'aippe'aIIs in Decorator Available SCHULMAN & SCHUI.MAN , oped into an internationally·recog­ Pressed bya reporter to elabor­ nized artist. He is presently negQo Folkoramo Beauties a number -of Mel Brook,s· pictures, lillst 'in The Silent Movie, now goes Interior, painting and paper Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. notice a new -look 'and new fea­ 'ate, Hutchings said, 't'here are H'a,ting the production 0If a multi­ Miss Israel of Folklorama's Israel Pavilion, Cindy Chochlnov, on as bis own writer-du-ectto,r with the L!lst Retrnlke of Beau Geste, a hanging. Phone 889-5500. H. SCHULMAN, Q.C. (1929 - 1975) . tures in the paper this week. emlbargoes you' get involved with, ml\illion dc>llall' mm with the Beatles. parody oof priqr film rersions oof P. C. Wren's novel. Painti g and Decorating MARK M. SCHULMAN, B.A.( Hons.), LL.B. In 'line with our intention of you 'know .... Maybe I shouJdn't left, relaxes before a Red River cruise last week with 1975 l1 PERRY W. SCHULMAN, LL.B., LL.M . .. ' Film. slbars po~ed Qutside 'w~th camels; men wore E1rellJl:h Foreign F,ree esti'IDaltes, il1lterior, elder- extendoingand improving our cov· be discussing 1Ihis mth you/' . Phone 943-5428 "Reudor's lSNel" is, in the art­ Miss Folklorama and Miss Israel, Barbara Daien Rykiss. They Legiollna.ire hats" a belly dancer undwated, and celebrities. ate cous· ior, dpainting 'and wall oo!Vering, erage and services, The Jewish For Muslims Only 816 - 294 PORTAGE AVENUE WINNIPEG ist's own words, "a light satirical C'ws and Moro,cc'an mixltures wijth 'their ~~nd\5 'B,t Univers'lll's c()}oriul resi elllti:aland conunercial. Post is introducing two columns MeanwhHe, Maelean - Hunter is were aboard the Paddlewheel Queen for a Folklorama news Phone 783-0049. re¥iew of IsNei's politllcal, nl!ili­ involved in another fl~p over print­ party ,honouTing Marty Feldman wpc>n commencing ,!).is film,' in which about Winnipeggers - one !about conference and photo session.
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