Hvaal – family

Painting of Solveig (Hvaal) Maukon

Hilda and Ole with children

1 Preface

On these pages we present the story of a large family originating from the farm “Søndre Hvaal” in , . This farm has been in the family we are describing since 1864. That year Johannes Halvorsen and Anne Oline Evensdatter bought the farm. They had 10 children and it is, in particular, the son Ole (number 5 of the children) we are discussing here.

Ole Johannesen Hvaal took over the farm in 1878 and the same year married 15-year-old Hilda Josefine Nielsdatter. Ole and Hilda had 17 children – you can see 16 of them on the front page. We are discussing their ancestors – and in particular their descendants. All descendants are coded. This makes it easy to see the family relations – both with regard to generation as well as within the same generation. The system will be described later.

The author of these pages is not directly in the family. However, I am married to one of the great grandchildren of Ole and Hilda. In the work to collect information I have used all available re- sources such as the digitized church books – the census from 1865 and 1900 as well as “Lardal bygdebok” – a book from 1973 about the farms in Lardal Kommune. Most information is,- how ever, obtained from the different family members.

The Norwegian names are not translated.

Thormod Henriksen

Thormod died 13 feb. 2020 at the age of 92. . Please contact Terje Henriksen ([email protected]) for comments and corrections

A picture taken by Odd Aino Maukon in 1995

Place and name

In order to give some orientation, we include on this page a map of , Norway. Hvaal and surroundings are encircled. The cities in Vestfold (, , Tønsberg, and ) are all situated near the coast. Lardal kommune belongs to the inland of Vestfold. The large

2 river Lågen divides Lardal in an east and west side. Hvaal is on the east side. Most of the farms have fishing opportunities in Lågen (a good river for salmon fishing). Today there are several farms in the same area with the name Hvaal. The one in question is “Søndre Hvaal” ( South) with gnr. 51 (The farm num - ber). The picture to the right is taken from south – nearest is Søndre Hvaal – whereas Nordre Hvaal is beyond the trees dividing the picture.

Svarstad church

The farm Hvaal is situated on the east side of Lågen river – within the red circle Andebu on the map.

Svarstad church is marked by a red dot.

The above picture shows the surroundings – which are mainly farmlands. To t he east is the forest that goes all the way to Ande - bu.

Furthermore, the churches church in Hedrum and Larvik are marked, as well as Farri - seide.

Farriseide Larvik church

3 The Name

We assume that the name is from the old Norwegian word “høll ” – which indicates something like a “round hill”. In 1590 up to about 1670 the name was written Huall. Then we find the name Hvaell. In newer time the name Hvaal is used – and the family we are engaged with, is using that name. On some new maps, like the one given, the name is written Hvål .

The farm has since the middle of 1600 had 2 horses, 7 – 11 cattle and 8 – 25 sheep. Furthermore, to the farm was a quite large forest. The number of people living on the farm was in the period 1700 – 1900 from 6 to 21 people. Ownership

The farm has from old days been in private ownership. We know the owners and users of the farm from about 1600. The family we discuss here came to the farm in 1864 when Johannes Halvorsen and Anne Oline Evensdatter bought the farm from Hans Halvorsen Myre for 200 spciedaler (specie- daler was the Norwegian current up to 1875). A speciedaler from that time is about 180 Norwegian kroner (about 33 dollar). Ole Johannesen Hvaal handed over the farm to his son Ottar in 1910. It is possible that he regretted this – he took the farm back within a year and sold it to Kristoffer Werge - land. Then after 9 years Ottar again took over the farm on “odel” (allod).

The owners of the farm since 1864: 1864 – 1878 Johannes Halvorsen 1878 – 1910 Ole Johannesen Hvaal 1910 – 1911 Ottar Hvaal 1911 – 1920 Kristoffer Wergeland (not in the family) 1920 – 1936 Ottar Hvaal 1936 – 1952 Hanna Solberg Hvaal (wife of Ottar ) 1952 – 1984 Odd Hvaal 1984 – 2012 Othar Hvaal (son of Odd ) 2012 – Solveig Beate Hvaal (daughter of Ottar )

The present owner Solveig Beate Hvaal and may be the next owner; Martin Hvaal. Photo 30. June 2013 at Svarstad church after Martin was baptized

Previous owners of Hvaal

From left is Johannes Halvorsen (have no picture). Then follows Ole Johannesen Hvaal, Ottar Hvaal, Hanna Hvaal (the wife and widow of Ottar), Odd Hvaal and Othar Johannes Hvaal. The present owner Solveig Beate Hvaal is above.

4 Ole and Hilda Josefine Hvaal with ancestors

In this work we shall concentrate on the descendents of Ole Johannesen Hvaal and his wife Hilda. However, we shall start with the couple and their ancestors – at least a few generations as far as we know it today.

Ole Johannesen Hvaal (1851 – 1924). Hilda Josefine Nielsdatter (1863 – 1950). Ole was born on Smukkestad (a farm on the Hilda was born in Larvik 10. March 1863 and other side of the river Lågen) 27. February 1851 baptized in Larvik church on the 17. of May. She and babtized in Svarstad church on 8 June. His was given the name Hilda Josephine (with ph) . parents were Johannes Halvorsen and Anne She used the name Hilda and furthermore, the Oline Evensdatter. The family moved to Hvaal full name was written Hilda Josefine in the when Ole was 13 years old. church books. She was the second child of Niels Hansen and Anne Marie Nielsdatter. Ole was sergeant and “fanejunker” (the highest degree below officer in Norway up to 1930). He This family lived in Larvik or right outside took over the farm in 1878. (Farriseie). Her father Niels Hansen was “vognmand” (carriage and wagon foreman) in the city of Larvik.

Hilda came to Hvaal in 1878 when she married Ole.

Hilda and Ole married in Svarstad church on December 27. 1878. He was 27 years, whereas Hilda was only 15 years and 9 months.

A copy from Svarstad church book is shown above. The handwritten copy gives a lot of valuable information. From left is the date of the wedding – then the names and class of the two. Then follows the birth date and place and finally the two fathers – Johannes Halvorsen and Niels Hansen.

Ole and Hilda bought Øvre Kongelf in 1910 when they first sold Hvaal to Ottar. They lived at Kongelf until 1918.


Here is a picture of Svarstad church as it is today. In the front are even the graves to some in the Hvaal family.

In this church Hilda and Ole married 27. December 1878. Furthermore, all their 17 children were baptized in this church.

For me this church has also a particular position since Målfrid and I were married here; 24. August 1957 – almost 179 years after Ole and Hilda. Picture below is from the wedding – coming out the church.

6 Ole`s ancestors

Below we have some of Ole`s ancestors gathered in a “family tree”. We have still some question marks where information is lacking.

Christen Knudsen Skog + Eli Nilsdatter (1731 – 1783 ?) 1752 (1735 – 1766) Skog Borger Borgersen Vergedal + Sibille Jacobsdatter (1720 – 1778) (? – ?) Vergedal

Jon Mattissen + Anne Halvorsdatter ( – ) Grini in Lardal Ole Ellefsen Helgeland + Christine Syversdatter ( – ) ( – ) Helgeland Knut Christensen + Eli Borgersdatter (1753 – 1845) 1780 (1752 – 1837) Smukkestad

Halvor Jonsen + Tolline Olsdatter Even Olsen Hvisle + Sibylle Knudsdatter (1786 – ?) 1781 – 1853) 1818 (1781 – 1855) Kristiania and Grini-eie in Lardal Askjemhagen – Hvisle

1841 Johannes Halvorsen Anne Oline Evensdatter (24/8 1813 – 11/6 1886) (1822 – 9/6 1886) Askjemhagen – Smukkestad – Hvaal + Hvisle – Smukkestad – Hvaal

Ole Johannesen Hvaal (1851 – 1924)

Some comments about the ancestors

The family tree for Ole Johannesen Hvaal show that the ancesters are mainly from different places in Lardal. Johannes Halvorsen was born in Kristiania. His parents were Halvor Jonsen and Tolline Olsdatter Nedre Slottsgate. Johannes was baptized 12. September 1813 in Akershus slottsmenighet. Halvor and Tolline were married 24. April 1813 in Akershus slottsmenighet. They moved to Grini-eie in Lardal, and got 5 more children in the period 1815 –1824. Halvor Jonsen was born here and was baptized 26. February 1786 i Lardal. His parents were Jon Mattissen and Anne Halvorsdatter.

On Oles mother side (Anne Oline) we can follow the family for several generations backwards They all lived on different farms in Lardal.

7 The parents. Johannes Halvorsen and Anne Oline Evensdatter.

Even if Johannes was born in Kristiania, he spent most of his life in Lardal. He married in 1841 Anne Oline Evensdatter (he was 28 and the bride 19). They lived on several farms in Lardal, such as Askjemhagen and Smukkestad, before they bought Hvaal in 1864. They ran this farm (with 2 horses, 5 cattle and 6 sheep) for 13 years. They even had a “general store” here for a period. When the son Ole took over the farm in 1878 they moved to “Øvre Hvaal” (about 200 meters away) to their oldest daughter Karen Helene. They both lived until June 1886 – and it happened that they died from pneumonia with Anne Oline Evensdatter only two days in between.

They had 10 children – and we would like to mention them all.

1. Karen Helene (1842 – ?). She married Hans Torgrimsen (1840 – 1914) and had a small part of Hvaal called Øvre Hvaal or “Oppholdet” . They got the children:

A. Johan Thorvald (1870) . He travelled to Duluth in Minnesota.

B. Ole Albert Hansen Hvaal (1875 – 1952). He married Ellen Karoline Johansen Engelstad (1877 – 1971). They had the children: B 1. Helga Kristine (1899 – 1910) B 2 . Hans Hvaal (1901 – 1983). He married Åse Johansen Bonstad (1912 – 2002). They had the children: B 2.1 Elsa (1932 – 2007), B 2.2 Solveig (1936 – 1936) B 2.3 Ole William (1936 – 2001) B 2.4 Bjørg (1939) B 2.5 Per Widar (1949).

B 3. Jenny Marie (1904). Died young. B 4. Thora (1907) B 5. Harald (1911) Died young. B 6. Karen (1913) B 7. Helga (1915) B 8 Solveig (1917)

2. Else Marie Hvaal (1844). It is written that she travelled to in 1871.

3. Hans Christian Hvaal (1846). He married Karen Marie Olsdatter from Hvisle and they had the son Johan Ottar (1874).

4. Tilla Sofie (1848). She married mate Petter Arnt Larsen Strand and they moved to Sandar.

5. Ole Johannesen Hvaal (1851). The son we are telling about.

6. Inger Andrine Hvaal (1854). She married the school teacher Lars Nilsen Sørhuus.

7. Andreas Hvaal (1856). He became a baker and went to New York in 1881.

8 8. Bernhard Hvaal (1858). He emigrated in 1888 To Minnesota with wife Kristine (1862) and children Martha Alvilde (1885) and Julius (1886). They had more children in USA; David Sigurd, Abel Edward, Hildeborg Dagna, Ingeborg Magna, Anne Josephine and Mamie.

8.A. David Sigurd Hvall married Cecilia Mae Pohler and they got 4 children.

8 A.1 Thema Bernhard Johannesen Hvaal and 8 A.2 David Sigurd Elise Kristine Friberg 8 A.3 Earl Everett 8 A.4 Everett

8 A.2 David Sigurd Hvaal married Lucretia Alpharetta Ohlerndick and they have two children:

8 A.2.1 Darlene Cecilia Hvaal 8 A.2.2 Howard Earl Hvaal

9. Edward Hvaal (1861)

10. Carl Hvaal (1864).

All descendents of Johannes Halvorsen and Anne Oline Evensdatter are of course within the large Hvaal family. However, we started this research one generation after with the son Ole.

Hilda Josefines ancestors

For Hilda Josefine Nielsdatter we have information to give the following tree for the ancestors:

Hedrum branch Larvik branch

Gullik Nielsen Eje + Johanne Fredriche So far we lack information. However, Finsdatter They married 17/8 1804 this branch of the family tree seems Larvik. to come from farms like Haugenes Steen Nielsen + Karen Margrethe Olsdatter and Nauf in Hedrum. (1774 – 1819) ( 1779 – 1819) Larvik.

Hans Berthel Andersen + Sønnøv Tostensdatter Niels Gulliksen + Nelia Steensdatter (1797 – 1851) married 1822 (1798 – 1874) (26/10 1805 – 19/11 1872) (11/8 1808 – 18/2 1877) Larvik Hedrum

9 1861 Anne Marie Nielsdatter Niels Hansen (2/6 1839 – 22/5 1878) (29/12 1823 – 10/10 1876) + Hedrum - Larvik

Hilda Josephine Nielsdatter Hvaal (10/3 1863 – 1950)

Some comments about the ancestors

Hilda`s father was “vognmand” (carriage and wagon foreman) in the city of Larvik. From the census in 1865 they lived in Larvik or rather in the outskirts. I assume their home was in the end of the lake Farris – the place called Farriseje or Farriseide. In 1865 Niels had 3 horses – and had probably other people employed with the business.

From the church books it appears that Niels Hansen and his ancestors are from farms in Hedrum. Names like Hagenes, Nauf and Stampe are mentioned. We find the information about Niels Hansen in the church books for Hedrum. This church is from about year1100, and a picture is shown on next page.

Hildas mother Anne Marie Nilsdatter is from Larvik – may be from the area just south of the lake Farris (today Farriseide). In 1865 Anne Marie`s parents Niels and Nelia Gulliksen lived in the same house. Most of the detailed information about this branch of the family tree (Larvik branch) is found in the church books for Larvik.

10 HEdruM KIrKE

The Hedrum branch

Niels Hansens parents, Hans Berthel Andersen and Sønøv Tostensdatter married June 25. 1822 (Hans was 25 and Sønnøv 24). It can be noticed that they married 3 weeks after their first child Anders was born.

Their children were the following: 1. Anders Hansen (b. 1/6 1822) 2. Niels Hansen (b. 29/12 1823) 3. Maren Sophie Hansdatter (b. 8/9 1825). 4. Thor Hansen (b. 1/3 1831). 5. Hellene Sophia (b. 18/12 1833).

Niels Hansen (29/12 1823 – 10/10 1876). Niels was almost 53 years old when he died. The death certificate says “Nervefeber” – a sickness which today is known as typhoid fever and is caused by a Salmonella bacterium.

Niels was married two times – with the two daughters of Nils Gulliksen and Nelia Steensdatter from Larvik. His first wife Johanne Nilsdatter (1829 – 1860) died from tuberculosis. We have no information about children in this marriage. In March 1861 he married Anne Marie Nilsdatter (2/6 1839 – 22/5 1878). They had 9 children together – the second one was Hilda Josefine, which is the start point for the Hvaal family discussed here. The Larvik branch:

11 The great grandfather of Hilda, – Steen Nielsen (1774 – 1819) was a shoemaker. He married Karen Margrethe Olsdatter (1779 – 1819). They got the daughter Nelia (born in 1809). She married Niels Gulliksen – the son of Gullik Nielsen Eje (or Eide which may indicate Farriseide) and Johanne Frederiche Finsdatter.

Niels Gulliksen and Nelia Steensdatter got two girls; (1) Johanne Nilsdatter (Eide)(b.1829) and (2) Anne Marie Nielsdatter (Eide) (born 1839).

It happened that Niels Hansen from Hedrum married both Johanne and Anna Marie. First he married the oldest one, Johanne. However, she died from tuberculosis 28/1 1860 – only 31 years old. We have no information about children in this marriage. A year after Johannes death Niels married Anne Marie Nielsdatter (21/3 1861). He was then 36 years and Anne Marie 21.

Niels Hansen and Anne Marie Nielsdatter had the following children:

1. Hagbarth Nielsen (18/7 1961 – 1862). Died only one year old.

2. Hilda Josefine Nielsdatter (10/3 1863 – 1950). She married Ole Johannesen Hvaal and is central in this investigation.

3. Constance Henriette Nielsdatter (3/9 1864 – 30/10 1919). She emigrated to USA and was married three times. (1) Jacob Nelson, (2) Wickstrøm and (3) Frank Enstrøm.

4. Oscar Sigvardt Nielsen (22/9 1866 – 9/12 1868). Died only two years old.

5. Valjertha Othilie Nielsdatter (16/5 1868 – 191?). She was confirmed in Larvik 1. November 1882 and emigrated to USA in 1886, 18 years old. She married John Standall and died in Washington.

6. Adolf Steen (Nielsen) Nelson. (16/4 1870 – 1929). He married Ida Lindberg and died in Montana.

7. Nils Oscar Marinius (Nielsen) Nelson (22/1 1873 – 1935). He married Mayme West and he died in Montana.

8. Fritjof Sigvard Nielsen (6/5 1875 – 10/5 1875). Fritjof died only 4 days old.

9. Thorvald Reinhard Fritjof (Nielsen) Nelson (6/6 1876 – 1963). Thorvald had a particular life which included 4 wives and all together 13 children. He must have emigrated as a boy to USA. He came to Montana and worked in a mine around Georgetown Lake.

First wife. He went back to Norway and become a seaman. In 1893, when he was 17 years old, the ship crashed off the coast of South Africa near Port Elisabeth. Thorvald was the only survivor and was found by a missionary – and his sister Dorothy Judith Paton nursed him back to health. Then it happened that they fell in love – they married and got three children. After some years Thorvald wanted to leave Africa whereas Dorothy did not want to leave and they divorced. We have no more information about that part of the family. In Africa he used the name Thomas Nelson.

Second wife. After this Thorvald met and married Albertine Marie Pedersen. They got 4 children; Niles Norman (1901), Thomas Reinhart (1903), Irine Adelaide (1905) and Edgar Clifford (1907). Thorvald and Albertine divorced in 1909. Part of this family is the Nelson family in Whitefish, Montana. We have some more information about the first child Niles Norman.

Niles Norman Nelson (1901) married Doris Evangeline Smith in 1929. They got 3 children, 11 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and so far 7 great great grandchildren. The children were: Vertna Joy (1932), Norma Ruth (1934) and Wayne Arnold (1935).

12 Wayne Arnold Nelson (1935). Wayne had 5 children;

1. Norman Nelson (195? – 2000),

2. David Nelson (1960). He has the children; Beau, Jennifer, Brittany, Scott, Farrah, Brett and David Jr.

3. Kristin (Nelson) Staley (1968). She has the children; Page, Tanner,

Jake and Rachel.

Wayne`s two youngest children are the twins:

4. Margareth Tasma Nelson (13/6 1985)

5. Niles Elisabeth Nelson (13/6 1985). She was a medical student – and she spent the spring semester 2011 at the University of Oslo. She married Tien Nguyen. They are both medical doctors - working in Melbourne Australia.

The twins on their 26.th birthday, 13. June 2011 in Asker. To the left Niles Elisabeth and to the right Margareth Tasma

The two sisters are third cousins to Målfrid. Målfrids great grandmother Hilda is sister of Thorvald – the great grandfather of the two girls.

Third wife. Thorvald went back to Norway in 1909 and visited his sister Hilda on the farm Hvaal. Here he met his niece Anne Oline and he married the third time (in September 1909). In the Norwegian church books it says that it was the first marriage for both. Thorvald and Anne Oline got

13 4 children; Rhinehart (1910), Anne Marie (1912), Lloyd (1914) and Violet (1918). They and their descendants will be mentioned later. They come into the coding system via Anne Oline H 7.

Fourth wife. Thorvald left Anne Oline and the 4 children in Anaconda, Montana. He ended up by marrying Bergliot Pederson in 1918. They got twins Reinhart and Sterling (1924) and lived in New York. Reinhart married Elisabeth and Sterling married Jean. In 1919 he changed his name to Reinhart Frithjof Eide. The twins used Eide as the family name.

To the right is a picture of Thorvald with his wife no. 4 (Bergliot) and the twins. In the picture from left is; Reinhart, his wife Elisabeth, Thorvald, Bergliot, Sterlings wife Jean and finally Sterling. (photo from 1954)

Anne Marie Nilsdatter – the mother of all the Larvik children became a widow when Niels died in 1876 – only 4 months after Thorvald was born. She was at the time 37 years old and had 6 children – ranging from 4 months to 13 years old.

We do not know the full story, but Anne Marie married again February 26. 1878 with Ole Amundsen. He was only 23 years old and “vognmann” in Larvik – the same profession as Niels. It is reasonable to assume that Ole worked for Niels. Anne Marie was pregnant at the time – and it happened that she died in childbed May 22. 1878 only 39 years old.

In May 1878 Hilda Josefine and her 2 sisters and 3 brothers had no parents (only a new stepfather). As you can see from above, all these children, except Hilda, emigrated to USA. Hilda married later the same year (December 27. 1878) Ole Johannesen Hvaal.

To the right is an old picture exhibiting the house where Niels and Anne Marie lived outside Larvik at Farriseide.

14 The descendants of Hilda and Ole Hvaal

The coding system For all descendants of Hilda and Ole we use a coding system. All persons belonging to the Hvaal family are denoted with H (implying the Hvaal family). Furthermore, in order to distinguish all the H`s we use numbers. The first generation, that is the children of Hilda and Ole, is given by H and one number. Thus H 1 is their oldest child, Nils Hjalmar, H 2 is their next child Johannes Ottar and so on. Lets first give the children: The grandchildren (2nd generation) are given by

Children H and two numbers – divided by a dot – H x.x.

H 1. Nils Hjalmar (1880 – 1918). The great-grandchildren (3rd generation) by H and three numbers (divided by two dots) – H x.x.x H 2. Johannes Ottar (1882 – 1936). and so on.

H 3. Anna Marie (1883 – 1957) The coding follows each person and makes it rather easy to see the family relation between the

H 4. Adolf Otto (1885 – 1955). people and the generations.

H 5. Alf (1886 – 1970).

H 6. Bernhard (1888 – 1964).

H 7. Anne Oline (1890 – 1978).

H 8. Torvald (1892 – 1983).

H 9. Olefine (1893 – 1993).

H 10. Valborg (1894 – 1895).

H 11. Valborg (1896 – 1969). A picture from about 1912. Hilda and Ole with children. From left H 16 Signe, H13 Hulda, H 12 H 12. Magna (1898 – 1983) Magna, H 14 Rut, H 15 Asta and in front H 17 Ole. H 13. Hulda Marie (1899 – 1978) It is a good idea to learn and to become familiar with the coding system. A few points to remember: H 14. rut (1901 – 1991). 1. The first generation is given by H and one number. H 15. Asta (1904 – 2002) 2. The second generation is given by H and two numbers divided by a dot. H 16. Signe (1905 – 1993). 3. The third generation is given by H and three numbers divided by two dots. 4. The relationship within a generation is nearer H 17. Ole (1907 – 1979) the more numbers in the start is equal. Thus; H 2.4.1 (Målfrid) and H 2.4.2 (Mona) are sisters, wheras H 2.4.1 and H 2.1.4 (Doris) are first cousins.


A picture from 1938 – Hilda Josefine is 75 year. On this occasion she has 11 of her children with her. From left (behind) is; H 17 Ole, H 16 Signe, H 15 Asta, H 9 Olefine, H 14 Rut, H 8 Thorvald, H 13 Hulda, H 12 Magna and H 11 Valborg. In front (from left) is H 4 Adolf, Hilda and H 5 Alf. The children not present were those that had died; H 1 Nils, H 2 Ottar and H 10 Valborg. Furthermore the three children emigrated to USA were also absent; H 3 Anna, H 6 Bernhard and H 7 Anne Oline.

Nils Hjalmar – H 1

H 1 Nils Hjalmar Hvaal (11/4 1880 – 15/4 1918). The oldest child in the Hvaal family was Nils Hjalmar and he is coded H 1. He was consequently the one with “odel” (allodial possession) to the farm. He never had a chance to take the farm since he got tuberculosis – which at that time was a sickness with no successful medicine. Nils Hjalmar spent the last time of his life in “Granly tuberkulosehjem” in Sem. He died in the spring of 1918 and is buried at Svarstad church. He had no children.


16 Johannes Ottar – H 2

H 2 Johannes Ottar Hvaal (2/2 1882 – 1936). His name in the church books is Johannes Ottar. He used the name Ottar. Since he was the second child he had no allodial possession (odel) to Hvaal – however he bought the farm from his father in 1910. Due to some unknown circumstances Ottar sold the farm back to Ole after a year. Ole then sold the farm out of the family to Kristoffer Wergeland.

Ottar attended the school for police as well as “Underoffiserskolen” (the school for sergeants or “fanejunker”). He was a short period police officer in Oslo. Then he rented the farm Østre Sogn for three years (1912 – 1915). He bought the farm Nedre Solberg in Svarstad from his father in law Martin (Christiansen) Solberg. The family had this farm until 1920. At that time Nils Hjalmar was dead and the allodial possession (odel) for Hvaal was passed over to Ottar. He bought the farm in 1920 and kept it until his death in 1936.

Ottar married Hanna Solberg in Svarstad church (7/2 1906). Ottar was 24 and Hanna 22 years old. They got all together 9 children – all baptized in Svarstad church. Ole (H 2.3) was born on Hvaal the year they had this farm and also Ragnhild, Odd and Håvald were born on Hvaal.

The children are: H 2.1 Helma Ovidia (1906 – 1991)

H 2.2 Mimmi Synnøve (1908 – 1996)

H 2.3 Ole (1911 – 1996)

H 2.4 Solveig Helene (1913 – 2011)

H 2.5 Gudrun Kristine (1915 – 2008)

H 2.6 Astrid Charlotte (1918 – 1998)

H 2.7 ragnhild Marie (1920 – 2015)

H 2.8 Odd Martin (1923 – 2003)

H 2.9 Håvald (1928 – 1948)

17 Picture from 1985.

From left; Ole, Mimmi, Gudrun, Solveig, Astrid, Ragnhild and Odd. H 2.1

Helma Ovidia

H 2.1 Helma Ovidia (Hvaal) Eide (14/7 1906 – 17/9 1990). She was born in Svarstad and married Halvor Eide (1903 – 1987) from the farm Eide in Styrvoll. They emigrated to Canada – Halvor in 1927 and Helma and Ole in 1929. They had all together 6 children; Ole, Gerd, Leif, Doris, Sylvia and Norah. They all live in British Colombia, Canada.

H 2.1.1 Ole Eide (b. 19?). He lives in Terrace, British Colombia, Canada. He has been married two times and has 6 boys (1) + (5).

H Halvor Lawrence Eide (1948). He is married to Frances and they have 3 children. He lives on Saltspring Island, BC.

H Wilbur George Eide (b. ?)

H Gunnar Roald Eide (1957). He has 3 children; Eric (1985), Caitlyn (1988) and Savannah (1991). He lives in Terrace, British Colombia.

H 1 Eric Eide (1985). Gunnar Eide H Caitlyn Eide (1988)

H Savannah Eide (1991)

Eric Caitlyn Savannah H Ralph Ivor Eide (b. ?)

H Lars Erik Eide (1961 – 1979).

18 H Karl Ole Eide (1964). He is married to Tina and they live in Kitimat near Terrace. They have the children; Travis, Trista, Sean and Karli.

H Travis Eide (1985).

H Trista Eide (1986). She and family live in Kelowna, British Colombia.

H Sean Eide (1987). H Karl Ole Eide H Karli Eide (1990)

H 2.1.2 Gerd Eide Smith (b. 19?). She lives in Alberta, Canada. She has a boy – Richard.

H Richard Marshall Smith (b. ?). He has three girls. He lives in Ardrie, AB Canada.

H 2.1.3 Leif Eide (19? – 2006). Leif was married to Shirley Elaine Lister. They got the three girls Tracey (1957), Vicki (1957) and Shelly (1959). Leif then married Sylvia Petrillo and got 4 more girls.

H Tracey Gerd Eide (06.01 1957). She is born in Burns Lake, BC. She now lives at Maple Ridge BC, Canada. She has Gregory (1979).

H Gregory Leif Eide (1979). He is born in Burnaby, BC and has two daughters; Charisma (1998) and Raven (2003).

Charisma Carol Cheena Eide (1998)

Raven Echo Eide (2003) H Vicky Eide (11.12 1957). She has two children Jeannie and Shane.

H Shane Erwin Walkey (19/5 1974). Shane was born in Maple Ridge, BC. He is married to Lisa Dawn Gauthier and they have 4 children. His email address is: [email protected]

H Jeannie Wood (28/11 1975). Jeannie was born in Maple Ridge, BC. She is married to Roger Roy Wood (1960) and they have two children; Brianna (1992) and Keith (1998).

H Brianna Leah Wood (1992) H Keith Michael Tonald Wood (1998)

H Shelly Eide (04.03 1959). She is born in Kamloops, BC. Shelly has one child.

19 H Cody Rath (19?)

H Carla Eide H Gina Eide H Rose Eide H Lena Eide

From a family meeting at Hvaal 1987. Only three of the children were still alive. They are sitting in the front. From left is; H 16 Signe, H 9 Olefine and H 14 Rut. H 2.1.4 doris Eide Powell (b. 1938). Doris is married to Donald Powell and they live on Gabriola Island (next to Vancouver Island) in British Colombia, Canada. Doris has 5 children:

H Bradford Harold (b. 1959) He is married to Kathy Wilson. He has a daughter; Nicole

H Nicole (1983)

H Cherri Helma (b. 1962) H 2.1.4 Doris Eide Powell (photo 2004)

H Charlene Norah Lewis (b. 1964). She is married to Brad Mhyre. She has; 20 H Morgan (1995)

H Donald William Francis Powell (b. 1971)

H Barclay Harry James Powell (b. 1973)

H 2.1.5 Sylvia Elise Eide reid (b. ?). She lives in Burnaby, British Colombia, Canada. She got 4 children:

H Laura Frances Lee (b ?). She is married to Keith A.R. Lee.

H Frank Todd Miskenack (1962 – 1995).

H Karen Doris Miskenack (b. ?). She is married to Robert Peter White.

H Blaine William Miskenack (b. ?)

H 2.1.6 Norah Violet Elizabeth Eide (1944 – 1995).

H Erik Davyd Eide Hvaal (b. 4/11 1983)

H Erik Eide Hvaal H 2.2 Mimmi Synnøve

H 2.2 Mimmi Synnøve (Teigen) (27/5 1908 – 6/9 1996). Mimmi was married three times; (1) Eugen Larsen, (2) Øivind Fremstad and (3) Håkon Teigen. Mimmi had no children.

H 2.3 Ole Hvaal

H 2.3 Ole Hvaal (16/3 1911 – 2/12 1996). Ole was born on Hvaal – the year Ottar had the farm the first time. He was married once, but lived most of his life as single. He had no children.

21 H 2.4 Solveig Helene

H 2.4 Solveig Helene (Hvaal) Maukon(24 /8 1913 – 11/12 2011). She is born at Sogn in Svarstad and was 7 years when the family moved to Hvaal. She married Andreas Maukon (1908 – 1986) from (1933). They first lived in Sandefjord – An- dreas was a seaman and was away during the war (1940 – 1945). Solveig and her two first children then moved back to Hvaal and stayed on the farm. They built a house in the neighborhood. They got the tree children; Målfrid, Mona and Odd Aino.

H 2.4 Solveig ( photo from 2011 – 98 years birthday)

Left: A picture from 2008. Solveig celebrates her 95th birthday in Svarstad with her three children.

From left behind; H 2.4.2 Mona, H 2.4.3 Odd Aino and in front H 2.4.1 Målfrid.


When H 2.4 Solveig celebrated her 96 birthday she was the oldest in the Hvaal family. Here we see her with 7 of her 10 great grandchildren. The picture is taken 24. of August 2009.

The great grandchildren is from left; H Marit Muren, sitting in front is H Trygve Myhr, behind is H Jonas Myhr and H Camilla Muren. In front is H Nora Brembo Andersen and H Christian Brembo Andersen. Finally behind right is H Lars Muren.

H 2.4.1 Målfrid (Maukon) Henriksen (11/6 1934). Målfrid is born in Sandefjord and was given the name Solveig Målfrid. In the Hvaal family she is known as “Tullemor” – otherwise as Målfrid. She is educated as a nurse in Tønsberg where she also met her husband Thormod Henriksen (1928). Målfrid worked at “Nesbru legesenter” – and in the health service at the pharmaceutical company “Alpharma”. Målfrid and her family lived in Oslo for 5 years, in Berkeley California for 4 years and at Hvalstad in Asker since 1966. Målfrid and Thormod have the children Trond, Terje and Kristin.

23 H Trond Maukon Henriksen (5/1 1960). Trond is educated at “The Norwegian University of Life Sciences”. He took a dr.degree on “Carbon and nitrogen turnover in soil” – mainly within microbiology. He is now High School teacher in Gjøvik. Trond is “samboer” (lives in civil union) with Hilde Bakke (1957) and they have 3 children: Thormod, Steinar and Ragnhild.

H Thormod Maukon Bakke (1989). He is born in Tromsø and baptized in “Ishavskatedralen”.

H Trond had 6 Siberian Huskies. Here he is on a tour around Gjøvik with his brother Terjes two boys; H Trygve (in front) and H Jonas. Picture from the winter 2007.

H Thormod Maukon Bakke (picture from 2007 – Thormod is 18 years old) H Steinar Maukon Bakke (1991). *Steinar is born in Tromsø and baptized in Asker

H Ragnhild Maukon Bakke (22/2 1994). Ragnhild is born in the days of the Winter Olympic in Lillehammer. She is an enthusiastic “horse ride girl”. 24 H Steinar Maukon Bakke (photo 2007)

H Ragnhild Maukon Bakke (photo 2007)

H Terje Maukon Henriksen (29/12 1961). Terje is born in Oslo. He was educated in electronic engeneering at The University of Trondheim. He also studied at The University of Boulder Colorado. He is “samboer” (lives in civil union) with Gunhild Myhr in Asker. They have two boys: Trygve (2000) and Jonas (2003).

H Trygve Maukon Myhr (2000). H Jonas Maukon Myhr (2003).

To the right. Photo from July 2012. Trygve and Jonas on a tour to Blaafargeverket.

Below:Photo from 2010. More heavy work for Grandpa – making an outdoor step.


H Kristin Maukon Muren (1965). Kristin is born in Berkeley California. She is educated as a school teacher and she also went to the school for sport (Idrettshøyskolen). She works as a school teacher in Asker. Kristin is married to Jan Muren (1963) and they have three children: Camilla (1989), Marit (1991) and Lars (1993).

Kristins three children. From left H Lars, H Camilla and H Marit.

H Camilla Maukon Muren (1989) H Marit Maukon Scheide (1991) Marit is married to Audun Werner Maukon Scheide (1990) They have one child

H Kasper Maukon Scheide (2020)

H Lars Maukon Muren (1993). 26

H 2.4.2 Mona (Maukon) Andersen (1939 – 2009). Mona was born in Sandefjord and married to Per Christian Andersen (1944). Mona died from cancer in May 2009. Mona and Per got two children; Thomas (1971) and Lene (1975).

H Thomas Maukon Andersen (1971). Thomas is educated at The University of Trondheim in computer technology. Specialties: Company management, project management, software development management, process management, customer care, recruitment, product management, sales

He is married to Bente Brembo. They have two children: H 2.4.2 Mona

H Nora Brembo Andersen (2004). H Christian Brembo Andersen (2007)

Left Christian Photo May 2018

Right Thomas Nora and Christian.


H Lene

H Hanna

H Lene Maukon Andersen (b. 1975). Lene is “sambo” with Ketil Modell (1972). They have Silja and Hanna

H Silja Modell Maukon (2010)

28 H Hanna Modell Maukon (2012)

H 2.4.3 Odd Aino Maukon (1950). Odd Aino is born in Svarstad, Lardal. He is educated as an airline pilot. Now retired. He is “samboer” (lives in civil union) with Grethe Mansås. They have no children.

H 2.4.3 Odd Aino

H 2.5 Gudrun Kristine

H 2.5 Gudrun Kristine (Hvaal) Andvå (25/8 1915 – 7/8 2008). She is born at Solberg in Svarstad and was 5 years when the family moved to Hvaal. She married Rolf Andvå (1911 – 1990). They have lived several places in Norway, some years in Glomfjord and in later years in . They got no children.

H 2.6 Astrid Charlotte

H 2.6 Astrid Charlotte (Hvaal) Aaslie (20/1 1918 – 24/4 1998). She was born at Solberg in Svarstad and was 2 years when the family moved to Hvaal. She married Håkon Aaslie and they got two children Svein (1939) and Unni Britt (1942)

H 2.6.1 Svein Othar Aaslie (29/7 1939). He married Gerd Inger-Lise (1945) and they emigrated to British Colombia, Canada. They have 4 children; Grete, Stein, Brith og Stig.

H Grete (Aaslie) Partridge (b. 1963). She married William John Par- Svein tridge (1957) and they have two Children:

H Melissa Louise (1993) H Thomas William (1995)

H Stein Håkon Aaslie (1968). He is married to Laura and they have two boys:

H Mattias Jonathan Aaslie (2001) 29 H Anders Markus Aaslie (2003)

H Brith Aaslie Gunthner (1969). She is married to Ronald Heinz Gunthner (1961)

H Stig Aaslie (1977).He is married to Stephanie and they have two chil- Brith dren.

H Landon Ottar Aaslie (2007)

H Brianna Lise Aaslie (2009).

Picture from 2009 on a camping tour – celebrating that Svein is 70 and Brith is 40.

Here you see the whole family. We use the coding system and start with the first row from left: H Stein Haakon Aaslie, Ron Gunther (married to Brith) and H Stig. In front of him on the bike is H Landon Aaslie. Then follow Bill Partridge (married to Grete), H Anders Aaslie and H 2.6.1 Svein.

Second row from left: Laura (married to Stein) and H Mattias Aaslie. Then follows; H Thomas Partridge, H Melissa Partridge and H Grete (Aaslie) Partridge. H Brianna Aaslie is in the arms of her mother Stephanie (married to Stig). Furthermore we have H Brith (Aaslie) Gunther and finally Sveins wife Lise Aaslie.

H 2.6.2 unni Brith Aaslie (22/4 1942). She lives in Oslo and has two children:

H Jeanette Christine Jacobsen (1966)

H Jarle Morten Jacobsen (1970). He has a daughter Celine (2006) 30 H Celine Isabell Åstangen Aaslie (15/12 2006).

H 2.7 ragnhild Marie

H 2.7 ragnhild Marie (Hvaal) Bagroen (24/8 1920 – 16/1 2015). Ragnhild was born after the family moved to Hvaal. She was married to Paul Bagroen (1924 – 2013) and they lived in Oslo. They got two girls; Tove (1956) and Grethe (1957).

H 2.7.1 Tove Marie Bagroen (1956). She was married to Mark Barone and have two boys. H 2.7.1 Tove H Adrian Paul Barone (1986)

H Mathias Francois Barone (1989)

In the picture we see the two boys. Left; H Mathias and H Adrian. Photo 2008

H 2.7.2 Grethe Nancy Bagroen (1957). Grethe has no children.

31 H 2.8 Odd Martin

H 2.8 Odd Martin Hvaal (24/7 1923 – 18/10 2003). Odd was born on Hvaal and he spent his life there. He was the owner of Hvaal from 1952 to 1995. He married Halgjerd (1928 – 1958) and they got 3 children; Linda, Othar and Hanne.

H 2.8.1 Linda Elisabeth Hvaal (Klemsdal) (1952). She is married to Ole Jørgen Klemsdal (1954).

H 2.8.1 Linda Photo 2013 H 2.8.2 Othar Johannes Hvaal (1953). He was the owner of Hvaal from 1984 to 2012. He is married to Randi Saga (1957) and they have two girls; Solveig and Inger Helene.

H 2.8.2 Othar and Randi Photo from June 2013

H Solveig Beate Hvaal (1984). She is the one with “odel”, and took over the farm 1/1 2012. She is “sambo” with Glenn Lie and they have Martin (2013).

H Martin Hvaal (2013)

32 Solveig Beate and Martin. The picture is from Svarstad Church and is taken the day Martin was baptized - June 30 2013. H Inger Helene Hvaal (1990).

33 H 2.8.3 Hanne Margrethe Hvaal (1957). She was married to Tor Staalesen (1957) and lives in Risør. She has two children; Merethe and Gunnar.

H Merethe Hvaal Staalesen (1983).

H Gunnar Hvaal Staalesen (1987).

H Gunnar H Merethe

H 2.9 Håvald

H 2.9 Håvald Hvaal (2/9 1928 – 1948). Håvald was the youngest of the children after Ottar and Hanna Hvaal. He died in a shooting accident.

34 Anna Marie – H 3

H 3 Anna Marie (Hvaal) Olson (28/9 1883 – 1957). She is born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She emigrated to USA and married Carl Olson – also from Svarstad – Bergshaugen. They got 4 children. However, only one of them (H 3.2 Arthur) have a family and descendents spread all over USA.

H 3.1 Christian (1911 – 1986)

H 3.2 Arthur Oscar (1912 – 2007)

H 3.3 Margaret Irene (1914 – 1933)

H 3.4 Carl (1916 – 1916)

This is a wedding picture of Anna Marie and Carl Olson

Here we have a nice picture from 1915 – showing Christian and his younger brother Arthur.

35 H 3.1 Christian

H 3.1 Christian Olson (8 /7 1912 – 1986). He never married and had no family.

H 3.2 Arthur Oscar

H 3.2 Arthur Oscar Olson (9 /11 1912 – 16/8 2007). Arthur married Helenjean Weekly (1919 – 2007). They lived in Idaho, USA. They got 6 children; Margaret (1938), Sylvia (1940), Marjorie (1941) , Norma (1943), Richard (1945) and Robert (195 1).

H 3.2.1 Margaret June (Olson) Meckel (26/3 1938). She is married to Brian David Meckel (1938). They live in Coeur d`Alene in Idaho. They have three children: Cara (1959), Paula (1960) and Steven (1963).

H Cara Jean (Meckel) Kinney (1959). She is married to Douglas Kinney. They live in Alburqurque, New Mexico.

H Paula Rae Meckel (1960). She live in Bellingham, Wash- ington, USA. Arthur and Marjorie ( Photo 1995) H Steven Clarke Meckel (1963). He is married to Kathleen Hildebrand. They live in Fairbanks, Alaska and have a daughter:

H Ericka Anne (1988).

H 3.2 Arthur Olson got 6 children. H 3.2.2 Sylvia died in 2005. The other 5 is in this picture. From left; H 3.2.6 Robert, H 3.2.5 Richard, H 3.2.4 Norma, H 3.2.3 Marjorie and H 3.2.1 Margaret.

36 H 3.2.2 Sylvia Mae Olson (7/5 1940 – 3/8 2005). She lived in Norco, California – near Los Ange- les. She has a daughter; Renee (1966).

H Renee Michelle Davies (1966). She is married to Jim Davies. They live on Hawaii and have:

H Paige Renee (1995).

H 3.2.3 Marjorie Anne (Olson) Matlock (13/7 1941). She is married to Robert James Matlock (1938) and they live in Wasilla, Alaska. They have two boys; David (1961) and Craig (1963) and a girl, Anne (1965).

Marjorie and Bob Matlock ( picture from 2009)

H David James Matlock (1961). He is married to Skye Ann Prince. They live in Wasil- la, Alaska and have two boys: Hunter (1993) and Tanner (1996).

H Hunter James (1993).

H Tanner Michael (1996)

Hunter and Tanner ( photo 2009)

H Craig Thomas Matlock (1963). Lives in Wasilla, Alaska and has:

H Daniel Louis Burton (1988).

37 H Anne Margaret (Matlock) Patrick (1965). She is married to Brian John Patrick. They live in Puyallup, Washington and have two children; Sydney (1992) and Corey (1994).

H Sydney Anne Patrick (1992)

H Corey Robert Patrick (1994).

Anne with family in 2009.

From left; Anne, Brian, Corey and Sydney

H 3.2.4 Norma Eileen Holtznagel (10/8 1943). We lack information. She has three children; Russel (1959), Raymond (1961), Andrea (1963).

H Russel Jay Olson (1959). He is married to Liane Palmer. We lack information – however it seems that he has 4 children.

H Sarah Ellen (1989)

H Skyler Arthur (1989)

H Emily Jean (1992)

H Dean Edward (1994).

H Raymond Carl Sherman (1961) . He is married to Cindy Gordon. They live in New- port, Washington. They have James.

H James Elliot (1985).

H Andrea Denise Scaff (1963). She is married to Melvin Schaff. They live in Spokane, Washington. Andrea has 4 children; Stephanie (1981), Jeffrey (1982), Ethan (1989) and Mel- vin (1991).

H Stephanie Rae Schell (1981)

H Jeffrey Lee Schell (1982)

H Ethan Mathew Schaff (1988)

H Melvin Mathew Schaff (1991).

38 H 3.2.5 richard Arthur Olson (19/8 1945). He is married to Charlotte Williams. The address is Hidden Valley Road, Sandpoint, Idaho. Lack information about family.

H 3.2.6 robert Everett Olson (5/9 1951). Lack information. The address is West Spokane Avenue, Coeur d ´Alene, Idaho.

H 3.3 Margaret Irene

H 3.3 Margaret Irene Olson (26/11 1914 – 6/6 1933). She died at an age of almost 19 years. We have no further information..

H 3.4 Carl

H 3.4 Carl Olson (19/3 1916 – 7/4 1916). Carl died only 19 days old.

Adolf – H 4

H 4 Adolf Otto Hvaal (4/8 1885 – 1955). He is born in Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. He married Margit (1897 – 1988). They got three children; Astrid (1925), Stein (1928) and Edgar (1931).

H 4.1 Astrid (1925 – 2004)

H 4.2 Stein (1928)

H 4.3 Edgar (1931 – 2002)

Margit and Adolf Hvaal

39 H 4.1 Astrid (1963) and Tore (1966). H

H 4.1 Astrid Marie (Hvaal) Syversen (27/12 1925 – 2/8 2004). She married Jens Syversen (1919 – 1990). They lived in Bærum and got two children; Hanne (1952) and Trond (1958).

H 4.1.1 Hanne Syversen (1952). She lives in Oslo. We have no more information.

H 4.1.2 Trond Syversen (1958). He married Siri Sundby (1960). They live in Bærum and have two children; Ole Petter (1993) and Heidi (1995) 4.2.1 Marit Hvaal

H Ole Petter Syversen (1993) Engebråten (1963). She H Heidi Kristine Syversen (1995).

H 4.2 Stein

H 4.2 Stein Ove Hvaal (9/9 1928). He is married to

Jorunn (1928 – 2014 ) and they live in Ski, outside Oslo. They

have the

H 4.1 Astrid Marie children;

Marit H 4.2 Stein and Jorunn Hvaal

40 is married to Bay Magnar Engebråten (1961). They live at Vinterbro (east of Oslo) and have; Marte (1991), Bay Markus (1994 – 1995) and Bay Mathias (1997).

H 4.2.1 Marit Engebråten and H Bay H Marte Engebråten (1991)

H Bay Markus Engebråten (1994 – 1995).

H Bay Mathias Engebråten (1997)

Right; H Marte and H Bay Mathias

H 4.2.2 Tore Hvaal (1966). He lives at Ski.

H 4.2.2 Tore Hvaal

41 H 4.3 Edgar

H 4.3 Edgar Hvaal (9/12 1931 – 2002). He has two children; Kirsti (1961) and Jan (1963).

H 4.3 Edgar Hvaal H 4.3.1 Kirsti Hvaal (1961). She married Svein Olsen. The address is; Atriumv. 10 M, 1406 Ski. She has a boy:

H Øystein Jung Ho Hvaal (1994).

H 4.3.2 Jan Heine Hvaal (1963). He is married to Unni Espeli. The address; Trippestadveien 30, 1814 Askim. They have three children; Lene (1984), Ann Katrine (1987) and Robert (1991).

H Lene Hvaal (1984)

H Ann Katrine Hvaal (1987)

H Robert Hvaal (1991).

42 Alf – H 5

H 5 Alf Hvaal (28/11 1886 – 28/1 1970). Alf is born on Hvaal. He married Mathilde (1893 – 1970) and they got three children; Jacob (1925), Marit (1926) and Ole Reidar (1928). Alf was a farmer on the farm “Ødegaarden” in Styrvold.

‘ H 5.1 Jacob (1925 – 1985)

H 5.2 Marit (1926 – 2011)

H 5.3 Ole reidar (1928 – 2003)

H 5.1 Jacob H 5.2 Marit H 5.3 Ole Reidar

43 H 5.1 Jacob

H 5.1 Jacob Hvaal (27/4 1925 – 1985). He married Ragnhild (1931 – 1970) and they got three children; Else (1952), Arnfinn (1956) and Tormod (1960).

H 5.1.1 Else Jorun (Hvaal) riis (1952) . She married Dagfinn Riis (1952). They live in Svarstad and got two children; Liv H 5.1 Jacob (1973) and Gro (1976).

H Liv Ragnhild (Riis) Ovenstad (1973) . She is married to Ole Jonny Ovenstad. They live in Svarstad. H 5.1.1 Else Jorun

H Gro Anita Riis (1976). Address is also Svarstad.

H 5.1.2 Arnfinn Hvaal (1956) . Address Steinsholt, Lardal.

H 5.1.2 Arnfinn

H 5.1.3 Tormod Hvaal (1956). Address; Steinsholt Lardal.

H 5.1.3 Tormod

H 5.2 Marit

H 5.2 Marit (Hvaal) Hannevold (5 /9 1926 – 2011). Marit married Per Hannevold (1924 – 1991). They got two boys; Helge (1952) and Svein (1957). Address Steinsholt, Lardal.

44 H 5.2.1 Helge Hannevold (1952). He is married to Britt Mariann (1947) . Addressd Sterinsholt, Lardal. They have two children; Jon (1975) and Kristin (1980).

H Jon Hannevold (1975)

H Kristin Hannevold (1980).

H 5.2.1 Helge Hannevold

H Jon Hannevold

H 5.2.2 Svein Hannevold (1957). He is married to Kady Besseberg (1966). Address is Steinsholt. They have:

H Elin Hannevold (1986)

H 5.2.2 Svein Hannevold H Elin Hannevold

45 H 5.3 Ole reidar

H 5.3 Ole reidar Hvaal (17/10 1928 – 2003 ?). Ole Reidar married Syn - nøve Allum (1933). They have three children; Mari-Ann (1949), Kjell (1953) and Lene (1965).

H 5.3.1 Mari-Ann (Hvaal) Melsom (1949). She married Gjert Bull Melsom (1947) . Address; Sande in Vestfold. They have two children; Henriette (1977) and Ole Christian (1979). H 5.3 Ole Reidar

H Henriette Melsom (1977)

H Ole Christian Melsom (1979).

H 5.3.2 Kjell Allum Hvaal (1953). Address: Steinsholt in Lardal. He has two children; Aleksander (1986) and Daniel (1989). E-mail: [email protected]

H Aleksander Allum Hvaal (1986)

H Daniel Allum Hvaal (1989). Kjell Allum Hvaal

H 5.3.3 Lene Hvaal (1965). She is married to Glenn-Roar Halvorsen (1970). Address: Sætre in Hurum.

Hvaal 1987

46 Bernhard – H 6

H 6 Bernhard Hvaal (8/11 1888 – 1964). Bernhard is born on Hvaal. He emigrated to USA. However, we have almost no information on his family. He had one son Bjarne (1919). Bernhard was well known for his paintings and was listed five separate years in the book “Who`s Who in American Art” – by the name Bernhard Wahl.

One of Bernhards paintings called “Jorden gråter”

H 6.1 Bjarne

H 6.1 Bjarne Hvaal (31/7 1919 – 26/6 1992).

47 Anne Oline – H 7

H 7 Anne Oline Hvaal (11/5 1890 – 20/2 1978). Anne Oline is born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She married her uncle Thorvald Reinhart Nielsen in 1909 (19/9) in Larvik. The church books tell that that it was the first marriage for both. Nothing is mentioned that Thorvald had been married twice and had 7 children. Anne Oline and Thorvald got 4 children together – and we shall mention them all.

Anne Oline was married three times: (2) Patrick Joseph Browne (1899 – 1929) and finally with (3) Frank Clifford Bech (1890 – 1967).

H 7.1 rhinehart Nelson (1910 – 1935)

H 7.2 Anne Marie Nelson (1912 – 1965)

H 7.3 Lloyd Nelson (1914 – 1985)

H 7.4 Violet Nelson (1918 – 1948)

Note: Thorvalds name Nielsen was in USA changed to Nelson.

48 On this picture is Anne Oline and Thorvald with Rhinehart and Anne Marie. ( Photo from about 1913)

H 7.1 rhinehart Anne Oline and Rhinehart

H 7.1 rhinehart Nelson (1910 – 1935). Rhinehart was born in Phil - ipsburg, Montana and he died in Butte, Montana only 25 years old. No children.

H 7.2 Anne Marie

H 7.2 Anne Marie Nelson (1912 – 1965). She was born in Spo - kane, Washington and she died in Anaconda, Montana. She married (1) Everette Sundberg (1905 – 1935) and they got 4 children – then she mar- ried Harold Wetherell and they got a daughter Linda (1950). H 7.2 Anne Marie

H 7.2.1 doris M. Sundberg (1927 – 1927). Anaconda, Montana.

H 7.2.2 doris V. Sundberg (1930) . She married Owen W. Knudson (1926 – 1966). They lived in Great Falls, Montana and got 4 children: Linda (1949), Elaine (1951), Carol (1953) and June (1964). All children born in Great Falls, Montana. Right: H 7.2.2 Doris V. Sundberg ( Photo 2011)

H Linda S. Knudson Mellor (1949). She is married to Robert (Bob) Mellor. They live in Kalispell Montana.

49 H Linda and Bob H Elaine E. Knudson (1951). She is married to Gary Ruppal. She has the daughters Heather and Wendy. They live in Kalispell, Montana. E-mail: [email protected]

H Elaine and Gary

H Wendy Mandville-Grapensteter Heather left and Wendy H Heather Mandville-Solem

H Carol L. Knudson Olson (1953). She is mar - ried to Bruce Olson. They live in Appletown, Wisconsin. E-mail: [email protected]

H Carol and Bruce ( Photo from 2007)

H June M. Knudson Goodwin (1964). She is living in civil union with Bob McKinsley. They live in Ben Lomond, California.

H Jason S. Goodwin (1987) . He is married to Marla and they live in Kalispell Montana.

H June 50 H Jason

H 7.2.3 ruth Sundberg (1932 – 1996). She was born in Butte, Montana and died in Montana. She was married to William R. Powell (1918 – 1992) . They had two children; Rose (1954) and William (1957).

H Rose Powell (1954). She was born in Deer Lodge, Mon - tana.

H William E. Powell (1957 – 1975). Deer Lodge, Montana.

H Rose Powell

H 7.2.4 Jack r. Sundberg (1935 – 2012). He was born in Butte, Mon- tana. He married (1) Joyce Tuley and (2) Joyce Webb (1942 – 1997). He got 4 children 2 + 2; Jacquelyn (1955), Judy (1956) – Everett (1964) and Jack (1965).

H 7.2.4. Jack Sundberg H Jacquelyn (Jackie) Joy Sundberg (1955). She was born in Deer Lodge, Montana. She has the son Mark S. Hammel (1975).

H Mark Stephen Hammel (3/3 1975). He is mar - ried to Tina and they have three boys; Marcus (1999) and the twins Ashton and Taylor (2001).

H Marcus Kelly Hammel (1999) H Ashton Stephen Hammel (2001) H Taylor Joseph Hammel (2001). H Jackie Sundberg

In the picture we see Mark ( H with the boys; Marcus and the twins Ash- ton and Taylor. 51 H Judy (Gale Sundberg Demyan) Lee (1956 – 2017). She was born in Peoria, Illinois and has three children: Jason (1975), Cynthia (1977) and William (1980).

H Jason Lee Switzer (1975).

H Cynthia Maria Switzer (1977) . She has Ryan; H Ryan ( ?).

H William Demyan (1980). He has two children : H Adam ( ?). H Ashleigh ( ? ).

H 7.2.5 Linda S. Wetherell Quijano Smith (1950) . She is born in Deer Lodge, Montana. She has been married two times; 1) Joseph Quijano, 2) ? Smith. She has three children; Tony (1971), Jason (1977) and Christine (1979).

H Joseph A. Quijano (1971) . Tony is married to Karen Kelminsen. They have a daughter H 7.2.5 Linda Smith

H ??? Quijano (20 ?? ).

Tony and Karen


H Jason L. Smith (1977). He is married to Kelli Phillips and they have Katie (2005) and Jenna (2007).

H Katie J. Smith (2005) H Jenna M. Smith (2007).

H Jason with family

In the picture; H Katie and H Jenna

H Christine M. Smith (1979)


54 H 7.3 Lloyd

H 7.3 Lloyd Nelson (1914 – 1985). He married Helen L. Hadley (1912 – 1995). They had one child Lloyd Thomas (1945)

H 7.3.1 Lloyd Thomas Nelson (1945). He married Nadene Petson (1943) and they have the children; Ramona (1966), Steven (1967), Rhonda (1968) and Mark (1983).

H Ramona Nadine (1966) H Steven Thomas (1967) H 7.3 Lloyd H Rhonda Kay (1968). H Mark Allen (1983).

H 7.4 Violet

H 7.4 Violet r. Nelson (1918 – 1948). She met (1) Theodore Daley. Then she married (2) Thomas Sheehan (1901 – 1961), (3) Thomas Scalise and (4) John T. Walsh (1909). She got two boys; Rodney (1934) and Thomas (1936).

H 7.4.1 rodney r. Nelson (1934 – 1938). He was born and he died in Anaconda, Montana.

H 7.4.2 Thomas Sheehan (1936). He married Barbara Modeen. They got three children; Veronica (1958), Tom (1965) and Becky (1968).

H Veronica Sheehan (1958). She met (1) Ken King. Then she married Randall Burns – and (3) Steven Peterson. Veronica has three children; Tara (1979), Jeff (1982) and Wendy (1983).

H Tara King (1979)

H Jeff Burns (1982)

H Wendy Burns (1983).

H Tom Sheehan (1965)

H Becky Sheehan (1968),

55 Torvald – H 8

H 8 Torvald Hvaal (4/1 1892 – 1983). Torvald is born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. He married Gudrun (1895 – 1969). They got 6 children. It is a lot of descendents after Torvald, and they live – most of them – in Vestfold.

H 8.1 Osvald (1916 – 1987)

H 8.2 Lloyd (1918 – 1990)

H 8.3 Eleanore (1919)

H 8.4 Thorleif (1921 – 1985)

H 8.5 Hildur (1923)

H 8.6 Bjarne (1925 – 1997)

Torvald and Gudrun with the oldest children. From left; Osvald (H 8.1), Eleanore (H 8.3) and Lloyd (H 8.2)

56 H 8.1 Osvald

H 8.1 Osvald Hvaal (24/2 1916 – 1987). Osvald married Marit (1916). They got two girls; Elen Marianne (1948) and Kjersti (1953).

H 8.1.1 Elen Marianne Hvaal Corrie (1948). She is married to Kent Corrie and their address is: Torsvei in Åsgårdstrand, Vestfold. They have two children; Amelia (1978) and Christopher (1983).

H Amelia Corrie (1978)

H Christopher Corrie (1983).

H 8.1.1 Elen Marianne H 8.1.2 Kjersti Hvaal Amundsen (1953). She is married to Bjørn Amundsen. They have two girls; Hanne (1985) and Ida (1988).

H Hanne Hvaal Amundsen (1985).

H Ida Hvaal Amundsen (1988)

H 8.1.2. Kjersti H Hanne H Ida

H 8.2 Lloyd

H 8.2 Lloyd Hvaal (19/1 1918 – 1990). Lloyd married Walborg (1926). They lived in Sandefjord. They have no descendents.

57 H 8.3 Eleanore

H 8.3 Eleanore Hvaal Børnick (26/9 1919 – 14/7 2015). She married Leif Børnick. She lived in Peder Bogensgt. in Sandefjord – and she become one of the very old in the Hvaal family. She got 4 children; Einar (1941), Tore (1944), Leif Harald (1948) and Elin (1958).

H 8.3 Eleanore

H 8.3.1 Einar Børnick (1941 – 1966). He had a daughter Bente Cecilie (1965).

H Bente Cecilie (Børnick) Solaas (1965). She is married to Kristian Solaas (1968). They have two boys; Hans Kristian (1988) and Pål (1994).

H Hans Kristian Børnick (1988)

H Pål Einar Børnick (1994) H 8.3.2 Tore Børnick (1944). He is married to Mette (1945). Address: Sandefjord. They have three children; Ellen Charlotte (1969), Anne Karine (1973) and Andreas (1978). Tore Børnick is director of the company AGS

Mette Børnick Tore Børnick

58 H Ellen Charlotte Børnick (1969). She was married to Halvard Tveit, and they have a son; Oskar (2004). H Oskar Børnick Tveit (26/2 2004).

H Ellen Charlotte

H Oskar

H Anne Karine Børnick (1973). She is married to Thomas Rimul (1973) and they have two sons; Thorvald (2001) and Magnus (2005)

H Thorvald Børnick Rimul (2001)

H Magnus Børnick Rimul (2005)

H Anne Karine

H Andreas Børnick (1978). He is sambo with Taran Svendsen.

H Andreas

59 H 8.3.3 Leif Harald Børnick (1948). He is married to Liv Aartun (1950). Address: Sandefjord. They have two girls Cornelia (1977) and Maren (1982).

H Cornelia Børnick (1977) H Maren Børnick (1982).

Leif Harald Børnick H Cornelia H Maren H 8.3.4 Elin (Børnick) rustad (1958). She is married to Pål Rustad. They have two girls; Sofie (1989) and Julie Marie (1991).

H Sofie Børnick Rustad (1989)

H Julie Marie Børnick Rustad (1991).

H 8.3.4 Elin

H Julie Marie

H Sofie

60 H 8.4 Thorleif

H 8.4 Thorleif Hvaal (21/8 1921 – 1985). He married Reidun Raastad (1920 – 2005) and Palma (1924 – 2010). Address: Åsgårdstrand.Thorleif had three children; Ann-Mari (1944), Terje (1950) and Kjell (1953).

H 8.4.1 Ann-Mari (Hvaal) Steinsland (1944). She is the daughter of Thorleif and Reidun Raastad. She married Olav Steinsland. Ann-Mari was one of the top Norwegian gymnasts and participated in the World Championship 1966, European Championship 1967 and the Mexico Olympics in 1968. Ann-Mari and Olav got three children; Per Olaf (1969), Tom Eirik (1972) and Bjørn (1973).

H 8.4.1 Ann-Mari H Per Olaf Steinsland (1969). He married Tilde Holt Aamillom (1972) and they have two children: Jonatan (2000) and Jens (2005).

H Jonatan Steinsland (2000).

H Jens Steinsland

H Tom Erik (2005). H Tom Erik Steinsland (1973) H Bjørn Steinsland (1973).

H Bjørn Steinsland The picture above is from Njårdhallen in Oslo, April 1967. It shows Ann-Mari on the horizontal bar in a competition between Norway and Denmark. AnnMari was the best performer in this competition.

61 H 8.4.2 Terje Hvaal (1950 – 2007). He had five children; Thor Arvid (1972) with Aina Dahl, and then four girls with Liv Kristin Samuelsen; Lina (1986), Helle (1987), Maria and Cecilie (1988).

H Thor Arvid Dahl (1972).

H Lina Hvaal Samuelsen (1986)

H Helle Samulsen (1987 – 1987). Helle died only 3 months old.

H Maria Hvaal Jensen (1988). She married Glenn Jensen. H 8.4.2 Terje Hvaal H Cecilie Hvaal Samuelsen (1988)

From left; Maria Hvaal Jensen. Lina and Cecilie Photo from 2010

H 8.4.3 Kjell Hvaal (1953). He is married to Sissel (1957). They have two boys; Lars (1985) and Simen (1987).

H Lars Hvaal (1985)

H Simen Hvaal (1987).

H 8.4.3 Kjell Hvaal

62 H 8.5 Hildur

H 8.5 Hildur (Hvaal) Kirkeberg (4/3 1923). She is married to Trygve Kirkeberg (1918). They got two children ; Inger (1951) and Ottar (1953).

H 8.5.1 Inger Kirkeberg (1951 – 1972).

H 8.5.2 Othar Kirkeberg (1953). He was married to Mari (1955). They got two children; Heidi (1981) and Jonas (1984).

H Heidi Kirkeberg (1981)

H Jonas Kirkeberg (1984).

H Heidi

H 8.6 Bjarne

H 8.6 Bjarne Hvaal (3/12 1925 – 13/1 1997). Married to Sylvia (1926). They had a boy; Dag Henning (1950).

H 8.6 Bjarne H 8.6.1 dag Henning Hvaal (1950). He is married to Åse Normann (1950). They have Pia (1988)

H Pia Hvaal (1988).

Dag Henning Hvaal H Pia

63 Olefine – H 9

H 9 Olefine (Hvaal) Myrvoll (25/7 1893 – 6/3 1992). Olefine is born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She married Karl Anton Myrvoll (1893 – 1967). They got 4 children.

H 9.1 Gudrun (1917 – 2009)

H 9.2 Esther (1919 – 1997)

H 9.3 Arne Ottar (1921 - 2008)

H 9.4 Bjørn Vidar (1935)

H 9 Olefine. Left 7 years old, right 22 years old

The family Olefine and Karl Anton Myrvoll. From left; Bjørn, Esther, Gudrun and Arne Ottar


H 9.1 Gudrun

H 9.1 Gudrun Helene (Myrvoll) Tharaldsen (26/10 1917 – 2009). She married Einar Tharaldsen (1913 – 1994). Address: Ski in Akershus. They got two children Laila (1938) and Tom Erik (1945).

H 9.1.1 Laila unni (Tharaldsen) Wik (13/7 1938). She married Thormod Wik (1935). Address; Ski in Akershus. They have two children Helene (1962) and Mona (1965) H 9.1 Gudrun

H 9.1.1 Laila Wik

H Helene Wik (10/7 1962). She is married to Morten Ekstrøm Wik (1960) . Address; Ski, Akershus. They have three boys; Eirik (1987), Tor- geir (1989) and Lars Einar (1994).

H Erik Wik (1987)

H Torgeir Wik (1989) H Helene Wik H Lars Einar Wik (1994).

The three boys to Helene Wik: From left; Erik, Torgeir and Lars. H Mona (Wik) Ambjørnrud (1965). She is married to Jens Am- bjørnrud (1964). Address: Ski in Akershus. They have two daughters; Marie (1987) and Stine (1989).

H Marie Ambjørnrud (1987)

H Stine Ambjørnrud (1989). H Mona Anbjørnrud

From left; H Marie and H Stine Ambjørnrud 65 H 9.1.2 Tom Erik Tharaldsen (1/1 1945). He was born January 1. – and near the year changeover – he was the “New year child” of Norway. He married to Sissel Kvernbraaten (1946) and has two daughters; Nina (1970) and Unn (1970).

H Nina Tharaldsen Johansen (7/1 1970). She is married to Pål Johansen (1968). Address; H 9.1.2 Tom Erik Ski in Akershus. They have Kristoffer (1997) and Rikke (2000).

H Kristoffer Johansen (1997)

H Rikke Johansen (2000) H Nina

H Unn Tharaldsen Kallum (14/12 1970). Married to Fredrik Kallum (1969). Address; Kråkstad, Ski in Akershus. They have; Dorthea (1998), Difrik (2000) and Theodor (2004).

H Dorthea Kallum (1998)

H Didrik Kallum (2000)

H Theodor Kallum (2004)

66 H 9.2 Esther

H 9.2 Esther Torbjørg (Myrvoll) Christof- fersen (25/11 1919 – 13/12 1997). She married Hans Nærup Christoffersen (1915 – 1983). They got two children; Kjell (1945) and Tove (1950).

H 9.2.1 Kjell Christoffersen (20/1 1945). He is married to Gro (1945). Address: Rosenlundv. 14 B, H 9.2 Esther and Hans (The wedding) 1406 Ski in Akershus. They have two children Stein (1969) and Jorun (1971).

H Stein Christoffersen (1969). He has Philip (1998)

H Philip August Christoffersen (1998)

H Jorun Christoffersen (3/11 1971). She is “sambo” with Jean Are Ibenfelt Sørlie (1969). H Stein and Philip

H 9.2.2 Tove (Christoffersen) Sølvberg (1950). She is married to Svein Sølvberg (1950). Address: Vardåsv. 2, Ski in Akershus. They have two boys; Øystein (1972) and Terje (1976).

H Øystein Sølvberg (1972)

H Terje Sølvberg (1976). H 9.2.2 Tove


H 9.3 Arne Ottar

H 9.3 Arne Ottar Myrvoll (5 /2 1921 – 2008).He was married to Grete Høie (1922 – 1998)). Address: 2485 Rendalen. They have Knut Sindre (1958)

H 9.3 Arne Ottar Myrvoll H 9.3.1 Knut Sindre Myrvoll (17/4 1958). He was married to Helle Marie Høyer(1959). Address: 2485 Øvre Rendalen. They got two boys; Erlend (1984) and Øyvind (1987). Knut Sindre is now “sambo” with Torill Kristian- sen (1958).

H Erlend Myrvoll (1984)

H Øyvind Myrvoll (1987).

H 9.3.1 Knut Sindre Myrvoll

H Erlend and H Øyvind Myrvoll


H 9.4 Bjørn

H 9.4 Bjørn Vidar Myrvoll (12/9 1935). He is married to Jenny Hol - men (22/1 1940). Their address: Konglev. 3 B, 1406 Ski in Akershus. They have a daughter; Øyvor (1979)

Left is Jenny and Bjørn Photo in 1970-ties

Right is Bjørn Photo 2008

H 9.4.1 Øyvor Holmen Talåsen (28/3 1979). She iis married to Per Olav Talåsen (1972). Address: 1580 Rygge. They have two children; Vilde (2002) and Trond (2005).

H Vilde Talåsen (2002)

H Trond Gjermund Talåsen (2005)

Right is Øyvor and Per Olav

Left; Vilde and Trond

Valborg – H 10

H 10 Valborg Hvaal (11/2 1895 – 2/8 1895). She was born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. As you can see she was only 6 months when she died. She died from “kikhoste” – whooping cough. This is an infectious sickness which now is medicated by erytromycin (antibiotics). This sick- ness is now avoided since the children are vaccinated before they are one year old.

In this and similar work on other families I have found that many children died – usually from sick - nesses that now can be easily cured. Several women also died in childbed. In the late 1800 and the beginning of 1900 very few died from cancer. The reason for this is that cancer occur late in life – and the average life was much shorter and they 69die d mainly from other sicknesses.

Valborg – H 11

H 11 Valborg (Hvaal) Aas (3/6 1896 – 1969). Child number 11 in the family was born 10 months after the death of Valborg H –10. It is therefore understandable that she got the same name when she was baptized in Svarstad church. Valborg married Thorvald Aas (1890 – 1982). They got two children:

H 11.1 Gudrun (1917 – 2000)

H 11.2 Hjørdis (1920 –)

H 11.1 Gudrun

H 11.1 Gudrun Kristoffersen (10/1 1917 – 2000). She married Tor Kristoffersen (1917 – 1998). Address: Drammen ? They got Torun (1945).

H 11.1.1 Torun Bryhn (1945). She has two children.

H Monica Aas (1966). She has a boy:

H Clay Robin Bryhn Svanberg (1986)

H Jan Erik Bryhn (1970).

H 11.2 Hjørdis

H 11.2 Hjørdis (Aas) Laugerud (14/1 1920). She married 1. Ivar Nygård (1917 – 1993), 2. Helge Laugerud (1937 – 1993). Address: . She has 4 children; Wenche (1940), Asbjørn (1944), Oddfinn (1949) and Kai Henning (1961).

H 11.2.1 Wenche Arnesen (1940). She married Ivar Arnesen (1938). Address: Lørenskog, Akershus. They have a daughter Evy (1960)

70 H Evy (Arnesen) Strømnes (1960). She is married to Paul Strømnes (1947). Address Sarpsborg. They have a boy Kristian (1993).

H Kristian August Strømnes (1993).

H 11.2.2 Asbjørn Nygård (1944). He is married to Åse (1948). Address: Kongsberg. They have two children; Beate (1970) and Magnus (1976).

H Beate Nygård Kili (1970). She is married to Egil Kili (1971). Address: Kongsberg. They have three children; Helene (2001), Marius (2005) and Kristoffer (2010).

H Helene Kili (2001)

H Marius Kili (2005)

H Kristoffer Kili (2010).

H Magnus Nygård (1976). He is married to Hanne Roaldstvedt (1981). Address; Kongsberg. They have the children; Julian (2004), Margrethe (2007) and Sarah (2008).

H Julian Nygård (2004)

H Margrethe Nygård (2007)

H Sarah Nygård (2008).

H 11.2.3 Oddfinn Nygård (1949). He lives together with Marit Ødegården (1960). Address: Kongsberg. Oddfinn has Lene (1973).

H Lene Nygård Gildberg (1973). She is married to Torstein Håvardsrud (1976).

H Lilly Håvardsrud (2007).

H Lene with daughter Lilly

71 H 11.2.4 Kai Henning Laugerud (1961). He is married to Hege Skulstad (1963). They have two children; Rune (1987) and Ida (1992).

H Rune Laugerud (1987)

H Ida Laugerud (1992). Kai Henning

H Ida

72 Magna – H 12

H 12 Magna (Hvaal) Granås (12/7 1898 – 12/2 1985). She was born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She married Konrad Granås (1900 – 1946). Magna had two children; Rigmor (1923) and Rolf (1925).

H 12.1 Rigmor (1923)

H 12.2 Rolf (1925 – 2011)

H 12.1 Rigmor

H 12.1 Rigmor Hvaal (25/9 1923 – 2013). She has two children; Karin (1953) and Ann (1956).

H 12.1.1 Karin Hvaal Lingaas (1953) She is married to Øystein Lingaas (1947). They have two children; Magnus (1982) and Elisabeth (1987)

H Magnus Hvaal Lingaas (1982)

H Elisabeth Hvaal Lingaas (1987)

H 12.1.2 Ann Cathrin Hvaal Sternberg (1956). She is married to Einar Ljones Stenberg (1955). They have two boys; Morten (1987) and Eirik (1992).

H Morten Hvaal Stenberg (1987) H Eirik Hvaal Stenberg (1992).

73 H 12.2 rolf

H 12.2 Rolf Granås (30/8 1925 – 29/11 2011). He has two children; Jørn (1958) and Mona (1966).

H 12.2.1 Jørn Granås (1958) He is married to Anne Løken (1963) . They have two children; Jonas (1990) and Karoline (1994).

H Jonas Løken Granås (1990)

H Karoline Løken Granås (1994).

H 12.2.2 Mona Granås Holt (1966) . She is married to H 12.2.1 Jørn Granås Morten Holt (1956). - They have Magnus and Maren.

H Magnus Granås Holt (?) H Maren Granås Holt (?).

Hulda Marie – H 13

H 13 Hulda Marie Hvaal (6 /12 1899 – 1978). Huldas was born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She was not married and had no descendents.

74 Ruth – H 14

H 14 Ruth Hvaal Hjort (25/4 1901 – 14/1 1991). Ruth was born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She married Alf Hjort (1904 – 1986). They lived in Gam- lebyen, Oslo and got one son; Odd.

H 14.1 Odd

H 14.1 Odd Hvaal Hjort ( ? – ?). He got tuberculosis and died young.

Rut and Odd ( photo from 1935? )

Asta – H 15

H 15 Asta Hvaal Mjølund (31/1 1904 – 2002). Astas was born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She married Oscar Mjølund (1904 – 1987). They lived iun Kragerø and they got 4 children; Roy (1929), Reidar (1930), Gerd (1931) and Aud (1933)...

H 15.1 Roy (1929 – 1989)

H 15.2 Reidar (1930 – 2004)

H 15.3 Gerd (1931)

H 15.4 Aud (1933)


76 H 15.1 roy

H 15.1 roy Mjølund (18/2 1929 – 4/7 1989).He was not married and had no descendents.

H 15.2 reidar

H 15.2 reidar Mjølund (31/5 1930 – 2004). He had no descendents.

H 15.3 Gerd

H 15.3 Gerd Mary Mikalsen (7/8 1931). She lives at 4993 Sundebru between Kragerø and Risør- Lack information. She has two girls; May Britt (1959) and Grete (1963).

H 15.3.1 May Britt Moi (1959). She is married to Rune Moi (1957). They have three children; Lisbeth (1984), Ørjan (1987) and Silje (1989).

H Lisbeth Moi (1984).

H Ørjan Moi (1987) H Silje Moi H Silje Moi (1989).

H 15.3.2 Grete Larsen (1963). She is married to Odd Larsen (1962). They have three children; Mai Therese (1981), Tommy (1984) and Kim Andre (1990).

H May Therese Larsen (1981) H

Tommy Andreas Larsen (1984)

H Kim Andre Larsen (1990). H 15.3.2 Grete Larsen . May Therese

77 H 15.4 Aud

H 15.4 Aud Ellingsen (14/12 1933 2013). She married Elling Ellingsen (1931 – 1978). They got two children; Gerd (1958) and Einar (1965).

H 15.4.1 Gerd Lian (1958). She married Magne Lian (1950). Ad- dress: Sentrumsveien, 4700 Ven- nesla. They have 4 children; Ronny (1975) , Siren (1979), Eirin (1984) and Silje (1988). H 15.4. Aud Ellingsen

H 15.4.1 Gerd Lian

H Ronny Lian (1975). Born in Vennesla and babtized in Ven- nesla Church. He lives in Granliveien 27 B, 4700 Vennesla. E-mail: [email protected] He has started family research which you can find on the address: www.lian-family.myheritage.com

H Ronny Lian

H Siren Lian (1979). Born in Vennesla and babtized in Vennesla church. Address: Sentrumsveien 26, 4700 Vennesla.

H Siren Lian

H Eirin Lian (1984). Born in Vennesla and babtized in Ven- nesla Church. She was “Sambo” with Frank Øyvind Larsson (1984) and they have Mathias (2011)

H Mathias Lian Larsson (2011).

H Eirin Lian Mathias


H Silje Lian (1988). Born in Vennesla and babtized in Vennesla church. She is “sambo” with Andre Gundersen (1988) . Address; Einerlia 7, 4715 Øvrebø.

H Silje Lian

H 15.4.2 Einar Ellingsen (1965) . He is married to Anna Cath (1963) . They have Line (1989)

H Line Ellingsen (1989). Line was married to Sondre Belland and they have Amanda (2010).

H Amanda Ellingsen Belland (2010).

H Line Ellingsen



Signe – H 16

H 16 Signe Hvaal Steinrem (5/7 1905 – 8/1 1993). Signe is born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. She marriet Steinar Steinrem (1902 – 1988). They lived at Jar, near Oslo. They got two children Bjørg (1932) and Tore (1938).

H 16.1 Bjørg (1932)

H 16.2 Tore (1938)

H 16.1 Bjørg

H 16.1 Bjørg (Steinrem) upsaker (25/7 1932)). She was married to Per Upsaker (1930 – 2016). They have two children; Per Steinar (1958) and Marianne (1963).

H 16.1 Bjørg

H 16.1.1 Per Steinar upsaker (19/6 1958). He is educated at NHH (Norges Handelshøyskole) in Bergen. He worked for several years in Malaysia and is running his own company. He is married to Ellen Åsli (1959). They have two children; Helen (1990) and Thomas (1995).

H Helen Upsaker (1990)

H Thomas Upsaker (1995).

H Thomas Upsaker

H Helen Upsaker

80 H 16.1.2 Marianne (upsaker) Killengreen (14/6 1963). She is educated at The University of Oslo (jurist) and is an “attorney of law”. She is married to Johan Andreas Killengreen (1962). They have two children; Lars (1990) and Thea (1993).

H Lars Killengreen (1990)

H Thea Killengreen 1993).

H Lars Killengreen

H Thea Killengree n

H 16.2 Thore

H 16.2 Thore Hugo Steinrem (25/12 1938). He is married to Linken Marita (1944). They have 4 children; Heidi (1964), Ida (1967), Marius (1970) and Kristin (1978).

H 16.2.1 Heidi ugstad Steinrem (1964). She is married to Georg Edelmann (1963). They have two children; Fredrik (1990) and Maja (1994).

H Fredrik Steinrem Edelmann (1990) H Maja Steinrem Edelmann (1994).

H Ola Steinrem Edelmann (2001).

Fredrik og Maja Steinrem Edelmann

H 16.2.2 Ida ugstad Steinrem (1967). She is married to Harald Rasmussen (1967). They have Vilde (1993)

81 H Vilde Steinrem Rasmussen (1993).

H Tuva Steinrem Rasmussen (1996)

H Jakob Steinrem Rasmussen (2001)

H 16.2.3 Marius Ugstad Steinrem (1970).

H 16.2.4 Kristin Ygstad Steinrem (1978). Hun er samboer med Morten Søreide og de har sønnen Emil Steinrem Søreide.

H Emil Steinrem Søreide (2011 ).

The start of this family researc. Three of the descendents are together in June of 2007. From left; H 2.4.1 Målfrid Henriksen, H 16.1 Bjørg Upsaker and H 17.1 Reidunn Hattvang.

82 Ole – H 17

H 17 Ole Hvaal (15/3 1907 – 1979). Ole is born on Hvaal and baptized in Svarstad church. He was the last child in the litter. Hilda was 44 years and Ole 56 . Ole Married Ingrid (1909 – 1999) and they lived in Oslo. They got two girls; Reidun (1934) and Hanne Lill (1945).

17.1 reidunn (1934)

H 17.2 Hanne-Lill (1945)

H 17.1 reidunn

H 17.1 reidunn (Hvaal) Hattvang (16/2 1934). She married Kjell Edgar Hattvang (1931). Address: Karl Staaffs v 13, 0665 Oslo. They have two girls; Anne (1958) and Gry (1962).

H 17.1.1 Anne Merete Hattvang (1958). She is married to Arild Larsen (1953). Address: Brennav. 108, 1279 Oslo. They have two children; Thomas (1980) and Linn (1986).

H Thomas Lie Larsen (1980). H 17.1 Reidunn H Linn Hattvang (1986).

H 17.1.2 Gry Elisabeth Hattvang (1962). She is married to Frode Larsen (1960). Address: Brennav. 104, 1279 Oslo. They have two children; Maja (1990) and Bendik (1994).

H Maja Hattvang Larsen (1990).

H Bendik Hattvang Larsen (1994).

83 H 17.2 Hanne-Lill

H 17.2 Hanne-Lill (Hvaal) Skogland (27/7 1945). She married Harry Skogland (1944). Address: Morenev. 43, 2743 Harestua. They have two children; Gine (1967) and Trond (1970).

H 17.2.1 Gine Skogland (1967). She is married to Johnny Nilsen (1956) . Address: 2743 Harestua. They have twins; Rikke and Ras- mus (1996).

H Rikke Nilsen Skogland (1996)

H Rasmus Nilsen Skogland (1996)

H 17.2.2 Trond Skogland (1970). Address: 1555 Son. He is married to Elisabeth Kjøle (1971). They have two boys; Daniel (2002) and Aksel (2004).

H Daniel Kjøle Skogland (2002)

H Aksel Kjøle Skogland (2004)

Here is a picture from Christmas 2009. From left; H 17.2.2 Trond, H 17.2.1 Gine, Harry Skogland, Elisabeth and H 17.2 Hanne-Lill.

Left: Aksel, Trond and Daniel.

Right: Gine, Rikke and Rasmus.84

85 Summary

It is time for summing up this family story. The Hvaal family is the story of all those descendants of Hilda and Ole Johannesen Hvaal. We started this research by looking for the ancestors of Hilda and Ole. We have found their parents, grandparents and great grandparents as well as sisters and brothers. All together this part includes about 80 persons.

The main efforts have been made to find the descendants. We have given the fate of the 17 children. One died only 18 months old. Two were not married and had no descendants. The other 15 have many descendants. So far we can give the following.

Children: 17

Grandchildren (barnebarn): 47 – (in 2012 13 are still alive.)

Great grandchildren (oldebarn): 85

Great-great grandchildren (tippoldebarn) : 172

Great-great-great grandchildren (tipp-tippoldebarn): 94 So far.

We have scanty information for some parts of the family and the descendants born durig the last 15 years.

If you find errors – have comments – even pictures, please contact: Terje Henriksen e-mail: [email protected]