LANKESTERIANA 5: 3-8. 2002. NOTES ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF CYCLOPOGON OBLIQUUS (ORCHIDACEAE: SPIRANTHINAE) IN COSTA RICA MARIO A. BLANCO Instituto Centroamericano de Investigación Biológica y Conservación P.O. Box 2398-250, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica Research Associate, Jardín Botánico Lankester, Universidad de Costa Rica Present mailing address: University of Florida, Department of Botany, 220 Bartram Hall P.O. Box 118526 Gainesville, Florida 32611-8526, U.S.A.
[email protected] ABSTRACT. The occurrence of Cyclopogon obliquus (J.J. Sm.) Szlach. [= Pelexia obliqua (J. J. Sm.) Garay] is reported for the first time in Costa Rica. Its taxonomic placement is discussed, and its current geographic distribution is reviewed. Observations on its habitat, phenology and reproduction are presented. RE S U M E N. Se presenta el primer informe de la existencia de Cyclopogon obliquus (J.J. Sm.) Szlach. [= Pelexia obliqua (J. J. Sm.) Garay] en Costa Rica. Se discute su posición taxonómica y se presenta una revisión de su actual distribución geográfica. Se presentan observaciones sobre su hábitat, fenología y repro- ducción. KEY WORDS / PALABRAS CLAVE: Orchidaceae, Cyclopogon, Pelexia, Spiranthinae, Costa Rica, pantropical species, phenology, deciduousness, autogamy. In April 2000, I found a leafless, terrestrial for the country. In Central America, the species was Spiranthine orchid with small whitish flowers at La previously reported to the north of Costa Rica Selva Biological Station, in Heredia province, Costa (Dressler 1993, and references below). Both Mora- Rica. It was immediately apparent that it was a novel- Retana & García (1992) and Dressler (1993) listed it ty for the site’s orchid flora (revised by Atwood 1988, as a species of potential occurrence in Costa Rica, Wilbur 1994), but its identity was a mystery to me.