Part two Austrade divisions, regions and enabling areas

Exporter Development� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �10 Client Services� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 12 Americas � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 14 Europe, Middle East and Africa � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 17 North East Asia� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �20 � South East Asia, South Asia and Pacific� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 23 Human Resources � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �26 Finance and Information � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �30 � Government and Corporate Services� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 31 Analysis and Planning � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 33 10 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Development are: The specific areas of focus for Exporter Austrade (see Figure 4) new and established exporters to work with core business is export promotion and attracting With six dedicated teams, Exporter Development’s exporter development Australian businesses (or ‘clients’) to become ready in focus on attracting and assisting regions and enabling areas achievements in 2005–06 of Austrade’s divisions, In this section, we highlight the functions and Figure 4: Exporter Development structure > > > > > > > State Managers

(NSW, Qld, SA bilateral allies government level, as well as with industry and and events, especially at the state and local Austrade programs the promotion of free trade agreements and Market Development Specialists, particularly tools to underpin client acquisition activities developing integrated marketing campaigns and proactively acquiring and qualifying clients for and managing Austrade’s network of events email managing Austrade’s frontline phone and regional advocacy through the State Managers managing the Australian Export Awards working with key allies on joint projects Vic, WA)


inquiries –  – Visits &Events – Austrade Direct Generation & Export AwardsExport Australian Events Unit Business � � Of these, two divisions Strategic Sourcing Exporter Development �

Development During 2005–06, Exporter Development managed whole and four areas provide enabling services for the and assisting clients to capture export business, on identifying opportunities in overseas markets and capable for export; four overseas regions focus on industry and sectoral opportunities from their Senior Trade Commissioners (STCs) also presented winning international business provided practical experience and insights into two successful Australian businesswomen, who strong business interest sectors registered for the seminars, reflecting 1,000 women from a diverse range of industry As part of its Development Highlights from Exporter staff and overseas customers 1,993 8,000 phone number; and managed more than inquiries; took 30,868 calls to Austrade’s 13 more than 12,000 attendees; handled 10,621 more than 300 events in Australia attracting around the nation for women in export May Specialists Market

2006, Austrade held a series of seminars

new exporters in visit programs with Austrade

appointments for 400 visitors, involving organisation Women in Export Operational Promotions � � Each seminar featured � � program in Experienced female Partnerships Corporate � Almost



78 how to win business in these markets were Fashion Week specific events such as Designbuild and Mercedes Singapore, primarily at trade shows and industry- agreements with the United States, Thailand and (MDS) actively promoted Australia’s free trade During the year, sector internationally the opportunities that exist in the creative industries deliver the message to over 700 companies about relevant state government as well as industry to unit marketing services of the Client Services division and supported by the direct Austrade state offices working with Austrade’s industries sector was rolled out in each state by A nationwide program promoting the creative South Wales, attracting over 1,700 companies export-focused events were organised across New trade program, ‘Small Business September’ Regional Development (DSRD) to run an international partnered with the NSW Department of State and 1,900 included 40 Business Week in August 2005 with sponsors, organised the 15th International In South Australia, Austrade, in conjunction industry allies to promote opportunities in export closely with key local and state government and During the year the latest economic trends Chief Economist, provided information and advice on particular markets, while Tim Harcourt, Austrade’s � finallystage managing the event on the day options and timing, rehearsing speakers and events, liaising with Austrade staff on event on upcoming events and project manages advice to Austrade’s international network events staged in Australia role is to provide logistical support for In each state, Austrade partnered with the


seminars and events and attracted � Nearly 50 presentations on FTAs and Austrade’s State Managers Market Development Specialists � In , Austrade � Operational Promotions � A Coordinator, Amy’s office in Austrade’s Events team based of the Visits and Amy Yeung is part Visits and Events Event Coordinator, m � � She provides This initiative y � As an Event Ye ung �

worked Thirty delivered � �

� � Brahman cattle being shown at Beef Australia 2006 (approximately 150), Austrade was instrumental visitors that attended the event in 2003 Aiming to double the number of international Queensland marketing event held in Rockhampton, Australia 2006 Australian agribusiness expertise at Brunei and New Caledonia to promote Mexico, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, delegations from Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Exporter Development supported buyer Beef Australia 2006 On the hoof— and State Development, Trade and Innovation of Primary Industries and Fisheries and organisers, the Queensland Departments the teamwork displayed between the event driver behind the success of the event was manager for Beef Australia 2006, a key According to Peter Moeser, Austrade’s project Export Terpstra, Austrade’s Agribusiness and Consumer Trade Commissioner in Beijing, and Matthew Cattle Company, Paul Sanda, Austrade’s exporter Stephen Lill from Chadwick Downs seminar was the participation of successful Hon De-Anne Kelly MP by the Parliamentary Secretary (Trade), the Agribusiness’ seminar, which was opened was launched with a ‘Ticket to Export— Austrade involvement in Beef Australia 2006 international visit programs of over 180 of these potential directly accompanied and managed the buyers to attend this event in attracting an estimated 500 international


Adviser �

� customers � —Australia’s largest beef

� A key feature of the � � Austrade Beef

11 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—Exporter development 12 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Figure 5: Client Services structure four teams (see Figure 5) equipped for exporting and export success sustainable exporters to ensure they are well preparing new, irregular, and established and The focus of Client Services is on developing and client services Austrade to customers, potential customers and the Local Export Advisers Network and distributed were coordinated by Austrade’s Victorian and NSW musicians and CDs displaying art and craft products multimedia Export advisers embraced July 2005 and March 2006 (see regional and rural Australia, were opened between AusIndustry services and products to businesses in Eight international delegates from six overseas markets Business Lounge and a visit program for series, management of the Austrade International Alley and Information Booth, an export seminar business, key activities included an Austrade Export held in Sydney presence was organised at CeBIT Australia 2006 Technology (ICT) Industry Team, a significant Led by the Information and Communications Highlights from Client Services for potential customers abroad coachingto andassistance who require intensive Local Adviser Export Works withnewand irregular exporters Export Hubs Network (LEAN) begin exporting

network to showcase exporters’ creative talents � As Australasia’s leading ICT event for � , jointly providing TradeStart and � new technology and Coordinatesthe TradeStart

� program and TradeStart page DVDs featuring Partnerships Unit ally network

TradeStart 13) � � It has Client Services Services Client � assistance to expandtheir assistance in current export marketsto current or export Development Program exporters; of these, 3,225 were on the New Exporter assistance to more than 10,366 new and established located throughout Australia provided advice and In 2005–06 Austrade and TradeStart Export Advisers across Australia conducted training sessions for Austrade staff < for the launch of TradeMap Australia (available at ITC in Geneva, visited Sydney in November 2005 evaluating priority markets trade promotion agencies to assist clients in and tariff database developed specifically for database in Australia exclusive distribution rights to ITC’s TradeMap the International Trade Centre (ITC), to secure the Helen Lassen, a former Austrade colleague from The Research and Information Centre worked with Development stand exporters who participated in the New Exporter involved 341 international buyers and 33 new 2005 coordinate Austrade’s involvement in 45 Client Services Industry Group worked with The Local Export Adviser Network and Works withestablished Industry GroupIndustry (CSIG) www exporters whorequireexporters

representatives from our overseas offices to Client Services Services Client enter newones held in Sydney in September 2005 � trademap � �

net/australia/login � � TradeMap is a global trade � � Stephan Blanc, from Austrade’s offering, service client service standards service client Focuses onimproving Initiatives Unit Client Service Service Client and programs � ht Fine Food m � The event >) and Minister Vaile at the Launceston Hub launch international markets’ export potential and enable them to reach a global network of expertise to achieve their Export Hubs, ‘regional businesses can harness convenient location AusIndustry products and services in one by ensuring they can access Austrade and innovative and internationally competitive regional Australian businesses to become more the intention of the Export Hubs is to assist As Minister Vaile explained during the launch, clients and business allies (see for Trade, at an event attended by over 100 Vaile MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in Launceston on 5 July 2005 by the Hon Mark The first of eight Export Hubs was launched in First Export Hub launched Port Augusta and Tweed Heads Darwin, Ballarat, Bega, Bundaberg, Carnarvon, Other Export Hubs have since been opened in local theme and flavour of the launch wine also featured on the menu to enhance the AusIndustry were working with of companies that Austrade, TradeStart and The launch in Launceston showcased a number

Launceston � Mr Vaile said that, through �

page � � Local food and

8) � � OzGigz DVD cover features original Australian rock and pop bands LEAN team began production of OzGigz2, which After the success of OzGigz1 in 2004–05, the and performers partners that are interested in Australian music distributed to potential overseas buyers and OzGigz DVDs are music samplers that are OzGigz DVD (LEAN) team in launched the second In 2005–06, the Local Export Adviser Network musical talent Oz US and artists and has a particular focus on the in private sector to establish exporter networks with key allies from government and the Award community by winning the Austrade Values organisation, his clients and to the export Shiva was recognised for his service to the At the 2006 Export Advisers Conference, 15 and has worked for Austrade for the past located in the western suburbs of Melbourne Shiva Nair is a Regional Export Adviser Regional Adviser Export S

market h

G years in diverse roles Gippsland and Melbourne’s igz—promoting Australian iv � Shiva’s achievements include working a �

Na � � ir � The LEAN team is preparing a third be launched at the DVD, which will Pompkomm Music Festival in Berlin in September 2006

West � �

13 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—Client services 14 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 americas * Includes consular and attached agency staff Bank and the United Nations infrastructure, and projects funded by the World biotechnology, arts and crafts, creative industries, education services, tourism, defence, film, goods, beverages, mining, animal genetics, agribusiness, government procurement, consumer wine, technology, services, industrial/automotive, Key sectors for the Americas region include food, Figure 6: Americas region The Americas region has three sub-regions as shown in Figure 6 United States � � Americas Canada Agreement (A 1 from the continued to be on capturing opportunities arising In the United States, Austrade’s primary focus Highlights from the Americas

January 2005 � Australia – Latin America U � SFTA) U value of around $2 achieve export success to the region assisted 845 clients to In 2005–06, 123 staff* in the , which came into effect on nited States Free Trade � 9

billion � involvement in the event sales valued at $4 than the previous year to pursue opportunities arising from AUSFTA Australia from 28 March to 10 April 2006 40 World Ag Expo Australian Pavilion at the world’s largest farm show, the team hosted 27 agribusinesses as part of the equipment and machinery equine, ornamental horticulture, seeds, irrigation including wine technology, precision agriculture, Phoenix, focuses on key areas of opportunity based in Chicago, San Francisco, Kansas City and The team, which has five industry specialists A participants attended the seminars, held in export seminar and workshop series the Selling to Government Team coordinated an related government procurement opportunities, advice on capturing US homeland security- To promote the release of the guide and provide (< of the Department of Finance and Administration market exporters access the US government procurement development of a practical guide to assist Australian Colorado Springs procurement, is located in Washington DC and 60 years combined experience in US government The team of five industry specialists, with over A combined sales totalling around 40 export success, with these clients achieving assisted over 30 Compared with 2004–05, the US team directly to expand Austrade’s presence in the A

www guide for business U Selling to

per S Agriculture Team

cent of companies have achieved export � �

austrade Selling to the United States Government: from seven points of presence to 18 G overnment Team , in Tulare, California

per � � gov During the year, the team led the

million as a direct result of their was developed with the support

cent more clients to achieve � au/usgovacces � was also established � for States Government: A guide Cover of and held in Adelaide, Perth roundtables were also workshops 60 participating in the and Sydney, with over Melbourne, Canberra � U In February 2006 nited States continued


Brisbane was established Selling to the United �

To date over per s throughout � >) Exporter �

� cent more � Over � �

200 � A highlight in Latin America was the Austrade- (National Manager, Agribusiness, Sydney) Tosh (District Manager, Kansas City), and Robert Sutton Reeder (Business Development Associate, Chicago), Randall Adviser), Ian Smith (Trade Commissioner, Chicago), Lisa (District Manager, Phoenix), Laki Kondylas (US Export The US Agriculture Team (left to right): Brian Carnahan sales with several more still being finalised 10 attended the events, which resulted in more than New Trend, and Vancouver-based importer Voce, department store Holt Renfrew, retailer The organisations, including Toronto-based designer have started to make inroads into Canada Australian swimwear and street wear designers Week accompanied buyers’ visit to With Austrade’s assistance, including an satisfaction with Austrade’s services media attention and all exhibitors indicated their 2,500 visitors number of exhibitors—39 in total—and over the Lima exhibition Australia’ banner 14 four pavilions showcasing 28 exhibitors including days, before moving to Lima, where it featured Aires, the festival attracted 2,050 visitors over two Australia and Latin America educational and business relations between an annual event designed to promote cultural, Mexico City organised the In May 2006, Austrade in Buenos Aires, Lima and plans to invest in Chile addition, six Australian companies have confirmed forecasts of $20 reported generating quality leads equating to Australian Pavilion and Mining Minister Karen Poniachik visited the Excellency President Ms Michelle Bachelet of Chile were new to the Latin American market companies participated in ExpoMin, 11 of which show held in Santiago, Chile the world’s second largest mining industry trade organised Australia Pavilion at

education institutions under the ‘Study in new Australian designers successfully negotiating in Sydney in May 2006, a number of � The event received significant

million in new export sales � Two thousand visitors attended � To date, 15 companies have � Mexico City drew the largest � Australia Festival � � Opening in Buenos Forty-seven Australian Mercedes Fashion ExpoMin 2006 � � Her � Three � � In , ,

15 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—Americas 16 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 The Australian band Airbourne unauthorised reproductions electronic rights and increased protection against longer copyright terms, harmonised protocols for from the AUSFTA, with Australian artists receiving expansion, in August 2005 AMO since is establishment, under Austrade’s AUSFTA artists that have successfully used the services of the Airbourne is just one of the dozens of bands and Mr Donovan pad that could ultimately deliver global interest’, said with Capitol Records in Los Angeles—a great US launch representatives devised a broad strategy to target major record label York attorneys Craig Averill and David Vodicka, we ‘With the Australian Music Office and our New Music Office Mr Donovan was introduced to Austrade’s the buzz of the world’s busiest industry Donovan was getting the band’s talent noticed amidst United States the potential to succeed globally—especially in the for exciting live performances, Airbourne always had With an infectious hard-rock edge and a reputation Launching Airbourne � (AMO) via � The challenge facing manager Gregg � The end result was a major record deal

a professional contact Mexico Trade Commissioner, P � Music is a sector to benefit a � u l M a � Fortunately, r t Australian in � s in the coal and liquefied natural gas sectors raising the profile of Australian exports, particularlyministers, Paul and his team have been proactivelyrecent visits by high-profile Australian Governmentsoftware, mining, live animals and wine a number of export industries such as franchising,actively developing new export opportunities for Paul’s leadership, the Mexico City office has been Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Paul Martins is Austrade’s Trade Commissioner to Daylesford, Victoria John Urquhartright) (far with US TradeStart advisers Bruceand left) Rodda (far Melbourne and Hobart, the buyers and Launceston but also taking in Centred on the Export Hubs in Ballarat international their products to a select group of potential exporters to showcase for talented Victorian and Tasmanian April 2006, providing the opportunity and Washington DC visited Australia in buyers from New York City, North Carolina US team, five art and interior design newly established Export Hubs and the In a unique collaboration between the Lifest application across many projects with Indigenous art considered to have colleagues and art sourcing partners, back to the United States to share with product samples were purchased to take Australian native timbers art, glass, pottery, Indigenous art and from bathroom fittings, lighting, hanging introduced to new design styles, ranging Tasmania visited over 40 businesses in Victoria and yle � In each location, they were R

buyers efre sh Down � � A number of � Using

buyers in � U � � Under nder * Includes consular and attached agency staff and consumer items for retail outlets and fashion construction, defence, marine, oil and gas, art, sport, services, biotechnology, building and agribusiness, wine, automotive, ICT/e-government, for Australian companies across the region include The main industry sectors providing opportunities Figure 7: EMEA region The Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region has five sub-regions as shown in Figure 7 and africa europe, middle east Central &South Eastern Europe


� Western Europe, Scandinavia and Mediterranean � Europe, & MiddleEast Sub-Saharan Africa United Kingdom, Ireland, Israel & Africa in the May and June 2006 food and wine to over 2 the Netherlands, Austrade secured a deal that saw building on Australia’s food and beverage exports to anniversary of Dutch–Australian relations and Working with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, and Africa Highlights from Europe, Middle East N

etherlands Independent StatesIndependent Commonwealth of profiled the best of Australian � Capitalising on the 400-year value of $6 achieve export success to the region assisted 1,291 clients to In 2005–06, 148 staff* in the � 9

million people during � � 3 billion Middle East & Middle East North Africa North � Austrade

17 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—europe, middle east and africa 18 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 top South Australian chef Jerome Treboulet serve wine promotion Part of the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Australian food and reputation for leading-edge design and positive media coverage helped reinforce Australia’s three of these appointing local distributors immediate sales valued at more than $70,000, with agents and distributors and Brown Thomas, as well as key local fashion leading stores such as Browns, Harvey Nichols in London Austrade London held the second representatives and attracted over 130 Egyptian business with the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association session in Cairo, which was arranged in partnership across the Middle East and North Africa, including a Australia’ region Austrade to identify export opportunities in the significant number of businesses now working with and Sydney were particularly successful, with a number of sponsors seminars attracted over 550 attendees and a record in 11 cities and regional centres across Australia, the the highly successful For the second year running, Austrade conducted approximately 2,400 flights wines from Fosters Group Limited Wine Estates, on onboard meals of Australian food, matched with Middle East and market 20

Australian fashion labels to the UK and Irish � Complementary � The exhibition attracted visitors from seminars were also held in nine cities exhibition in May 2006, showcasing � N orth Africa’ � The sessions in Melbourne ‘Winning Business in the � Five designers reported ‘Winning Business from � seminar series Australian Style

fashion � The � Held � and champion boxer Kostya Tszyu Peter Beattie, the Mayor of Yuri Luzhkov by Ambassador Bob Tyson, Queensland Premier included a high-profile opening ceremony, attended Group with Astana Oil in Kazakhstan including a multi-million dollar deal for Firepower $114 of Independent States opportunities in Russia and the Commonwealth substantial progress in developing new business part in the Austrade-led initiative with all reporting a cultural program seminars, meetings for Australian companies and June 2006, combining a trade show with business A second were appointed in 2005 and Senior Trade Commissioner in November General in established an Austrade managed Consulate- with Libya in 2002, the Australian Government the re-establishment of diplomatic relations region’s trade relationship with Australia and North Africa increased to capture growth in the In 2005–06 Austrade’s presence in the Middle East opening of Moscow Week 2006 Champion Australian boxer Kostya Tszyu at the official and

� Kuwait 8 � In addition, four trade correspondents

million in immediate sales during the event, Australia Week Tripoli � and appointed a Consul-General � Abu Dhabi Forty-five organisations took � Participants reported was held in Moscow in , Manama � � The event , Doha � Following

Austrade Senior Export Adviser, Education and Training at Shore School in Sydney with Lea Ruston (right), The first Saudi education delegation to Australia pictured assisted Ozelearn by introducing the company international and regional standards activities whilst enabling clients to comply with 65 reduction in lost productive time and a The Ozelearn system can generate a 75 and possesses strengths in tracking, reporting, continued professional development and for training, information management and international competency-based framework The Ozelearn system is built around the with built-in learning and audit functions interactive information management system sells a web-delivered, fully hosted and company Based in Bendigo, Victoria, Australian management system U worth $40,000 to a UK distributor, leading to an initial contract 100 individual education institutions provided assistance and support to more than During 2005–06 the Education Industry Team promoting the Australian education sector in the region aimed at supporting and International (AEI) to deliver targeted programs strong partnership with Australian Education institutions region were enrolled in Australian education international students from the EMEA study destination business and profile of Australia as a quality educational institutions to expand their The EMEA Education Industry Team K success for innovative info


certification EMEA Education

cent saving over the cost of trainer-led Ozelearn � Austrade has established a � � � < In 2005 more than 43,000 www I ndustry Team � ozelearn � co � supports Austrade � � u

per k > �

cent � Abu GRM’s cold store for ‘The Flower Market’, Sudan project in Morocco, and for a cattle project in designing feedlots and abattoirs for a sheep to business expansion in the region, recently ago, GRM has taken an aggressive approach Since establishing an office in Dubaitwo years and public sector clients than 300 projects in 64 countries for private company based in Brisbane, manages more development consultant and management GR consulting to the Middle East Sheep, cattle and flowers— significantly assisted us in our successes’ Government assistance on the ground has GRM Director in Dubai, said, ‘Australian International in the region local partners and will continue to assist GRM agencies, establishing credentials of potential introductions, meetings with government Austrade Dubai assisted GRM with business been introduced to the UAE Flower Market’, Australian floral varieties have the retail and hospitality sectors entity in the UAE, and market cut flowers for established ‘The Flower Market’, a business Beach development in Abu Dhabi, and has and consultancy for the prestigious Al is currently undertaking a landscaping design M

Dhabi, United Arab Emirates I nternational � In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), GRM , a leading resource � � Stewart Routledge, � � Through ‘The

Raha �

19 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—europe, middle east and africa 20 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 north east asia * Includes consular and attached agency staff Cosmoprof in Hong Kong events such as Aichi World Expo in Japan, and managing the Australian trade presence at major and pet goods entertainment, sports, design and fashion, giftware opportunity include the environment, arts and and services and biotechnology and niche consumer products agribusiness, mining equipment and services, ICT education, building and construction, automotive, Priority industry sectors are food and beverages, Figure 8: NEA region The North East Asia (NEA) region has four sub-regions as shown in Figure 8 � Second-tier or emerging areas of � Key activities in 2005–06 included Mainland China �

Vietnam & Taiwan Hong Kong, � orth East Asia East North complemented by a large group from Bio Japan 2005 as part of the Austrade mission, research entities attended the World Expo and Mission in 2005, including an industry missions to the Austrade arranged the finaltwo of a total of five Highlights from achieve export sales to the value of $4 In 2005–06, 190 staff* assisted 1,918 clients to Japan � Around 30 biotechnology companies and � Australian Biotech N World Expo Republic of orth East Asia Korea

in Aichi, Japan

Victoria I ndustry � 5

billion � � 52 sales in 11 markets totalling over $9 (including eight new exporters) have so far reported across Asia brought to the event by Austrade staff from 12 including over 200 key industry buyers who were 1,085 exhibitors and over 38,000 trade visitors, health expo, companies exhibited at Asia’s largest beauty and Forty-eight Australian beauty and natural health business lounge of the Australian Pavilion at World Expo with biotech mission participants on the steps to the Austrade’s Managing Director Peter O’Byrne (top centre) in Hong Kong , Korea, January 2006 Bishop Steering Technology and Hando Machinery representatives with Elizabeth Masamune of Austrade, globally each year, 20 Technology is a world leader in the development of automotive steeringof South systems—ofKorea allto manufacture vehicles producedand supply hydraulic power steeringsteering valve technology, components Bishop Steering Technology, has signedbetween an a Koreanagreement and with an Hando Australian Machinery company Co Ltd A Sydney-based company has made the first-ever joint venture deal in the automotive supplier industryBishop Steering Technology in breakthrough deal Director, said assistance from Austrade was instrumental in attaining the joint venture agreement � Twenty-nine Australian exhibitors Cosmoprof / � The exhibition attracted a total of

per N atural Health Fair 2005

cent contain components based on Bishop’s technology � 6


� posts � Australia’s leading innovator and exporter of automotive , international expo on coal and mining Minh City and Hanoi agents attended the Over 1,100 potential students and 100 education export sales as a result existing exporters and two new exporters made Session of the Australia–China Coal Summit networking function associated with the Second delegation support, and organised a business assistance with business matching services and During the exhibition, Austrade provided on-site and services to the burgeoning China market 27 Beijing organised an Australian Pavilion with China Coal & Mining Expo 2005 be over Vietnam popular for high school study because of the large on the 55 visas issued in 1997 at around 800 in 2005, this is a marked increase school students from Vietnam is still relatively small, While the number of visas issued to secondary which has been growing steadily in popularity and private sector schools participated in the event, Exhibition

Australian companies showcasing their products

150,000 ‑ born population in Australia, estimated to V ietnam � held in May 2006 in Ho Chi � Australian Schools Open Day More than 20 Australian public � � Bruce Grey, Managing � Australia is especially � Bishop Steering is China’s largest � Austrade �

� Six � �

21 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—North east asia 22 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 International International Exhibition Centre at Hong Kong One of LAF’s biggest projects, the export revenue’, he said maintain local sales whilst doubling worldwide ‘In the last 18 months we’ve managed to the amount of construction on the books cannot afford to overlook, simply because of Hong Kong as a market Australian companies Fazzini, LAF’s Managing Director, describes train stations, Wu Kai Sha and Tai Wai are also in use at two of Hong Kong’s busiest The company’s noise abatement measures Mongkok district and entertainment facilities in the bustling building consisting of retail, commercial Authority Project, a multi-level tower US$250 at Hong Kong International Airport and the state-of-the-art International Exhibition Centre LAF fire resistance now protects the new Kong over the past three years $2 products, has successfully secured over specialist fire protection and noise abatement L&A Fazzini With the assistance of Austrade, Sydney-based Hong Keeping the noise down in

million dollars worth of contracts in Hong

million K2 Urban Redevelopment Kong

G Airport roup � (LAF Group), a supplier of � � � Lorenzo � May 2006 speaking at an Austrade Women in Export seminar in Public Service Medal recipient Elizabeth Masamune, Senior Trade Commissioner in Vietnam Commissioner in Japan and Indonesia, and and has previously worked as a Trade Trade Commissioner in Seoul, Korea Elizabeth is currently Austrade’s Senior in to assisting Australian exporters succeed has dedicated much of her working life international trade, Elizabeth Masamune Having spent close to 20 years working in Seoul, Korea Senior Trade Commissioner, E in Asian markets business expansion of Australian companies for outstanding service in furthering the the Public Service Medal in June 2006 was recognised when she was awarded Elizabeth’s continuous pursuit of excellence l

Asia iz abeth � � M asam un

e � * Includes consular and attached agency staff trade and investment interests in Indonesia exporter demand in India and continue to grow our increase Austrade’s ability to service growing trade agreements (SAFTA and TAFTA respectively), Singapore–Australia and Thailand–Australia free to promote opportunities arising from the In 2005–06, the region’s key priorities were Figure 9: SEASAP region The South East Asia, South Asia and Pacific (SEASAP) region has five sub-regions as shown in Figure 9 south asia and pacific south east asia, South Asia

Indonesia & Philippines � South East Asia,South East SouthAsia � Thailand &Greater & Pacific Mekong health, airports, railways, energy), and services (education, (engineering, environment, building, roads, ports, beverages, automotive, ICT, infrastructure in the region include agribusiness, food and Key areas of opportunity for Australian companies


Singapore, Malaysia

& Brunei � value of $4 achieve export success to the region assisted 1,797 clients to In 2005–06, 166 staff* in the � 6 billion Pacific � �

23 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—south east asia, south asia and pacific 24 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 in the wake of the October earthquake November 2005 to extend assistance to Pakistan The Prime Minister also visited south of India additional Austrade representation in the north and Australian Consulate- the establishment of a new Austrade-managed a Trade and Economic Framework, and announced signed a number of bilateral agreements including delegation business meetings and forums for the business Austrade organised a comprehensive program of energy, resources and legal services sectors oil and gas, aviation, logistics and transportation, executives from the banking and financial services, The South Asia and the Pacific Highlights from South East Asia, The Prime Minister, John Howard, with members of the high-level business delegation from Australia during his visit to India halal credentials with Australia’s ‘clean and green’ products evaluate a new premium market segment of The Australian and Brunei Governments agreed to investment relationship to enhance the Australia–Pakistan business and thanked Austrade staff for the work they were doing education, energy and infrastructure by the Prime Minister in the areas of agriculture, number of business and commercial agreements this visit Austrade coordinated the signing of a I 20 ndia ‑ person high-level business delegation of senior Hon John Howard MP, from 5 to 8 March 2006, accompanied by a by combining the highly respected Brunei � During his visit the Prime Minister � G eneral in Chennai �

Prime Minister, visited Pakistan � He personally � During in and � halal the resort island of In January 2006 Austrade opened a small office on SAFTA the same way as Singaporean suppliers under the an area in which Australian firms are treated in government procurement activities in Singapore, opportunities for Australian firms flowing from Development Manager Austrade Singapore appointed a new hold great potential for the export of halal products consumers, South East Asia and the Middle East per trade is currently worth an estimated $150 billion sector and regulatory bodies agency for this initiative, working with the private their consumer products in and existing Australian exporters to market test In March 2006, Austrade Singapore assisted 10 new and Indian food industries and governments sustainable partnerships between the Australian and Austrade, is paving the way for long-term by the National Food Industry Strategy (NFIS) supermarkets gain greater access for its products to Australia has launched a five-year strategy to Australian exporters on TAFTA-related issues to promote Australian products and work with a specialist marine sectors in the tourism, building and construction and reputation


arrangements � � Austrade has been the lead government TAFTA Business Development Manager With more than 400 � The project, jointly managed � Austrade also appointed Phuket � to maximise export to identify opportunities Lifestyle Australia � The global halal food

million Muslim Business I ndian � � , a

� or expand operations in a number of countries Rawbars and Action International to establish Australia, Boost Juice, Hogs Breath Café, Juiced Creamery, Conference Online, Natural Springs World, Gloria Jeans International, Cold Rock Ice well-known Australian franchisors During the year, Austrade the have made over $150,000 in sales as a result of long-term representatives made sales direct to consumers and met potential end Raffles City Shopping Centre market-style promotion held in the popular, high- show hosting its inaugural into the world of fashion in March 2006, Austrade’s Bangkok office stepped gracefully Thai fashionistas buy Australian Europe or America because of TAFTA Australian fashion items over brands from and consumers are increasingly choosing agreement with Thailand (TAFTA) from tariff gains out of Australia’s free trade savvy consumers tap into a market of over 20 million fashion- Australian companies targeting Thailand can edge Australian fashion and consumer brands Thai buyers should consider other cutting- Australia generate huge returns in Thailand for Thailand, ‘Some Australian fashion brands Jodie McAlister, Austrade’s Trade Commissioner of Australia in the Thai fashion industry brands, all in the name of boosting awareness

promotion � Top models exhibited 15 Australian helped spread the word that major � � Australian goods also benefit Fashionably Australia assisted a number of � To date, the companies � Most companies such as Cartridge � � Thai buyers

Fashionably � ’ � Says

� Industry, the Hon Dato’ Seri RafidahAziz and Malaysia’s Minister for International Trade and major topic of discussion between Minister Vaile Kuala Lumpur in August 2005, franchising was a At the Joint Trade Committee meeting held in four key Australian franchises operating in Thailand Australian Ambassador hosted a business lunch for Jakarta, attracting 22 members an Australian Franchise and Licence Network in events in Indonesia, Malaysia and India and formed Licensing in Singapore, participated in national trade an Australian pavilion at Global Franchising and across the region Salaam Namaste Rohit Manchanda with Australian Bollywood star of in spin-offs for Australia, and providing publicity and potential tourism was a major box-office success in India screenplay of the film heavyweight Yash Raj Films to switch the to date was persuading Bollywood music videos for Bollywood shoots, TV commercials and explore Australia as their next destination advertising agencies and directors to encouraging key film production houses, links between India and Australia and developing film and entertainment business Rohit Manchanda has been focusing on Since joining Austrade Mumbai in 2002, Mumbai, India Business Development Manager, Roh Vancouver to Melbourne

particular i t M � Tania Zaetta � � In addition, Austrade hosted Rohit’s biggest achievement a n cha Salaam Namaste �

n Salaam Namaste

� Melbourne In Bangkok, the da � from


25 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—south east asia, south asia and pacific 26 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 rate, compared with 14 Highlights in 2005–06 include: manage their own development and progress providing opportunities and tools to assist staff engagement with Austrade’s staff as well as In 2005–06 Human Resources focused on improving conditions of employment and pay including occupational health and safety, terms and development, and centralised employee services strategic and operational objectives, capability and strategies to support Austrade’s overall It does so by developing and implementing policies and flexibility to deliver Austrade’s business goals in developing the capacity, capability, motivation Human Resources supports Austrade’s workforce human resources saw 16 Trade Commissioner positions filled across During 2005–06, Austrade’s overseas postings cycle to be relatively low, with a 14 operations in Australia in Austrade’s overseas regions and client-focused 2004–05, 75 1,072 staff members, a slight increase on 1,058 in At the end of 2005–06, Austrade employed Staffing overview > > > > > > >

Collective Agreement governance changes (APS) in the lead up to the 1 employees to the Australian Public Service development training the Framework and implementation of recruitment providers as the e-recruitment system and a panel of business needs a workforce planning framework to further meet planning for the seamless transition of Austrade new staff retention measures and management introduction of the Austrade Capability measures to improve staff recruitment such overseas revised remuneration market rates for successful negotiation of the 2006–09 Employee management Partnering2Perform

employees per

cent of whom were employed

system � � � Staff turnover continued 1

per performance

cent in 2004–05 � 7

per July 2006 corporate

cent separation � � � � data showed that over 85 encouragement to show initiative (92 survey results help managers and teams to identify and information sharing within Austrade gathers perceptions of collaboration, cooperation Program, the online Austrade Climate Survey, An important element of Austrade’s Staff Feedback Employee feedback emerging business systems, and better use of current and and contract management arrangements, core Efficiencies included improving procurement recognition and performance bonus arrangements and commitments to improving flexitime, carer and compassionate leave entitlements; higher loading for casual staff; extensions to increases; purchased leave arrangements; a Choices legislation and includes: annual salary The new agreement complies with the Work Austrade employees on 3 July 2006 with overwhelming support from after extensive consultation and came into force Employee Collective Agreement was developed 30 June 2006 Austrade Performance Levels (APL) 1–5, expired on Austrade’s Certified Agreement 2003–06, covering Certified Agreement more onshore/offshore connections, and promoting a ‘One Austrade’ culture, strengthening enhancement—for example, further developing The survey also pointed to some areas for direction (94 and senior management providing a clear sense of example, teamwork and morale (88 responded positively in several key areas—for With an 83 the best ways of addressing any problem areas opportunities for improvement and to determine detailed information, see Appendix D Austrade’s four international regions




per � During the year, a new 2006–09

cent response rate, the survey �

cent) � � �


cent of employees

per � For more �


cent), �

The cent), � � system employees are eligible to receive a bonus payment recognition and reward system in its performance management framework and Austrade’s high-performance culture is embodied Performance bonus payments performance processes, and further coaching on conducting new Austrade capability profiles, enhanced online planned for 2006–07, such as revalidating the phase will guide refinements to the system Feedback gathered during the implementation implementation process focus on how outcomes are achieved supported the Partnering2Perform performance planning and performance review of capabilities, development planning, performance management—self-assessment Partnering2Perform December 2005 system was rolled out across Austrade from July to and Africa (EMEA) region in 2004–05, the new Partnering2Perform new performance management system Following the successful pilot of Austrade’s Performance management HR compliance, reporting and flexibility data on Austrade’s workforce status and improve management information system to provide better upgrade to the existing AURION human resources Work also began on a long-term and extensive staff as part of the ongoing two-year pay-cycle 2006–07 salary requirements for Austrade’s OEE movements’ remuneration project identified the and career pathways the flexibility of the structure, employee mobility employee (OEE) classification structure to improve This included a review of the overseas-engaged frontline marketing and administration staff career management project, initially centred on 2005–06 saw the start of a new Austrade-wide offshore markets and within Australia on locating, attracting and retaining top talent in all workforce and talent management initiative focuses workforce includes the best available talent, the new business opportunities, and ensure that its To support Austrade’s ability to react quickly to Workforce and talent management � A comprehensive training program with a

discussions � is supported by an online covers the four stages of in the Europe, Middle East � A complementary ‘market � � � Overseas-engaged � � � � � online Achievement Awards ranging from $2,399 to $10,398 with the averages for each staff classification A total of 564 employees received bonus payments, overall performance salary for achieving ‘stretch’ targets and high-level a bonus of up to 20 Executive Group members (APL 6–8) may receive to 5 are eligible to receive a bonus payment of up receive an ‘exceptional’ performance rating and > > > included: training and development highlights for the year Australian Public Service (APS) on 1 July 2006 framework under Austrade’s transition to the their responsibilities and the revised governance a series designed to ensure staff awareness of ‘Free Trade Agreements’, ‘EMDG overview’ and range of new training modules developed including Austrade-specific training content online, with a 2,600 courses, 45 In 2005–06, Austrade employees completed the includes face-to-face training and online courses via Austrade’s learning and development program that balance individual and organisational needs defined education, training and learning pathways Austrade continues to provide staff with clearly Training and development Achievement Awards and teams through the presentation of Austrade recognises exceptional contributions by individuals In addition to performance bonuses, Austrade also nine individuals were given Achievement Awards 10 salary, depending on performance outcomes ranging from 2 to 12

per participants’ leadership and management skills management program, which develops performance of the new and enhanced approach to staff and managers to build understanding 750 individual coaching sessions with Austrade facilitation advisers focusing on developing core export the Achieving Austrade’s Priorities middle 80 a major training initiative for 180 export

Austrade per

� Partnering2Perform cent of Australia-based employees (APL The year saw an expansion in delivery of

cent of their base annual salary I

nstitute capabilities




� per

� cent of which were delivered In 2005–06, two teams and , Austrade’s ‘virtual university’

cent of their base annual

cent of their base annual workshops and over � � Senior � � Other Up to

1–5) � � � �

27 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—Human resources 28 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 In 2005–06, OH&S initiatives included: Austrade’s network, both in Australia and overseas representatives continued to operate throughout Austrade’s intranet health and safety (OH&S) information available on to have access to the significant occupational During the year, all staff and managers continued a healthy and safe workplace for every employee Austrade is committed to providing and maintaining Occupational health and safety through to trade commissioner roles ranging from export advisers and state office roles ways, including short-term support in key roles Austrade called upon its alumni to assist in various employees around the world and is now a strong network of over 300 former Austrade Alumni has a long-established history Austrade Alumni serious notices, which require reporting a death or Employment) Act 1991 Occupational Health and Safety (Commonwealth to Austrade under Section 29, 45, 46 or 47 of the In 2005–06, no directions or notices were given > > > > > >

improvement to OH&S and rehabilitation performance of Commitment, which commits Austrade take-up rate of 30 vaccinations for all Australia-based staff, with a desk and chair positioning and includes tips about correct body posture and describes how to set up an ideal workstation, Workstation vein safe lifting techniques and preventing deep and provides advice on OH&S issues such as Austrade’s obligations as their employer, which outlines their OH&S obligations and OH&S to screen all new staff for any special working in regional areas of Australia offering Q fever vaccinations to Austrade staff providing voluntary health checks and influenza distributing a publication titled developing a presentation for new employees, introducing an early intervention scheme signing Comcare’s Employment Statement

injury thrombosis

requirements � to every Austrade employee, which

targets � Designated health and safety

per � There were no Section

cent � During the year Setting up Your � �

68 � � > > > 2005–06, Austrade continued to provide: To support and promote workplace diversity, in our increasingly diverse client base widest possible pool in order to meet the needs of need to attract and retain the best talent from the of talent management and therefore recognises the Austrade views diversity as being at the very heart Workplace diversity raise their concerns providing ways for people to offer feedback and Austrade available in accessible formats, and by example, by making public information about the needs of people with disabilities are met—for The Austrade Client Service Charter ensures that facilities, programs and services access for people with disabilities to Austrade’s Discrimination Act 1992 In line with the requirements of the Disability Action Plan way to continue the program in 2006–07 new Indigenous cadets in 2005–06 National Indigenous Cadetship Program placing two Austrade participated in the government-initiated also wanting to undertake home-based work was work and family life commitment to help employees balance their program to reflect the organisation’s ongoing During the year Austrade reviewed its diversity > > Client Service Charter, see

services through the Family Care Link Program counselling service across the globe provides a confidential and professional religious commitments help employees balance their work, cultural and Australia from overseas relocating within Australia or returning to employment while they are overseas employees, including support to help them find an assistance program for partners of overseas emergency child care and other family support the Employee Assistance Program, which recognition of cultural and religious days, to a professional relocation service for families

strengthened � � � For further details about the Support for employees , Austrade aims to provide

page �

45 and Appendix B � � � Plans are under Disability � � and Values Austrade staff become familiar with the APS Code communication activities were developed to help During the year, a variety of training and Code and Values employees located overseas also reflects the APS Conduct be required to observe the existing OEE Code of Conduct Australian Public Service (APS) Values and Code of 2006, Austrade employees will be subject to the governance arrangements (see As a result of changes in Austrade’s corporate V decisions reviewed processes enable staff to have employment advertised on Austrade’s website and that internal opportunities open to external candidates are organisation with disabilities and their contribution to the environment that values the abilities of employees improving an accessible and inclusive work Austrade is committed to maintaining and alues and Code of Conduct � � The Code of Conduct for Australia-based Overseas-engaged employees will still � � This includes ensuring all employment � � Development Adviser Learning and Rob

page yn

62), from 1 Rees

July system across the Americas region May Training for Young Leaders in Rural Industries in and Forestry’s Export Market Development the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries program in Bangkok in March 2006; and program in November 2005; an induction facilitated Austrade’s middle management Partnering2Perform 2005 Robyn implemented Austrade’s achieve export success capabilities to assist Australian businesses supporting staff to maintain and develop highlights Austrade’s continuing focus on area Adviser with Austrade’s Human Resources Robyn Rees is a Learning and Development participants 2005–06 Achieving Austrade’s Priorities program run again in 2006–07 The Achieving Austrade’s Priorities program will Austrade Executive in March 2006 Participants presented their findings to the Austrade’s external web channel development months apart, and a work-based project on skills through two week-long modules, run six program develops leadership and management Priorities middle management program completed the six-month Achieving Austrade’s In 2005–06, 23 Austrade staff from 13 countries Achieving Austrade’s priorities �

The diversity of Robyn’s work in 2005–06 2006 � performance management � In July and August � � She � � The �

29 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—Human resources 30 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 financial delegations, and the preparation of to banking and treasury functions, review of the refinement of financial systems, changes Accountability Act agency under the preparing Austrade for the transition to an executive During the year the information by Austrade staff globally and information assets and enhancing access to improving controls over the organisation’s financial the administrative burden on frontline staff, while focus of Finance and Information was on reducing information, and technology managing Austrade’s finances, knowledge and Finance and finance and information availability, and it was further enhanced through continued to provide high levels of stability and In 2005–06 the global communications network intellectual capital allies make the best use of the organisation’s with the objective of helping Austrade staff and area of knowledge and information management, group also deploys considerable capability in the the delivery of services to Australian exporters support Austrade’s staff and ally organisations in communications network and the systems that development and maintenance of Austrade’s global A core priority of the > > > > In other developments, Austrade also: governance a smooth transition and compliance with all draft Chief Executive’s Instructions to ensure

payments and web-based forms for the receipt of client database, allowing the use of electronic invoices liabilities in the General Government sector) 99 government (a material entity comprises cleared 2004–05 financial information to (AEIFRS) International Financial Reporting Standards reports automated post and regional performance linked its key financial system and client was the first material agency to submit audit adopted the Australian Equivalents to


cent of revenues, expenses, assets and �

requirements I nformation (see Financial Management and � Finance I nformation

page is responsible for � group focused on

62) � In 2005–06 a major � This involved group is the � � The instant messaging, and through the introduction work collaboratively through video conferencing and extensions were made to Austrade’s capability to Austrade’s emerging global industry teams, further To enhance client service delivery and support working were piloted solutions for remote network access and mobile to work outside traditional office environments, response to an increasing need for Austrade staff leverage of intellectual capital ability to help clients achieve results through better communications network, and an even greater and systems, more effective use of the global by ally organisations to Austrade’s information collaboration among Austrade staff, better access During 2006–07 the focus will be on enabling better for direct access to this system and over 1,600 Australian businesses had registered 2005–06, over 670 opportunities had been entered directly to Australian businesses export opportunities (international sales leads) included Opportunities Online, which delivers New business systems deployed during the year and of systems to support the sharing of information the upgrade of fixed telecommunications links the Austrade network the introduction of ‘Instant Messaging’ across and Office Communicator 2005 to facilitate implementing a Live Communication Server collaborative services project, which involved software upgrade to Windows XP and the projects Darren has worked on include the current and future requirements on identifying solutions to meet Austrade’s to networking infrastructure and focuses across the globe from notebooks and servers involves updating Austrade’s technology Technology Refresh Project on the role of Project Manager with the as a systems administrator before taking Darren began his career with Austrade Manager IT Projects D

documents a rr e n C � ame � � r o � � � n This project � By the end of � Other � In support services, strategic business improvement, in the areas of IT, human resources, marketing assist with the timely engagement of consultants A number of panels have been established to Austrade’s Management Policy Manual the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines and procurement, is undertaken in accordance with appointment of all consultants, and all Austrade perspective is appropriate specialist expertise or where an independent Austrade engages consultants where it lacks including variable and out-of-pocket expenses with consultants to the value of $3 In 2005–06 Austrade entered into 134 agreements consultancy services Procurement, contract management and contingency security, property, risk management and legal matters and corporate governance, areas of procurement and contract management, and support to Austrade business units in the development and provision of policies, advice Business Effectiveness is responsible for the Business Effectiveness Figure 10: Government and Corporate Services Government and Corporate Services comprises five groups as shown in Figure 10 corporate services government and See Output Group 1.1 See Output Communications Marketing & Corporate

planning � See Output Group 1.2 See Output International & � The selection and Government, Policy � 3 million, not � Government &Corporate Services � See Output Group 1.4 Group 1.4 See Output Export FinanceExport Assistance Programs > assets, including: to ensure the protection of Austrade employees and During the year Austrade established various tools Security awareness with other agencies will be pursued in 2006–07 and legal services Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for travel, security Austrade has clustered with the Department of electronic assessment by staff in remote locations electronic submission by potential suppliers and for the paperless distribution of tender documents, has conducted all tenders electronically, allowing manage tenders and the use of software tools to develop and documents, improvements to standard contracts automated templates for plans and tender through streamlined processes, improved Additional procurement efficiencies are delivered volume the cost of running procurements and through development procurement support services and training and an point of contact for Austrade staff to ring in a Critical Incident Hotline emergency

discounts Effectiveness � The panels deliver savings both in See below Business � Since November 2005 Austrade � � � Further opportunities to cluster � to provide a single See page 39 Economist Chief � �

31 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—government and corporate services 32 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Austrade secured funding in the 2005–06 federal > > of five overseas posts 28 2005–06, Austrade negotiated 29 new leases, 222 properties overseas and within Australia of 18 residential properties and manages leases on Collectively, Austrade manages an owned portfolio Austrade’s property portfolio posts, armoured vehicles and fitout modifications equipment, rollout of satellite phones to specified television, access control systems, security scanning resistant film for windows, alarms, closed circuit office and residential properties include shatter- Reviews projects are prioritised based on Protective Security Austrade’s staff, clients, assets and information this project is to ensure the safety and security of Security Upgrade Project measures Budget to support the ongoing rollout of the

lease renewals and managed the relocation were developed continue during 2006–07 June and the North East Asia region during May and being rolled out to staff in Sydney, Melbourne Canberra and Sydney during April 2006 before Personal Travel Safety Course pilots were run in where travellers are advised to exercise caution frequently or are being posted to locations Course designed for Austrade staff who travel The second was the Personal Travel Safety online training and an interactive workshop awareness course, which incorporates both courses interactive security and personal staffing training Reception Security Introduction to Security, Safe Mail Handling and Learning’ system and consist of three modules— are available through Austrade’s online ‘My online courses on security awareness � � Further rollouts to Austrade staff will Some of the security measures applied to —during the year, two interactive courses � The first was a general security � � Under the governance Business Effectiveness Project Manager, D � a vi � The focus of d M � The courses oo � During � � r The e � � changes from 1 July 2006, it is expected that the Safety Course instructor Chris Bishop on the Austrade Personal Travel Austrade’s Shyam Kelshiker, IT Operations, works with specific to reflect the unique circumstances of their pandemic, including updating contingency plans planning for the possibility of an avian influenza staff in high-risk posts have been focusing on coordination team has also been established and information as it becomes available approach, is continually being updated with new plan, developed as part of the whole-of-government avian influenza global concerns surrounding the possibility of an and awareness raising with staff through an extensive program of scenario testing effectiveness of the BCP framework was tested regions to improve consistency and quality updated and reviewed for all overseas posts and (BCP) framework its integrated In 2005–06, Austrade focused on strengthening Contingency planning $46 Austrade-owned portfolio, valued at approximately a specific avian influenza contingency plan Guide and related policies for Austrade posts Avian Influenza Contingency Planning Reference consultation with DFAT to develop an Austrade pandemic, David has also been working in surrounding the possibility of an avian influenza the process overseas regions and assisting posts through rollout of business continuity planning (BCP) to Manager focused on completing the full During 2005–06, David’s work as a Project

million, will transfer to DFAT in 2006–07

requirements � In response to global concerns business continuity planning pandemic, Austrade has developed � Business continuity plans were � � In response to � An Austrade � � The The � � Integrated Planning Tool in January Planning developed and introduced the online As part of the planning process, Analysis and the achievement of its overall objectives operating and enabling divisions in contributing to which outlines the plans of each of Austrade’s the Government, and the annual will pursue to achieve the outcomes required by which sets out the key strategies that Austrade of the three-year rolling Analysis and Planning managed the development policy, KPI target setting and performance analysis including the development and interpretation of KPI corporate direction-setting and operational matters, by undertaking research and analysis to inform Board, Managing Director and Executive team In 2005–06, Analysis and Planning supported the industry from global economic trends and the Australian government priorities and opportunities emerging Austrade’s policies and programs are aligned with research, information and analysis to ensure Analysis and Planning analysis and planning

environment � provides high-level corporate plan Analyst Senior Business N i cole operational plan

2006 (see Fi � � This sche


2), 2), , � r engagement processes, analysis of client flows and practices including Austrade’s customer various programs to enhance business processes executive conferences held in 2005–06 Analysis and Planning coordinated the three exhibitions and offshore divisions around planned activities such as improving the coordination between onshore and a robust and comprehensive planning tool, thus gives Austrade’s business units direct access to planning, promotions and web-based servicing relationship management, engagement with allies, transformation initiatives in client and customer overseeing the delivery of Austrade’s business of organisation-wide initiatives, the group is now Austrade’s business requirements and leadership in August 2005 to provide a strategic view of committee of the Austrade Executive coordinator of the Business Advisory Group, a sub- Analysis and Planning is also the sponsor and the new global industry networks between business units and the establishment of Advisory recently, supporting the work of the Business operational improvement projects and, more where she has been primarily working on before joining Analysis and Planning in Sydney office, focusing on the gourmet food industry, then worked for a year in Austrade’s New York with mining and construction clients office over seven years ago, primarily working lawyer in Chile Nicole began her professional career as a

Group � She joined Austrade’s Santiago

� events � � � � Established Nicole � It managed �

33 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 Part TWO—Analysis and planning 34 Australian Trade Commission Annual Report 2005–06 as members 7,800 Australian and international businesspeople and 25 worldwide in the lead up) and attracted over networking events (32 in Australia during the Games 57 Victorian Government, BCA: M2006 delivered Managed by Austrade, in conjunction with the Commonwealth Games events against the exciting backdrop of the business matching services and networking for Australian and international companies through Games program for the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth M2006) was the official international business Business Club Australia: Melbourne 2006 (BCA: triumphs again in Melbourne Business Club Australia program by Ms Margaret Jackson AO, Chair of Qantas The BCA: M2006 Steering Committee was chaired attending key Commonwealth Games sports Australian companies, keynote speaking roles and Australia, which included one-on-one meetings with also participated in business programs across Forty-nine Global Industry Leaders from 10 countries Mr and Club Patron and former Governor of Victoria, Gattung, Chief Executive of Telecom New Zealand Committee for the 2012 Olympic Games, Ms Theresa Olympian and Chairman of the London Organising speakers including Lord Sebastian Coe, former All events featured world-renowned keynote

industry, country and regional themed business

John M Landy AC CVO MBE � The Club provided business opportunities � � � � Marketing Institute’s 2005 National Award for Innovation in The have facilitated over $1 Games and Rugby World Cup 2003 which, to date, BCA programs staged during the 2000 Olympic BCA: M2006 built on the success of previous secured with several more deals in the wings business deals to the value of $5 At the conclusion of BCA: M2006, ten significant non-government organisations Australian Government, Victorian Government and Airways and included representatives from the networking speaking at the BCA: M2006 United Kingdom business Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG 2012), Lord Sebastian Coe, Chairman of the London Organising

BCA initiative won the Australian Marketing

breakfast Excellence � � Qantas advertisement shown on the launch of the M2006 BCA: (Chair of Qantas Airways) at and Ms and Commonwealth Games) Minister for Sport & Recreation Justin Madden MLC (Victorian M2006 Ambassador), the Hon Australian gymnast and BCA: Mr Brennon Dowrick (former State & Regional Development), Minister for Innovation and MLA (Victorian Treasurer and (Trade)), the Hon John Brumby, then Parliamentary Secretary Hon Sandy Macdonald (the toLeft right: Senator the 6

billion in business deals

flights Margaret Jackson AO � � 6

million had been � �