www.KIAXGamesAsia.com Athlete Newsletter S P O R T S & COMPETITION Athlete Nomination Federations, Associations, Organizations, etc. dependent on another country's participa- that submit nominations must observe the tion or lack of participation. following guidelines. Nominations will not be accepted if guidelines are not observed. All nominations must be sent electronically to
[email protected] Nominations are NOT invitations. There is no age limit for nominations; how- Deadlines will be strictly enforced ever, all courses are designed for "adult" All nominations should be submitted by competitors. March 17, 2009. This date is flexible some- what; contact the sport organizer if there is a Nominations from each country should be problem or if you need more time. sent from the contacts listed below; howev- er, if an athlete or another organization feels All extended invitations must be accepted by that an athlete is being overlooked for what- March 31, 2009. After this date, invitations ever reasons, that organization or athlete will be revoked and extended elsewhere. may submit nomination(s). The contacts below should consider all athletes regardless Athletes, team managers, etc. should check e- of affiliation when making their nominations. Event Date mail daily. All nominations must be ranked. As an ex- 30 April – 3 May 2009 ample, who is Korea's 1st Choice; who is Speed Medalists from the KIA X Games Asia Korea's 2nd Choice, etc. This should be done 2008 receive automatic invitations separately for Men and for Women. Venue KIC Jiangwan Stadium, These invitations are NOT transferable. Nominations must include for each athlete the following information: Shanghai, China These invitations DO NOT APPLY to a coun- try's allotment for invitations.