Lisa Portscher Subject: FW: WA 21 Attachments: SWITZERLAND_EMF_report_2011 see page 3.pdf; EU 2015 Comm on newly emerging health risks induction cooking.pdf; faktenblatt induktionskochherd e.pdf; Is Induction Cooking Safe – Dr. Magda Havas, PhD..pdf; e303.full.pdf Begin forwarded message: From: "Macklis, Jeffrey" <
[email protected]> Subject: Induction cooktop data analysis and health risk for brookline consideration Date: September 25, 2019 at 12:58:31 PM EDT To: "
[email protected]" <
[email protected]> Cc: "Macklis, Jeffrey" <
[email protected]> Dear Carol, and Members of the relevant Brookline boards, study groups, committees, and Health Dept., I write to offer expert input into your decisions that involve in any way encouraging or partially limiting cook top options to electric induction technology. I offer several articles and web-links below that I found particularly informative as I assessed induction cooktop installation myself, leading me to decide against it on extended family health grounds. I write with no advocacy position, but, rather as a world leader regarding the molecular and circuitry development of the brain (in humans and mice), the cerebral cortex in particular, and of its developmental diseases (e.g. intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders), its partially electrical circuitry organization and impacts on higher cognitive function, its neurodegenerative diseases (in particular ALS, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease), and its future regeneration (in particular for for spinal cord injury and ALS). I offer all of this information reluctantly and humbly, but realizing that you would want to be aware of my credentials. I write in particular about largely unrecognized health risks to pregnant women and small children (more below from EU and US committees and analyses) that I discovered when personally enthusiastically planning to install an induction cooktop.