The Glenville Mercury

Number 30 Glenville State College, Glenville,-W. Va. F~day, May 6,1977 Gse Fees to Increase Three Hundred Nine Tuition, fees, room and boaId must be Paid in Full at registration each semester before a student may Students to Graduate attend class or occupy a residence'halL Full-time students residing on Three hundred nine Glenville Baroara Sue Badgley, Parkersburg, campus will be charged the following State College students are scheduled Early Childhood; Catherine Louella rates: State Residents - tuition & fees to complete graduation requirements Bail, Summersville, Elementary; Mar­ -$155; Board - $396; Room - $270; for the May 13 graduation. Included tha Ernie Russell Buker, Richwood, and Sales tax 0%) - $19.98 for a total in the listing are new additions Elementary; Steven Alan Barnett, of $840.98. Out of State Residents from the previous list that came out Buckhannon, Biological and General will pay $605 for tuition & fees; with in February. The new additions Science Comp.; David G. Bartlett, other costs the same for a total of are Julie Burton, Williamstown, Sec. Gassaway, Health, P.E. and Safety, $1,290.98. Ed., Bus. Prin. 7-12, Soc. Stud. 7-9; Comp.; Kenneth D. Beale, SummeI5- Additional costs of $19.50 per se­ Patricia June Sommerville, J;>lu)re]S­ Comp.; Linda Joyce Holcomb Bean, mester will be charged for semi­ burg, Elern. 1-8, Early Child. Educ.; Cowen, Elementary; Sharon Carol private rooms in Scott Wing and Richard Coleman Nobel, Parkersburg, Sturm Beckett, Vienna, Elementary; $72.10 for private rooms in either M~age~ent, Art; Gary Donald Beale; Bonnie Belle Beightol, Clearbrook, Dr. James Butcher residence hall As graduation draws near, many Waverly, Chemistry; Bi1J¥, Brown VA., Early Childhood; Sandra J'Nell Those students receiving fmancial students prepare to don their caps Burke, Glenville, Board of. Regents Betler, Valley Bend, Elern./ Early aid or bank loans must be prepared and gowns as Steve Horner has here. Bachelor of Arts; Roberta Banks Childhood; Sue Ellen Blake, Fen­ Dr. J. Bute he r to pay their total obligation on regi9- Bush, Parkersburg, Board of Regents wick, Early OtiliU' ., ar..... rs urg, Home C!)n9nucs 0- chairman of the DIV - E. Smith'.Aldridge, Buckhannon, Home ) 'on and Director of Teacher Edu- Those who will be graduated Moss, Mr. Hedge Stump and ~ cational Comp.; Jeffrey G. Castin, cati Econ. (Vocational) Comp.; Gordon M' tta, Ou, H alth, P E d Sa£ ty cation there from 1967-68. He ~;;ma c;; . lau~: with ave~a~s . Mr. Norman. For Mrs. Riffk Lee Allen Princeton Music Comp' C:::P'" ROnald~. Chad~~n.anNorm:- has been Professor of Education . to . mc e, respective y : and Mr. Silas Hicks it will cer- . . ' .' ., Norma Berry Bright, )oyce Ann tainiy be a dinner of recognition. Neils Christian Andersen, New Mar- town, Soc. Stud. Comp.; Faye Kuhl at The American University and six tin' sville Health P E. and <'-rety Richards, Nancy Lorena Miles, Kevin Inf . la . all th ' ,. 03iU' Chambers, N. • tation. . for Student Teachin g, Ka ppa to 3.79 mclude. : Deborah Jean Swmey, and English. She is a former GsCr------y Elern. ; Paula Hicks Covey, Parkers- Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, Masons, Kathryn R1ddle. Mills, Terry Dean. graduate. She is married to .Paul The Food Service Director, Mr. burg; Early Childhood; Steven Bryan . . C bRo.''''' Berkhouse, Luanda Stephens Smtth, Woodford and they have three child- Wayne Harkins has 3Ilnounced free Creasey, Newville, Elem.; Becky Gay Osens Temple Shrine lu, -J , PC ·,· M thias, J H h ~ b d She h d M' Club eggy O'-.1.."1.S a ames ug ren: Helen Jane Woodford Evans, sandwiches and drinks on Monday Cummings, Sias, Health, J:!.E. and Clu , an p er stown en s . G' . Vi ki Lee Rod h S , ,IVens, 1C e eaver, usan Nancy Anne Woodford Gennell, and and Tuesday nights ~om 8:00 p.m. Safety Comp.; Janet Elaine Cu~ He has been listed in Who s Who !.ynn Wilson Stead, Jackie Faye P 1 H f in American Education •. He has served au . Wood ord II. to 9:00 p.m., May 9 and 10 in ningham, Mannington, Eiern.; Debra Oil The Visiting Committee for the Stricker, and Nancy Ann Langford. Mr. silas Hicks spent 3 yrs. in the old cafeteria. It is hoped that Sue Curry, Strange Creek, Elern./ College of Education, as Educational Cum laude (academic averages of the Army Combat Engineer and the "Food Break" will give some Early Childhood; Bryan Lee Deever, Consultant for the Washington, D.C. 3.3 to 3.49) include: Jeanette Davis (continued on page 6) diversion and refreshment that will Parkersburg, Music Comp. ; Lorraine School System, on a number of Owens, Sandra L. Moats, Steven F. result in a better balance of f:{eflin Delbridge, Sutton, Elem. ; teams for The National Council for Micle, Anita Poling Anderson, Shar- L · b t study for fmal examinations. Eat all Karen J. Denbigh, Spencer, Art; the Accredidation of Teacher Ed~ on Lee Moss, Timothy Burke Butcher, 1 r ary 0 you wish at the cafeteria because f004 Kristy Ann Dukas, Parkersburg, Elern. cation, Past President of the Web- Joyce Helmick Arnold, Becky Gay will be confined to this area. Please and Early Childhood; Mary Ellen ster County Education Association, CummingS, Joyce Darlene Marshall Get Loa n note that this service is only for Lincicome Eddy, Vienna, Elern./ Past President of the Webster county McCracken, Brenda Kay Smith, Eliza- students with L Do's validated fo Early Childhood; Mary Louise Fams- Principal's Association, and Past Pres- Ruth S~idl, Janet S. Griffin, Kristy The Robert F. Kidd Library a ~eals. worth, Linn, School Librarian-Speech; ident of the Cowen Lions Club. Ann Dukas, David Lynn Harsh, Linda Glenville State College has been chosen (continued on page 4) He has also served on the legi9- Joyce Holcomb Bean, James ]vfichael by the. Council on Library Resources lative committee of the Webster Coun- Kingsbury and Terr/ . Lee CriSlip. to receive one of it's 1977-78 Library ty Education Association for four Twleve GSC students will receive Service Enhancement Grants. This years and he has served on the Ad­ associate degrees with honors at year the council chose 13 libraries commencement, May 13, 1977. from the hundreds of project pro­ visory Council for Teacher Education in West Virginia. Patricia Lynn Oxley ""ill graduate posals it received nationwide. The summa cum laude (with highest hon­ grant provides for John Collins, the ors. To attain summa cum laude, one Project Librarian, to be freed from Fredin Elected to must have ' an average of 3.8 to 4.0. normal duties as Media Librarian, for Those receiving degrees magna cum one year in order to develop and Conference Post laude '(with high honors) having grade -implement an action plan of creative Dr. Lowell Fredin was elected Vice- averages of 3.5 to 3.79, are Chat- programs to make the library a full de­ President for Public Colleges of the lotte Lynne McClung Gray, Russell partrnent in the teaching/learning pro- West Virginia Conference of the Amer- A. Meadows, Rodney William Gard- cess. Glenville's proposal, prepared ican Association of University Pro- ener and Karen Melodie Ross. jointly by Mr. Coll,ins and Library fessors at their spring oonvention, held Seven students, having averages Director David M. Gillespie, em- at Wheeling College on April 15-16. of 3.3 to 3.49, graduating cum laude phasizes faculty involvement. The Dr. Fredin, Chairman of the Division are Debora Jane Robinson, Glenda grant will enable the horary to em- of Language at Glenville State Col- Kay Ellison, Arthur Dale Se- ploy an additional librarian to per- lege, is President of the Glenville Chap- bert, John Lester Wayne, Jr., Mary form Mr. Collins' normal duties for ter of AAUP and was last year's Sec- Elizabeth Kruger, Bernard F. Gibson, the . year. Work on the project will Mr. John Collins and Mr. David Gillespie look pretty pleased at retary oUhe West Virginia Conference. and Cecil Ralph Main. begin July 1, 1977. receiving the Library Service Enhancement Grant Page Two THE GLENVilLE MERCURY Friday, May 6,1977 'Greek' Meetings Held Internship Over Miss Anita Harold and Mr. Curtis Hardman have just completed theu DELTA ZETA SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA I semester as Public Service - Learning An informal meeting of Theta Xi The sisterS of Delta Alpha Chap­ Interns. This is the third semester chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority was ter of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority tha t this program has been offered. held in the chapter room Tuesday, held the ceremonial, and final meet­ It WQS started In 1976. May 3. ing of the ~~m~s ter. on May 2, Dr. john Callebs, the program This week was Lamplighting week. in the Ballroom: co-ordinator is now selecting 20 stu­ Sunday night began the week's act­ Some of the sisters will be help­ dents for the fall term Students ivities with the Iamplighting ceremony ing ou t with the Blood Pressure Clinic work a 4G-hour week and abide by Monday the pledges were sent to be held at the Medical Center this all agency regulations. Weekly sem­ out on campus on a scavenger hunt. Saturday. inars are hekl and Dr. Callebs Ie- Tuesday night it was actives vs. Congratulations are extended to viewed the daily diaries the students pledges in the college bowl The ao­ Sister Debbie Clark on her recent are asked to keep. tives won, naturally! Wednesday the Engagement to Jeff Rinehart. Stu den ts in the program are housed pledges were guests at dinner down Summer Retreat will be held June at West Virginia State College in at the house with rose-buddie cere­ 13 - 15, in Glenville. Institute. They receive 12-15 houn mony following. Thursday night the Special thanks to Mike McClung college credit upon satisfactory com- pledges gave the actives party at the and others, for helping coach the pletion. Wesley Foundation. Everyone had a Sigma Powder Puff Football Team. The Mercury was able to inter· lot of fun. Thanks also, to Jim Anderson for view Miss Harold about her dutiel Congratulations to newly elected his help to the girls in the Spring Sing. in her internship. She was placed in Vice-Presiden t of pledging, Sonnie Sigma's wish everyone good luck the Secretary of State's office. Shaw, and corresponding secretary in taking their ftnal examinations. She worked on the budget and Susan Parsons. These new officers will The sisters hope everyone has a safe went before the finance committee Last Minute Blues begin their duties beginning i.1· with other members of the office. and happy summer. It must have been the snow. At least that's what I'm inclined to blame it the fall. She followed the legislature on bills on. This semester has been a major catastrophe since the day it began and A special thanks is ex tended to THET A XI that pertained to the office and did most GSC students have managed only to stumble through. "Coach" Don Stout and Spring Sing Formal meeting of Kappa Eta a special project concerning state A lot of things have happened and studen ts have missed so many classes director, Mike George. Chapter of Theta Xi fraternity was administrative procedures. that many instructors just quit counting. held Monday, May 2, 1977. The One of the most important things Preparing for the transition that will inevitably occur next fall hasn't Brothers hope that everyone on cam- that happened to Miss Harold during helped matters. The president is getting ready to move and Dean Simmons LAMBDA CHI ALPHA pus has a safe and wonderful va- her stay at the Secretary of State's The Brothers of Beta Beta Zeta is moving up. And, oh, yes ... Who will be Dean? cation. Yearly awards are as follows: office was experiencing the transition Chapter of Lambda Chi held t'eirr Something happened. Some of our reason melted with the snow and SLOTH goe~ to 'fim Snead, HOGGER of government officials after the fall fmal meeting of the semester on apathy can't even describe the atmosphere on campus right now. Thank award goes to Don Post, and a 3-way election. "It was hard to see people Monday night and discussed plans heaven it's ending! Maybe with a vacation (however short or long) people tie for LOVER award to Mike Off- lose jobs because of politics" she said. for open rush, summer retreat at can settle down ann get themselves in gear and ready to go again. utt, Fred Copely, and Mark Dorsey. I could know how administrators felt Summersville, and the first armual It was a long, hard winter and now that it's over,time is going by so quick­ walking into new jobs and not know- Fall Formal. Congratul:ttio!1s to all and see you ly one can't even remember what happened to it. ing how to handle them" I def­ The chapter would like to con- nex t year. Life at Glenville is usually quiet a.,d boring but this semester (especially ini tely saw and felt both sides. gratulate Mike McClung, Joe Boggs, since February) has been the most chaotic mess I've ever experi- When asked if the internship and Larry "active or alumni" Wright enced. CHI BETA PHI helped her gain experience her reply It's fmally reached a point at which the students can come up for a deep on their upcoming graduation. Doug The members of Chi Beta Phi was a deftnite "Yes". Miss Harold breath of fresh air and plunge back in after they've had enough. Miller, Mark Elder, and Frank Mo- would like to congratulate Connie plans to change her major fteld Life won't be any easier but it sure will feel like it after this spring Creery "might" also be receiving Rogers and Kevin Stalnaker upon r&- of study and eventually go on to law semesier at GSC. I can't .really say good-bye in this editorial because not degrees this summer. ceiving awards. school This major, she feels, suits The chapter would also like If) Mrs. Rogers received the Frank everybody will be leaving. I can't call it an end of school edi­ her better than her present Math congratulate Joe Knicely on being Toth award. This award is given to torial because for many it isn't over yet. Education major. One of the best elected president of the Theta Xi's the outstanding senior Science and So, at this, the end. of the semester all I can say is "See ya' in dass!" things about the experiece for her and the DZ's on winning the Powder Math major. Kevin Stalnaker received was meeting new people. Peggy Bauman Puff game. The chapter is also proud the award for Outstanding Student. Curtis Hardman, the other studen t Editor to learn that Brother Roger Young This award is given to a graduating in the in tern program was placed won the Pioneer elections and will be senior for academic achievement and with the Department of Natural Re- leading cheers for the Pioneers next significant service to the campus. sources. year. Best wishes to all of the senior Two stude;;;s have been selected IIUW To Meet May 10 Brother Elder is this week's Ie- members in the future. as interns fOI next fall pending suit­ cipient of the WINO award - winning Chi Beta Phi hopes that every­ The May meeting of the Glen- Otterbein College's program able placement. They are - Kathy for the third straight week and Ie- one has a great summer vacation and ville Branch of the American Assoo- to send student teachers to the United Jones and Dave Sotelo. tiring the awards. Big Deb and Candy comes back safe and sound. iation of University Women (AAUW) Methodist African Schools. For four are both proud of this accomplish­ will be held on Tuesday, May 10 days a week, she taught grade 5 ment. Chuck Case won the KCUF in the multi-purpose room of the GSC at Taiama United Methodist School Pioneer Cen ter. The business meeting Fridays were used for travel and award, Alan Farnsworth, the AH, Festival Described will begin at 7 p.m with t.lJ.e program study. with Jeff Wiles once again sweeping I have had several students ask me about the program of folk/old time/ to follow at 8. In addition to describing her POW honors. bluegrass music that is being presented by the Cultural Affairs Committee The program will continue the Africanteaching experience, Ms. Wart- here at the college Saturday ni~ht. If you are a follower of such music, African Travelogue begun at the Ap- man will talk about African cooking, K Stalnaker BI"lled no explanation is necessary, but if you are not, perhaps the following will riI meeting by Jack Laeng and Father handiwork, and witchcraft. She also " : ~!p. Michael Rooney. This month's speak- plans to show slides of her travels There are several types of string music around the Appalachain region er will be Janet Wartman, who spent and to display her collection of Afri- Outstandl"ng Senl"or which the uninitiated ten,' to classify as "country" or "hillbilly" music. three months in Sierra Leone as can artifacts and souvenus. But those who attend the concert Saturday night will hear three a studen t teacher. Currently teaching All interested persons are invitecl distinctive styles of music. first and second grades at San0 Fork, to attend the meeting. AAu\" flro- Kevin Stalnaker has been named The Kentucky Foothill Ramblers classify themselves as an Old Time Band. Janet went to Sierra Leone through grams are open to the public, and hy the Alumni Association and the TIley have a banjo, autoharp, guitar, and fiddle. The banjo is played AAUW welcomes students. Alumni Foundation as "Outstandin~ clawhammer style. Much of their music comes from the 20's c7d 30's and r------=T-H-E--GL-E-N-V-I-L~L-E..:..:..:-=M-E~R--=-C:..:U:.:.:.::R:.:Y:.:..:.==:::....--.-, Senior in the Class of 19 n ·'. it might be described as country m"::ic before country music lVenrlCl town. The Student Newspaper Kevin was selected on the basis They are all good musicians and fine singers. of ou tstanding academic achieve- The Sweeney Brothers are traditional Bluegrass musicians. They play Published weekly and entered as second class mail at the Post Office at GlenVIlle, W. Va. 26351. Subscriptions $5.00 a year. ments and significan t service contri- bluegrass the way it was originally played. Bluegrass origirwted in the Edi tor .. , ...... , . , ... Peggy Bauman bu tions to the canlpus of Glenville mid-forties and was fathered by Bill Monroe. Its most distinctive character- Assistant Editor ...... An!Jl'la Laffer", State College. (stic is the three finger banjo style. Close harmony and speed are other Photographer ...... , .... Dana J ones Kevin was honored at the alumni Ilotable characteristics. banquet and presented with a check Joe Dobbs is all uli.! time fiddler in the finest tradition, but he ron adjust News Bureau Director ...... Susan Reale for onc hundred dollars. During the readily to any style. He , along with the Samples brothers, will present music Cartoonist ...... _.' ...... Gil Valdez graduation ceremony he will be pre- that is quieter alld leans more toward pure folk. Songs from medieval times Circulation Man~r ...... Susie McCartney sented with a plaque to commemorate 10 the 70's are to be presented by this group. Advertising Mana!Jlr ...... Mike Boilon the occasion and his name will be en- You will not hear any "country music" Saturday night if you use the Production Mana!Jlr ...... ;. Jeff Gainer graved on another plaque which will Top Forty/Narhl'ille definition of the term Modern country music is the IBM Typists ...... Lisa J ones. Debbie Wildman be displayed in the alumni office music of '~!i'a l minds that has been "slicked up" by city record makers. lYpists ...... Jo Price and Will also bear the names of future The music that you will hear Saturday night is country music that has never News Edi tor ...... Robin Carns honorces. been to town. You can look down your nose at it, or turn up your nose at it, Sports Editor...... Doug Martin Nominations for the award werc but ifyou are from rural Appalachia, it is a part of your heritage. Business File Oelk ...... Terry McCartney made by the faculty of the college Subscriptions ...... Kim West and t~ :" cipicnt 0 the award named 'rack Samples Reporters •...... Gil Valdez, Jeff Gainer, Steve Horner by tl AllImm CounCIL FridaY , May 6, 19 77 THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Page Three - Regents Approve T!~~;;"oL!.~!'~: Best Actor, Actress Named gents meeting, 3, peopl~ were ap-

proved to receive tenure, The fifth annual Ohnimgohow A- Judges for this year's elrama \1\- Dr. Joe Evans, Assistant Profell­ wards. Banquet . was held last evening ' clude: Mr. Tim. Butcher, Dr. I rank sor in Physical Science has received m the Pioneer. Center. Attending were J emo,. Mr . Jun"' '1 ea d S, "r.'\ '"nayne d e- tenure. He came to GSC at the be­ appr~xlmatelY seventy actors, act- Rossett, Ms. Kate Kalous, Dr. Wil- ginning of the 1970-71 year. He holds resses, judges, and friends. li.'am K. Simmons, Ms. Mary Kennedy an Ed.D. degree from West Virginia Name'd Best Actor of the Year Mrs. Yvon ne King, Dr. Christy K"m-' University. He was awarded this de­ was Robert Hays for his performance per and Mrs. Sherri Mills. gree in Spring of 1976. as Captain Keller in 'The Miracle Mr. James Hinter, Assistant Pro- Worker.' fessor of Business, has been a r.:ember Best Actress awards were tied of the faculty continuously since the with Mary Morton for her perform- Sociology Classes 1972-73 academic year. He holds a ance as Helen Keller in 'The Miracle Mast~rs degree in Business Admini- Worker' and Beth Steidl for herrole startion from Marshall University and as Annie Sullivan in 'T"he Miracle Tell About Fears is a Certified Public Accoun tan t Worker.' In April, students in sociology The third instructor to receive Best supporting actresses honor classes at Glenville were asked to re­ tenure is Mr. James H. Meads 111. was tied, also, between Kathy Sul- spond to the question, "What do you Assistant Professor of Foundation livan and Tina Crump; Best sup- fear the most?" Their answers indi­ Studies and chairman of the Division porting actor honors went to Ray cate that "death.. and "darkness" of Foundation Studies. He has been an Powell are significant fears for these stu- instructor here since 1972-73. Honored for their best perform- dents. Other fears (excluding death, Four instructors have been pro- ance in the children's play, Jack and darkness, and the unknown gener­ moted. These promotions are effective the Beanstalk, were Jimmy Steele ally) seemed to fit into two types at the beginning of the fall term who played the role of the giant; of dangers: physical (snakes, fire, These are the new GSC Pioneer Cheerleaders chosen for the 1977-78 and are as follows: Connie Snider who portrayed the heights, poor health, etc.), and psy­ sports season. They are : Row I, Lynn Craig, Janie Givens, and Pitty Groves. Dr. D. Robert Deal now an AsSis- giant's wife; and Ray Powell who cho-social. Among the frquently . , played the part of the Chicken. Ii' ed h ial f Row 2, is Becky Merriman, Rhonda Gay, and Janet James. tan t Professor of BIology will become men on psyc 0 soc ears were Professor of Biology. He has served at Honorary Best Ohnimgohow play- people (doctors, police, women, etc.), GSC since 1969. er award went to Mr. I?onald social conditions (war, poverty, etc:) One-Act Play Reviews Mrs. Sharon Lillie Kraus, Instruct- Phillips of the Learning Materials and failure in one's personal life. The audience for the student _ directed one _ act plays was incredibly or in Foundation Studies has been Center. Last year the award went to Below is a summary of the stu- small, especially since there was no admission charge. They were not promoted to Assistant Professor of Dr. Byron Turner, In 1975 it went dents' answers to the question, especially kind to the troupers either. After only a seven . minute delay, Foundation Studies. She's been at to Dr. D. Banks Wilbun'. "What do you fear the most?" shouts of "bring on the show" began 10 arise. When the ligths dimmed for GSC since 1972-73. Best Ohnimgohow awards were 1. Death, Darkness, Unknown - 27% "A Star Spangled Girl," the restless audience applauded appreciatively. Dr. Christopher J. Orr, Assistant awarded Kathy Sullivan and Billy of the responses. 11 . Physical Dangers- "A Star Spangled Girl" is a bit like watching a Norman Lear sitcom It is Professor of English ' has been pro- Hutchinson. 32% of the responses. III. Psycho- filled with shouting, the high-decible level is broken only by un. moted to Associate Professor of Kyle Wilson McCartney was hon- soica1 dangers - 42% of the responses. witty one-liners. The script is superficial and unrealistic, too much like English. He has been here since 1973- ored as the 'best senior' - one who A. People (7%), B. Social conditions Sandford and SOil. The actillg was colorless, a shame beClluse there was po-.. 74. has shown devotion and loyalty to (4%),;C. Personal failures (32%) L D~s- tential on the stage being diluted to TV quality by a shallow Dr. Kristen Paul Sjostrom, assistant Ohnimgohows. pleasing God, loss of salvation, etc. script. Professor c:l. Psychology is now an Technical awards given by Ms. 2. Non-achievement of goals. 3. Mar- Second was "Adam and Eve." They and the crafty Serpent were Associate Professor of Psychology. He Jeanne Kobuszewski, Drama Director riage, divorce, childbearing. 4. Reia- portrayed as only Mark Twain C01'U see them The play is also picture has been employed at GSC since included: Debbie Cottrill and Char- tionships, loss of friendships. 5. Being of life today : Eve is the real i,lIelligence controlling the world alld poor 1973-74. lotte Eary ; House Management-Cheryl alone. Wme; Scenery, Billy Hutchinson; The reader should remember that Adam is just 100 dumb to notice. The audiellce reacted especially well to this Lighting, Joanna Icenhower; Makeup, these students are not necessarily a play, particularly the Serpent. Some of the moments were a bit 100 serious Mary Morton ; Properties, Lynn representative sample of GSC's stu­ and true for a comedy, but _./1, i!J jecti,'e. Two members of the faculty have Gough, Publicity award, Laura Coch- dents of about college studentS in Apparently no one understood "Sandbox." An absurd play, "Sandbox " resigned to date. They are: general., mixes comedy with symbolic social comment. The audience was en ter- Mr. Willis J. Perry, Jr., Co-ord- ran and Sound, Susan Barne. tained, then mystified. 111e problem ,lay in the fact that they had just of studies at. Parkersburg Com- inat~rmuruty college reSIgned as of March AWARDS PRESENTED TO MERCURY STAFF viewed two comedies, the first more superficial than the second, but the 3~ , 1977. He has. taken ~ position Annual Mercury awards were giv_ Up went to Doug Martin, (toys); gap was too wide for them to accept. WIth WVU as RegIOnal Dlfector at en during the final Press Night Best Typist of Yr. is Lisa J ones, (era- Each director displayed a definite character in the diversity of sets, meth­ ~ . Wednesday, May 4. Awards went~ to ser); Most Constructive Worker is ods and plays chosen. The bare stage of Lynn Grough's "Adam and Eve" Ms. Kay Julienne Strosnider, Assis- the following students: Dana Jones (playdough); Artist of displayed an entirely different directing style than the realistic set of Sue tatnt Professor of Music has resigned the Yr., is Gil Valdez (Ink}; Best Bame 's "Star·Spangles Girl." The dark, yet comic mood of Jim Dotson's effective at the close of this semester. .office Pin Up Girl is Robin Hurst, Office Worker - Terry McCartney, "Sandbox" was in tense, so· intense it acted against the other plays. She intends to pursue graduate study (Mmor);Most Prolific Writer is Peggy (Sharpener); Best Gluer-Upper - Susie They went well, these three sharply eontrasting one-acts. Their actors in another area of music. '. Ba~man,(Slate) ; Office Business Man . McCartney, (Glue); Most Promising all received a round of applause. The direc:tors souhld have received a hand, IS Mike Boilon, (Calculator): Best Cook IS Journalist _ Angela Lafferre, (Wall too. Jeff Gainer, (Coffemaker); Office : Cut Street Journal). --Jeff Gainer Students Help Flood Victims On Friday, May 13, 1977 two GSC students will be traveling to Williamson to join the countless number of volunteers there cleaning up a(ter the flood. ~Iiss Jane Stump of Glenville and ,Miss Shirley Murphy of Kincaid, will be pu tling in a helping hane! at the flood sight If you ha~e 'any items of clothing, blankets, etc. that you would iilce to donate for the flood victims, con­ tact Miss Stump at 462-7420.

The residence halls wilTbe closed on Friday, May 13 at 2:00 p.m. and will be opened for Summer School on Sunday, June 12 at 12:00 noon. The. residence halls will be opened for 'Fall Semester 1977·78 on Sunday, August 28 at 9:00 a.m. (Freshman Week Activities) with proflie up dating and regular registration being ~iss A.,ita Harold and Mr, Curtis Hardman recently fmished their term with The Delta Zeta sorority, under the direction of Mike George, had held 'on Wednesday, August 31. J.D. t1le Public Service Internship Program. Miss Harold was placed in the secretary the winning performance at this year's annual Spring Sing. The Lambda Chi Photos will be made 00 Monday and of State's Office and Mr. Hardman was with the Department of Natural Re­ Alpha Fraternity won the best male performance at the sing. Also perform Tuesday, August 29 and 30. sources. For more information" see story on paj!e 2. ing was Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority. Pa e Four THE GLE.VILLE :-'IERCURY Friday, May 6,1977 Spring Graduates and Ceo. _ 1:1. Comp., Safety Ed.: GIllie)! Bridge, Health, Physical Ed, llId Homer, Pennsboro, MBIketing and too, SeCllltariai Science; Tereaa Louia (Continued from Pige One) Patnd l Fleming. \\1lliarrutov.'I'I, and Safety Comprehensive; Betty Jo Retailing; George Robert Johnson, Jr., Brown,Ota.deston, SeCllltuial ScieIlCl; Edue.: 'mey Ann Langford, Welton, lath. Comp,. Jerry Miclael Fox, Snyder, Glenville, Elementary. Clifton, Economics - MBIketing and Nanette Faye Cupenter, Vienna, Ad- Bus.. Ed. omp.: Terri Lynn Leach, &lrrunlJe, Soc. Stud. Comp.:Charles Connie Jeanette Snid~, Elizabeth, Retailing; Larry Adren Jones, West ministrativeScience;PatDciaSUecot- Willi1mslo",n. r 01. ; Tunothy Denrul Patrick FuUen, Glenville, Health, Elementary/Eariy cilildhood; Patricia Union, Economies - Mana~riaI ; Pat- trell, Shoclc, Secretarial Science; N.. Lee, lartinsbura:. lIealth, P.E. and PE. and Safety Comp.; Linda Rohr June Somerville, Par:lcersbmg, E!ern- rick Kevin Joyce, Shinnston, Mark- cy Jean Crutch6ekl, Huntington, !leo- Safety Comp.: Debra lynn Fo.x I..-. FuOen, Glenville, Art Comp.; Cathy entary/EarlY chlIdllood; Debra Joan eting and Retailing; Richard Allen retarial Science; Deborah Lynn n.vI, son, G nville. Heal th. P. E. and Saf· Gregory Girondo, Birch l iver. Elem.; Stackpole, A.Ivy, Art Comprehensive; ,Kesselring. Parkersburg, Accounting; Procious, Administrative Science; .... ely Comp.; Judith F. Lievin& Wes\. Jame Hugh G",-ens, Elizabeth, tusic Kevin Wayne Sta1nalcer, Glenville, Ben L Kyer, Gassaway,Marketing and ela Ann Davis, Dunbar, SeCllltuili olumbia, P.E..: Sherry Andre' loan, Comp.; Janet S. Griffin, Flatwoods, lathematics,Comprehensive; Joan Retailing; Nancy Ann Langford, We~ Science; Sue Ann Edwuds, G\ea. P11 nbu rg. f.le m. fEarty OUJd,: J &.De ~Iusic Comp., Martha Jean Grimes, Adele Stanley, Parkersbur& EarlY ton, Accounting; John Edward Law, ville, Secretarial Science; Glenda ICIJ Elk:! Cain lynch, Bia Bend, Elem.{ Green Banle, Biological and Geo. Sci. Childhood, Susan lynn WJson Stead, Camden, Accounting _ Management- EIfuon, ~Wood,SeCllltariai Scienll; arty Child.: Kyle Ann Wwoo, 1cCa.rt· Comp.; John Paul Gumm, Tanner, Cottageville, English; Elizabeth Ruth Political Science; Daphne Dawn Lewis, Anita Louise Greer,Cairo, SeCllltadil ncy, Cox's Iills, EngWh. Speech; lath. Comp.; Germette K. IWI, AJum Steidl, BeckJey, Music Comprehensive; Saint AJbans, Management _ Secre- Science; PatDcia Kiane Hausser, Mar- Tim C_ IcUrtney, Cox's MilJs, Bridge, Health, P.E. and Safety Compo David Allen Stover, Maben, Social tarial; Sull Arthur McCartney, Jr., Iington, Secretarial Science; Kuw Comp.; JOYce Dartene ~tan.hall fo­ Linda Lou HaU, Newport, OH, Etem. Studies Comprehensive; J aclde Faye Petersburg, Accounting. ·Lois Hildreth Hickel, Spences, Seer. Cracken, Sand Fork, Elementary/ Millie Mae Modesitt Hd, Walker, Striclier, Clendenin, Music Compre- PIUI Franklin Minigh, Sand Forlc, tarial Science; Susan Jean James, NOt- Earty Childhood; William forrison E1em.; Virginia Ann Hamric, Glen- hensive; Russell Bruce StumpII, Spen- Economics _ Marketing and Retaimig; man town, Secretarial Science; Martha ur5llall, Oak Hill, Health, P.E. and viDe, English; Mary Gnce Hanson, cer, Business Principles; Cheryl uenise David AJden Mossor, Highland, Fin- Ann Johnson POOtt Pleasant, AdmiJli. Safety Edue., Susan Elizabeth Mar· Ducic, Elem./Early Otild.; Curti! EI- Swope, Montgomery, Elementary; anee; David Bruce Nester, Spencer,' strative Science; Lila Pearl Suttoa bn. laloaa. Health, P.E. and Safety Liot Harper, Glenville, Bus. Prio.; Francis Learease Swope, Montgomery, Management; Quid}' Lynn Nidi, . Jones, Troy, Secretarial Science; Judi6 Edue.: Peggy Collins laliuas, Moote Norma Jean lhIper, Parkenburg, Elementary; Phyllis Ann Taylor, Nap- Walton, Aecounting; Richard! CoIe- Ann Nicholas, Ducic, SeCllltarial ScI- faeld. £lem.; ancy Ann Meads, Chat· E!em.; David Lynn Harsh, Mullens, ier, Physical Education; Lee Jeffrey ence: Bonnie Lou Powell, ParbnblDl lesIOn, Soc. Stud. Comp.; Nancy ~ Health, PE. and Safety Comp.; Sber- Tharp, Paden City, Art Comprehen- man Noble, Pa.r:Icenburg, M.anagement, Secretarial Science;CIwtotte Jo Rob- rena Mile, Vienna, Bus. Ed. Comp.; ey Lee !Ie~" BeUe, Elem. ; Andrew sive - Safety Education; Ricky Glenn Art; Michael J. Nuckols, Parkenburg, inson, Tanner., SeCllltariai Science; Kathryn Riddle fills, Glenville, Etem./ Lee Henry, Glenville, Health, P.E., Vass, Sinks Grove, Health, PhysicaJ Accounting; JeII)' Wayne Perkins, Karen Melodie Roea, Cairo, SeClt- Early Child.: Sandea l . Moa 15, Har­ and Safety Comp.; Brenda Sue Hen- Education and Safety Comprehensive. Pa.r:Icersburg, Marketing and Retailing; tulal Science; Deborah Jane Stavnkll, nsville, Engbsh, School Librarian, thorn, Elyria, OIl, English, Speech; Sarah Anne Wagner,Eureka, Early Teddy Sheridan IUpp. Summersville,. Liverpool, Secretarial Science. Appal Stud.; Sharon Lee Moss, Rickey Allen Hickman, Ravenswood, Otildhood; Nonnan Kent Walker, Marketing andRetailingj Sharen Tay- Robert Anthony Andriotto, AI' HuttonsviUe, E!em., DaVid Roy Mas­ Music Comp.; Deborah Lee Van Dine Otadeston, Art Comprehensive; lor Robinson, Burnsville, Accounting- thurdale, Land SUIVeying; Mark Coo-

'Or, Harrisville, Art Comp.; Susan Hoff, Glenville, Business Ed. Comp.; Donna Sue Watkins, Wheeling, Ele- Economics -F!nance I • Management _ stantine Antolcas, Sutton, Land SI11' lynn louter, Philippi, Math. Compo Judith Murphy Huddleston, Farker&- mentary; Rebecca Rae Watson, Eliza- Marketing and .Retailing; JoOO' D!vid veying; Bryan Cameron Arthur, Fay- and Safety Edue.; Thomas Everly bllrg, Elem.; Joanna Lea Icenhower, beth, School Ubrarian - English; Dan- Rogers, Ripley, Marlceting and Re- ettville, Forest Technology; Jeffrey Newbeny, Parkersbur& Health, P.E.., Ravenswood, Speech; Teny Ann Igo, iel Calvin Wessner, Glenville, Health tailing; Wayne Earl Sanders, Point Joseph Beverly, South Charleston, and Safety Comp.; Michael Beard Procious, Elem./Early Child.; Paul and Physical Education. Pleasant, Marketing and Retailing; Land SUIVeying; George M. Butler, Offut, Arbovale, Health, PE. and Edward Jackson, Pa.r:lcenburg, Health, Joyce Helmick Arnold, Sand Folk, Timothy Bruce Shepherd, New Mill' Exchange, Land Surveying; Benedict Safety Comp.; Samuel Uwa O ~ P.E.. and Safety Comp.; Gregory am History - English - Political Science; tinsville, Economics _ Finance _ Man- G. Cardamone, Jr., Sutton, Forest mota, Benin City, Nigeria, Business James, Glenville, Music Comp.; Nancy Stephen Paul Boilon, Glenville, Eng- .ment; Gary Linn Skinner, Elkins, Technology; John Carl Cool, Shinn- . Ed. Comp., Jeanette Davis Owens, Crowley James, Parkersburg, Elem.; Ii&h - Jciurnalism; Carla Joan Rector Ma.r:Icetingand Retai1ing; Oay Mathew ston, Social ServiceTechnology; Jef- Willi am st own, Elem.; Vanessa Denise Jacob Bruce Jarrell II. Charleston, Bumgardener, Belpre, Ohio, History Smith, Westoo, Marketing and Re· frey L. Corbin, Charleston, Land SII1' Pannell, Beckley, Health, P.E.. and Elem.; Jan ~andra Kulz JarreD, Political Science; Belita Ann Jones, tailing; Kenneth Arthur Smith, Nitro, veying. Safety. Compo Glenville, Elem./Early Child.j David Cox's Mills, Art - English; James MicJl- Marketing and Retailing; Samuel Paul Mark Alan CVechko, Buckhannon, Kenneth S. Pa.r:Icer, Wellton, Health, Lynn .Iones, Baldwin, Math.. Comp. ael Kingsbury, Grantsville, History -. SommerviBe, Harrisville, Accounting- Land SUIVeying; Karen Olinllllr Dot. P.E. and Satety Ed.; Brenda Jean Melodie Lea Jones, Troy, Elem.; Economics. Geography· Political Economics; Kevin Wayne Stalnaker, SOD; Webster Springs, Social Service Meanl Parb, Hunt, Home Ecoo. (VI)­ Linda R. Koppisch. Ravenswood, Science· Social Science; Sull Arthur Glenville, computer Science; Thomas Technology; Newman Elliot Fertillo calional) Comp.; Teny Jane Panons, Music Comp.; T. Stephen Landvoight, McCartney, Jr., Petersburg, History- Anthony Star~ Weston, Accounting- Belington, Forest Technology; Mark Ripley, Health, P.E.. and Safety Comp.; Highland, Math. Comp.; Anna Marie English; Gerald William Sizemore, Finance. GeOJ8e 'Filber, Smithfield, Land SuI'" Carolyn Annette Price, Scarl>ro, Elem.; Lane Clendenin. Etem./Early Child. White Sulphur Springs, History - PoI- Perry Bradley Stovall, MacArthur, veying; Rodney William Gudner, C1& Lois Anoette Pulku.,Glenville, Elem. ; John Peter Salamon, Walkersville, iti~a1 Science - Social Science; Debl)- Marketing and Retailing; Mark Edward ver Liclc, Land Surveying; Burnlrd F. Joyce Ann RIchards, Jane Lew, Etem.; lIealth and Physical Education; CU()- rah Jean Swiney, Corton, English - Straley, Richwood, Management; Rod- Gibsoo, Bunuville, Forest Tecbn& M.1lY Jane Kestenon Richard&, Park­ line June Shields, Walkersville, Elern- Political Science; David Glen Veith, ney Dee Tolley, Sutton, Finance - Man- logy; Joeeph L Grant, Hunt. Land enbu rg, Ele ro./Early 0UJd.; Pamela en tary; Kay Marie Slaughter, Lumber· Rock Cave. English. - Speech. . agement- Marketing and Retailing; Dan Surveying; Charlotte Lynne MeLlulII May Ries, Wheeling, School Ubrarian; port, Music Comprehensive; Brenda :scott Allen Anderson, Glenville, E. Waley, Parkersburg, Management; Gray, Summersville, Social Service Cynthia Lea Rodebaugh, Craigsville, Kay Smith, Spencer, Elementary; Marketing and Retailing; Terry Dean Stephen Gale Williams, Parkersburg, Technology; Howard Robert Hardy, Elem.; Vicki Lee Rodeheaver, Parle· Ella Jane Moore Smith, South Point, Berkhouse, Spencer, Management; Accounting; Mathew Jay Wolfe; Pal'" Rig, Land Surveying; Jiaul Wayne enburj, Elem.;Arthur Lowell Rogen, Ohio, Elementary; Harold Randell NOIIQll . Berry Bright, Heaters, Secreta- kersburg, Management. Harkins, Glenville, Food Service MID- Jr., Glenville, E\em.; TeII)' E.. RoIJinJ, Smith, South Point, Ohio, Elementary; rial - Computer Science; Randall Cur- Terry Wayne Baker, Brandywine, .ment Technology; Douglas M. liar- Leon, Health, P.E.. and Safety Compo Jane Smith, Parkersburg, Elementary; tiss Buchanan, Loweh,01!io, Account- Maryland, Mathematics - Business; v6y, NlrDitz', LaM ~rveyinJ!; Mart Katberine lynn Fe=ll, Star City, Joan Smith, Parkenburg, Elementary; ing - Management; Timothy Burke Gary Donald BeaD, Waverly, Chern- Henry Homish, Glenville, Land SUI'" Health, P.E. and Safety Comp.; Ken­ Lucinda E. Stephens Smith, Elizabeth. <cher,Glenville,. Accounting - ECI)- iJtry - Mathematics; Joeeph Feuel veying; Jerry Wayne Hostutler, HUD- rwth Lee Fisher, Weston, Biological Early Childhoodmaomas A. Smith. nom;,... - Fma:n~ - Managment; Mark Bogp, Saint Albans, Biology - Chern- deed, Forest Technology; Steven R. Anthony Clark, Paden City, .Econ- iltry; Jeffrey Alan Mathews, Glen Huntz, Glenville, Land Surveyln,; omies - Marketing and Retailing; Pat- Gardner, New Jeney,. Biology - Bulli- Hames Edwin Knight, Grafton, FOI" rick Wayne; Coleman, Green Banlc, ness; Steven F_ Mick,Gusaway, Chem- est TechnoiofY; Gary W. K~.r, Management; David Warren Corbitt, istry,Physica; William Roy Micle, Glen- Glenville, Environmental Teclmology; Waverly, Economics - Marketing and ville, Biology - Business; Connie Jo ~lephen David LoIh, lane Lew, Land Retailing; Terry Lee Crislip" Parkers- R~n, Saint AJbans, Biology - Bulli- Surveying; Cynthia Jean ludewig, burg, Economies-Finance·Marketing ness; John Lewil Tharp, Weston, Weirton, Forest Technology; Cecil and Retaliing - Management; Darrell Biology - Chemistry. Ralph Main, Salem, Land Surveyinl; Edward Cronin, Parkersburg, Manage- Michael George Beliveau, Demar- Mary EliZJbeth Martin, Sutton, Se­ ment; James Stephen DiBetta, Vienna, est, New Jersey; Dianna Kay Duffiekl, cial Service Technology; Ruaaell A. Management; Newman Elliot Fertig, Ivydale, Dianna Lynn Greeolief, Glen- Meadows, Crab Orchard, FOIest Tech­ Belington, Marketing and Retailing; ville; Connie Diann Grove, Weston, nology; Timothy Scott Nuh, Prince­ Ronald Lee Furby, Weston, Mark- Sociology; Kathryn Sue Hull, Camden, ton, Land Surveying.. eting and Retailing; Robert Lorrayne Sociology; Barbara Ollie Jacleson, Oak Dwight Wayne Priestley, Alum SPELUNKERS PLAN FINAL EXCURSION Hawkina, Jr., Brandywine, Maryland. Hill; Debra Lea James, Glen'1lle; Len- Creelc, Forest Technology; Michael 'The aJ\'e blolQ!!l U of Glenville passage for about 3000 feel through Mar:lceting and Retailing; Steven How- ete Lynne Luikart, Saint AJbans, Sao- Stuart Roberts, t.;fartinaburg, Land Stale ColleF haY\!! bee.n acnvely in­ • spur on the sou th side of Yokum iology; Susan Burchett Shaffer, Glen- Surveying; Arthur Dale Sebert, Mount voh-ed in cave e ploratioo and study Knob. The group will be entering FINALS WEEKEND READIED ville, Psychology - Sociology; Janet Nebo, Land Surveying; Evelyn Kay throu au I the dwa tion of the e i~hl the Sin\cs through the south entrance As a divernon trom non-stop Elaine Thompson, Ripley. Frame Squibb'; Glenville, Social Sec- ee luru..1D& C- vice Technology; Stephen Paul StaI- hu t.... :cn tbern to cavenu tbrougboul brier Limestone al the north end of. fairs -Committee has scheduled a movie eTta Sanies Bush, Parlrenburg; Robert nalcer, ~tone, Foreat Technology; t'aalrrn We$t Vupnia. Bo\o'doeu '0. L large dep~d meadow. 'The entrance and a concert during fin.a13 weekend. James Flesher, Troy; Michael Wayne Douglas R. . Steiner, West Caldwell, It on. ut, Quurr, Seneca, Sinnet, IS 30 feet wide and 15 feet high. {hutin Hoffnwi will star in Uttle Guess, Saint Marys; RobertLee Horn- New Jertey, Forest Technology, lind hole, Su:a 1000btre Balloon, and The passage avela#S 36 to 60 feet Big Man Friday at 8:00 in the beclc, Mineul Wells; Frankie Mae Wile- Surveying; John P. Strickling. West I are the cave Il... ened b) tbe ",-ide and the ceiling is 6 to 30 feet Auditorium. Saturday night in the man Legg, SummeDVille; EI~DilVil Union, Forest Technology; J~ Le .. S\e's" Iqh. The cave cizss will most liIrely ampitheatJe, there will be a b1u~ Meads, Spencer; H. Jarnes Province, ter Wayne, Jr., Cowen, Land Sur­ not emerwe through the northern exi t grass and folk music concert at 7:30. Parbrsburg; Betty Jo McO>e Sapp, veying. Wlth de)' clothinK u the mum often The concert will feature the Ken- SummeISViJIe, Geraldine White Scott, Jennifer Lynn We, Hamlin, occuptr the entire Ooor of the pas- tucley Foot11i.ll Rambters, The Sween- Westoo, Ouliel Woodrow Sole, Par- Social Service Technology; Linda , In additioo, about midway and ey.Brothers and Joe Dobbs with kenburg; Mary Kathryn Stanley, Par- M.e WiIJon, Elizabeth, Social Service at \be northem end of Ibe ~ the the Samples Brothers. In cate of rain, keuburg;Warten Go Sullivan, Elizabeth< TechnololY; O>eryl Ann WIne, Gem, ilIUm OCJ90S in deep poob alma.1 the concert will be held in the Aud.. Richard Walliam TayloI, ViennL Social Service Technology; Joim All- the uodupouod hlockiD& the pu8#. 10num. Trela Fay Adkina, Sou th Olu.le.. drew wylie, OlarleItoo, Land Surveyins. Friday, May 6,1977 THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Page Five Halftime Talk t ~?'cl!.~~~ fi~ i"~ f~myIJ~'~O" by Doug Martin a most successful year, winning the who was golfer of the year in 1975 conference and not losing a game in missed makil" tile illconference This is the "grand" fmale as far second semester, going from near able to capture all three of the con- the WVIAC all year. They are the team by o,'e stroke. as Mercury newspapers go for this the bottom in conference standings ference regionals plus the state tourn­ first team in the conference's his- Season averages for tte golfers year, so I thought it would be fitting and ending up second with a record ament. All of tillS qua1ified the team tory togo undefeated a whole season are as foU.ows: Terry Crislip - 77 t to give a fmal rundown of how things of 13-8. Coach Lilly's cagers finished for the nationals to be held in Mich- which mcludes three reglOnals and a Greg DelPnnce 78, Jim Brady went for the Pioneers in athletic third in the tournament at Charles­ igan in June. state tournament They accomplisJied 80, Jim Scott· 80. and Rick Sun­ competition throughout the year. ton beating Fairmont in the consol­ The baseball team won only 5 this by sweeping the state tourn- mons . 81. 1llese averages are for We all came back to campus last ation game. Tom Coates and Led­ games, bu t still managed more wins ament at Pipestem last week. All of all matches and not just conference year looking forward to ahother fml: better made the all-tournament team. than last year when they won only 3. this substantiates what I said earlier games. Another 'ine contributor was t football season here at GSC; espeo­ They were later named to the All Much of the roster was made up of in the year; this is probably the best fres"man Bill Hess, who was" ially with the largest number of fresh­ WVIAC team which was released underclassmen so things should look gOIf team to ever come out of the man, altnough he probably could hav.: man recruits on campus in quite a in March. up in the future for Coach Bel- West Virginia Intercollee:iate Athletic been a regular anywhere else. He par· while. We were a bit disappointed in The women's basketball team also castro's troops. Conference. ticipa ted in 3 matches and average.. the season the team had, but this had a very successful year. After All in all it's been a good year for In the state tournament last week 80 shots. can be blamed on early injuries and finishing with only 3 wins during Glenville sports. We sent two teams t Glenville won the conference title by The team has no\\ won the right tough breaks. The gridders suffered the previous year, Coach Davis di­ to national championships, an'! had t shooting a 2 round (36 holes) score to compete in the NAIA National through a 3-8 season but there were rected "his" girls to a 12-6 record another team finish seconu'ia the of 317-322-639. Shepherd and Davis Tournament held in Saginaw, Mich· some bright spots. One of them was and a third place fmish in the con­ conference. and Elkins fmished second with ident- igan the first week of June. This Leandis Hodges who set a GSC sea­ ference. This was quite a turnaround, ical scores of 651. The Pioneers were will make the fourth time in six son record by gaining more than and was probably the result of the Powder Puff led by freshman Greg DelPrince who years a Glenville golf team has made 1300 yards. The junior Norfolk, Va. fine freshman talent Coach Davis shared the co-medalist award with this trip. It means another month of player will be back for one fmal year was able to recruit Things should I would like to join the rest of tB~ Z::.lcsk of Shepherd, both shooting practice and hard work ~ot onl.Y. on and this plus the encouraging spring look good for the lady cagers in years the campus in congratulating the 78-78-56. This also enabled Del- the golf course, but m receIVmg practice gives everyone an optimistic to come, also. DZ's for their convincing 6-0 win over Prince to capture the Golfer of the contributions, since they will have to look toward next season. The bowlers, directed by lust the Sigmas last Thursday evening. Year Award from Terry Crislip who he fund the entire trips themselves. With November came basketball year Gary Kight had another spec­ Senior Phyllis Taylor provided the was tied with going into the state Twoseiliors will be retiring from season and after winning their first tacular year. Going to the national margin of victory for the Zetas, ttournarnent Jimmy Scott fmished the GSC ranks when they compete game, the basketball team proceeded finals for the second straight year, the scampering for the only touchdown second for the Pioneers with a two in the nationals next month. They to lose seven straight games during keglers finished second 'in the con· in the annual Powder Puff football round total of 80-80-160, Crislip are Terry Crislip and Jimmy Scott the fust semester making people won­ ference and second in the state tourn· game. had a 79-83-162, Rick Simmons Terry, a native of Pa-rkersburg, who der if the drought was ever going to ament and a .19-13 record. All of Farewell 80-83-163 and Jim Bradv 84-81-16S,. is majoring in Business Administration Crimp, who was the golfer' of has lettered all four years here end. All told, Pioneer athletic teams our regular bowlers were underclas!l­ had won only 4 games in inter­ men so we should he;!.r alot more As I said at the beginning of this the year last year joined Greg Del- at Glenville. Jimmy, also a four year scholastic competition during the fust from our bowling team in years to column this is the last paper of the Prince in making the All·Conference letterman is from Harrisville and semester, against 15 losses. Bu t then come. semester. I wish you all anenjoyable " " lysicd Education major. second semester rolled around, and Our golfers also had another bang but constructive summer. For those t with. it the eligibility of big Ralph up year. Led by All Conference se­ Ledbetter, and positive things began lections Terry Crislip and Greg Del­ to happen. The basketball team lost }>rince and consistent senior Jimmy only one regular season game the Scott, Coach Carney's linksters were i~:~ ~?'i.~I:I:.,d.s~t:~g~~J~~~J~~~ ::~;~~ :;, ~:~:~; W.V. State Yellow Jackets, losing the sixth to come back from a 4-1 Anyooe desiring a position on the the fust game 7-1 and winning the deficit and take a 5-4 .: ecision · DelPrtnce Wins Golfer Of Year 1977-78 Kanawhachen staff should second game 5-4. Over all the Pio­ No one had more than 1 hit for Another award has been bestowed Year in the WVIAC. Greg grad­ send a letter of application to Bobbie neers have played six games within Glenville but catcher Joedy Moots on another GSC athlete. Greg DelPrine<; uated from Harbor High School in Gaines, yearbook advisor. Most po­ the last 9 days, losing 4 and winning collected two runs batted in, both a freshman golfer from Ashtabula, 1976 where he was a four year sitions will be open. 2. The baseball team has ended its coming in the big six th inning. Tom Ohio has been named Golfer of the letterman and Most Valuable Player season with a 5-23 mark. Oddly Keene got his fust win of the sea­ in the conference his junior and sen­ enough, the team swept no dou ble son. j(oi",~ the distance. ior year. He is a Business Administra­ headers and won the fust game of a The much publicized State Yel- tion major and was quite a catch for twinbill only once. All fIVe of their low Jackets provided the opposition Coach Carney's golf program. wins came in double header splits for the fmal games of the sea­ DelPrince earned the honor of (Tech, Shepherd, Concord, Fairmont son Monday at Rohrbough Field. Golfer of the Year by having the low­ and State) and only against Shep- The Jackets, who were undefeated est average in the two rounds of the herd did they win the opening game. in the division before Monday, spli t state tournament, and four of the The baseballers also fared better on with our Pioneers. six rounds in the regionals. His six the road, winning 3 (Tech, Concord, We lost the lust game 7-1 low scores were 73, 75,77,77,78 and and Fairmont) while away, and only as State pitcher Randy Warner gave up 78 for an average of 76.3 a round. 2 at home. two hits and one uneaneli run. - During the season Greg won med- Salem· 6. 8; GSC - 4, 0 Tom Shreve and Ted Valentine col- alist (lowest score) honors twice. The Salem Tigers came to town lected the only hits, and Roy All­ First at Oxbow with a two round last Wednesday and managed to es­ top went down to llis fifth loSS. total of 150 and at last week's state cape with two victories over the Eddie Hendricks pitched the last two tournament with a two round total G-Men. In the fust game, Salem mnings, giving up no hits and striking of 156. Both times he was a cO­ used two 3 run innings to defeat the out one. medalist, tying with another player Pioneers who were held scoreless The second game had to be the for the honor. Greg gives most until coming up with 4 runs in the most satisfying victory of the year of the credit for his success to Terry last inning. Tom Shreve picked up the for the baseballers as they defeated Crislip, who he said helped him both Tim Shepherd loss, he was relieved by Ralph Smith Sta te 5-4 on the last day of the sea· Greg DelPrince with pointers and by providing stren­ in the seventh inning. Bill Chi­ son. Tom Keane was the hero uous competition. chester got two of the 6 hits smashing a 3 run homer in the six th for the Pioneers and 2 RBis. inning to provide the margin of LAMBDA CHI IS NEW PIONEER In the second g:l me Glenville got victory. Captain Tim Shepherd had The man chosen to wear the only 1 hit, a two out double by Ted 3 hits including a controversial double buckskin and carry the musket the Valentine in the rlrst inning and got that actually cleared the fence and nex t year here at GSC is Roger shu t ou t 8-0. Roy Alltop started and bounced back onto the playing sur­ YOl!:i:;'. Roger was the winner of lost for the Pioneers, although giving face, but was ruled a double by the the annual Pioneer Election. YOllllt up only 1 earned run. He was hurt home plate umpire. Catcher Pat will be the school mascot next year by shoddy field play as the G­ Beebe also contribu ted a double. Dale . during the football and basketball Men committed a season high 7 errors. Norman picked up the win with campaigns. He is a Junior Physi- Fairmont· 4, 4 GSC . 3, 5 relief help from Ralph Smith who cal Education major from Ripley. Saturday the team travelled to struck out the side in the seventh He is the son of Mr. and Sam Mrs. Fairmont for a double header with the inning ~d leaving the tying run on D. Young of Ripley. Roger is also a Falcons and came back with a split second base. member of the Lambda Chi Alpha They lost the fust game ~, the Two seniors played their last fraternity. This past year's Pioneer bottom of the seventh, 4-3 afwr game as a Glenville Pioneer Monday. was Steve Horner from Pennsboro, scoring two runs in the top of the They are first baseman Tim Shep­ W.V. seventh to tie t'.e game at three. herd and outfielder Scott Anderson, Paul Brownlee of Fairmont basket- both Business Administration majors. The entire sports department of ball fame, got the 1 it that drpve in the Tim, who served as the captain The Glenville Mercury would like to Scott Anderson winning run in the seventh. Ralph for this year's tearn lettered 4 years. wish students, faculty and staff Smith went the distance, striking He makes his home in New Martins­ a very happy and profitable summer. RETIRING SENIORS out 5 and walking three. Tom Keene ville. Scott, from Cahokia, illinois has Roger Young and Pat Beebe swun.g heavy bats lettered 2 times. Page Six THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Friday, May 6, 1977

Silas Hicks Erma Langford James Norman Viola Moss Irene Riffle Retiring Retiring Twenty years service Retiring •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Twenty years Service "APPALACHIAN PROSE WRITING" OFFERED • M· M · Ch · RETIREES-Cont. A mountain spring in a mossy hol- guide for writing fieiton, and essays, i a J0 r - In 0 ran ge ! Medical Corps. After completion ( low of shale and fern-a thrush's song and stories abou t 'AI'palachia in our • • his service he worked for the W.Va. It is no longer possible to com- - after a summer rain-my grandpappy libracy collection. In addition, each bine a secondary major with an ele- ernolls for Education 407 for four Dept of Labor (weights and measureL) who taught in a one-room school member of th( lass will receive a mentary 1-6 major without student weeks (8:00 - 12:00) and Education He came to GSC in Sept '57 an. house--how they stole the courthouse copy of the booklet of short stories . teaching two semesters. A secondary 442 (all day M-F) for twelve weeks. held the post of Pioneer Center from Beverly and took it to Elkins-- now being written bYstud-ents in Eng- major can add an unlimited number The 407 is continued one afternoon Director from Sept '57 to the pre,. these are some of the elements that lish 412, Narration and Description. of (7-9) minors; an ele- per week during the twelve weeks of ent He is married to Vera Hicks and can go into a new course being of- Writing assignments will incll' cle a mentacy major can add as many as student teaching. The same is true of they have two children; Carol Ann fered during the first term of the sum- journal kept by each student and three (3) elementary (4-8 or K_12)elementary majors: Education 420 and .Ron, graduates of GSC. One of mer session. practice in fieiton writing leading to minors; but no, stude~t can combine for four weeks (8 :00 - 12:00) and Mr. Hicks' ~ondest memories is mix, A:>palachian Prose Writing, Eng- the composition of two or more short elementary anc1 secondary maj(,>rS Education 444 ( allday M-F) for mg soft dnnks by hand when tho lish 399 , will meet daily at 8:00 a.m. stories. Reading and discussing each . without student teaching a full se- twelve weeks with Education 420 con- Student Union first opened. His to consider hIM' to tum the raw ma- other's work and submitting the f~ mester in each field. tinuing one afternoon per week wife. Vera, is also a GSC alumna terials of a writer's mountain exper- shed products for pUblication will The student throughout the twelve weeks of stu- Mr. James Norman is a Glenville teaching semester ience into fiction. Dr. Barbara W. also be a part of this workshop. dent teaching. resident He came to GSC in Au! is se t up so that the secondary major Tedford Associate Professor of English There is not prerequisite (except '65 when he accepted the post c is the instructor for the course. She that students should have completed Game Room Director. He is retiring encourages all those, Appalachian freshman composition rer uirement). BLUEGRASS & FOLK MUSIC CON CERY after 12 yrs. of service. Mr. Norman natives or not, who want to develop and those who have already taken is married to Helen Norman, and their creative writing ablities to en- English 412 may also enroll in this The Kentucky Foothill Ramblers they have two sons,, attend­ roll. workship COUtse to develop their Joe DoLbs with the Samples Brothers ing of GSC, and Larry, a stu- The texts will include a practical talents further. u !nt at Fainnont State College. The Sweeney Brothers

Little Big Man G.S.c. Amphitheatre The Starring aturday, May 7 Students free with I.D. Dustin Hoffman Towne Sponsored by the Cultwal Affairs Committee Bookstore Friday, May 6 8:00 p.m. Auditorium WOMEN for Students Free with I.D. Retail Manl8llment WOMEN Mother's Day - Sunday, May 8 84 Lumber's Management trainee­ of Cincinnati, Inc. program offers rapid advancement. Graduation Cards A Non·Profit Association Sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Committee bver 150 managers and co-managers 411 Oak Street develop from this program. First full Audrey Rose - Frank DeFelitta 1------..;..------1 Cincinnati. Ohio 45219 BEER POOL calen~ar year earnings exceed $ll,OO~ The Greek Treasure - Irving Stone and benefits and a manager's earnings Abortion - Counseling Wathership Down - Richard Adams can exceed $20.000 pel year. Vasectomy - Ultrasound ....1'11 N We have stores throughou t 30 SCOREBOARD H_: Sat "5 states and open a new store every Telephone 1·513·961·7615 Sua 1~1l:30 30 days. Join a company on the grow Send resume to: Don Wilson HARDWOOD PADDLES OJ NIGHTLY 112 Sherwood Maple, Oteny Williamstown, WV 26187 ,SUMMERS Wlllnut, Oak. FOOSBALL PHARMACY AWARD PLAQUES HUNG/(, Y?!? Go /0 tlrt GlenYilie Pizza Shop Roane Co. Sheltered WorKShop Prescription Druggist P.O. Box 38 Our bank HOUri .... l).f". is known for Spencer, WV 25276 ~ .~ DANC!!! savmgs, Phone AheaCl For Orders .. . checking, 462·7454 EL TOR 0 expert advice S~ARS SUPPER CLUB

Kanawha Union Bank Authorized Cltllog May 6 & 7 Merchlnt ".",ber of til. r .D.l.e. HOOKER HOLLOW SYMPHONY 01",1111, W. VI. 202 E. Meln St. From Cumberland, MD Glenville, W. VI. 10 PM - 2 AM