
HOLLYWOOD IN BROOKLYN Leo’s comings and goings caused the greatest commotion. Finally, he had to be driven the 100 by Elisa Linsky yards from his trailer to the house to keep the girls at bay. The neighborhood children were We West Midwoodites have all become very industrious and somehow managed pictures accustomed to having our neighborhood serve as arm-in-arm with all the celebs, with the the backdrop for various commercials, music exception of Scorsese, who wore enormous videos, and movies, but the activity at the black-framed eyeglasses and was always Benjamin home on Dekoven Court on August 15 surrounded by a phalanx of assistants, was exceptional even to the most jaded resident. cinematographers, and production people. That’s because the Benjamins had their house was the most gregarious; while chosen for the big Warner Brothers film The the others ran back to their trailers after each Departed, ’s much anticipated shot, he hung around the catering tent, signing new movie. autographs and having his picture taken, saying It is set in , and while the producers things like, “It’s so nice here; like Long Island. were very coy about the plot, it features Boston’s This can’t be Brooklyn.” Finest engaging in various rogue activities, There must have been 100 crew members, all including cutting each other’s heads off and for a one-minute scene, and four gigantic lifts for having them land in cereal bowls (a scene the lights that they hoisted about 40 feet up into planned to be shot at the Steinfelds’ on Dekoven, the trees. They also brought a fake moon, which but that was later moved to a sound stage). was a black-and-white dirigible that was lit from stars , Alec the inside. They assured us, when we asked, that Baldwin, , , Martin it cast a glow just like the moon. We pointed to Sheen, and Leonardo DiCaprio. The crew the real, almost-full moon in the treetops, but arrived six days before the shooting date to they scoffed; not real enough apparently. remove all the Benjamins’ furniture, reconfigure Finally, they wrapped inside the house and their first floor, bring in new furniture, and hang shot a scene outside in the yard. Martin Sheen pictures of Martin Sheen’s fake children. The arrives in a car, walks up the front path, and sees house was to serve as Sheen’s Boston apartment. DiCaprio hiding behind a tree. They have a Finally the big day arrived. Monday at about heated, whispered conversation, and Sheen tells 7 p.m., Martin Scorsese, Martin Sheen, and, best Leo to go around the back, at which point he of all, Leonardo DiCaprio marched down runs down the Linskys’ walk and goes into the Dekoven Court and into the house. There was backyard. Well, they did this about a thousand much shrieking all around, and everyone within times, with Leo pacing the street in circles, a mile descended on our fragile lawns in order to smoking, and talking to himself between takes. get a good view of the proceedings. Apparently he’s a method actor. Sheen was Initially, the job of crowd control fell to the joking with the crew and eating watermelon, but residents of Dekoven Court. The producers he is, of course, the President and so, much more seemed to underestimate the tumult a DiCaprio relaxed. appearance would provoke. Finally, some crew They wrapped for good at about 1:30 a.m. members set up traffic cones to keep the crowds and were gone in about 20 minutes. Order was at bay, and all the neighbors, including the finally restored. An exciting day and night in the evicted Benjamins, settled on the stoops to neighborhood. watch.