Notes from the Undercroft St. John’s Episcopal Church A house of worship for all people since 1845 “We are partners in Christ with the love of God on our lips and in our lives.”

Registration is required. There are three ways to May 2020 accomplish that: 1. By phone: 1-800-559-4880; 2. On the web: ; and 3. Via mail: SFSD, PO Box 505, Lyndora, PA A WORD ABOUT 16045. (Forms are available on the bulletin board in the Undercroft.) SCHEDULES Tuition is $16.00/student. Make checks payable to Since the parish will remain closed for public “SFSD”. services, and since our buildings will also remain Those who take this course may qualify for a 5% closed to meetings, the schedules shown in this discount on their insurance for a period of three month’s newsletter are all tentative. years. If Bishop Scanlan gives permission for us to re- Saturday, May 30 th open prior to her currently-projected re-opening date of May 31 st , we’ll let you know. MAY’S BIKE RIDE May’s outing on the Lower Trail will take place HISTORIC SUPPLEMENT on Saturday, May 30 th . Meeting time in the parish At the end of this month’s newsletter, you will parking lot is 10:00 a.m. find another installment of an historic supplement. Ride pace and length are determined by those Each month’s newsletter in the coming year will attending. feature another installment in this series, and it will If possible, we’ll convene for lunch/breakfast feature articles and information from the Historic following the ride. Book Committee, whose research into the parish’s To sign up, please let the Rector know of your history has resulted in a treasure trove of interest. information about our past.

This month’s topic has to do with worship and Sunday, May 31 st liturgy. WEAR RED SUNDAY Wednesday, May 20 th It’s a St. John’s parish tradition, each year on the SAFE DRIVING COURSE Feast of Pentecost, to gather outside on the front steps of the church (weather permitting) to take a RESCHEDULED parish photo. The safe driving course for seniors, originally This year, on Sunday, May 31 st , we’ll be able to scheduled to be held on Wednesday, April 1 st in the do that again (hopefully, the shutdown will have Undercroft, as been rescheduled. The new date is ended on that date), and this year’s photo session Wednesday, May 20 th . Meeting time is 5:00 p.m. will have the added excitement for the parish, for it will be (hopefully) the first time that we’ve been able to conduct a Sunday morning service since the Thank you, St. John’s, for your prayers and middle of March. monetary support, given on the first Sunday of the So plan to wear red on that Sunday (your St. month. And thank you to the kitchen crew. We are John’s tee are ideal for this, if you have one). so blessed to be able to help provide a homemade, hot meal to our neighbors. CHANGES MADE TO THE Our next Soup Kitchen date will be Thursday, June 4 th . SOUP KITCHEN ON APRIL Carol Weyer 2ND DUE TO THE COVID- 19 PANDEMIC The way in which things were done changed JUNIATA CAMPUS again the day before St. John’s was responsible for the Community Soup Kitchen on April 2 nd . We MINISTRY IN THE TIME usually have about thirteen-plus volunteers, Now, OF COVID-19 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC allows only four people in the kitchen at a time. Hi St. John's family! Sandy, Joe and Todd made the baked ziti. They At the invitation of Father Tucker, we (Dani and put a generous serving, topped with parmesan Adrienne) wanted to provide a little glimpse of what cheese and a slice of bread and butter, in the take- ministry at Juniata has looked like over the past five out boxes. They fruit was cut up and put in sealed weeks. While ministry at Juniata's campus may be take-out cups. Michelle made the tossed salad and at a standstill, ministry with Juniata students is very packaged it. much alive and well! Of course the loss of face to face relationship and interaction with students in Louise made thirteen dozen beautifully decorated their own spaces of significance (sporting events, Easter cookies and a Texas sheet cake. Pat forums, academic presentations, and other formal McCloskey made a delicious chocolate cake and a and informal events) is disappointing, but we are colorful confetti cake. Amy put the desserts in incredibly grateful that, overall, this has not been a containers. loss in relationship. Our main transition has been to Louise brought a huge bucket of assorted varieties shift our fellowship and discipleship meetings to of yellow daffodils. She asked, as they were given online or other mediums. Juniata Christian out, to say, “These are given with love and prayers.” Fellowship, the weekly campus fellowship group, She thought they would brighten the clients’ day has now had four weeks of meetings via Zoom. The and make them smile. transition, under Dani's leadership in her advisory The containers of food were placed on the serving role, has been gamely led by the club's four student table and handed out by Amy and Michelle, the Co- leaders, and they have responded capably and directors. Folks came in the parking lot door to the resiliently to the challenge of staying connected and church, ten at a time, were given a bag and handed caring for their fellow students in this season. As a the take-out containers. They went out by the fellowship we've discussed perseverance in seasons Mifflin Street door. Social distancing was of disruption and dryness (digging into Psalm 84), maintained. the events leading up to and surrounding Palm Sunday in the gospel narratives, and the concept of One hundred and two boxes of each item were God as protector. Conversations have been rich and prepared. Sixty-two people signed up online. Most students have been engaged! We've also continued of the regular clients came. There were a lot of new discussions on Genesis with a group of students faces. Michelle and Amy are determined to keep the who were previously spending the semester at Soup Kitchen open. Some churches are having Juniata's Raystown Lake Field Station. We are trouble getting volunteers and a few aren’t coming. grateful that we've also been able to continue It is understandable with this COVID-19 pandemic regular discipleship and mentorship meetings with going on. individual students, either online or on the phone. Just as there seems to be a drive to connect within our society as a whole during this season, we have Perhaps as a result of this misconception, the also found in students a desire, willingness, and number of clients who were coming to the Food even more flexible and free schedules to be in these Pantry had dropped off. conversations of significance together! Through it Fortunately, steps have been taken to correct the all, we are moving forward, with hope, to plan for misinformation. The Food Pantry is, indeed, open the fall semester, in our individual and joint work as for receiving donations, and they are, indeed, well as alongside the Campus Ministry department serving those in need. at Juniata. St. John’s continues to support this vital ministry Though technology is not our favorite medium, in this time in which the need has increased we are grateful for the opportunity it presents to markedly. Please be generous in your support, as stay connected to students. And while we greatly you are able. miss being able to worship in a weekly space together and share about these things with you over Little Free Pantry delicious coffee hour snacks, we are grateful for The LFP has been quite busy lately. your fellowship and support from afar and for this invitation from Father Tucker to share more directly We’ve noticed a significant increase in the with you about this unique season. You are in our amount of items that are being donated by the thoughts and prayers as you weather your own community. (So, that makes us wonder if the uptick challenges, shifted patterns, and losses of this time. is due to the misconception that the Huntingdon We look forward to being together again soon! Area Food Pantry had been closed.) With love in Christ, When donations are made by the community, the Dani and Adrienne task of managing the LFP changes a bit: Items that are likely to be taken out, opened up and scattered are removed (two items in this category are A SUMMARY OF OUR uncooked beans and uncooked rice). In addition, OUTREACH WORK items whose containers are opened are removed, as are food stuffs which have passed their expiration Huntingdon Area Food Pantry dates. In April we contributed a total of 67 items to the Due to the large number of people who are now Food Bank: 40 cans of fruit, 9 cans of soup, 5 cans out of work, the expectation is that demands on the of vegetable, 2 packages of noodles, 1 bag of rice, LFP will increase.) and 10 other items. Designated Offerings The food bank continues to be open and to provide this essential support to the community The most recent monthly financial report shows during the current health emergency. Thank you all that the parish donated the following amounts to for your gifts! If you would prefer to send a those entities that are supported by each Sunday’s monetary donation, you can send it to St Johns, with designated offerings: "Food Pantry" in the memo line, or send it directly Huntingdon County Food Pantry: $353.00 to the Food bank, in care of the First United St. John’s Discretionary Fund: $359.00 Methodist Church. (Does not include a $100.00/month contribution Thank you! from the parish’s budget.) Community Soup Kitchen: $153.00 Kathleen Barlow ERD Animal Fund: $259.80 (Editor’s note: In the week following Easter, we Fuel & Utility Fund $100.00 became aware of a misconception that was Discretionary Fund (apparently) making its way through the community: That the Huntingdon Area Food Pantry Since the last report, the Discretionary Fund was closed to receiving donations, and to serving offered support to individuals. In addition, a grant in clients. the amount of $200.00 was also made to the CCO Juniata Campus Ministry. PARISH WEBSITE IS • Fifth Sunday: Forum Fuel & Utility Fund OPERATIONAL! May God richly bless you! St. John’s new parish website is now up and running. VESTRY You may access it at: St. John’s Vestry receives recurring reports (Treasurer, Junior Warden/Property, Senior Deb Tucker has worked throughout this time of Warden, Rector, etc.) at each of its monthly shutdown to get the new site composed. Indeed, it’s meetings, which usually take place on the second a silver to the cloud we’ve been living under. Wednesday of each month. Your comments about the website, and The April meeting took place via the online contributions to it, are welcome. Please be in touch meeting platform known as Zoom, and took place th with Deb about making contributions. on the 15 . At that meeting, the Vestry received and considered the following:

Repeated from Last Month • Treasurer Deborah McCloskey said that she intends to deposit all pledges and gifts that GIVING HABITS IN are received in the month that they are TRYING TIMES received. “The Lord loves a cheerful giver,” St. Paul • Deacon Charlie Cruikshank reported that reminds us in II Corinthians 9:7. almost all the components of a new sound system have been received. In this very difficult time, when we are (temporarily) unable to meet inside our church for • Financial arrangements for April were worship, there are still ways to offer gifts in reviewed, in light of the current closure of thanksgiving for the Lord’s generosity to us and to the parish. others. • Vestry engaged in a discussion of how Consider the following ways: members thought the parish was faring in light of the shutdown. • Drop an offering or pledge by the parish office. If the office is closed, your gift may • Danielle Erdley and Adrienne Willhoft were be dropped into the mail box on the front of thanked for their expertise and support in Episcopal House, which is always locked. making the videotaping of Sunday services possible. Deb Tucker was thanked for • Mail your gift to the church at 212 Penn creating the new parish website. Street, Huntingdon 16651, • Vestry is scheduled to meet in May on Make an online contribution through the Wednesday, the 13 th . Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in diocesan website (gifts made in this way still the Undercroft. (Alternative arrangements may have go to St. John’s): to be made for this meeting, if the parish is still closed at that time.) Any interested parish member Finally, though offerings may be made at any time is invited to attend Vestry meetings as an observer. for our designated offerings, here is (by way of Copies of the Vestry agenda, Minutes of the most reminder) our designated offering schedule, which recent meeting, a Treasurer’s report and the is: Rector’s Report are posted on the bulletin board in • First Sunday: Community Soup Kitchen the Undercroft. • Second Sunday: Discretionary Fund • Third Sunday: Huntingdon Food Pantry • Fourth Sunday: ERD Animal Fund RECTOR’S RAMBLES (Pentecost refers to the number fifty, the number of days in our Eastertide season). (A monthly column which addresses a wide range The Holy Spirit’s “breaking in” informs us that of topics.) God’s spirit isn’t simply something that emanates or “Breaking In” goes forth from God, but this Holy Spirit is God As we read passages of Holy Scripture, we Himself, God’s power made available to all who encounter the wonderful reality that – from time to seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. time – God has a wonderful habit of breaking into The Spirit lights the way forward for us, reminds our human experience. us of what Jesus has taught us, energizes us to do For example, consider God’s “breaking in” by the Lord’s will, corrects us when we stray, comforts calling Moses out of the burning bush to tell him us when we are in need, and so forth. that he was to be the one who would lead God’s God continues to “break into” our human people out of bondage in Egypt back to the land of experience even in these difficult days. I don’t Israel. (See Exodus, chapter three.) know about you, but I need those “breakings in” to Or, for another example, how about the words of remind me that I am not alone, that God is still in the Old Testament prophets, who spoke God’s truth charge, and that by the teaching and example of to God’s people, often in trying and difficult times: Jesus, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, you There’s another example of God’s “breaking in”. and I can be given the will and the power to persevere and to conquer every challenge and In the fullness of time, God breaks into our human difficulty that might come our way. experience by sending Jesus Christ to come among us, to be fully human, to know the heartbreaks, the Thanks be to God! joys, the sorrows and the victories that make up our Fr. Gene+ human experience. God’s “breaking in” in the person of Jesus makes PARISH PRAYER LIST us aware of old truths made new again, in much the PARISH PRAYER LIST Doug Kinney, the Frazier same way that the Old Testament prophets served to family, Mary Jane Myers, Rosanne Moran, nine- remind God’s people of some important things that year-old Gus Shumow, Mike Malovic, Den Young, had gotten lost along the way: For example, Jesus Reed Henderson, John Terrizzi, Alicia Kough, reminds us of old-truths-made-new-again like the Homer Starr, Tammy Bair, Will & Olivia, Fr. David reality of God’s nature, which is holy and righteous, Baumann & his family, Rick Shope, Christie Webb, but also merciful and loving, all at the same time. the Miller family, Molly Grenfell, Darrel Horne, Jesus comes and breaks in, reminding God’s people Sally Hershey, Brian, Tom Pheasant, Dean Shope, that to be close to God doesn’t come from mindless Donald (Doc) Rudy, Judy Wilson, Joseph Palchak, obedience to rules and regulations. Instead, our Verna Wagner, Rebecca Peachey, John Waddell, Lord reminds those people of old (and us) that to be Fran Allison, the Leidy family, Dr. Bill Bressler, close to God requires a change of the heart, a Trooper Jason Brindle, Larry and Bethanne change that God’s Holy Spirit brings about by Wesgaites and family, and Lorie McCuller.. making it possible for our innermost spiritual life to FOR THE DEPARTED: Dr. Thomas “Tim” match our outward quest to be God’s holy people. Mainzer, Craig Taylor SPECIAL PRAYER INTENTIONS: For the Jesus comes and breaks in, showing us the way to residents and staff of the Episcopal Home in the Father, reminding us that God hasn’t abandoned Shippensburg (which will close on September 30 th , humanity, that God continues to care for and love 2020); for all those who have fallen ill with the the world He created. coronavirus; for those in the medical profession Then, in the fullness of time, fifty days after the who seek to protect human life; for those who have Lord’s resurrection on Easter Sunday, God breaks lost their jobs due to the viral outbreak; for those in again, sending the Holy Spirit in powerful, who struggle with addiction; for those who lack undeniable fashion, lighting upon the heads of those basic necessities like shelter, clothing and food; for who had gathered for the feast of Pentecost those who become refugees due to violence, war and economic necessity; for the culture of violence in our society; and for greater levels of mutual respect and understanding to be evident in our Birthdays for May nation. 1st Elaine Africa THOUGHT FOR MAY 2nd Bettianne Quinn “…. Christ has entered, not into holy places made 3rd Dottie Wawrose with hands, which are copies of the true things, but th into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of 7 James (Jack) Barlow God on our behalf.” Hebrews 9:24 (English th 11 Pattie Cruikshank Standard Version) 14 th Allen Ettenger

17 th Hunter Vlasak

25 th Joe Arsenault

Saints’ Days for Wednesday “““HAPPY“HAPPY BBBIRTHDAYBIRTHDAY Services 6th Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop of TO ALL” Constantinople, 389 AD ( Advanced from May 9 th Anniversaries for May th 13 Easter Feria 3rd Stewart & Cheryl Kurtz 20 th Ascension Day (Advanced from May 21 st ) 4th Fr. Ken & Sharon Aldrich 27 th Augustine, First Archbishop of Canterbury, 604 AD (Transferred from May 26 th ) “May happiness be yours, Today and Always”

Please email or hand deliver your news/events for the June newsletter to the Rector by May 26 th .

CONTACT INFORMATION Fr. Tucker: 814-644-3677 (Cell) [email protected] (Email) Parish Office: 814-643-4732 (Normal office hours: Tue, Wed & Thu, 9:00 a.m. – Noon)

May 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Weekly Schedule: 1 2 AA – Sun, 7:00 NA – Tue, 7:30 5:30 Evening AA – Wed, 10:00 Prayer AA – Fri, 8:00 SS. PHILIP & JAMES, APOSTLES

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9:00 Bible 12:00 Noon Healing 5:30 Evening Study 3:00 STPW Service Prayer 10:00 Holy


7 Honoring May birthdays & anniversaries

5:00 Evensong

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

9:00 Bible 12:00 Noon 5:30 Evening Study Healing Service Prayer

10:00 Holy

Eucharist 7:00 Vestry

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

9:00 Bible 12:00 Noon Healing ASCENSION DAY 5:30 Evening

Study Service Prayer

10:00 Holy 5:00 Safe Driving Eucharist Course

24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30

9:00 Bible MEMORIAL DAY 12:00 Noon Healing 5:30 Evening 10:00 Parish Study Service Prayer Bike 10:00 Holy Ride Eucharist


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St. John’s Episcopal Church May 2020 Huntingdon, PA 200th Anniversary Reflections

How can I worship thee? Artist and year unknown This past month and continuing into May have been unique in so many ways. Our theme for Inside this issue this month is to look at worship at St John’s. Church History ……..…….…...... … 2 This year with the Coronavirus our worship has This Month in St. John’s History ….... 3 changed, but not ended. We are practicing social Altar Guild ………………….….…… 3 isolation and our church doors are temporarily Worship Liturgical practices – closed. Worship has taken a new form and a new part 1 the Prayer book ….……....…. 4 life as we venture into this new land. It reminds What it means to me to be a me of Godspell and Psalm 137 verse 4, “How Eucharistic Minister …………....…… 8 could we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign Past Services & Sermons from land?” This year we have taken our song and Huntingdon Daily News ……...... … 8 worship to new places and new levels – Worship Liturgical practices – especially in social media. part 2 Vestments and Clerical Garb ……… 9 Come join us on our journey as we look at the Conclusion ……….…………….……….…… 10 last 200 years… 60 + years of Helping with Worship ...10 Ecumenically ……………….……… 11 Faithfully, Last month update – Organ ………….11 Bettianne Quinn Fun trip through time…last pages

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Church History

From: P 874 BCP – Articles of Religion As established by the Bishops, the Clergy, and the Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, in Convention, on the twelfth day of September, in the Year of our Lord, 1801.

XXXIV. Of the Traditions of the Church. (1801)

It is not necessary that the Traditions and Ceremonies be in all places one, or utterly like; for at all times they have been divers, and may be changed according to the diversity of countries, times, and men's manners, so that nothing be ordained against God's Word. Whosoever, through his private judgment, willingly and purposely, doth openly break the Traditions and Ceremonies of the Church, which be not repugnant to the Word of God, and be ordained and approved by common authority, ought to be rebuked openly, (that others may fear to do the like,) as he that offendeth against the common order of the Church, and hurteth the authority of the Magistrate, and woundeth the consciences of the weak brethren.

Even then – diversity was allowed – up to a point…

The First Book of Common Prayer, 1549, is appropriately observed on a weekday following the Day of Pentecost. This year, (2020), that will be June 1

2. Of the Holy Spirit - Preface of Pentecost Almighty and most merciful God, grant that by the indwelling of your Holy Spirit we may be enlightened and strengthened for your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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This Month in Altar Guild St. John’s History By Kari Tietjens “The duty of the altar guild is to prepare all the things  May 9, 1876 Rev. Charles necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist or any of the Mead accepted the call to other sacraments and office of the church. The preparations rectorship and began are done in a manner so that any service may be conducted in preaching on May 11. He decency, order and beauty for the worship of Almighty God resigned in 1878. and his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”

 In May 1892 Rev. John The Complete Training Course for Altar Guilds, Warnock came for 7 B. Don Taylor months.  May 23, 1898 – The Every time we celebrate the Eucharist, we are performing a center aisle was installed miniature version of the passion play, from our Palm Sunday in the church. celebration. The Altar Guild members are the stagehands, the  May 5, 1923 – Rev. Dr. wardrobe personnel, and the set designers. George W. Lamb, Rector- The Altar Guild looks at their work as a sacred trust, which it services on Sun. - Church School 9:30 am; Holy is. It is this fervent zeal that can be so detail oriented and law Communion and Sermon abiding that it might be intimidating. Altar Guild directresses 10:30 Am; Evening prayer at St. John’s include the likes of Bunny Langdon, Mary Ellen and sermon 7:30 pm. We Rosenhoover, and Marie Rodli. These women enforced the extend to strangers in the expectations and decorum passed down from generation to city and visitors a hearty generation. To this day, the same set-up guidelines, rules for welcome to our church ironing, and liturgical colors remain posted in the Sacristy. and its services. The pews are all free. However, the modern Altar Guild is much more than the police officers of all things sacred at St. John’s. It is a  May 1965 Rev. Norman fellowship of volunteers who enjoy the behind the scenes work Crews became our of preparing the church to glorify God. They revel in the minister. shininess of the brass after a good polishing and cringe during

 Mission of Renewal was services when they notice a missed detail. It is being a part of held (April 28 - May 1, something greater and creating a reverent atmosphere 1968). Money received conducive to worshipping our Lord. . during the mission was forwarded to the diocese for use toward the purchase of an automobile Gracious God, bless your Church and all who minister at for the Bishop of Ghana. the altars and care for sacred vessels and . Give us an awareness of beauty and mindfulness in holy places that we may enable others to worship and set forward the coming of your Kingdom, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen. P a g e | 4

WORSHIP: LITURGICAL PRACTICES By Rev. Gene Tucker Part 1 - The Prayer Book Evidence shows that the earliest Anglican more of the phrases). So, another attempt was worship in Huntingdon took place in or made, resulting in the 1789 edition of the about the year 1774, when the founder of American Prayer Book. This new edition made Huntingdon, the Rev. Dr. William Smith led extensive use of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s services here. Considering that Smith was a Eucharistic prayer. The 1789 edition’s Church of England (Anglican) priest, such communion service closely resembles the Rite I worship would have been conducted Eucharistic rite in our current, 1979 book. according to the requirements of the Church of England’s Prayer Book, the 1662 edition (which is still the official book of the English Church). When the American Revolution took place, Anglicans in this country were deeply affected. For one thing, many of its clergy fled the country, going to Canada or back to the Mother Country. (Of course, it’s worth remembering that the Church in the colonies was plagued by a continual shortage of clergy, owing to the fact that there were never bishops on this side of the Atlantic.) But for another, Anglicans now had to chart a course forward in being able to re- organize the Church in recognition of the political changes that had taken place with the winning of independence. That meant that the English Prayer Book, which contained prayers for the monarch, had to be Figure 1- 1789 prayer book revised. As time went along, there were some minor The first attempt at revision of the American revisions made to the 1789 edition. (It is the Prayer Book took place in 1785. Once a 1789 edition that was used when our church draft was completed, it was sent across to building was consecrated by Bishop Potter in England for review by some bishops there. late 1845. We’ll be using that edition when we They flatly turned down the revision (one re-consecrate our building on November 22 nd of reason was that the wording of the Apostles’ this year. . Creed had been changed, omitting one or P a g e | 5

Then, another revision took place in 1892. The became known as Rite I, but Rite II offered us changes from the first American Prayer Book to “you” and “your”. Moreover, the stately the second weren’t terribly major. That was also language of the Psalms in the older editions, the case when the 1892 book gave way to the which made use of the translation of Miles 1928 edition, which is one that many of our Coverdale, gave way to contemporary use. In parishioners of “riper years” (a Prayer Book addition to the changes in language (known as phrase) will remember with fondness. the “rite”), this new Prayer Book (many of us still call it the “new” Prayer Book), also made use of much older liturgical material. For example, much of Eucharistic Prayer D in Rite II is drawn from the Liturgy of St. Basil, which is fourth century material. So, in this sense, the new edition became much more of a “catholic” (no, not Roman Catholic) book, and less of a book whose inspiration was drawn from the Reformation in the sixteenth century. The 1979 edition has served the Church well for over forty years now. Its strengths include its flexibility (in the older editions, there was only one choice of a Eucharistic prayer, for example), its sound theology, and its deepened catholicity, which drew on many very old liturgical sources. But now, at the 2018 General Convention, the Church has authorized the Figure 2 1907 Prayer book (bq owns) process by which a replacement book will be But the 1979 edition did bring about many created. It’s envisioned that the creation of a major changes, provoking a strong reaction replacement book will take about twelve years within the Church. For one thing, this new to bring about. It will be interesting to see what edition included rites in contemporary language comes of this process, and what the final (known as Rite II). The traditional language product will look like. “thee” and “thou” were still to be and in what

During this time of social isolation - I remember this hymn - I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together! All who follow Jesus, all around the world! Yes, we're the church together! The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place, the church is God’s People! … so while the building may be closed the church lives on… (B. Quinn)

(Words © 1972 Hope Publishing Company, 380 S Main Pl, Carol Stream, IL 60188) P a g e | 6

If we had a time machine that could take us So, then, Morning Prayer was the commonly back to the early years of Huntingdon’s expected liturgy for Sunday morning. Along existence, and into the time frame of St. John’s with an orientation toward the Daily Office first years existence, we’d be surprised to see (Morning and Evening Prayer), announcements how different some aspects of the Church’s of services read like a menu: “Morning Prayer worship life were back then, when compared to and Sermon”, or “Morning Prayer, Holy what we are used to today. Some of the reasons Baptism and Sermon”, etc. (At least a person for the changes that have come about can be had some idea of what they were in for when traced to the Oxford Movement, which arose in they came to church!) England in the 1830s and which attempted to recapture more of the Anglican Church’s “catholic” (no, not Roman Catholic) roots and practices. But other practices changed as Anglicans (and other Christians) took note of the changes that Vatican II brought about in the Roman Catholic Church. For Catholics, the changes involved moving from Latin into English (or some other language that was commonly spoken). For Episcopalians, our version of this change was to create worship materials using contemporary language.

Figure 4 - Ad in the Daily News 1 Feb 1958

Today, of course, we simply say “Holy Communion” or “Holy Eucharist” or “Mass” (if you’re an Anglo-Catholic like me). It was Figure 3 Chalice & Paten on altar the adoption of the “new” Prayer Book in the 1970s that made the Eucharist the principal act of worship on Sundays. In part, a recognition For one thing, offering the Sacrament of Holy that the Eucharist had been the principal act of Communion was a fairly rare event in those worship on Sundays can be traced to a desire to first years, and for much of the parish’s return to deeper, older, “catholic” roots. existence. Once per month (or, in some places, only once a quarter) was the norm. P a g e | 7

(The net effect of more frequent Eucharistic God’s people, a people who value everyone’s Celebrations, connected to the new Prayer active participation in bringing into being the Book’s adoption, was that it made parishes that Kingdom of God. were historically “low Church” higher, and it The manual acts which accompanied the made many of the “high Church” parishes a bit liturgical action changed over the years, as lower in their liturgical practice.) well. Perhaps in an attempt to avoid medieval liturgical practice which came to revere the Eucharistic elements of bread and wine, the things that were done in celebrating the Holy Communion were very simple. There was no elevation of the host and the wine, for example. (Notice in the current Prayer Book that there is no mention, still, of elevating the host and the wine in the directions (rubrics) that the Celebrant is to follow.) In the very early years, in accordance with the accepted practice of the 1662 Prayer Book, the priest presided at Eucharist by standing at the left side (the north side) of the altar. (This, too, was an outgrowth of a desire to avoid the excesses of medieval liturgical practice.) The Figure 5 Huntingdon Daily News 1924 altar itself was set against the east wall of the church. As the nineteenth century unfolded, the For another, the role of the clergy changed with the reforms that took place in the 1970s. Many priest stood in front of the altar, but of our parishioners who recall the 1928 Prayer away from the congregation. With the coming Book will recall a time when the priest did of the 1979 book, the altar was moved out from virtually everything in the service: The priest the wall in places where the architecture would (all men until the mid-1970s) read the lessons permit, and the Celebrant (now including women) stood behind the altar, facing the (which included an Epistle and a Gospel, plus a congregation. (This, too, was another Psalm, but no Old Testament readings in most outgrowth of the reforms of Vatican II.) cases), led all the prayers, presided over the Eucharist, and administered both the host (bread) and the wine. Members of the congregation could stand to sing or hear the Gospel read, sit to hear instruction, and kneel to pray. Other than those actions, they were pretty much observers, not participants, in the liturgy. The 1979 book changed all that. Now, we have Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers who take an active part in the service. In my view, such a change reflects who we are as Figure 6 St Johns Altar P a g e | 8

What it means to me to be a Eucharistic Minister By Carol Weyer Past Services & I have been a Eucharistic Minister since becoming a member Sermon titles of St. John’s in 2001. Early on, while Fr. Tom Warne was from the Huntingdon here, we didn’t have a Rota, because we had very few Daily News… Eucharistic Ministers and one Crucifer.

I always served at the 8:00 service, and most of the time, for 1929 June 22 There will be the 10:00 service. We did not have a Deacon at that time, services at St. John’s tomorrow which meant that the Eucharistic Ministers had more morning at 10:45 a.m. with Rev. responsibility. Many times, I would come into church and sit Howard Leper of Ohio in charge. down, when Fr. Tom would motion for me to come to the (Newspaper 6/22/1929) Sacristy. He needed a Eucharistic Minister. I loved serving. 1932 Fri. Feb 19,– Tonight there To me, being a Eucharistic Minister is a privilege and a will be a service at St. John’s. special way to worship God. It is very humbling and brings Chaplain Holmes will speak on the me closer to God. Eating the bread (his body) and drinking subject, “Do I Pray?” (Newspaper 2/19/1932) the wine (his blood), show that we are remembering Christ’s death for us. It renews our commitment to serve him. It 1935 June 16, – St. John’s will strengthens me spiritually. Whether helping Fr. Tucker observe Trinity Sunday … The prepare the table and holding the cup for people to drink Rev. William Sherwood, will from, or in just listening to him, I can feel the presence of deliver the sermon, on the subject, God as he speaks from his heart with sincerity & love. Fr. “The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity – Tucker has taught me a lot about serving as a Eucharistic What Does It Mean to Practical Christian Living Today?” … Minister. (Newspaper 6/15/1935) Several years ago, a small group of us were trained as 1945 Tues. Feb. 27 -a Lenten Eucharistic Visitors at St. Luke’s in Altoona. We would take Service of Evensong and the Litany communion to shut-ins. will be held at St John's church at 7:30 PM; Guest preacher, the Rev John N Peabody, Vicar, Saint Andrew’s Church, State College, and Chaplain to the Episcopal students at Pennsylvania State College. (Newspaper 2/26/1945)

1972 March 25, -The Rev John Whitney, Ph.D. …will be the guest preacher for the Good Friday Tenbrae service…He will preach on “Our Lord of the Shadows.” (Newspaper 3/25/1972) Figure 7 - Carol Weyer as Eucharistic Minister – Apr. 7, 2020 2020 P a g e | 9

WORSHIP: LITURGICAL PRACTICES By Rev. Gene Tucker Part 2 - Vestments and Clerical Garb Old paintings of clergy in the eighteenth With the adoption of the “new” Prayer Book, century reveal that it was common for them to Eucharistic Vestments became the norm for the wear robes, perhaps with flowing , and Celebrant to wear. Some parishes continue to make with some sort of a length of cloth around the use of a cassock, surplice and colored stole for neck (perhaps made of ). I imagine that’s leading Eucharist, but my guess would be that fewer how Dr. Smith was attired when he led and fewer parishes continue this practice. (If you services here in Huntingdon in the 1770s. look at old photographs taken in the parish, you’ll see evidence of the wear of a cassock, surplice and As the nineteenth century unfolded, many stole. It wasn’t so long ago that the move to clergy began to wear black cassocks and white Eucharistic Vestments took place at St. John’s.) surplices. When presiding over the Daily Instead, the Eucharistic Vestments worn today Office (Morning or Evening Prayer), they include a stole and a chasuble (the one-piece would wear a black stole-like appendage garment that goes over the shoulders), and in the called a tippet. When presiding over the case of Anglo-Catholic parishes, a cope (a cape-like Eucharist, a colored stole appropriate to the garment that extends nearly to the floor). season was worn.

Figure 8 Rev. Gene Tucker wearing a tippet 2020 The clerical also came into use as the nineteenth century progressed. (In seminary, I heard it said that clergy collars evolved from gentlemen’s formal wear of a generation or two earlier. For example, the so-called broad was said to have grown out of the use of a detachable collar which men wore on formal occasions, but which could be easily cleaned in Pittsburgh during the days of Figure 9 Bishop Michael Creighton and the steel industry. I’m not sure how true that Rev. Tom Warne, Rector Feb. 22, 1998 account is, but it’s interesting to think about.)

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Conclusion 60+ Years of helping with Worship Though much as changed as the years have at St. John’s unfolded, some things have remained constant. By J. Murray Africa Anglicans valued the same sorts of things in the Starting out with Father Pedrette, I was an early years of our parish’s history as we do acolyte in the middle 1950’s. This was before a today. That list would include: A love of beauty free-standing altar. We would genuflect instead in our worship, a practical sense of how to live of bowing in front of the cross. There was a full the Christian life and a value for the history of choir then at the front of the church. our parish and the Church, among others. Communion was on the first and third Sundays. We are also a Prayer Book people, which is a Morning Prayer was on the other Sundays. unique and wonderful way to be a Christian There was an 8 AM communion service every according to the Episcopal/Anglican tradition. Sunday. During Lent there was a covered dish meal followed by an evening church service every Wednesday.

Figure 12 St. John's altar originally Figure 10 Huntingdon Daily News Feb. 11, 1928 p. 2 In the early 1970’s we started with the trial Prayer Book. Not everyone was happy with the changes! Vance Clark was vicar. We were yoked with Tyrone at that time. St John’s had different people reading the lessons, since Father Clark had two services. We also started having our coffee and doughnuts after the church service. Figure 11 1970's Trial books P a g e | 11

Father Alfred Traverse was next. The 1977 Ecumenically - the church Prayer Book was adopted, and we are still using it. This is when we had members trained as lay continues to reach out to other readers. On two occasions I helped with denominations… Morning Prayer reading a prepared sermon. By Bettianne Quinn Father Traverse was high church. Not only have we shared services on Good Patricia Thomas was the first woman ordained Friday with other churches in Huntingdon – in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. At this “but a milestone in interdenominational time, we moved the Altar forward so it was free relations took place among parishioners of two standing. We also started having the parish Huntingdon churches” in 1983. “Area Lutherans picnic at Terrizzi’s summer place up Mill Creek and Episcopalians joined for two shared Hollow. Eucharist services, thus marking the first time When Donald Evans was at St. John’s several of the denominations have partaken of the Lord’s us were trained as Eucharistic Ministers. This is Supper together. The first Eucharist shared by a ministry I can help with at St. John’s, along the congregations of St. James Lutheran Church with reading scriptures. and St. John’s Episcopal Church will be held Sunday at St. James Church, Sixth and Mifflin Each Rector or Vicar has their own way of streets. The Rev. Harry Smyser, host pastor, conducting services. will celebrate the Holy Communion and the Friar Tuck (Father Gene Tucker) –a good man- Rev. Patricia Thomas, vicar of St. John’s, will came to us 5 years ago. Recently he suffered an preach…” (Huntingdon Daily News on Nov 4, 1993 operation and by Sunday he was conducting the remembering 10 years ago…) service and greeting parishioners from a stool! This past month has shown us that our church With Covid 19 it may change the way we doors can now be opened to the world through worship for many years to come. live streaming of services, Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, and other forms of online ministry – YET - our own church doors have been shut before - due to an epidemic of Small Pox in the winter of 1877 - 1878, and even in times when we had no rector – our own vestry notes mentioned that “Since the 19th day of June 1836, on which day Mr. Whitesides delivered his last sermon in Huntingdon no Episcopal service was held until the 23rd day of October 1836 , when the Reverend JF Hoff preached in the German Reformed Church. With his arrival a new era seemed to commence for the Episcopal Church of Huntingdon.” May we too come into a new era once this has Figure 13 Easter 2020 passed.

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Updates from last month - Organ History Rededication of Organ bulletin - 4 Dec 1977 The organ in St. John's is known as a tracker- action instrument. This means that all moving Concert by Mr. Roger W. Boop, Organist parts in the organ are mechanical, with no “The organ in St. John's, Episcopal Church, electricity involved except to power the blower. Huntingdon, was built in 1911 by the A. B. Little rods called trackers connect the keys to Felgemaker Company in Erie, Pennsylvania. It the valves under the pipes--therefore the term bears, the opus number 1108 meaning that it "tracker-action." This type of action was used was the 1108th organ built by the company. The until around 1910 when electrical actions were Felgemaker Company was one of the best- introduced to the organ industry. The organ in known organ companies in the nation at the turn St. John's is an excellent example of American of the century. Its location in Erie gave it the organ building at the turn of the century. unique advantage of serving both Pennsylvania Unfortunately, many instruments built at this and the Midwest. One can still find many time no longer exist, having been replaced by Felgemalker organs serving in churches in these other pipe organs or electronic organs. The areas. Interestingly, a Felgemaker organ congregation at St. John's is to be congratulated identical in size and design to the one in St. for preserving this instrument for the inspiration John's is located several blocks away, in First and enjoyment of future generations.” Regular Baptist Church. R. W. Boop (1947 – 1990)

Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; yourselves for a little while until the wrath is past. – Isaiah 26:20

Figure 14 Rev. Gene Tucker at c hurch picnic 201 9

Editor’s note: Figure 15- 1789 prayer book photo came from

Information for this and future newsletters has come from personal testimonials, a sermon written in 1910 by Rev. Henry S. Smart; a History by Thomas Warne 2001; My Memories by Eleanor Strait (1990); and multiple handwritten or typed histories that gave no citations. We also have found numerous articles written in the local Daily News Newspaper, Huntingdon, PA. Prayers come from the Book of Common Prayer. ~Bettianne Quinn P a g e | 13


We would like to identify as many of these photos with any information you might be able to relay to us. Thank you in advance for the information.

Figure 49 – Can anyone tell us who the priest is as well as the choir members? We would also like to know the date, who took the photo & any of the other people in the foreground?

Figure 50 – In this wonderful old photo we are told some of the names of the kids, but we do not know who is who –Can you tell us? Also who are some of the grownups in the foreground?

If anyone needs help – for any reason, please contact Allen Terrill and he will assist you. Photos-Page 13

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We would like to identify as many of these photos as possible with any information you might be able to relay to us. Thank you in advance for the information.

Figure 51 – We know who all these people are, but what was the occasion for this?

Figure 52 - This is a photo taken on Christmas Eve in what year? The organist looks like Dr. Keith Sutton but who took the photo & who are the back of people’s head? Can anyone describe the differences between now and then?

If anyone needs help – for any reason, please contact Allen Terrill and he will assist you. Photos-Page 2