Integrating Visual Effects into 2D Platformer Games to Enhance Play Experiences Hao Tian Game Science and Design Northeastern University
[email protected] Thesis Presented by Hao Tian to the Department of Art + Design In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Game Science and Design in the Graduate School of the College of Arts, Media and Design Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts May, 2020 Abstract This paper offers an experimental result of how to design visual effects in the 2D game to enhance play experience by offering visually appealing graphics and helping players understand the game. Visual effects in the video game industry were used as set decoration because they can attract players from an aesthetic aspect and even help players understand the game better. More than just making the game visually appealing, they can also be used to guide the players on how a game's mechanics should work without using text-based instructions. By integrating appropriate visual effects into a 2D platformer game, the game mechanics become easily understood by the player, and the appropriate visual effects can also help players immerse into the game from both narrative perspective and interactive perspective. In this research project, the development team applied game design concepts and art knowledge to design visual effects based on the principle making them appealing and informative. The visual effects are applied to the game objects or shown with other elements. This paper uses the data collected from the playtest to iterate the design. The result from playtests shows the game designers and graphics designers need to relate visual effects to core game mechanics to help players to understand the game mechanics and the game theme, which can help players to be more engaged in the game.