RIVM rapport 350030002/2004 Resultaten van de Voedselconsumptiepeiling 2003 Hulshof KFAM1, Ocké MC, van Rossum CTM, Buurma-Rethans EJM, Brants HAM1, Drijvers JJMM2, ter Doest D1 Corresponderende auteurs: KFAM Hulshof, Food and Chemical Risk Analysis, TNO Voeding, e-mail adres:
[email protected] MC Ocké, Centrum voor Voeding en Gezondheid, RIVM, e-mail adres:
[email protected] 1Food and Chemical Risk Analysis, TNO Voeding, Zeist 2Divisie Julius Centrum voor Gezondheidswetenschappen en Eerstelijns Geneeskunde, Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht TNO Voeding TNO rapport nr. V6000 Dit onderzoek werd verricht in opdracht en ten laste van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport in het kader van project V/350030, Voedselconsumptiepeilingen (RIVM) en 010.22094/30270 (TNO Voeding). RIVM, Postbus 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, telefoon: 030 - 274 91 11; fax: 030 - 274 29 71 pag. 2 van 111 RIVM rapport 350030002 RIVM rapport 350030002 pag. 3 van 111 Abstract Results of the national food consumption survey 2003 Consumption of vegetables and fruits among Dutch young adults is grossly inadequate. With regard to dietary fat intake, intake of saturated fats is still too high, whereas average intake of trans fatty acids stands almost at the recommended level. A great gain in public health can be achieved by improving dietary habits to meet with recommendation levels, for example, by increasing vegetable and fruit consumption and improving the fatty acid profile in the diet. Food consumption was assessed in 750 Dutch adults 19-30 years of age. Given the recommendation of 150-200 g vegetables per day, only 2% of the research population consumed 150 g daily and none of the 750 adults assessed consumed 200 g daily.