THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SASKATCHEWAN MINING AssOCIATION $43 BILLION You’re standing on it. REAL WEALTH OUR “HAVE PROVINCE” HAS MORE THAN MOST OF US REALIZE. LEARNING TO HANDLE DEMAND WANTED: 18,000 SKILLED woRKERS. CAN WE GROW OUR OWN? POTASH: WORTH THE FIGHT ON PACE TO HIT 7 BILLION THIS YEAR, THE woRLD POPULATION DOESN’T JUST WANT POTASH. IT NEEDS IT. SPRING/SUMMER 2011 $6.95 ORE | THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SASKATCHEWAN MINING AssOCIATION SPRING/SUMMER 2011 CONTENTS ORE is produced solely by the Saskatchewan Mining PotasH : LE ARNING Association. COVER stORY WORTH THE to HANDLE HEAD OFFICE FIGHT DEMAND Suite 1500 $43 BILLION 2002 Victoria Avenue Investing here – The world wants Education and industry Regina, Saskatchewan what we have. are working S4P 0R7 big time. together. Telephone: (306) 757-9505 Fax: (306) 569-1085 16 10 22 Messages from Executive Director CONTACT FOR and SMA President 2 ADVERTISERS Tap Communications Inc. 505-230 22nd Street East Message From the Premier 3 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0E9 What to Watch For 4 Telephone: (306) 373-7330
[email protected] 2011 SMA Calendar of Events 7 Real Wealth An Interview with Neil McMillan, Claude Resources 8 T The New Silk Road 26 ABLE OF Safety and the Environment: Facts and Figures 28 CON All rights reserved. The contents Our CEOs – Beyond the Bio T of this publication may not be EN Jerry Grandey, Cameco CEO 30 TS reproduced in whole or part without consent of the copyright owner. Tagging Along Mosaic’s Jessica Theriault 32 1 ORE | THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SASKATCHEWAN MINING AssOCIATION SPRING/SUMMER 2011 ORE | THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SASKATCHEWAN MINING AssOCIATION SPRING/SUMMER 2011 WELCOME! PREMIER’S MESSAGE A MESSAGE FROM On behalf of the Government We are expanding more than 30,500 direct of Saskatchewan, it is exploration and developing and indirect jobs, and in SMA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOr – PAM SCHWANN my pleasure to welcome our geological potential for jobs induced by the mining readers to the inaugural diamonds, rare earth metals, sector.