
Archives of Sexual Behavior https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-019-01565-1


Who Counts as Sexually Fluid? Comparing Four Diferent Types of in Women

Lisa M. Diamond1 · Jenna Alley1 · Janna Dickenson2 · Karen L. Blair3

Received: 18 February 2019 / Revised: 19 September 2019 / Accepted: 3 October 2019 © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Abstract Previous research has examined the phenomenon of “sexual fuidity,” but there is no current consensus on the specifc mean- ing and operationalization of this construct. The present study used a sample of 76 women with diverse sexual orientations to compare four diferent types of sexual fuidity: (1) fuidity as overall erotic responsiveness to one’s less-preferred , (2) fuidity as situational variability in erotic responsiveness to one’s less-preferred gender, (3) fuidity as discrepancy between the gender patterning of sexual attractions and the gender patterning of sexual partnering, and (4) fuidity as instability in day-to- day attractions over time. We examined how these four types of fuidity relate to one another and to features of women’s sexual profles (bisexual vs. exclusive patterns of attraction, drive, interest in uncommitted sex, age of sexual debut, and lifetime number of sexual partners). The four types of fuidity were not correlated with one another (with the exception of the frst and fourth), and each showed a unique pattern of association with other features of women’s sexual profles. The only type of fuidity associated with was overall erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender. The fndings demonstrate that future research on sexual fuidity should distinguish between its diferent forms.

Keywords Bisexuality · · Sexual fuidity · Individual diferences · Women

Introduction time (reviewed in Diamond, 2016). Yet, do these divergent experiences represent the same basic phenomenon? If so, then Extensive research has investigated sexual fuidity, typically women who are “fuid” according to one defnition should be defned as a capacity for variation in sexual responsiveness “fuid” according to the others, and in such a case it would be due to situational, interpersonal, and contextual infuences meaningful to conceptualize sexual fuidity as an overarching (reviewed in Baumeister, 2000; Diamond, 2008b). Numer- individual diference dimension. Alternatively, the construct ous sexual phenomena have been ascribed to sexual fuid- of “sexual fuidity” might be inappropriately combining dis- ity, such as the fact that individuals sometimes experience tinct forms of sexual variability that have diferent origins sexual desires that run counter to their self-described sexual and implications. If so, it would be important to determine orientation (Chivers & Bailey, 2005; Chivers, Rieger, Latty, how these diferent forms of sexual variability relate to one & Bailey, 2004; Diamond, 2008b), sometimes report sexual another and to other features of individuals’ sexual behavior that diverges from their self-described sexual orien- and profles. This is the aim of the present research. tation (Diamond, 2008b; Dixon, 1984), and sometimes report Before proceeding, it bears noting that the present study focuses changes in their pattern of sexual attractions and behavior over on variability in the gender organization of one’s erotic respon- siveness, meaning the degree to which one’s erotic responsiveness * Lisa M. Diamond depends on the gender of the erotic target (a construct convention- [email protected] ally denoted as sexual orientation). Yet, gender is certainly not the only dimension that organizes erotic responsiveness: Rather, 1 Department of , University of Utah, 380 South stable patterns of erotic responsiveness have been observed with 1530 East, Room 502, Salt Lake City, UT 84112‑0251, USA regard to dimensions such as partner age and type of sexual activ- 2 Program in Sexuality, University of Minnesota, ity (Chivers, Roy, Grimbos, Cantor, & Seto, 2014; Seto, 2012), Minneapolis, MN, USA and recent models of sexuality suggest the value of substituting 3 Department of Psychology, St. Francis Xavier University, our conventional emphasis on gender-based sexual orientations Antigonish, NS, Canada

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior with a broader notion of sexual confgurations (van Anders, 2015) fuidity difers from bisexuality (as reviewed in Diamond, 2008a, capable of incorporating all relevant organizing domains. Theo- 2008b, 2016). An implicit assumption underlying this particu- retically, “fuidity” could be defned as any form of erotic respon- lar conceptualization of sexual fuidity is that individuals who siveness which deviates from an individual’s typical confguration respond erotically to their LPG in one situation (for example, (i.e., someone attracted to children who experiences an unexpected a laboratory study) will also respond erotically to their LPG in attraction to an adult), and such forms of fuidity deserve much other situations (for example, day-to-day life). greater investigation. For the present study, however, we focus on Our second model of fuidity dispenses with this assump- variability in the gendered organization of erotic responsiveness, tion and instead defnes sexual fuidity as variability in one’s which is arguably one of the most important and distinctive, and erotic responsiveness across diferent situations. This form of our usage of the term “fuidity” should be interpreted as such. fuidity would characterize a who responds erotically to LPG in the laboratory, but not in everyday life. This Operationalizing Sexual Fluidity model is consistent with a conceptualization of fuidity as a heightened sensitivity to context (Diamond, 2008a, 2008b). Previous studies have typically defned sexual fuidity as one The third model focuses on the phenomenon of discrepancies or more of the following: a capacity for erotic responsiveness between the gender patterning of one’s sexual attractions and to one’s “less-preferred” gender (abbreviated as LPG), pur- the gender patterning of one’s sexual partnering (i.e., self- suit of sexual behavior with the LPG, or change over time in identifed pursuing sex with men and self-identifed erotic responsiveness to the LPG. These diferent defnitions heterosexuals pursuing sex with women). It is important to capture diferent forms of variability in erotic responsiveness, conceptualize this type of fluidity separately from other but there is little theory or research to suggest whether they forms, given that sexual partnering is highly constrained by represent the same phenomenon. Consider, for example, two structural factors and opportunities. The last model focuses women who show to their less-preferred gen- on instability over time in erotic responsiveness. Importantly, der in a laboratory assessment. One of these women might our research uses short-term prospective measurement of also experience periodic sexual attractions to her LPG in the daily variation in , and hence, we are unable course of everyday life, whereas the other may not: Does this to assess long-term stability in erotic responsiveness over diference matter? One of them might pursue periodic sexual the scale of years (as in Dickson, Roode, Cameron, & Paul, behavior with the LPG, whereas the other might not: Does 2013; Ott, Corliss, Wypij, Rosario, & Austin, 2011; Savin- this diference matter? One may fnd that her attractions to Williams, Joyner, & Rieger, 2012). Rather we focus on a the LPG strengthen over time, whereas the other may not: specifc type of instability that is based on dynamical systems Does this diference matter? theory: the degree to which temporal variability in erotic Currently, we do not know the answers to these questions, but responsiveness is anchored by an individual’s own setpoint. they are critically important for understanding the prevalence, This model has the advantage of presuming that all individu- mechanisms, and implications of sexual fuidity. Toward this als might show some degree of variability in erotic respon- end, we take a frst step toward answering these questions by siveness over time, but that the variability of “highly fuid” diferentiating and operationalizing diferent forms of fuidity individuals takes a diferent form, in that it is less likely to and investigating how they relate to one another and to additional revert to the original pattern after deviating from this pattern. features of women’s sexual histories and experiences. Based on Our research is uniquely able to diferentiate the four types previous research, we focus on four types of fuidity that have of fluidity described above our multi-method study the strongest empirical and theoretical basis (although there cer- incorporates data on women’s of sexual partnering, tainly may be others): (1) fuidity as heightened erotic respon- self-perceived identity/orientation, daily experience of sexual siveness to one’s less-preferred gender, (2) fuidity as situational attraction to the less preferred over a 2-week diary assessment, variability in erotic responsiveness to the LPG (for example, and self-reported arousal to sexual stimuli featuring the less- laboratory arousal vs. day-to-day attraction), (3) fuidity as dis- preferred gender in a laboratory assessment. Hence, we can crepancy between sexual attraction and sexual partnering with examine whether diferent types of fuidity are intercorrelated the LPG, and (4) fuidity as instability in day-to-day attraction and how they relate to other features of a woman’s sexual profle to the LPG over time. (bisexual vs. exclusive patterns of attraction, sex drive, interest The frst form of fuidity (heightened erotic responsiveness in uncommitted sex, total number of sexual partners, and age of to the LPG) most strongly resembles the construct of bisexu- sexual debut). ality. By defnition, individuals with bisexual individuals are more strongly attracted to their LPG compared to individuals Fluidity and Bisexuality with exclusively same-sex or other-sex attractions (Rieger, Bai- ley, & Chivers, 2005; Rosenthal, Sylva, Safron, & Bailey, 2011). Bisexuality is typically defned as a capacity for sexual attrac- This may account for widespread debates over whether and how tions to both , even if one tends to prefer one gender

1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior over the other (Diamond, 2008a; Rosenthal, Sylva, Safron, and it is not clear how sex drive should relate to the four types of & Bailey, 2012). Theoretically, a capacity for bisexual attrac- fuidity assessed in the present study. tions may predispose individuals to sexual fuidity given that situational, interpersonal, and contextual factors may “push” Fluidity and bisexual attractions toward one gender over another at difer- ent points in time. This is consistent with the fact that bisexu- Sociosexuality represents an individual’s interest in unrestricted ally attracted individuals report more longitudinal change sexual activity (i.e., sexual contact that occurs outside the con- in their attractions than exclusively attracted individuals text of a ). Sexual fuidity may relate to (Diamond, 2008b, 2016), less day-to-day stability in sexual sociosexuality because both phenomena refect a willingness attractions (Diamond, Dickenson, & Blair, 2017), and more to acknowledge sexual interests that are socially stigmatized in genital arousal to their less-preferred gender in the laboratory the present . Women who experience sexual attractions (Chivers, Bouchard, & Timmers, 2015). Hence, one might for their less-preferred gender violate conventional expecta- argue that sexual fuidity is simply an outgrowth of bisexual- tions regarding the categorical nature of sexual orientation, and ity, consistent with the common notion that bisexual orienta- may be denigrated by peers as “confused” or “curious” (Dia- tions are fundamentally more “open” and fexible than exclu- mond, 2008b). Even when a woman’s LPG is socially approved sive same-sex or other-sex orientations (Ross, Daneback, & (as would occur for a -identifed women experiencing Månsson, 2012; Weinberg, Williams, & Pryor, 1994). Yet attractions for men), the violation of contemporary cultural previous research suggesting associations between fuidity expectations (and potentially those of her own friends and fam- and bisexuality does not take into account the potential difer- ily) regarding the fxity of sexual orientation may expose her to ences between diferent types of fuidity. As noted earlier, we disapproval. Similarly, women who pursue casual sexual activity expect that the frst model of fuidity (erotic responsiveness to have historically been socially stigmatized (Sprecher, Treger, & the less-preferred gender) should be most strongly associated Sakaluk, 2013). Hence, women with unrestricted orientations with bisexuality, but it is not clear how bisexuality should toward sexual activity may prove more likely to attend to and relate to the other three forms. acknowledge experiences of sexual responsiveness which violate cultural expectation or deviate from their own previous patterns, Fluidity and Sex Drive and they might be more responsive to opportunities for acting on these patterns. Yet it is not clear whether women with an Another individual diference dimension potentially related to unrestricted orientation should show greater temporal instability sexual fuidity is sex drive. Lippa (2006) has noted that according in their attractions. In investigating these questions, the present to classic drive theory, higher levels of drive should increase the research supplements self-report assessments of unrestricted probability of dominant tendencies and behaviors, but should not orientation with behavioral indices of unrestricted orientations: increase the probability of non-dominant tendencies and behav- earlier age at sexual debut (Nield, Magnusson, Chapman, & iors. According to this view, if fuidity represents a generalized Lapane, 2014) and higher numbers of lifetime sexual partners capacity to experience sexual attraction to either gender, then (Ostovich & Sabini, 2004). one might expect higher levels of sex drive to be associated with greater experiences of sexual fuidity. Alternatively, if sexual fu- Operationalizing Diferent Forms of Fluidity idity is more accurately viewed as a capacity for “non-dominant” sexual responses (i.e., sexual responses to the less-preferred gen- As noted earlier, there is no single, agreed-upon defnition der), then one would expect greater sex drive to be associated of sexual fuidity, and no single operationalization. Previous with lesser degrees of sexual fuidity. studies have focused on longitudinal change in patterns of There is evidence for both perspectives. Lippa’s (2006, 2007) sexual attraction (reviewed in Diamond, 2016), sexual contact research found that among men and lesbian women, high sex with the less-preferred gender (Diamond, 2008a, 2008b), or drive was associated with greater sexual attraction to their pre- situational variability in sexual arousal, such as self-reported ferred gender (i.e., their dominant response). For heterosexual and physiological arousal in response to erotic stimuli fea- and bisexual women, high sex drive was associated with greater turing their “less-preferred” gender (reviewed in Chivers, attraction to both their more-preferred and less-preferred 2017). More recently, daily diary studies (such as Diamond (i.e., both their dominant and non-dominant response). Lippa et al., 2017) have assessed day-to-day variability in attrac- speculated that for some heterosexual and bisexual women, same- tions to the more-preferred and less-preferred gender. All of sex attractions might actually be a direct outgrowth of high sex these indices provide meaningful approaches for capturing drive, such that a high sex drive amplifes and energizes sexual the phenomenon of sexual fuidity, and they all have unique feelings that would otherwise remain dormant. Hence, the rela- advantages. Yet presently, there is little information on how tionship between sexual orientation (i.e., bisexual vs. exclusive they relate to one another (Diamond et al., 2017), and how attractions), sexual fuidity, and sex drive appears multifaceted, they each relate to the polarization of a woman’s attractions,

1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior her sex drive, and her sociosexuality. Our research directly et al., 2017), suggesting that individual diferences in fuidity examines these questions. may not be preserved across diferent time scales. We address the following questions: The Current Study 1. How does each form of fuidity relate to the others? Do We examined four diferent types of sexual fuidity in a sam- they appear to represent a single dimension? ple of women with diverse sexual orientations: (1) fuidity 2. How does each form of fuidity relate to individual difer- as heightened erotic responsiveness to one’s less-preferred ences in bisexuality, sex drive, and unrestricted sexual- gender, (2) fuidity as variability in erotic responsiveness ity? to one’s less-preferred gender across diferent domains, (3) fuidity as discrepancy between sexual attraction and sexual As discussed earlier, previous research suggests a number of partnering, and (4) fuidity as temporal instability in attrac- plausible expectations regarding how each type of fuidity may tion (defned as the degree to which fuctuations over time relate to these individual diference dimensions. Yet given the fail to correct to a woman’s own “set point). To operation- lack of previous research distinguishing between diferent types alize these forms of fuidity, we incorporate questionnaire of fuidity, and given the novelty of our empirical operationaliza- data on women’s attractions and behavior, daily diary data on tions of each type of fuidity, we treat our analyses as descriptive their sexual attractions over a 2-week period, and laboratory and exploratory rather than confrmatory, and expect that they assessments of women’s self-reported arousal to same-sex will prove most valuable in identifying the most fruitful avenues and other-sex sexual stimuli. for future research. A unique advantage of the daily diary assessment is that in addition to calculating the average magnitude of a woman’s desires for her less-preferred gender across the diary period, Method we can use multilevel modeling to calculate day-to-day sta- bility in . This approach is based on dynami- Participants cal systems models (see Diamond, 2007, 2012; Guastello & Gregson, 2012) which conceptualize the stability of a Participants were 76 women between the ages of 19 and 37 system as the degree to which its fuctuations consistently years (M age = 27.1), 90% of whom were white. In all, 32% “self-correct” to a particular homeostatic setpoint (Butner, of the women identifed as heterosexual, 42% as bisexual, and Gagnon, Geuss, Lessard, & Story, 2015). If a fuctuating sys- 26% as lesbian. Participants were recruited through Facebook tem is inherently stable, then when it rises too far above the ads that described the study as an investigation of sexuality setpoint, it will subsequently self-correct by declining toward and stress , and were approved by the University the set point, and when it falls to far below the setpoint, it will of Utah Institutional Review Board. Regarding education, subsequently self-correct by increasing toward the setpoint. 42% of women had not completed college (the majority of This produces a negative correlation between the state of these women had completed at least 1 year of college), 48% the system on Day 1 and change in the system from Day 1 to had completed college or an associate’s degree, and 20% Day 2. The magnitude of this negative correlation should be had a graduate degree (or were in the process of obtaining larger for highly stable systems, and weaker for systems that one). Regarding income, 38% had a household income of are more easily perturbed by situational infuences. Previous less than $25,000, 51% had a household income between research has used this technique for assessing temporal stabil- $25,000 and $75,000, and 11% had a household income of ity in men’s and women’s attractions (Diamond et al., 2017) more than $75,000. as well as temporal stability in positive and negative emotions (, Butner, Wiebe, & Berg, 2016). Hence, we defne Procedures the fourth form of sexual fuidity as weak temporal stability (i.e., less tendency for daily attractions to “self-correct” to a Women arrived at the laboratory, underwent informed con- woman’s own set point over time). Notably, there is no lon- sent, and completed a detailed questionnaire (described gitudinal research assessing whether temporal stability at the below). Next, women were escorted to a private room to par- level of days is associated with temporal stability at the level ticipate in the arousal induction task. First, they underwent of years; research using retrospective accounts of changes in a 15-min baseline period. During the frst 5 min, they sat attractions (specifcally, whether individuals report changes quietly. During the second 5 min, they rated their liking of a in their attractions from to adulthood) has found set of landscape photographs, in order to engage their atten- that these retrospective reports of long-term change are not tion in a restful pleasant task (Jennings, Kamarck, Stewart, associated with day-to-day temporal instability (Diamond & Eddy, 1992). During the remainder of the baseline period, they paced their breathing slowly in response to a timer. Next,

1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior the sexual arousal task began. Participants listened (through her attractions are gender neutral. Although some women with headphones) to 8 diferent stories describing, from a frst- bisexual patterns of attraction report that their sexuality is rela- person perspective, the unfolding of an interaction with a tively insensitive to gender categories, and that they become woman or a . Half of the stories were sexually explicit, attracted to “the person and not the gender,” other women with including detailed descriptions of genital and non-genital bisexual patterns of attraction report that their sexuality is sexual activity, and to prevent habituation, half were neutral highly sensitive to gender categories, and that they simply fnd stories that described non-erotic interactions with women or both male and characteristics comparably arousing (Dia- men. There was a 1-min recovery period between each story, mond, 2008a, 2008b). Hence, we cannot assume that women and the total listening time was 20 min. We elected to use with non-polarized attractions are less erotically sensitive to auditory rather than visual sexual stimuli to reduce the poten- gender categories overall. tial barriers for women’s participation in the study (given that In all, 18 women reported exclusive attractions to women we expected women to be more hesitant to engage in a study and 13 women reported exclusive attractions to men. Among incorporating sexually explicit videos than sexually explicit the 45 participants with attractions to both women and men, audio narratives). The validity of these stimuli is demon- approximately one-third gave equal ratings of attraction to strated by the fact that were found to elicit both subjective each gender, and so we examined their responses to an addi- and genital arousal in women (Chivers & Timmers, 2012), tional item on the Alderson measure (assessing the magni- and their reliability is indicated by the fact that they elicited tude of their desire to engage in sexual behavior with each comparable genital and subjective responses across several gender) to identify their more-preferred gender. Hence, in independent samples (Chivers & Timmers, 2012). the “both-attracted” group, a total of 69% preferred men and During the sexual arousal task, participants used rating 31% preferred women. dials to indicate their degree of sexual arousal on a 1–10 The questionnaire measure also assessed women’s age of scale. Although we have no way of determining the degree sexual debut (described on the questionnaire as “the age of to which variation in women’s self-reported arousal was spe- your frst signifcant sexual contact, which you would con- cifcally attributable to the gendered attributes of the sexual sider as losing your ”), her total number of lifetime partners described in the stories, each story referred to gen- sexual partners, and her total number of male and female der-specifc body parts (i.e., the other person’s penis, vulva, sexual partners since age 18. This allowed us to calculate , etc.), thereby heightening women’s attention to the the proportion of her sexual partners which were same-sex partner’s gender. After the task, participants completed an versus other-sex over adulthood. The questionnaire defned 11-min guided relaxation task, and then flled out an addi- “” as “anyone with whom you have had sexual tional set of questionnaires. Then they received instructions contact, including “petting” or genital, oral, or anal contact.” for the online diary. Participants were instructed to complete To assess sociosexuality, we used the revised Sociosexual the daily diary each day before bedtime for 14 days. Diary Orientation Inventory (SOI-R) (Penke & Asendorpf, 2008). entries were made online, and data were maintained through This scale assesses women’s sex drive and their attitudes a secure server at the primary investigator’s institution. about unrestricted sexual activity (sample items include Sex without love is okay; I think about sex almost every day; I Measures can imagine myself being comfortable enjoying with diferent partners; 6 items, α = .78). Participants completed the Alderson Sexuality Questionnaire As noted above, during the sexual arousal task, women used (Brown & Alderson, 2010) to assess the magnitude of their a dial to provide continuous ratings of their sexual arousal on a current attractions to women and men. The specifc instruc- 1–10 scale. Previous research suggests that continuous self-report tions were as follows: “Over the past 12 months, to what extent ratings of subjective arousal provide the most valid and reliable have you experienced sexual attraction to each gender, defned indices of subjective sexual arousal (Huberman & Chivers, 2015), as feeling aroused by someone whom you find attractive.” and these continuous self-report ratings have been shown to cor- Responses categories were “none,” “low,” “moderately,” or relate with multiple indices of physiological arousal (Huberman, “high.” For each woman, we identifed her “more-preferred” Maracle, & Chivers, 2015). We averaged women’s self-reported and “less-preferred” gender by comparing their ratings of arousal to stories featuring their less-preferred gender (defned as attraction to each gender, and we then subtracted her rating of the gender to she reported being less attracted to on the question- attraction to the less-preferred gender from her rating of attrac- naire assessment). We then ipsatized these ratings (i.e., subtracted tion to the more-preferred gender. This provides an index of each woman’s average sexual arousal across all of the stories), the degree to which her attractions are gender polarized (i.e., to control for interindividual variability in women’s arousability. more exclusively directed to one gender or the other), versus Hence, each women’s ipsatized score represents her degree of non-polarized (i.e., bisexual). Importantly, the lack of polari- self-reported arousal to the less-preferred gender, relative to the zation in a woman’s attractions does not necessarily mean that degree of arousal she experienced across the entire assessment.

1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior

We conducted ancillary analyses to examine how this rating cor- the diary (p < .001), and .11 (ns) with her arousal to sexual related with the peak arousal that women reported during each stimuli featuring the more-preferred gender in the laboratory epoch, and found a correlation of .91. assessment. Descriptive statistics for the sample, stratifed by The items in the online daily diary were modeled after the their overall pattern of attraction, are presented in Table 1. Sexual Desire Inventory (Spector, Carey, & Steinberg, 1996). Women were asked to “think back over the course of the entire day, from when you woke up to right around now.” To assess Results generalized daily sex drive (i.e., desire for sexual activity regardless of the gender of the partner), women were asked to Deriving Indices of Each Type of Fluidity rate how often that day they had felt sexually aroused, thought about sex, or had a , on a 1–4 scale (not at all, The frst step in our analytic strategy was to derive theoreti- 1–2 times, 3–4 times, or more than 5 times). Participants were cally meaningful indices of the four types of sexual fuidity: then asked to indicate the degree to which these sexual thoughts (1) erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender, (2) concerned women versus men, using a 1–7 scale in which 1 situational variability in erotic responsiveness to the less-pre- indicated “all men,” 7 indicated “all women,” and 4 indicated ferred gender, (3) discrepancy between sexual attraction and an equal split between sexual thoughts about men and women. sexual partnering, and (4) temporal instability in attraction. We recoded this measure in order to represent the degree to For the frst form of fuidity, we created a composite index which each women experienced sexual thoughts for her less- of (1) women’s self-reported magnitude of sexual attractions preferred gender relative to her more-preferred gender (so that to the less-preferred gender over the previous year, (2) her scores greater than 4 represent having more sexual thoughts average daily level of attraction to the less-preferred gender about the less-preferred gender than the more-preferred gen- across the 2-week diary assessment, and (3) her average self- der, scores of 4 represent having equivalent sexual thoughts reported arousal to sexual stimuli featuring the less-preferred about both genders, and scores less than 4 represent having gender in the laboratory assessment. These measures were less sexual thoughts about the less-preferred gender than the signifcantly intercorrelated (see Table 1). We standardized more-preferred gender). each measure and averaged them (the Cronbach alpha for the In the total sample, the polarization of women’s attrac- resulting scale was .74). This index ranged from − 1.1 to 2.1, tions (more preferred minus less preferred) was correlated with a mean of .01 and a standard deviation of .8. .19 with the percentage of her sexual partners which were the The second form of fuidity is situational variability in more-preferred gender (ns). Polarization was correlated .54 erotic responsiveness, representing the degree to which a with her average attraction to the more-preferred gender in woman’s erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender

Table 1 Descriptive statistics for study variables Exclusively other-sex Attracted to both sexes Exclusively same-sex attracted N = 13 N = 44 attracted N = 18 M (SD) Range M (SD) Range M (SD) Range

Age (in years) 25.9 (4.9) 19–34 26.8 (4.8) 20–37 28.6 (4.6) 21–35 Degree of attraction to same sex, past 12 mos. 1.0 (0) 1–1 3.1 (.8) 2–4 3.8 (.4) 3–4 Degree of attraction to other sex past 12 mos. 3.8 (.4) 3–4 3.7 (.5) 2–4 1.0 (0) 1–1 Degree of attraction to more-preferred gender over past year 3.8 (.4) 3–4 3.9 (.3) 3–4 3.8 (.4) 3–4 Degree of attraction to less-preferred gender over past year 1.0 (0) 1–1 3.0 (.8) 2–4 1.0 (0) 1–1 Average ipsatized arousal to erotic laboratory stimuli featuring the .13 (1.0) − .01–3.2 1.2 (.8) − .8–3.9 1.7 (1.0) 0–3.6 preferred gender Average ipsatized arousal to erotic laboratory stimuli featuring the non- .11 (.6) − .8–1.5 .73 (.8) − 1.4–2.4 − .14 (.6) − 1.3–1.1 preferred gender Relative daily attraction to the non-preferred versus the preferred gen- 1.5 (1.2) 1–5.5 2.4 (1.4) 1.0–6.5 1.2 (.4) 1–2.3 der, averaged across the 2-week daily diary assessment Percentage of total sexual partners who were the non-preferred gender 1 (2.4) 0–8.8 22 (20.6) 0–67 34 (33.7) 0–100 Daily sexual arousal, averaged across the 2-week daily diary assessment 2.0 (.4) 1.6–2.8 2.4 (.6) 1.4–4.0 2.4 (.8) 1.1–4.0 Total number of sexual partners 11.6 (15.8) 2–59 17.3 (14.0) 1–60 13.8 (9.9) 1–31 Sociosexuality 3.3 (.7) 1.7–4.4 4.0 (.7) 2.3–5.0 3.6 (1.0) 1.1–4.6 Age of sexual debut (in years) 18.6 (4.6) 10–26 17.7 (3.9) 10–30 16.2 (4.0) 10–27

1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior changes across diferent contexts. Hence, whereas the frst which greater fuidity is indicated by a larger positive score, form of fuidity (overall arousability to the LPG) can be con- and greater stability is indicated by a larger negative score). ceptualized as the shared variance in erotic responsiveness to To generate an estimate of the dynamic stability of each the LPG across diferent contexts, the second form of fuid- woman’s attractions over the 2-week diary assessment, we ity can be conceptualized as the unshared variance in erotic used multilevel random coefcient modeling, implemented responsiveness to the LPG across diferent contexts. To cap- with HLM (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992). These models are ture this variance, we used regression analysis to predict each designed for nested data such as ours, in which variation at of the three measures of responsiveness to the LPG (overall one level of analysis (days) is nested within a higher level attraction to the LPG during the past year, average attraction (persons). In essence, this model calculates a regression for to the LPG during the diary assessment, and arousal to LPG each separate woman, using her 14 days of diary data, to sexual stimuli in the laboratory) from each of the others, represent her own individual stability coefcient. The regres- and saved the standardized residuals from these regressions. sion predicts change in her attractions to the less-preferred These residuals represent variation in each form of erotic gender from 1 day to the next from her attractions to the less- responsiveness that is independent of variation in the others. preferred gender on the previous day (Butner et al., 2015; We took their absolute value of these residuals and averaged Queen et al., 2016). This model takes the following form: them. Hence, women with a large value on this index are Change in attractions dayt to dayt+ those whose erotic responsiveness to the LPG in one context 1 = + (Attractions at day )+residual is independent of her erotic responsiveness to the LPG in 0 1 t other contexts. This index ranged from .1 to 2.4, with a mean The resulting β slope for “Attractions at ­dayt” represents of .80 and a standard deviation of .42. 1 dynamic stability. As noted earlier, steeper negative slopes The third form of fuidity focuses on discrepancy between represent more stable systems, in which a woman’s attrac- the gender patterning of one’s attractions and the gender pat- tions to the less-preferred gender “self-correct” to her own terning of one’s sexual partnering. To refect the gender pat- homeostatic setpoint (i.e., when attractions deviate above terning of women’s attractions, we subtracted women’s self- the setpoint on Day 1, they decline from Day 1 to Day 2; reported magnitude of other-sex attractions over the past year when attractions deviate below the setpoint on Day 1, they from her self-reported magnitude of same-sex attractions increase from Day 1 to Day 2). We ran this model within over the past year (hence, larger values represent more same- HLM and outputted the slope coefficients as indices of sex than other-sex attractions). To refect the gender pattern- each woman’s dynamic stability. These coefcients ranged ing of her sexual partnering, we calculated the percentage of from − .3 to .4, with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of her total sexual partners which were same-sex (hence, larger .1. As noted earlier, negative coefcients represent greater values represent more same-sex than other-sex partners). “self-correction” to one’s own setpoint, so that greater fu- We again used regression analysis to predict the gender pat- idity is indicated by larger positive scores. terning of women’s partnering from the gender patterning To illustrate the distribution of each type of fuidity in the of her attractions and saved the standardized residuals. The sample, Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 present stacked histograms of absolute value of these residuals represents the degree to each form of fuidity, stratifed by the polarization of women’s which a woman’s relative pursuit of same-sex versus other- attractions (predominantly other-sex, predominantly same- sex partners deviates from her relative self-reported attraction sex, or bisexual). to the same sex versus the other sex. This index ranged from .02 to 3.4, with a mean of .7 and a standard deviation of .65. How Do Diferent Types of Fluidity Relate to Each The fnal form of fuidity focuses on the temporal instability Other and to Other Features of Sexuality? of a woman’s attractions. As noted earlier, our conceptualiza- tion of instability is based on dynamical systems models, which We assessed correlations among the four diferent indices of conceptualize the stability of a system as the degree to which fuidity (erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender, its fuctuations consistently “self-correct” to its own homeo- situational variability in erotic responsiveness, discrepancy static setpoint (Butner et al., 2015). If a fuctuating system is between sexual attraction and sexual partnering, and tempo- inherently stable, then when it rises too far above its setpoint, it ral instability in attraction) to determine whether they “hang will subsequently self-correct by declining back toward the set together” as a single dimension. point, and when it falls too far below the setpoint, it will sub- With one exception, the different forms of fluidity sequently self-correct by increasing back toward the setpoint. were uncorrelated with one another. Erotic responsive- This produces a negative association between the state of the ness to the LPG was uncorrelated with situational vari- system on Time 1 and change in the system from Time 1 to ability (r[74] = .17) and attraction-partnering discrepancy Time 2. The magnitude of this negative association represents (r[74] = .04), but it was associated with dynamic stability the stability of the system (note that this is the only index in

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Fig. 1 Stacked histogram of erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender across questionnaire report, daily diary, and laboratory assessment, categorized by women’s pattern of attraction

Fig. 2 Stacked histogram of situational variability in erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender across questionnaire report, daily diary, and laboratory assessment, categorized by women’s pattern of attraction

(r[74] = .26, p < .05). The positive coefcient indicates that the sociosexuality scale), her age of sexual debut, and her life- women with stronger overall attractions to the less-preferred time number of sexual partners. The results of these analyses are gender showed less temporal stability in their daily attrac- presented in Table 2. tions (i.e., more fuidity) across the diary assessment (recall As shown in this table, each type of fuidity showed a difer- that for the index of dynamic stability, larger negative scores ent pattern of associations. The frst form of fuidity (average represent greater stability, or “anchoring” to one’s own set- erotic responsiveness to the LPG across diferent situations) was point). Situational variability was uncorrelated with attrac- strongly negatively associated with the polarization (i.e., exclu- tion-partnering discrepancy (r[74] = − .17) and dynamic sta- sivity) of a woman’s attractions. This confrms our expectation bility (r[74] = − .01), and attraction-partnering discrepancy that this form of fuidity should be the most similar to bisexuality was uncorrelated with dynamic stability (r[74] = .03). (given that individuals with bisexual attractions are, by defnition, We then assessed links between each type of fluidity and more erotically responsive to their less-preferred gender than are other features of women’s sexual profles: the degree to which individuals with more exclusive attractions). Notably, none of her attractions were more bisexual (non-polarized) versus more the other types of fuidity was associated with the polarization exclusive (polarized), her average sex drive as assessed across of women’s attractions. 2-week daily diary, her interest in unrestricted sex (assessed with

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Fig. 3 Stacked histogram of discrepancy between pattern of sexual attraction and pattern of sexual partnering, categorized by women’s pattern of attraction

Fig. 4 Stacked histogram of coefcients of dynamic stability in daily attractions to the less- preferred gender over a 2-week period, categorized by women’s pattern of attraction

Erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender was to the less-preferred gender is a capacity for attractions to also signifcantly associated with sociosexuality and with both men and women. number of lifetime sex partners. Given that these two vari- The second form of fuidity, situational variability in wom- ables were also associated with the polarization of women’s en’s erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender, was attractions (− .38 and − .29, respectively, both p values < .05), not associated with the polarization of a woman’s attractions, we ran a regression in which erotic responsiveness to the less- and instead was related to an earlier age of sexual debut and a preferred gender was predicted by polarization, sociosexual- greater number of sexual partners. The third form of fuidity ity, and number of sex partners, in order to test for unique (discrepancy between a woman’s sexual attraction and sexual associations involving these predictors. The only variable partnering) and the fourth form of fuidity (dynamic stability that remained signifcant in this model was gender polariza- in day-to-day attractions) were unrelated to the polarization tion, b = − .45, p < .001. This supports the notion that the of attractions, sex drive, sociosexuality, age of sexual debut, distinguishing characteristic of one’s erotic responsiveness and total number of sexual partners.

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Table 2 Correlations between each type of fuidity and features of women’s sexual profles Average erotic responsive- Situational variability in Discrepancy between self- Dynamic stability in daily ness to the less-preferred erotic responsiveness to the reported pattern of attrac- sexual attractions (i.e., gender less-preferred gender tion and sexual partnering self-correction to setpoint over time)

Polarization of attractions − .80** − .01 − .02 − .05 (lower represents more bisexual) Sex drive .14 .06 .04 .05 Sociosexuality .44** .16 .05 − .06 Age of sexual debut − .15 − .30** .05 − .20 Number of lifetime sex .34* .30** .05 .02 partners

*p < .05; **p < .01

In light of the fact that erotic responsiveness to the less- A notable fnding is that the only type of fuidity asso- preferred gender was associated both with bisexuality (i.e., ciated with bisexuality (i.e., the lack of polarization in a polarization of attractions) and with dynamic stability, we woman’s attractions) was overall erotic responsiveness to the conducted an additional regression predicting erotic respon- less-preferred gender. This concords with previous research siveness to the less-preferred gender from both polarization suggesting that heightened erotic responsiveness to one’s of attractions and dynamic stability, and found that both less-preferred gender is a defning feature of bisexual attrac- showed signifcant associations (bpolarization = − .50, p < .001, tions, and it helps to explain why the construct of sexual bdynamic stability = 1.50, p < .001. Hence, women with stronger fuidity is often confated with (or attributed to) bisexuality. erotic responsiveness to the less-preferred gender are more Yet the fndings of the present research substantially expand “bisexual” in their overall attractions and they show less our understanding of the association between sexual fuid- “anchoring” of their day-to-day attractions. ity and bisexuality by demonstrating that this association only holds for one specifc type of fuidity: general erotic responsiveness to one’s less-preferred gender. Women with Discussion less polarized (i.e., more bisexual) attractions were not more likely to show any of the other types of fuidity we assessed These results provide the frst systematic study diferentiating (situational variability in attractions, discrepancies between between distinct forms of sexual fuidity, and they provide sexual attraction and sexual partnering, or temporal instabil- powerful evidence that sexual fuidity is not a single over- ity in day-to-day attractions). Additionally, we found that arching individual diference dimension, but a multifaceted although the frst type of fuidity was also associated with phenomenon that takes diferent forms and which has dif- women’s sociosexuality (interest in uncommitted sex) and ferent implications for sexual experience. We theorized four total number of sexual partners, these associations were no potential types of fuidity: (1) overall erotic responsiveness longer signifcant after controlling for women’s bisexuality. to one’s less-preferred gender, (2) situational variability in Hence, one possible interpretation of our fndings is that the erotic responsiveness to one’s less-preferred gender, (3) frst form of fuidity—erotic responsiveness to the less-pre- discrepancy between the gender patterning of one’s sexual ferred gender—should not be considered fuidity at all, but attractions and the gender patterning of one’s sexual partner- rather bisexuality. ing, and (4) instability in day-to-day attractions over time. The second form of fuidity—situational variability in a We used a combination of questionnaire data, daily diary woman’s attractions—is theoretically closest to the notion assessments, and laboratory data to derive meaningful indi- that fuidity represents a heightened sensitivity to contextual ces of each form of fuidity, and tested how they related to infuences on sexuality (Diamond, 2008a, 2008b), since it one another and to other features of sexuality in a sexually captures the degree to which a woman’s erotic responsiveness diverse sample of women. The results signifcantly expand to the less-preferred gender varies across diferent domains our understanding of sexual fuidity by demonstrating that it of assessment (self-report of attractions over the past year, is not, in fact, a unitary construct. The four types of fuidity average day-to-day attractions reported in the diary, and self- were uncorrelated with one another (with one exception), and reported arousal to sexual stimuli in the laboratory). Unlike each showed a diferent pattern of associations with other the frst type of fuidity (average responsiveness to the LPG features of women’s sexuality. across diferent contexts), the second type of fuidity was

1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior unassociated with the polarization of a woman’s overall systems approach to modeling temporal change in attrac- attractions. Hence, women with more bisexual patterns of tions). A particular advantage of this approach is that it attraction do not show more variation in their erotic respon- focuses not on the simple observation of change in attrac- siveness to the less-preferred gender across diferent con- tion, but on what happens after this change occurs. Does the texts. This fnding signifcantly clarifes the persistent debate original pattern reassert itself? If so, the underlying pattern over links and distinctions between fuidity and bisexual- can be viewed as stable, anchored to the individual’s own ity. As argued by Diamond et al. (2017), the key diference personal setpoint. If not, the underlying pattern can be viewed between the construct of fuidity and the construct of bisexu- as unstable, and more prone to perturbations from and dis- ality concerns the element of change: Bisexuality is typically ruptions in the setpoint. This type of instability is conceptu- theorized as a consistent pattern of sexual responsiveness ally quite distinct from the other types of fuidity assessed to both genders, whereas situational fuidity represents as in the present study. The only form of fuidity with which it a capacity for variation in responsiveness across diferent was associated was the magnitude of women’s average erotic contexts. Whereas women with greater situational variabil- responsiveness to the less-preferred gender (and this associa- ity in their erotic responsiveness did not have less polarized tion was independent of the overall polarization of a woman’s attractions, they reported an earlier age of sexual debut and attractions). We found that women who showed greater over- a greater total number of sexual partners, perhaps refecting all erotic responsiveness to their less-preferred gender across the fact that women with high situational variability in erotic diferent contexts also showed more temporal instability (i.e., responsiveness are more responsive to situation-specific less “anchoring” to their own setpoint) over the 2-week diary opportunities for sexual contact. This might amplify their assessment. This concords with the notion that individuals total opportunities for sexual contact, thereby increasing their with a greater readiness to be attracted to their less-preferred total number of sexual partners and accelerating their initial gender are more fuid than those whose attractions are more transition into sexual activity. strongly anchored to their more-preferred gender. Discrepancies between women’s attractions and their The lack of an association between temporal instability sexual partnering were not associated with any other fea- and situational variability presents interesting questions: On tures of women’s sexuality, which may be attributable to the the one hand, one might expect that women with high situ- aforementioned fact that sexual partnering is more directly ational variability in their erotic responsiveness will show circumscribed by cultural and opportunistic factors than less temporal “anchoring” in their responsiveness within a subjective sexual responsiveness. Hence, when a woman’s single situation. Yet this presumes that similar factors drive sexual partnering deviates from her pattern of attraction, it is both temporal and situational change in attractions, and this impossible to know whether this refects her own desires, her presumption remains untested. A key direction for future responsiveness to an unexpected opportunity, social pressure, research is to assess temporal instability across different or the dynamics of a specifc relationship. Additionally, our time scales, and to compare the proximal “drivers” of both measure of sexual partnering focused on the ratio of same-sex temporal change (across diferent situations) and situational to other-sex partners in adulthood. This is clearly not the only change (over time). way to represent the gender patterning of women’s behavior: Notably, all forms of fuidity were unrelated to sex drive consider a woman who has 50 sexual encounters with the and sociosexuality (as described above, general attraction same man, and a single sexual encounter with a woman. Her to the less-preferred gender was initially correlated with percentage of same-sex partners would be 50%, but her per- sociosexuality, but this was no longer the case after control- centage of same-sex sexual activity would be less than 2%. ling for the polarization of women’s attractions). The lack Future research investigating fuidity between one’s attrac- of associations involving sex drive runs counter to previ- tions and one’s behavior should explore diferent assessments ous research. As noted above, Lippa (2006, 2007) found that of behavior, across diferent time scales, in order to determine among heterosexual and bisexual women, high sex drive was the relevance of diferent types of discrepancy. Additionally, associated with greater attraction to both their more-preferred qualitative research should investigate women’s motives for and less-preferred genders, suggesting that sex drive might engaging in “uncharacteristic” or “less desirable” patterns of amplify non-dominant sexual responses. Yet we did not sexual activity, the proximal contexts for such activity, and fnd that women with higher sex drive were more erotically women’s interpretations of their subjective meaning (Dia- responsive to the less-preferred gender (the frst form of fuid- mond, 2008a, 2008b). ity) or to the other forms of fuidity. Given that Lippa found The last type of sexual fuidity—temporal instability in diferent linkages between sex drive and sexual attraction attractions—is the most conceptually and empirically novel, among lesbian, heterosexual, and bisexual respondents, we having been used in only one other investigation of tempo- conducted ancillary analyses to examine potential interac- ral variability in sexuality (Diamond et al., 2017, although tions between the polarization of a woman’s attractions and see Farr, Diamond, & Boker [2014] for a related dynamical

1 3 Archives of Sexual Behavior her sex drive in predicting any of the types of fuidity, and weaknesses), and hence, it is impossible to know the degree found no such efects. to which comparable indices derived from diferent or more One potential explanation for the diference between Lip- reliable measures might yield diferent results. Consider, pa’s fndings and the present research may concern cohort for example, our measure of discrepancy between sexual efects. Lippa’s research was conducted over a decade ago, attraction and sexual partnering. This index relied on during which there was less cultural visibility and more skep- self-reported, retrospective data on the ratio of a woman’s ticism regarding individuals who described their attractions female and male sexual partners during adulthood. Not only as “bisexual” or “mostly heterosexual” (Savin-Williams & are we unable to verify the accuracy of women’s memories, Vrangalova, 2013). Hence, one possibility is that the indi- but this measure fails to capture the types of partners that viduals in Lippa’s study who were most likely to notice and women may have unsuccessfully sought out. Additionally, disclose attractions to their less-preferred gender were those as noted earlier, the gender distribution of woman’s sexual whose high sex drives made it harder to ignore them. Pres- partners does not necessarily represent the gender distri- ently, individuals may be more familiar with, and comfortable bution of her sexual acts. In light of these issues, we are disclosing, attractions to the less-preferred gender even when wary of strongly interpreting our index of the discrepancy those attractions are relatively mild in intensity. Clearly, fur- between women’s sexual behavior and sexual partnering ther investigation of the link between sex drive and diferent until we can reexamine this issue with more comprehensive forms of fuidity (not to mention investigation of fuidity in measures of sexual behavior. sex drive itself) is an important direction for future research. Measurement issues are particularly important for our index of situational variability. The most reliable assessment Limitations and Future Directions of situational variability would incorporate assessment of erotic responsiveness across a wide range of situations and contexts, There are important limitations of the present study. Our sample whereas the present study only incorporates three (self-report was relatively small, and although it was adequately powered to of attractions over the previous year, daily attractions over a detect moderate correlations between the study variables (cor- 2-week period, and laboratory arousability to sexual stimuli). relations of .3 or greater) at an alpha of .05, its power to detect Furthermore, there is likely to be “hidden” situational vari- small correlations (.2) was less than .5. Hence, before drawing ability across the daily diary assessment, refecting the fact robust conclusions regarding the pattern of associations among that one’s attraction to the less-preferred gender may depend diferent forms of sexual fuidity and other aspects of sexual expe- on how many individuals of that gender one encounters, and rience, the results should be replicated with larger samples. Also, whether they are encountered at work, in the grocery store, although our sample was sexually diverse, we cannot assess its or at a bar. The inability to assess these additional forms of representativeness, and hence the generalizability of the fndings situational variability is an important weakness of our diary remains unclear. The sample contains little ethnic or age , measure, and highlights the importance of collecting additional and hence a priority for future research involves replication of detail on divergent situational contexts for sexual responsive- these investigations in more diverse samples of women at difer- ness in order to more reliably capture situational variability ent stages of the life course. Studying men is another key priority. in individuals’ attractions, and individual diferences in their The degree to which men and women have equal propensities for responsivity to contextual factors. sexual fuidity remains debated (Diamond, 2016, 2017; Diamond Another limitation of our research concerns the lack of et al., 2017; Ott et al., 2011; Savin-Williams, 1996; Savin-Wil- long-term longitudinal observation. Our measure of temporal liams & Ream, 2007; Savin-Williams & Vrangalova, 2013). One stability, for example, focuses on the “anchoring” of a wom- possibility is that men and women do not difer in their overall an’s erotic setpoint from day to day, and it is not clear how this propensity for fuidity but in their specifc type of fuidity. This might relate to “anchoring” across longer time scales (weeks, possibility is consistent with the fact that studies assessing dif- months, and years). Long-term longitudinal change in the ferent types of fuidity, using diferent methods, stimuli, and time specifc patterning of same-sex and other-sex attractions is scales, have yielded mixed fndings regarding gender diferences relatively common among sexual-minority individuals, par- (Chivers, 2017; Chivers, Seto, & Blanchard, 2007; Diamond, ticularly those with less polarized attractions (reviewed in 2016; Diamond et al., 2017; Spape, Timmers, Yoon, Ponseti, & Diamond, 2016), and yet the reasons for these changes are Chivers, 2014). Hence, perhaps instead of asking whether women poorly understood. Long-term longitudinal change may, in are “more fuid” than men, we should instead ask what types of fact, represent its own distinct type of fuidity, distinct from fuidity appear more common among women versus men. the four discussed here. Hence, a future research should Another key limitation of the study is that our quanti- examine whether long-term longitudinal changes in erotic tative indices of the four diferent types of fuidity were responsiveness correspond to the short-term indices of sexual directly dependent on the type of data we collected (all of fuidity used in the present study. which, notably, relied on self-report, which has inherent

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This might help to inform our understanding of the possi- In conclusion, the present research provides important ble psychological mechanisms underlying diferent forms of new evidence for diferent and independent types of sexual fuidity, which is another critical direction for future research. fuidity that distinct relationships with other features One potential mechanism for sexual fuidity suggested by of sexuality. Future research should seek to develop more Diamond and Alley (2019) is that woman with more vari- reliable measures of these constructs and to rigorously inves- able patterns of attractions may have a tendency to prioritize tigate their prevalence and implications in larger and more their own sexual pleasure over traditional societal restric- generalizable samples of women and men. tions (which dictate that women restrict their amount and type of sexual activity, even if they fnd “unapproved” sexual Acknowledgements This research was supported by grants from the and Lesbian Medical Association and the American Institute of activities more pleasurable, Armstrong, England, & Fogarty, Bisexuality, awarded to the frst author. We gratefully acknowledge 2012). Specifcally, a capacity to become aroused to one’s the insights of the anonymous reviewer whose critique challenged and less-preferred gender, coupled with a tendency to prioritize altered our conceptual and analytical framework in indispensable ways. one’s own pleasure despite social norms, might facilitate cer- tain types of sexual fuidity (such as situational variability). Compliance with Ethical Standards Accordingly, one “missing link” in studies of individual dif- ferences in fuidity might be individual diferences in individ- Ethical Approval This study was approved by the Institutional Review uals’ prioritization of sexual pleasure. Future research should Board at the home institution of the frst author. Informed consent was obtained by all participants, and all procedures were in accordance with integrate the study of sexual pleasure—including individual the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research com- differences in capacities for pleasure and attitudes about mittee and with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amend- pleasure—into future research on sexual fuidity. ments or comparable ethical standards. Assessment of other individual diference dimensions that are not specifcally focused on sexuality would further contribute to our understanding of the potential psychologi- cal mechanism underlying sexual fuidity. Currently, little References research directly addresses such questions. One intriguing study found that women who described their sexuality as Armstrong, E. A., England, P., & Fogarty, A. C. K. (2012). 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