695 Part 71—Standard Time Zone Boundaries
Office of the Secretary of Transportation Pt. 71 seismic design and construction re- ed in paragraph (b) of this section, in quirements of this part. their entirety, without significant revi- (b)(1) The following are model codes sions or changes in the direction of less which have been found to provide a seismic safety, meet the requirements level of seismic safety substantially in this part. For ordinances that do not equivalent to that provided by use of adopt the model codes listed in para- the 1988 National Earthquake Hazards graph (b) of this section, substantial Reduction Program (NEHRP) Rec- equivalency of the ordinances to the ommended Provisions (Copies are seismic safety level contained in the available from the Office of Earth- NEHRP recommended provisions must quakes and Natural Hazards, Federal be determined by the DOT Operating Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Administration before the ordinances Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472.): may be used to meet the requirements (i) The 1991 International Conference of this part. of Building Officials (ICBO) Uniform (e) DOT Operating Administrations Building Code, published by the Inter- that, as of January 5, 1990, required national Conference of Building Offi- seismic safety levels higher than those cials, 5360 South Workman Mill Rd., imposed by this part in new building Whittier, Cal. 90601; construction programs will continue to (ii) The 1992 Supplement to the Build- maintain such levels in force. ing Officials and Code Administrators (f) Emergencies. Nothing in this part International (BOCA) National Build- applies to assistance provided for emer- ing Code, published by the Building Of- gency work or for assistance essential ficials and Code Administrators, 4051 to save lives and protect property and West Flossmoor Rd., Country Club public health and safety performed pur- Hills, Ill.
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