And the Originof Thejapaneseimage Inturkishintellectuals
JapanJapanAssociation Association forforMiddle Middle EastStudiesEast Studies ' rs5=I!'IT;=T= peciallssue ' Japan and the Middle East before Wo Sirat-i Mtistakim (later, SebtMrresad) and the Origin of the Japanese Image in Turkish Intellectuals , AbdullahGtindogdu I lntroduction I. Sirat-t MUstakim and SebrvUrresad Magazlnes and Japan M. AbdUrresid lbrahim and Japan ]Y. Ahmed MUnir and his Letters from Japan V. Conclusion 1. Introduction It is well known that there is a remarkable sympathy toward Japan and the Japanese in Turkey. I remember a questionnaire survey published in one of the popular "Which Turkish newspapers, Hab'rrlyet, a few years ago. One question was, foreign nation do Turkish people love?," and the Japanese people were at the top of t.he answer list., polling about 90% of all votes. After the Japanese people came the Azerbaij an people. We may suggest that this sympathy to the Japanese people is a remarkable phenomenon, and I would like to explain the origin of this matter, using basic source materials. IVhen we trace it back to the Ottornan publication, we encounter two names, Abdtirreeid Ibrahim and his son Ahmed Mtinir. They wrote many articles aboutJapan in Szrat-z Mdr'stahim, and in its successor Sebflab'rresad, to inform the Turkish intellectuals aboutJapan at the 245 Strat-i iL,fastakim (later, SebflU rreead) and the Origin of the Japanese lmage (GUndogdu) NII-Electronic Library Service JapanJapanAssociation Association for Middle East Studies beginning ef the 20th century, The purpose uf this paper is to evaluate their contribution te the birth of this Japanese image in histerical perspective.
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