
E Variance catalogues Dalton et al Nichol et al and on ux Cluster Mon Not R Astron So c Peebles rst used to estimate theare correlation strongly functions correlatedEfstathiou so a that An even additional ato the small ep o ch at canmined which the b e from simulations numerical are simulations very analysed slowly Croft with time and so the clustering deter use them to map out the distant and cation p eaks of Rich clusters of galaxies can b e used to the structure high in observations clusters have several imp ortant advantagesastro-ph/9501115 as tracers b oth 31 Jan 1995 CSIC Centre dEstudis AvancatsdeDepartment Blanes of Astrophysics Physics Astrophysics Blanes University Girona of Spain Oxford Nuclear Astrophysics Laboratory Keble Road Oxford OX RH Throughout the pap er we use the INTRODUCTION The p oint correlation function for galaxy clusters was Gazta naga economical analysed densities in Universe Recent of the clusters mass Bahcall in determinations in and in simulations Since clusters represent on way Redshift Ab ells the distribution is very As galaxy more large clusters Soneira RAC dicult distributio n H based scales statistics in the cluster distribution follow the hierarchical pattern with p eculiar motions The standard Cold Dark Matter CDM mo del is inconsistent clusters and a meandensity depth uctuations in a complete sample from the APM Cluster Redshift Survey with of uctuations in spheres of radius We estimate the variance ABSTRACT hybrid Mixed Dark Matter relations quantitative predictions of approximation We argue that thiswith alternative metho d an is alternative not metho d reliablefrom of enough Nb o dy for simulating making clusters which uses the truncated Zeldovich S Key observations numerical statistical J cluster catalogue advantage is that clusters are Universe in roughly constant are relatively insensitive either Survey than words on asso ciated Although Croft h Klypin km correlations automated to that it eg the Printed January s the is simulations of Mp c a systematic of Largescale p ossible second the observations Hauser with galaxies Kopylov cluster identi evolve G and S high 3 to third B 2 and structure the skewness The Nb o dy simulation results follow similar hierarchical mo del and a low density dierent mo del Dalton or D with mutually APM limited mo dels Dalton et alshift b Survey has already b een used to constrain dark matter erarchical the estimates of it in the selection ofsured clusters from Ab eg ells Efstathiou catalogueclusters et However is there al aected is by evidenceinto and the inhomogeneities that underlying the matter clustering distribution mea and These the formation observations of couldpudi provide imp ortant insights et al tion eg Groth Peebles Fry Peebles Sharp and alogue rogordato Valdarnini Plionis eg Valdarnini Jing Cappi Mau Zhang TothHollosi Szalay Jing fourth S is R 4 kurtosis Previous Here we estimate the variance results S not Szalay Bouchet et al Gazta naga Szapudi Szalay Boschan Meiksin Sza MN L J Automatic of cluster samples have b een based on Ab ells of and dark samples We analyse the distribution of clusters taken h almost unaected clear order consistent the relation These samples 1 a extensions T predictions Mp c matter 3 E analysis universe X style le v how and the kurtosis and h in statistics of Xray clusters 1 Plate the J Mp c with reasonable errorbars The We are able to measure the statistics from this results mo dels of by distribution CDM variant agree Measuring could J p oint Ab ell galaxies at The by found in the galaxy distribu all scales The aect the redshift seem to repro duce p oint Corwin and Romer et al give 4 machine results of in the distribution of clustering the skewness the p oint density J APM correlation However distortions ab ove are S Olowin J Cluster with the statistics uctuations compared mentioned metho ds 2 J b oth 1 the hi of the from with Red cat and J a

2 Gazta naga Croft Dalton

sen to b e h Mp c and the intercluster separation in a sample from the APM Cluster Redshift Survey The

h Mp c Croft Efstathiou a selection of clusters in the APM Cluster Catalogue is based

on a computer algorithm applied to digitised photographic

We have also tested an alternative scheme for mak

ing theoretical predictions ab out cluster clustering This plates and so provides a more uniform sample of clusters

than Ab ells We compare the results with previous analysis

scheme advocated by Plionis et al makes use of the

and with dierent cluster simulations

Zeldovich approximation to dynamicall y evolve the

density eld b efore clusters are selected In order to assess In next section we review the APM cluster and

the validity of results derived using this metho d we have Nb o dy mo dels We present the metho d of estimation and

the results in Section Sections and are devoted to

examined clustering in the Zeldovich approximation and

carried out a comparison with Nb o dy clusters These tests the discussion and conclusions In an app endix we consider

are detailed in App endix A the prop erties of simulations generated using the truncated

Zeldovich approximation



Metho d of estimation

The APM Cluster Survey

We apply a variant of the metho d used by Efstathiou et al

We use sample B from Dalton et al b which contains

which accounts for selection eects automatically by

clusters with mean redshift and spacedensity

estimating the mean density and its uctuations in shells

h Mp c The clusters were selected from the

of mean constant redshift We divide space in the redshift

APM Galaxy Survey Maddox et al bc using an au

catalogue into a series of concentric shells of width R cen

tomatic selection algorithm describ ed in detail by Dalton

tred on the observer which are further sub divided into M


et al in preparation We have cut the sample to redshifts

spherical cells of radius R For each shell s we compute the

larger than kms to avoid in the selec

mean number of particles N R in a cell and the moments


tion function at low redshift and imp osed an upp er limit of

m R


kms There are only clusters outside this so

that the total number in the selected region is N As





the redshifts are obtained from only a few galaxies p er clus

m N N

J c s

ter the individu al cluster redshifts are uncertain to within


kms Dalton et al a


where N is the number of galaxies in the c cell The cor



N corrected for resp onding connected moments k




Simulations Poisson shotnoise see section are given by

The cluster simulations are those generated by Croft Efs

k m N


tathiou ab using a particleparticl eparti cl emesh N

N k m m


b o dy co de Efstathiou Eastwoo d Efstathiou et al

k m m m m N


and are the same as those used by Dalton et al

b We consider three dierent mo dels First the stan

see eg Gazta naga Thus k N is the variance


dard CDM mo del which is scale and has

k N is the skewness and k N also called

s s

hereafter h CDM Second a scaleinvariant

the kurtosis

lowdensity CDM universe with h and a cos

To estimate the mean value of h i for the whole sample

mological constant such that H

we introduce the standard Gaussian likeliho o d function so

CDM The p ower sp ectrum for these two mo dels is taken

that the value of k in each shell is weighted by the inverse

from Efstathiou Bond White Third a scale

of its variance Vark


invariant mo del containing b oth a massive neutrino com

p onent eV neutrinos and CDM such that


k k k k

with h Mixed Dark Matter Vark




MDM from Klypin et al The mo dels have b een nor

malised to b e consistent with the amplitude of uctuations

where we have made the assumption that the cells are in

in the microwave background Wright et al so that

dep endent Thus the weighting comp ensates for the eects

the value of the linear theory rms mass uctuations in h

of uctuations from b oth shotnoise imp ortant for distant

Mp c spheres for the two CDM mo dels and for

diluted shells or from having a small number of cells imp or

MDM realisations of each mo del were run using dierent

tant in the nearby shells We have tried two prescriptions

random phases in b oxes of side length h Mp c with

to estimate this variance The rst one uses the higher order


particles We have also run realisations of the moments m in the shell to estimate k in equation In


the second prescription we assume a Gaussian distribution

CDM with the slightly higher normalisation Clus

ters of particles are lo cated using a p ercolation algorithm to estimate k from m as in Efstathiou et al Both


the cluster mass is dened within a metric radius and the give similar results

richness limit of the cluster sample is chosen to match the For higher order moments we use the same weights for

observed cluster space density The metric radius is cho each shell as the ones used to estimate so that in general

Variance Skewness Kurtosis from galaxy clusters 3

Figure The variance R estimated from countsincells in Figure The skewness R estimated from countsincells in

a simulated mo ck catalogue of clusters symbols with errorbars a simulated mo ck catalogue of clusters compared with the full

compared with the values from clusters selected from the same simulation as in Figure

realization of the simulation in a b ox lines The dashed line

and lled squares corresp ond to the standard CDM mo del

mask and the selection function obtained by Dalton et al

whereas solid lines and op en squares corresp ond to low density


b The ab ove counts in cells metho d is used to esti

mate h i in the mo ck survey and compare them with results


from direct estimation

In Figure we show the comparison for mo ck




and CDM catalogues against the results from the



i K h


original simulated b ox In b oth cases we have included red




shift distortions Figure shows that there is go o d agree




ment although it should b e noted that a p erfect match is




not exp ected at large scales b ecause the mo ck catalogue only




samples a fraction of the total volume in the b ox These re


sults are for just one simulation not the average of real

N k with k evaluated for the s shell where




izations showing that it is p ossible to recover the intrinsic

One of the most valuable merits of this approach is that

clustering from the catalogues using the ab ove metho d

it also provides an estimate of the variance on this mean

from the Figure shows the recovered skewness

Varh i as we have all the values in each shell and their


and CDM catalogues compared with the

relative weights

results from the full cubical b ox As exp ected the errors are

much larger here The errors in the mo del are even

h i i h i Varh



larger and it is dicult to obtain signicant results from

just one catalogue given that the clustering amplitudes are

where M is the total number of shells and the averages use


the same weightings as equation

This is rep eated for dierent values of R the end pro d

R and its variance The cells in each uct b eing the mean


Results for APM clusters and dark matter

shell must not overlap to o much this is imp ortant b ecause

mo dels

otherwise uctuations in M are not taken into account in


the weighting and nearby shells tend to dominate the statis

Using the ab ove metho d we are able to measure correla


tions with a very large cell radius up to R h Mp c

The smallest scales are limited by the shotnoise in the cell

o cupancy to R h Mp c The error bars come from equa

Check of the metho d using simulated clusters

tion which provides a consistent estimate of the variance

of We have used the simulations describ ed ab ove to check our within the sample


metho d We rst estimate the true values of To make an accurate estimate of R using in the simulations


counts in cells in redshiftspace in the simulation b ox in we use all clusters in each cubical b ox of side h Mp c

the standard way see eg Baugh Gazta naga Efstathiou There are clusters in each simulation In this way the

Next we transform the simulations to mimic the ge uncertainties are typically smaller than the symbols we use

ometry of the observational data applying the APM survey to compare with the data As mentioned ab ove we have also

4 Gazta naga Croft Dalton

Figure The variance R estimated from countsincells in Figure The skewness R symbols with errorbars esti

the APM clusters symbols with with errorbars compared to the mated from countsincells in the APM clusters compared to the

values in dierent simulations The continuous shortdashed and values in dierent simulated mo dels as in Figure

longdashed lines corresp ond rep ectively to the estimation in real

space redshift space and redshift space with Gaussian velocity

errors The lines show the standard CDM mo del lower

lines the low density CDM variant middle lines and the MDM

mo del upp er lines

made mo ck catalogues of the simulations with the APM

mask and selection function and nd a go o d agreement

within the errors b etween the results from the mo ck cata

logue using the shell metho d and the direct results from

the cub e see x ab ove

R R and In Figures we show the values of

R obtained from the APM clusters symbols with error

bars The estimates for J b ecome very uncertain esp e

cially at large scales The real space results for in each


mo del are shown as continuous lines in Figures We es

for each mo del after applying redshift distortions timate


using the p eculiar velocities for the clusters in the simula

tions shortdashed lines in gures Finally as the observa

tions are aected by errors in the redshift we also show as

longdashed lines the estimates of in redshift space after


adding errors with a Gaussian distribution of disp ersion

Figure The kurtosis R estimated from countsincells in

kms to the simulated cluster redshifts

the APM clusters symbols with errorbars compared with the

Redshift distortions pro duce slightly larger clustering

values in dierent simulated mo dels as in Figure

amplitudes at large scales b ecause of coherent infall and

smaller amplitudes at small scales b ecause of random veloc

ities The crossing of the real space and the redshift space

scales to illustrate that even when R h Mp c there is

curves indicates the scale at which b oth eects are compa

still a signicant detection of S

rable We exp ect Gaussian errors of kms to reduce the

Note that the simulations show that redshiftspace dis

redshift space results at small scales H in agree

tortions pro duce only a small eect in S as the distortions

ment with the gures J


In Figures and we show the hierarchical ratios S

in Fry tend to comp ensate for the distortions in




Gazta naga

with errors generated from the errors in The


From Figure it is apparent that in the

mean values for the APM cluster are around S and

mo del has to o little p ower on scales R h Mp c This is

S At the largest scales b oth the data and the mo dels

have large errors nevertheless we show the results at these shown in Figure Although also evident in the skewness

Variance Skewness Kurtosis from galaxy clusters 5

Figure The hierarchical skewness S for the APM

clusters symbols with errorbars compared with values from dif

Figure The variance R in the mo del normalized

ferent cosmological mo dels The lower panel shows the low density

to shortdashed line and longdashed line

CDM mo del while the upp er panel shows the MDM mo del The

compared to R in the mo del

continuous shortdashed and longdashed lines corresp ond rep ec

tively to the mo del estimation in real space redshift space and

redshift space with Gaussian velocity errors

Figure The skewness R in the mo del normalized

to shortdashed line and to longdashed

Figure The hierarchical kurtosis S for the APM

line compared to R in the mo del normalized so

clusters symbols with errorbars compared with the values from


dierent mo dels as in Figure

mo del these estimates corresp ond to just one set of random we b elieve this eect is real it is not very signicant if we

phases identical for each mo del With just one realization use errorbars

is not very sensitive to the it is dicult to distinguish b etween these three mo dels on While the amplitude of

normalizatio n of the mo del it do es dep end strongly on scales larger than h Mp c The results at intermediate

the value of To show this we have run one realization of scales have suciently small errors to constrain the shap e

a CDM mo del with and h This to have a value of This is in go o d

is shown in Figures and where we compare the results agreement with results from the APM galaxy angular cor

of the and mo dels with two normaliza relation function Maddox et al a Efstathiou Maddox

tions Because we only have one realization of the Sutherland

6 Gazta naga Croft Dalton


In b oth the observed cluster catalogues and the cluster sim

ulations the distribution of clusters is represented by a dis

crete number of p oints The main eect of this discreteness is

to introduce additional correlations sometimes called shot

noise which are imp ortant at scales R d where d is

n n

the mean interparticle separation Typically if we have a

correlation length R which is dened as R with

R d as in the case of galaxies then the intrinsic clus


d tering dominates over the shotnoise For clusters R


so the shotnoise dominates the measured clustering

This problem b ecomes evident when estimating from


moments of counts in cells b ecause one has to decide explic

itly what if any discreteness correction should b e applied

But the problem is equally imp ortant when estimating the

p oint correlation function directly In the latter case one

counts distances b etween pairs in the sample and compares

them with similar counts in a random Poisson distribu

tion of p oints Thus the Poisson shotnoise correction has

b een widely used for clusters even when this is not always

explicitl y stated

Figure The uncorrected values of for the mo del

One could choose not to correct the measured corre

lled circles and the mo del lled triangles compared

lations for this discreteness as long as the same density of

with the values of after the discreteness Poisson shotnoise

p oints is used in the comparison with mo dels and other cat

correction with op en circles triangles for the

alogues This is also the case if one regards the cluster distri

CDM mo del The Poisson shotnoise correction N R

bution as intrinsically discrete and richness dep endent ie

is shown as a dashed line

characterised by its mean density and therefore by d


On the other hand one could try to correct for discrete

ness and estimate the intrinsic correlations of an underlying

correction on small scales where discreteness is imp ortant

density eld This estimate would b e indep endent of the

Given that we have not used the Poisson mo del in deciding

interparticle separation and would b e more useful in com

how to select clusters in the simulations this result indicates


parisons with mo dels or other catalogues The cluster dis

that Poisson shotnoise mo del is indeed a go o d approxima

tribution can then b e imagined as a continuous eld which is

tion to the discreteness eects

traced by our particular p oint distribution This continuous

eld is not the matter distribution but a biased transforma

tion of it As in the case of the galaxy distribution one can

further assume that the lo cation of the p oint drawn from the


underlying uctuations is the result of a Poisson random

pro cess with probabili ty prop ortional to lo cal density In

We nd two common features in the cluster simulations of

this sense the Poisson shotnoise mo del can b e applied to

dierent dark matter mo dels First redshift distortions are

correct for the discreteness

not very imp ortant This is in spite of the fact that dierent

In our case the Poisson correction is larger than unity

mo dels have quite dierent velocity elds eg Croft Ef

at scales R h Mp c as the mean cluster density N

stathiou b Second the values of S and S are quite

N This can b e in spheres with R h Mp c is

similar in all mo dels ie in Figures and This is in spite

seen in Figure where the uncorrected values of for

of the fact that dierent mo dels have quite dierent values

the mo del lled squares and the mo del

of the variance skewness or kurtosis Figures

after the lled triangles are compared with the values of

Both of these features can b e understo o d in terms of

discreteness correction with op en squares triangles for the

biasing Clusters are high p eaks in the galaxy mass dis

CDM mo del

tribution and they are therefore biased tracers of the mass

In the same Figure we have also plotted the Poisson

Kaiser On large scales one exp ects coherent stream

shotnoise correction N R as a dashed line

ing motions to enhance redshift space uctuations Kaiser

but the relative eect is suppressed by a factor b Note that for the mo del the shotnoise contribu

tion is larger than the intrinsic clustering contribution at al l

the ratio of the mass value to the cluster value of for

scales Although we know that the intrinsic clustering prop

a biased distributio n On the other hand the amplitudes of

erties are dierent in these mo dels we can see in Figure S do not seem to b e much aected by redshift distortions


how the uncorrected values of approach the Poisson

for either the mass distribution according to p erturbation

theory Bouchet et al or for galaxies according to

observations Fry Gazta naga This might explain



why for with J redshift distortions are S


One would then b e able to disentangle for example the ef


also not very imp ortant

fects of incompleteness such as random and intrinsic

Why should S b e similar in all mo dels Following Fry richness dep endence in a catalogue of clusters J

Variance Skewness Kurtosis from galaxy clusters 7

with a Gaussian kernel radius R We nd that the vari Gazta naga a lo cal bias relating galaxy or matter

ance and skewness are largely overestimated in comparison uctuations to cluster uctuations


with the Nb o dy results In our test the comparison is in






real space and the discrepancy is for R and R

x x f x



h Mp c This suggests that although Plionis et al use re


sults from a dierent observational catalogue of clusters the

where b b pro duces amplitudes for the cluster distribu

combined Ab ellACO catalogue to make their quantitative

tion S and S of

comparison their conclusions are dierent and in our view

less trustworthy than those which would b e reached using

S b S c


full Nb o dy simulations

S b S c S c c

m m

In summary we have shown that in the case of clus

ter samples discreteness has an imp ortant eect on clus

where c b b and c b b are the resp ective quadratic

tering statistics at all scales The Poisson shotnoise mo del

and cubic contributions from the biasing transformation in

has b een widely used implicitl y when estimating the p oint

equation and S are the hierarchical amplitudes in


correlation function for clusters Here we have argued that

the underlying matter distribution Here we have used the

the Poisson shotnoise correction should indeed b e applied

fact that b oth the galaxy distribution in the APM and the

when estimating correlations in the cluster distributio n

matter distribution in the simulations follow the hierarchi



We repro duce previous conclusions by Dalton et al b

cal relation see eg Gazta naga Baugh S



based on the p oint correlation function mainly that the

Gazta naga Efstathiou From the ab ove expression

standard CDM mo del is inconsistent with the second

we see that the underlying amplitudes S are typically


order statistics at all scales As a new result we nd that this

suppressed by b when selecting high p eaks That the val

mo del is inconsistent with either the third or fourth order

ues of S and S we nd are quite similar in all mo dels

statistics at all scales A Mixed Dark Matter mo del gives

even when the matter amplitudes S and S are signi

m m

go o d agreement as do es a low density CDM variant b oth

cantly dierent see Juszkiewicz Bouchet Colombi

of these mo dels b eing consistent with the observations

Gazta naga Baugh indicates that the biasing contri


for J at the level We have also shown that it is

bution in equation is signicant For example the typical

p ossible to measure S in the cluster distributio n at scales

variation b etween mo dels of S for the mass distribution


as large as R h Mp c The hierarchical correlations

at large scales is S Everything b eing equal the cor


found in the cluster distribution are consequence of similar

resp onding variation in the cluster distributio n from equa

relations in the underlying matter eld In a forthcoming

for the typical value b Given the tion is S

pap er we use the relations b etween the cluster values of

uncertainties in the measured values of S it is not surprising

S and the correp onding values for the matter distribution


that this small variation is undetected

eg equation to investigate the biasing pro cess in more

Recently Plionis Valdarnini and Cappi

detail in preparation

Maurogordato have estimated S and S from an

gular and redshift p ositions of Ab ell and ACO clusters The


hierarchial ratios shown in Figures and S and

S are similar to their redshiftspace results but are

We would like to thank George Efstathiou for helpful

slightly smaller than the ones found by Cappi Mauro

comments on a previous version of this manuscript EG ac

gordato in the angular distribution S and S

knowledges supp ort of a Fellowship from the Commission

It is not clear to us how signicant this discrepancy is as

of Europ ean Communities and from CSIC Consejo Sup e

Cappi Maurogordato use b o otstrap errors which

rior de Investigaciones Cienticas in Spain RACC acknowl

are unreliable see Baugh Gazta naga Efstathiou

edges receipt of a PPARC studentship

On the other hand uncertainties from the depro jection of an

gular into D statistics are not taken into account by Cappi


Maurogordato This can introduce large errors given the

uncertainties in the selection function of clusters

Plionis et al have made predictions based on Ab ell GO ApJ Supp

use of the Zeldovich approximation to evolve cosmological Ab ell GO Corwin HG Olowin RP ApJ Supp

density elds b efore selecting clusters They rule out the ACO

CDM mo del at a high signicance level on the Bahcall NA Soneira RM ApJ

basis that it pro duces a cluster distributio n with to o high Bardeen J M Bond J R Kaiser N Szalay A S

a variance and skewness on scales r h Mp c In Ap ApJ

p endix A we have carried out tests on this metho d of simu Baugh CM Efstathiou G MNRAS

lating the cluster distribution and we nd it to b e unreliable Baugh CM Gazta nagaE Efstathiou G MNRAS

Problems arise from the inability of the Zeldovich approx in press

imation to predict accurately the lo cation of the compact Bernardeau F a ApJ

ob jects which we are using to trace the density eld In the Bernardeau F b AA

case of CDM we have also run Zeldovich reali Bernardeau F Kofman ApJ in press

sations using the same particle number grid Bower RG Coles P Frenk CS White SDM

spacing b ox length and cluster richness as Plionis et al ApJ

and have used the same metho d to evaluate the moments Bouchet FR Strauss MA Davis M Fisher KB Yahil

from the cluster p oint distribution smo othed onto a grid A Huchra JP ApJ

8 Gazta naga Croft Dalton

Peebles PJE The Large Scale Structure of the Uni Bouchet FR Colombi S Hivon E Juszkiewicz R

verse Princeton University Press AA submitted

Plionis M Valdarnini R MNRAS in press Cappi A Maurogordato S ApJ

Plionis M Borgani S Moscardini L Coles P Coles P Melott AL Shandarin SF MNRAS

ApJ in press

Colombi S Bouchet FR Schaeer R Astron As

Romer AK Collins CA MacGillivray H Cruddace


RG Eb eling H Boringer H Nature

Croft RAC Efstathiou G a MNRAS

Croft RAC Efstathiou G b MNRAS L

Sathyaprakash BS Sahni V Munshi D Pogosyan D

Dalton GB Efstathiou G Maddox SJ Sutherland

Melott AL MNRAS submitted


Sharp NA Bonometto SA Lucchin F ApJ

Dalton GB Croft RAC Efstathiou G Sutherland

WJ Maddox SJ Davis M b MNRAS

Szapudi I Szalay AS Boschan P ApJ


TothG HollosiJ Szalay AS ApJ

Dalton GB Efstathiou G Maddox SJ Sutherland

Weinberg DH Cole S MNRAS

WJ in preparation

Wright EL Smo ot GF Kogut A Hinshaw G Tenorio

Efstathiou G Bond JR White SDM MNRAS

L Lineweaver C Bennett CL Lubin PM



Efstathiou G Eastwoo d JW MNRAS

Zeldovich Ya B AA

Efstathiou G Davis M Frenk CS White SDM

ApJ Supp

Efstathiou G Kaiser N Saunders W Lawrence A

RowanRobinson M Ellis RS Frenk CS


Efstathiou G Sutherland WJ Maddox SJ Na


Efstathiou G Dalton GB Sutherland WJ Maddox


Frieman JA Gazta nagaE ApJ

Fry JN Peebles PJE ApJ

Fry JN ApJ

Fry JN Gazta nagaE ApJ

Fry JN Gazta nagaE ApJ

Gazta nagaE ApJ L

Gazta nagaE MNRAS

Gazta nagaE Frieman JA ApJ L

Gazta nagaE Baugh CM MNRAS in press

Goro MH Grinstein B Rey SJ Wise MB


Groth EJ Peebles PJE ApJ

Hauser MG Peebles PJE ApJ

Ho ckney RW Eastwoo d JW Computer Simula

tions Using Particles McGrawHill New York

Jing YP Zhang ApJ

Jing YP Valdarnini AA

Kaiser N ApJ L

Kaiser N MNRAS

Klypin AA Kopylov AI Sov Astron Lett

Klypin AA Holtzmann J Primack J RegosE


Juszkiewicz R Bouchet FR Colombi S ApJ


Maddox SJ Efstathiou G Sutherland WJ Loveday J


Maddox SJ Efstathiou G Sutherland WJ Loveday J


Maddox SJ Efstathiou G Sutherland WJ Loveday J


Mann RG Heavens AF Peacock JA MNRAS

Meiksin A Szapudi I Szalay AS ApJ

Nichol RC Collins CA Guzzo L Lumsden SL MNRAS p

Variance Skewness Kurtosis from galaxy clusters 9

know whether clusters do indeed form at sites that can b e APPENDIX A CLUSTERS IN THE

predicted by weakly nonlinear evolution of the density eld ZELDOVICH APPROXIMATION

If this do es o ccur then it could give supp ort to the idea that

In this app endix we are concerned with testing some asp ects

statistical clustering or highp eak biasing is mainly re

of the reliabili ty of theoretical predictions of cluster cluster

sp onsible for the distribution of clusters On the other hand

ing In particular we compare our Nb o dy simulations with

if we are not able to nd a reliable corresp ondence b etween

simulations that use the Zeldovich approximation to

TZA and Nb o dy clusters the matter distribution may still

evolve the density eld Such simulations have b een used

b e similar for b oth metho ds when smo othed on large scales

as a computationally inexp ensive way of making predictions

but in the TZA we will have b een unable to predict cor

ab out clustering and higher order moments of clusters for

rectly the lo cations of clusters that we are using to trace

a wide range of mo dels Plionis et al and references

that matter distribution


A Comparison of Truncated Zeldovich

Approximation and Nb o dy clusters A Alternative metho ds of simulating clusters

We test which of these is in fact the case by evolving the mat The twopoint correlation function of simulated rich clus

ters evolves weakly with time Croft Efstathiou a

ter distribtion for the same initial random phases using the

TZA and the P M Nb o dy co de In this example case we will This is b ecause much of the clustering measured is statis

use the CDM mo dels normalised so that tical in the sense that the clusters were b orn clustered as

would happ en if they formed at the lo cations of high p eaks

The input p ower sp ectrum of the TZA run was truncated

Mp c which by use of a Gaussian lter of radius r h in the initial density eld Kaiser Less time consum


Plionis et al nd is optimal for this particular mo del ing metho ds than the use of full Nb o dy simulations might

therefore b e adequate to mo del the statistical clustering

The nal particle distributio n for a h Mp c thick region

is shown in Figure Abii and can b e compared directly prop erties of clusters Analytical approaches based on high

p eak theory eg Mann Heavens Peacock predict

with the Nb o dy particle distribution Figure Aaii It

the same trends as Nb o dy simulations the cluster correla

can b e seen that there are broad similarities b etween the

two density elds There are however fewer obvious clumps tion amplitude increases weakly with cluster richness for ex

ample To make accurate predictions which can b e compared

in the TZA density eld We are exp ecting this as small scale

quantitatively with observational samples though it is cer

p ower has b een removed from the p ower sp ectrum and also

no mechanism exists within the dynamical scheme to form tainly b etter to identify clusters with p eaks in the evolved

density eld

structure into virialised ob jects We must therefore decide

This is the view that has b een taken by Plionis et al

where such ob jects would have formed Plionis et al assume

that this would o ccur at p eaks in the TZA density eld and in their study of cluster correlations The dynamical scheme

we will follow them in dening clusters to b e at the p ositions which they use is the Truncated Zeldovich Approximation

TZA which has b een tested by several authors eg Coles

of p eaks However examination of the TZA particle distri

bution shows that there are many smo othlo oking regions Melott Shandarin Sathyaprakash et al and

which we would like to break up in order to repro duce the found to give a surprisingl y go o d indication of the b ehaviour

of gravitating matter even into the nonlinear regime It

Nb o dy results

To nd clusters we grid the nal particle density elds us should b e noted that agreement found with Nb o dy sim

ing a TSC scheme Ho ckney Eastwoo d onto a ulations was only go o d on scales much larger than the typ

ical radius of galaxy clusters We also note that it fails to

mesh and then apply Gaussian smo othing The p ositions of

the highest p eaks in the smo othed eld are taken as repro duce in detail the amplitudes of the higher order cor

the lo cations of the richest clusters This technique do es relations S of the mass at all scales eg Juszkiewicz et al


When the original Zeldovich approximation

have a number of disadvantages such as the fact that reso

lution is lost b elow the scale of the grid and also due to the is applied to a particle density eld all particles move along

smo othing pro cedure There is an additional anticorrelation their initial tra jectories with constant velocity When par

ticles tra jectories cross one another structure which would

eect arising from the fact that p eaks cannot lie in adjacent

gridcells This is discussed further b elow when we calculate have formed under the action of gravity is erased For this

clustering statistics To check the sensitivity to dierences reason in the improved version the truncated ZA the initial

in clusternding techniques of the Nb o dy results we ap p ower sp ectrum is truncated by smo othing with a gaussian

ply the ab ove pro cedure rst to the Nb o dy outputs We try lter to remove the p ower at small wavelengths which is

lters of radius r and h Mp c As the inter resp onsible for the bulk of orbit crossing Using the TZA


particle separation in cluster cores is small we should not to evolve the density eld rather than a full Nb o dy co de is

have to smo oth much in order to remove any discreteness computational ly much cheaper meaning that large numbers

eects in fact using the unsmo othed grid do es give go o d of mo dels can b e run and tested This is p otentially of b ene

results In gure Aaii we compare the p ositions of these t as for example Plionis et al have run simulations

Nb o dy clusters for r h Mp c with those identied of dierent universes with which it would b e interesting


using p ercolation It can b e seen that there is an extremely to compare our APM cluster statistics

go o d corresp ondence b etween the two cluster catalogues as It is therefore imp ortant to test the reliabili ty of this sort

we would exp ect The panel Aaii shows the distribution of scheme particularily as we have reached the stage where

of particles taken from the h Mp c region indi cluster samples are large enough that we can measure higher

cated in the left hand picture order statistics with relatively small errors We would like to

10 Gazta naga Croft Dalton

Figure A h Mp c thickness slice through simulations of CDM universe with run using a a P M Nb o dy

co de and b the truncated Zeldovich approximation The solid dots in panels ai and bi show the p ostions of clusters identied in

these simulations as high p eaks after smo othing the density with a Gaussian lter of radius h Mp c The op en circles show clusters

identied as p eaks with Gaussian smo othing of with lter radius h Mp c in panel bi and p ercolation groups in panel ai In panels

aii and bii we zo om in on the h Mp c square region enclosed by the solid lines in ai and bi showing the distribution of

particles in the Nb o dy and Zeldovich simulations resp ectively

discreteness problems as the p eak regions do not have such We apply this clusternding scheme to the TZA simula

a high particle density We have run TZA simulations with tion Because the nature of ob jects to b e identied with

particles in the same sized b ox in order to check on clusters is not obvious from the particle plot we try sev

the eects of varying mass and spatial resolution Our re eral dierent lter sizes r and h Mp c We


covery of similar results to the tests with particles sug then lo ok for p eaks in the smo othed eld The results for

gests that the mismatch b etween TZA and Nb o dy clusters r h Mp c and h Mp c are shown in Fig Abi


is caused mostly by the TZA dynamical scheme itself b eing where we plot those of the highest p eaks which fall in a

inadequate slice of thickness h Mp c Again it is instructive to com

pare with the Nb o dy results We can see that neither value

of r pro duces a go o d corresp ondence b etween TZA clus


ters and the Nb o dy clusters It also seems that the obvious

A Clustering statistics and Zeldovich clusters

caustics which the TZA pro duces are places where maxima

It is p ossible though that the two sets of ob jects can give

are preferentially selected particularil y when the smo othing

statisticall y similar results on the large h Mp c

radius is small A larger lter scale r than with the Nb o dy


scales used in comparison with observations and on which

results should b e necessary in order to avoid any particle the TZA should b e most useful b ecause the density eld is

Variance Skewness Kurtosis from galaxy clusters 11

Figure A The variance r of clusters identied from simulations of a CDM universe with run using a P M Nb o dy

co de and the truncated Zeldovich approximation The error bars represent the rms error on the mean calculated from the scatter b etween

realisations In the Nb o dy results we show r for clusters selected from p ercolation groups solid line and from p eaks in the density

eld op en symbols smo othed with a Gaussian lter of radius and h Mp c The lled symbols corresp ond to the dierent

results obtained after using Gaussian lters of radius and h Mp c to smo oth the TZA evolved density eld Clusters were

identied as the highest p eaks in this eld giving a mean intercluster separation of h Mp c

strongly on the smo othing radius used to select clusters It more linear We have calculated the variance r for the

would app ear that we are selecting a dierent p opulation of TZA and Nb o dy clusters the results b eing shown in Fig

ob jects as the smo othing radius is changed With a small ra A At this p oint it is worth mentioning that the metho d

dius there is marked excess clustering as those p eaks in the of selecting clusters from a grid which is necessary in the

initial density eld which would collapse to form large single TZA case aects the correlations on small scales The anti

clusters are instead broken up into many smaller ob jects Us correlation introduced by the fact that p eaks must b e a min

ing r gives the closest results to the Nb o dy clusters imum of grid cells apart will make r articially low on


although r is still marginally to o low It is imp ortant to small scales The Gaussian smo othing radius r used on the


r realise that when comparing a range of Zeldovich mo dels evolved eld b efore p eak selection will also depress

This eect is visible in the plot for the Nb o dy results us realistical ly with observations we should have an a priori

ing larger r results in deviations from the p ercolation curves reason for choosing the smo othing scale The b est scale may


out to larger r The TZA clusters should also b e aected by dep end on the shap e of Pk or the amplitude of uctua

b oth problems but it dicult to decide from the plot b e tions We have seen here that varying r b etween and


cause we do not know what prop erties a TZA sample with h Mp c gives enormously dierent results for r Also it

no gridding or smo othing would have We will therefore con apparent from the plots of cluster p ositions that even with

centrate on scales h Mp c in the rest of our discussion the b est radius we are not selecting the same ob jects as in

the Nb o dy output This may imply that other prop erties

The Nb o dy values of r calculated after using p ercola

of the cluster density eld are not reliably predicted by this

tion and p eaks to nd clusters are almost identical The

metho d

value of r which gives the worst agreement h Mp c


is probably to o large for the compact ob jects present in the

Nb o dy output and in any case using a grid and lter is

not our metho d of choice for selecting Nb o dy clusters For the TZA clusters however the correlation strengths dep end

12 Gazta naga Croft Dalton

A Discussion

As there is no clear visual corresp ondence b etween the N

b o dy and TZA clusters the exact nature of the ob jects we

are selecting in the TZA density eld is unclear When we

use a small r or the unsmo othed eld then it is p ossible


that we are aected by particle discreteness although our

tests with higher resolution TZA simulations show that this

is not a ma jor problem here This suggests that some of the

ob jects found in the TZA output are artifacts of the limited

dynamics as are for example the shells of matter that have

undergone obvious orbit crossing By smo othing the initial

p ower sp ectrum as we are forced to do and b ecause the

TZA do es not work well on small scales we are losing infor

mation which we need to lo cate where virialis ed ob jects will

form This is related to the problem that the ecacy of the

TZA will dep end on the overall amplitude of uctuations

For higher normalisations we will need a larger truncation

scale on the p ower sp ectrum to suppress the increased orbit

crossing The ob jects that form will corresp ond even less to

those in the fully nonlinear calculation This implies that

the TZA could p erform b etter in comparison with Nb o dy

simulations of the other mo dels with dierent p ower sp ectra

and lower which we have not tested here On the other

hand as the galaxy clusters which we are using to trace the

density eld are by denition compact ob jects and proba

bly virialise d our theoretical predictions should b e able to

predict the lo cation of these ob jects The Zeldovich Approx

imation whilst repro ducing some other asp ects of the large

scale evolution of the density eld is unable to do this

In summary we nd that we can reliably select clumps of

matter which we identify as galaxy clusters from Nb o dy

simulations with dierent selection metho ds pro ducing al

most identical results This gives us condence that our the

oretical calculations of will b e robust We have also tested


a metho d for generating simulated cluster catalalogues us

ing the Zeldovich approximation and compared the clusters

selected using this metho d with those in our own fully non

linear calculation This leads us to conclude that the use of

clusters from the Zeldovich approximation is not really suit

able when engaging in a quantitative comparison of theories with observations of cluster clustering