SAINT MARY’S CHURCH PAWTUCKET MONDAY, November 1 722-5425….723-8803 or All Saints 7:30 AM Special Intention Email:
[email protected] 5:15 PM For the People of the Parish TUESDAY, November 2 Kindergarten thru 6 th Grade classes are held from 9 The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed AM to 10:15AM 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish Grade 7 thru Confirmation I & II Classes are held from WEDNESDAY, November 3 11:30 AM to 1PM. Saint Martin de Porres, religious 7:30 AM For our Deceased Parishioners who have All classes are held in St. Edward’s Church Hall before generously remembered St. Mary’s through and after the 10:30 AM Mass there. Gifts & Bequests th FRIDAY, November 5 CONFIRMATION I CLASSES now include not only 9 th 7:30 AM Communion Service Graders but 8 Graders as well whether attending public or Catholic Schools. The Confirmation Program is transitioning in many parishes in our diocese to th MASSES NEXT WEEKEND eventually confirm by 8 Grade. The transition will take a couple of years to complete. SATURDAY, November 6 4:00 PM 5th Anniv. for Albertina Rogers, by Husband NEW STARTING DATE FOR ADULT CLASSES (RCIA ) Adults needing Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation SUNDAY, November 7 ND. th are invited to attend classes beginning NOVEMBER 2 The 9:00 AM 4 Anniv. for Timothy Sheehy, by Family classes are held at St. Mary’s Rectory Basement Meeting 11:00 AM Mem. for Agnes McGee-Cleveland & Room (entrance facing the cemetery) from 6:45 to 8:30 pm.