Minutes of the Second Meeting of Central and Western District Council
Minutes of the Second Meeting of Central and Western District Council Date : 16 January 2020 (Thursday) Time : 2:00 pm Venue : Conference Room 14/F., Harbour Building 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong Present: Chairman Ms CHENG Lai-king* Vice-chairman Mr YEUNG Sui-yin, Victor* Members Miss CHEUNG Kai-yin* Mr HO Chi-wang* Mr HUI Chi-fung (2:00 pm – 10:35 pm) Mr KAM Nai-wai, MH* Mr LEUNG Fong-wai, Fergus* Ms NG Hoi-yan, Bonnie* Mr NG Siu-hong* Mr PANG Ka-ho* Ms WONG Kin-ching, Cherry* Mr WONG Weng-chi* Miss YAM Ka-yi* Mr YIP Kam-lung, Sam* Mr YOUNG Chit-on, Jeremy (2:07 pm – 9:53 pm) Remarks: * Members who attended the whole meeting ( ) Time of attendance of Members Minute-第二次會議紀錄-16.1.2020 (final)_eng.docx 1 Item 5 Ms BOOK King-shun, Emma Executive Officer I (District Council), Central and Western District Office Item 6 Mr TANG Ping-keung, PDSM Commissioner of Police, Hong Kong Police Force Mr TSE Ming-yeung District Commander (Central District), Hong Kong Police Force Ms WONG Siu-hing, Queenie District Commander (Western District), Hong Kong Police Force Item 7 Mr MAN Chi-wah Representative of the public Mr CHAN Chit-kwai, Stephen Representative of the public Item 8 Mr HO Wing-hong, Ernest Manager - External Affairs, MTR Corporation Limited Mr Rico WONG Operations Manager - Island Line, South Island Line & Tseung Kwan O Line, MTR Corporation Limited Miss Lilian YEUNG Public Relations Manager - External Affairs, MTR Corporation Limited Item 10 Mr WONG Hung-tak Representative, Wisdom Regeneration Mr CHEUNG Chiu-tun Representative, Concern
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