Student Services Handbook working in partnership with The Team The Forum Peer Mentoring The HE Student Services team is The Peer Mentoring Programme based on the third floor of the has been set up with the aim of Forum. This new location designed providing support to first year exclusively for HE students is ideal students by helping them settle and allows the team to be in direct into their course, make progress contact with students, lecturers and achieve their potential while at and staff. This means students South Essex College. feel better supported. The modern The peer mentor’s role is to support facilities cater to meet students individual students enrolled on a needs and include spacious lecture course of study at the College. The rooms, study areas and IT facilities. mentor may have completed the Facebook same course as their mentee. This will ensure the peer mentor can Please visit our Facebook page offer encouragement with issues such as coursework, placements hestudentservices and assignments. You will find interesting articles and research, information At the start of the year, the first about national and local events, year student is assigned a peer employability skills, funding, mentor who supports them disability, graduate schemes, throughout the academic year. voluntary work, useful video clips For more information on peer and website links and much more. mentoring or to sign up to the The Collaborative Careers Group mentoring programme email:
[email protected] South Essex College is a member of the Collaborative Group which is a partnership of higher education institutions within the region.