VOL. XVIII, NO. 1 Scripture Studies NOVEMBER 2019 “‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord…” Isaiah 1:18 2: Old Testament Study: Jonah 1:2, pt. 1 ..........................................................................................3 The City of Nineveh, by John King (1594) A Classic Study: Job 1:21-22, pt. 1 ..................................................................................... 13 Naked I Came, Naked I Return, by Joseph Caryl (1644) New Testament Study: Romans 3:19-31 ...................................................................................... 23 Justification by Grace through Faith; Humility, by S. Sperling A Study in History: The Reformation ................................................................................... 38 Introduction to the Protestant Reformation, pt. 5, by P. Schaff Old Testament Study: The Old Testament for Christians, pt. 2 ............................................ 44 Created in God’s Image – Gen. 1:26-27, by Scott Sperling A Sermon: Spurgeon Sermon, No.60 .................................................................... 61 Sovereignty and Salvation — Isa. 45:22, by C. Spurgeon (1856) A Meditation: The Traveller ......................................................................................... 79 The Temper of Him That Goes Abroad, by James Meikle (1757) Postscript: The Old and New Testament, by Franz Delitzsch .......................... 80 Scripture Studies (ISSN: 1520-4308) is edited and published by Scott Sperling. It is distributed via the internet free of charge. If you would like to be added to the email list, send your request to:
[email protected] Back issues are available, free of charge, on the World Wide Web at: http://www.ScriptureStudies.com Most of the bibliographic resources can be found on the World Wide Web, free of charge, at: http://www.ClassicChristianLibrary.com For readability’s sake, some of the classic articles have been lightly edited, so that they follow modern English usage for certain words. Very occasionally, they are edited in other ways, also.