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CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS Y EXPERIMENTACIÓN DE OBRAS PÚBLICAS TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES 2010 © 2011, Ministerio de Fomento. CEDEX. Diseño gráfico y producción: Calamar Edición & Diseño NIPO: 163-11-004-1 ISSN: 1697-3555 Depósito Legal: M-38.693-2011 CONTENTS Presentation . 4 El Organismo . 6 Relaciones Externas y Actividades Comerciales . 8 Gabinete de Formación y Documentación . 10 Secretaría del CEDEX . 16 Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos . 24 Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas . 38 Centro de Estudios del Transporte . 54 Centro de Estudios de Técnicas Aplicadas . 68 Laboratorio Central de Estructuras y Materiales . 80 Laboratorio de Geotecnia . 90 Laboratorio de Interoperabilidad Ferroviaria . 114 Centro de Estudios Históricos de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo . 140 Annex: courses, congresses, publications, technical reports and committees . 148 Abbreviations . 186 PRESENTACIÓN rom an economic perspective, 2010 was char- are requiring less technological services from acterised by the application of a strict Auster- CEDEX. F ity Plan, imposed by the need to adapt the Body to the general economic situation. Furthermore, we are faced with the trend towards a transfer to the Autonomous Regions and privatisa- Where income was concerned, in 2010 CEDEX was tion, to such an extent that the workload the Minis- affected by a reduction in capital transfer of 22.8% terio de Fomento and Ministry of Environment and 0.8% in current transfer. There was also a 15.2% Centros Directivos demand of us tends to decrease reduction in the number of Management Orders as as the functional and/or territorial scope of their ac- a result of the austerity plans implemented by the tivity diminishes. Ministerio de Fomento and Ministry of Environment Centros Directivos, which traditionally require What is more, the global crisis that is affecting us CEDEX’s services, because they are also subjected gives no cause for optimism where a recovery in the to major restrictions. levels of capital transfer and current transfer is con- cerned, in the light of the sharp reductions in the Na- From an expenditure viewpoint, this reduction in in- tional Budget 2009 and 2010. come brought with it a reduction in real investment (2.8%), in purchases (2.3%), in running expenses on However, we have found major strengths and oppor- goods and services (5.97%) and also in expenditure tunities with which to counteract these weaknesses on personnel (4.3%). and uncertainties. In fact, the competitiveness of a construction sector in the process of internationali- The imbalance between expenditure and income was sation needs Spanish know-how and requires the made up for by a reduction of almost 5 million €in specialist technical support of the private companies the Working Capital. that are becoming internationalised in areas which are CEDEX’s motivating- and driving-force. This situation is unsustainable, because it would lead to a depletion of our reserves, making it advisable Furthermore, CEDEX has begun to strengthen its ties to a take a series of measures, not all of which were with bodies or institutions abroad, with a view to in- aimed at reducing expenditure; these were submit- ternationalising its services. ted to the CEDEX Governing Body for approval. At the same time, the internationalisation of the ac- First of all, it must be pointed out, albeit briefly, what tivities of CEDEX -as the technological showcase for we believe the conditions to be that we have to re- the Ministries upon which we depend from a func- act against. tional perspective, in the field of testing and research -, means that the Body has the proverbial “wind in its From a structural perspective, we are faced with a sails”, given that it is recognised as an international reduction in the demand for technical services that benchmark, thanks to the many years of work that is associated with a gradual reduction in invest- CEDEX has successfully carried out in the sector. ment, no longer as a result of the crisis, but of the level of infrastructure in Spain. However, the re- Furthermore, the powers that have been transferred duction due to the crisis has to be added to this to the Autonomous Regions or privatised where pub- reduction in investment, as the former means that lic works and environmental management are con- the Ministries upon which we depend functionally cerned, still require technological support. As a result, 4 PRESENTATION CEDEX can continue to provide these services fungible goods, paper, photocopiers and office ma- through agreements or contracts, for the purpose of terial; regarding travelling expenses, etc. which it can rely on a magnificent “goodwill”. The change lies in the fact that we must get used to hav- An effort has also been made to cut down on pur- ing a host of clients and users, when until now, nearly chases. In this sense, steps have been taken to op- all the CEDEX’s service were for the Ministerio de Fo- timise the use of our own resources, reducing the mento and the Ministry of Environment. The afore- contracting of technical assistance. mentioned serves to supplement the workload coming from those Ministries, which guarantee a Perhaps one challenge for the coming years where solid work base. expenditure reduction is concerned, without losing any technological “clout”, lies in making the most of What is more, CEDEX is regarded as the R&D&I the synergies and carrying out a comprehensive man- benchmark centre in the area of public works and agement of the investments within the Body. This environmental management, which amounts to an means enhancing network activities, which gives excellent opportunity in an environment where all CEDEX an excellent opportunity, because it will en- the diagnoses point to the paramount importance able us to give our clients an all-encompassing serv- of innovation in overcoming the crisis. By way of ex- ice. ample, the “innovative public purchase” strategy, constitutes a challenge where CEDEX can undoubt- From a technical perspective, CEDEX continues to edly play a major role. spearhead the technological support for the Ministe- rio de Fomento and the Ministry of Environment in In view of the above, in 2010 steps were taken to di- the areas of public works and environmental man- versify the demand for CEDEX’s services not only in agement, to which the activities undertaken by the other Ministerial Departments, Autonomous Regions, Centros and Laboratorios included in this Annual Re- Provincial Councils, but also with Local Councils and port bear witness. private companies. It goes without saying that prior- ity is being given to strengthening contacts for the Finally, it must be pointed out that all the CEDEX’s Management Orders with the Ministerio de Fomento technological potential on an international level, is and the Ministry of Environment. based upon the merits and abilities of our person- nel: engineers, scientists, administrative staff, aux- It has also been necessary to apply expenditure re- iliaries, civil servants and other permanent staff. And, duction policies where supplies are concerned (tele- of course, a prerequisite to maintaining this Body’s phone, water and electricity contracts were very high standards, necessarily involves keeping up renegotiated); the rationalisation of space (reloca- the professional level and motivating the personnel, tion of the CEHOPU); security staff (investment in in- which are essential objectives where management is telligent security systems); in building and garden concerned. maintenance and conservation; in consumption of Madrid, Junio de 2010 Mariano Navas Gutiérrez PRESENTATION 5 EL ORGANISMO STATUS AND DIRECTORATE AND ORGANIZATION FUNCTIONS The CEDEX is an Autonomous Public Agency, dependent DIRECCIÓN upon the Ministerio de Fo- mento (Ministry of Transport), while, from an operating RELACIONES EXTERNAS point of view, it depends upon SECRETARÍA the Ministerios de Fomento Y ACTIVIDADES COMERCIALES (Ministry of Transport) and the Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino (Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HIDROGRÁFICOS and Fishing) (Royal Decrees 1136/2002, dated 31st Octo- ber, 591/2005, dated 20th May, 364/2009, dated 20th March, 638/2010, dated 14th CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE PUERTOS Y COSTAS May; and 582/2011, dated 20th April). The work developed by the CE- DEX focuses on providing spe- CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DEL TRANSPORTE cialised technical assistance to the Ministerios de Fomento and de Medio Ambiente. It is a public R&D&i reference centre CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE TÉCNICAS APLICADAS in the fields of public works and the environment, provi- ding society with the technolo- gical progress generatedin these fields by a determined LABORATORIO CENTRAL DE dedication to broadcasting ESTRUCTURAS Y MATERIALES and dissemination of kno- wledge. Likewise, the Organism meets LABORATORIO DE GEOTECNIA other requests coming either from other public administra- tions or from the private sec- tor, it works in close collabo- LABORATORIO DE ration with similar institutions INTEROPERABILIDAD FERROVIARIA of other countries on applied research joint programmes, and is present in the interna- tional scene, within the frame- CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HISTÓRICOS work of Spanish Cooperation DE OBRAS PÚBLICAS Y URBANISMO for Development Assistance. 6 EL ORGANISMO GOVERNING BODIES Consejo El Consejo es el órgano que conoce y orienta las actividades del Organismo. De acuerdo con el Real Decreto 1136/2002, de 31 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del Centro de Estudios y Ex- perimentación de Obras Públicas, aprobado en el BOE de 8 de noviembre, y modificado por los reales decretos: 591/2005, de 20 de mayo; 364/2009, de 20 de marzo; 638/2010, de 14 de mayo; y 582/2011, de 20 de abril). Está integrado por los siguientes miembros: Presidente: El Secretario de Estado de Planificación e Infraestructuras. Vicepresidente: El Secretario de Estado de Medio Rural y Agua. Vocales por el Ministerio de Fomento: El Subsecretario de Fomento. El Director General de Carreteras.