City of Laredo Engineering Department
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ADDENDUM No.1 Page 1 of 46 CITY OF LAREDO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT lARED�, T�Xp.$ 1755 ADDENDUM No.1 November 30, 2017 PROJECT: Riverbank Drive Extension All contractors, holders of plans and specifications, plan rooms and all interested parties on the above identified project are hereby notified of the following revisions taking precedence over all previous declarations and notes made on this project. This addendum is to clarify comments brought up during the pre-bid meeting held on November 29, 2017. 1. Street Lights (2) are by others. A $12,500.00 "Street Lights System" allowance was added through Item 42 in attached Bid Schedule ( 4 pages) which shall be submitted with the bid documents properly signed and showing the total base bid amount written with numbers and words. 2. Attached is the Geotechnical Report and its Addendum #1 (32 and 7 pages respectively). 3. There is a $750,000.00 total budget for this project. 4. Regarding the availability of Type "A" HMAC, if this material cannot be found, the Contractor may submit an alternate similar material for approval. 5. About "Partial Monthly Payments" please read section C-9.06 for information on this subject and the retainage. 6. Pavement striping and markings by others. This addendum is being submitted to all contractors, holders of plans and/or specifications, plan rooms, and all interested parties to the project and acknowledgement of same is required by inserting its number and date in the proposal form. --''o''''' City of La edo Engineering D art.m��1J....''• , * ..• t ,, *.. •.v·\ I , .... : ... ····· �,.. * l1. ,,, ..·· * •.:,.,,. ' t, ... .JA/Me·to.....•...• A �··nCIA··· ..··· ·iiI = ·.. · 9 2 0 ·a· ·g· .•••• ·.= ••••6', a1me . a crn, . i. +u- --J _;:_---r-----r. --t-b�I>.,,_=---E ---+.,��f °-<-.·· .•• f,cc sf.0 ....·�!(,� Proj� anagt: / / "7 ',tssjo··-�····i���.t' I ,,, 1'ALE -- 11 1 0 HOUSTON ST. P.O. BOX 5 79 LAREDO, TEXAS 78040-05 79 Ph.(956) 791-7rz 46 FAX (956) 79,�,"5- ADDENDUM No.1 Page 2 of 46 CITY OF LAREDO ENGINEERIKG DEPARTMENT BID SCHEDULE PROJECT· ruvcrbank DriveExtension Item Estimated Description of item with Unil Price Unit No. Qty. Unit Price Written in Words (in numbers Amount words) & GENERAL ITEMS I I L.S. �10BILIZATION,COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 2 7 - ACRE SITE CLEARJNG, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 3 5, 100 S.1'. REMOVE/DISPOSEor EXlS'llNG CONCRETE PILOT CHANNEL, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE STREET CONSTRUCTION � - -- - - - 6,500- C.Y. STREET EXCAVATION, - COMPLETE AND INPLACE ----- �-- 5 2,000 C.Y. STREET EMBANKMENT, - - -� - - -- COMPLETE AND IN Pl .ACE 6 8,000 C.Y. EMBANKMENT (LOSE ONSITE), COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 7 l,060 L.F. CURBAND GUITER (TYPE A) COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 8 6,385 S.F. 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 9 2,180 S.Y. 2" TYPE CORD H.M.A.C, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 10 2,180 S.Y. 4" TYPE A H.M.A.C, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE -- - �11 2,180 S.Y. - 14.5" FLEX BASE, TYPE B, - GRADE 2, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 12 355 S,Y, 7" FLEX BASE, TYPE B, GRADE 2, UNDER CURB, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE-·---- 13 2,535 S.Y. ·- - - 6" MOISTURE CONDITIONED - - SUB GRADE, COMPLETE AND lN PLACE 2,S35 14 S.Y. - PRIME COAT (SPEC. 516), COMPLETEAND INPLACE 16 ADDENDUM No.1 Page 3 of 46 ------15 I S.Y. 7.,535 TACK COAT (SPEC 518), ! COMPLETE AND IN PLACE -� --Item... Description of item with Unit Price Amount No. Estimated Unit Unit Price \Vrittcn in \Vords (in numbers & Qty, I words) '---··--·-- STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS S.Y 16 360 EROSION CONTROL I : BLANKET. COMPLETE AND 17 IN PLACE 3,535 CY CHAl'iNEL EXCAVATION, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE --·-- 18 --- 35 CY. CHANNEL EMBANKMENT, COMPLETE AND INPLACE 19 1,655 S.Y. HYDROMULCH/SEED!NG, S.F COMPLETE AND IN PLACE , 20 1,590 6" CONCRETE PILOT CHANNEL, COMPLETE AND 182 INPLACE 21 CY. (3)7'x4' MULTIPLE BOX CULVERT, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE HO -- 22 CY. CONCRETE HEADWALLS, ----- COMPLETE AND IN PLACE -------· -- 23 I EA 20' CURil INLET, �i L___ ___ ___ COMPLETE AND INPLACE _ 24 76 L.F. 30" REINFORCEDCONCRETE , PlPE, COMPLETE AND IN 7,475 S.F PLACE --·- 25 5" CONCRETE RIP-RAP, COMPLETE AND INPLACE --·· 26 252 L.F. SIDEWALK llRIDGE RAILING, COMPLETEAND IN TRAFFIC SIGNS PLACE - - 27 I EA. STOP SIGN WITH POLE, ------- . COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 28 2 -- EA STIU:ET SIGN, COMPLETE ------ STORM WATER CONTROLS AND INPLACE 29 -- --- - .. 2,550 L.F. SILT FENCE, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE - - 30 l EA. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, COMPLETE AND IN PLACE ·.7 ADDENDUM No.1 Page 4 of 46 Item Estimated Unit Description of item with Unit Price ( Amount No. Qty. Unit Price Written in Words in numbers & words) 31 I EA. CONCRETE WASHOUT PIT, COMPLETE AND JN PLACE 32 25 L.F. INLETPROTECTION. COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 33 40 L.F. ROCK BERM, COMPLETE , ANDlNPLACE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 34 505 L.F. 12" PVC C-900PIPE (DR-14), COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 35 l EA. 2" SINGLE SERVICEW/ METER BOX (SHORT), COMPLETE AND INPLACE 36 I EA. HYDROSTATIC TEST & CHLORINATION,COMPLETE AND INPLACE 37 505 LI'. TRENCH EXCAVATION PROTECTION 38 I EA. 1" AIR RELEASE VAL VE, COMPLETEAND IN PLACE 39 2 EA. WATER LINE TIE-INTO EXISTING LANES, ) COMPLETE AND IN PLACE 40 40 L.I'. 24" STEEL CASING WITH SPACERS, COMPLETEAND IN PLACE 41 l EA. STANDARD FIREHYDRANT, COMPLETE AND INPLACE • . STREET LIGHTS SYSTEM STREET LIGHTS SYSTEM 42 1 L.S. ALLOWANCE $12,500.00 $12,500.00 TOTAL BASE BIDAMOUNT ___ _____________ TOTAL BASE BID WRITrEN!N WORDS:___ _____________________ _ Contractor Signature Title ADDENDUM No.1 Page 5 of 46 Address Cily/Siatc Zip Cede Telephone Nurnbcr:LJ __ c__ Fax Nuniber: _L__ ____________________ _ Date: NOTE: ALL BID ITEMS WILL BE PAID FOR WHEN COMPLEIT IN PLACE, TESTED, AND ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER. 19 ADDENDUM No.1 Page 6 of 46 BLANK ADDENDUM No.1 Page 7 of 46 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PAVEMENT DESIGN ROADWAY AT VILLAS SAN AGUSTIN SUBDIVISION - UNIT 11 SOUTH OF VILLAS SAN AGUSTIN SUBDIVISION, UNIT 5 & NORTH OF DEERFIELD SUBDIVISION, PHASE 2 LAREDO, WEBB COUNTY, TEXAS Prepared for: Fasken Oil and Ranch, Ltd. 833 Milo Rd. Laredo, TX 78045 Attn.: Benjamin /1.. Puig, PE, SIT, LI Submitted By: HOW:-•ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CO. 7615 N. Bartlett Avenue P.O. Box 451128 (78045) Laredo, TX 78041 P. 956.722.4411 . F. 956.722.5414 TBPE Firm Registration No. F-4097 TBPLS Firm Registration No. 100464-00 ADDENDUM No.1 Page 8 of 46 HOW ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CO. Report Ne,: ,1 1 48(1 July ll,2016 Fas1'cn Oil and Ranch. Ltd. 8333 Milo Rd. Laredo. TX 780cl5 Attn: Benjamin A. Puig PE. SIT. LI Se111 \li11 E-Mail lo /i.f!J}i1 � '/orl.cm11 !vl anager Subject: (;cokchniral Report - Pm·r111e11I Design Recn111111r11datio11 Villas San Agustin Subdivision, Unit 11 Laredo, Wehb County, Texas Dear Mr. Puig: llowland Engineering and Surveying Co .. Inc. (lfowland) is pleased lo submit the enclosed gcotcchnical engineering study for the above referenced project lo be locatccl in Laredo. Texas. This report addresses the field exploration and laboratory testing procedmes and results along \\'ith our recommendations for site preparation and pavement recommendations for Villas San Agustin Subdivision, Unit l l. This report was conducted in accordance with an email by Mr. Arturo Camacho with Camacho Hernandez and Associates. LLC dated May l 9, 20 16. We appreciate the opportunity to be or service to you in this phase nl the project. Please call us if' you have any questions or if we may he of further service. Sincerely, Howland Engineering Hl!,,-d.�j ng Co., Inc. TBPE Firm Rcgistratii;ir,-»,�J9-.�.�/\1 .:'�"- ....*' '·,:f..'•1 '7 . ..i.. ..<., ... ,. ,,. ..:, .� ..� 0 I � · . �l\! ... ..E. '.,.J.�.j ' ,� 0 : , R M:utineJ• �-.p ,, /�; �- ·, ... � ....__ ,� - I p J _ 1cer ,,� •,,8 <-E Sf- , .. /,; ..- • C �/ •,/''° ,,,,,IONAL !'....... f. ... ,\•� ..:- Copies Suhmitted: 1 (ohme) -- 07,\\.\lo 7615 N. (kirtlettAvenue PO Box 451178 (78045) Laredo, TX 78041 P. 956.722.4411 F. 956.722.5414 TBPE Firm Registration No. F,4097 TBPLS Firm Registration No. 100464-00 ADDENDUM No.1 Page 9 of 46 CONTE'\TS INTRODUCTIO'\... ...................................................................................................................... 4 PURPOSE Al\:D SCOPE .............................................................................................................. 4 FIELD INVESTIGATION ........................................................................................................... 4 LABO RA TORY TESTl'.'\G ......................................................................................................... 5 GENERAL SITE AND SUBSVRFACE CONDITIONS .......................................................... 5 Site Physiography ........................................................................................................................ 5 Site Geology .................... ............................................................................................................ 5 Subsurface Stratigraphy ............................................................................................................... 6 Groundwater ................................................................................................................................ 6 Potential Vertical Rise (PVR) ...................................................................................................... 6 PAVEMENT Rli'.COMMENDATIONS..... ................................................................................. 7 General ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Clearing