Matching Generators to Power Systems Allen Windhorn <
[email protected]> 24 October 2019 Contents: 1. Ratings and General Considerations 2. Generator Construction 3. Reactances and Fault Currents/Decrement Curves 4. Grid Codes and Effect on Generators 5. Synchronization and Paralleling 6. Reference Frame Theory (Short Version) 7. Excitation System Models and Exciter Response 8. Synchronous Condensers (Compensators) 1 1. Ratings and General Considerations 2 Frequency, Voltage, Current, & Power • Rated frequency: determined by locale or application (usually 50 or 60 Hz but 400 Hz for aircraft ground power, other special) – Frequency variation: determined by governor and engine characteristics – Frequency is determined by RPM and poles: × • = × • RPM = 120 120 – 120: 60 seconds/minute, 2 pole pairs/cycle 3 Frequency, Voltage, Current, & Power • Rated voltage (=>flux density) affected by: – Saturation flux density of steel, geometry – Frequency – Number of stator coils (i.e. number of slots) – Number of turns in each coil – Pitch of the coils (i.e. number of slots span) – Stator parallel connections and hookup – Length and diameter of the stator lamination stack • = , is total series turns, is flux ∅ 4 ∅ Frequency, Voltage, Current, & Power • Most of the adjustable parameters (e.g. turns, parallels, slots) have discrete values (we can’t design to an exact voltage, so there are tradeoffs) • Others may be determined by specifications, physics, or economic considerations (e.g. pitch, steel characteristics) 5 Frequency, Voltage,