State Civil Defense Agency, and a corps Union Welfare Workshop Well Attended of his top assistants surveyed for us the place of the church in the Civil RITCHIE By C. J. Defense program. All felt deeply im- Home Missionary Secretary, Oregon Conference pressed that there are certain branches of Civil Defense in which the Seventh- More than 300 representatives from ciety and Dorcas Federation leaders day Adventist Church can co-operate the conferences of the North Pacific who attended in studying how we more fully. Union were present at the Dorcas Wel- might expand and more efficiently The evening of Monday, March 9, was fare Workshop held at Gladstone Park, operate this important phase of the occupied by the State Welfare Leader, March 9 to 12. Most practical and time- Lord's work. Miss Jewett. She helped us better to ly instruction on the organization and The discussion periods and reports understand the definite place that the operation of Welfare Centers and from local centers provided valuable Seventh-day Adventist Church can oc- other phases of our Dorcas Welfare information for the improvement of cupy in the State Welfare program. program were presented by Elder C. E. our operations. Elder N. R. Dower, Guenther of the Conference, president of the Washington Confer- The representatives whose churches Elder George Liscombe of the Union, ence, led out with a wonderful series had not yet organized a welfare center and the Home Missionary secretaries of studies on the spiritual background returned from the meeting determined of the local Conferences. and motivation of our Good Samaritan to exert their strongest influence to A group of ministers and home mis- activities. see that a center was organized in sionary leaders from local churches On the evening of Tuesday, March 10, every well-established community. The joined the large number of Dorcas So- Sheets, Director of the Oregon wonderful influence of these centers and our enlarging welfare program convinced all that we should speedily take steps to be the first church to undertake such work in an organized way. Elder George Liscombe, the Union Conference Home Missionary secretary, as chairman, gave excellent leadership and directed a well-planned program. Meals provided by Mrs. Anderson and her associates were unexcelled for mass cooking. Not a single delegate ex- pressed disappointment in any way, but on the contrary, many were the sincere expressions of appreciation for the workshop.

25th Anniversary National Medical Cadet Corps Training Camp CAMP DOSS Grand Ledge, Michigan JUNE 2-16 This year's staff will include: MCC-COLONEL CLARK SMITH MCC COLONEL EVERETT N. DICK Left to right: Elder D. A. Neufeld, home missionary secretary for the Wash- ington Conference; Elder W. A. Striven, home missionary secretary for the Upper CPL. DESMOND T. DOSS Columbia Conference; Elder C. E. Guenther, associate home missionary secretary Contact your local conference MV of the General Conference; Elder George W. Liscombe, home missionary secre- Department for tary for the North Pacific Union Conference; Leon Cornforth, home missionary APPLICATION BLANKS secretary of the Idaho Conference; Ralph Gladden, home missionary secretary TOTAL COST: $31.60 of the Montana Conference; Elder C. J. Ritchie, home missionary secretary of the Oregon Conference. 2 NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER

North Pacific Union Gleaner 25th Anniversary Includes Doss Box 248 College Place, Wash. BY CLARK SMITH, Associate Director Telephone JAckson 9-1543 General Conference War Service Commission Mrs. Ione Morgan . Editor Seventh-day Adventists across the Corps for the General Conference since J. C. Kozel . Managing Editor country joined in the audience of 40,- 1940, will also be at the camp and will 000,000 regular viewers of the "This is help celebrate the 25th anniversary of Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Your Life" TV program on the night the MCC. October 3, 1917, authorized June 25, 1920. of February 18 in giving honor to one From the present indications it ap- Entered as second class matter, March 20, 1910, at the post office at College Place, Washing- of the greatest heroes of World War pears that the 1959 camp will be the ton. Published weekly, 50 issues each year. II, Corporal Desmond T. Doss, only largest national camp yet conducted. It Subscription price, $1.00 a year. All copy for publication should reach the in the history is open to young men sixteen years GLEANER editorial office in College Place not of the United States to be awarded of age or older who would like to pre- later than Thursday morning preceding date of issue. Copy to appear under local confer- the Congressional Medal of Honor. The pare themselves for military service ence headings should be sent through the inspiration of Corporal Doss will help when and if they are drafted. The respective conference offices. Copy should be typewritten and double spaced. untold numbers of young men who current world crisis emphasizes anew watched that program to live up to the fact that Seventh-day Adventists NORTH PACIFIC their own conscience. of this generation are living in the UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Corporal Doss will be at the National turmoil of the last days of this world's Office Address: 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Blvd. Medical Cadet Corps Training Camp at history and need to give their youth BElmont 5-4121 Grand Ledge, Michigan, this summer. every training possible for this life Portland 14, Oregon President . . . . C. A. Striven' This camp, which meets from June 2 and the life to come. Secretary-Treasurer . . . J. C. Kozel to 16, is named in honor of Corporal Posters and leaflets including enroll- Auditor . . . . . E. S Humann Educational . . . . J. C. Porter Doss. The 1959 camp is the 25th anni- ment blanks are being distributed to MV, War Service, Self-support- versary of the military medical train- the churches. If you do not have one, ing Institutions, Medical and Industrial Relations . . J. H. Hancock ing begun in the 1933-34 school year write the MV secretary of your con- Publishing Department . . C. P. Lampson at under the direction ference or union conference and re- Home Miss. and Temperance G. W. Liscombe School and of Everett N. Dick. Colonel Dick, who quest further information about Camp Press Relations . . B. M. Preston until his retirement from this work at Doss for 1959. The dates are June 2 the last General Conference Session to 16, the place is Grand Ledge, Mich-, LOCAL CONFERENCE DIRECTORY has directed the activities of the igan, and the total cost is $31.50, which ALASKA Seventh-day Adventist Medical Cadet includes board and room. A. L. Zumwalt, President; 718 Barrow Street, Anchorage, Alaska. Phone 6-2232. Reprints of Dr. McCoy's Articles is $1,521.72 above our objectives of IDAHO $120,000. Last year we raised $121,604.75 A. J. Gordon, President; J. 0. Hanson, Sec- This series of very vital articles by retary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 2238, Boise, Idaho Dr. McCay discussing the health teach- which means that we are just $83.03 Phone 2-1811. ings of Mrs. White has just concluded short of the total amount raised in 1958. MONTANA in the Review and Herald of February We are sure that many of our believers George E. Taylor, President; J. W. Griffin, who have not yet done their part or Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 743, Bozeman, 26, 1959. Because of urgent requests Mont. Phone JUniper 6-2414. Make Wills, coming in from all parts of the field— who have some additional funds to Trust Agreements, or Annuities payable to The solicit will bring in enough not only to Montana Conference Association of Seventh- from churches, from individuals, and day Adventists. from institutions—we are making a re- cover this shortage but to put us well OREGON print of this series of articles. We hope over last year's total. Watch for the Lloyd E. Biggs, President; Vernon T. Jester, to make just one printing of this series. March report. Secretary-Treasurer; 605 S. E. 39th Ave., Port- land 14, Ore. Phone BElmont 6-2187. Make wills There will be eight pages of material, To our pastors and missionary lead- and bequests payable to Western Oregon Con- printed on a good grade of paper. The ers who have worked so faithfully and ference Association of Seventh-day Adventists. prices are: 10 copies or more, 6 cents hard to make this achievement possible UPPER COLUMBIA each; 100 or more, 51/2 cents each; 1,000 we say again, "Thank you for your C. M. Bunker, President; L. W. Crooker, Sec- or more, 4% cents each. Orders should faithful leadership." And to all our retary-Treasurer; 1025 W. Indiana, Spokane 17, Wash. Phone FAirfax 7-6631. be sent promptly and directly to: Peri- members who have participated by WASHINGTON odical Department, Review and Herald singing, soliciting, and giving, we say N. R. Dower, President; L. R. Alexander, Publishing Association, Takoma Park, in sincerity, "May God bless you and Secretary-Treasurer; 4414 Woodland Park Ave., Washington 12, D.C. bless the funds you have brought in. Seattle. Mailing address; P. 0. Box 1585, Seattle 3, Wash. Phone MElrose 2-5862. We are sure that the denominational May the day soon come when the work Washington Book and Bible House: P. 0. interest in this series of articles is more will be finished and God's people take Box 1526, Seattle 3, Wash. Phone MElrose 2-7656. than temporary. Therefore, to have the most wonderful space journey of reprints available of such a noted all to the New Jerusalem above." authority will be most worth while. C. J. RITCHIE R. J. CHRISTIAN CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICE Circulation Manager Should be sent to Review and Herald Pub. Assn. God's Lesson Book NORTH PACIFIC UNION Nature is God's lesson book. He GLEAN ER had a real purpose when He created Oregon Conference the animals and when He saved them Box 248, College Place, Wash. in the ark during the flood. The Send old address with the new, salvation of man is God's supreme enclosing if possible your address Ingathering Report to February 28 objective, else such a price as the label. Unless you also file a change Our pastors, church officers and faith- cross reveals would never have been of address with the Post Office, guar- ful members will be very happy to paid. The creation and preservation anteeing forwarding postage, copies learn that the Ingathering remittances of the animals is a part of God's great will not be forwarded. received at the Conference office to the over-all plan to save man; they make end of February total $121,521.72. (Continue4 94 page 4) COMING IN PERSON DESMOND T. DOSS '7i,t4te euadeotteated 66/eclat 4e '4p:tete:caw sic"etate, to X'eeeicie the eaa.ytedderutat nal"eento,e/ You Have Heard His Story! You Have seen Him on "This Is Your Life." Now See and Hear Him in Person--First Appearance in Northwest.

Tacoma Central Church Friday, April 3, 7:30 p.m. Stone Tower, Portland Sabbath, April 4, 3:30 p.m. Medford Church Sunday, April 5, 7:30 p.m. Milo Academy Monday, April 6, 9:15 a.m. Springfield Church 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, 11:30 a.m. Meadowglade Church 7:00 p.m. Boise Church Wednesday, April 8, 7:30 p.m. Gem State Academy Thursday, April 9, 11:00 a.m. Walla Walla College Friday, April 10, 9:20 a.m. Pendleton Church 7:30 p.m. Yakima YMCA Sabbath, April 11, 3:00 p.m. Sunday, April 12, 6:00 p.m. Spokane Central Church 8:00 p.m. Mt. Ellis Academy Auditorium Monday, April 13, 8:00 p.m. Billings Church Tuesday, April 14, 8:00 p.m. Great Falls Church Wednesday, April 15, 8:00 p.m Bellingham Church Thursday, April 16, 7:30 p.m. Seattle Jr. Academy Friday, April 17, 10:00 am. Auburn Academy 7:30 p.m. Green Lake Church Sabbath, April 18, 3:00 p.m. Chehalis Church 8:00 p.m.

Attend the Meeting Nearest to You—Worth Driving Hundreds of Miles to See and Hear This Unusual Program SPONSORED BY YOUR MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT


GOD'S LESSON BOOK motif. The special feature of the eve- Southern Oregon (Continued from page 2) ning was a skit, "Little Women," a Convention their contribution, and are for His caption from the classic. enjoyment and good. Steve Marshall, Portland Union There will be a Sabbath school con- Should we not give more time and Academy, was first prize winner in the vention held in the Medford church attention to the things of nature? annual Regional Temperance Oratorical for both the Grants Pass and Medford Would it not bring more peace, hap- Contest held in the Meadow Glade district Sabbath, March 28, at 3:00 p.m. piness, and appreciation into our lives church, February 21. Second prize All church members are invited to if we would spend more time with was received by Elizabeth Moser, Co- be present. We trust that the Sabbath and in nature and less with the lumbia Academy; placing third was school officers and teachers will plan world's artificialities? Ilia Marie Russell, Auburn Academy. to be at this meeting. Elder B. M. May we call your attention to some The Columbia Academy Vine Maple Preston. our Union Sabbath school sec- valuable counsel? From Steps to staff had their annual supper-party. retary, will be with us. Christ, page 85, we read, "The open February 22, at Nohlgrens in Portland. GEORGE S. BELLEAU heart will be impressed with the love This occasion climaxed the completion and glory of God as revealed through of the work on the 1959 yearbook. The the works of His hands. The listen- students are looking forward to annual- Upper Columbia Conference ing ear can hear and understand the distribution time. communication of God through the The Walla Walla College Band pre- Deciding for Eternity things of nature." From Ministry of sented a secular concert at Columbia We stood before the manager of a Healing, page 386, "Teach them (your Academy on February 25, under the large chain shoe store. The young man children) to enjoy the beauties of direction of Professor John Hafner. beside me had made a momentous de- nature, as we study its lessons in the Five former students of C.A. are in the cision a few hours before and now he cultivation of the soil, in the growth present band. was telling his employer. (I had come of the trees. in all wonders of earth along for moral support.) and sea and sky, there will come to Medicine Man on the Amazon The manager said, "But, Elton, don't us a new perception of truth." you realize that if you will come to Elder and Mrs. Leo B. Barnwell will Books can be a tremendous help in Spokane and train here for a few present their thrilling mission experi- the study and appreciation of nature. months that we will make you a mana- ences throughout the northern part of We have all, at one time or another, ger and give you a store of your own? the Oregon Conference, March 27 to thoroughly enjoyed books on the Of course you'll get a substantial raise April 7. The following will be their varied aspects of nature. Is it worth in salarY, and besides, you'll be on itinerary: the investment of $1.19 to bring a your way up the ladder of success!" Longview church, March 27, 7:30 p.m. good book to your own child or some The young man replied, "Thank you Vancouver church, March 28, 11 a.m. other deserving youngster? Ringtail very much for the generous offer, but Laurelwood church, March 29, 7:30 p.m. and Other Stories is just such a book. I have decided to follow Jesus all the Tillamook church, March 30, 7:30 p.m. and is being offered for a limited way and that involves the keeping of Oceanlake church, March 31, 7:30 p.m. time at this low price. The lead the Sabbath from sunset on Friday to story is of Ringtail, a raccoon, and Laurelwood Academy, April 1, 7 p.m. Hillsboro church, April 2, 7:30 p.m. sunset on Saturday. And with the store then follows many others about a staying open on Friday evenings and pony, a guinea pig, birds, squirrels, Meadowglade-Columbia A c a d e m y, April 3, 7:30 p.m. doing its biggest volume of business on dogs, etc. Saturdays, I just feel I won't be much This offer is good for one month. Sunnyside church, Portland, April 4, 11 a.m. good to the company." By the way, in order to give full The manager was incredulous, "But Portland city-wide program, Stone measure, we are also sending along you can't be serious—what about your a book for mother and father, Great Tower, April 4, 8 p.m. Hood River, April 5, 7:30 p.m. future?" Churches of America. Both books "That's what I'm thinking of, sir, but only $1.19, plus mailing of 20 cents. McMinnville, April 6, 7:30 p.m. Bend, April 7, 7:30 p.m. not just the next 25 years. I'm thinking Order several sets now. about eternity." With that the two In addition to these church appoint- 0. A. BRAMAN men shook hands and we left. ments, arrangements have been made Out in the car I said to Elton, "Now for the Halliwells to present their Columbia Academy News what?" He replied, "I'm not sure, but story on television. On March 30 at I know the Lord will provide." And Columbia Academy now has "Grade 10:15 a.m. they will appear on KOIN- A Basic." The "Grade A" rating TV on the "Hi-Neighbor" program. He did. The very same day this con- (Continued on page 6) means that the school dairy has been Those within the viewing range of checked by the Portland Health Inspec- this station will wish to see this pro- tor, and that milk can be sold in Port- gram. Do not miss an opportunity to Monday, April 6, 7:30 p.m. land markets. The "Basic" means that enjoy the heart-warming experiences our basic quota is 10,000 pounds per presented by these consecrated mis- Spokane Youth Center month. If over that amount is shipped, sionaries. The Home and School Association it is sold for surplus at a lower price. R. C. SCHWARTZ The next year's quota is determined of the Spokane Junior Academy by the three lowest months of this presents Dr. Ernest S. Booth in his year. Milk is sold to the Darigold INFORMATION WANTED travelogue, Co-op, so those who buy Darigold help The Kretz—Winkle Evangelistic "FLORIDA VACATIONLAND." C. A. Prominent dairymen of Clark Team has moved into the Waldport, This hour and a half film is another County, the Johnson Brothers, greatly Oregon area. We are desirous of of Dr. Booth's original Kodachrome assisted in obtaining the "Basic." securing names and addresses and help- motion pictures. On the evening of February 28, the ful background of any former members La Cima Girls' Club presented their or interested persons residing in this Admittance $ .75 adults annual program, "Sierra Vista High- vicinity. Please address this informa- .35 students lights," in the academy auditorium. tion to: The Hour of Prophecy, P.O. 2.50 max. for family The musical numbers followed an Irish Box 642, Newport, Oregon.


CH "SIGNS OF THE 99 into orbit

e Appeal With SIGNS OF TIMES in the Four-color cover Attractive 2-color orbit of the h s for which your heart format throughout • lustrative fea- is burden all the agencies of heaven tures designed to create i erest itself a at work to convict the hearts Heart Appeal of t se who read the blessed truth. Fundamental doctrines of our aith is the time—this is the w nted • Devotional and insp w the seeds of truth w under tion al ages • Current world even the power of God's S it will win explained he light of Bible proph- souls for God's etern. ingdom. ecy

No is The IGNS the me mini ry to I nch ser s he you he S NS year into around orbit of and the is a h• mes most! who need effecti'e t know winne th truth. of so s.

Specia ervices Special C sade Rates Answers are given to • uestions on Bi- U.S.A., Cana , and Pan-American ble, health, and temper. e. Coupon coun s pears in every issue invite enroll- 6 or subscriptions, each, $1.7 m t in the Bible correspon subscriptions, each, t 0 cou Counsel Corner provides op- These rates apply on clubs and gle portun for subscribers to receive subscriptions. Add 40 cen in sub- counsel • personal problems. Sub- scriptions to other countri scribers who anifest interest are re- Order through your rch mission- ferred to pastors rsonal attention. ary secretary or B and Bible House.

\assi.Pacific Press Publishing Associa lion, Mountain View California NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER

DECIDING FOR ETERNITY never be able or willing to compromise (Continued from page 4) on as a people but if we are ever Green Lake Choir Sings going to be able to work with others secrated young man secured employ- we must understand their beliefs. ment in his home town, but with the "The Seven Last Words of Christ" Great Churches of America was writ- understanding that it was only tempor- ten, in part, with this end in mind. By Theodore Dubois ary—for September means Walla Walla Great Churches of America is not an College and from there, service in the Soloists: Lois Hall Peterson exhaustive study of other churches. cause of God. Gerald Ferguson DON JACOBSEN It covers the origin and beliefs of thirteen of America's leading churches. Malcolm White Choir under the direction of March Special In the words of the author, "I am well aware of the limitations of this book. organist-director While in the colporteur work, I Two hundred and fifty-five churches Dr. A. H. Grauman, M.D. finally realized that I was on far have not been mentioned; those that Thelma Johnson McCoy at the piano firmer ground with my prospect when have been dealt with have been sur- I knew to which church he belonged, veyed in sixty-four pages. I am, 11:00 a.m., Saturday, March 28 and was able to say something kind therefore, led to repeat the words of Green Lake church about that church. Of course, I knew St. Augustine, the great Christian 64th and Green Lake Way, Seattle that should we ever get into a theolog- philosopher: 'Let those who think that ical a r g u in e n t, there was enough I have said too little, and those who difference in our viewpoints to make think that I have said too much, forgive us violently oppose each other and me, and let those who think that I part asunder—he with no book, and have said just enough, give thanks to THE I with no sale! God with me. Amen!' " AUBURN ACADEMY CHURCH It was soon apparent that I needed This book along with Ringtail is our PRESENTS THE to know more about the good quali- 1959 March Special offer. The regular BEAUTIFUL FILM IN COLOR: ties of many religions in order to talk selling price of this combination would with any degree of intelligence. Surely be $2.75. The special price is only The Life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer I knew where we differed, but little $1.19. Order yours from your Home did I know of their church's history Missionary secretary or your local Book His great medical missionary work or the founding fathers. I knew and Bible House, today! in the Belgian Congo in Africa Is nothing of the sufferings and sacrifices MONTANA BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE known throughout the world. these people had gone through. Some of these churches owe their survival RAINIER AUDITORIUM: to the fact that their members fled to Academy Choir Tour 8 o'clock Saturday night, March 28. this country after the Reformation. If ADMISSION The Choir will I ever expected to win men and make be in the following places at the follow- Adults 75c sales, I needed to learn to be tolerant. ing times: Students 50c With this in mind, you will find our Billings, Friday, March 27, 8 p.m. Elementary and pre-school 25c now famous Northwest March Special, Hardin, Sabbath, March 28, 11 a.m. Great Churches of America, a great BENEFIT Miles City, Sabbath, March 28, 8 p.m. help to you in learning more about the New Sabbath School Building Fund Glendive, Sunday, March 29, 11 a.m. churches of your friends and neighbors. Plentywood, Sunday, March 29, 8 p.m. March Special also includes the Havre, Monday, March 30, 8 p.m. children's book Ringtail, both for the Great Falls, Tuesday, March 31, 8 p.m. amazingly low price of $1.19. Get Kalispell, Wednesday, April 1, 8 p.m. Idaho Conference your order in now, as this cannot Hamilton, Thursday, April 2, 8 p.m. last. Send $1.19 plus 15 cents postage, Missoula, Friday, April 3, 8 p.m. or order through your missionary sec- Ringtail Rings the Bell retary. Helena, Sabbath, April 4, 11 a.m. LAWRENCE HEATH Butte, Sabbath, April 4, 4:30 p.m. And what do mean by that? Simply this. We have here in the Bible House Montana Conference Washington Conference for you during the month of March a very interesting children's animal story Great Churches of America book named Ringtail and Other Stories. "Savage Fire" Do you have anything that will tell Even Mother and Dad will enjoy hear- me what the Church of Christ believes? Coming to Washington ing about Spot, Dickey Wonder Bird, Calico, Kern, Frisky, Jumbo, Blacky, Do you have anything that will tell Undoubtedly the most outstanding Stripey, Luna and a host of other family me what the Catholic Church believes? program of the year, a ninety-minute friends of Ringtail mentioned in this These and similar questions have been color presentation of South America delightful little volume. asked of us here in the Book and Bible in all its beauty, savagery, and wild House many times. We are happy to primitiveness, will be presented in Now I am interested in your purchas- tell you that we have something that the Washington Conference the week ing this book right away for these two will be of interest to you who have of April 4 to 11. See next week's reasons: first, because I know that you wondered what such and such a church GLEANER for the dates and places in the will just "plumb" enjoy reading it, and believed. conference where this film will be second, because the price is going to be Great Churches of America was shown. cut one-half in two. That is right! written by Kenneth J. Holland, editor Plan now to see ninety minutes of With Ringtail and Other Stories an of These Times magazine, to point out spellbound adventure—the story of an interesting little booklet, Great Chur- the richness of our American religious authentic 25,000 mile journey from ches of America, will be added and both heritage and also the basic unity Rio de Janeiro to "Savage Fire," as told will sell for $1.19 plus 15 cents postage. beneath the doctrinal differences. There by Rune Johansson, Swedish photogra- I would suggest that you order today. are some points of doctrine that we will pher and adventurer. YOUR BOOK AND BIBLE.. HOUSE


Idaho Conference Presley, Floyd 66 327.50 "Balance" fortified natural and organic vitamin- Woodbury, Dennis 87 438.00 mineral food supplement, 3 months' supply, Youth Congress and Bible Conference 1 Part-time Worker 30 59.40 $12.50 prepaid. Tablets per thousand: alfalfa $2, brewer's yeast $2, kelp $2, calcium lactate $5. Program 814 $ 6,280.14 Two-speed Blendit blender: regular $34.50, spe- Friday, March 27 MONTANA cial prepaid $21. New price list available. NOAH'S HEALTH FOOD AND SALES, P.O. ' 7:00 p.m. Organ Music E. H. Tucker, Secretary Bacon, Mrs. E. 118 $ 498.05 Box 15, College Place, Wash. 7:15 p.m. Congress Opens Barnaby, Mrs. D. 95 406.60 Speakers: Harris, D. V. 75 1,243.60 PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY for sale. T. E. Lucas and Hays, J. M. 161 860.50 Fully furnished 4-plex all rented out now. Price 3 Tart-time Workers 25 29L60 $26,000 on easy contract and will consider a J. H. Hancock trade on dwelling. Drive by 615 N. Sabbath, March 28 474 $ 3,300.35 Alberta, then call Mert Allen with Mathisen- Demorest Co. AT 1-1446. 7:45 a.m. Morning Watch, OREGON A. J. Gordon Charles Barnes, Secretary COMPLETELY FURNISHED new 2-room cot- 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School Kenneth Cummings, Asst. Secretary tage for rent in the country, close to bus and 163 $ 569.90 10:50 a.m. Worship-T. E. Lucas Bailey, Jerry stores. Lots of seasonal work. Ideal for pen- Bond, Clark 124 65L95 2:30 p.m. Music Cavalcade sioner or two. Garden space available. Jacob Butler, Eunice 41 259.45 Reuber, Rt. 2, Box 68, Boring, Ore. MO 5-8212. 3:15 p.m. Operation Brainstorm Castle, Charles 127 466.25 7:15 p.m. Tumblers from Portland Garvin, Delbert 138 606.22 MERRY TILLER.-Nation's most copied rotary Hansen, Frank 143 3,430.90 tiller. If you have no dealer near you we would "Dr. George Emery's Johnson, Clyde 124 612.45 Family" appreciate your patronage. Non-winding, un- Metzker, Henry 121 307.80 breakable tines, recoil starter, tills to 40 inches. 8:00 p.m. "SAVAGE FIRE" Morris, Taylor 157 2,688.70 Priced with lowest. Outperforms anything Sunday, March 29 Morris, Wm. 148 580.60 we've seen. Free folder. Henry Johnson, Jr., Nichols, Ken 161 430.20 2400 Hiway 66, Ashland, Ore. 7:45 a.m. Morning Watch, Sapp, R. A. 176 4,263.70 J. H. Hancock Thompson, Marj 133 377.20 ATTENTION, MINISTERS.-Evangelist Stan- 9:15 a.m. Operation Brainstorm Willingham, Mrs. M. J. 100 403.40 ley Harris has made available 30 evangelistic 11:30 a.m. MV's Homeward Bound Wimer, G. F. 194 805.45 sermons, 2207 brilliant color slides $227.65. Terms Wischow, Goldie 56 100.85 GEM STATE ACADEMY if desired. Supply limited. Global Church 1 Part-time Worker 35 218.50 Films, Inc., Box 30, La Sierra Sta., Arlington, AUDITORIUM Calif. CALDWELL, IDAHO 2,141 $16,773.52 UPPER COLUMBIA MONUMENTS AND GRAVE MARKERS.- Charles Allaway, Secretary 15% to 20% discount to SDAs. Order now for Vernon Bretsch, Asst. Secretary Memorial Day. Write for prices and samples, Baker, Wesley 135 $ 807.50 also inform us name of cemetery and address Buckley, Nina 142 436.25 of person in charge, and if interested in single Gessele, R. 143 227.40 or double stone. Moore Monuments, 17 SW Hays, T. 57 70.50 6th St., College Place, Wash. JAckson 9-2440. McIntyre, Earl 150 367.21 Moore, R. 89 153.88 MODERN 4-BEDROOM HOME, full basement, Nelson, R. L. 81 486.00 fireplace, hardwood floors, mahogany doors, Pancake, W. 144 978.98 large living room, dining room, den, 5 acres Smick, Sam 160 484.10 more or less, now in wheat, deeded water right, Thorgersen, I. 114 655.95 barn, concrete double garage, 2 blocks from Venden, -Lou 143 726.45 410 Hiway, 22 miles from Walla Walla. Mr. J. Walker, B. 142 42.30 L. Johnson, P. 0. Box 198, Walla Walla, Wash. Woodhouse, H. 54 244.81 9 Part-time Workers 116 1,004.43 WANTED.-Permanent job with advancement. Married, 27-year-old college graduate in bus- presents a dynamic youth message 1,670 $ 6,685.76 iness administration and accounting. Looking SABBATH, MARCH 28, 11 a.m. WASHINGTON for accounting and management position. Pres- ent time employed by small medical clinic. Ben Buck, Secretary also Good references. Box 532, Brewster, Wash. Adkins, L. L. 155 $ 662.31 80 "Savage Fire" colored moving Brooks. James 360.75 SAVE $ ON TRUCK-LOAD-LOT, planed 4 Dowdell, Alise 108 29.62 picture will be shown sides, Douglas fir, approximately 12,000 feet Garrett, Mrs. J. 47 4.55 Saturday evening at 8 o'clock 138 per load delivered in Oregon and Washington. Hall, Harold 1,122.13 Utility or No. 4, 2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 8, 8-ft. and 114 Jones, Mrs. E. W. 230.00 longer, $49 per thousand; No. 4, 4 x 6, $39; Admission: Adults-60c Kegley, Albert 124 263.90 Children-35c No. 3, 2 x 4, specified lengths, $79. Write or call: Murray, C. F. 189 559.81 Better Business Associates, 1540 Commerce, Ruddle, Mrs. P. 128 454.40 IDAHO CONFERENCE Longview, Wash. Phone HA 5-5370. Woods, Delmar 123 655.30 6 Part-time Workers 84 206.20 YOUTH CONGRESS TOUR EUROPE and the Bible Lands at an March 27-29 amazingly low cost. Group of Seventh-day 1,290 $ 4,548.97 Adventists now forming for 3-week tour be- Gem State Academy Auditorium ginning May 31 via Scandinavian Airlines UNION TOTAL 6,523 $37,730.59 System. Special extensions to Russia and Africa available. For information, write S. A. Renzi, 4 Purpoodock Drive, Cape Elizabeth, Advertisements Maine. Literature Evangelism Rate: 40 words or less (aside from name and North Pacific Union Conference address), $2 each insertion. Same ad pub- lished not more often than every other week- Sunset Table C. P. Lampson, Secretary no exceptions. FEBRUARY, 1959 All advertising copy, accompanied by cash, Friday, March 27, 1959 is to be sent to the office of the conference Coos Bay 6:36 Pocatello 6:.51 ALASKA in which the advertiser is located. Real estate Medford 6:31 Billings 6:36 Colporteur Hrs. Deily. ads accepted -when referring to only one Portland 6:33 Havre 6:42 property. The GLEANER does not assume re- Seattle 6:32 Gardner, Wm. 134 $ 141.85 sponsibility for advertisements appearing in Helena 6:50 IDAHO these columns. Spokane 6:13 Miles City 6:25 Peter Tadej, Secretary Walla Walla 6:15 Missoula 6:58 Case, Lee 143 $ 807.50 Wenatchee 6:23 Juneau, Apr. 10 7:58 Cook, Irwin 91 2,110.54 YOUNG SDA COUPLE want steady employ. Yakima 6:24 Ketchikan " 7:41 Johnston, Roy 146 818.40 ment on cattle ranch. Willing and able to work. Boise 7:06 Anchorage " 7:07 Maas, Clarence. 113 891.10 Write Elmo Warren, Rt. 1, Box 34-A, Priest Add one minute for each 13 miles west. Sub. Potter, James $27.70 River, Idaho, tract one minute for each 13 miles eaqt. 8 NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER

Joelle Reiderer, social vice-president, WALLA WALLA COLLEGE in charge of stage settings; Pat Halsey, College Place, Washington spiritual vice-president, script and P. W. Christian, President F. A. Meier, Dean A. W. Spero, Manager ushers; Cecelia Hall, treasurer, tickets and seating; Diane Wagner, secretary, WWC Band Will Tour gram of industrial painting in the weld- advertising and public r elation s; The winter quarter tour of the WWC ing and foundry section. Traffic lanes Jeanette Bietz, cultural vice-president, Concert Band will take it to five Wash- and other features designed to increase costumes; Verna Matterand, parliamen- ington cities for a series of three secular safety and efficiency were seen. tarian, music. and three sacred concerts March 26-29, Wade Wolfe, instructor in wood- Miss Rose Budd, acting dean of according to Professor John J. Hafner, working, answered questions about the women, is adviser. (Watch next week's GLEANER conductor. projects in his shop. Since most of for the visitors teach woodworking, the ticket information.) Violin solos with band accompa- work by both academy and college niment will feature Professor Hafner. students drew their immediate interest, In the secular concerts he will play Traineeship Granted reports Trautwein. "Conzenetta" by Tschaikowsky and in Miss Virginia Pires of Taunton, In the auto mechanics section the the sacred concerts his number will be Massachusetts, has received a two- group found a completely refurbished "Meditation" by Massenet-Harding. quarter professional nurse traineeship shop. Here Darrel Cowin, instructor, Carter Noland, student conductor, will grant to work toward a degree in conducted a demonstration of ignition present a trombone solo. Nursing Education, Professor Fred R. testing equipment and explained many Ensemble groups to be featured are Hanson, dean of the Walla Walla of the teaching aids used. College School of Nursing, announced the trumpet trio: John Hodgkin, Dean The last laboratory to be entered, today. Hubbard, and Henry Lee; a violin trio the graphic arts shop, brought one of Miss with accordion: Professor Hafner, Pires is a graduate nurse who the highlights of the tour as the visi- took her training at the New England Judith Ross, Larry Emery, and Lois tors saw coming from the offset press Ann Blackburn; and a trombone quar- Sanitarium and Hospital. She has at- a small news-sheet bearing a picture tended WWC for the past two quarters. tet: Carter Noland, Paul Nystrom, of part of their group gathered around Terry Watson, and Rodney Owen. She is one of twelve graduate nurses the same machine earlier in the eve- attending the Walla Walla School of Among the sacred numbers to be ning. Nursing under the professional nurse presented by the Band are "Jesu, Joy Lewis Canaday, instructor, described traineeship program authorized by the of Man's Desiring," by Bach and briefly the photo-offset-lithography federal government. Leidzen, and "Onward, Christian Sol- process used to produce the paper WWC first participated in the pro- diers," by Sullivan and Yoder. being handed out. He told of develop- fessional nurse traineeship program in Highlights from the secular pro- ing the film, using high speed tech- 1956-57 when two grants were received. grams will be the finale from "The niques of press photography. A quick- Last year seven traineeships were re- New World Symphony" by Dvorak, ly-made enlarged print was then ceived at the beginning of the fall "Majesty of America" by Bennett, and turned over to an advanced student, quarter and two supplemental grants "The Forty-Niners" by McCay. Alvin Whitehouse, who began the pro- at a later date. Congressional approval Jim Grisham, band chaplain, will duction of a half-tone negative from of appropriations makes possible the narrate the programs. which to make a lithographic plate. funds for the grants under Title II, The first appearances will be at Wives of Industrial Education staff public law 911. Auburn Academy in Rainier Audito- members hostessed a social hour in the Student Association Center to conclude rium, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock College Day Slated and Friday morning at the assembly the evening. hour. Other weekend appointments College Day activities will be held April 26 to 28. High school seniors in are Bremerton Seventh-day Adventist Hour of Charm Coming church, Friday, 8 p.m.; Everett Seventh- the North Pacific Union, along with day Adventist church, Sabbath morn- A musical tour of America will seniors from nine academies in this ing 11 o'clock; Bellingham Seventh-day carry out the theme "Fair Is My Land" area, are invited to be guests of the Adventist gymnasium, 8 o'clock Satur- at the 13th annual Hour of Charm, college at that time. High school day evening; and the Old YMCA April 11, at 8 p.m. in Columbia Audi- students planning to accept this invi- Gymnasium, South Fourth Street, torium. tation should make previous arrange- Yakima at 6:15 Sunday evening pre- Sponsored by Aleph Gimel Ain, ments with their principals and ceding the Spillman-Lyman evangelis- women's residence club, this year's teachers to be absent from school on tic meeting. program will take viewers on a cross- those dates, and thus avoid any mis- country trip that will begin in Wash- understanding which might arise later. ington state and will include stops in High school students wishing to at- Oregon Teachers Visit WWC New York City, the Grand Canyon, tend College Day are requested to Walla Walla College's Industrial Ed- and the Rocky Mountains. A 45-voice write to the college far enough in ucation Department was host to In- ladies' chorus, directed by Mrs. Estyn advance so that accommodations can dustrial Arts teachers from northeast- Goss, and abstract stage settings by be arranged. ern Oregon, March 9. After a formal Roger Russell will provide musical and meeting in the Industrial Education visual background for the tour. Dean Evans on Leave lecture room, the group toured the Other musical numbers will be pre- Miss Rose Budd, assistant dean of building viewing exhibits and demon- sented by the WWC concert orchestra, women, will be the acting dean during strations. directed by Professor John Hafner, and the spring and summer quarters, Presi- The newly equipped and refinished by several soloists and ensemble dent P. W. Christian has announced. drawing room was the first stop on groups. Narrating the program will Mrs. Helen Evans, dean of women, the tour conducted by Professor Calvin be Professor K. A. Aplington, head of has been granted a leave of absence Trautwein, department head. the English department. for the two quarters to continue her In the metal shops the center of at- AGA officers working on the pro- work toward a doctorate in English at traction was the still-incomplete pro- gram are Betty McGinnis, president; Stanford University.