It is a mandatory requirement that all practical assessments listed below be demonstrated by each participant and observed by a Trainer/Assessor in order to be marked as competent in the above unit. It is a mandatory assessment requirement in all first aid courses that participants demonstrate CPR on the floor, not on an elevated surface. To be assessed as competent in this course you must be physically capable of performing CPR on the floor. If you have an that limits your ability to adequately demonstrate CPR, you may attend the course and be issued a Statement of Attendance.

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 1 / SCENARIO 1 - PREGNANT WOMAN – RECOVERY POSITION Working in Pairs – Perform DRSAB assessment - each participant needs to demonstrate the following based upon the provided scenario.  DANGER (Safety) -Review environment and ensure the area is safe. Put gloves on if available.  RESPONSE -Assess if casualty is conscious, using voice and touch. (Not responding, breathing and unconscious)  SEND for help (000/triple zero) and note the time.  AIRWAY – Check and clear airway, RESPOND TO REGURGITATION OR VOMITING – use safe manual handling techniques to turn your partner into the RECOVERY POSITION ON THE LEFT SIDE to clear airway and prevent . Tilt the head back once airway is clear.  BREATHING - Look, Listen and Feel for breathing. Casualty is breathing, leave them on their side.  TREAT SHOCK – Keep casualty calm, warm and reassure (use a blanket/space blanket if available).  CONTINUE TO MONITOR whilst in the recovery position.  Change roles with your partner so they can follow the above steps.  EVALUATION - Debrief with your partner at the end of the assessment.

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 2A – PERFORM CARDIO PULMONARY RESUSCITATION Working in pairs using an ADULT/CHILD Manikin - each participant needs to demonstrate the following based upon the provided scenario.  Commence CPR on an Adult manikin on the floor.  Position hands in the middle of the chest of the manikin.  Depress chest to one third (1/3) depth.  Perform single rescuer CPR with uninterrupted compressions/breaths of 30:2 (5 cycles of 30:2), this will be 2 minutes of CPR. Use correct body positioning and technique (Ensure elbows are locked, shoulders are above hands and participants are up on their knees for stability).  Participant should demonstrate adequate breaths to show rise and fall on the manikin.  Call your partner over to assist with compressions only while you continue with breaths for one cycle, this will ensure minimum interruption to compressions.  Observe for any return of breathing/signs of life.  Change roles with your partner so they can follow the above steps.  EVALUATION - Debrief with your partner at the end of the assessment.

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 2B / SCENARIO 2 – INFANT CHOKING Working in pairs - Conduct DRS ABC assessment using an INFANT Manikin - each participant to demonstrate the following based upon the provided scenario:  DANGER (Safety) -Review environment and ensure the area is safe. Put gloves on if available.  RESPONSE -Assess if casualty (manikin) is conscious, using voice and touch.  SEND for help and note the time (000/triple zero).  AIRWAY – To assess airway – Pull chin forward. Do not tilt the head back. Look for foreign material. -If obstructed, place infant manikin over knee face down, deliver up to 5 back blows between shoulder blades, check if airway clears - If not clear gently turn infant manikin over onto back and deliver up to 5 chest thrusts.  BREATHING - Look, Listen and Feel for breathing. INFANT becomes unconscious and stops breathing – BEGIN CPR:  Use safe manual handling to move manikin to a firm surface and commence CPR on INFANT manikin.  Ensure fingers are positioned over middle of chest.  Depress chest with 2 fingers to one third (1/3) depth.  Perform single rescuer CPR with uninterrupted compressions/puffs of 30:2 (5 cycles of 30:2), this will be 2 minutes of CPR.  Participant should demonstrate adequate puffs to show rise and fall on the manikin.  Observe for any return of breathing/signs of life.  Change roles with your partner so they can follow the above steps.


PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 3 - AED Working in pairs using an ADULT/CHILD Manikin - each participant needs to demonstrate the following:  Participant 1 start continual compressions only (no breaths)on manikin  Participant 2 Unpack trainer AED – place AED on the floor  Each AED Training device might operate differently, either lift the lid or press the ON button, listen and follow the verbal prompts  Place pads on the exposed chest of the manikin in correct position o remove moisture if necessary and shave if necessary o do not place on top of a medication patch/pacemaker/medical port – place to the side if applicable  When prompted do not touch casualty – deliver shock  Pack up AED  Change roles with your partner so they can follow the above steps.  EVALUATION - Debrief with your partner at the end of the assessment.

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 4/ SCENARIO 4 – PARTICIPANT INCIDENT REPORT Working in pairs read through and complete the Scenario listed on the Participant Incident Report. This is located on the reverse of the Unit Sign Off sheet based scenario provided. Please ensure all fields are completed.

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 5 – AUTO INJECTORS Working in pairs with auto injector training devices - each participant needs to demonstrate the following for a severe allergic reaction:  Recognise emergency situation  Look for difficult/noisy breathing, swelling of the tongue, swelling/tightness in the throat, difficulty talking  Lay partner flat – if breathing is difficult allow to sit - do not allow them to stand or walk  Locate auto injector and check date  Administer auto-injector in thigh, hold for 10 seconds  Remove and rub area for 10 seconds, note time administered  Call for help (000/triple zero) and note the time  If no improvement after 5 minutes repeat above until improvement or medical assistance arrives

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 6 – ASTHMA PUFFERS & SPACERS Working in pairs with placebo asthma puffer and spacer - each participant needs to demonstrate the following: • Prepare the inhaler (check date on inhaler and shake well). • Demonstrate the 4 x 4 x 4 technique. With Spacer:  Sit partner comfortably upright, be calm and reassuring, do not leave alone  Assemble Spacer  Remove puffer cap and shake well  Insert puffer upright into spacer  Place mouthpiece between teeth and seal lips around it  Press once firmly on puffer to fire one puff into spacer  Take 4 breaths in and out of spacer  Slip spacer out of mouth  Repeat 1 puff at a time until 4 puffs taken – remember to shake puffer before each puff  Replace cap  Wait 4 minutes – if no improvement give another 4 puffs as instructed above Without Spacer:  Sit partner comfortably upright, be calm and reassuring, do not leave alone  Remove cap and shake well  Breathe out away from puffer  Place mouthpiece between teeth and seal lips around it  Press once firmly on puffer while breathing in slowly and deeply  Slip puffer out of the mouth  Hold breath for 4 seconds or as long as comfortable  Breathe out slowly away from puffer  Repeat 1 puff at a time until 4 puffs taken – remember to shake the puffer before each puff  Replace cap  Wait 4 minutes – if no improvement repeat steps above Reassure, and call triple zero (000) if no improvement HLTAID003 – PROVIDE FIRST AID INCORPORATES HLTAID001 & HLTAID002 PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT 7 & SLINGS Working in pairs - each participant needs to demonstrate the following: /WOUND – //Elevated Sling (refer to page 63 of workbook)  Check if there are any objects imbedded in the wound  REST – Rest the casualty in a comfortable position  ELEVATE – Elevate the injured site above the level of the heart  DIRECT PRESSURE – Apply direct pressure to the wound with a sterile dressing and apply a firm bandage to hold the dressing in place  If bleeding cannot be controlled by the initial dressing apply second pad over the first  Place into elevated sling (refer to page 63 of workbook)

SNAKE BITE ON ARM – Pressure Immobilisation Bandage (refer to page 97 of workbook)  Lay partner flat, keep warm calm and reassure  Begin with a single bandage over bite area  Starting at the fingers bandage to below the original bite area, then with a new bandage continue up the arm

LOWER ARM FRACTURE –Forearm Sling (refer to page 64 of workbook)  Place the triangular bandage between the arm and the chest with the apex of the triangle towards the elbow  Lift the triangular bandage to support the arm  Tie off at the shoulder on the injured side

UPPER ARM FRACTURE - Collar and cuff sling (refer to page 63 of workbook)  Make a Collar and Cuff with two large loops of the bandage. One loop is made with the bandage end pointing upwards and the other end pointing downwards.  Fold the two loops inwards towards the middle, ensuring that both ends are trapped between the loops.  Encourage partner to hold the affected arm across the body with the fingers pointing to the opposite shoulder tip. Then gently slide the two loops over the hand and lower arm with the ends hanging downwards.  Carry the two bandage ends up on either side of the limb and around your partner neck. Adjust the bandage so that it is possible to tie a reef knot just above the collarbone on one side to avoid any pressure on the neck.  The knot may be placed on either side of the neck depending on the location of the injury and the comfort of your partner.