
Understanding transfer Understanding technology transfer


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1THE FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY 4THE PATH TO Page 2 TRANSFER COMMERCIALISATION Attention is increasingly focused on More do not necessarily the role of the in the mean more licences and more creation and commercialisation of revenue. Could universities do a PREFACE . People and passion are better job of picking the winning Page 3 the main ingredients of success. of tomorrow? Page 6 Page 22


2RESEARCH: PREREQUISITES 5THE ROLE OF FOR SUCCESS From the perspective of most venture Understanding the elements of capitalists, take successful transfer requires an too long to become viable understanding of the funding and commercial propositions. There is structure of university . broad consensus on the need to Page 12 expand public seed-funding initiatives further. Page 26

3EMPOWERING RESEARCHERS 6IN CONCLUSION AND UNIVERSITIES Universities cannot do it all. The For disclosure of an to lead expertise of outside professionals to commercialisation, both should be systematically leveraged. researchers and universities must be Page 32 incentivised. Page 16 1 Understanding technology transfer


This report was prepared by Apax Partners with the help of © 2005 Apax Partners Ltd/The the Economist Intelligence Unit. We would like to thank Economist Intelligence Unit. All rights reserved. Nick Valery, Dominic Ziegler, Daniel Franklin, Andrew Palmer and Mike Kenny of the Economist Intelligence Unit. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval For their significant contributions to the report we would system, or transmitted in any form or by also like to thank following people at Apax Partners: any means, electronic, mechanical, Christian Reitberger, Alexander Wong and Torsten Krumm. photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Apax Siobhan Loftus and Clare Sillars produced the report. Partners Ltd (“Apax”) and the Economist Our thanks also go to a number of outside individuals and Intelligence Unit. institutions for their time and insights. We would Nothing in this publication is intended to particularly like to thank the following: constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell investments of any description in ■ Stephen Allott, founder, Cambridge Computer Lab Ring any jurisdiction. Apax makes no ■ Scott Carter, Office of Technology Transfer, California representation that the information or materials in this publication are Institute of Technology appropriate for use in all locations, or ■ Charles Irving, co-founder, Pond Ventures that any investments or services which are referred to in this publication are ■ Laurent Kott, VP for Technology Transfer, INRIA; CEO, available in all jurisdictions, to everyone, INRIA-Transfert or at all. You are responsible for compliance with local laws or regulations ■ Kenneth Morse, Managing Director, MIT and for obtaining your own legal, tax and Entrepreneurship Center financial advice before entering into any ■ Amnon Shashua, School of Engineering and Computer transaction. Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem All the information in this publication is verified to the best of the authors’ and ■ Dany Star, Intel Capital – Israel Innovation Center publisher’s ability, but we make no ■ Ajay Vohora, Policy Research Manager, Library House representation that it is accurate, reliable or complete. All such information and ■ Miranda Weston-Smith, Case Executive, Cambridge opinions are subject to change without Enterprise notice. You must in any event conduct your own due diligence and investigations rather than relying on any of the information in this publication. We cannot accept responsibility for loss arising from decisions based on this publication. The investments or services referred to in this publication may not be suitable for everyone. If you have any doubts as to suitability, you should seek advice from an investment adviser.

2 Understanding technology transfer


Survey: Participating institutions The ability to innovate is widely recognised as a critical source of competitive advantage for Universities economies. Universities are increasingly pivotal Brunel University, UK players in the process of innovation, and the past two California Institute of Technology, US decades have seen the emergence of structured Cambridge University, UK mechanisms for transforming university inventions Carnegie Mellon University, US into commercial products and services. These Dresden University of Technology, Germany mechanisms are critical elements of university Georgia Institute of Technology, US technology transfer, the process by which discoveries The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel made on the laboratory bench are transformed into Imperial College, London, UK commercial products, and the subject of intensive Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US scrutiny by policymakers, academics, businesspeople Oxford University, UK and the investment community. Stanford University, US This report aims to inspire a deeper understanding Technion, Haifa, Israel of this critical area by examining the enablers and UCLA, US hallmarks of best practice in technology transfer in Universität Stuttgart, Germany five countries—France, Germany, Israel, the UK and University College London, UK the US. As part of our research, we carried out a University of Manchester Institute of Science and survey of technology transfer offices at 16 of the Technology (UMIST), UK world’s leading universities into the factors, outside Venture capital firms the university and within it, that drive successful transfer. To compare their views against those of the Amadeus Capital Partners investment community, we also conducted in-depth Apax Partners interviews with a number of early-stage venture ARCH Venture Partners – Southwest capital firms. The institutions that participated in the PolyTechnos Venture-Partners survey are listed on this page and our thanks are due Pond Venture Partners Ltd to all respondents for their time and insights. Wellington Partners Venture Capital GmbH The report has five main sections. The first assesses the intensifying focus on universities as wellsprings of innovation. The next three broadly follow the process of technology transfer, from initial research, through disclosure and patenting, to commercialisation. The fifth chapter analyses the financing challenges that university technology transfer poses and assesses the role of venture capital in this process. A conclusion offers some final reflections.

3 Understanding technology transfer


n a knowledge-based world, innovation is king. demands a set of exceptional skills rarely found within Everywhere you look, money from public as well as universities. The time required to take an embryonic private coffers is being heaped on efforts to hasten invention to market is longer than the lifespan of most Ithe innovation process along—in a bid to spur prof- venture capital funds and there is a scarcity of private its, employment, regional development and national funding in this space. The experience of even the most competitiveness. successful and sophisticated US research universities In recent years, spurred by the experience of the US is that technology transfer accounts for only a small in particular, policymakers, enterprises, investors and proportion of overall revenue and that very few tech- academics throughout the industrialised world have nologies deliver significant revenue. paid increasing attention to the role of universities as Technology transfer has a better chance of success in drivers of innovation. Ironically, the principal contribu- some industries than others. Life sciences is one field tion that universities make in this regard is often over- that is better aligned with university research activities, looked—whether attracting the entrepreneurs of for example, thanks to its dependence on basic science, tomorrow to study in a particular country or supplying increasing reliance on out-of-house innovation and start-ups and established companies with smart, structured development processes. But a sense of real- problem-solving graduates, universities are critical ism is necessary—technology transfer from universities actors in importing, refining and supplying the human is tough, expensive, constrained by environmental fac- talent upon which economies ultimately depend. tors, and likely to fail more often than succeed. This report focuses on structured forms of technol- This report, imbued by this sense of realism, points ogy transfer. Many universities have established for- to the issues that need to be adressed, by policymak- mal offices and processes for identifying promising ers and universities, to improve the odds of technology discoveries made within their walls and turning them transfer success. Most underscore the importance of into revenue streams through licensing or spinouts. people. The results are not to be sneezed at. By 2000, US university and college patents accounted for 2% of all More specialist early-stage capital. There is a struc- US utility patents granted and 4.4% of US corporate- tural financing gap at the heart of university technol- owned utility patents, discernibly up on figures of ogy transfer that is mainly bridged by 0.5% and 1.1% respectively in the mid-1980s. Net funding mechanisms. Larger venture capital firms will licensing income flowing to US universities topped continue to steer clear of this extremely high-risk US$1.3bn in fiscal year 2003. Other countries are investment area but there are a number of specialist catching on: licensing income to UK universities grew investors active in identifying and exploiting university by more than 20% in 2002. discoveries. These investors are critical links in the University technology transfer is extremely difficult, financing food chain, as sources of knowledge as well however. Universities wield a competitive advantage as money. angels are another vital source of in basic research, experimental work that has no par- financing and expertise. ticular outcome in mind. The combination of technical and commercial knowledge required to identify and Better and networking. It is impracti- nurture new discoveries into commercial products cal for even the very largest and richest universities to

4 Understanding technology transfer

hire the requisite commercial and technical skills that out survival rates and product sales will drive universi- technology transfer entails. It is similarly unrealistic to ties to focus on the discoveries with true potential and expect too many academic researchers to combine the help ensure that research in other areas can continue technical and commercial skills that new ventures unimpeded by legal barriers. demand. Our survey shows that leading institutions make concerted and conspicuous efforts to set up University technology transfer is all about transform- structured networks and communication forums ing the fruits of university research into commercial through which they can draw on the advice and value. But it is worth noting that the other great mis- insights of venture capitalists, industrialists, mentors sion of universities, that of teaching, also has its part and alumni as they identify and progress discoveries to play in this process. In countries where entrepre- with genuine commercial potential. neurial values are engrained, such as the US, busi- ness and innovation topics are widely taught. In Meaningful measurement. The success of technology other countries, most graduates and academic transfer is too often measured solely by absolute num- researchers lack such skills. If successful innovation bers of patents, licences or spinouts. These metrics depends in part on cultural attributes, and if univer- can encourage overly aggressive patenting and do not sities are important channels for disseminating cul- accurately reflect the long-term commercial impact of tural values, they can do much themselves to transfer activities. Internal incentives and external improve the wider context in which technology funding that reflect average licensing revenue or spin- transfer occurs.

5 Understanding technology transfer 1 THE FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER o

Innovation accounts for more than half of all economic growth in developed countries. University technology transfer takes many forms, primarily the annual migration of university graduates into the wider commercial world and the publication of research findings. There is increasing interest in structured processes for transferring technology through licensing and spinouts. US universities are the benchmark for the structured processes of technology transfer. Income from these activities has grown markedly in recent years but the barriers to success are still formidable.

6 Understanding technology transfer

ntil the late 1950s, when Robert Solow, an cational programmes designed to keep outside profes- economist at the Massachusetts Institute of sionals abreast of the latest developments. In some Technology (MIT), questioned the thesis, it countries, academics are expected to work as indus- Uwas widely held that the output of an econ- trial consultants during the summer break, transferring omy–and hence its productive potential–rested upon their findings in the process while gaining useful indus- just two inputs: labour and capital. Solow won his trial experience to enrich their academic work. Nobel prize for realising that there must be a missing Some of the most significant in recent ingredient in the productivity brew to explain a post- years can be traced back to basic research in universi- war economic expansion in America, followed by ties or other public research institutions. Europe and Japan, that was over and above the level ■ Stanford University and the University of California’s suggested merely by the sum of capital and labour Cohen/Boyer for the technique of recombi- inputs. This missing ingredient is now better under- nant DNA cloning, or gene-splicing, is said to be the stood to be the application of new technological most valuable and influential academic invention knowledge–innovation. ever patented. Licensed use of the technology has Innovation is now reckoned by a whole new school yielded products ranging from insulin treatments for of “growth” economists to account for more than half diabetes to growth hormone for children with of all economic growth in developed countries–and growth deficiencies, and the invention is regarded nowhere has this been better underlined than in the as the midwife of the biotechnology industry. growth trajectory of the United States since the early ■ University-led breakthroughs were central to the 1990s. emergence of fibre optics. The development of There is a growing interest in the role of the univer- imaging bundles by separate groups of scientists at sity in the alchemy of innovation. Imperial College London and the Technical Univer- Evidence from America, Japan, South Korea and sity of Delft was a key stepping-stone to today’s Israel shows convincingly that waves of technically environment, in which more than trained young people—steeped in the latest theories, 80% of the world’s long-distance voice and data exposed to advanced research tools and experimental traffic is carried over fibre-optic cables. techniques, and honed by some of the smartest minds ■ University research has also revolutionised agricul- in science and technology—do more for raising a ture by developing vaccines and treatments that country’s industrial competitiveness than all the tax have eliminated or controlled plant and livestock breaks, development aid and government initiatives diseases. University researchers are heavily put together. This annual migration has long been at involved in efforts to develop genetically modified the core of what universities are all about, and will foods. long remain so. It is so fundamental to what universi- ties do that it is often taken for granted. Defining technology transfer In addition, universities transfer their discoveries The focus of this report is on structured efforts to and inventions to the outside world by publishing sci- realise and capture the commercial value of such entific papers in academic journals. They impart new basic “blue-sky” research in universities. The formal knowledge to the public via extension courses and edu- process of technology transfer describes the process

7 Understanding technology transfer

whereby new ideas embodied in academic inventions would have been set back as much as 15 years. and discoveries are transformed (“translated” is often ■ Spinouts. A spinout can be defined as a start-up the word used) as they move from laboratory bench to company whose formation is dependent on the intel- the commercial mainstream. lectual property (IP) rights of the university and in There are a number of routes to commercialisation: which the university holds an equity stake. Often, but ■ Licensing. Licensing know-how to established not always, these firms are founded by the academic firms seeking to incorporate the technology into the researcher responsible for the invention. products they sell is the most common practice. Spinouts are riskier than licensing technology to Licences can be exclusive, granting the sole right to a established companies but they have the inestimable single company in a single country, region or market advantage of bringing together a focused, passionate sector, or non-exclusive. team of researchers and business-minded managers. Exclusive licences are usually granted when inven- According to Robert Langer, the Kenneth J. Germe- tions require significant private investment to reach shausen Professor of Chemical & Biomedical Engi- the marketplace or are so embryonic that exclusivity is neering at MIT and a prolific inventor: “It never works necessary to induce long-term investment. well with big companies. They focus their energy on Non-exclusive licences tend to be used where the showing why the new technology won’t work. I always underlying technology is some form of enabling prefer to start a new company: it will deliver total process or diagnostic method that is likely to be focus, energy, passion, and commitment.” used widely in laboratories and workshops. For Importantly, the approaches of licensing and spin- instance, if Stanford University and the University of outs are not mutually exclusive. MIT, one of the most California at San Francisco had granted an exclusive successful transferers of technology in the world, for licence to the Cohen/Boyer patent to the first drug example, regularly licenses inventions to spinouts in company that expressed an interest instead of offer- return for an equity stake in the company. That both ing non-exclusive rights to all-comers, the world helps the new firm by not hoovering cash out of the would have been a poorer place (not to mention the venture and aligns the interests of the university two universities). A more telling point is that, had squarely with those of the entrepreneurs. that happened, biologists reckon international Almost all the respondents to our survey of technol- progress in molecular biology, genetic engineering, ogy transfer professionals stressed that a formulaic, drug design, gene therapy and forensic science rigid approach is inappropriate. First, the involvement of the inventor is the most important element. “If he wants to stay on at university, then you are very fool- ish to push for a start-up,” says Peter Hiscocks, Acting Numbers of US university patents Director of Cambridge Enterprise in the UK. A second As % of total US utility patents factor is the nature of the innovation. If an “incremen- 1969–86 As % of US corporate-owned utility patents tal” one, licensing to an established company makes 0.5 more sense; if a “fundamental” one, the argument for 1.1 setting up a company is stronger. Third, the decision 1990 should take into account the level of concentration in 1.3 the market for which the technology is being consid- 3.3 ered: if you have a clever new cashpoint , you 1995 don’t found a new bank; you sell it to existing ones. 1.9 4.3 The growth of technology transfer 2000 Interest in structured forms of technology transfer is on 2.0 the rise, largely thanks to the example of the United 4.4 States. The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 allowed US uni- Source: USPTO versities not only to license their inventions and dis- 8 Understanding technology transfer

coveries, but also to grant exclusive licences to individ- Top patenting organisations receiving US utility patents in 2004 ual firms. That was rarely possible when the intellec- Number of patents tual property resulting from publicly funded research International Business Corporation was owned by the government, as had been the case 3248 before. Companies that license university know-how Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. have to take a big gamble and commit considerable 1934 Canon Kabushiki Kaisha resources. One expert interviewed for this study esti- 1805 mated that US$1,000 worth of academic intellectual Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. property (IP) needed between US$1m and US$10m 1775 Micron Technology, Inc. of development effort to turn it into a usable product. 1760 Even then, there is no guarantee that the company will Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 1604 get its money back in the marketplace. It is the ability Intel Corporation to acquire exclusive rights to a new piece of technol- 1601 ogy that gives companies the confidence to make the Hitachi, Ltd. 1514 kind of investment needed to bring a licensed inven- Toshiba Corporation tion or discovery to market five or ten years hence. 1311 The results have been striking. There has been a Sony Corporation 1305 surge in the number of patents issued to US universi- ties: figures from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) show an increase from 250-350 new ones a University of California 422 year before 1980 to more than 3,200 in 2001. Uni- California Institute of Technology versity patents still account for a small percentage of 135 overall patents, but the proportion has grown percepti- Massachusetts Institute of Technology 132 bly over the past two decades. Income to US universities from technology transfer Source: USPTO is substantial and growing. In its most recent annual survey, the Association of University Technology Man- agers (AUTM) in the US found that US universities increased the number of licences and options exe- cuted by more than 20% between the 2001 and Innovation also aims to strengthen links between pub- 2003 fiscal years. The AUTM survey also showed that lic research bodies and private firms, in part by propos- overall net income from licensing reached more than ing tax credits for private seed investors. US$1.3bn in the 2003 fiscal year, up from just over Around the world, universities have adopted US$1bn in 2001. The US numbers dwarf those of broadly similar approaches to technology transfer. other countries, but growth in technology transfer Taking their lead from the early pioneers at Wisconsin, activity is also striking elsewhere—UK universities Massachusetts and California, they have built organi- reaped licensing income worth £22.4m (US$40m) in sations that rely on these crucial steps—disclosure, 2002, an increase of 21% on the previous year, as patenting and commercialisation through licensing or the levels of technology transfer activity, funding and spinouts. staffing grew. Increasingly, responsibility for this process is being Other elsewhere are sitting up and tak- centralised in an office of technology transfer. The ing notice. In 2004 Germany unveiled its High Tech number of such offices has reached nearly 300 in the Masterplan, for example, whose elements include pro- United States, while 117 UK universities had staff grammes to promote university spinouts and to dedicated to commercialisation activities in 2003. encourage collaborative research between small- and Israel’s six university technology transfer offices sound medium-sized enterprises and public-sector research low by comparison, but not when one considers the bodies. In France, the government’s 2003 Plan for country has eight universities in total.

9 Understanding technology transfer

Unravelling the process Organising technology transfer is neither cheap nor A sense of perspective on the part of government and easy. The kind of IP generated by university professors universities alike is critical. Universities are not the and researchers is usually in such an embryonic form engine-rooms of commercial innovation. The US uni- as to be practically useless to anyone apart from other versity with the largest number of US patents in scientists in similar fields. As a result, outsiders—and 2004 was the University of California. Its tally of 422 investors in particular—often need a good deal of con- was almost eight times fewer than the 3,248 patents vincing that a new technology, developed under the racked up by IBM, the most prolific patenter that rarefied conditions of a university laboratory, can be year. The contribution that technology transfer makes scaled up and made to work reliably in the commer- to universities’ overall income remains tiny—licensing cial world. equated to 4% of US university research spending Moreover, technology transfer does not take place in 2001. in isolation. The national economic, regulatory and Universities are vital components in innovation cultural environment, the internal university environ- environments and it is right that more systematic ment and the availability of seed financing are all criti- efforts are made to unlock the commercial value that cal determinants of, and challenges to, the transfer exists within academic discoveries. But even in the process. In the following chapters we consider the US, where the ecosystem that supports commercial hurdles, and solutions, that exist in technology trans- innovation is world-class and experience of university fer. Our natural starting-point is the structure and technology transfer is far greater, the going is tough. funding of university research in general.

The technology transfer process

External environment: Taxation, culture and regulations Internal environment: Culture, incentives and technology transfer support

Research Disclosure Development Commercialisation

Funding systems Incentives to disclose Financing Licensing R&D activity Ownership of IP Technology transfer Spinout Research institutions office support Monitoring Patenting

Flow of money Flow of people

10 Understanding technology transfer 2 RESEARCH: PREREQUISITES FOR SUCCESS

The amount of R&D being conducted in the country as a whole, and within academia in particular, is a determinant of the amount of technology that is likely to be transferred. Funding systems that reward collaboration with business should not be at the expense of research excellence. Universities wield a strong competitive advantage in multi- disciplinary, basic research, as industries such as life sciences clearly recognise.

12 Understanding technology transfer

he success of university technology transfer cation charity, in 2003 showed that 39 US universi- depends not only on processes within universi- ties have an endowment of more than US$1bn; that ties but also on the external environment. Fac- only five UK universities have endowments worth at Ttors such as the overall intensity of R&D least £100m, compared with 207 US universities; activity in the economy, the wealth and funding of uni- and that the average top 500 US university has about versities, and the structure of research systems set the 15 times the endowment of the average top 100 UK framework within which technology transfer occurs. university. Wealth brings multiple advantages, from quality of Drivers of demand: The R&D environment research infrastructure to the quantity of projects being Low levels of R&D activity in the wider economy have undertaken and, critically, to the remuneration of indi- an adverse impact on levels of demand and funding vidual researchers. Gaping disparities in pay scales (a for new products and services sourced from academia. 2002 study showed that average academic pay at Universities are less likely to develop and transfer new purchasing power parity stood at £21,800 in the UK, technologies if companies, governments and investors £24,800 in Germany, £34,500 in France and are not seeking to finance and acquire them. £56,100 in the US) help explain why more than 20% In R&D activity, as in so many areas, the US wields of science and engineering doctorate holders disproportionate punch. Overall R&D expenditure in employed at US universities and colleges are foreign- the United States alone accounted for roughly 44% of born. It stands to reason that any university system all OECD member countries’ combined R&D invest- that is able to attract the best researchers will produce ments in 2000. More money was spent on R&D activ- better research. ities in the United States in 2000 than in the rest of the G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the UK) combined. Academic employment of US science and engineering doctorate holders Although universities actually account for a smaller % of foreign-born doctorate holders proportion of total R&D in the US than is the case in 22 the UK, Israel, France and Germany, the absolute 21 amounts of money flowing into the system are vastly 20 higher. With this volume of cash flowing into the sys- 19 tem, much of it into life sciences, scale alone is a 18 17 major factor in explaining the relative success of US 16 technology transfer. 15 US universities can further top up this bounty with 14 their huge endowment funds. Of research and devel- 13 opment undertaken in US colleges and universities in 12 2000, 58.2% was funded by the federal government, 11 7.3% by state and local government, 7.2% by indus- 10 try, and 19.7% (some US$6bn) from the institutions’ 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 own funds. Research by the Sutton Trust, a UK edu- Source: National Science Foundation, 2004

13 Understanding technology transfer

R&D activity US$m, 2000/01 Total R&D expenditure R&D performed within higher Germany 64,424 10,333 France 38,693 7,255 UK mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science 31,579 and engineering until “interdisciplinary thinking and 6,561 work become second nature”. US The extent to which funding is concentrated on a rel- 273,565 atively small number of world-class research universities 33,295 also has ramifications for technology transfer. A concen- trated approach is sensible in promoting and sustaining centres of excellence, and enables the lucky few to com- % of R&D performed within higher education pete for the best talent more effectively. Germany But there are trade-offs, given research into the 16.0 importance of the physical proximity of research insti- France tutions to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 18.8 Technology transfer to the SME sector is likelier to hap- pen via local higher education institutions, where rela- UK 20.0 tionships are easier, and cheaper, to form and maintain. Research in the UK shows that firms whose US markets are primarily local choose to work with local 12.2 universities almost all of the time. With this in mind,

Source: US National Science Foundation, 2004 the 2003 Lambert Review of University-Business Col- laboration in the UK recommended the establishment of a modest new stream of university funding specifi- The funding of university research cally aimed at business-relevant research, designed to Sheer quantities of cash are important to the volume reward less glamorous institutions with a strong track of research that gets done, but the methods by which record in co-operating with the private sector. funds are allocated are also critical in determining Even so, simple suggest that not every whether that research can be commercialised. university should have its own transfer infrastructure. Funding mechanisms that pay particular attention In the UK, a 1998 National Health Service report esti- to multi-disciplinary research are likely to be more mated that R&D expenditure of £20m per year is nec- successful in this regard. Modern healthcare research, essary to cover the costs of a technology transfer for instance, demands not only intense knowledge of professional office. Fewer than 25% of UK universities genetics, chemical engineering and medicine, but also would meet this threshold, yet 80% are now trying to the development of information technology tools that run their own operations. Developing shared services enable rapid sifting and interpretation of vast amounts between universities in certain areas of technology of data. Similarly, creating neural computer systems transfer, such as market research and licensing nego- requires the combined efforts of computer scientists, tiation, is an obvious way for smaller institutions to psychologists, engineers and linguists. overcome problems of scale. Funding mechanisms should take multi- disciplinarity into account. The seven UK Research Back to basics Councils that hand out project grants to universities, Tying funding aggressively to commercialisation activity for example, stand accused of focusing on their own would carry another, more fundamental risk: that of dis- 1 “Bio2010: areas of specialisation and neglecting the multi-disci- tracting universities’ resources and energy away from Transforming Undergraduate plinary research that increasingly matters to business. the field of basic research. With teaching duties at a Education for Future Research Biologists”, The importance of multi-disciplinary research is minimum and unfettered by the commercial impera- Committee on Undergraduate Biology something for curriculum designers to think about as tives of the business world or the strategic missions of Education to Prepare well as grant bodies—a National Research Council national laboratories, researchers at leading universities Research Scientists for the 21st Century, panel in the United States issued a 2003 report1 call- are generally free—as they are nowhere else—to pursue National Research Council, 2003 ing for undergraduate biology education to incorporate pure, as opposed to applied, research. Universities

14 Understanding technology transfer

The life sciences advantage

The challenges posed by university technol- ets, their success rate in developing makes it harder for offices to structure ogy transfer are immense, but they do vary approved products has dipped—the num- financing and commercialisation processes. in scale between industries. The field of life ber of new medicines approved by the US sciences, for example, has some inherent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in It’s worth noting that the US has some spe- characteristics that increase the odds of suc- 2003 was about half that approved in cific advantages in the field of life sciences cessful university technology transfer: 1996. As a result, big pharma’s pipeline of R&D, and pharmaceuticals in particular. new products is drying up. Its emerging According to research from the Boston Con- ■ Basic research. The industries that invest response is to turn to outside sources to sulting Group, the US accounted for 60% of the most in basic research are those whose supply new drugs and drug-discovery tech- the industry’s global profits of US$121bn in new products and services are most directly niques. The structure of innovation in life 2002. Since the large majority of drug linked to advances in science and engineer- sciences is increasingly geared towards the development costs—such as clinical tri- ing, such as the pharmaceutical industry and licensing or acquisition of out-of-house als—are incurred once the initial stage the scientific R&D services industry. The inventions. development is complete and need to be majority of expenditure for academic R&D in conducted in the drug’s key prospective 2001 went to the life sciences, which ■ Structured processes. Drug development markets, drug companies are understand- accounted for 59% of all academic R&D is not a quick process—the average time ably keen to concentrate much of their R&D expenditure. Growth in US academic patents between initial discovery and marketing activity in the US. has occurred primarily in life sciences and approval is estimated at almost 15 years— Just as important are the clusters of sci- biotechnology; the technology area that has but it is a well-trodden one. The steps that entific, investment and commercial expert- experienced the fastest growth—chemistry, need to be taken to bring a new drug to mar- ise that exist in specific places such as molecular biology and microbiology— ket are transparent and well understood, Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area. increased its share from 8% to 21% between which means that technology transfer The decision by Novartis to move its R&D the early 1980s and 2001. offices have a better idea of the context in HQ from Switzerland to Massachusetts, for which to present discoveries to investors. In instance, was in large part driven by the ■ R&D activity. Although big pharmaceuti- other fields, such as IT, there is no agreed quality and quantity of scientific talent in cal companies wield enormous R&D budg- roadmap from discovery to market, which the Boston area.

would doubtless strive to make more money from tech- cialisation, and Germany’s in particular endows nology transfer if their funding was more closely linked research initiatives with regional strength in depth. to commercialisation, but at what cost to the nature of But there are indeed drawbacks. universities as a whole? ■ Compared with Israel’s extremely centralised sys- Universities in some countries do not necessarily play tem, for example, Germany’s layers of research net- a leading role in research at all. Some 80% of France’s works encourage a confusing proliferation of funding public research budget is devoted to organisations such mechanisms. as the basic research agency CNRS, the medical agency ■ Any system that creates a structural divide INSERM and the CEA atomic energy commission; a between basic and applied research is likely to minimise mere 5% or so goes to university research. In Germany, the amount of contact between basic researchers and too, public research institutes are substantial recipients industry: it is noticeable that the majority of our survey of public funding, with the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft respondents tend to draw on the informal contacts of (MPG), a non-profit society conducting basic research researchers to find potential investors. via its own network of 81 institutes, and the Fraunhofer- ■ The energy and creativity inherent in an environ- Gesellschaft (FhG), a society focusing on applied ment that mixes teaching and research and students research and working closely with industry, being two of and academics is also lost, as are potentially useful the biggest research networks. Current annual research longer-term relationships. As one respondent to our sur- income for Fraunhofer Institutes is in excess of €1bn, vey observed: “Most faculty have trained students and with two-thirds coming from research contracts and one- post-docs who are now in industry and those contacts third from the federal and Länder (state) governments. are invaluable to the process of transferring technology.” From a technology transfer perspective, does it The importance of networking to technology trans- really matter whether universities or other public fer is a topic to which we return later in this report, but research institutes conduct research? After all, the first we examine the incentives for researchers and French and German systems confer benefits of spe- universities to participate in this field.

15 Understanding technology transfer 3 EMPOWERING RESEARCHERS AND UNIVERSITIES

Handing ownership of the IP in inventions to the university and giving universities freedom to negotiate exclusive licences has been the cornerstone of successful technology transfer in the US and elsewhere. Ensuring the active involvement of the researcher in the technology transfer process is critical. Universities should enable and encourage researchers to participate in commercialisation by permitting sabbaticals and offering generous royalty and equity terms. Entrepreneurialism is in large part a cultural attribute. Universities can do their bit to encourage its development by routinely teaching business skills to science students and faculty members.

16 Understanding technology transfer

roadly speaking, commercialisation of new with industry and investors. technologies is not the primary objective of The results have been striking. University patents academics or of universities. In order for insti- have surged since the passage of Bayh-Dole. Roughly Btutions and researchers to invest time and 250-350 patents were granted to US universities annu- resources into technology transfer, they need to be ally in the 1970s; that number had risen to over 3,000 appropriately incentivised. It helps, of course, if entre- per year at the start of this decade. preneurial values run through the institution and the The Bayh-Dole Act is not wholly responsible for this wider economy too. rise in US patenting activity. Other factors, including the rise of research-intensive industries such as Incentivising universities: The lessons of Bayh-Dole biotechnology and the strengthening patent regimes, The puzzle of how to motivate universities to engage in have also played their part. But the fact that the uni- technology transfer has largely been solved, thanks to versities automatically had title to any inventions a piece of US legislation known as the Bayh-Dole Act. made with government funds clearly unleashed a new Before the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, wave of commercialisation. few governments bothered to spell out whether the The act also gave universities the impetus to hire government owned the commercial rights to professional licensing staff and establish technology patentable inventions generated under publicly sup- transfer offices for marketing their . ported research, or whether the rights were to be left Channelling the commercialisation of IP at a university with the contracting university or even the actual through a single office helps speed and clarify the researcher. The inevitable result was that there was a process. As Lita Nelsen, head of the technology trans- hodgepodge of patent policies everywhere. fer office at MIT, arguably America’s most successful In the US, for instance, each of the 26 federal research institution, says: “I think a specific office with agencies that funded academic research had its own clear authority of IP is critical. Only then can the organ- set of IP rules. Making ownership of any potential isation learn and improve. Too much dispersion of intellectual property even more complicated, funding responsibility leads to confusion on the part of indus- from different grant-giving agencies was often co- try, and makes it impossible for the organisation to mingled. The result was such a nightmare for firms learn and grow from its experience.” trying to negotiate rights to a piece of government- In the years since the legislation went into effect, sponsored research that few bothered. the Association of University Technology Managers In simply transferring the ownership of the intellec- (AUTM) has swollen from 50 to more than 3,000 tual property embodied in research done at taxpayers’ members. “The Bayh-Dole Act was the most critical expense from the government agency funding the legislation to enable universities to establish technol- work to the institution and researchers doing it, the ogy transfer offices,” says Sally Hines, an administra- Bayh-Dole legislation gave universities, national labo- tor at Stanford University. ratories and individual scientists working for them a Bayh-Dole is not immune from criticisms, some powerful incentive to see their work commercialised. more telling than others. Social critics ask why con- It also enabled universities to assign exclusive sumers should pay twice (first, as taxes used for aca- licences to new technology, smoothing negotiations demic research and, second, as purchase prices) for

17 Understanding technology transfer

new drugs, devices or other products that originated in rights to its faculty under certain circumstances. In government-supported laboratories. But the benefits of Israel, inventions belong to employers by law; in France, the Bayh-Dole reforms in America have made it clear institutions normally, though not always, retain title. that there is an even greater cost to the public if inven- Not all countries are heading in this direction: Italy tions and discoveries, made at the taxpayer’s expense, awarded IP ownership to researchers in 2001, for remain on the shelf. When research ideas are turned instance, and Sweden continues to grant researchers into economically useful and often life-saving goods sole title to their inventions. But the presumption that that would not have existed otherwise, the taxpaying institutions are likely to be more efficient interlocutors public is still a net beneficiary, even after paying a with business and investors, will have lower transac- commercial price for the product. tion costs, and offer greater legal security to investors More of a concern is some evidence to suggest that than individual academics is a sensible one. the desire to patent and license new technologies may risk delays in the publication of research results. A Incentivising the individual 1997 survey of over 2000 US life sciences faculty Universities should drive the process but the chances members showed that 20% of them delayed publica- of licensing success or spinout survival are greatly tion of results for at least six months, and half of this diminished without the vigorous participation of the number did so with an eye on protecting patentabil- inventor. The mantra of venture capitalists the world ity2. Given that other research has shown that R&D over is that they invest in people, not technology. managers regard publications, conferences and other Miranda Weston-Smith of Cambridge Enterprise in the informal channels of communication as more impor- UK says that the best technology transfer happens tant outlets for than patents and “when the chemistry between company and academic licences, the potentially adverse impact of increased works well”. patenting warrants further study3. At universities, in particular, the new technology is Replicating the provisions of the Bayh-Dole Act out- usually “raw”: that is to say, it needs a lot more work side the US may not be appropriate for more country- before it is commercially applicable, and, along the specific reasons. To take one example, the legislation way, the use to which the technology is put may did away with the distinction between research grants change significantly. Several early applications might (for a researcher’s investigations in general) and be tried but be ruled out until the best one is found. research contracts (for a piece of targeted research). This search process is badly hobbled in the absence of As a result, US universities automatically own the IP the original inventor who understands best the possi- in any joint research with industry that receives federal ble applications of his or her technology. “Many inno- funds. In the UK, where IP can end up resting with vations”, says Jonathan Page of Imperial College either party depending on negotiations, introducing Innovations, “are of a ‘platform’ nature. That is to say, such a provision would arguably risk disrupting exist- they are not developed, linear fashion, into a specific ing collaboration with industry more than it would fos- product. Rather, they are innovations with a number ter new innovation. of applications. It often takes a long dialogue with But the Bayh-Dole Act’s success in encouraging tech- industry and with market researchers to reach the nology transfer by creating clarity of ownership in IP right application.” holds fundamental lessons for all countries and has Academics, of course, go into academia to conduct 2 “Withholding Research Results in Academic Life helped trigger upheavals in industrial policy internation- research rather than get rich. Involvement in a spinout, Science: Evidence from a ally. IP rights are being reassigned not just from govern- in particular, is not an obviously appealing prospect for National Survey of Faculty”, Journal of the ments to institutions, but from researchers to institutions many career academics. According to the American American Medical Association, Blumenthal as well—for example, Germany abolished the “profes- Association of University Professors, the average age for et al, 1997 3 “Links and Impacts: sor’s privilege”, the right of university professors to own receiving a PhD is 33 and the average age for gaining The Influence of Public intellectual property generated by university-funded tenure in the US is 40. The years in between require Research on Industrial R&D”, Management research, in 2002. In the UK, only Cambridge Univer- academics to knuckle down hard in order to attain Science, Cohen et al, 2002 sity, which is re-evaluating its position, still hands IP tenure. As one technology transfer executive puts it, why

18 Understanding technology transfer

give up the prospect of promotion or tenure in favour of absence to form new companies without fear of losing a spinout, with all its attendant risks? After tenure is their university positions. given, the allure of the spinout looks shakier still. But universities can motivate researchers at all levels to par- ■ Consider establishing incubators. Increasingly, ticipate actively in commercialisation activities. incubators take the physical form of space on campus given to fledgling companies, inventions or even, in ■ Provide support, not red tape. “At the level of work- the words of Amnon Shashua, head of the School of ing relations with our staff,” says Ami Lowenstein at Engineering and Computer Science at the Hebrew the Technion in Haifa, “we aim to give innovators a University of Jerusalem, a person “with a piece of real service, and not just be a burden to them when paper and a bright idea”. Usually, seed money (public they want to apply for a patent. The worker is bound and private, more of which later) is needed to bring by his contract to disclose a potential patent to the inventions to the prototype stage. Sometimes, space is administration. But if the technology transfer office is also given to local venture capitalists or business just another burden in the way of the inventor going angels alongside university start-ups. “There is nothing and selling his idea, then he will do everything in his better”, says one technology transfer office head, power to evade it.” Most of the university administra- “than for inventors and investors to pass each other’s tors we surveyed agree that it is sensible to have prac- door each day, or chat over a cup of coffee.” tical guidelines and forms available, and to conduct regular training seminars to show academic staff how The entrepreneurial society to make a formal disclosure. The incentives that motivate researchers to participate in commercial activity are not all in the gift of universi- ■ Tie commercialisation to career development. Pro- ties, of course. The most perfectly designed university gressive universities make sure that researchers get technology transfer processes will come to nothing if the message that disclosure is not only part of their the wider environment is not supportive of entrepre- job, but can also advance their career considerably. In neurs (for a broader discussion of these themes, please some institutions, the number of potential patents that see our previous report, The Double Helix). an academic has disclosed to the university authorities Taxation regimes act as one powerful incentive to can be more important than the number of research entrepreneurial activity, for example. Technology papers he or she may have had published when it transfer professionals in the UK reported an abrupt comes to being awarded a chair, made head of fall-off in spinout activity in the wake of tax rules intro- department, or granted tenure. duced in 2003—since hastily repealed—whereby academics risked being charged income tax on any ■ Allocate revenue and equity fairly. Another critical shares they own in spinout companies, even if those imperative is to ensure that the inventor gets a mean- companies were not yet producing cash. Previously ingful cut of possible future revenue from licensing, or they were only charged capital gains tax on any profits a fair equity stake in any spinout. Some universities go they made when they sold their shares. as far as sharing licensing revenues and royalties Issues of culture are also critical. According to Scott equally with the inventor, although in most cases the Carter at California Institute of Technology’s Office of university gets the bulk. At Carnegie Mellon University Technology Transfer: “A cultural willingness to take in the US, for example, half of the university’s net risks and accept the inevitable failures supports tech- income from technology transfer is shared with the nology transfer efforts in the US. Foreign-born entre- researchers (unless they choose to take executive posi- preneurs in the US often remark at the relative lack of tions with a spinout company). stigma for entrepreneurial failure.” To reinforce his view, a recent Eurobarometer opinion poll showed ■ Enable researchers to carve out sufficient time for that 44% of timid-minded Europeans agreed that “one their inventions. In more forward-thinking universities, should not start a business when there was a risk of faculty members are allowed to take leaves of failure” against just 29% in the US.

19 Understanding technology transfer

The power of people

The importance of people to successful technology trans- minded postgraduates, and marketing on the basis of fer is not disputed. But many argue that the biggest contri- entrepreneurial values are all approaches that universities bution that universities can make to economic can take to compete in this market. development is not the transfer of lab technology into the commercial mainstream, but the transfer of people. ■ Supplying start-ups with talent. Entrepreneurs who Stephen Allott, founder of the Cambridge Computer found start-ups often locate their companies close to their Lab Ring, the association of Cambridge computing gradu- alma mater and employ technical graduates from the uni- ates, and former president of Micromuse, has coined the versity. term “people flow” to describe three ways in which univer- sities shape, supply and mingle the human capital that ■ Supplying industry with research skills. The application creates wealth: of existing research to known business problems is a surer route to successful R&D activity than the development of ■ Importing and retaining entrepreneurs. Universities are new technologies. The overall flow of graduates from uni- often the means of attracting people from overseas—usu- versities into the employment market is most important ally postgraduates—who will go on to become tomorrow’s not because of the new technologies they have discovered successful entrepreneurs. Whether these people end up or will discover, but because such people are capable of founding companies based on university IP or not is less looking up scientific research in their field—whether con- important than the fact that universities lure exceptional ducted locally or worldwide, contemporaneously or in the people who will create significant wealth later in their past—to solve valuable customer problems. “PhD gradu- careers. Awarding scholarships on the basis of entrepre- ates provide a science-on-demand service when employed neurial aptitude, awarding bursaries to entrepreneurially- in industry,” says Mr Allott.

Changing culture is a notoriously elusive goal. But companies with a combined value of US$10.5bn. as well as the substantive actions described above, Europe, by contrast, has far further to go. A 1999 universities have a vital role to play in achieving this survey of PhD students by the UK’s Engineering and objective through the teaching of business and entre- Physical Sciences Research Council (ESPRC) showed preneurial skills. As so often, US universities are that, whereas more than 60% of respondents thought ahead of the game in this regard. Kenneth Morse, that training in innovation and entrepreneurship would Managing Director of the MIT Entrepreneurship Cen- be valuable, fewer than 20% expected to receive such ter, outlines a “mosaic of activities” designed to instill training from their universities. One venture capitalist and encourage entrepreneurialism, among them in Germany points out that science and engineering placements of graduate students in high-tech start- students there graduate without any business or ups; mentoring services for entrepreneurs; and most finance skills, and urges universities to educate stu- celebrated of all, the MIT $50K Entrepreneurship dents on commercial basics, such as writing business Competition, whose 16 years have spawned over 60 plans and analysing market potential.

20 Understanding technology transfer 4 THE PATH TO COMMERCIALISATION

Technology transfer success should not be measured solely in quantities of patents filed, or even licences negotiated or spinouts launched. Actual commercial success is a truer test of technology transfer. The range of skills required to pick the technologies with the greatest commercial potential is daunting. The best universities draw on networks of investors, alumni and industry professionals to leverage external expertise. Many technology transfer offices stand accused of having unrealistic commercial expectations. A strategy of seeking to maximise revenue impedes the development of repeat business and (often more lucrative) sponsored research.

22 Understanding technology transfer

n the previous chapter, we saw how the passage of ■ Despite its blockbuster success with the recom- the Bayh-Dole Act triggered a surge in patenting binant DNA patent, even Stanford is an illuminating activities at US universities. As universities in other example of the hit-and-miss nature of technology Icountries also seek to beef up their technology transfer. Only eight of the 2,000 or so patents that transfer processes, similar spikes in patent applica- Stanford has managed to license over the years have tions can be expected. generated more than US$5m. Fortunately, there were The reason is not hard to fathom. Every dean or more than 30 others that earned in excess of US$1m provost now lives in hope that the next disclosure to apiece come through the door will be another “recombinant Some universities have higher hit-rates. Columbia DNA”. Over its lifetime, the recombinant DNA patent University, for example, was granted a comparatively (which expired in December 1997 and ceased gener- modest average of only 34 patents per year from ating income the following year) returned no less than 1994 to 1998 but scored highly in terms of overall US$225m to the co-inventors and their respective licensing revenue. If universities focused more time institutions, Stanford University and the University of and resources on fewer, higher-potential technologies, California at San Francisco. could they create more value? Patents cost money and do not necessarily deliver A more selective approach does pose practical revenue, however. A truer test of successful technology problems. Technology transfer offices are wary of transfer is the amount of money generated through applying criteria that discourage researchers from licensing and spinouts. And the evidence suggests that bringing their inventions forward in the first place. only a very small proportion of technologies accounts Maybe so, but if researchers thought a successful dis- for the bulk of US universities’ transfer revenue. closure genuinely signified a good chance of commer- ■ The 2003 AUTM survey found that just 1.4% of cial reward, they might be more incentivised to all licences generating revenue for US universities and disclose. other research institutions yielded more than US$1m Others point out that the time and expense of in income in fiscal year 2003. The average university assessing and identifying inventions with real com- invention that makes it successfully through the mercial potential may outweigh the costs of filing licensing process to become a commercial product or patent applications on the marginal ones as well. process earns the university and its inventor the Picking winners isn’t easy, certainly, but the process princely sum of US$120,000 over the course of its can at least be smoothed if universities can tap inter- lifetime. nal and external expertise. ■ Yale University reviewed its 850 invention dis- closures from 1982 through 1996. One percent (10 Leveraging internal and external expertise of 850) of total disclosures led to 70% of US$20.4m A rare blend of skills is needed to identify and nurture received, and 4% (33 of 850) of disclosures academic inventions into commercial products. accounted for 90% of the total licensing income. Almost all of the technology transfer officers we sur- Almost nine out of ten disclosures (748 out of 850) veyed pointed to the lack of managerial and commer- generated less than US$10,000 each, the approxi- cial skills within universities as a fundamental mate cost for processing one invention disclosure. challenge. The “rawness” of university technology

23 Understanding technology transfer

Licensing executives compensation, 2003 when they can afford to take a salary cut in return for Median base salary by industry sector, US and Canada, US$ rewarding work. “I gave up a lot of salary,” says one, “but my kids are grown up, and I could afford to. How- Public sector (incl universities) 97,500 ever, now I’m getting a lot of calls from headhunters. Transportation So I know my staff are too.” The lesson is that univer- 97,500 sities are going to need to invest a lot more in their Energy/chemicals 112,500 transfer operation, including paying more to hire the Consumer products right skills. What that means in practice is that gov- 112,500 ernment funding aimed at the facilitation of technology Computer software 112,500 transfer will need to be focused on attracting better Telecommunications talent. 127,500 There is another view. Some venture capitalists High technology 127,500 argue that universities miss the point when they Electronics “package” new, raw technology in an attempt to make 127,500 Computer hardware it more marketable. Technology at universities is usu- 127,500 ally so “raw”, so untried, that to dress nascent compa- Biotechnology nies up with business plans is, in the words of Charles 127,500 Pharmaceuticals Irving, co-founder of Pond Ventures, a specialist early- 142,500 stage technology investor, “to dress babies up in Sav- Medical products ile Row suits, when all we want is to see them in 142,500 Multimedia swaddling clothes”. 187,500 What the venture capitalists who hold this view Source: Licensing Executives Society, 2003 want of universities is simply the chance to be able to take a good look at the new technology and then to deal directly with its inventors. For such investors, a hyperactive office of technology transfer is usually not argues for the ability to spot potential discoveries: a help, but a hindrance; and business plans for young nothing worse than to have what later proves to be a university companies with no revenue are not worth winner slip through your fingers—it has happened far the paper they are written on. too often. Protecting IP needs special legal skills. The kind of environment that suits the venture Licensing requires a keen sense of market awareness, capitalist like Mr Irving is found in very few, lucky deep technological understanding and good negotiat- places, however. He would perhaps recognise it at ing skills. Creating spinouts requires knowledge of, MIT, where the technology transfer office chiefly and links with, investors (business angels and venture invests in patents (it gets more than one disclosure a capitalists) and experience in business formation. day from academics) and puts innovators in touch The trouble is, anyone with all or any of these skills with business. can earn several multiples of a university salary in But such a hands-off approach lends itself most to business or venture capital. A 2003 survey of licens- an environment where an outstanding and highly ing executives in the US and Canada showed a entrepreneurial research body sits close to a geograph- median base salary across all industries of ical hinterland rich in entrepreneurs and tech-savvy US$127,500, some US$30,000 more than the companies (such as Stanford University and Silicon median salary for public-sector licensing professionals. Valley, or MIT and Boston). “We are blessed that Licensing executives in pharmaceutical and medical Kendall Square and Route 128 are a giant incubator,” products—key areas of academic research, remem- says Kenneth Morse of the MIT Entrepreneurship Cen- ber—earn even more. ter. Not all universities have this hinterland of risk- Many top technology transfer executives are taking venture capitalists to spot and invest in recruited at a later stage in their career, at a point early-stage technologies.

24 Understanding technology transfer

Relationships, not money fair return to the university while leaving flexibility for Greater interaction with investors would help address attracting future investors; these deals usually have one vocal criticism voiced in our survey—denied with both an equity and a royalty component to them, but equal vehemence by many universities, it should be require little or nothing in the way of up-front pay- noted—that universities hold out for unrealistic ments from the new company.” rewards for their new and usually untested technology. Fostering relationships is more important than max- Again and again, financiers say that universities over- imising revenue. Monitoring and feedback—the key to rate the commercial value of their discoveries. managing the licensee relationship—are crucial parts of There are risks when universities sell too low, of the whole technology transfer process. Unfortunately, course. Researchers may be less incentivised to com- few universities pay anything like as much attention as mercialise innovation. So, too, the office of technology they should to monitoring how a piece of their licensed transfer itself. And it is only with the external valida- technology is progressing in the customer’s plant. tion of funding on competitive terms that a project can It is in the university’s own interest to ensure that a be taken seriously by all involved. licensed invention is successfully commercialised, and But one of the worst, rather than best, practices in that the company involved makes money out of the running a technology transfer operation is to seek to venture. If a piece of licensed technology runs into maximise licensing revenue. It is noticeable that the unforeseen difficulties as it is being scaled up for pro- most experienced universities settle for a (sometimes duction, the university needs to be ready to renegoti- much) lower cut than the less experienced ones: 2-3% ate the licensing fee—and even offer to undertake of revenue from licensing, for instance, compared with additional laboratory work for free to get the project demands of up to 10% of revenue from others. back on track. The important thing for universities to focus on is Doing so is the surest way of nurturing friendly rela- not to make pots of money, but to get their technology tionships that can lead not only to repeat licensing out into the world. And that means not haggling, fees, but also to direct contributions to the university’s according to MIT’s Ms Nelsen. “We realise that our research budget and facilities. Encouraging industry to licensing terms have to be quite ‘gentle’, in recognition invest money—in the form of grants that support a sci- that our technologies are very early.” The development entist’s research in general, rather than for specified of an agreed technology licensing framework that pieces of development work—is one of the best, embraces “standard” contract terms is one way of although often ignored, reasons for engaging in tech- simplifying negotiations. nology transfer. Says one technology transfer executive Says the head of the office of technology transfer at of a large US research university: “We take in US$3m another American university: “We recognise that in in licensing a year and US$330m in research grants most cases a start-up company will have few cash and contracts. We’d be foolish to lose research for reserves, and so we try to make deals that provide a licensing.”

25 Understanding technology transfer 5 THE ROLE OF VENTURE CAPITAL

The lack of seed funding of embryonic inventions is a key barrier in technology transfer. There is an equity gap that only a few specialist investors and business angels can bridge, although innovative models are gradually emerging to unlock venture capital. Leading universities nevertheless recognise the worth of developing relationships with venture capitalists as a source of advice and expertise.

26 Understanding technology transfer

n the face of it, technology transfer ought to their embryonic stages which venture capitalists are not be fertile ground for venture capitalists. willing or able to give. Almost all respondents to our Universities have an asset (innovation) that survey pointed to the lack of seed funding of embryonic Ocan be translated into desirable and some- inventions as a key barrier in technology transfer. The times ground-breaking products, while venture capi- reasons for this funding shortfall, which is known as the talists have the money and, just as importantly, the equity gap, are twofold: business, managerial and marketing expertise to define the need for such products and to bring them ■ The time gap. Universities’ technologies are new to market. But the gaps between universities and and raw and a clear exit strategy is a long way off. investors in high-tech spinouts are not easily bridged. According to the AUTM, much university technology in Professor Shashua at the Hebrew University of the US gets licensed at a point when it is seven or Jerusalem says of universities and venture capitalists: more years from being embodied in a marketable “Our goals are contradictory. Venture capitalists are product. A typical venture-capital fund is open for ten only interested in the short-term gain on an investment. years, but the pressure is on to be fully invested in the It fundamentally contradicts the aim of a university.” first three or four years. That leaves insufficient time for the tech company to prove itself in the market to The equity gap the point where it can be sold or floated in a way that Universities face severe structural problems in access- returns can be redistributed to fundholders. ing venture capital funding to help technology spinouts past their very earliest phases. “Good ideas,” says ■ The finance gap. There is a point beneath which it Jonathan Page of Imperial College Innovations in Lon- is not worthwhile for venture capital firms to invest don, “are going to the wall because of a well-docu- money. High transaction costs, related to due dili- mented lack of money; or if they don’t fail, they take gence of the investee company, as well as ongoing forever to get going.” running costs related to management of the company, The reasons are both cyclical and structural. The reduce the viability of smaller venture capital invest- cyclical reasons relate to the lingering effects of the ments. Whereas many venture capital companies technology bust of 2000, which has seen private draw the line at investments of US$1m or below, uni- equity firms move even more of their activity to later- versity technologies typically require smaller amounts stage investment activity, such as management buy- of money to reach proof-of-concept and prototype outs. Data for the UK show that only 3% of total stages of development. private equity investment was invested at the start-up What is more, even when funds do take the risk of stage in 2001, and only a further 5% in other early- early-stage investments, in return for the prospect of stage investments. higher returns, they all too often get heavily diluted Far more important in explaining the relative lack of by second-stage investors, if they are not prepared to venture capital funding of university technology transfer put up pro-rata amounts of fresh capital. Because activities, however, is the structural disconnect many business angels and smaller venture-capital between universities and venture capitalists—namely, funds making early-stage investments have got the fact that university technologies require financing at “washed out” in this way in recent years, they have

27 Understanding technology transfer

Stages of investment Since venture capitalists can’t supply it in sufficient quantities, universities have a grave need for other Universities Equity investment Equity + debt funding sources of early-stage funding. Occasionally, universi- ties themselves have sufficient endowments to finance 3–7 years Value this stage themselves. Stanford University, for Risk instance, has a funding pool of US$25,000 per inven- tion for prototype development. Caltech runs a pro- gramme that provides funding of up to US$50,000 to bring concepts closer to the prototype stage. At MIT, the Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, among other activities, makes small awards that Equity gap? enable very early-stage, promising research to reach the proof-of-concept stage. But most universities, par- ticularly outside the US, lack the funds. Others have sought strength in numbers: Brunel University in the UK heads WestFocus, a seven-uni- versity consortium forming a co-ordinated innovation framework with business and industry, and incorpo- R&D Idea, patent Prototype First Market IPO/ Post-IPO product entry Trade sales rating a £1m early-stage fund and a £5m follow-on Source: Adapted from Siemens Venture Capital fund. The union between the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and the Victoria University of Manchester is raising high hopes proven unwilling to return. Investing in the early that greater scale will attract more interest from out- stage, says one UK technology transfer official, “is a side financiers at all stages of the investment contin- very horrid place to be.” uum, especially at the equity gap stage, according to Clive Rowland, CEO of UMIP Ltd, the super- Correcting market failure university’s new IP commercialisation company. There are some specialist seed investors focusing on Often, early funding is provided by the innovator very early-stage technologies, such as Pond Ven- and his family. Business angels, high-net-worth indi- tures in the UK and Arch Venture Partners in the US, viduals willing to invest their own capital in new ven- but they are thin on the ground. “I have sympathy tures, are another important source of seed funding for for technology transfer offices,” says Mr Irving of very early-stage ventures. Pond Ventures. “There aren’t many qualified But the most effective way to right what constitutes investors like us.” a market failure is government funding. In the UK, for instance, the University Challenge Fund competition was set up in 1999 specifically in response to the Stage of development of licensed inventions by US universities “equity gap”: by 2002-03, 101 projects were Survey of 62 research universities, 1998 (%) approved for funding, at an average investment of £126,000. In the US, the Innovation Stage of development Invention disclosures Research (SBIR) programme offers a large number of Proof of concept but no prototype 45.1 grants and contracts to new . In Israel, the Prototype available but only lab scale 37.2 Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) has created a net- Some animal data available 26.7 work of 24 technology incubators to promote technol- Some clinical data available 9.5 ogy transfer from academic institutions to industry. Manufacturing feasibility known 15.3 Respondents to the survey undertaken for this report Ready for practical commercial use 12.3 were agreed on the need to continue to expand public Source: J Thursby, R Jensen, and M Thursby, “Objectives, characteristics and outcomes of university licensing: A survey of major U.S. universities”, Journal of Technology Transfer 26:59–72, 2001 seed-funding initiatives.

28 Understanding technology transfer

The value of VCs selling 29% of its technology transfer arm in a private Even if most venture capitalists are not throwing cash share placement and announcing plans for a public at embryonic university technologies, they may do so flotation within the next three years. later. And in the meantime, they can substantively improve the process of commercialisation by con- Heads up = head start tributing their expertise. Our survey clearly underlines that, even if venture cap- Many technology transfer offices do not use the italists do not provide financing during the heart of the same set of criteria for selecting inventions to patent as technology transfer process, developing relations with outside investors would. Most of the universities we VCs is still taken very seriously at the best universities. surveyed for this report are fairly clear-headed in their Georgia Tech takes interesting technologies on an approach, focusing first on the inventor’s track record annual roadshow to San Francisco and Boston, for and second, on the potential size of the market. Often, example. Carnegie Mellon University holds roundta- however, too high a priority is given to non-commercial bles of five to seven people from the university, considerations such as the inventor’s reputation in the industry and the investment community. Participants field of discovery and the likelihood of further inventions are invited to help review technologies and to advise or discoveries in the field being made by the researcher. on the commercial potential of those To address this problem, Mr Irving of Pond Ven- technologies–even though most VCs do not usually tures argues for government funding to be channelled invest in the university’s spinout companies until through a proof-of-concept fund, nationally or region- years later. Carl Mahler of the university’s technology ally administered, with VC representation on its board. transfer office is enthusiastic: “[The roundtable] Wherever public money is available, matching funds seems to meet everyone’s needs effectively. It gives could also be required, so that young ventures do not VCs early notice of our technologies, provides oppor- quickly become “fat and lazy”. tunities for our faculty to network with VCs and gives Some universities have tried their own approach, the tech transfer office the benefit of the VCs’ knowl- drawing on venture capital and sometimes govern- edge of relevant markets.” ment money. For instance, Israel’s Technion, in effect, More proactive universities have developed particu- sold its incubator in 2003, privatising it to four ven- lar relations with certain firms. At Cambridge Univer- ture funds that sit with the university every few weeks sity, there is no exclusivity, but there is a list of venture to decide which technologies to support. For the capital firms that the university will call if there is a funds, this kind of scheme is still a higher risk than promising investment candidate. A condition of being later-stage investments, but the risk is mitigated by on the list is that a firm must agree to a meeting with the office of technology transfer undertaking the huge the candidate if the university asks for it. Of the last investment in managerial effort that early-stage aca- 30 companies that have been presented to investors demic ventures require. in this way, all have got funding. Also in Israel, the trade and industry ministry’s sci- With the possible exception of a small country like ence office can choose to put up to the equivalent of Israel, it isn’t practical for every university to forge sig- US$400,000 as seed money in new university ven- nificant relationships with venture capitalists, particu- tures, in return for an equity stake. But since there is larly in countries where the latter is a rare breed. One an option for other shareholders to buy out the govern- venture capitalist suggests running nationwide univer- ment’s equity within five years, there is a strong incen- sity spinout competitions in which the leading ten tive for venture capitalists to put in their own money. companies present to VCs in an annual event. In the UK, one VC company, IP2IPO, has invested Venture capitalists in continental Europe say uni- in Oxford’s chemistry department, King’s College Lon- versities there are missing a big trick. “What I find don and the University of Southampton. Offering curious”, says one, “is that I’m never asked by any management expertise with the money, the company university representative for advice. They seem to have gets a stake in the universities’ technology-transfer these closed circles for advice. Neither I nor my equiv- business. Imperial College has taken another tack, alents at other firms have been asked to join an advi-

29 Understanding technology transfer

sory board, or even to be a guest once in a while at a reach commercial maturity; universities benefit from TT office’s strategy session. Yet we are very willing to the advice, expertise and (eventually) money that ven- do this. We are all enthusiasts of technology, all ex- ture capitalists can bring to the table. Successful rela- scientists or engineers. We are a resource that univer- tionships between universities and venture capital sities could tap into that has never been utilised.” firms need not be measured directly by financial The interests of universities and venture capitalists rewards—keeping open channels of communication, are closely aligned. Venture capitalists rely on offices networking and sharing risks is a more realistic way of technology transfer at least to publicise, and in for these two critical innovation communities to co- many cases to help nurture new ideas until they do operate and thrive.

30 Understanding technology transfer 6 IN CONCLUSION

he arguments for promoting university technol- be hard to unlock when inventions have not even ogy transfer are compelling. From the perspec- reached the proof-of-concept stage. Government tive of the economy at large, valuable IP will financing schemes such as the University Challenge Tlie unutilised without specific mechanisms to Funds in the UK and the Small Business Innovation- push it into the commercial mainstream. From the Research (SBIR) programme in the US are an obvious perspective of companies, major universities are a nat- way to nurture technologies to the point where venture ural source of breakthroughs in research, particularly capital firms and other investors can conduct substan- in basic research. And from the perspective of univer- tive due diligence on commercial prospects. But out- sities, technology transfer offers the potential for addi- side commercial expertise is still needed to determine tional revenue. where the money is allocated. But the difficulties involved should not be underes- timated. Despite a surge in documented patenting ■ Lack of incentives. There is consensus that the activity, revenue from technology transfer is small, active involvement of the inventor is critical to the suc- compared with overall university income. Even in the cess of the licensing and (especially) spinout process. US, where there is greater experience with academic Faculty researchers need to be actively incentivised to licensing than anywhere in the world and the wider participate in technology transfer; postgraduates need external environment is arguably more propitious than to be encouraged to stay on at universities and placed anywhere else, the average university technology in an environment in which their entrepreneurial transfer office is widely believed to lose money. instincts can flourish. The inherent difficulties of commercialising new technologies aside, our research suggests a number of ■ Lack of scale. The cost of technology transfer is structural difficulties that will always make this activ- high: the AUTM’s 2003 survey reports that 193 ity particularly testing: member institutions in the US spent US$205m between them on legal fees alone. The world’s leading ■ Lack of skills. Academic researchers too often lack universities may have the staff, the infrastructure and the commercial skills to go with their technical expert- the funds to make the economics of technology trans- ise—successful transfer depends on creating a team of fer work, but many smaller universities do not. people that combines research and business acumen. Within the technology transfer office itself, the com- Experience garnered mainly in the US, but elsewhere mercial, technical and managerial qualities required to too, highlights some of the ways in which these chal- choose high-potential inventions and shepherd them lenges can be overcome—through university policies through to commercialisation are both rare and highly and cultures that reward academics for their involve- regarded. To overcome these problems, universities ment in commercialisation, through a legislative and need to create and access fluid networks of committed regulatory framework that assigns IP in university people whose talents, knowledge, money and ideas inventions to the university itself, and through the can be pooled and leveraged. banding together of universities’ transfer activities to create scale. But two more fundamental messages ■ Lack of financing. Seed capital is always going to also emerge from our research:

32 Understanding technology transfer

■ Less is more. Too many patents don’t turn into versities alone—the expertise of venture capitalists, licences; too few licences turn into significant earners. business angels, alumni, industrialists and other pro- Technology transfer offices ought not to be profit cen- fessionals should be systematically leveraged to iden- tres—that is only likely to encourage unrealistic nego- tify and nurture the technologies with the highest tiating terms—but they should still be measured on commercial potential. market-driven criteria, such as spinout profitability and product sales. Such measurement, perhaps rein- Although the challenges of university technology forced by top-up funding awards for the best perform- transfer are arguably greater than commercialisation ers, is likely to encourage universities to focus their in the private sector, the principles of success are no energies on the inventions with the greatest potential. different. A handful of the world’s leading research centres may be able to rely on the overall quality of ■ Look outside the institution. Technology transfer their disclosures to justify a scattergun approach to offices cannot do it all, even if some try to. University patenting and licensing. But for most universities, the technology transfer should not be the purview of uni- sniper is needed.

33 Understanding technology transfer

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Understanding technology transfer