

VOLUME 72 NO.~,t~ I~" i CffiZElt'$BAND , OOUGLAS This Weekend " \ ~ i-'~ REA.L'TY I from m Ter;ace:.TradesFair KITIMAT ;~ LTD. 632 4721 K,hmat: DeltaKin%ays RADIO & TV ~69 City Centre Lower City Centre Mall i: l -iler l l .KITIMAT 632-2024 FRIDAY, TERRACE, B C "DEAL WITH TI~E FRIENDLY FOLK Front page WEST BANK • ~ i :~i ~~: Beg i n pledges tore n lan • . , tai Column ======d Righv-w,nger Change of stance ll By ANDREW PETrER environmental studies now in control Herald staff writer and public hearing~. MLA Cyril Shelford's But he did not do so. KADDUM, West Bank At the Labor party (AP) -- Right-wing leader meeting in Tel Aviv, Peres, "Kitimat Pipeline Why then is he all of a Menahem Begin, fresh from. who has been acting prime Questionnaire" is more a sudden so concerned victory in Israel's national. minister, won prolonged sign of a politician about community input? elections, journeyed .to the applause wheu he listed his running scared than it is Either ~Mr. Shelford West Bank of the Jordan. reasons for rebuffing Be- of someone concerned should have reserved River on Thursday and gin's bid for a Liknd-Labor •about public input. personal judgement from proclaimed the occupied coalition, including Likud's Surely Shelford is not the beginning or he territory "the land of uncompromising position on liberated Israel." the West Bank. so naive as to suspect should stick with his own Meanwhile, Shimon Official results of that the results of his convictions -- he cannot Pores, head of the defeated Tuesday's voting were not questionnaire will be at have it both ways. Labor party, told a meeting expected for several days, all representative or His present position is of party leaders in Tel Aviv but it appeared that Likud carry any credibility. reminiscent of "a be was rejecting Begin's had won between 41 and 43 What for example is to politician who once said: ~.~ ~, invitation for Labor to join seats, and Labor 33 or 34. stop one side or the other "If you don'L like my with Begin's fourparty That left Liknd at least 18 Likud bloc to form a coa- seats short of a majority in picking up a few hundred principles, don't worry, I lition government. the 120-seat Israeli of the questionnaires and can change them." Shown are three of the students on the Work Ex- students are considered employees of the Crown for The largest contingent in Parliament, the Knesset. filling them out on behalf All of which leaves one perlenee program belng runby Audy Burr as a pllot the purpose of the program and so are protected by'the the Israeli Parliament, the Earlier Thursday, Begin of its members. Nothing. with the distinct taste project for School Dlstrlct 88. Barr hopes that the Worker's Compensation Board on the job. Shown are Likud, is a minority and opened preliminary con- And given the degree of that Mr. Shelford's School Beard will conslder rnnnlng the program full students at work for Finning Tractor, and the Ministry must find coalition partners tacis with such potential sentiment about the oil primary covcern is time next year for students 16 years old. All the Of Transport at the Terrace-Kitimat Alrvort. to form a majority govern- coalition partners as the port-pipeline issue, this is promoting a question- ment headed by Begin. National Religious party, The" Likud leader visited which won about a dozen probably just what will naii'e is not to get an unauthorized Jewish seats, and two small ultra- .happen. responsible public input - settlement at Kaddum, orthodox Jewish factions. If the results come out hopefully the Thompson New job opportunities midway between Tel Aviv But hard bargaining was not in favour of a pipeline, hearings will do that - but and the Jordan, and expected until next week, environmental groups By JoAnne Ames rather to give the sem- promised there would be after the Jewish festival of will claim that the blance of being open- Herald Staff Writer many such settlements in Pentacost._ .. • nuestionnaires were the future. At the ttiyaon mee~tgl o~=,,t,=,l t,,, ,,;,,o,,o . minded and concerned. This year's work Ex- Perhaps Mr. Shelford . ,,It was.an apparent show " ~sources sa id., Assa d.~p~,,,,idv0catestl " ..... " ": e,v ...... iw,rieuee program.is a pilot, ,,~ ~.ofdetermInatiun by Begln to Sadatwere expected topush - • 7 .... is finally realiT.ing that project designed to expose fulfill his campaign promise Prince Fahd ~ use his off- .. IX, on.me omer nana; his gung-ho, 'develop students to different to make the West Bank, rich kinguom's economic mey snow an anti- career opportunities, and everything' position is get and keep their in- captured from Jordanin the clout to pors~de the United pipeline sentiment, local not as popular as he had 1967 Arab-Israeli war, part States to. appi.~/ pressure on busl'n ess urna ...... n~ w'iil.. expected. Perhaps he is terest inschool, According of Israel. _ the new|sraeugoverument, on-ifo f~,of n;n.,"no nn to Richard Parker, The defeated Labor The emer~zenee of a ..... beginning to understand Supervisor of Special government had viewed the arrogant hurd'--llne govern- ponents nggen me that the environment is a Services at the Terrace possible return of much of ment in' Israel leaves the responses. precious resource to be School Board Office, the the West Bank as a Arabs no alternative but to _1,,,,,~ ...... wan --~r preserved - not a com- program is not a in prepare for war, ,, the Is revolutionary idea. • bargaining chip Shelford trying to kid? munity to be sold to the negotiations for a per- conservative Kuwait highest bidder. Most districts in the newspaper A! qahas said in The public already manent Middle East peace, If so, he should admit north, excluding Terrace's and the Arabs have a commentary ~ft~t seemed knows how Mr. Shelford District 88, have been demanded return of all of to echo much 'of the Arab feels about the oil port- the error of his earlier ~ running such programs as the West Bank as part of a world's reaction to the pipeline issue -- he position and inform the $..'ia part of their curriculum new Palestinian state. Likud victory. public of what he now :i;~for quite some time. In favours it. Presumably, :fact, a similar kind of In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jordan's l~rime minister, Mr. Shelford based this believes. Not hide behind ~alternative to the Work three Arab leaders-- Mudar Badran, issued a . opinion on strongly-held, a.gimicky questionnaire. presidents Hafez Assad of ' statement Thursday saying well-reasoned con- But, then again, i Experienceprogram has Syria and Anwar Sedat of Israel "should either with- iboen offere~ to a few Egypt and Crown Prince draw from occupied ~,ictions; otherwise he perhaps he is just trying ! students from both Fahd of Saudi Arabia-- met territories or take the con- would have reserved his to win back votes. Caledonia and Tbornhil] Thursday to discuss their sequences of slamming the. •.judgement until after Let's hope not. Secondary schools. next moves in light of the peace door shut." ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "It's being done right teacl~er in charge Of the business Community. The rather than waiting until rightwing triumph in Israel. now in a very quiet, suc- pilot project says the program was very well the end of the prol~r~ Arab commentators said eessfulway," said Richard program, even if it is received. Businesses have At the end of eaci ~ ek, Likud's victory meant war Parker. Caledonia has. accepted for next year b.y been pleased with the each student evaluates preparations must take AMID BITTERNESS iseven or eight students, the school board, "...wih concept. I only have 9 or I0 himself. These precedence over peace iThornhill has two or three not become a part of every students out, but I could evaluations are comI ,a red initiatives. iout each year working in student's r~ght as a have placed 150." . with those of the emp] ol 'er, Begin received an ithe community, secondary student/' Mter finding positions, so that the ;t~ de nt ;an emotional welcome from the Postal talks end ~:i That is what the Work The focus of the program Barr selected students. A become aware of his or her 200 Jews living in huts and OTTAWA (CP) -- The for the employer informed Negotiations adjourned ~.:.:Experience program is is not, and probably will certain level of maturity potential in that job area. house trailers at Kaddum. Canadian Union of Postal us that the eml?loyer would only an hour after they ~tdesigned to do: ,, get not be students who are and responsibility is When I asked if stuents "We stand on the land ~of Workers (CUPW) said continue to distribute in- started Thursday. Parrot ~students out into real "...having. no difficulty required for the, job see the job evaluations liberated Israel, settled and Thursday it has broken off formation concerning said at a later news con- ii~ jobs in the community as a pulling down high marks in program. No only must given of them by the made flowering by the contract talks with the post negoliations directly to our ference the union will not ~;.~part of their educational school," says Richard students be able to fulfull employers, burr said, wonder'ful pioneers and office because the gov- membership but would not return to the bargaining "iprocess. It broadens their Parker. their responsibilities to "Yes, butonlyattheendof workers of the soil," he ernment is bypassing union allow the union's bulletin to table until the public service i understanding of both the "The focus is on Students employers, but they are theprogram." declared. executives and going be distributed during lunch staff relations board has labour market and their "whoare having difficulty also expected to keep up The idea of the program • Begin told the crowd he directly to the members. breaks and rest periods,." ruled on the question of own talents and interests, with the academics." If with the work that has is to familiarize the wanted "at this time to tell "Today, the spokesman said JeanCiaude Parrot. whether the union has the There are two ma Jor the program is approved, gone on in their morning students with the kinds of i cur neighbors (West Bank - right to distribute literature differences• ' ~between ..the it will not be a part of classes while they were at jobs available to them i Arabs) that we want to live [[1 II"IlU II in the post office. other programs in omer everyone's education, their job site. They must later in life. "manyi with them in peace, mutual Mo,k.n secre,, ve Technological change is a .distric ts and the qmeu " Y ...... Parker voices his major attend their afternoon students chooseasz vocation!: respect and prosperity ... major issue in dispute, with Wedonotwanttodispossess CUPWdemandingiron-clad ~hd~i~ern,re~.: ~:f :tuh.ii z:ii~e ~u deitoght S raagthmae ~'iilhi' "wg)~ ~ ~U ~:scdsbOl~kO~ne:W hra~f wt'~: ~e~ei i2: b:u! ~Aiir :!i: a single one of them.', about W ork study guarantees that its mem- Former Lt.-Gen. Ariel. toa~c~er from Skeena Jr. the prelu~r to something day at the .job. 9ome of exposure is mainly to theiri Sharon, a hero of the 1973 VANCOUVER (CP) -- trial democracy. He said bers will not be adversely high.school who is coor- bigger for students,'and for them have to be at their own famdies and~ theirl affected by changes in the dinatingthe trial runoftbe the schools." jobs by eight in the mot- occupations.' We'rei Middle East war, ac- Harold Wilson, 'the man' that three months later post office. ' program. He has spent a This year is a test run to rang." Barr drives them to providing,,some differenti companied Begin here and named Wednesday at the Wilson loft because of the Parrot said that post • - f hme and energy on ...... "^n of the the 'ob sites and icks ex osure said Tuesday's Israeli royal commission into kind of shakeup he was office negotiators told the lOt 0 ge~ me r~=~.u 3 p ,p,o. : . -- : national election showed British Columbia Railway trying to engineer in the union Tharsday "that many thepro~ram, and is hoping public, the employers and them up again at noon. "rnestuaenmareaware: that "the West Bank is a as the labor consultant who BCR heirarchy, o( our demands are not to see it work so that the the unions to the program. Each Monday, students of opportunities and jobsi part of Israel and we will wanted to "demolish the Wilson, who said he was negotiable." school board will consider If it goes well, a .request change jobs so that by the that t~cy didn't even think! stay here forever." Sharon hierarchy of B.C. Rail," an Ottawa-based labor •~nning it with a full-time will be made for the end of the program, they existed before." The! is expected to be in the said Wednesday that he is consultant, chose BCR from Parrot said it is obvious to oordinator nex~ year. pr.ogram to continue next have done 4 or 5 different students are at a level in! Llkud~cabiuet. "no wild revolutionary." a number of Crown cur- the union officials that the The seconu oifmrence ~s- ye~r on a larger scale, with jobs. On Monday mor- the school system---gradel The settlers came here in Wilson,speaking in atele- potations, King said needed post office was not prepared that"We stuents:is.aredw°rkingwith that a full-time coordinator. It nings, Audy takes the time 10-.when they have to! .~igh risk s . ; c ~, will include Skeena Jr., to introduce students to the make a decision about if! December 1975 in defiance phone intervieq from his Ot- help with industrial re- to negotiate seriously with students who. may wen Caledonia Sr. and Thor- work they will be doing and they want to be pni of the now-defeated Labor tawa home, said be ls a latioes, the union. drop out of scull or wn.o nhili high schools, the people they will be technical, academic, or government's policy chartered ..accountant and ~Viloonsaid demolish was The union, which may not,, .finish graoe What wodld "the ~ob" of working with during the vocational programs. And prohibiting new Jewish now m alrector oz as- "too emotion" a word for represents 23,000 mail communities 'in the Arab- ministration at the Inult sorters and postal clerks, twelve,, said ParKer. If coordinator entail? Barr following week• • of course, they are allowed ...... what he tried to accomplish says it is not opposed to the ro~ram, can. provioe told me what he has done While. the students are in to quit school' after g.rade populated hinterland of the "rapmsat oz ~anana, me ot mm g~°and mtereshng .wor.k and is doing, and it sounds thezr afternoon classes, ten. the program mzght West Bank. Inuit Arctic land claims "" .... changes whichwill improve for the students inv.owea, ' like a handful. He initially and at various other times change their directions. Weathor organization. "There had been the efficiency of the post i they may stay in s.cnoo~.... found positions for during the day, Barr visits "The response of the Mac Norris, chief problems on B.C. Railway office but its members must Let's face it', schom can De students with local era- the job areas to "...ensure students has been very Sflnny with cloudy periods in executive officer of BCR, |or years and the problem be protected. i~i" pretty boring if what you. nloyers. There were very that the students are keen," says Barr, the afternoon; Saturday, told the royal commission soemed to be that they bed a CUPW wants the right to are 'b.ein~. t au.gh.t doesn't ~ew problems finding job fulfilling their obligations, "They've shown a lot of cloudy with occasional Wednesday thatWilsonwas very rigid hierarchy," veto any technological ~ seem to ee_ma~ng you m areas for students in the and that their' work site zs' enthusism for the, jobs.,, showers in the afternoon, introdueed to him in 1974by Wflsonsald. "My jobwas to changes unless agreement .~ any goal. communl~. "The reason providing a learning. ~ey've 1Seen ~laced in. and possible clearing for former labor minister Bill try to ~eak down that is reached between the two ~." ~P~~*.:~;~;~`*~;~;;~:~'.~:~..:,....:._L.:~.::..:.I.:.:.:.I.L.: :~:~;~;~;~;~;~;.;~;~;~;~;~.~;~:`~.;~;~;.~:~;~;~;~.~.~.~.~:~;*~.~:~.~:~:/:~;~.~:~:~:~:~.~:~:~..:.:.:~:;~::.~::::!:::~.~:~:::::~:::Sunday and Monday. King as an expert in indus- hierarchy." parties. i'-.~...<...'..;'.'.';..'.';'.'.';'. ;"...... ;'; ......

' e PAGE A2, THE HERALD, Friday, May 20, 1977

Wor k",n g t.go e ther, • 4 supporting iustness This year's police week : theme is "working together - Supporting Justness". I would like to take this opportunity to J encourage the public to dl work together with the. police with a common objective in 'mind. The ! +; objective should be to • ~zEL--~ - make our community a safe and pleasant place in which 'to enjoy our work ~i and leisure time. Only by receiving the support of the community can the police hope to effectively control the criminal element which is working to prevent a harmonious Staff Sergeant co-existence: Dick Latta Not only during police week but every week of the year, the police and the community must work d together towards their common goal. We are available to answer your questions and assist you concerning the security of your hmhe, business, car ..COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICER - Constable together supporting justness". York reminds the or Valuable property. We are available to answer Larry York is kept busy answering questions from public the RCMP will have a booth again this year at questions dealing with the many provincial and students in the Terrace area. Here a student is the Jaycees Trades Fair. federal statutes. We offer our assistance in a inquiring about this weeks theme of "working multitude of ways. What we ask in return is your help. We need you to call us on the phone, stop in to see us, speak to the policeman or policewoman on the • SPLICING OF GENES . street, and tell us about your suspicions, what you NOTIOE have seen that looked out of place or unusual. It may NOW COMMONPLACE Commencing JUNE 1st, 1977, the Terrace not seem important to you, but it could mean SEATTLE (AP) -- A new Insulin is used in the offices of the MINISTRY OF LABOUR: preventing another night• of meaningless wilful technique that cuts up genes treatment of diabetes. damage or the theR of a car or bicycles, or another and recombines them will The technique involves LABOUR STANDARDSPROGRAM sale of drugs. be used within a month to splicing the genetic 'Police Week' this year is stressing what the police produce a rare hormone material called DNA APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING PROGRAM have known for years. Crime is too big for us to insulin, a University of (dioxyribonucleic acid) HUMAN RIGHTS PROGRAM Washington microbiologist from one gene and mixing it handle alone, we need your help. By "working said Wednesday. with another, he said. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM together -- supporting justness" we will get the job Dr. Stanley Falkow said done. that research scientists in Falkow said he has suc- will be located at: cessfully spliced genes to ~.::::::::: California are on the threshold of perfecting. develop a strain of bacteria 2nd Floor, 4548 LAKELSEAVENUE, hybrid genes designed to capable of immunizing TERRACE, B.C. BRAIN DISEASE produce animal insulin in- cattle and pigs against a expensively. killer intestinal disease. . V8G 1P8 HARD TO REMEDY •••••••••••v••:••$•••:•••••:.••:•:•:•:•:.:•:•:.:•:•:•:.:•:•:•:.:.:•::::•::::::::::::::::::::•:::::::::::•::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:::::::::::::::::::::::•. VANCOUVER (CP) -- "only threequarters of a Finding cures for brain century ago, we didn't even disease is like searching for know the brain was made of oil, Education Minister Pat cells"--but that the big McGeer said Wednesday. discovery needed now is to McGeer, who is on leave find out why certain cells die of absence from the and others survive. /AJI &Kl Realty World University of British [ IIIIII STREET WORK IMPORTANT - A few years ago Columbia, where he was a McGeer said Huntington's Alderman Jack Talstra said Terrace needs more professor and head of the Chorea, an hereditary t IIIIII Member Brokers street walkers. He meant more RCMP working on Neurosciences Division, told disease which terminates in k ))affOI j foot patrol as officer Terry McFadyen demonstrates. a meeting of Canadians for death following years of at bring.you their t Officers like McFadyen have to keep a watchful eye on Health Research that "to mental deterioration and shops which are sometimes left unsecure and are find the oil well, you have to chronic jerky, involuntary often broken into. send out people who know movements, is one which how to find it. needs more research. TRY ALL OFFERS BIGGEST FARM IN THE "Until we put people to It's a tragic thing when Owner must sell this 2 TERRACE AREA work exploring for causes of bedroom, full basement home, 283 acres fertile riverbottom the brain goes faster than 800 sq. ft., elec. heat, big land just 10 minutes from (brain) disease, we're never other organs in the body, he No world ban going to find it," he added. garden, on watgr and sewer. town. Approximately 40 acres McGeer said great ad, said. Priced at $23,00(). For further under cultivation• Several vances have been made in "The brain is the zenith of information call Horst farm buildings. Priced at Godlinski, 635-5397. 5150,000. For more details call on N-testing the field of brain disorders-- nature's work." Excellent revenue.producing ~~:~:~5~:~%~:~:'~'~`~'~'~%~;'%~'~`~`~'~.~;.~ Horst Gedllnski, 635.5397. WASHINGTON tAP)- duplex residence on Kenny. St. The United States failed to Both units have fireplace and winnChinese and French additional basement rooms. Looking for a home with 4 backing for a world ban on Asking S59,500. Call. F. bedrooms, fireplace, large all nuclear weapon test- Skidmore, 635.4971. living room and finished rec shots. room? This is itl Features Diplomatic sources said © include built.in refreshment Thursday that the Peking HOBBY FARM area, home vacuum system, Charming and spotless 2 air humidifier and two .car government has declined -~2: • -- garage. Asking $69,900 and the U.S. proposal and has bedroom bungalow on more • " than 2 acres, Close to town. A family home for youl open to terms. Call Kelly said it intends to continue Squires for details, 635-761& ~ LFull basement with rec room Family room with fireplace, ¢- test-firing nuclear arms. and guest rooms. Separate large living room with The Chinese have long • fireplace, 3 bedrooms and Family home with in-law workshop and greenhouse.. argued that U.S.-Soviet close to schools. Asking suite. This is a modern, 3 This home must be seen by the' attempts to stop tests and to $49,500. Call Kelly Squires, bedroom home, with •family who enjoys animals limit strategic weapons add and the tranquility of country 635-7616. up to a superpower design to fireplace, built.in oven and range, close to center of town. living. Priced at $56,000. For preserve their nuclear 1064 sq. ft. See it and you will an appointment to view, Call supremacy. want it. Reduced to $48,000. H; Godlinski, 635.5397. French President Valery For an appointment to view, ? 3 bedroom home on Westview Giscard dlEstalng also has call Horst Godlinskl, 635.5397." Drive. Large landscaped yard told the Carter ad- !~ • :~ with fruit trees. View of town. ministration he is unlikely Phone Barb Parfitt for ap- at this time to agree to a i~ +* J~i., .... +' pointment to view. Call 635- total ban on nuclear tests. 4971. France, like China, also has refused to sign the world 5 acres PLUS beautiful split- pact to stop the spread of level home with 4 levels. This nuclear weapons, known as A famil~ ome for you. Ex- home includes wall to wall the nonproliferation treat.y. cellent location, three carpeting, double glass Carter, however, is bedrooms, fireplace, patio and, throughout,~ fireplace, 4 continuing efforts to tran- Quiet hospital area is where more. Listed at $54,000 and bedrooms, IV2 baths, spacious you will find this warm and ready for you to move in. Just kitchen with countertep stove. sform the existing partial ooo cozy home on a fully land- Enjoy rural living at its bestl blocks from elementary Small horse barn and fenced test-ban treaty into a scaped yard. 960 sq. ft., 3 Modern 3 bedroom home, I152 complete ban. He has school, nature trail and on 3V2 acres make this ideal for a bedrooms and fully developed paved street. Call me today .~mall hobby fatrm. Large sq. ft., only 2 years old, ensuite stressed that a com- basement. Well worth the and arrange a convenient time garden area plus landscaped plumbing, on 82'x120' lot. prehensive test.ban treaty is asking price of $40,000. MLS. for you to view this tremen. yard. Phone B. Parfltt for Priced at $43,000. For more essential if the spread of To view call Horst Godlinski, dous family home. Kelly appointment to view. 635.6768. information on this home call nuclear weapons ]s to be 635-5397. Squires, 635.7616. Horst Gedlinski, 635.5397. ' controlled. Administration sources say the U.S. and Soviet governments are arranging 635.4971 early talks--probably beginning in 'Washington next month--to conclude an expanded atomic testban treaty in two stages. The first stage would be a moratorium, lasting one or two years, that would PARK AVENUE outlaw the detonation of all nuclear weapons un- 4615 Park Avenue REALTYLTD. derground. The current .~,+. agreement allows shots with a yield of up to 150 kilotons, or 150,000 tons of TNT. The second stage would be the new treaty itself, lasting about five years. THE HERALD, Friday, May 20, 1977," PAGE A.1 NCMA GATHERING CALtED A SUCCeS$ Work at hand on convent=on cruise I

Herald Staff Writer (about the trip) although I + +,+,+ +~+~ . didn't know what to expect, +~b~~~ ;~+~:~ ~l~~ When Kitlmat Mayoi7 ~;,~++~+, ~. , ~.~i ...... George Thorn welcomed One group conspicuous by i~Ui~:~++"<'<+<+'~'+:~;~~!!~++~"~!;~~+i~;p+i': +.i . ~,~ ~~+ll delegates to the North its presence was the City of :~' :+:+ ...... : ::. .,.:;:3.+:-~.:+:;~;~' .... .,:+" , +:p.' '+~'+;','++<~;, 7+,~1~ ~+i+++,,+!+ ..... Central + Municipal' Prince George which has +~ ..... ++,+;,+; .... ,+~ Association (NCMA) con- not attended an NCMA ' ; : : ; 1(::;; :;; ~ : ~ : 1+. i ~<<~ ; "~; r . :"' : "" "1 ' + ference in Vancouver he conference for several : :;:;~7/4~ .~ said that at no time would years. "They were out in ;ii:+{{ +++::j . they be more than 375 feet force," Thorn says. • ~: ;;;:;i+:~{; .t~. ~/;: : !;i 7+ .... l+, ..... / ": away from the work that ' ...... i ~.-i~u.:7 ;~i:~~ .i ~i.' i =. :; ;' .; :i :.:~ ;+ ~!~ ":?~+',+?:. ;=: .... .,,. ~"' +lr~,+, needed to be done. lhom says Kitimat had • E:.~:~.: ;~ +>~:,~2i~+:~.,."i+<'t~<+~+~+~7'; ~+; ~::::~':+::-~ '~ .,< ': ' : +'" " ...... When the delegates left been criticized in the past ~ ++, ,',++ .+ +,...... ,=+++,,++, ...... +~ +, the NCMA conference in for not holding an NCMA +:, + r < :~,:++<~++;++;+'~++',+++, +++; :t +j ~ii~l.+~ ++:,':~+ r ~: ~ ~+" :++,;+':+: +:: '+ +.` • I • ' ~;e , 'I + L.mll Kitimat four days later, conference since 1962. He ' ~ .+,++,,++++++,++ : i_..+ m they went out of their way to explained it was necessary +:: :ill;!!:.!{i! i~]+~ " +:~:+ .+,...+:..'+ ++:~ ~+++ +~,r ++" L+: J'+ .!;++;i-;+ +!..... "il till flndThom and congratulate to go the ship route because ~: +: '++ ~~S, ,, ~ ; !~::'+:~t,, ,+ +, ~:i: him on the most suecessfnl Kitimat does not have the • ' .... ~.~+ ~~ ' conference they had ever facilities .for a conference ' ~:;;:i:;i!!~i~ii';i~+i:!: ; : + "'+"'~" ~ "++~:.... attended. George+Thorn +". :;L'+;;J ~i~ ~77: ~ +i i .... . ,+=,+...,,.,.. +. +" :~ _ "IexpectI'lllosea few " .; +;!;: ' :. I ,~; " i

votes over it/' he says with +,.. , • ,. ~!]!+++~"" .,,,.. +, ,.i , :, FLOURIDECITY a shrug of his" shoulders, i+:;+~+ -,. ,, : ,;.,.. - -.,, .~+ Thom was impressed with i~ ....:7. , "" "~.''l!B, HAS =e "no holiday_" attitude "; ,, , LESS C---ERANC people took on board ship. !~++++i~+~..... " """ ..... -"'" PRINCE GEORGE, B.C George to have tlle second- "We had to cut them off at ~A~+"~ i "= ~ :~" (CP)--This northern town lowest cancer deal' rate. lunch time because if they '!'++~+ ~ ..... !11 11 :.ii i wasthe first community In Kitimat, which also has a didn't stop working they . +. ++;; +"+;;:++,c+;:"+' ::++ 5+++;:+++i{ +...... ~P,;;.+~

and now has fewer cancer The 12 communities supper time," he said. +: : , +~,: + ;;~;;~;~!~!:~/:~;~>,=.,:~: >~ :~; : +<~ ~+ • ~,~:;~:~~ ": ~: • ~ +~ .~ ~, . ~-.. deaths than the provincial surveyed with fluoridated • ~,-~ ,+..:~. .++ .: + ~:~;;{:'.!~;i'+<:+ :+~ +++'+": +:+'+";:{+." ;+";<~,~-+..,~.++:+~;.• ...... "+"..~., : ++-,.++= f; ~'~li-i+",..,.> : . • ~+;++++~++++ avenge, said Dr. Walter water systems included He mid people who make :: .j ...... +,+.+...... ++,.+ :;<.+ ++:.+ .+.+, Korzenowski, B.C.'s were Campbell River, comments of "Ship of • ; .;.~ .., :;.::~;::+~;~!.+.,~ ~ ...... +..+., ,~::,~,~, +,+ ,,+~,+++~. regional dental consultant.• Courterlay, Cranbrook, Fort Fools" remind him of a big L+.//:+~.'+;;::.5~'~.7/;+.I.I!:+;:+I!::++I+++;+j.+!+{+~!I~<+7!D++ i+.~:,.+:::~:++++<'++~++~+7~,+++,++,+++;-++ +~++++++ <~,'~+~+"+4~'~+,++,.<:;+ +' ...... ++,<;+++:;.++-'~+r:+ ~ ..... : :"#~,:~+m~.+,+++++ -~: +,~+~,. , 'Dr. Korzenowski said St. John, Kamloops, wheel, "...once you let the : :~ : =: :~:~+ statisUes mimed recently Kelowna, Kimberley, air out you have only a fiat +;!"/~;l?+ ...... ,++ <+++:+';~+~++m;++'+;+:'++.,+...... +..+++++. ~+++7+-~_+++.+++~+!7+!+i;;+ i:":;+i+!ii;ii+/+++i'i.+ +++++.+.-/+ ' : ..~:'+ ':+++-.+?+++.":++~/tT+~+++~~'~ +++,+--+~,+,+.+ ++++.~++

by the Northern Interior Prince Rupert, Squamish. tire." + ..... -+++++:'++++"+: I +++7 +k+ : : 4 I" + ::~++:i:::;:'++ "++I+ + ,.: I: ...... ++++ ~,+ "+'+ ~+'+ ..... i ~i~!~i.~:+;+..... ' I I ~:j> + ...... I ;+ +., +j " + ....4 ,: ~ :::'!i+~+i." :+++:+~;+.~ =',,++~ Health Unit disprove a and Terrace. Of the 28 re~olutions put ' ':' • .+:+'++,+,++,+<;++~ +,. ' + " ." • '.+ .• "~++~i:,,.++: +:/: +, ;"++;++;;.::/::::+ +: : .... + ?/. ;.;+?+! + :+,;++ ,++ Washington eaneer Kelowna and Campbell forward 19 were carried. ; =~,e~.~.~;,+~<,., . +, ~:,~<'+'+' ": ..~'+': . +. , :'. researcher's report that River were the only two Kitimat withdrew a fluoridated drinking water eommunities with a cancer resolution asking that PRINCESS PATRICIA-"greeted at Kitimat can cause cancer, rate higher than the municipal offitilils be "They_ show there is abso- provincial average, elected for three year terms agencies, which plan teacher ages. The completely -secure facility UBC, alscussed northern incremental (slow and lute]y_ no indication of a Dr. Korzenowski at- instead of two year terms, resource management and municipality argued that such as those presently rail, air, highway and water steady) growth. trend that can link tributes Kelowna's high The resolution was development plans in the the school boards charge the available in the lower systems. His report on the His message was that fluoridated water with cancer death rate to the reworded and reintroduced official regional develop- teachers so why,should not mainland, northern transportation municipalities must tie in cancer," he said, adtling large number of older, later; it was carried. "The merit plan. the cities charge the school studies, soon to be released, their plans of secondary and that statistics show the retired people living there original resolution was The regional dislrict was boards, is seen by Kitimat as the primary industries with the epposite--"more deaths in and said that although he badly written," Thomsaid. also successful in presenting . Terrace was successful in NO TOURIST FUTUBE most important factor in the local'natural resources. He+ non-fluoridated eom- didn't know the reason a resolution calling for an putting forward its scheme future of the northwest, also got delegates thinking" munities." behind the 177.2 rate at NCMA delegates sup- investigation into the to have the Attorney- According to local about how large they should Dr, Korzenowski said 12 Campbell River it wasn't ported a Regional Distriet of feasibility of installing a General of B.C. consider, on representatives at the The report will begin a 20- plan the small town. communities with l~.gher than the provincial Kitimat-Stikine resolution central municipal computer a regional basis, the conference, Victoria has year plan to open up the fluoridated water in B.C. average, calling for cost-sharing system with common establishment and main- negative thoughts about northern transportation Jack Kempf, MLA for had almost 35 per eent fewer "Anyone who says between municipal-Indian standard programs and tenance of facilities for the tourismas a future industry corridor from Vancouver to Omenica, said local caneerdeathswithaeaneer fluoridated Water causes reserver governments for suggesting that all rehabilitation of juvenile in this area. There were Kitimat 'by_ sea and from governments must get tough death rate per l00,000 popu- caneer simply doesn't know capital and operational municipalities with offenders who do not require hints of major discoveries in Kitimat to Yukon by high- and demand stronger laUun of 123.4 eomparm what he's talking about, costs such as water, sewer, populations over 2,500 and a completely secure en- natural resources yet to way. policies. He said they must with the provincial average "A~eandin- garbage, recreation and under 500,000 will be viroriment, come in the north central Dr. Peter Pearse, from thwart developing minority ef 157.9. dustrializati6n are the key parks services, required to use it. . The resolution argued that region,however. 'the department of groups and labour and Compiled during a four- factors when it comes to " Kitimat was successful in such offenders are not a Dr. Bill Waters, Centre for economics at UBC, hit home management must learn to year period endi~ in 1974, death from cancer," said The regional district also passing its resolutioncalling security risk and do not Transportation Studies from when he talked about big agree or there will be no th~ st, tl~ show~e¢! Prince the doctor, .... called for crown provincial for no tax exemptions on require being dealt with in a the Facidty of Commerce at bang development versus future, in industry. • - II I'lli'{]J I "1- " I1 I ill I EarlyI= Bird F atures ; . i ' .

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i .... , ...... * ...... -~ . ,--],--1.1%l,ilii.ll 'rii~li "|i |lli~li|l~ ...... ~-- ...... ~*---~i*,,,, =+,~ ~ ~iil.r .+ ...... ~ ..... i..-+~L .... ,.'i~ ...... II i,. ~ .... PAGE A4, 1HE HERALD, Friday, /~ay 20, 1977 :::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::~ OVERNATIONAL DESTINY the herald Citizen groups should, have control ..... Terrace - 635-6357 t federalism although in fact after the Seven Years' War, Canada council, the film MONTREAL (CP) -- average citizens with what reformers, m~ny of them was called a "policy of trained at the social the country has one of the France •did not have to cede development corporation l dtlmat 632-5706 Senator Maurice Lamon- most flexible forms of Canada to Britain but pre- and by grants to univer. tagne, a Quebecer with a grandeur." . sciences faculty of Laval Modern Quebecers, like University in the late 1950s. federalism in the world. ferrod Guadeloupe sugar to sities. long career in education, Canadian furs. "It is in this area that the Pttl,i.ished by public service and public the citizens of other He studied economics at Th'e c ompeti~ life, says that altSou~gh' societies said to be ad- Harvard and taught at philosophies propounded Yg Under the British regime, nationalist elites fought ~' Sterling Publishers Ltd. federal and provLncml vanced, are better educated Laval before joining the leaders in' the Frenc- commerce in wheat offered 'their hardest combats, govern.ments are engaged in and informed and have federal public service where language community for relief for a declining fur believing that .the ,federal :. ; e:,~i~ea every~weekday at 3212 Kalum St., Terrace, B.C. A a tussle over power~ what better living stan~lards than he became economics ad- more than 100 years have trade and then lumber trade institutions and programs ilii mer01berof Varified Circulation. Authorized as second class they should be doing is preceding gener0tions. viser to the Privy Council been nationalist on one side and shipbuilding took their represented a serious mail. Registration number 1201. Postage paid in cash, return findin~ iways to give people Individuals' now were and later to Lester Pearson and "humanist" on the place.' danger~ to our couecuve i:i: postage 9uaranteed. more authoritv and the more inclined td set their while he was opposition other. Senator Lamontagne said personality;' he said. means to use ... own priorities "and find their leader in Parliament. He "The two tendencies that although the "But, without these 'intru- :::ii!~DV E RTI SING MANAGER PUBLISHER He says citizen groups in own ways of self.fulfilment. was a member of differ profoundly in their nationalists of the day op. sions,' what would have which individuals try to It was a renaissance of Parliament and a cabinet spirit, their manner and posed it, Confederation m become of the individual !!KAYE EHSES GORDON W. HAMILTON work out their own desUnies individualism with a "very minister, before al?- their issue," he said. 1867 resulted in develop- personality of•our resear. are increasing in number. positive" aspect since the poi~tment to the Senate m The nationalist line of ment of railways, canam chers, artists, actors, i!i MANAGING EDITOR KITIMAT MANAGER Such voluntary and popular pursuit of happiness can 1967. He is 59. thought Conceives and port facilities and led to singers and authors? What ALLAN KRASNICK W.S. 'KIM' KIMBLE movements indicate that only/ be undertaken by in- In his Montreal lecture, revolutionary changes in creation of a vast common would have happened to our i~nOWing numbers of citizens diwduals. Senator Lamontagne said political structure as the market in Canada. cultural institutions such as Senator Lamontagne ~i~i: NOTE OF COPYRIGHT d that higher levels of that Current debate among only way of solving the The federal I~overnment's our universitieS~ne~chestras :.:::" The Herald retains full, complete and sole copyright in any government, both federal made his comment on the federalists about reform of problems of Quebec societ ,. National Pohcy of 1879 and theatre ballet :i~i advertisement produced and-or editorial or photographic and provincial, have grown current political and con- the constitution may prove Independence is regard d ~orovided tariff protection companies?" , •".~: content publish,.~d in the Herald. Reproduction is not too large, too bureaucratic stitutional issues in Canada to be more important than as a great, collecti e r developing industries, Senator Lamontagne said :~:! permitted without the written permission of the Publisher. and too remote. in a long and detailed lec- the issue of Quebec project, a historic un- and toward~the end of the the part pla),ed by. Radio- Basically, what people ture at Universite de separatism. dertaking of liberation. century rapid population Canada ~n cultural posibly want is not a con- Montreal. He mentioned two He said the humanist ten- growth in the West produced resurgence and progress of stitutional rearrangement The 9,300-word address general theories of con- dency is based on the idea benefits for manufacturing the French-language cannot but a redefinitionof the role was presented under the stitutional change, one held that what counts first of all industries in Quebec as well he discounted. of the state and a regional auspices of the Canada by "structuralists" and the is the achievement of good as Ontario. "And, further, it must .he decentralization of ad- Studies Foundation and the other by "functionalists." POlicies to ensure that the He attributed to federal pointed out, that direct or ministrative apparatus and text was published in three The former want fun- citizen thrives and that ~aOVernment initiative the redirect federal aid in the v Oat' 'own sections by Le Devoir which damental changes in the cultural field was more decision centres so they will rOmlitioal structures, alwa~.s unching of industrial be more visible and more makes a practice of printing federal structure, talking perfect, should be built development in Quebec, respectful of the liberty of lue needed documents regarded as even in terms of a five- around the citizen's needs. adding that when natural institutions and individuals human.. Senator Lamontagne important. province country or about Through the years, it is resources became a factor than were some of the in- Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Canada contends that efforts The lecture dealt with provinces having prac- true that French-speaking of dynamic growth, terventions of provincial decided that a municipal government has no devoted to the cause of opposing trends of thought Lically all government Canadians have had to provincial governments governments." right to withhold a business licence in order to separatism by the Quebec in Quebec that date back responsibility. overcome serious obstacles pla.yed only a passive ~le He said that any process protect the values of the community it government do not more than a century, with The "functionalists," and have had reason for initially. loading to a consti[uUonal whom he regards as "more serious grievances, he said. The federal govern- rearrangement should focus represents. correspond to an over.riding aspects of Quebec's preoccupation of the great economic history for" about flexible and democratic," But there were other ment filled a void, that on the needs, desires and have no particular doctrine aspects of the past that were ' might have been tragic for preoccupations of all Concerned with the letter of the law, the courtl majority of people. two centuries and with He says former premier current thinking about of decenfralization but feel forgotten or badly in- French.Canadian culture, citizens, in particular the in a 5-0 judgement, stated that a lawful business, Robert Bourassa realized reform of the Canadian that government should he terpreted by several by creating the National large number whose, views such as a "sex shop", should not be denied a too late that his policy of constitution. decentralized if that is • generations of historians. Research Council, the CBC become known omy tnrougn licence to operate on the grounds that it might cultural sovereignty didnot The senator, a native of wanted b~ people rather He cited as an example and Radio-Canada, the public opinion polls or when Mont Joli in the Lower St. than by ehte. the conquest of 1759. In National Film Board, the there are elections. offend the sensibilities of the community in get a popular response, Quebec, the conquest which it proposes to operate. while Jean Lesage, an Lawrence area of the He said a myth that has earlier premier, failed province, belongs to an become current is that version of events was that of Voico of'th• readers---- The ruling came in connection with a legal capture the interest of early generation of .Qu.ehec Canada has a rigid form of "dark nationalism." In 1753, conflict between the town of Prince George and John Payne, a sex shop owner. Real issu In denying Payne a licence to open a store dealing in seminal apparatus, the town has over- , . iiii=" stopped its jm'isdiction, the court maintained, / ~ .. overlooke;? The inference seems to be, that if sex shops are Editor, Terrace Herald legal in B:C., they are legal in Prince George. Re: Blaze guts five apartments. Fire leaves families homeless. Firemen quick to scene. At the Fair enough, but the decm~on ot me court scene.."They've given up on it." raises an interesting political question. If The headlines and the pictures on your May 18, 1977, municipal authorities are not qualified to issue are very impressive. Jeanne Ames, you've hit .:.>:.:.:.:.:,: ...... ,.,, .,.,., protect, through bylaws and licensing, the values .:,>:~i:~:!:i:i:~:!:~ :<.:.>: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~: the nail right on the head with your coverage on the i:~:.":! • of the people they represent, who is? hummi tragedy which occured in Terrace. The real tragedy is that again you've missed the .... From the point of view of legal uniformity, the . point. t cannotsit lay.and let this a ttitude'p~vafl,in a. court's decision is quite correct. If John Payne .... Just Society. :! ...... "~ ;~"~'"~ .... ~ ...... "'~':'" ...... can legally open a sex shop in Victoria, as he has i!iii::i The people wholost their homes and belongings will i ...... ~]~i!::i never replace what was-lost in that fire• Therefore~' done, why should he not be able to do likewise in ~.iiiiiiii!i]iiiiiii~ili!!i ~ what are you doing about it? Prince George or anywhere else in the province?. ~ii::iiii~i:.]!ii::ii:::/:i::i ...~ They also lost theprocious publicity that only you can provide. Also lost is the human dignity, which But perhaps those precise and proper legal iiiiN runs pretty thin in times of stress as was caused by the (~ minds are overlooking something very real and fire. vital, namely, the collective personalities that There are some facts that someone in the position make small towns different from big cities. that you hold in Terrace should be examining and finding answers to: Many of the people who inhabit the small 1. Why do people have to live in a place like the :,~.;% ~..~ Flynn apartments? towns of B.C. and the rest of Canada are 2. Why are there people who own such establish- "escapees" from the exploitative, slightly ~'..'~'. .,. ~~.~, .. " ~ ~ '~ ments allowed to get fat off the back of people whose perverted madness of cities. If body rub parlors, income only permits them to live in such apartments? porno theatres and sex peddlers were to their ,~ ....~-~i 3. Where are all those people who work in govern- liking, they would probably have remained in or ment departments whose responsibility it is to oversee moved to a big city. the premises? 4. What are our present municipal and provincial ~-~.~" !~::!!~!:| "~ .. ,,,.,~ ,. governments doing to improve these conditions which One might also ask: if local municipalities are exist that provide poor housing, low income, poor not constitutE:d to protect the specific interests of working conditions? their residents, what exactly is their purpose? There is more, Jeanne. Look around Terrace and see what elseexists that will provide fat insurance. If the citiz¢:ns of Prince George really want a claims for owners and provide more misery and ~-" sex shop their views will sooner or later be ex- • .... ~;~,-.... --~ .,~ , heartbreak for these people. presses at the electoral level. In the meantime, Mrs. Vi Gellenbeck • Terrace what is to become of the personalities of small "I think . I preferred winter -- a// you needed was a shove/." towns if the decisions of iocal government are undermined t'or the sake of legal consistancies? ot College o.ntrants o • o i/i filE I ht !ii a ng ns est Quadra i it s B • C • s special island VAN{2OUVER (CP) -- taking literature courses as John Scoggan, one of the 44 a means of bypassing Eng- JE ByMEDcANDZIE • c°uve~SoffSl°~Ptee~S~l~rY lol~b~cc? PSpO~iO?el °fictmh'ce~l people at University of lish. • Love an island? Britisn the island's southern tip. parks. . ~ i:i:i British Columbia who "The problem is that Columbians have nunareds Exploring. up from the In pioneer times, me ~pit~!ii marked an English corn- English has become an to explore and Quadra Juan de~Fuca Strait, Van- was a favourite site for day- :~il position test written by elective instead of • a Island is one of their couver"probed into the longpicnics that brought the i~i~! university entrants, says necessity. Students have a favourites. ~ssage west of Quadra isolated immigrant families i~i~: about half received failing difficult time expressing Quadra, halfway up Island and found the route together. . ,!i~ marks. • themselves in writing and Vancouver Island's he had sought -- through to Q.uadra's rock shorets a~!i The placement test, they eannot develop ideas.!' sneltereo eastern snore, is Queen Charlotte Sound and ricn toraging grouna for ::::: written May 3 by Grade 12 Markers also were reached by a 12-minute car the Pacific Ocean shellfish lovers. Clam and !~! students and others plan- working on the tests at ferry from Campbell River. Not far from the Cal~ oyster feeds are so popular i~i~i ning to enter postsecondary Vancouver .Community The island is nearly 15 Mudge Lighthouse, which that limits are placed on the :i~]i institutions in September, College, Castlegar, miles (24 kilometres) long marks the entrance to number of shellfish an in-i~i was commissioned by the Kamleeps and Victoria. *i -- one of the largest along Discovery Passage, was the dividual may take. i~i provincial government to Lloyd MacDonald, Georgia Strait -- and swift Euclataw Indians' stron~ A notice at the park en- ~ find out how many director of the placement tidal races are its coast's stockade Here they ha~[ trance states: "Oysters --!:~i university and college en- test project, said Scoggan's feature : Okisollo Channel in battled the Royal Navy's 25 in tbe shell or one quai't of !!~i trants need remedial remarks "manage-d.•to the north, Surge Narrows to gunboat Forward when she shuckedo oysters per per- i!~i language help. break the trust we had with the east, and Seymour steamed north in 11360 to son", and, "Clams-- 24 per i:~: "There was a general con- high school teachers, that Narrows --site of the once- arrest members of a hunting person per day." :'!~ sensus (among markers) this test would be no dreaded Ripple Rook -- to party who had attacked The region's economy i~!i that the problem is qu!te reflection on them. e • the west. Rock-stud.dea white migrants leans heavily on the sea's:~:i had," said Scoggan; wno "I'm very upset about it." inlets and curving rays Today, the Indians bounty. The huge, hard-;::: marked the composition MacDonald said Seoggan deeply indent its shores, operate the successful We .fighting tyee hooked from section'butnot the grammar only saw a fraction of the AndQuadra's history is as Wai Kai campground on the" tidal waters have quiz of 40 sentences, tests and a full analysis ,of intriguing as its jagged beautiful Drew Harbour record weights and sport- ' Results of the test, which all theresults has yet to coastline. This campground has over smeh from around the will be given as a mark out made. The is!and is named after 100 forest and beachfront world, seeking one of these !~i of 80, with equal weighting He noted that a number of Juan Francisco de ala camning spots with good ~ighty salmon, zero in on~ I for the composition and students writing the test hed Bodega y Quadra, Knight of facil~es Quadra• i:!: sentence sections, will be English as a second 'the Order of Santiago and The Drew Harbour an- The gravel roads at the ~ii sent to students next week. language. ;~overnor of the early chorage, wheresleek white island's northern end lead to ii~i "The literacy problem," MacDonald said test ...... Sp.anish settlement at cruisers drop anchor for the freshwater lakes, the old ~!i said Scoggan, "stems from results will go to Education ...... Nootka in 1792. That year, night, is nrotectedby a mile- Finnish settlement site at i!~i a separation of grammar Minister Pat McGeer next Goulland llarnor ...tluaara isnana Captain George Van- long sliv~er of land This is Granite Bay. :~:! and literature in schools, week and the mlnister WIll ...... ,.., ...... ~...... ~...~.~.~.~...~...... ~.`.~.:.~.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:~:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.:.~..:.:.:.:.~.~.~....~.~.;.....~.~.~...... :.:.:.....:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.iand students have been announce the test findings. ..I,- HERALD, Friday, May 20, 1977, PAGE AS For $150r000 Preakness Slew is ready to ru n:. Taylor ( )ve orwa! a three-year-aids and keep of Canada, has started three and cough. ' ./,~ BALTIMORE (AP) --, husband of Karen Taylor, ,Seattle Slew will probably alive his shot at the U.S. times this year, winning Mrs. Robert E. Leh- the listed owner of Seattle thoroughbred racing's once in a stakes. He is mann's Run Dusty Run, .~. run the best race of his life Slew. Triple Crown. owned by John B.W. Car: whose second place in the Saturday, Mtckey Taylor Seattle Slow, to be ridden michael of Toronto ann Derby was his fourth ;:said Thursday, discussing The unbeaten colt will be by Jean Cru~u.et, drew the ridden by Chris Mccarron straight .ru~..ner.-pp .finish, .the Kentucky Derby win- called upon Saturday to run No.Spostpos~tionforhisbid and will he going from.the was mane me tmra early : neT's forthcoming teatin the 1 '3-16 miles around the for an eighth win. A large No. 4 post., choice at 8-to-1. He will be ,$150,000-added Preakness. Pimllco track. He is the percentage of winners at The speedy Cormorant, ridden from the No.9 slot by ~ "He's fit enough to run early 3-to-5 favorite to do it this Pimlico meeting have owned by Charles T, Berry Darrel McHargue. May 18-21 ~iaronnd the world," said the faster than eight other been inside horses, but Jr. and ridden by Danny J.O. T0bin, listed at l0 to l Seattle Slew has the speed to . Wright, drew the inside pest with tron Constitution, get to the rail quickly, and was made the eeeond worked a half-mile in 47 fiat. Re.adjustment It should be an in- choice at 4-to-1. Thebay colt Bill Shoemaker will ride O-SO-GOOD teresting race because won four straight as a two- him from the No.6 post. A Cormorant and J.O. Tobin year-old after an opening virus also kept him out of will be close and Run Dusty loss, then this ~ear won the • the Derby. NOT DOG Run will be laying in right Iroquois Hand~cap and the The nationally-televised WI/N/II! difficult,, says, behind him," said Taylor. Bay Shore and Gotham dassic, scheduled to start at OR Canadian-bred Regal Sir, stakes before missing the 5:40 p.m. EDT will be HAMBURGER Jet player who has never raced outside I~rby because of a fever telsvided on CTV beteeen 5 'ili* WINNIPi~-G (CP)--'QUIeL strong. He'll I~ore 45-50 UUNtt ~.DanLabrnaten says he still goals next season." - • is making'the adjustment With the Jets' top line of ~,from amateur hocke~ 'in Anders Hedberg, Ulf 1 LB. Sweden to Drores•giRl Nllsson and Bobby HULl .~ hockey in Canada. having trouble scoring in VAO 3 PKGS. " ~But the 25-year-old right- this series, the Labraaten- '] winger is working well with Sullivan-Undstrom.line will PKG. O OF S ~~linemates Peter Sullivan again be a key in tonight's _ ": and Willy Lindstrom. fourth game. m_. ACREAGE AT GOSSEN L~,KELSELAKE COTTAGE OWNERWILL RENT WIT~I= ;" 'Peter andI both like to "We dld not play too g.ood • CREEK SUED. One with WITH ACCESS AND VIEW. ' OPTION on this 31~drm. Say-• - ~'play with the puck at centre in the San-Diego series ou[ m_ residence and another with 98'x190'lot overlooks the lake, mor home on Goulet Ave~• ~lce and it took me a while to we started to come on [] drilled well, cabin and stuccoed,one bdrm., Franklin Water, sewer, landscaped,: NAil JEllS IgllR get=edtothat,"Labraaten age|nEt Houston," said []roothouse. GOOD GARDEN fireplace, Ilv. rm., kffchen, electric heat, ample car- i BEG,, GARLIO, :: "But now I know Peter, goals and 13 assists in 16 = terms and prices, range and fridge, with other OFFERSCO.S,D~.~.. " rlapmll 0HIOH OR HIOKOR¥ and Willy I know from lgayoffgames. ' furnlture, sunroom. ALLFOR = :" ' ~'~il~: -'Sweden."Labraaten scored once and"~J| down. ,e~Bon Butwe werewe areUp = offer.ONLY S23,500. Make your HIPS SAUCE and set up two other goats always up for the important [] Thursday night to spark games." ' [] ";'Winnipeg Jets to a 6-1 win K victory tonight would [] WOULD YOU LIKE ... ~...... n over Quebec Nordiques and give Winnipeg a 3-1 lead in • YOUR OWN SHOP? ~[] ,, • We have just the package for' OPEN~O OFFERS FOR ~.is_m 226 GRAM 10 0Z. JAR a 2-1 lead in the World the bestof-seven final but a :TERRIFIC BUY A[utNuE w you,a20x40concreteblk.shop 3 bdrm. home carpeted with= .;Hockey Association final. Quebec vieto~ would even • REMOon /= acre Y "He's a belluva hockey the series and restore the [] landscaped and fenced, 20x24 wlthroof,concreteAND a 3floor'bdrm.alum'full andCUShl°nbathroom,fl°°rIn kltchen-dlnlngaffached mF" player," said Winnipeg he•e-ice advantage to the aft. shop.garage, plus a near coach Bobby Kromm. Nordiquss. •new 3 bdrm. home, wllh basement home, self- carport, corner lot 70x120,[] contained 1 bdrm. in-law suite W I L L C O N S I D E "He's scored three great "That line has been B_.fireplace, w-w carpeting, over comnletely finished, kitchen, REASONABLE TERMS T R: O goalsin this series. He'agot playing well In ~ series • ,ooo,,?. ft., a,t~Cr,~e~Carrier ~ bathroom and one Iodrm. APPROVED ~u.c.Asen.. m PKG. great talen.*., speed and he's andhopeful]y they 11 con- •'green,.o.use,.. ,.9 ~,,9~,., n= upstairs finished, 2 bdrms.> ASKING PRICE $2S,000. m I~ue," said Kromm. iarea, Mu~.L~=.~c_=~.~'~;~ Ilvlngrm.,diningrm. flnlshto ~,~l~.el i "rm a little concerned =" .VVK"~.,.-=u.lSe U'~"?-~i.u" --= yourown taste. ALL THIS ON [iGalJ ~ • PRBPIRED u o x, n ¢1 .,= their defensive play. ; P~ ICE approx, two-thirds acre .Hwy...... , [] KRARr V _L- I1~ wa~hey the scare move me theat times puck butthe . ,~',,W. VIEW16 E. accessBY APPOINTMENT- rd. frontage.' II~-.-, __ ~i"~='mr,asv~,. 8 MUSTARD atc ill ~Y~Yy control the puck so PRICED AT m,o0o. ~~.B !II , lena~ they,, make things ," ~~ ~;:,:~ [] " dol"""d=o_,= happen.The line has been the .Key ,MU=~T nN A LOT We 5ave: toG~D buyer TSR.S of this AVA, modernLAeLS. 3~ , . |8 FL..ZlJAR_ to Wil~neg s two victories ...... - .^....ith .... ter ~ bdrm. residence on .9 acres• --.---- &._~ll. ~_-- Oil gVAIJV l/* Igl w wg I 1 o~er.~ucm:u.n ...... nREOUCEDTO$21,000forthis sewer and n-gas avallable with.fullbsmt., .~/3 b.thrm..s.,: GOU.--I--TME " i-.~t~) (")..~:,,, h~, l-'rlo!'to,meTxnru perlou []2 bdrm oder home on a FOR A LOW PRICE OF l|replace, carper'aria Pargo.- 6Plllli/i!i:i~J | v/grid ~, 11p.~'~Et'l~"~" aj~; "-Thia'~dy itlght,: the-only []be'a0tlfulu 98x122 ft. lot' zoned El0,000 Treed and partial alIREDUCEDseriousoffersTO f~14,S00conslderedANDim :!!ii . cnamploasnip match be[- other Winnipeg "player to .Residential No. 2 ui~w. " "U . l ween titleholder Jose have pick up a point in the I'..~ /: iiil;::ii::~:iit~!~:~.iiiii~ ' Cuevas of Mexico and Clyde final was defenceman Dave :. Gray of Toronto has been Dunn with one assist. BIIIIQUETT|$ "postponed or cancelled," The series moves back to Grays manager, I~ Unger- Quebec for ~ame five man, said Thursday. Funday night with the sixth The fight, o~inally slated back here Tuesday. for June 7 and later I~ re.scheduled for June 16 at 10 LB, DIG Hamilton's Ivor Wynne Stadium, was "left in limbo," by ' various problems that arose during negotiations involving Ungerman, whose All- Canada Sports was co- Federal Business Development Bank • promoting the affair with a ~'oupheaded of by Hamilton Roger Yacbetti,lawyers , assists businesses OALIFORNIA and Lupo Sauchez, manager of Cuevas. Smy e in British Columbia ,,,,0., S fill Ci with financing: .....; " Llnrlrucl In 1976, FBDB authorized $111 milliu~l in loans to 2,500 businesses in British Columbia...... r~"~ c • ---f(C~I1 fromandcurrentlYFBDB.for8,600purposesbUSinesSeSsuch as:in the Province have a total of $445 million in loans

Smythe ignored doctors' EAOH HElD 34 SIZE O orders and went to the races this week. Smythe, the crusty former •owner of the National Hockey League's Toronto Maple Leafs and one of the Purchase of equipment Purchaseor construction Working capital Launching a new business leading thoroughbred race ' ofb.ildlngs .FRESH - B,O. GROWN ~,~,;...... ,,~,~,,~

horse stables in North " ,with CASE counselling: " , ,,~"~"; attackAmerica"amonthSufferedagoa .... heart The FBDB management counselling service known as CASE (Counselling Assistance .....:'"~'~::~: ...... :~.~:.,:., ...... ' ~The 8~-year-old veteran of to Small Enterprises) assists small businesses to improve their methods of doing ,,,~::~, ,, ~ii;!::,, " ...... tWo worldwatchwarStheWaSsUP-at business. '~ ~ ~ i~i~,~:i:.: ~'~' ~,~ posed to races ,,:~,~]/~, Woodbine from the air- wJthtraining: .... conditioned comfort of his To help improve management skills in small business, the bank:conducts management ' CHICKiNN ~'.;.~.,. l~xuryear, but instead stood 1bY the raft accompanied by training seminars. ,. .. • his nurse of several years, . . ' . \ • Margaret Grose,..to wateh with unformatnon on government programs tWO of his horses race. ' for business: , -- . Grese admitted she was worded that Smythe would At the Bank's branch offices, operators of businesses can obtain information about 9INADA GRADE "A" WHDLE become overly excited and ' any assistance program available from the federal government and othe'rs and are PER LD. O asked him severs] times to directed to the representative of the appropriate assistance program, . . 31/=-4 POUHDS c~dm down. He referred to, n her as "The Boss." NA-M.J~ •. Obviously she wasn't as Perhaps FBDB can help your business-Ask for our.foider ~U~iln u Pllmfl Smythe continued to.en~oy tlie action as mucH as ne nan Oil I~ilo In the past, especially'when one of his favorite horses, Lucky Colonel S., a , 4548 Lakelse Avenue, (604) 635-4951 & mt d v promising two-year-old, ,Terrace,8c vsG lp8 Friday _a_ur_a_ sebred a three-length win In FEDERA/ the' third race. " . BUSINESS " II'IlIIIIACR ONLY It was only the second Overwantea ~etow for a Smythe hor~ DEVELOPMENTBANK, .o o o c E N~ E. s If ~iO lib y ltroot since the Woodbine mee~ ,~ned May 1.

...... ,~ / PAGE A6, THE HERALD, Friday, May 20, 1977 i Metrics could kill our football In the nine franchise OTTAWA (CP) -- Con- switch to four downs from the offensive emphasis of the nine existing CFL Last season, the CFL the current three, he said. almost completely to run. teams, teams paid $2.5 million in cities, football was more verting football to the ~oPular than professional J metric system could mean "Three downs is one of the ning, he said. The sport But the area lacks a stadium rental and $3 would loose the appeal it football stadium capable of million in federal income ckey among viewers the end to the Canadian greatest things we have in except for Vancouver, flavor in the game, Jake our game." gets now through'a mix of supporting a CFL team, tax. The eastern teams paid passing and running. Gaudaur said. This was an $1 million to the Ontario and Montreal and Toronto, an Gaudaur, Canadian Foot- The metres required for a independent survey shows. ball League commissioner, first down would mean the Gus MacFarlane, the area for federal-provincial- Quebec governments in government whip and a municipal co-operation. A amusement taxes. Gaudaur told Les Ben. said Thursday. equivalent of having to gain jamin (NDP--Regina-Lake 10.9 yards, he said. former'college football team could have its fran- The league has been "I think an awful lot would coach, said if four downs chise fee repaid within 10 having regular attendance Centre) that the league be lost," Gaudaur told a That would be difficult would like to be able to lift with three downs and would were accepted, it would not years from the league gate- increases during the last I luncheon meeting of cabinet be much longer before our equalization.plan, Gaudaur few years reaching a record its local television blackout ministers and MPs. One of likely result in the switch to policy for home games but Redsare fast four downs.iThat would shift game would be the same as said. 2.5 million last season. It the first results would be a the American one. Itwas not possible for also attracted 50 million whenever it does, attend- Gaudaur was in Ottawa to football teams; with their television viewers and ance falls off heavily. meet Sport Minister Iona limited number of hbme heavily, outdistanced Even conference 1 Campagnolo to see if more games, to build their own National Football League championship games suf- and strong teams in popularity among fered if they were televised ,: government sports support stadiums. Most teams in The Terrace Red's, reigning Bulkley Valley Smith, Brock can be directed rot0 Canada and the United Canadian viewers, Gaudaur " in the city where they are League champions, open their home season this amateur football. He said • States ray rental fees. said. being played. Sunday at Kerr-Rotaw Park. The Red's are that because amateur foot-. el 1hi working hard to duplicate last year's successes •ball is not an international but hope to go one step further, win the regular game, it doesn't get the signed by Lions samerate of federal funding PACKAGED .: season title as well. Last season the Red's and as do other less popular the Smithers Glaciers finished tied for first and the aIICFL team in the 1972 games. the Glaciers won the playoff game 8-7. The next VANCOUVER (CP) -- HOMES British Columbia Lions of and 1974 seasons. He is a Gaudaur also told the P day the Red's won the championship by the Western Football native of Halifax who turned luncheon that the CFL (Custom packaged to defeating the same team 6-1. Conference said today they professional with the Riders would like to expand into your blueprints) Once again the locals are a young, strong, fast have signed veteran line- at the age of 19 without London, Ont., and especially team. They have strength at every position and man Wayne Smith and Paul college experience. into the Atlantic provinces. - Pre.cut commercial budd0ngs Brock to new one-year Cameron is the only The. Halifax-Dartmouth • Commercial & residential strt~ctures every member of the club is capable of hitting area, with its population BOMTAR the long ball..The Red's.also have three or,four Canadian Football League player in the trade still with • Tested truss systems, commercial contracts. the Riders. Aynsley now is base of "275,-000, seems & residential speedsters and an excellent coaching staff. with Montreal Alouettes of strong enough to provide the . Prefabricated preserved wood foundationa • The Red's starting lineup for Sundayis almost Smith, 27, is an eight- the EFC and Boone is with 26,000-27,000 average per identical to last years as only two rookies have year pro veteran who came Edmonton Eskimos of the game attendance required L-----____I P.O. BOX 2410--SMITHERS. BC V0J 2NO-- TEL. 847.4212 managed to crack the starting line. Five-balling~ to the Lions in 1976in a trade WFC. to keep a team solvent, he which sent three players-- Brock, 22, joined the Lions said. Gary Paulson is once again the Red's ace David Boone, Brock Ayn: The team would likely PACKAGED HOMES AND hurlerand he should provide the team with a midway through last season sley and Larry Cameron--to after being released by New have to be a community CO PRECUTBUILDINGS number of victories this season. Catching Gary Ottawa Rough Riders of the York Jets of the National . owned enterprize as are five will be last year's assistant coach Jack Richard, Eastern Football Confer- Football League. The im- back •from an ankle injury, and he supplies ence. port offensive tackle played power from the left side of the plate. The infield The Canadian defensive '.ollege football at Tulane. is strong with a veteran at each of the four end, who is six-foot-four and ~e stands sixfoot-three and positions. The height and excellent glove of Al 240 pounds, was named to veighs 250 pounds. Olson gives the club the best first baseman in the league. Garry L'Estrange and Willie Chemko combine to give the Red's an experienced double play combination at second and shortstop Hockey nerger respectively. Over on third base the quick, sure OARS 1976]RIJ FI00 i( hands of Phillip Webb provide the team with a 1975 Granada SPECIAL SPECIAL solid corner man. The two rookies, Wayne 2 Door, V8, Automatic tam e~lEoo v8 Automatic , 4,695 °° L'Estrange and Lance Legouffe; flank veteran Bucket Seats ' -~rvw~ Power steering, Power brakes before =ll? SPECIAL centrefielder Dave Hamilton (the same)in the 1974 F250 'epresentatives of both 1972 Bu,ck SPECIAL outfield. ThLs gives the Red's a strong outfield as EDMONTON (CP) -- The T 4Spd.,V8 Radio S9S °° all three have good arms and field the ball well. Journal says a merger of the eagues have been meeting 2 Door Hardtop . el ~iEOO World Hockey Association :!or several months to Stereo tape, Power Windows "alr~X~ The club also has three rookies and three 1974 Pinto Squire PECIAL veterans to give them good depth. Returnees and the National Hockey discuss "an accommodation Loague is expected before )r so-called merger" but 4 cyl., 4 spd.. ¢~,TO~O0,1 .---- Lorrie Arnold-Smith, DonnLe McColl and Gino the next hockey season. ~ey have no power to PECIAL ' ' ~ "~ Iamele give the Red's a strong pitching staff and The Journal, quoting an ~egotiate any kind of in Arnold-Smith, last year's home run king. unidentified "highly-placed lrrangement. Newc .:ners Doug Matheson, Barry Heit and source," says the merger "The conditions under Tom Morton will also help the team once they likely will be announced ~:hich it (a merger) could before' the NHL draft of =.vet happen are so arduous gain some. more experience. All three are ' • ..... ~: ~.','..: :~:'~"~..:, ~i~ ..... ~ ...... " ' beginning to' hit the ball well and it's just a junior players early in June. • ~nd so expensive it's Edmonton will be one of Joubtful it can ever be matter of beating someone out of their starting mccessful," Campbell says. Pa ker m. position. six WHA teams to join the • ...... NHL, the newspaper says. The NHL asking price is ,mce ~.enTre, nmmaT ~-'~-~-~--,-~'.~-"-mm , The Red's are here to provide the public with Calgary, San Diego, In- reported to be slightly more some good baseball and manager Red dianapolis and Birmingham than $2 million for each of • Parts Sales ) DeaLer L'Estrange is confident his club can give it to arb not expected to be asked the six new teams, with an them. L'Estrange'has also prepared opening additional $1 million to be 632-6181 " - Licence to join. '~ 632 6182 " i +.o, 00s sA .. day ceremonies including guests Larry Paulson, However, NHL president paid over the next five Tony GiUard and Vic Joliffe. All the action Clarence Campbell says years. begins at 1:30 at Kerr-Rotary Park. reports of a merger are unfounded. Campbell says In Terrace RUD :,N ii; I]URR E Softball for everyone ' 4646 LAKELSE AVE, Well constructed 2 lodrm, full bsmt. has21odrms.,w.wcarpetlng,naturalgas irJlJlllll~ ON A QUIET STREET rm. & 2 bdrms., rear porch & bsmt. with : i heat & is located (11 lust over 2 acres of 3 Iodrma., full Iosmt., only 3 yrs. old. This year in Terrace there defeated a group from they desperately need. It is home with hard,,,.ood floors in the living. ~ ~. ~ : '' ~"~ land, There is an outbuilding preserd'ly dish~,~ashor.Nlede'n, bright Dining kitchen room Patiowith doorsbuilt.iv to are a number of groups Lindsay's Cartageand rumoured that the Royal 2 finishedlodrms. &rurnpusrm. Thelot :~, ~/,...,~ used as dog kmnel but could be am. sunded,,. $42,900--call Bob Sheridan. Storage 16-15. In the:second' hank has formed a team but is 109x110 and is nicely landscaped in .. Tj.i~ ... vetted to v,or~. For viewing phone playing softball for social la~&trees&therelsa storage sh~ In I ~~ Bert Liungh. game, a team' calling evidence of that statement backyard. Pt~e Rusty Ljungh to view. recreation. Teams are i made up from various themselves Charlie:s Brown. is difficult to find. Members n " ' ' *t ' organizations, commercial Sex defeated a team headed .of~:the RCMP are also rumoured to have formed a =..ET "..EA ..E .,G. SC.'O0. A.EA ..... A RA=.VE .U.=,O.= operations or just plain by John Sandhal. The score TWO bdrm. home with .2 more finished in ~ 3 bdrm. home with full self

/Kntnm"at Radio g TV i 'Dwaln McColl .635.2976 LOWER CiTY CENTRE MALL John Currie 635.5865 Bob Sheridan 635.2664 Bert Ljungh 635.5754 Rusty Ljungh' 635-5754

...... -' ...... - ...... , - - -'1

...... ,. mf .... ill ...... -- ...... dmi ...... / THE HERALD, Friday, May 20, 1977, PAGE A7 P_UAI.C_TIfIeJKO Clark shakes hands in Verdun MONTREAL (CP) -- a retreat from their who thought Joe was attractive Lucas, a 37-year- nomination, upsetting Eddy Conservative.leader Joe balconies as Clark, can- president of the New old career woman trying to Vigneau, who has run for the break the 15-year Liberal NOTIOE Clark stopped traffic at didate Pierrette Lucas and a Democratic Partyl Conservatives in Verdun in times Thursday as he platoon of reporters came And 18-year-old John hold on Verdun. the last two general elec- mainstreeted in Verdun, a toward them. Simon, prompted by a 'IV Conservative MPs, trying tions. Now, he said, people worklng-class municipality There was the man who cameramen, tried to hand out their French, have been recognize her in the street. west of downtown Montreal. wouldn't shake hands, and Clark an NDP placard. knocking on doors all week. Federally Verdun has Some housewives did beat 'the kid on the motorcycle Clark refused as {he' cam- Sixty-five per cent of Ver- been Liberal since 1962but it In observance of Victoria Day', Monday, eramun filmed the scene. dun upters speak French as went Parti Quebecois in last These travails aside, their first language. November's proviricial May 23,.1977, the followzng change zn refuse Clark generally received a Many Verdun residents election, electing a Liberal MARGARET'S BACK warm welcome as he stoked are bilingual and Jack Ellis" and a PQ member in its two ~the campaign for next (PC-- Hastings) was provincial ridings. In a pzckup zs introduced: IN NEW YORK CITY esday's byelection vote. smiling Thursday. about the single riding, the PQ would NEW YORK "(CP) -- Jackie Onassis, one of the "I've seen you on TV," reception his limited French have won. Margaret Trudeau popped many persousHties of the housewives and taxi drivers got in door-to-door work. Liberal candidate • Garbage normally collected on up in Man- social and entertainment said as Mrs. Lucas in- At the Lucas headquar- Raymond Savard, a city• hattan Wednesday evening world who attended the troduoed them to Clark. One ters, Dale Johnston, wife of councillor, hopes to h01d on and attended a benefit performance. taxi driver added in French: British Columbia MP to the 10,000-voto lead the Monday wdl be pzcked up on Tuesday, performance of the There was no indication "Where's you wife?" Howard Johnston, helped party had in the 1974general American Ballet Theatre how long Mrs. Trudeau Maureen McTeer cam- fiil out poll cards for the election. Bryce Mackasey, May 24, 1977. with Princess Yasim Khan, nlann ilt ~NEW paiqned here last week and evening blitz amidst a hail now a member of the with whom she has stayed ~-ork~ed to stay maae a good impression. of French and English Quebec National Assembly, on 'previous visits to New A reporter polled conversation. wod that one with 17,633 The garbage disposal ground will • York. Mrs. Trudeau, who has passersby to find out "I'm the 'Godfather'," votes against 7,-922 for The two attended a post- said she wants to become a whether a Verdun veteran Conservative Vignean, the Conservative, performance party held to professional photograp.her, newspaper was correct in organizer Maurice Dupras and 2,232 for the. New be closed on Monday, May 23, 1977.. honor Russian ballet star arranged a news-photo saying no one in the city said introducing himself to Democrat. iM/khall Baryshnikov, who assignment with People would recognize Clark. Los Angeles Times reporter .Meanwhile, the NDP has a 'staged the American magazine during a fourday Seven out of 10 passersby Kenneth Rich, who is here to high-profile candidate in Ballet's presentation of The visit~ here in March. At that identified him correctly. do a series on Quebec's new PhilF_~imonston, 33, who lec!" IlJstriot of Terraoe NutcracEer .at...th,e, Metro-. time, she stayed with • A score of Conservative government., the campaign agamst ' poHtan Opera. • • • • -Princes' Yasmin at her members of Parliament Dupras said candidate "rusty Fords" that resulted News photos showed Mrs. exclusive Central Park West arrived in the evening to Lucas was unknown a in compensation payments Trudeau being introduced to apartment. blitz Polls on behalf of the month ago when she won the to buyers.


Not exactly as illustrate(

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CHARGF_ PAGE All, THE HERALD, Friday, May 20, 1977 Now whenever a couple were given tickets to the ,name probably should Some five years ago I i~al fisherman spent four racoons in this neigh- chiropractor is established Hawaii at a special .dinn.er have been Art Coll~son, as wrote to the Herald after an days out with his son in law boorhsed. in a {own, he is lucky if he ~Id in their Konor, by me there is no oldtimer here item had been published and came in with a catch Last month I received a has enough time to get out ulreetors and Manager of with Collins as a last name. that stated the spray used on valued at $4,000, so if one very nice letter from Roy for a drive in his own car. Delmas Cooperative Since the speaker is now 7] the highway between can put up with the constant Bonisteel, Host of "Man We are gradually making Association. However they and came here in 1910, it is wave movement, there Alive". I had written for a had been planning this trip quite possible that he came Terrace and Prince Rupert progress. to the Masset area from was as "harmless as table are fish out there to he ~yof "Intervention" and Queen Charlottes Frieda is now living in by camper before this so salt." It seems to have caught. also mentioned how Richmond handy to all after Sam's eyes were back Alaska. taken awhile for thr in- For the past two days I much we had enjoyed the shopping needs, but on the to normal (following an formation about these have managed to spend part fdm shown of Alyansh and fourth floor of a high rise operation earlier in the This past Friday was set spra~s to become more of the time out in the flower the programmes that will be apartment. This place of year), plans for the first aside for the Islands' Sports l~bhc. In a recent edition of beds getting the weeds kept repeated was also sent. It residence does not appeal to holiday were finalized. The Day. The morning was wet B.C. Today there is .~. very down. It is most interesting would seem that it you me, but then I have not been Hawaii trip may he saved and miserable up until the really enjoy watching some time that the bus arrived worthwhile article on pages to watch the growth of the warclens and vestry letter as David was a living for many years in until the Winter time. 6 and 7 entitled "The danger plants each day. At first I of our television Queensland, Australia, It was very interesting from Queen Charlotte City programmes, the people members. chiropractor at Kitimat with participants from the of phenoxy herbicides," kept a detalledpk.n of just Today I received a very when we were living there which could make quite a this morning to hear written by Theodorne wliere everything nad been who are involved with their during the construction difference. someone from this area ssouthern parts. After that but lately there presentation, would really nice letter from Frieda the sun stayed out for the Sterling. Dr. Sterling is a planted, but b Deereux, who has' Ynoved days. At that time doctors Sam and. Jessie Simpson, ~eeaking of the days when professor of computer bun't been enough room on appreciate a few lines from and chiropractors were not who have lived in this area deer were in herds here. balance of the meet, and Ifse original to add the new you. back .to Canadh ~from even ~ough the wind kept science at Sin-~n Fraser Australia as had 'been working as well together for for many years, have left on The announcer said Art University and the article in additions, so one can only It wa a little over two the benefit of people as they their tour of British Collins wouldbe speaking the temperature down, it put in some sticks or stakes months, ago that I was planned before her husband was an ideal day to comDete ~eeStion was abridged from died suddenly/. I believe I are today, and David spent Columbia, and some parts of tomorrow again, but people and hope that these are not surprised one day to see on. Humanist in Canada mentioned this in a previous part of his time selling cars! the United States. This I have spoken to today say magazine. blown over before the plants "Father Blythe" in Delmas Reading about the birth take shape. Cocp-in fact I was not sure deformities that have Ed Woode had to take whether it really was ne, so resulted from the use of the time out from constructing later phoned up Rev. lan • Phenoxy herbicides, should the greenhouse, this week- MacKenzie and as a result l~rt any sensible person end, in order to make a of the call, had a con- rely against their use. rabbit pen. (Lareina is versation with "Father Also it seems it takes on the going to]eek after the rabbit John." (He rode with us average, 9.0 years to pass as one of the Brownie from the Lava beds to between exposure to car- tasks.( No doubt all will go Terrace one time and we cinogens and the subsequent well until a stray racoon had also met before at appearance of cancers. Our, comes along to look for a Aiyansh, Socially.( twenty years are just about feed of fresh rabbit! ~Tem, When it came time. to do over and we are already the Baker, has been giving tthe weekly column, I found TNE LARGEST SELECTION beginning to see a "steep . bags of bread crusts to the out John Blythe is now increase in every form of Woedes for the birds across Archdeacon of New IN THE B.C. NORTNWEST cancer." So between the the way. Just recently" Aiyansh, and he had been phenoxy herbicides and the when one bag had been left here to give a Workshop on chlorinated hydrocarbons outside for a short • time, a MMinistry at St. John's we seem to he encouraging racoon came along for his Church,HHaida. He had the extermination of the share of the "goodies." also been at St. Paul's See The human race. Tunis was able to take three Church, Masset the I should add that already pictures of the intruder, so following day when an in- " 50 per cent of malfor- now we know there are duction service was held for Frontier mations reported by delivering ph~/sicians m British Columb|a are of the kind that have also been "Spaceships,' observed in the offspring of mice, hamsters, rats and SOHOOL BISTRIOT rabbits exposed to 2,4,5-T; Designed and built in Kelowna the Frontier line of RVs • spine birad, hydrocephalus, N0.88 (TERRAOE) for 1977 cleft palate and lip, and a incorporates the ruggedness, durability and the variety of musculo-skeletal Applications ape invited for the position of full- convenience features wanted'most by British ' disorders." The next time time, Billing Machine Operator, with experience We can show you the complete range of spacious you hear of people Columbia's RV buyers. protecting their local en- on Burroughs L.5000 or comparable preferred. vironment from an Y Accurate typing of 50 wpm required; accounts Frontier Mini Motorhomes, Truck Campers, Drop into Atom Motors and get the complete story. spraying it would be as well payable experience an asset. Please supply to give them your own written resume with application to: Travel Trailers and Vaf Conversions on the extensive Frontier line. support! We have been having ? many nice sunny days late School District No. 88 (Terrace) on the Charlottes. The wind continues to blow each day Box 159, though and those who went to enjoy the beach this past Terrace, B.I~. V8G 4A7, week-end needed to be bundled up in warm winter or call 635-4931, garb in order to contend 3 i2 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat with the cold. Mr. V.E. Rozee, The B.C. Canuek went out | [] this past Friday and will Assistant. . to the Secretary.Treasurer, for ap- I probably not be back until pointment. I MOTORS LTD. DEALER: IAC & BANK FINANCING Dealer Nos. 25013 & 25014

DISTRICT OF IEIlRAGE Houson. The maior physical facilities are in Terrace, but there are . ', substantial programs in the other communities in the College region. Total full and part-time enrolment is about 1500 students. NOTICE OF POLL The college has vacancies in the following positions: Public Notice is hereby given to the granted such poll, and, further, that the. Oo-ordinator of Vocational and Trades Training Programs I electors of the municipality aforesaid personsduly nominated as candidates at - that a poll has become necessary at the the said election, for. whom only votes Duties: This is a new position. The appointee will be expected to develop and co.ordinate vocational and trades programs election now pending, and that I have will be received, are. in the various communities served by the College. Con- siderable travel in the College region will be necessary. i FOR MAYOR: : " Qualifications: Preference willbe given to persons with experience in industry or business as well as teaching and ad- I SURNAME l OTHER NAMES t OFFICE I TERM [ RESID. ADDRESS I OCCqlPATION I II • ; ~L ministrative experience in the vocational area. Biggs " Sharon Mayor Balance 4013 You Street Homemaker Salary: Theappointee will be placed on the vocational salary scale of 1976:1977term according to training and experience. 3308 Pheasant St. Businessman Appointment Date: July 1, 1977. Maroney David Mayor Balance of 1976.1977 term I I II1'. II Counsellor Duties: This is a new position, the Appointee will be the only full. FOR REGIONAL BOARD DIRECTOR' time Counsellor at the College, and will be responsible to SURNAME OTHER NAMES OFFICE TERM RESID. ADDRE'SS OCCUPATION the Director of Student Services. Duties will involve I program and job and career counselling, as well as ad- Concurrent with 4623 Hillcrest Ave. Consultant vising students regarding financial aid. Most of the duties .Jolliffe Victor Reg. Board Dir. will involve working with Vocational and Trades Training term on Council 4826 Halliwell Ave. Accountant students. Pease David Reg. Board Dir. Concurrent w!th Qualifications: Preference will be given to persons with experience in term on Council counselling vocational and trades training students. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. ADVANCE POLLS will be held at the Appointment Date: July I, 1977 District of Terrace Municipal Building, Psychology Instruotor . 3215 Eby Street, Terrace, British Duties: Teaching first and second year psychology courses in Such poll will be held at the Clarence Columbia, between the hours of 9:00 various communities served by the College. Considerable o'clock in the forenoon and 8:00 o'clock travel and evening teachi.ng may be required. Michiel Elementary School Gym. in the afternoon~ on Monday, May 30th, Qualifications: M.A. in psychology. 1977 and at Mills Memorial Hospital, nasium, 3430 Sparks Street, Terrace, Salary: According to scale to be negotiated with Faculty. 2711 Tetrault Street, Terrace, British Appointment Date: August 15, 1977. British Columbia, on Monday, June 4th, Columbia, between the hours of 4:00 .o'clock in the afternoon and 6:00 o'clock Apply with curriculum vitae and names of three referees to: 1977 between the hours of 8:00 o'clock in in the afternoon, on Friday, June 3rd, 1977, of which every person is hereby the forenoon and 8:00 o'clock in the Dr. D.V. George required to take notice and govern Principal himself accordingly. NorthwestCommunity College afternoon. Terrace, B.C. Given under my hand this 10th day of May, 1977. Murdo Macdonald Returning Officer t ' ? :


investigateudScandal at home by Br!tts Allan " A "P Former Leyland LONDON ~linsam~ter?~r~lay.k;n~: and conspxrmg editor David English issued denied" renelving the letter. DON'3' i m Britain's Labor government foreign governments on a a statement standing by the Industry Secretary Eric managing director John ~,ssiv: ~ anno~mced Thursday a high- of practices and they m.ust massive scale in a desperate allegations. Varley told Parliament that Barber told reporters that level inquiry into allegations be rooted out,. although a effort to win overseas or- The Mail's story was Lord Ryder had been called "the Daily Mail does not UNDER that the state-owned heavy responsibility rests dsrs." based on what it saidwas a back {rein a holiday in seem to-differentiate be- Lsylnnd car company had with the host countries • "In the financial year letter alleged to be written Greece to take charge of an tween illegal bribes and THE been indulging in worldwide themselves." 1975-76, Leyland's own by Lord Ryder, chairman of inquiry. justified commission." He bribery in order to increase Statements in Parliament records show a forecast of the National Enterprise The Mail maintained that thought it would be "naive sales. followed a hectic day of 11,372,700 sterling (about Board, the government the letter gave an official at the very least for a The claims came only 11 accusation and denial, $19,450,000) to be paid agency helping to finance seal of approval to business company to put in its own days after Prime Minister starting with an exclusive overseas in 'slush money'-- Leyland, whieli referred to practices involving bribery records that they were to and corruption. It said "the pay'bribes..." . -- James Callaghan placed his stow on the front page of the bribes and undercover "special account arrange- ... a madcap, contemporary farce... signature on a pledge made right-wing tabloid Daily commissions." ments." British government, as the The Mail allegations orew at London's Western Mail newspaper claiming to • The Daily Mail's claim to The board in a statement ownersof British Leyland, an angry response from left- economic summit con- have evidence of bribery by have exposed "the amazing denied that such a letter had had entered into that con- wing Labor members of R.E.M. LEE THEATRE fereuce to stamp out' inter- Loyland. truth about Britain's state- been written to the cor- spiratorial and seedy world Parliament who claim that national corruption. The newspaper said owned car makers" was poration, and British' ofalusMng and backhanders the British press has Friday, June 3rd Callaghan told Leyland was "paying bribes criticised Thursday, but Leyland "categorically (kickbacks)." frequently attacked state- owned ente~rises . . Z**%~*._*~ .:.'. ~`.%~.~.~.%~,:~`.~...... ~..:~.~:....~....~...~.~..~..~.~..~`..~.~.~.~...~..~...~...... Editor David Engfisn 8:00 P.M. EXCEPT TO NATO insisted that his newspaper had s~ken to people in Tickets available at NO PEACE PAYOFF, autbenty who had seen the NIXON MAINTAINS Carter cuts a rms sale letter alleged to be from McColl RealEstate WASHINGTON (Reuter) possible agreement on the new policy, but officials Lord Ryder to Leylands, • WASHINGTON (Reuter) letter he received from -- President Carter an- measures for inultilaterai said these transactions do and declared: "Tomorrow -- Former U.S. president Nixon and a copy of the nounced Thursday that he is action aimed at reducing not include weapons the Daily Mail will publish a Richard Nixon has denied former president's Feb. 1, cutting U.S. weapons sales weapons transactions. systems such as planes or photograph of the letter." that the price of the 1973 1973, message to Hanoi. abroad and stud future The president said a any other sophisticated Vietnampeace accord was a In the renewed U.S. transactions will be made virtually unrestrained militaw.items. In addition, promise of $4.75 billion in negotiations with Vietnam under tightened restrictions spread of conventional regulations are being drawn U.S. post.war aid. in Paris, Vietnam has tried to control the arms traffic. weaponry threatens up to'prevent an increase in The question of post-war to link a U.S. demand for All future sales are stability in every region of the commercial sale of assistance is a major issue accounting of missing covered by the new policy, the world. arms. in the discussions recently servicemen to proposals for except those to NATO He estimated that total started in Paris aimed at foreign aid. Congress has countries, Japan, Australia arms sales in recent years Carter said the United (nn me GlUE v0u gone on record against any and New Zealand, with had risen to more than $20 States will not be the first such linkage. whom the U.S. has major billion, with the United supplier to introduce into a Nixon acknowledged in a / Nixon's letter to Wolff, a defence treaties, and to States accounting for more region newlydeveloped, letter to Congressman advanced weapons systems New York Democrat, in- Israel. than one-half of that which would create a new or IILL THE (0mFORT$ Lester Wolff t/pat he sent .~ .sisted the Hanoi govern- The president reserved amount. secret message Feb. 1, 1973, significantly higher cohbat ment had violated the the right to waive the new Each yedr, Carter said, capability. to Vietnamese Premier January, 1973, peace ac- controls under ex- the weapons transferred are Pham Van Dong mentioning cord. traordinary circumstances, not only more numerous but Ix~t-war aid and containing He also placed restric- OF HomE... which he did not define, or also more sophisticated and the $4.754)11.onfigure. Nixon said there were tions on cc~preduetion by the when he determined that deadlY. United States and any other But he said it involved "no violations "too numerous to friendly countries must de- He said new American commitment of any kind, mention." country of .sophis.ticated. pend on advanc.ed weaponry commit'ments under weapons, moral or legal" to provide However, he did .list to maintain a security :military assistance U.S. funds because Hanoi several, including what he balance in a specific region. programs will be reduced in Birds end Bees had broken a peace described as a Vietnamese The White House said the 1978 from a total that offi- agreement made public in refusal to withdraw forces U.S. will begin talks soon cials estimated at $8.8 If you're interested In January, 1973. from Cambodia and Laes as with the Soviet Union, billion this year. finding out how to tell your Wolff made public required by the 1973"peace Britain, France and West Commercial• sales of children about reproduc- Thurs day the May 14, 1977, agreement. Germany, the world's other weapons, estimated at $3.5 tion, and maybe even fin- ~y.4::~::::i~.~:i::~:::::::::::::::::~$::$::~::~:.;:.;:i:i:~:::::::~:~:~:.`.::~:::~:::::::::~:~:::::~:~::~:::::major arms suppliers, on a billion, are excluded from ding ouz a little more • . , o .. • ,yourself, then read further.' Some films and cassettes will be shown on Wed- RUSSIA.USA nesday, the 25th, by the Terrace Branch of Planned Parenthood. It's a preview Strategic arms deadlock showing, but it's definitely GENEVA (AP) -- U.S. negotiations in the near peace prospects in .the MIRVs, overcoming o~n to the public. A time State Secretary Cyrus future on further weapons Middle East. deliberate concealment of and place are still to ne Vance and Soviet Foreign cuts. This step would be in "I expect a delay in the wenp°ns fr°m satellite or flnalized"'but bY the time ~ [ aircraft reconnaissance, you are reading this, Liz Minister Andrei Gromyko line with Carter's objective Geneva conference," he . furnishing~ani:~nventow-o.f Manjl may have.~the~o. NOW you can go anywhere and still have those were reported on Thursday ~./of movingAoward eventual ~ said. ,/'C don't sea;~hat we Phmie her at ~.9472-khd' to be working on a com-disai'mim~ent, ..... can reconvene the con- strategic weapons anO comforts of home. Take your vacation this year ,¢,, /~.~ [ guarding against transfers make a space in your promise formula to break The report followed a ference early, even before to other countries of sophis- "datebook for Wednesday in the deadlock over a new pessimistic assessment the end of the year." one of our fabulous recreational vehicles. _ ~~ ~' ~ J treaty limiting strategic earlier Thursday by United Initially, Vance and ticated weapons technology, nig bt. Its the only way to goJ ~1 nuclear weapons. Nations Secretary-General Gromyko planned to meet Aftermore than five hours Knrt Waldheim who told for only two days on the of what U.S. officials reporters it would take arms negotiations and the • We have fine used camper trucks available now. described as intensive and "quite a long time" before agreement to hold a third good' faith negotiations,, an the two superpowers could round of talks on Friday, See our boo h tar some overnight recess was taken reach a new agreement to again at the Soviet Mission, to allow Gromyko to contact replace the current SALT, was interpreted by ob- F2$OCamper Special, V-O, auto. trans. the Kremlin for instrue -~ which expires in October. servers as a sign of 1970 Ford $18N, tiOns. Vance also was in The two officials, progress. I 1976 Ford U998 touchwith President Carter. meanwhile, shifted their Apart from the Vance- OFFICE J theAsked arms by talks reporters were going, how whereattentiontheir to expressedthe Middlehopes East armsGromyko specialists negotiations, Were ii 1970 Ford $2195 Gromyko replied in for reconvenmg a peace drafting understandings Rusoinn, "It will become colfferenceby the end of the between the two countries PRODUCTS FJO0 Pickup, V4, 4 speedtrans. clearertodayor tomorrow." year were dimmedby the on several subsidiary is- t •compromise formula would day's'Israeli elechons. These included verifying 1 blend U.S. proposals At a news conference,, weapons with multiple, Ford !:!0o Pickup, 302, V.8, Stand. Trans. $3695 rejected in March by Soviet Waldheim also presented a independently targetable leader Lennid Brezhnev gloomy assessment on warheads, known as J ~th'poSOhere~fOrmu|amOdifiedwOuldsOVietinl-lm taonso DIEGOALC FZ IZ97§O,R FordgAFdF4S0 Pickup,F'l~Rangpickup.er `x` 6cy,.. stand, trans. "~74-~'q~l 95 I i perl)oWel~na]Seu?df,th~s:o;cW~aiSsdU~ MAY 1, tl, ru M&Y 28 ~,~e¢~ ~,e~' '% I S7~ 0[dsc.t~, Stn. Wgn., air, stereo, all power ~79~' I

TadV~ene t%BoaCskfuir~rpb°ombeer~, b" . Sam-ld.. IrerNce .. 19"/6 Datsun 4.,,.,,,.n-rd w°ulde°mmitthes~lVeaot~ Lakelse Hotel, 638 8141 begin a new g , I' * tO.CO". "O':r." 1973 Bulok.t.r..V..--,o trans., P.S., P.B. $28N [ ~'"'''']' MOT|0E * "~ ElectricTypewrzters.i , 1976 FV-S,,,,o.t--n,.,"dio? rdm,~door, ~S" I iULqBA6 •/' 1976 LIIn00[nMark'V,'ie,

• DesignatedE"0LEAN-UPBaydUring16th toSpring01ean'UPMay 20th, 1977Weeki %e.~'. .,,. 19"/3 Pontiao La-a..,dr ~.., vs,auto.,trans.' ~149~ I .. 1976 6ran Tormo;uo .r.: ,.d $4796 , Oistri~:tof Terrace, Public Works Department, will pick up extra gar- 973 sta,i, trans. • "$2595 J[ bage ~nd refuse free of change, from Monday, May 16th to Friday, May °" i :Datsun,,0.4,,," I I 201h,1977. lSpring Clean-up Week) Wilki]~so]~JL 1974 PintO sq.Jrest,w.o.,~,,,.,.,ot.n, $2695 [ | This service does not include car bodies or stumps. Kindly arrange to | have this extra garbage and ~vaste materials set out on your regular ..... | pickup*day between 8:00A.M. and 4:30 P.M. If possible, have garbage SusvrJLeSS j and waste materials in plastic bags or cartons to assist in the picking up. NO indusWialwaste. Terraoe Totem Ford Machines ~ ~~/~ Sales Ltd. i 4635 Lazelle.Ave. /~ ~( ~ 4631 Kelth ~Te~Gce635 4222 ~ 635-4984 D00727A PAGE AtO, THE HERALD, Friday, May 20, 1977

TERRACE6 3 5"6 3 5 7 KITIMAT 632"5706 14. Business Personal 33. For Sale. Misc. 47. Homes for Rent 49. Homes for Sale 57. Automobiles Enjoy the summer more The Herald, 3212 Kalum Street Golden Rule: Odd jobs for the ~Prl-ce Sk~,na Forest Pr0duct'~;" For Rent: 2 bedroom cabin. ¢~mlly home-0n one acre on For Sale: dune buggy with roll. P.O. Box 399 Terrace, B.C jobless. Phone 635.4535. 3238 Ltd. will have a sale of low Newly renovated. Reasonable Bench boasts 1800 sq. ft. of over bar. Extra 6 spare wheels, with a new boat from Phone 635-6357 - Terrace Kalum. (cff) grade lumber Monday through rent. In Thornhill. P~rtlally comfortable living. 3 bedrooms, fransmlssion, axle and engine Phone 632.5706 - Kltlmat Friday 7 a.m..to 3 "p.m.X. furnished. Call 635-3698. (c14) 2 bathrooms, rec room, parts. Phone 635.7409 after 6 Mermaid Yacllt & Charters. Subscription rates: Single Copy MR. FIXIT marked . $20 per 1000 bd.. ft. fireplace, landscapi~ng, p.m. (p14) 20 cents. Monthly by carrier Anywhere, anytime Economy - $40 per 1000 bd. ft. For Rent: 3 bdrm. house. workshop and much more. Try For Sale: 1972Datsun fastback. We have a new 16' Cobra complete with Three Dollars ($3.00). Small motor tune-ups a (ctf) Consider long.term lease. Stove your offer. 638.1790. cff C~e owner, dearly loved, low Yearly by mall In Canada specialty. Phone 635.4602 & fridge if needed. Phone after 6 mileage. S1450. Phone days - $40.00. Senior Citizens $20.00per Evenings. 635.4565days. _ (off) Spot Cash for Used Furniture, 635-6809. (p18) For Sale: Large• "A'" frame 115 HP Johnson O/B and Cal trailer house in Thornhlll. Solid con- 632.7222. Evenings . 632.6569. year. Antiques, all useable items. (c13) Yearly by mall outside Canada The Furniture Stall 48. Suites for Rent .structlon. Cedar Interior. Your that is priced right for you. Also a ] 7' $61.00.. GENERAL own home for $23,000. Please For Sale: 1975Sierra Grande 635.3202 H I L L S'iD'E-L-OD G E phone 635.3484. (p16) Authorized as second class mall CARPENTRY' Flowering almonds, flow.erlng 4450 Little Avenue Suburban GMC, 4 wheel drive: Cal-glass 140 HP inboard/outboard with by the Post Office Department, crabs ready to bloom, lilacs, i S~eepleg rooms, housekeeplnc Complete with 800 lb. warn' Low Rates Family home on one acre on winch and roof rack. Phone 635. Ottawa and for payment of fruit trees & berry bushes, a units, centrally located. Fully bench boasts 1800 sq. ft. of postage In cash. No job too big or small, free 7987 evenings. (ctf) estimates on remodelling, broad selection of flowering & furnished. Reasonable rates by comfortable living. 3 bedrooms, trailer. Lots of extras. Selling, list with us. Classifieds due 24 hours prior to • ornamental trees, shrubs & dayorweek. Non.drlnkersonly. 2 bathrooms, rec room, cleslred day of publication. $2.00 roofing, porches, siding, 1974 Toyota Corona. Four door, )alnting, spraytex ceiling. evergreens particularly suited i Phone 635-6611. (cff) fireplace, landscaping, stick, radial fires. Excellent We have buyers, also boat and canoe for first 20 words, 10 cents each for our northern• climate. workshop.and much more. Try word thereafter. No refunds on Phone 6354094 condition. Owner leaving ~sk for John after 6 p.m. (ctf) UPLANDS NURSERY . 3 bedroom Row Housing Sultea.. your offer. 638.1790. (cff) country, must sell. Best offer. desslfled ads. where you'll find "The Beauty Full basement, 1V= baths, half I 635-2631. rentals. of Nature for your Home." block from schools, 5 minute Older 1200 sq. ft. split-level, 3 I. Coming Events ABLE ELECTRIC LTD. Refrlgerative Contracting and Corner of Halliwell & "Kalum walk from town. Suitable for bdrm. home for sale..Nelson For Sale: 1974 Ford Capri. V6 MERMAID YACHTSKIES Weight Watchers meeting" held household repairs. Phone 635- Lake DriVe in Terrace. Open' families. $250 per month. 6- Road, New Remo. Needs minor motor with headers and 4.spoed Water Lily Bay every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the 3876or 6~.!231. !~) _ 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. MorL to Sat., month lease. Apply Suite 108 - repairs. Ideal atelier home.. trans. Also has aluminum mags Knox United Church Hall, 4907 Closed Sundays. 635.2603. i 4530 Scott. (ctf) Owner eager to sell. Make an & B.F. Goodrich T-A radials.' on Lakelse Lake 635-6680 Lazelle Avenue. Now Open I offer. Will accept lot or mobile $3,000 or best offer. Phone 635- One 8 burner wood cook stove. For Rent: 2 bedroom duplex home on trade. Call 112-562.66.51 ANDRE'S One antique wood cook stove. with full basement and 4450 after 6o'clock. (p14) Terrace Duplicate Bridge Club or .635-7353to view. (ctf) ENTERPRISES LTD. Open to offers. 635-248S. (c14) fireplace. In town. Phone 635. 1974 Persche 914.2 Iltre. Red, will commence play each 5213. Ictfp 51. Business Locations McCOLL Tuesday night at 7:30. Pla~/will Z.V. Parts & Auto five speed. One owner, low For Sale: One harvest gold CEDAR PLACE mileage - $6500. Phone days 632- • . REAL ESTATE •SERVICES be In room 4, Caledonia Hlgh Parts. Auto repairs. Viking range. With continuous For Rent: Ground floor com. School. All bridge players are American and Import APARTMENTS • 6111local 362. Evening 632-7865. clean oven, rotiserrle and meat merclal or office space. 4646 (p14) A.J. McCOLL'(Notary Pub|ic) Invited to attend. For Cars. probe. Phone 635.4557. (c14) 4931 Walsh Avenue Lakelse. Phone 635-4925. (ctf)' partnership or information Suite 113 1974 Bobcat. Standard tran- 3026 Hwy. 16 East For Sale: NCR Cash Register, B i35-6131 3239-A KALUM STREET phone 635.7356. (cff) smlssloo, radial tires. $2,000. Phone 638-1710 department total, recon- Terrace, B.C. OFFICE SPACE ditioned, very reliable type of 635-70.56 Phone 635.3178after 6 p.m. 1973 COMFORTABLE SMALLER HOMES Thornhlll Calorie Counters FOR LEASE Arctic Cat 400. Has seen very meet every Tuesday, Thornhlll machine. Winderiand General New 1, 2 and 3 bedroom su!tes UNDER $30,000.00 for rent. Fridge, stove, riffle use. $800. (ctf) Elementary School, 7:15 p.m. Webb Refrigera tion Store, 3210 Kalum St., Terrace,' 1800sq. ft. downtown Terrace. New members welcome from 635.4636. off drapes, carpet, rec area, Smaller areas available. For Sale: 1967 GMC 4.wheel Terrace and Thornhill. 4623 souci e 635.21. sauna and pool table, with drive pickup. Phone 638.1542. security enterphone and 635.4636 ~ (p14) Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. SELLING elevator. Absolutely no pets. Manager 1820, Terrace, B.C. Meeting Hay Straw (ctf) (df) 1976 GMC Jlmmy 4x4. 400 cu. O in., 4 barrel, factory extras. held every 2nd and 4th Authorized For Rent: 3 bedroom duplex. ! 8,000 mlles. Very clean. 635- Thursday every month at B p.m. Service Depot Western Tack Very close to town on quiet 52. Wanted to Rent .. Phone 635-6641. (eft) i 3515. (p14) Repairs to Refrigerators English Tack street. Available June tS. WANTED 2804 KEEFER 4725 STRAUME Freezers, Washers, Dryers, References required. No dogs. INCHES AWAY 4 bedroom furnished or semi: For Sale: 1970. Maverick' And Ranges Grooming Phone 635-7083. (c18) . ~., ~ / , , .~ CLUB furnished house out-ot-town as Grabber. Only 43,000tulles. Call Meet every Tuesday night at 8 (Qf) Equipment soon as possible. Phone Allan at 635-4816 after 6. (c14) For Rent: 2 bedroom un- 635.6357 after 2 p.m. (stf) in the Skeena Health Unit. For furnished basement suite. In. more information phone 635. cludes frldge & stove, private' 55. Property for Sale For Sale: 1976 Datsun F-10. '19. Help Wanted 635-5617 Front wheel drive, S speed 2047 0r~.3~23. entrance. For quiet couple. r'~'" 50' building lot for sale. 635-2417. trans. 1,800 relies. Phone 635- TAXI DRIVERS For Sale: spruce logs suitable, Steady worker. No heavy Meeting -- Terrace B.P.O.E. Full time, part time. Class 4 (p16) 6916 after 5. (p14) (M.L.S.) 5012 LANFEAR 4803 HAUGLAND (Elks Ledge). First and Third for log houses. 635.2603. (eft): drinkers or pets. Phone 635. 5738. (cl4) Thursday of month. O.O.R.P. required.Ilcence and Contact police manager, permit I SEARS--Instock:oneonly 10j 56. Business Opportunity ]974 Dodge Monaco. 33,000 (Ladles of the Royal Purple) • Terrace Taxi - 635-2242. (off. I HP riding mower. Reg. I miles. 2 spare rims with tires Second and Fourth Monday of For Rent Immediately: for "For'Saie:Older r~'tal unltfor" plus one new tire. A,1 condition. Month. Veterinary Assistant for i,lO..8 Sa,e (c,4) l single person. 1 bedroom fur- sale. Four' 2 bedroom sultes. Phone .635-5008. [.(:14) Terrace. Experience an asset nlshed basement suite. Close to Good location. Priced to sell: For Sale: heavy "duty trailer town on quiet street. $180 in. l' Parents but not essential. Must have .Phenee 6.35-947]. (st f) .. 58. Mobile Homes hitch with sway bars for pickup. cludes, utilities. Call 635.5733 in Crisis knowledge of receptionist and Air cushion for cab over ..... TRA1L-ER- after 5 p.m. (p15) 57. Automobiles Are you making your own life minor bookkeeping. Hours from camper. Pump for tidy tank. AND LOT and your children's miserable? 8 to 6, Monday to Friday. For 2506 KERR "3877 PAQUETTE Please call after 3 p.m. 638.1749. For Rent: i bedroom furnished •For-Sale: 1968 "lnternational'v2 •FOR SALE P.I.C.'s goal is to help you further information and ap- (p14) 1972 three bedroom Capewood become the loving constructive pointment for interview call 635. basement suite. Prefer quiet too. V-8 automatic. Phone 635. A. Fully serviced lot Copperside Estates. Ready to move older couple. 635.4630. (p14) 3378. ~f set up and sktrted on 75x200 parent you really want to be. 5900. (p14) fenced lot. JOey shack Is In. , on to, excellent buy at $6,000. MLS. All enquiries absolutely For some real bargains In used B. Vacant bldg. lot just over V2 acre in size. Located just Needed Immediately: 3 sales women's and children's 3 bedroom partial basement. Consign your car, truck or sulated and wired. Make an' confidential. Phone Mary or trailer. Let a professional sell it offerl Phone 635-4454after 6. sff north of Orde'on Eby. $10,000. John -635-4419 or Jane - 635- representatives for Terrace, clothing, household Items and Large lot. Storage in attic. C. 2.94Acre treed corner lot in Woodland Park 5"ub- Kiflmat and Prince Rupert toys see the selection at the Garage & workshop. View 2506 for you.- 4607. (ctf) Copper Mountain Fol" Sale: 12x68Safeway Manor divislon - asking price Of $16,000. area. Female or male. Full time Kitimat Workshop at 660 W. Kenney. Phone 635-2547.$29,500. D. 160 Beautiful acres in farm country with hwy. frontage or part time. Age is no barrier.. Columbia St. at Rlverlodge. (p14,18,3) Enterprises Ltd. In good condition. Phone 635- Kermoda Four Wheelers 635-4373 9'206. (p14) on Telkwa High Road. (MLS). Meetings 1st Wednesdayof each Apply at 4719 Lakelse Ave. In Open 9 to 4 week- Terrace, B.C." (cl7) ,, days...donations welcomed. DL 00605A cl/ month at 0 p.m. In the meeting For Sale: 1974 Monarch (df) HOMES ON. CENTRAL AND RURAL ACREAGES room at the Sandman Inn. For STUDENTS (High School or Suites for Rent For Sale: 1974Triumph Trident. Modullne trailer. Frldge & further Information phone 635- %000 miles, excellent condition - stove. Located in I - Pine Park. College) to teach new 38 Wanted - Misc. Keystone Court 3442. Canadian children during the $1500..Phone 635.9356 after 5 Wlll sell furnished if necessary. Apartments. Office No. ).m. ci4 Wlll consider rental purchase. Ynonths of July & August. Wanted: Ride to Telkwa I I I "lJ B.C. Heart Foundation In Applicants must have com- Friday, May 20. Prefer to leave 2.4611 Scott. One, two 635-3246. (cff) Memorial Denatleas may be pleted grade 10.and had ex-' and three bedroom PRICED FOR QUICK at noon. Will pay for gas-drive. Well kept deluxe 3 bedroom sent to Terrace Unit, Box ~2, perlence supervising children, Phone 635.6447 after 6 p.m. apartments. SALE Terrace, B.C. and shown Interest Inl 12x68 Safeway Manor. Un- (sft14) furnished but Includes frldge, teaching. The pay is $3.25 per 635-5224 51/2 AC. WOODLAND PK. (MLS) 5 AC. N. THOMAS AL(:OHOLICS hour (47 days). Phone School 1964 Mercury 750 Tande,, stove, skirting, Jow shack. c/anted to buy: jackplne logs.I One bedroom duplex. Un. dump truck In good running Excellent buy. $9,500. Phone ANONYMOUS ' Board Office - 635-4931 and Phone 635-2603. (Cff.) ' Monday, Thurs., Saturday. leave name & number. (c16)' furnished except for heater condition. 635-2715. (p14) Phone !39. Boats & Engines ~'1 stove & fridge. Closeto town. 5 638-1021 Manager requires for Terrace minute walk to shopping cen- 635-7838 For Sale: 1972 12x68 General 635-7423 Dairy Queen Brazier Deluxe 14//=' Deep-V boat. 95 HP tres. Phone 635.2834. (p16) ctf mobile home. Sacrifice price. 3 Restaurant. Experience helpful Marc. Ezy.Loader trailer. Tape bedroom, laundry rm., large DANCE I~EVUE '77 but not necessary. Please reply deck and lots of extras. Phone For Rent: 3 bdrm. fully fur- 1974 Chevy '3A ton van. Custom kitchen, living rm. For details presented by by letter to 8555. 120 St., Delta, 635-9058. (c14) nished trailer, carpets • $225. 2 camperlzed, va, P.S., P.B., call after 6 p.m. 635.2811. B.C. (c14) bdrm. small - $110. 2 bdrm. (p14,18,3) The Vicki Parviainon Dancers automatic. Low miles. Must 2.8 AC. GOSSEN CREEK 5 AC. N. EBY Friday, May 20th at 8 p.m. at house - basement, carport, HELPWANTED 4 HP Evinrude motor, man's sell. Phone 635.7207 days, 638- the R.E.M. Lee Theatre. For • Puegot 10-speed bike, 8000 lb. fridge & stove, carpets . $175. 1624 evenings. (c14) Must Sell: 12'x68' mobile home Royal Bank of Canada has an Phone635.2452. To view apply at in excellent condition; fur- tickets Phone Betty Wann - 635. opening fore Mortgage Clerk. A warn electric winch c-w heavy 6763 or Bey Evans - 635.7068. 3347 Kofoed. (p14) . nished or unfurnished. Phone knowledge ' of typing iS= bumper for Toyota Land- 1971 Vega for sale. Asking $600. Children SL00, Adults $2.00. 635.5786. (p14,18) necessary. Please ask for Mel cruiser. Phone 635-5515. (p14) Phone 635-5645. (p13) Stokes at 4640 Lakelse Ave. Saddle and Tack Auction Sale. 1971 Ford van for sale. Phone For Sale: 1970 Knight custom (C14,15,18) Aluminum boat, 12', oars, etc. Clinton Manor Saturday, May 28 • 1 p.m. • and Seagull outboard (long $35.2923. (p14) built' 12x47, 1 bedroom, un- Thernhlll Community Centre. furnished, Ioey shack. (p14) 24. Situations Wanted shaft) - good running order. $150 Furnished studio or 1 bedroom I AC. NEW REMO (MLS) 2 AC. OLD LAKELSE LK. RD. See Audlon Advertisement In For Sale: one used 1969 IHC m WOl~ k-WANT ED ...... each or $250 both. Phone 632. apartments. Phone May 20 and 25 edition. (c18) 3594. (p14) 638-1032 Dump Truck. Located at For Sale: 1975 12X68 Lemonte Bulldozlng, basement dlgglng, or Terrace International Truck & mobile home..Furnished or, Bonnie Shaw Night Phones 635-6970 14. Business Personal landscaplng etc. Backhoe work,. Equipment. Phone the Bank of unfurnlshed. Phone 635.5817. For Sale: 17' Lund boat.•Mer~ Bud McColl 635-2662 roto-tllling, post hole dlgglng. I ABLE ELECTRIC LTD. cff 635-4321 Nova Scotia, 635.2261 for (cff) Class A Electrical Con- Phone cruiser. Inboard.outboard, 1 enquiries and bids. (c14,18) tracting. Free Estimates. 635-6702 year old. 92 hours. Call 635.6636. Fer Sale or Rent: 12x68mobiie (df~ . Phone635.5876or638.1231. (ctf) (cff) 49. Homes for Sale For Sale: 1972 VW Van. Seven home. Available June 1. Phone I I 635.4580. (p15) One 14' flbreglass "Huron" mounted tires and roofrack. 32. Bicycles, Motorcycles HOBBY FARM Best reasonable offer. Phone I I~(~L~ I . ,REALTY ,LTD; B&B & SON canoe, like new with oars. One For Sale: 12'x68' Ambassador. 2 12x56 mobile home and 12x56 635.9461, Tuesday, May 24, 8.1 I CEDAR SHAKES 1965 Honda 160 cc. Needs some older type 5 hp Johnson out- complete addition containing 3 Ixlrm., 2 bthrms. Partly fur- ~[~I]~j~U[~](~ . Phone:.632.6185 repairs-tuneup • $125. Ladies board with built-in tank. Phone .p.m. (p15) Box 571 bdrms., fireplace & wall to wall hlshed or unfurnished. Set up Arctic Cat snowmobile suit. Size 635-5560. (p14) carpet on V= acre on school bus and skirted in Terrace Trailer Dr phone medium. Nearly new - $40. 635- For Sale: 1955Willys 4x4 I/= ton Court. Will retain mortgage for 43. Rooms for Rent run. Fenced and landscaped, p.u. Not running, but t)therwise 635-3689 7ees. (p14) green house, chicken house responsible party. Phone 635. In good shape. Best offer. Call 2414. (p16) Terrace, B.C. For Sale: 1§77 Yamaha 650. Room for rent. In town. Phone complete with chickens, large 635.6642. (p18) garden area, small fruits, berry (ctf) Less than 1000 miles. Includes 635.4738. (c14) 66. Rec. Vehicles back rest, luggage rack and bushes and fruit trees. Open to. 1972 Datsun P['ckup. 1974 ,=~=,.= For Sale: 16 foot Triple E KILGREN EXCAVATING skid bar. Still under warranty. Available June i.. Room In all reasonable offers. Call 635. Datsun 2 door. 1973 Ford 27 OMENICA STREET _ °: Small cat work, 420JD. Land. Phone 638.1542. (p14) shared Thornhlll duplex. 3271 between 7 and 10 p.m. and crewcab, 1973 Ford 3/4 ton. Call hollday trailer. Equlpped wlth This semi.detached home has 83 RALEY STREi=T scaping, backfilling, stump Spacl0us, pleasant surroun. weekends. (stf) 635-6636or2609 Skeena St. (.cff) furnace, 3.burner stove and 3. been completely remodelled, Three bedroom, full basement For Sale: 1975 CB Honda 500 dings. $70 per month. Phone way frldge. Sleeps six. Good with larger bathroom, new home. 13/4 bath up. Self con- removal, clearing. Truck, Twin. Excellent running con. Four room summer cabin on Mike 638.1116 (days). Bill 635- For Sale: 36 passenger school condition. Open to offers. Call vanity and three way mirror. tained legal suite down. tandem axle. Hyab 17' Flat. dition with saddle bags, front lease lot on west side of Lakelse deck, 20' tandem axle trailer. 4232. (p14) bus. Phone 635.2600 till 5 p.m. 635.3525. (p14) New kitchen cupboards, Double drive under garage. crash bar and luggage rack. Lake. 200' lake frontage, road utility room made into Phone 635.3112. Ask fer Wayne. Iccess. Phone 635,4252. (p14).. 635.6937. evenings. (cff) Family room down. Good floor Only 3400 miles. $1,400 firm. 47. Homes for Rent For Sale: hardtop tent traller~ separate dining area. plan. Immaculate condition. (cff) Phone after S p.m. 635.7675. Sleeps four. Never used. Phone FOR SALE 1972 Volkswagen Van. Com. . $34,O00.00 $65,000.00. (p17) "~ bedroom house for rent in pletely camperlzed. In good 635.3051. Call anytime. (ctf) DO IT NOW Thornhlll. Stove & fridge. Sbedroom family home on two DROP IN FOR A FREE 'CATALOGUE Handyman Services: Home and one4hird acres. Barn and 4:onditlon. Phone 638.8225 after 33. For Sale - Misc. .Bachelor suite, fully furnished. 6. (p16) 330 CiTY CENTRE, KiTIMAT, B.C. Repairs, Painting, Odd Jobs Phone 635.4041. (p13,14) small panabode. Garden plot. Top quality alfalpha, clover anaJ around the house and grounds View at 4213 Sparks St. 1973 Vega Hatchback. 32,000 Rhubarb is the stalk or stem H.J. (Herb) Johnston . 632.2815 (No lob too small). Reasonable 'timothy mixture In bern. S70 perl For Rent In Thornhlll: 2 or phone of plants and its leaves and D.R. (Dave) Barclay 632.3668 roles. Phone ton or $1,75 per bale. Write bedroom duplex; 1 bedroom 635-3620 miles. 4 steel.belted radials plus 2 snow t ires. Cassette tape deck, roots contain oxalic acid K.D. (Kay) Schooley 632.6692 Tufty Hall, Box 1009, Van-' furnished house. Phone 635-5775 which can be poisonous. 635-2435 after 5 p.m. (pJS) 635:6845. Best offer. (p14) R.E. (Ed) scaife 632.609~ .(ctf) derhoof, B.C. (cff) or . 6.~.-5874. (c15) l J I I .... ,,=~**~u, rr,clay, May 20, 197 ', PAGE All B.C. OFFERS TO $ELL ANOTHER DELA Y Even in drought, water too expensive PIPELINE ~, , Facility Site ~valu'aUon Columbia water would he terms of lost generating was to have received later acre-feet of water to go Wednesday. Transmountain Pipeline Co. Council, the firJ said only VANCOUVER (CP) - this year from the Duncan south from the Duncan and A U.S, Army Corps of of Vancouver is asking that ARCO "is reviewing Power'agencies in the too expensive, a British .capacity. The U.S. Army Corps of , storage dam ov the B.C. arrow dams. ' Engineers spokesman said Washington state to delay technical • a: leers of drought-stricken northwest Columbia Hydro spokesman About 900,000 acre-feet hearings on the Cherry said Wednesday. Engineers and the Bon- section of the Columbia the extra water would have proposed modiX ~.ations" to region of the United States River. has been released to Ben- cost about $4. million, about Point dock expansion and sis refinery at ( tarry Point have decided emergency Dave Rohertson said the neville Power Ad- construction of a pipeline sale would have reduced ministration which sup- Bonneville has already neville under this $1.5 million more than the in Whatcom Co nty, purchases of British riles vower to Washington, obtained one early release agreement so that it can Americans would have been spur. Representa ire Rick B.C. Hydro reservoir levels provide power to industrial ~' able to obtain from the Last month Tran- Smith (D-SilvE dale) told to an undesirable point and, Oregon, Idaho and western of water from B.C. Hydro Montada - had been seeking this year. customers, Hector additional power produced smountain and the Atlantic the House Ez :rgy Com- at the price the Americans Richfield Co. made joint mittee he fears t~e request were willing to ,pay, would early release of 500,000act.e- A special arrangement Durocher, adminstration in the U.S. feet of water that Bormeviue allowed up to 1.7 million power" manager said application to build a seven- for the deferral .'an lead to TOO LATE have coot HYdro money, in tank storage area and a 17- the "worst of I~Z worlds." mile pipeline to the existing Smith said ~m request TO OLASSIF¥ Transmountain line. The probably mea~ ARCO has Saddle & Taok pipeline would facilitate accepted the id~~ of an "all- VOTE movement of Alaskan crude American ~ipel ~e," which AUCTION IALI oil to the U.S. midwest via means it vall pie crude oil 19. Help Wanted • S~ Years as Alderman Transmountain lines to south from Cher y Point and Iat. Bay 20 • 1 poe. Alberta. then over Sac ualmie or MILLWRIGHT • 24 Year Restdemt In its letter to the Energy Naches Pass. .A millwright Is wanted by a sawmill operating in the Prince Thornhill Community Centre of Ter'vaee George area. • Charter Member Terrace Don't Wait on v( te Contact: The Pas Lumber All types of saddles to suit Company Ltd., Box 879, Prince Lions. i 7 Years VICTORIA (CP) -- The attorney- ;eneral was George, B.C. Call collect 563. professional, pleasure & child riders. Quebec Premier Bene expandin~ as remarks 3651. (c10,12;14) week that Roping, pleasure, show & children's • B.C. Director Yellowhead Levesque should hold his made rather th 32. Bicycles, Motorcycles separation referendum Levesque was a tempting to' saddles. Highway Association "toute de suite" and, if'finance sepa: xtion with Bridles, bits, saddle pads, coolers, ived In 19M Kawesaki 750. Windshield, necessary, equalization money rec. halters, lead shanks, long horns, lariats, payments to the province equalization pa: ments from backrest, new tire chain and should be withheld to hasten British Columl a, Alberta sprockets. 50 plus mpg. 6800' leather goods. & many more items too EXPERIENCED miles. $1700. Phone 632.4451. the vote, AttorneyGeneral and Ontario. (1~10,12,14) numerous to mention. Garde Gardom said He said the $1.2 billion Terms: Cash or Certified cheque Thursday. 'contribution o Quebec For Salei 450 Honda C.B., neW "He's flirting with it (the annually from the three paint lob, custom handlebars. referendum) and toying provinces sbou ! be put in Sissy bar, new fires, headlight & ' Big M Ae~iions with it and I don't think that an interest-be ~ring trust battery. Ver~, good condition. is in the interests of the account until after the Price $650. Phone ~15-3359. 53~-m2 SSS-SSSS country," Gardom said. referendum. (p4,9,14) 33. For Sale. Misc.

For Sale: Reko Logs, reedy cu* Mr cabins. 61/=" pine logs, 1 size 1O'xlS'. Price $2,300. Sauna Size 7'x14'. Price S1,100. Phorie 635." TERRACE DOWNTOWN LIONS CLUB 5576. (C5,9,10,14,15,18,19,3) 17th Annual 33. For Sale. Misc.

SAVE DOLLARS On factory - rebuilt engines call Sears today for complete in-, formation. Do It yourself or. installation arranged. Fast delivery. Put It on your Sears Account. Phone 635.6541. (C4,9,14,18,1,6,11,16,22,2) •

39. Boats & Engines

18' flbreglass over plywood boat. 80 HP Mercury. Asking .S2250. Phone 635.2017. (p~,vd3,14) 41 .:~Machinery,- for;~i;Sale

For Sale or. Lease. Toyota Forklift. Capacity approx. 1500 Ibs. Gasoline model. Also for sale. 7 button cash roglster. Phone 635.7706 after 5:30. (c0,9,12,14)

49. Homes for Sale

For Sale: 3 bedroom house wlth 2 bedroom basement suite. Suite has outside entrance. In town. Phone 635-9593. (I)9,14)

4 bedroom home, quiet area, close to clementary, high school, sl~opping. 2 baths, .family room, storage shed, .landscaped wlth garden. Fenced. 635.3896. (p9,10,14)

Quiet country living In town. Solid 2 bedroom house on well treed one acre lot. Low taxes, excellent garden "soil. Priced low, owner anxious to move. phone 635-7586. (p9,15,14,15,18) 55. Property for Sale AY'. 8, I F~r Sale: 40 acres. "2S miles north of Terrace. Creek, good Open Events I :00 P.M. soil, mostly cleared and In Novice Events 10:30 A.M. pasture. I/4 ~nile highway frontage~ 635.4305. (p7,9,12,14_) 57. Autombbiles

Transfers - Plates - Soles Tax. see Wlghtman & Smith AUTOPLAN agent. 4611 Lakelse Ave. Terrace. Open Saturday. (tiff) cASH PR! Lease & Used Cars for Sale 1973 L;hev "4x4' * Concessions at the Park 1972 Mazda Pickup wlt.I1 30" L?ggers" Breakfast canopy. 1975Mallbu 4 door classic, V-8, auto. . * Kiddies" Rides at the Park 1974 N~zda Rotary Pickup. 9.00 A.M. at the Park 1972 Chevelle H.T., V.8, auto,

P.S. , k 1974 Chevelle Mallbu Coupe

,974 aids 4door sedan, air --- ADMISSION-- cond . . 1974 ¢~,M.C. ~/4 ton '4x4.' • ADULTS $2.00, STUDENTS $ 1.00, CH ILDREN 50c, FAMILY $5.00 1970 Datsun P.U., $34S.00 ~1970 Chevelle Wagon. Rebuilt motor and rearend. 1976 Cnev Van. V.B,autO, 1,1,~ miles. ' 1967 Mercury Cougar 2 dr. H.T. Sanctioned Event" To View Copper Mountain Ent. Ltd~ 3026 Hwy. 16 E. 635-4373 3L NtNtfiA ~'

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PAgE AI2, THE HERALD., Friday, May 20, 1977 1 ,4

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DELTADAZE DANCE DELTA FEST DELTA KING CASINO Nt. EIIzaketlkHillk kkeel Gym At Kitimnt Arena Kitimat Arena ink: by Willow Soul Formal Music by Willow 9 PM till 1:00 AM 1 PM till 6PM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Universal IIESSStldeds & lavited tiNots AI Crozler's Kitimat Sight & Sound Games of Chance Jeans North Lahakas Shell DELTAKING OLD TIMERS Can-Can Girls REUNIONDANCE CKTK Ho Talent Contest/: .KIWANIS RAFTERS I Logbu NnN PANCAKEBREAKFAST Mnsieby WelflPm| 9:00 PM till 2:00 AM Rod & Gun Club wmna.up and Presentation ;.! Musi© frees the forties and fifties 7:00 AM till 11:00 AM of Prizes ",L

RAFT RACE , 11[ ' Contact members of the Sponsored by The Elks Club at Poyal Canadian Legion AssociatesOr Kiwanis Club 12 Noon Kitimat Arena , for tickets From Little Wedeen Park
