(Team captains are responsible for sharing the following information with all team members)

SPORTSMANSHIP In order to foster a healthy recreational atmosphere where violence and poor behavior are not tolerated, participants are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. In cases of verbal abuse or other forms of conduct constituting harassment, whether directed at an official, staff member or another participant, the Intramural Sports staff will take action to eject the participant from the game and suspend the participant from competition for an appropriate length of time. Participant actions are subject to this standard before, during, and after the intramural event.

If the level of sportsmanship and/or dangerous play in a game jeopardizes the safety and well-being of game participants or officials, that game may be terminated by any Intramural Sports staff member. In the event a game is terminated due to these reasons, the teams, team captains, and all players may be suspended from future Intramural Sports Program events.

Team members and team captains are also responsible for the behavior and sportsmanship of their team’s spectators. Intramural Sports staff members have the authority to impose penalties against the team and/or team captain for improper behavior or poor sportsmanship of spectators. Spectators are also subject to ejection from the facility. Unaffiliated spectators are also subject to ejection from the facility for inappropriate behavior, as determined by Recreational Services staff.

EJECTIONS Any participant who is ejected from a game due to unsportsmanlike behavior is required, along with the team captain, to meet with an Intramural Sports staff representative. The ejected participant will be ineligible to participate in any Intramural Sports Program event(s) until at least the time of the meeting with the Intramural Sports staff. The team captain will also be ineligible to participate in any Intramural Sports Program event(s) until at least the time of the meeting with the Intramural Sports staff, but the team captain may be declared eligible for other Intramural Sports Program events upon contacting the Intramural Sports administrative staff. Should the team captain be the ejected player, the Intramural Staff reserves the right to revoke captain’s privileges and require the team to designate a new team captain.

Any player(s) ejected for unsportsmanlike behavior will be suspended for at least one additional game following the ejection. A second ejection for unsportsmanlike behavior will result in suspension from the time of the incident for at least one calendar year, and could lead to University sanctions imposed by the Dean of Students.

Any foul deemed flagrant by an official or Intramural Sports staff member will result in an automatic ejection from the game for the player committing the flagrant foul. A flagrant foul is defined as a foul that is excessive, a non- related play, or committed with the intent to injure.

NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation, gender identity, associational preferences, or any other classification that deprives the person of consideration as an individual. The university also affirms its commitment to providing equal opportunities and equal access to university facilities. For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, contact the Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, The University of Iowa, 202 Jessup Hall, Iowa City, IA, 52242‐1316, 319‐335‐0705 (voice), 319‐335‐0697 (TDD), [email protected].

If, at any point before, during or after Intramural participation, a participant violates the aforementioned Non-Discrimination Policy, the participant will be ejected and subject to the ejection procedures as outlined in this document.

SPORTSMANSHIP RATINGS Officials in all officiated sports will complete team sportsmanship ratings for each team, each game. Sportsmanship ratings will be viewable by teams on following the conclusion of the contest. Each team begins the game with a 2.5 rating, and earns its way up to a 3 or a 4, or earns its way down to a 1 or a 2. Officials cannot give a rating of 2.5.

Rating categories are from 4 -1, and guidelines for those ratings are:  4 = Excellent: Team members and fans were cooperative with officials and were respectful of opponents and officials. The captain had full control of the team. Team members went above and beyond to show respect for opponents and staff.  3 = Above Average: Team members and fans were respectful of opponents and officials except for one or two minor incidents.  2 = Below Average: (Note: At least one of these examples must occur for a Below Average rating to be given) Team members or spectators were disrespectful of opponents and/or officials on a number of occasions. Captain showed little control of the team. An unsporting technical foul, unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, or yellow card was issued. An Intramural Supervisor had to step- in to address unsportsmanlike behavior among team members. Any other behavior deemed inappropriate or unsportsmanlike by the Intramural Staff.  1 = Poor: (Note: At least one of these examples must occur for a Poor rating to be given) Team members or spectators continually comment to opponents and/or officials and are disrespectful. Team captain showed no control over the team. Multiple unsporting technical fouls, unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, or yellow cards issued. Participant ejection for unsporting behavior. An Intramural Supervisor had to step-in on more than one occasion to address unsportsmanlike behavior among team members. Any other behavior deemed inappropriate or unsportsmanlike by the Intramural Staff.

The captain of any team that receives a 1-rating will be required to meet with an Intramural Sports Administrative Staff representative before that team’s next game, and will be suspended from participation in Intramural Sports until at least the time of the meeting. A team receiving a 1-rating will be rated by an Intramural Supervisor in its next game. Any team that receives more than one sportsmanship rating of 1 in a season, or a team that receives a 1 and a 2, in any order and at any point in the season, will not be eligible to compete in the remainder of the season. The captain of any team that receives two 2-ratings will be required to meet with an Intramural Sports staff representative before that team’s next game, and the team will be put on Sportsmanship Probation. Any rating of 2 or 1 at any point thereafter will result in that team’s dismissal from the league or playoffs.

In addition, teams must finish the regular season with a Sportsmanship Point Average (SPA) of 2.5 or better to qualify for the playoffs. The 2.5 SPA must be maintained throughout the playoffs to continue competing. During the playoffs, any team that receives a 1-rating will be eliminated from the playoffs, regardless of the outcome of that game. If a team wins a playoff game and is disqualified due to sportsmanship, no team will advance.

INTRAMURAL STAFF COMMUNICATION All communication with the Intramural Staff should be appropriate and professional at all times. This includes written, verbal and/or electronic communication. Failure to communicate with Intramural Staff in an appropriate and professional manner may result in suspension from the Intramural Sports Program, and may require a meeting with the Intramural Staff. In addition, negative social media messages directed at, or about, the Intramural Staff may result in suspension from the Intramural Sports Program.

HOW TO APPROPRIATELY ADDRESS OFFICIALS Intramural Officials are trained to respond to questions asked by participants in a professional, mature manner. While participating in Intramural Sports, keep in mind that the officials are students, often times officiating a given sport for the first time; in many cases, most of the comments they hear from participants are negative. With this in mind, if you are attempting to ask a question of an official, the best way for it to not be perceived as negative is to calmly address the official and ask your question in a positive, non- condescending way. Examples:

 Good – “Can you please tell me what you saw on that play so I can try to avoid doing it again?”  Bad – “How is that a foul?”

 Good – “Can you please explain to me what I did wrong there?”  Bad – “Are you kidding me?!?”

Perception is reality when it comes to a team’s sportsmanship. How an official perceives your interaction with them does make a difference. Because so many times an interaction is negative, an official’s first assumption, right or wrong, is that your comments are intended to be negative towards them. Go the extra mile to ensure the official has a different perception. If you continue to have concerns with a specific official or situation, please do not hesitate to speak to an on-site supervisor, or contact the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff to share your opinions professionally and constructively. We value constructive feedback that we can use to help make our officials better.

OFFICIALS FEEDBACK Participants have the opportunity to share with the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff their thoughts on the performance of their contest’s officials. As mentioned previously, the Intramural Sports Program values constructive feedback regarding how our officials can be made better. Inappropriate or unconstructive comments will be disregarded. To share your thoughts, suggestions or compliments, click the Official’s Feedback link on the Intramural Sports webpage.

HOW TO BE AN INTRAMURAL SPORTS OFFICIAL If you are interested in being an Intramural Sports Official, all you have to do is follow the steps on the website (see link below), and work hard. You can officiate as many or as few sports as you would like, and no experience is necessary. Finally, you can still play Intramural Sports regardless of whether or not you are an official. To find out about upcoming meetings and officials trainings, check out the Becoming an Official webpage at

FIGHTING The University of Iowa Violence Policy prohibits fighting during athletic contests and other recreational events. Any student participating in a campus recreational event who strikes, or attempts to strike, an official, supervisor, or another participant or joins a fight in progress will be automatically suspended from all Recreational Services activities from the time of the incident for at least one calendar year, and is also subject to criminal charges filed by University Police. In addition, Recreational Services will forward all complaints of fighting to the Dean of Students, who is authorized to recommend sanctions up to and including suspension or dismissal from the University.

TEAM ROSTERS and ID REQUIREMENTS All players participating in any intramural event will be required to show a University of Iowa or government-issued photo ID prior to participation in each intramural game/event. Anyone who does not produce a University of Iowa or government-issued photo ID is considered an ineligible participant and will not be allowed to participate. NO ID = NO PLAY. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Any team found using a player that is playing under a fictitious name or ID, or a team that has a player that has checked-in, or attempted to check-in, under a fictitious name or ID with the intent to play illegally, will forfeit all games in which that player checked-in. The player using an improper ID and the player providing the ID to be used illegally will be suspended and must meet with the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff. The team captain may also be suspended and have to attend the meeting at the discretion of the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff.

Team rosters for league sports may be updated throughout any sport’s season. Team captains can add players through and are encouraged to do so well in advance of their game times. In most sports/leagues, participants can be added to a team roster up until a team’s scheduled game time. For Friday Night Series events, the roster addition deadline is the scheduled start time of the event, not each team’s first contest. Roster additions can only be done on Please see each sport’s Information Sheet for sport-specific information regarding the roster addition process.

Team captains can request to drop players in order to allow those players to participate on another team by completing a Player Drop Request Form and submitting it to the Intramural Sports Administrative staff. Player Drop Request Forms can be found, completed, and submitted online at

In order for the approved change to be reflected on the team’s roster for its next game, Player Drop Request Forms must be received by:  2:00 PM the day of the game for weekday games  7:00 AM the day of the game for weekend games The Intramural Sports staff reserves the right to deny a Player Drop Request if a participant has already signed-in for a game for that team.

PLAYER ELIGIBILITY Each team captain is responsible for verification of team member eligibility as provided in these rules. Whenever a specific case is reported by protest, an investigation will be made to determine whether the person in question is eligible. Recreational Services reserves the right to check eligibility of any players or teams at any time. Any team using ineligible players will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player(s) participated or checked-in with the intent to participate. If an ineligible player is discovered during bracket play, the most recent game in which the ineligible player participated will be declared a forfeit and the offended team will advance.

Participation in Intramural Sports is a privilege. If, at any time, the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff feels this privilege is being abused, eligibility can be revoked.

1. Only current University of Iowa students (enrolled in classes for the current semester), faculty, staff, and affiliates that have purchased an Intramural Sports Membership for the current semester are eligible for competition in the Intramural Program. Affiliates of The University of Iowa are staff who have affiliate status at The University of Iowa verified through the University Directory. 2. A player may be a member of only one men’s/women’s team and only one co-rec team in a sport in a season (fraternity teams are considered men’s teams, sorority teams are considered women’s teams). After entering one contest, or checking-in with the intent to participate, with a team, a player may not transfer to another team in that league (M, W, or C). Once an individual plays on a second team, that person is ineligible for all further competition on any team in that sport (M, W, and C). Women, if they choose, are eligible to participate on Men’s teams, but cannot also participate on a Women’s team in the same sport. 3. The University of Iowa Intramural Sports Program holds the equality and inclusion of its participants in the highest regard. Every participant has the right to an unbiased and fair opportunity to play. The UI Intramural Sports Program recognizes the transgender population among its participants and encourages all eligible people to participate in Intramural Sports based on their expressed gender identities. Participants may indicate their gender identities on when first registering. Should a participant’s gender identity change at any point after initial registration, the participant should contact the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff to update the participant’s status on IMLeagues. In situations in which individuals do not identify with a particular category used for intramural activities the Assistant Director – Intramural Sports will provide direction and options on a case-by-case basis. Should a participant not feel comfortable contacting the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff directly, that participant may contact the university’s Chief Diversity Office at (319) 335-3565 or [email protected]. 4. In order to compete for a fraternity or sorority, an individual must be an active member, or a prospective new member of that organization at The University of Iowa. The Intramural Sports Administrative staff reserves the right to check fraternity/sorority eligibility at any time through verification with The University of Iowa Fraternity/Sorority Life.

5. Any student, who was a member of a team in an NCAA Division I sport, shall not be eligible to participate in that related sport in the intramural program for two full semesters following the one in which the student was last a team member. Example: If a student played for the Iowa Hawkeyes during the 2015 fall semester, that student will not be eligible to play intramurals in any related sport for the 2016 spring semester or 2016 fall semester. The following are considered related sports for former intercollegiate players:

INTRAMURAL SPORT/EVENT INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORT Flag , 4-on-4 Football Tennis Tennis Golf, Mini-Golf Golf , 3-on-3 Basketball, 3-Point Shootout, Hot Shot Contest Basketball Steve Goff 5K Run Cross Country or Track , Outdoor Soccer, Soccer , Wiffleball or Softball Inner Tube Water Indoor , Sand Volleyball, Wallyball Volleyball

6. Current members of intercollegiate squads are not permitted to take part in the intramural sport/event or related intramural sport/event to that in which they are currently participating at the intercollegiate level. The members of an intercollegiate team shall be determined by official Athletic Department staff and Intramural Sports staff. Any individual who retires or drops out of an intercollegiate activity may petition for immediate eligibility for the intramural activity that is equivalent to that individual’s intercollegiate sport. Special immediate eligibility must be granted before participating in the sport. The Intramural Sports staff will determine eligibility. During scholastic ineligibility, an intercollegiate squad member shall not participate in the related intramural activity. 7. No more than two players on an Intramural team roster may be a coach of an intercollegiate team, a practice squad member of an intercollegiate team, a former member of an intercollegiate team, or a member or coach of a sport club in a related sport, and all must play in the A league, if offered. Sport club members or coaches will be determined by the Recreational Services Assistant Director - Sport Clubs, or by any public information regarding that sport club. A Sport Club Member/Coach is considered a member of that sport club for one full semester, from the start of classes until the end of finals, following the removal from the club roster (Ex. A person removed from a club roster in the Fall 2016 semester would be considered a club member until the end of the Spring 2017 semester.) The following are considered related sports for sport clubs:

INTRAMURAL SPORT/EVENT SPORT CLUB Badminton Badminton 3-on-3 Basketball, Basketball Basketball Softball Baseball, Softball Bowling Disc Golf Disc Golf Golf Competitive Club Golf Team Soccer Soccer (Iowa Women’s), Soccer Club (Men’s), Soccer Club (Hawkeye Men’s) Racquetball Racquetball Table Tennis Table Tennis Tennis Tennis (Hawkeye), Tennis (International) Ultimate Frisbee (Iowa Hawkeye Men’s), Ultimate Frisbee (Women’s)

Indoor Volleyball, Sand Volleyball, Wallyball Volleyball (University of Iowa Men’s), Volleyball (Women’s LadyHawk) Inner Tube Water Polo Water Polo (UI Men’s), Water Polo Women’s

8. Any individual who would be ineligible for intercollegiate competition because of professional status will be ineligible from participation in Intramural Sports in that related sport for a period of three years following the end of professional participation. The Intramural Sports staff reserves the right to determine when professional participation ends.

MEMBERSHIP REFUND POLICY Intramural Sports Membership refunds will not be issued after the first day of play for that semester. For the 2016-2017 school year, these dates are September 11 (Fall 2016) and January 29 (Spring 2017). Following these dates, the only exceptions to this policy are in the cases of individuals purchasing memberships with the intention of playing one particular sport. If those individuals do not get to play said sport due to having started, but having not completed, registration, or not being able to play in one of the available time slots offered, those individuals can request refunds. In those cases, the individuals seeking the refunds must request the refunds within 72 hours of notification that their teams were not included in the sport. Individuals that are on a roster for a team in another sport, or have registered for an individual sport/event, are not eligible for refunds.

Situations involving extenuating circumstances beyond the member’s control will be heard on a case-by- case basis.

CONCUSSION PROTOCOL The well-being of Intramural participants is of the upmost concern to the Intramural Sports Program. When an individual is identified by the Intramural Staff as having signs/symptoms of a head injury, that person will be removed from Intramural activities. Participants may return to play only after providing a return to play notice to the Assistant Director of Intramural Sports, or Intramural Sports Coordinator. Return to play notices must be written by a licensed medical provider as defined by Iowa Code 280.13c

FORMING A TEAM AND FREE AGENTS 1. Intramural Sports participants are expected to form their own teams. 2. Team names must be appropriate. If a team name is deemed inappropriate by the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff, it will be changed to the captain’s name without notice. If a team wishes to submit a new, appropriate team name, different than the captain’s name, it must be submitted prior to the publishing of schedules. Team names cannot be changed once schedules have been published. 3. If an individual wants to play on an Intramural team and cannot find enough other players to form a team, that individual can join the Iowa Intramural Sports Free Agent group on Facebook to connect with other Free Agents looking for a team, or to connect with team captains that need more players. The Facebook group can be found at Additionally, players can list themselves as Free Agents on

ONLINE CAPTAIN’S QUIZZES All team captains must pass a mandatory, 20-question Captain’s Quiz prior to registering a team for:  Flag Football (7-on-7)

 Indoor Volleyball   Soccer (Indoor)  Basketball (5-on-5)  Softball  Flag Football (4-on-4)

The Captain’s Quiz will be available on once a captain begins the process for creating a team. Available to assist team captains in taking the exam, a Captain’s Guide is available for each sport, and can be found on the “Pre-Quiz” page on This Captain’s Guide will help direct captains to where they can find information on sport and program rules and regulations they need to know. All quiz material will be covered in the Intramural Rules and Regulations, or in the individual sport rules. Captains must answer all questions correctly to pass the quiz.

TEAM T-SHIRT REQUIREMENT Intramural Sports will provide black and gold pinnies for each contest in which color differentiation needs to be made. However, a team may still make their own t-shirts to wear during their games/matches. If a team chooses to do this, all team members must be wearing the same color. The graphics and wording on team shirts must be appropriate. If not, pinnies will be required to be worn by that team. Shirts must be worn underneath the pinnies at all times.

INTRAMURAL CHAMPION T-SHIRTS Intramural Champion T-shirts will be awarded to the championship teams in all leagues except “B” leagues. Only people on the team roster will be awarded championship T-shirts. The maximum number of shirts one team can receive for a sport is 1.5 times the number of players permitted on the field/court at one time (Ex. Men’s and Women’s Flag Football allows seven players on the field at one time, so the maximum number of shirts would be 11 – 7x1.5=10.5, round up to 11). If a player is on the team roster but was unable to play on championship night and receive a T-shirt, that player must bring a photo ID to the Intramural Office to pick-up a T-shirt.

INDIVIDUAL AND DOUBLES EVENTS 1. Rosters must be finalized by the roster deadline on the first day of play. 2. For sports using a play-by tournament format, it is the responsibility of each participant to check the tournament bracket posted on, then contact and play the next opponent before the deadline stated by the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff. Both participants are responsible for seeing that the result of a completed match is reported to the Intramural Sports staff before the match deadline. Failure to report scores will result in a double forfeit for that match. Falsifying scores will be considered a forfeit.

FRIDAY NIGHT SERIES On various Friday nights throughout the fall and spring semesters, the Intramural Sports Program will host Friday Night Series events. The schedule for events is as follows:

September – Kickball October – November – Wallyball December – Canoe Battleship

February – Wiffleball March – Inner Tube Water Polo April – Dodgeball May – Canoe Battleship

Teams participating in these events will accumulate points for the Intramural Sports Points Championship.

FORFEITS/DEFAULTS Teams/Individuals not ready to play within ten minutes (unless stated otherwise) of the scheduled contest time shall forfeit. Intramural Supervisors shall declare the contest a forfeit and award a win to the team/individual that is on-hand and ready to play. Intramural Supervisors have the discretion to amend the 10-minute forfeit time rule in the event of unforeseen circumstances. “Ready to play” means that a team/individual must be at the playing area with at least the minimum number of men and/or women needed to constitute a team. The contest will begin once both teams have the minimum number of players needed to start. Teams/individuals that postpone a contest or agree to forfeiture without consulting the Intramural Sports staff are both liable to the penalty of a forfeit.

Any team that forfeits will automatically be charged a Forfeit Fine, assessed to the team captain’s U-Bill. The amount of the Forfeit Fine will be $25.00 for Individual and Doubles sports/events, and $50.00 for team sports/events.

Teams/individuals may avoid a forfeit by defaulting the game. To default, the team captain must contact the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff by the following deadlines, unless otherwise stated on that sport’s information sheet/webpage, in the sport rules, or communicated by the Intramural Sports staff to the team captain:

 2:00 PM the day of the game for weekday games  7:00 AM the day of the game for weekend games  2:00 PM the day before the event for Friday Night Series events.

A team’s first default will allow the team/individual to continue in league play and avoid the Forfeit Fine. Should a team default a second time, it will be charged a default fine of 50% of the sport/event’s Forfeit Fine. Should a team default a third time, it will be charged a default fine of 75% of the sport/event’s Forfeit Fine. Should a team default a fourth time, it will be charged a default fine of 100% of the sport/event’s Forfeit Fine. If a team withdraws after schedules have been made, it is subject to the Default Fines as stated in this document.

RESCHEDULING Recreational Services is willing to cooperate by allowing an occasional reschedule. Due to limited playing facilities, postponements must be arranged by the Intramural Sports administrative staff, and agreed upon by both captains. If arrangements have not been confirmed by the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff, the game will be played at its originally scheduled day and time. For “play-by” tournaments, if the postponed contest extends into the time frames of the next round of play, the next round opponent must also agree to play the winner before the next match deadline. If a reschedule results in the Intramural Sports program incurring additional costs for staffing, those costs must be paid by the team requesting the reschedule. If the requesting team does not agree to pay the additional costs, the game will remain as scheduled.

RULES PROTEST If a team feels an official has misinterpreted a rule, the team captain (or the acting captain if the team captain is not present) must lodge a protest at the time of the ruling. The team must call a time-out at the time of the ruling and inform the official that it wishes to protest a misapplication or misinterpretation of a rule. The game will be stopped to obtain a ruling from the Intramural Supervisor. Failure to call time-out and obtain an immediate ruling from the Intramural Supervisor at the time of the ruling in question will void any future right to protest. If the official’s ruling stands, the protesting team will be charged the time- out. If the official’s ruling is changed, the team is not charged a time-out. No protest concerning official’s judgment will be considered. If the protesting team still feels the ruling is incorrect, it must then tell the Intramural Supervisor it wishes to submit a formal protest. The Intramural Supervisor will complete a Protest Form and send it to the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff for review.

ELIGIBILITY PROTESTS DURING TOURNAMENT PLAY During tournament play when a team or player feels another team or player is ineligible to participate, the protesting team must fill out an official protest form with the on-site Intramural Supervisor or by coming into the Intramural Sports Office (E216 Field House) by NOON the next business day. If a team/player is scheduled to play two tournament games in one night/day, the protest must be made to the Intramural Supervisor prior to the start of the game following the one in protest. If a team is scheduled to play more than two tournament games in one night/day, the eligibility question must be able to be resolved by Intramural Staff on-site. If no definite information can be found deeming the player in question to be ineligible, that player will be considered eligible. Failure to follow the specified time constraints can void the rights of the protesting team to advance.

If a player is found to be ineligible during tournament play, the team with the ineligible player will be eliminated from the tournament. Any games in which the ineligible participant played immediately before, or following the protest, will be forfeit by the offending team. Games will be replayed with eligible teams, if possible, as determined by the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff. The Intramural Sports Administrative Staff will rule on any team eligibility and results not specifically outlined here.

PLAYOFF QUALIFICATION In order to determine playoff qualification, the Intramural Staff will use the following guidelines in order: 1. Win/loss record will determine final regular season standings. Please see individual sport registration form/rules to determine the number of teams that qualify from each division. a. Any game that is defaulted by a team will count worse than a loss for that defaulting team’s record. b. Any game that is forfeit by a team will count worse than a default for that forfeiting team’s record. 2. In the case of a tie between two teams, head-to-head record will be the first tiebreaker, followed by Sportsmanship Point Average (SPA). 3. In the case of a tie between three or more teams, or if a head-to-head match-up did not occur between two tied teams, SPA will be used as the first tiebreaker criteria. 4. Should the SPA of the teams be tied, in flag football, indoor soccer, basketball, and softball, point differential in all regular season games will be used. In volleyball and dodgeball, game record differential will be the tiebreaker for three or more teams, or two teams that did not have a head- to-head matchup. For example, a basketball team that has won 3 games by 10 points and lost 1 game by 5 points would have a point differential total of +25. If a team wins (or loses) by forfeit or default, that team will get credit for winning (or losing) by the following amounts in each sport:

a. Flag Football 10-0 b. Volleyball (Indoor and Sand) 2-0 c. Indoor Soccer 2-0 d. Basketball 10-0 e. Softball 5-0 f. Dodgeball 5-0 g. Ultimate 5-0 5. Should the teams have the same point differential, points against will be the tiebreaker. 6. If teams are still tied after all tiebreakers have been exhausted, a random draw will be held to determine the tiebreak. 7. Once one team has been broken from the tie, the tiebreaker process will start over. 8. In sports with the sportsmanship rating system, teams must have an SPA of 2.5 or better to qualify for, and to maintain their position in the playoffs. Any team with an SPA worse than 2.5 will not qualify for playoffs, despite what its regular season record might be. If a team wins a playoff contest and is disqualified due to sportsmanship, no team will advance.

INTRAMURAL SPORTS POINTS CHAMPIONSHIP See the appendix at the end of this document for detailed information about the Coach’s Corner Intramural Sports Points Championship.

INTRAMURAL ADVISORY BOARD At the written request of any Intramural participant, an Intramural Advisory Board Committee can be sought to review any specific incident or regulation regarding the Intramural Sports Program. The Intramural Advisory Board Committee will be chaired by the Recreational Services Senior Associate Director. This Advisory Committee can be made up of students, staff, and/or faculty members at the request of the Senior Associate Director. Written requests to review a specific incident or regulation can be emailed to: [email protected]. The deadline to appeal a ruling is 24 hours from the time in which the ruling decision is communicated to the participant by the Intramural Sports Administrative Staff.

RAINOUT HOTLINE In the event that outdoor Intramural events are cancelled due to weather or unplayable field conditions, the Rainout Information Hotline will be updated by 4:00 PM.

Call 319-353-3000 and then press 2 when prompted to check the status of Intramural events.


General Information (Graduate Assistant’s Office) 319-335-9292 Rainout Hotline 319-353-3000 (press 2 when prompted) Field House Membership Office 319-335-9847 Hawkeye Recreation Fields 319-335-9000 Hawkeye Softball Complex 319-335-9280


This document is intended to explain how points are awarded to teams and individuals competing for the Coach’s Corner Intramural Sports Points Championship.

A list of maximum and minimum points available per sport can be found at the end of this document.

Throughout the academic year teams will compete in one of five divisions (Men’s, Women’s, Co-Rec, Fraternity, or Sorority) for the Coach’s Corner Intramural Sports Points Championship. Each team that registers in an event will be awarded points based on how well it finishes. In order to be counted for the year-long competition, teams must keep the exact same team name for each event throughout the year. Fraternity/Sorority Life organizations must use their full organization names; nicknames or English initials will not be counted for Fraternity/Sorority Life organization points.

Organizations may register as many teams as it wishes for all sports/events. For sports in which the number of team members is greater than two, only one team per organization is eligible for points. In all singles and doubles events, only the top two finishing teams representing each organization will be counted for points. If multiple teams wish to compete in the same sport/event for the same organization, each team must be named with the organization name followed by a letter differentiating it from the other team(s) representing the “parent” organization. For example, “Team Iowa” can have “Team Iowa A,” “Team Iowa B,” and “Team Iowa C” entered in the same doubles event. The combined points earned by the two best finishing teams between “Team Iowa A,” “Team Iowa B,” and “Team Iowa C” will be added to “Team Iowa’s” Coach’s Corner Intramural Sports Points Championship point total for that event. The same process will take place in singles events, but individuals must designate their team affiliations before the event begins. For a doubles team to be counted for Co-Rec points, at least one male and one female must be competing for that team at all times; Co-Rec points cannot be earned in singles events.

Fraternity/Sorority Life organizations may compete in Co-Rec divisions and earn points for their individual organizations. In order to receive points, a Co-Rec team must be made of members from one fraternity and one sorority and the team name must be each Fraternity/Sorority Life organization’s name separated with a “/.” For example: “Pi Kappa Alpha/Gamma Phi Beta.” Each competing organization will receive half of the points they earn during Co-Rec competition to be added to their Fraternity or Sorority Coach’s Corner Points Championship points total.

For a Co-Rec team to accrue points in an “Open” event, a designated number of males and females must be competing at all times. A list of the designated number of required males and females per sport is included later in this document. If a team has members of each gender participating, but are not able to satisfy the designated requirement competing at all times, it will be counted for Men’s points.

League/Pool Play Followed By Single Elimination Playoff Tournament:

For all sports with a regular season or pool play followed by a playoff tournament, the following will be used to issue points to teams:

Points will be awarded based on how far a team makes it in the playoff bracket. Maximum points will be awarded to the team that wins the championship. Minimum points will be given to all teams that participated in the “B” league, if offered for that sport. The next lowest amount of points will be awarded to teams in the “A” league that failed to qualify for playoffs. The remaining points will be given out in equal increments depending on how many rounds the bracket contains. Any team that forfeits its last scheduled game will not be eligible for points.

To determine the increment used for awarding points, the difference between the maximum and minimum points available for the sport will be divided by one more than the total number of rounds in the playoff tournament. If there are “A” and “B” leagues, the difference will be divided by two more than the total number of rounds in the playoff tournament.

For example: If the maximum number of points available for “Sport A” is 125 and the minimum is 25 the difference is 100. If the playoffs contain 3 rounds and there are no “A” or “B” leagues, the increment will be 25. 100/(3+1)=25. See below:


1st Round 2nd Round Bracket 2nd Round 1st Round Farthest round Champion Points reached Champion 125 Runner-up Runner- 100 up 2nd Round 75 st 1 Round 50 No 25 playoffs*

Another example: If the maximum number of points available for “Sport A” is 125 and the minimum is 25 the difference is 100. If the playoffs contain 3 rounds and there are “A” or “B” leagues, the increment will be 20. 100/(3+2)=20. See below:


1st Round 2nd Round Bracket 2nd Round 1st Round Farthest round Champion Points reached Champion 125 Runner-up Runner- 105 up 2nd Round 85 st 1 Round 65 A League – No 45 Playoffs Tournament Not Preceded by League or Pool Play: B League 25

If an event does not have league or pool play prior to the tournament, points will be assessed the following way:

Points will be awarded for how far a team advances in the bracket. Maximum points will be awarded to the team that wins the championship. Minimum points will be given to all teams that played but lost in the first round. The remaining points will be given out in equal increments, depending on how many rounds the bracket contains. Teams forfeiting during the tournament are not eligible for points.

To determine the point increment level, the difference between the maximum and minimum points available for the event will be divided by total number of rounds in the tournament. Using the example below: If the playoffs contain 3 rounds the increment will be 33.33. 100/(3)=33.33. Event Farthest st 1 Round 2nd Round Bracket 2nd Round 1st Round round Points reached Champion 125 Champion Runner- 91.67 up nd Runner-up 2 Round 58.33 st 1 Round 25

Single or Multiple Day Event Resulting in a Champion With No Head-to-Head Elimination Component:

In events in which no playoff tournament leads to a champion being crowned, the following criteria will be used:

At the completion of the event, participants/teams will be ordered from highest to lowest based on how well they did in the competition. The point increment value will be determined by taking the difference of the maximum and minimum points available for that event, divided by one less than the total number of participants or teams.

For example: If there are 21 participants in a competition for which the maximum possible points awarded is 60 and the minimum possible is 20 points, the point increment will be 2. The difference between the maximum and minimum available is 40, and the total participants minus 1 is 20, therefore 40/20=2.

All participants that are tied will receive points based on the place for which they are tied. For example, if there are 3 participants/teams tied for 7th place, they all receive 7th place points. The next level of points awarded will be 10th place points because there are no points given for 8th and 9th place, as they were tied with 7th place. See example below:

Points Awarded for Non-Bracketed Event: Points for results when ties NO TIES exist in the competition

Place Points Awarded Place Points Awarded

1 60 1 60 2 58 2 58 3 56 3 56 4 54 4 54 5 52 5 52 6 50 6 50

7 48 7 48 8 46 7 48 9 44 7 48 10 42 10 42 11 40 11 40 12 38 12 38 13 36 12 38 14 34 14 34 15 32 15 32

16 30 15 32 17 28 15 32 18 26 15 32 19 24 19 24 20 22 20 22 21 20 21 20 Denotes a Tie

Co-Rec Maximum and Minimum Points:

OPEN SPORT CO-REC MALE/ POINTS SPORT FEMALE PARTICIPATION Basketball QUALIFICATIONS 50 - 150 Flag Football Sport Players Required Indoor Soccer Billiards 1 male/1 female Bowling 2 males/2 females 50 - 125 Softball Canoe 2 males/2 females Volleyball Battleship 6-on-6 Sand Volleyball Cornhole 1 male/1 female Dodgeball Darts 1 male/1 female Inner Tube Water Polo - FNS Disc Golf 1 male/1 female Kickball – FNS Dodgeball – 1 male/1 female 40 - 100 Outdoor Soccer FNS Ultimate Golf 1 male/1 female Wheelchair Basketball - FNS Inner Tube 3 males/3 females Wiffleball – FNS Water Polo 4-on-4 Sand Volleyball KanJam 1 male/1 female Kickball 4 males/4 females Cornhole Mini-Golf 1 male/1 female Bowling Table Tennis 1 male/1 female Canoe Battleship – FNS Ultimate 3 males/3 females Disc Golf Wallyball 2 males/2 females Dodgeball - FNS Wheelchair Doubles Badminton Basketball – 2 males/2 females FNS Doubles Billiards 25 - 75 Wiffleball 3 males/3 females Doubles Darts Doubles Racquetball Doubles Table Tennis Doubles Tennis Golf KanJam Mini-Golf

Wallyball – FNS

Men’s, Women’s, Fraternity, and Sorority Maximum and Minimum Points:

CATEGORY POINTS SPORT Basketball I 50 - 150 Flag Football Indoor Soccer II 50 - 125 Softball Volleyball 4-on-4 Flag Football Dodgeball Inner Tube Water Polo - FNS III 40 - 100 Kickball – FNS Ultimate Wiffleball – FNS Outdoor Soccer 3-on-3 Basketball Bowling Canoe Battleship - FNS Cornhole Disc Golf Dodgeball - FNS Doubles Badminton Doubles Billiards Doubles Darts IV 25 - 75 Doubles Racquetball Doubles Table Tennis Doubles Tennis Golf Hot Shot Contest KanJam Mini-Golf Spikeball Wallyball - FNS 3-Point Shooting Contest College Football Bowl Pick'em NCAA Men's Tournament Challenge NCAA Women's Tournament Challenge Singles Badminton V 20 - 60 Singles Billiards Singles Darts Singles Racquetball Singles Table Tennis Singles Tennis Steve Goff Scholarship 5K Run/Walk