A/72/148–S/2018/843 General Assembly Security Council
United Nations A/72/148–S/2018/843 General Assembly Distr.: General Security Council 17 September 2018 Original: English General Assembly Security Council Seventy-second session Seventy-third year Agenda items 35 and 40 Protracted conflicts in the GUAM area and their implications for international peace, security and development The situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan Letter dated 11 September 2018 from the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith the records of violations of the ceasefire by the Republic of Armenia in June, July and August 2018 (see annexes I, II and III).* During the reporting periods, the armed forces of Armenia violated the ceasefire regime 2,701, 2,745 and 2,280 times, respectively, and continued to use large-calibre guns and heavy weaponry from their positions in the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan and in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. The continuous military occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan by the armed forces of Armenia, accompanied by ethnic cleansing and the displacement of more than 1 million Azerbaijanis, is the major impediment to peace, security and development in the region. A political solution to the conflict can only be reached after the complete and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. I should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annexes circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda items 35 and 40, and of the Security Council.
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