FUNCTIONAL PIANO 2180 Fall 2014 Text: Alfred’s GROUP PIANO BOOK 2 Carolyn Savko Room 367F Fine Arts Section 001 TTH 2 P.M. Phone 817-272-1387 Section 002 MW 1 P.M. Section 003 TTH 8:30 A.M. Required: Bring own headphones and jack to every class COURSE DESCRIPTION; The prerequisite is 1180,1181 or permission from the instructor after playing and sight-reading. Concentrated work on scales, hands together. Expanded chord vocabulary, sight-reading, literature and improvising. Students will be graded on preparation and playing of assignments. Week 1 : Scales: C, G 1, Chords: Starting root, first and second inversions: I IV I64 V7 I 2, Improvise over the chord pattern: I IV I V I I IV V7 I May be Alberti Bass, Waltz Bass , Broken Chord 3 Play from lead sheet: First do two handed accompaniment RH plays 3 note chord LH plays bass Second- Play melody in RH Chords in LH 4. Pre-Hymn Exercise #1 - use pedal to connect chords Transpose to G Week 2, Scales D. A Do number 1,2,3 from above in key of D and A 4. Chord Progression- to be passed out in class 5. Start Pleasant Morning first part 6. Pre hymn exercise #2 in D, transpose to A Week 3 Scales E, B 1.Chords 2. Improvise over chord pattern I vi IV V I I ii6 V7 I 3, Lead sheet two handed accompaniment 4, Pleasant Morning 5. Hymn exercises in E.B Week 4 TEST Day 1 SCALES REQUIRED C, G, A, E, B Chords root, first and second inversions Draw for two scales.
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