Lake Union Herald for 1969
ifiAo 1111(011 n 111 olvv t July 22, 1969 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Volume LXI Number 28 tifkg, WYWOK Vol. LX, No. 20 GORDON 0. ENGEN, Editor JOCELYN FAY, Assistant Editor MRS. SUE HENSON, Circulation Services EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: F. W. Wernick, Chairman; W. F. Miller, Vice-Chairman; Gordon Engen, Secretary. CORRESPONDENTS: Eston Allen, Illinois; M. D. Oswald, Indiana; Xavier Butler, Lake Region; Ernest Wendth, Michigan; Melvin Rosen, Jr., Wisconsin; Mrs. Lois Zach- ary, Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital; Horace Show, Andrews University. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All articles, pictures, obitu- aries, and classified ads must be channeled through your local conference correspondent. Copy mailed directly to the HERALD will be returned to the conference involved. MANUSCRIPTS for publication should reach the Lake Union Conference office by Thursday, 9 a.m., twelve days before the dote of issue. The editorial staff reserves the right to withhold or condense copy depending upon space Entertainment was provided at a rally on the campgrounds before the march to the available. Michigan capitol began. ADDRESS CHANGES should be addressed Circulation De- partment, Lake Union Herald, Box C, Berrien Springs, Mich. 49103. Always give full name, old address, and new address. If possible, send address label from an old issue. Please allow of least two weeks for change to become effective. NEW SUBSCRIPTION requests should be addressed to the treasurer of the local conference where membership is held. Conference Directories LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Box C, Berrien Springs, Mich. 49103 (616) 473-4541 President F. W. Wernick Secretary-treasurer W. F.
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